Samstag, 12. April 2008

The Next President's First Task [A Manifesto]

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., in an editorial for Vanity Fair, writes: "Today, we don't need to abolish carbon as an energy source in order to see its inefficiencies starkly, or to understand that this addiction is the principal drag on American capitalism. The evidence is before our eyes. The practice of borrowing a billion dollars each day to buy foreign oil has caused the American dollar to implode. More than a trillion dollars in annual subsidies to coal and oil producers have beggared a nation that four decades ago owned half the globe's wealth. Carbon dependence has eroded our economic power, destroyed our moral authority, diminished our international influence and prestige, endangered our national security, and damaged our health and landscapes. It is subverting everything we value."

Verfassungsschutz stellt Bürger unter Generalverdacht

12. April 2008

Zum neuen Vorstoß des Verfassungsschutzes in der Online-Überwachung erklärt die stellvertretende Parteivorsitzende Katina Schubert:

Die Forderungen des Verfassungsschutzes nach Erweiterung der Befugnisse und nach präventiver Online-Überwachung sind ein Anschlag auf den Rechtsstaat und ein Schlag ins Gesicht des Bundesverfassungsgerichtes. Dieses hatte kürzlich Online-Durchsuchungen nur unter strengen Auflagen als überhaupt zulässig eingestuft. Wir fordern den Bundesinnenminister auf, den Plänen des Bundesamtes für Verfassungsschutz sofort eine klare Absage zu erteilen.


Verfassungsschutz will Internet-Knoten abhörenÜberwachung

Finanzmärkte regulieren - Finanzmarktkapitalismus überwinden

12. April 2008

Der Parteivorstand hat sich heute u.a. mit der Krise des internationalen Finanzsystems befasst und Eckpunkte linker Alternativen formuliert. Dazu erklärt Ulrich Maurer, Mitglied im Geschäftsführenden Parteivorstand:

Die Konkurrenz um die Rendite treibt die Banken weltweit und auch in Deutschland dazu, die Risiken von Krediten über sog. Verbriefungen auf Wertpapiermärkte auszulagern. Was ursprünglich die durchaus sinnvolle Funktion der Ausweitung der Kreditspielräume und der Risikostreuung hatte, verkommt zur Risikoverschleierung; die Resultate sind heute bei IKB, SachsenLB, BayernLB und WestLB, aber auch bei den führenden deutschen Privatbanken zu besichtigen. Weil die Risiken einer erneuten Weltwirtschaftskrise für die Stabilität der Demokratie und für das politische Verhalten breiter Teile der Bevölkerung derzeit nicht abschätzbar sind, hat der Parteivorstand heute Eckpunkte linker Alternativen formuliert:

