Save America's Redrock Wilderness

Protect our western wildlands! Speak out to protect America's Redrock Wilderness

The Bush administration wants to escalate logging, oil exploration and grazing in our last unspoiled western wildlands by cutting the public out of the review process.

We need your immediate action to help block this reckless proposal, which would have devastating impacts for the fragile Redrock Wilderness and other outstanding BioGem wildlands across the West.

Go to and tell the Bureau of Land Management to abide by the law and let concerned citizens participate in the debate over the future of these natural treasures. And please send your message immediately. The BLM is taking comments only until this Friday!

By silencing the public's voice, the BLM would clear the way for 60,000- pound "thumper trucks" in search of oil and gas to crash through the Redrock desert, marring its delicate soils and destroying crucial habitat for pronghorns and bighorn sheep.

Unbridled grazing and logging in this region and throughout our Yellowstone/Greater Rockies BioGem would also take a disastrous toll, laying waste to streams and native forests.

Please go to and demand that the Bureau of Land Management cease this unlawful attack on our right to speak out for our nation's most spectacular wildlands and wildlife. At the same time, urge the agency to extend the comment period for this important issue by another 30 days.

Thank you for taking action to protect our western BioGems.


Frances Beinecke
President Natural Resources Defense Council

Speak out to protect America's Redrock Wilderness

We need your immediate help to block an unprecedented attack on some of our nation's most magnificent public wildlands.

Legislation has just been proposed that would irrevocably harm some of the most spectacular expanses of the Redrock Wilderness in southern Utah.

The sponsors of this proposed legislation, Senator Robert Bennett (R-UT) and Representative Jim Matheson (D-UT), will accept public comments on their proposal only until April 19.

Please go to right away and express your opposition to the Washington County Growth and Conservation Act.

As currently drafted, this legislation would protect only a fraction of the Zion-Mojave, an area proposed for protection under the Redrock Wilderness Act. It would deny protection for more than 200,000 acres of lands that deserve to be included in our nation's wilderness system. And it would further jeopardize America's Redrock Wilderness by rolling back protections that have been in place for more than 15 square miles of wilderness quality lands.

Under the proposal, taxpayers would be asked to foot the bill for selling or giving away public land in the region worth hundreds of millions or perhaps billions of dollars.

Go to immediately and tell Senator Bennett and Representative Matheson to develop a proposal that would adequately protect the irreplaceable Redrock Wilderness for the enjoyment and enrichment of all Americans.

Thank you for all of your efforts to save these magnificent wildlands.


Frances Beinecke
President Natural Resources Defense Council


Save America's Redrock Wilderness


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