New Phones Danger

Informant: Our bill of rights


Source: News of the World
Issue Date: Sunday February 05, 2006
By Robbie Collin

Picture Caption: HIDDEN PERIL: Your phone could be putting health at risk as you sleep

Cordless handsets 100 times worse than mobiles, say experts HAVING a cordless phone in your house can be 100 TIMES more of a health risk than using a mobile.

The popular phones constantly blast out high levels of radiation-even when they're not in use.

Landlines are widely thought a safer option than mobiles. But researchers in Sweden now warn cordless phones are far MORE likely to cause brain tumours than today's mobiles.

Emissions from a cordless phone's charger can be as high as six volts per metre-twice as strong as those found within 100 metres of mobile masts.

Two metres away from the charger, the radiation is STILL as high as 2.5 volts per metre-that's 50 times what scientists regard as a safe level.


At a metre away the danger is multiplied 120 times-and it only drops to a safe 0.05 volts per metre when you are 100 METRES away from the phone.

Because of the way cordless phones work, the charger constantly emits radiation at full strength even when the phone is not in use-and so does the handset whenever it is off the charger.

The most common cancers caused by such radiation are leukaemias. But breast cancer, brain tumours, insomnia, headaches and erratic behaviour in kids have also been linked. Those with chargers close to their beds are subjected to radiation while they sleep.

Phone watchdogs Powerwatch, using a testing device called the Sensory Perspective Electrosmog Detector, even found electromagnetic fields as strong as three volts per metre in a bedroom ABOVE a room holding a cordless phone.

The group's director Alasdair Philips said: "As ill-health effects have been found at levels of only 0.06 volts per metre, this is very concerning.

"It's likely everyone in a house with a cordless phone will be constantly exposed to levels higher than this."

The shock Swedish report-by scientists Lennart Hardell, Michael Carlbery and Kjell Hansson Mild-is backed up by many medical experts who believe cordless phones are a health risk.

Harley Street practitioner Dr David Dowson said: "Having a cordless phone is like having a mobile mast in your house. I'd recommend anyone who has one to switch to a plug-in phone."

But BT's health advisor, John Collins, disagreed. He said: "There's no conclusive scientific evidence linking the radiation to any of the symptoms experienced. The evidence is that it doesn't do us any harm.

Omega this is not true. See under:

"We're a responsible company and abide by all the guidelines set down by recognised experts."


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