Impeachment: Which Democrats Are Blocking Us?

Thanks to your grassroots lobbying efforts - and the leadership of Rep. John Conyers - there are now 29 co-sponsors for Conyers' Select Committee on Impeachment, H. Res. 635.

That's a good start - but ALL 202 Democrats should be co-sponsors. After all, Bush deserves impeachment far more than any president in American history, and a solid majority of Americans want Congress to impeach him NOW.

What's holding back the Democrats? According to reporter Dave Lindorff, "members of Congress - even firebrands like Maxine Waters (D-CA) and Cynthia McKinney (D-GA) - have been strong-armed behind the scenes by the Democratic National Committee not to introduce an impeachment bill in the House." The DNC chairman is Howard Dean. Ask him why he is blocking impeachment here:

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi also opposes impeachment, urging Democratic activists to focus instead on winning the House in November. We reject that because every single DAY that Bush remains in office is another day in which American soldiers are killed or maimed in Iraq, Iraqi civilians are killed or maimed or poisoned, prisoners in America's Gulag are tortured, America's ports are left vulnerable, our phones and computers are wiretapped, and our planet races towards climate catastrophe. Also, since a solid majority (52%-53%) of Americans support Bush's impeachment, it's both good policy and good politics. Ask Nancy Pelosi and the House Democratic leadership why they are blocking impeachment here:

Another terrific way to promote impeachment is by getting cities, counties, towns, villages, and Democratic committees to adopt impeachment resolutions. Last week, citizens of five Vermont towns overwhelmingly passed resolutions urging their Congressman, Bernie Sanders, to introduce Articles of Impeachment. His first reply was to call impeachment "impractical," but he then responded to his constituents by co-sponsoring H. Res. 635. The growing list of local resolutions favoring the impeachment of Bush and Cheney is here:

Activists who are particularly savvy have embraced the "Rutland Resolution" to urge their state legislatures to submit impeachable charges directly to the U.S. House of Representatives under Section 603 of the Manual of the Rules of the U.S. House of Representatives. This strategy is best suited to states that have strong Democratic majorities in both houses of the legislature: CA, MA, HI, RI, and VT. Learn more here:

If you would like to help organize impeachment efforts in your state, county or town, join the Impeachment Working Group of Progressive Democrats of America:

And be sure to urge your Representative to co-sponsor H.Res. 635:

Let's make impeachment our highest priority this spring - victory is possible!!

ImpeachPAC Endorses Jeeni Criscenzo

This week ImpeachPAC endorsed its third pro-impeachment candidate for Congress, Jeeni Criscenzo, who is running unopposed in the Democratic primary to challenge Republican incumbent (and former car thief) Darrell Issa in California's 49th District.

Criscenzo has already been endorsed by the San Diego Imperial Counties Labor Council, Progressive Democrats of San Diego, Democracy for America Meetup #23 (San Diego), and Progressive Democrats of America (national).

Criscenzo has been a leading opponent of the Iraq War since before the invasion. She organized the Bring Their Buddies Home vigils as a non-confrontational way of showing people the human cost of war.

Her campaign website makes clear her opposition to criminal policies of the Bush regime. She wrote a blog entry on March 6, advocating impeachment of Bush and Cheney. Criscenzo has also been campaigning lately wearing an "Impeach Bush" T-shirt.

In her blog, Criscenzo wrote: "If we go back to George Washington, American presidents have attached signing statements to laws a total of 322 times up until this president. George W. Bush has done it 435 times… George W. Bush is a dictator in president's clothing. He and his cabal have raped our Constitution, depleted our treasury, sent our kids to go kill and torture other people's kids for the personal enrichment of his cronies and left the poor people of New Orleans to die or become permanently displaced, conveniently remaking that diverse Democratic city, at one of the centers of the U.S. petrochemical industry, into a white, Republican stronghold.

"The future of our country is balancing on a precarious precipice. The Bush cabal is moving full-speed ahead in their plans to establish the Global Empire of Halliburton… Our only chance to stop this nightmare is to take back Congress THIS YEAR. That means winning a majority in November AND making impeachment of Bush and Cheney our first priority."

Take a Virtual Trip to San Diego

Steve Hopper shot a terrific video of a forum on March 3, 2006, in San Diego, in a packed auditorium on the campus of UCSD with Mark Manning, David Swanson, Ann Wright, Cindy Sheehan, and Questions and Answers Click a name to watch that section of the video. Or go to:

Progressive Democrat Town Hall Meeting Katrina, the War in Iraq, Impeachment and the 2006 Elections Sunday, March 12, 2006
1:00 - 3:30 PM The Workmen's Circle 45 E. 33rd St. in Manhattan Speakers will include: Tim Carpenter, PDA Executive Director Rev. Lennox Yearwood, Jr., Hip-Hop activist and PDA National Board Member Chris Owens, Democratic Candidate for Congress/ImpeachPAC Jonathan Tasini, Democratic Candidate for US Senate/PDA Activist Marilyn Clement of Health Care NOW!


Town Hall Forum on the War in Iraq Monday, March 13, 7 p.m. McLEOD AUDITORIUM - UVA School of Nursing.

Eman Ahmad Khamas, Iraqi journalist, activist living in Baghdad, defends women’s rights, documents crimes committed by U.S. and Iraqi forces.

Lt.Col. Karen Kwiatkowski, retired from Office of the Sec. of Defense on Near East South Asia Policy, outspoken critic of the Pentagon's pre-war propaganda development.

Ray McGovern, veteran Army officer and retired 27-year CIA analyst, Co-Founder of Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity, witness at Congressional hearings on Downing Street Minutes.

Gael Murphy, cofounder of CODE PINK-Women for Peace, Board of Dir. International Occupation Watch Center, Steering Committee United for Peace and Justice.

David Swanson, cofounder of After Downing Street, Board member of Progressive Democrats of America, Washington Director of and Impeach PAC.

Tia Steele, member of Gold Star Families Speak Out, mother of U.S. soldier killed in Iraq.

Al Weed, Congressional candidate in Virginia’s 5th district, Veteran, opposes the Iraq war.

$5 suggested donation, no one turned away

Film: "Occupation Dreamland" Wednesday, March 15, 7 p.m. WILSON HALL 301-University of Virginia About a group of U.S. soldiers in Falluja. Iraq

March for Peace and Impeachment Monday, March 20, 4 p.m. ROTUNDA to DOWNTOWN March beginning at the Rotunda - University of Virginia - at 4 p.m. and proceeding to the Freedom of Expression Wall on the Downtown Mall near City Hall for a rally. Come prepared to buy a yard sign and carry it in the march, or bring your own posters, flags, noise makers, musical instruments.



Charlottesville Center for Peace and Justice
434 961-6278, 540 456-6028

Stop the Katrina Evictions March 14 Demand a stop to evictions, demand trailers for survivors, and demand passage of H.R. 4197. Press Conference: 1:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Rayburn House Office Building – Room #2237 Mardi Gras Style March for Justice: 2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. from Capitol South Metro Stop at 12:00 p.m. to the White House Rally & Protest at the White House: 3:00 p.m. – 11:59 p.m. Lafayette Park

Sign up for these events, find others, and create your own at

See Also UFPJ:

And PDA:



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