A Holocaust survivor warns against a second holocaust and calls for the Pope to interfere


For immediate press release

The attached letter has been just sent to his majesty the Pope in the Vatican, Italy. We ask the international press agencies to publish this information and be in contact with us, with regard to an unprecedanted crime against humanity. We are asking the help of the Pope to interfer in the issue after 3 petitions were already sent to the World Health Organization, and to the UN secretary Mr. Kofi Anan.

We call the World Health Organization head of Radiation department, Dr. Michael Repacholi, to be tested with a lie detector for bribe. Dr. Repacholi will be on the 23.2.06 in Benevenetto, Italy and we call the Italian Authorities to arrest him according to the details in the letter, and start an international investigation. We are going to act at any way possible until we get what we want.

Please read the following letter and be warned that you, your loved ones and whole nations are going through an unprecendanted assault with high price.

A copy of this letter is going to be sent to the German Prime Minister, who is a strong supporter of recognizing the Holocaust. We hope that she will be sensitive to the current Holocaust too, which strongly attacks in Germany as well.


In addition to the attached letter, we offer the international agencies the following documents by request:

1) The 3 petitions sent to the WHO and to Kofi Anan (part of them are availble in French as well).

2) A recent radio show in Italy (in Italian) in which the manager of a public organization revealed the bribe at the world health organization, after it was first reported by a news service on radiation.

3) A health warning from the Health department in Salzburg.

4) German physicians in quantities warings (Freiburg Appeal).

5) All the relevant details on how to reach Dr. Repacholi on the 23.2.06 in Benevenetto.

Sincerely yours in health,
Chasing after Justice Association on behalf of Michael Raz, an official investigator.

Raz Investigations
Raz_m1 @ bezeqint.net

Per immediato comunicato stampa: un olocausto sopravvissuto ammonisce in previsione di un secondo olocausto, e manda a chiamare il Papa a partecipare

Cari Tutti,

La lettera allegata è stata appena spedita alla Sua Maestà il Papa nel Vaticano, Italia.

Noi chiediamo alle agenzie di stampa internazionali di pubblicare queste informazioni ed essere in contatto con noi, con riguardo ad un crimine che non ha precedenti nei confronti dell'umanità. Noi stiamo chiedendo l'aiuto del Papa a partecipare nel problema dopo 3 petizioni che furono già spedite all' O M S, ed al segretario dell' ONU Kofi Annan.

Noi invochiamo che il responsabile dell' Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità del reparto di Radiazione, Dott. Michael Repacholi, sia esaminato con una macchina della verità per causa del danaro. Dott. Repacholi sarà il 23.2.06 a Benevento, Italia, e noi chiamiamo le Autorità italiane per farlo arrestare secondo i dettagli nella lettera, ed avviamo un'inchiesta internazionale. Noi agiremo in qualsiasi modo possibile finché non abbiamo scoperto ciò che noi cerchiamo.

Per favore legga la lettera seguente e sia avvertito che Lei, i Suoi amati e le nazioni intere sono dirette completamente verso una rovina ad un prezzo alto senza precedenti.

Una copia di questa lettera andrà spedita al Primo Ministro tedesco, il quale è un sostenitore forte nel riconoscervi l'Olocausto. Noi confidiamo che anche lei sarà sensibile all'Olocausto corrente, che fortemente attacca così bene in Germania.

Oltre alla lettera allegata, noi offriamo alle agenzie internazionali a richiesta i documenti seguenti:

1) le 3 petizioni spedite all'OMS e a Kofi Annan. (parte di esse sono disponibili in francese)

2) Una recente radiotrasmissione in Italia (in italiano) nella quale il direttore di un'organizzazione pubblica( Antonio Gagliardi a Radio Popolare Network di Venezia) rivelò il danaro all'Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità, dopo che furono riportate notizie da un servizio su radiazione prima.

3) Un avvertimento su salute dal reparto di Salute in Salszburg.