Die Rückwirkung des internationalen Finanzmarktkapitalismus auf die Konjunktur ist offensichtlich. Kreditbremsen werden angezogen, Milliardenverluste nach unten durchgereicht. Der Beginn der Rezession in den USA ist inzwischen unbestritten. Auch hierzulande zeichnet sich das Ende des „Aufschwungs“ ab. Auf nationaler Ebene sind deshalb unmittelbar greifende Maßnahmen zur Stärkung der Binnennachfrage und zur Umverteilung von oben nach unten überfällig (Abbau der Massenarbeitslosigkeit, Zukunfts-Investitionsprogramm, Stärkung der gesetzlichen Sozialversicherungssysteme, Aufbau eines öffentlichen Beschäftigungssektors, Arbeitszeitverkürzung, stärkere Besteuerung von Gewinnen und großen Vermögen und Erbschaften). Der Finanzmarktkapitalismus hat mit seiner Durchdringung aller Bereiche der Wirtschaft tief greifende Spuren in den Unternehmensstrukturen hinterlassen. Der „shareholder value“ diktiert die Unternehmensentscheidungen, in den Vorständen haben die Finanzabteilungen das Sagen. Wer keine 25 Prozent Eigenkapital-Rendite vorweisen kann, fordert Massenentlassungen, Ersatz von Festanstellung durch Leiharbeit und Abbau von Mitbestimmung. Finanzmarktkapitalismus und Zunahme prekärer Beschäftigung sind zwei Seiten einer Medaille. Vorrangig ist deshalb: Abbau des Niedriglohnsektors, Einführung des gesetzlichen Mindestlohns, Abbau der Leiharbeit, gleicher Lohn für gleiche Arbeit und Ausbau der Mitbestimmung. Nach dem Debakel ertönt das Gejammer über die Versager von Finanzindustrie und Aufsichtsbehörden. Nachdem die Deregulierung jahrzehntelang als das Allheilmittel gegen die Sklerose des Systems gepriesen wurde, rufen nun ausgerechnet die Urheber der Krise nach dem Staat. Die Re-Regulierung muss sofort beginnen – allerdings nicht mit dem Ziel, die Spekulanten zu retten, sondern die Realwirtschaft. Mit Blick auf die nationale Finanzaufsicht heißt dies: Stopp der Risikoverschleierung durch strikte Eigenkapital-Unterlegung aller Transaktionen, Verbot der Bewertung von Kreditverbriefungen durch private Ratingagenturen, Unterwerfung des Kredithandels unter die Finanzaufsicht, Zulassung des Kreditverkaufs nur mit Zustimmung der Kreditnehmer und Einführung einer Börsenumsatzsteuer. In der EU brauchen wir eine stärkere Koordinierung der nationalen Finanzaufsichtssysteme und die Einrichtung einer öffentlich-rechtlich verfassten Ratingagentur. Auf internationaler Ebene geht es um Forderungen nach Kapitalverkehrskontrollen, Einführung von Währungszielzonen, Tobinsteuer und sowie um die Gründung eines von den Kreditinstituten finanzierten Stabilitäts- und Sicherungsfonds zur kurzfristigen Verhinderung von Bankenzusammenbrüchen. Eine Abwälzung von Verlusten auf die Steuerzahler/-innen darf es nicht geben. So sehr die Zügel der Finanzaufsichtsorgane angezogen werden müssen, so sehr ist dabei angesichts ihres Versagens in der Vergangenheit Skepsis angebracht. Auch der Glaube an die Steuerungsfähigkeit der Notenbanken hat nach den mehrfach wirkungslosen Liquiditätsspritzen gelitten. Nicht die „Gier der Banken“ (Steinbrück) ist das Hauptproblem, viel grundlegender ist die Gier der Anleger, d.h. der Renditedruck, der die Pensions-, Hedge- und Private-Equity-Fonds zur Forderung nach immer höheren Margen treibt. Wer die Ursachen dieser Gier nicht angeht, verschiebt die Probleme nur nach hinten. Gefordert sind in erster Linie: Rückbau der Privatisierung der Alterssicherung, Verbot der Investition von Pensionsfonds und Lebensversicherungen in Private-Equity- und Hedge-Fonds, Reduzierung der Finanzierung über Kredithebelung und Ausweitung der Mitbestimmung bei Unternehmensübernahmen durch Finanzinvestoren. Nicht zu vergessen ist die Gier der Banker und Finanzinvestoren, also die Privatinteressen der handelnden Subjekte. Wir haben nicht nur die systembedingte Gier der Banken, Fonds und Finanzinvestoren, sondern auch die Jagd nach den Sonderboni und Optionen. Heute kassiert im Durchschnitt jeder US-Banker 180.000 Dollar Boni zusätzlich zum Gehalt und damit mehr als doppelt soviel wie in den Hochzeiten der New Economy. Mit dem Finanzmarktkapitalismus ist unauflösbar verbunden eine wachsende Schamlosigkeit der Bereicherung. Die Vergütungssysteme von Konzernen und Finanzinvestoren gehören auf den Prüfstand, sie müssen durch Eingriffe im Aktienrecht und durch Verschärfung des geplanten Risikobegrenzungsgesetzes unter die Lupe genommen werden. Die Gesamtbezüge von Managern dürfen das 20-fache eines sozialversicherungspflichtig Beschäftigten in der untersten Lohn- und Gehaltsgruppe nicht übersteigen. Für zu verantwortende Schäden ist eine Manager-Haftung einzuführen.ärkte

Graz: Bürgermeister will Handy-Verbot

"Handy-freie Zone" in Zügen positiv angelaufen

Graz: Bürgermeister will Handy-Verbot

Handy-Verbot: Zu schön, um gut zu sein

Coming Ecological Collapse: Failing Ecosystems the Mother of All Bubbles


The converging mortgage, financial, food, fuel and climate crises are all symptoms of a massive global ecological bubble

