Fury as phone firm plans mast on playing fields

Feb 9 2006

A SHOCK plan by phone company O2 to mount a 12-metre mast on the playing fields in Wildridings Road, has been greeted with anger by residents, parents of Wildridings Primary School and their MP.

Cathy Langham, 40, has a nine-year-old son who attends the school and she lives opposite the field where the mast will stand.

She said: "I am against it as it is right opposite where I live in Ennerdale.

"I don't know enough about the dangers of mobile phone masts so I couldn't comment on that - but the point is that I will be able to see it outside my kitchen window."

Bracknell MP Andrew Mackay is working closely with Wildridings School to monitor the situation.

He said: "I do not think that mobile phone masts should be allowed near areas regularly used by young children, such as schools and playing fields. I believe that the grey area is to whether those phone masts are a danger to young children's health."

Jim Stevenson, a spokesman for O 2 , said the company has asked residents in the area about their thoughts on the mast and have been met with criticism.

He said: "We expected that really. But it is useful to find out what people think so that we can answer any questions they might have."

O2 is preparing to put in an application for planning permission to the council within the next few weeks.

"We chose that site for a number of reasons. Some of the areas we considered we cannot use because they are not suitable and some areas are where we cannot get permission from the owners to build on the site."

John Ford, vice chairman of governors at Wildridings school has sent letters to parents asking them to comment on whether they have any concerns about the mobile phone mast.

He said: "We have sent out 350 letters last week and have only received 10 back. Eight of those were against the mast and the other 2 were not concerned."

The school are planning a meeting with O 2 so that parents can express their views.

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