4) Tanti medici tedeschi allarmati (Appello di Freiburg).

5) Tutti i dettagli attinenti su come raggiungere il Dott. Repacholi il 23.2.06 a Benevento.

Distinti saluti in salute, seguendo dopo l'Associazione di Giustizia in favore di Michael Raz, un investigatore ufficiale.


Antonio Gagliardi, who fights against the Electropollution in Italy sent me several emails explaining what had happened, but since he doesn't speak English and uses a translation programme to convert Italian into English, and since the conversion to English created texts which were not clear I asked for more clarifications. Slowy I gathered more details and summerized it here. In addition I attach the first email that arrived to me on the subject from Antonio, which illustrates what happened there.


Antonio Gagliardi, an activist against EMF-R pollution, was not allowed to enter inside the conference in Italy, which was free for the public. Gagliardi was interviewed on the Italian radio about a week before the conference and among the rest of things mentioned the sum of $150,000 a year that Repacholi receives from the cellular companies (according to the Industry itself, as reported by MicrowaveNews.COM) This is the link to the interview (in italian). http://www.radiobase.net/index.php?id=21,215,0,0,1,0

Antonio Gagliardi translated Michael Raz's letter to the pope into Italian and distributed it to the Italian press. It turned out that someone thought he should be punished and not be allowed to enter to the conference, because he translated and distributed this letter. When he came to the workshop, on the 23.2.06 in order to listen to Repacholi, he noticed Repacholi was not in the room. Then he was taken outside and was told to present "a pass" - a confirmation that he was on the guests list, and allowed to enter to the workshop, but as far as Antonio knew, the conference was free for the public and he didn't remember anyone mentioned any need for a pass to enter. An police inspector asked what had happened, and Antonio replied that he was not allowed to enter and then he heard one of the employees tell the inspector- "we were told that it is a dangerous subject". Antonio took the advantage of the conference break and told about it to Dr. Marinelli, who was surprised from what he heard and went to speak to Dr. L. Giuliani, the person who was responsible for the organization of the workshop. The inspector told Antonio that for that day (23.2) he couldn't receive a pass but for the next they would prepare one for him. Then F. De Lorenzo saw Antonio, he was surprised that A' was not inside, and went to speak to Dr. Giuliani, and then Lorenzo came to speak in private with Antonio. He told him: "You have done a big mistake, you launched [on line] a threat letter of someone you don't know, and you translated it. Repacholi then learnt about this letter and he didn't come because he was afraid, and we wanted the opportunity to meet him and it made Giuliani very angry. If you want to talk to him [Giuliani] then wait one moment". Antonio waited until he met Giuliani who refused to talk to him, telling him "you made a big mistake and do not come back even in the next days because this conference doesn't interest you" and went away with the policeman.

----- Original Message -----

From: elettrosmogvolturino
Sent: Friday, February 24, 2006 10:06 AM
Subject: Fw: Repacholi not at conference?

Yesterday I/you/they have gone to Benevento and in fact Repacholi was not in the room. In fact the letter of Michael Raz, translated also in Italian, I have launched her in my mailing-list over that to organs of press also to authoritative characters. And because of this you/he/she has been prevented me from entering. Despite I insisted because it dealt with a public conference and with scientists in room that you/they knew me. The curious fact is that an inspector of police arrives with a colleague that in to ask explanations to a girl of the organization this you/he/she has said": We have not made him enter because you/they have told us". Therefore who beats for the rights of the humanity it is subject dangerous and who beats for damaging the humanity? At the end I have attended the person responsible of the organization dott. L. Giuliani, with which I/you/they have always been in good relationships and I discover that you/he/she had been really him to prevent my entry telling me: You have done " Her big and not to even come in the next days", getting further himself/herself/itself with the inspector of police.

Regards Antonio Gagliardi- Elettrosmog Volturino



Prof Goldsmith about Dr. Repacholi


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