Some good news for a change

The Israeli army is going to map with GIS map - 22 risk factors including power lines, cellular antennas, radars, areas with pesticides, disposal sites, polluted ground sites. Every commander will sit in front of the computer before he takes the soldiers to train, and check if there is any risk factor for his soldiers in the area he's going to take them to train/practise. There are clear instructions about each risk factor of how to behave and the commander has to take that in considerations, for example, it is forbidden to be closer than 7 meters from a power line for more than 24 hours. a short summary from Haaretz 17.3.2006 (Only the hebrew version, I didn't find it in english)

The IDF learnt the lesson from the Kishon disaster, although it still directs soldiers to dive in the carcinogenic water of the Kishon river these days, and doesn't admit in the problem, and ignores the study,

But the IDF understands the risk very well, and for the first time in the history, recognizes the antennas, radars, power lines, as serious risks that shouldn't be ignored. If the the israeli army recognizes this- then it can happen anywhere else in the world.

And another thing: A party took place in a kindergarden in Haifa 6 meters of which, was a huge cellular antenna. The kindergarden owner together with a journalist, with the vice mayor, a nice person from the Env. Ministry, with my help with data and measurement devices, and mainly with the activity of the kindergarden owner himself -fighting the cellular companies' dirty tricks, (for example, they came at night with shirts of the power company and lied they were from the power company in order to re-operate the antennas again and again although they were illigal !! and there were more tricks). Anyway. in the party, with 200 people and no-more-worried parents, they celebrated their victory of the antennas removal, the Environment ministry person and the vice mayor received special certificates of acknowledgements for their blessed work which finally won the agressive companies. (pictures of the party were published in the locals newspapers).

Informant: Iris Atzmon


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