US politician response to "avoid health problems" - Pay attention to an avoidable Healthcare Crisis

Senator Coleman does not specifically address EMF/EMR concerns but does state that a "more holistic approach is important...." [not verbatim]......

My email plea to Senator Coleman (Minnesota) has been sent to many other U.S. politicians. Mike Hatch, a 2006 gubernatorial candidate has interacted with me on some level in regard to need for warnings on electric appliances/devices (close to beds) in the past.

Our messages are "getting through" even when they do not yield a response. With the situation of "Blue World exposures" everywhere, ALL issues whether cell phones, telecommunications' antennae, high voltage powerlines as well as other unhealthy EMF pollution in homes, schools, hospitals, office buildings, factories will soon be recognized as problems that can no longer be ignored!!! Take care - Joanne

Joanne C. Mueller Guinea Pigs R Us
731 - 123rd Avenue N.W. Minneapolis, Minnesota 55448-2127 USA Phone: 763-755-6114 Email: [3-14-06]

"If circumstances hold you back, ALWAYS find another way to achieve your goals...." -DaVinci Code

"No ray of sunshine is ever lost, but the green which it awakens into existence needs time to sprout, and it is not always granted for the sower to see the harvest. All work that is worth anything is done in faith." - Albert Schweitzer

Betreff: Re: www_email
Datum: Tue, 14 Mar 2006 13:37:30 -0500

Dear Mrs. Mueller :

Thank you for taking the time to contact me concerning the rising cost of health care.

The U.S. Census Bureau recently reported there were approximately 43.6 million uninsured Americans. For these Americans, and for everyone insured who pays increasingly higher insurance premiums for access to quality care, it is imperative that the rising cost of health care be addressed! And I concur with you, whole heartedly, that the solution will not be found in one single answer. Rather, it must be dealt with on many fronts.

To date, I have worked on several fronts to help lower health care costs in order to increase access and to make sure that access is more affordable, including: association health plans ( AHPs ), Health Savings Accounts ( HSAs ), Medicare prescription drugs, Medicaid funding, prescription drug reimportation , and medical liability reform.

S. 406, the Small Business Fairness Act would allow small businesses to band together to offer the same kind of health plan offered by larger companies, like Minnesota 's General Mills. This legislation is important because some 7.5 million of the uninsured are working for small businesses, who today could not afford to offer coverage.

The Medicare Modernization Act of 2003 (MMA) created Health Savings Accounts (HSA), which allows Americans to save, tax-free, for medical expenses. One of the important features of the HSA is that it is completely portable. Should a person lose or change jobs, the account moves with them. This along with the provisions for prescription drugs for seniors provide some help to obtaining health care and medicine at a more affordable price.

I am also the co-author of S. 184, the Safe Import Act, offered by Senator Judd Gregg (R-NH). This legislation, which incorporates bills I introduced to ensure patient safety from rogue internet pharmacies, would allow prescription drug reimportation as just one more tool to make medicine more affordable.

Finally, I have worked to pass medical malpractice reform to back out of the system the cost of frivolous law suits and successfully led efforts to eliminate budget cuts to Medicaid.

I must admit, however, that while I think these efforts have and will contribute to greater access to affordable care, I believe a more comprehensive plan to handle this issue is required in order to get to the root causes of the problem rather than only addressing the symptoms.

Please know that in the month ahead I will be visiting with experts in the field to learn more about how we might get a better handle on the contributors to the current situation and a more holistic approach to rectifying this problem that affects every American, insured or not.

I appreciate your very thoughtful letter on this issue and look forward to working with you and others toward a sustainable answer.

Once again, thank you for taking the time to contact me. If I can be of further assistance to you in the future, please do not hesitate to contact me again.


Norm Coleman
United States Senate


Betreff: We need someone to pay attention to "An Avoidable Healthcare Crisis!!!"
Von: Robert Riedlinger
Datum: Tue, 14 Mar 2006 17:37:45 -0800
An: Joanne

Dear Senator Norm Coleman.

What Joanne is telling you is fact and it is time that governments realizes that electromagnetic fields are causing major health effects.You can save a lot of pain and suffering and even death to some, by bringing this subject up for public discussion. Please treat this matter in a very serious manor as it could be affecting the health of you and your family members as well as others. This matter needs imediate attantion.

Yours truly

Robert Riedlinger

Email sent by Joanne C. Mueller ( to Senator Norm Coleman (Minnesota) on 2-15-06:

We need someone to pay attention to "An Avoidable Healthcare Crisis!!!" Government and industry KNOW that chronic, prolonged EMF/EMR exposures promote every single health problem all the way from poor sleep to cancer IF persons have electrical appliances/devices, electric meters, monitors, fans, power supplies for cordless phones, etc. close to their beds!!! Children can't study due to ever-increasing bouts of asthma, learning problems, chronic headaches, sinus and ear infections and some are allowed to be put through the rigors of cancer treatments -- particularly brain cancer and Leukemia -- all because of the GREED that is allowed to perpetuate our society!!!

In 1994, the American Cancer Society sent me info regarding need to move appliances away from beds. Government allowed "prudent avoidance recommendations" re low levels of EMF/EMR to be discontinued because they knew to continue to deal with the problem at all meant that they would potentially have even greater problems to deal with!!!!

The needless suffering that includes inability of many persons to perform required daily work functions and many to be angry thereby costing society even more, has to be stopped!!!

Someone must investigate the reason why the EMF interagency Committee Report has never been presented to Congress!!! Government likes to say that "the evidence was weak...." WELL, the fact is, "the evidence re CHILDHOOD LEUKEMIA WAS NOT WEAK!!!" A reference was made that "a weaker connection to Leukemia and adults in workplace......." and NOT WEAK re Childhood Leukemia!!!

To allow this situation to continue is "criminal!!!" The public must be informed!! There were hundreds of studies that indicated EMF'S might be harmful to health PRIOR to the expenditure of $46 mil to $60 mil that the EMF RAPID STUDY cost. Since then, the 2002 EMF California Report finds connection to Leukemia, brain cancer, Lou Gehrig's Disease and miscarriage to levels as low as 4.0 milligauss.

In our home, only 50 ft. from two high voltage powerlines, readings are often 10.0 mg!!! My husband was diagnosed with Alzheimers. We moved his electric clock radio and "he IMPROVED on next neuropsych testing!!! Even Alzheimers meds does not offer such hope!!!

People are going broke dealing with sick persons sleeping close to items such as I referred to above. Two of our grandsons were dx'd w/rare immune. They are cousins living in different homes in different cities. They "got well" when we moved their beds!!!!

Guinea pig studies in my home yielded pre-Leukemic blood changes when cages were placed against "powerwall" -- wall opposite electric meter (bedroom). Any infant could potentially be placed in that same location IF a caring politician doesn't soon DEMAND the public be told the truth!!! There not only won't be "affordable healthcare," the entire healthcare system will collapse in a shambles!!! We won't have a military to fight terrorism -- their brains will soon be fried!!!! I pray "YOU are THE ONE!!!!!!! Joanne Mueller

Joanne C. Mueller Guinea Pigs R Us
731 - 123rd Avenue N.W. Minneapolis, Minnesota 55448-2127 USA Phone: 763-755-6114 Email: [2-15-06]


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