Earth Meanders by Dr. Glen Barry,

April 11, 2008

Ecological overshoot whereby humanity exceeds the Earth's carrying capacity is the mother of all "bubbles". Within the current sub-prime mortgage and financial bubbles, and food and energy price increases, we are witnessing the logical and inevitable economic consequences of over-population, resource scarcity, inequitable and unreasonable consumption, and unsustainable economic growth. Growth and livelihoods based upon unreasonable presumptions of continued resource outputs from dwindling ecosystems is a dangerous, unprecedented "ecological bubble" that threatens civilization and mass apocalyptic death.

The global growth machine is seizing up because it is hitting ecological limits, and as a result of its own greed. Clearly the addition of a billion more people every decade and a half, physical limits upon arable land and fossil fuels -- as well as exceeding the atmosphere's waste absorption capacity and minimum amount of intact terrestrial ecosystems necessary to power the biosphere -- are together severely negatively impacting economies and individual's well-being.

The economic slowdown is painful for many families. I personally share economic anxieties associated with the mortgage bubble popping. We are all finding it harder to pay the mortgage, buy food and fuel, and enjoy some special luxuries. Yet all bubbles burst -- be they historically for tulips in Holland or property in Japan -- and you deal with the underlying causes or you suffer further. I believe strongly that there should be no bailout of high flying bankers, home flippers, or people that took out mortgages they cannot afford. Wall Street fat cats that created the mortgage backed security Ponzi scheme should go to jail.

Endless Growth Impossible in a Finite World

Yet this economic cooling may also offer a welcome respite to reconsider the growth at any cost madness devouring the Earth’s life giving ecosystems, and which threatens to impoverish and kill many or all of us. It is essential that we look at the far deeper ecological roots to this economic crisis, and their foretelling of related environmental bubbles. The ongoing biofuel scam, using first food and soon trees as fuel to supposedly avert climate change, shows the potential for ill-conceived climate change responses to increase land pressures, food prices and negatively impact economies. These sorts of macro ecological/economic connections are examined further here.

Humans seem to always want more, even when there is none, or achieving it diminishes the future. A colleague recently pointed out to me that there may be a genetic component, expressed sub-consciously, to humanity's expansionist bent that constantly seeks more, bigger and better human works. And that there are societal memes that foster and promote this myth that endless growth and expansion in population, consumption and resource use at the expense of ecological habitats is possible. For a few hundred years the western economic model of markets and growth that builds upon these human proclivities has created wealth while wreaking havoc upon peoples, societies and ecosystems.

Growth in economies, human populations and resources accessed by destroying ecosystems is a disease upon the living Earth. The malignant growth machine turns ecosystems into resources and then into financial investment papers and consumption. A year later the consumer products are in the landfill, the paper wealth may be further over-priced or just scrap paper, and there are both fewer resources and ecosystems -- but always more people. The ability to live well based upon long- term steady-state interdependence with intact, healthy ecosystems and their natural capital is lost forever.

The Mortgage Bubble: Destroying Our Habitat to Build Homes

The mortgage bubble is a case is point. In America and many other over-developed countries the size of new homes grew and amenities seemed to know few limits. Each had to have restaurant quality kitchens, hardwood floors, multi-car garages, track lighting, and other seemingly endless conspicuous consumption to denote social class. Each represents the unsustainable consumption of resources from ecosystems, and requires continued intensive inputs to maintain. Most such development requires extensive automobile travel, sprawl into native ecosystems, and energy that will not be there in the future.

These extravagant McMansions are the epitome of everything wrong with "modern" society, industrial capitalism, and demonstrates our detachment from Earth, whose habitats are our true home. This more at any expense economy that knows no limits and has no concept of enough is responsible for our current economic downturn and is literally killing our future economic and ecological prospects. Can those that believe in markets and capitalism not entertain any limits upon the size and resource use intensity of our homes? Does anyone see the connection between more people using more resources to build large homes, leading to less farmland and overuse of limited energy, resulting in food and energy price hikes?

In the mortgage bubble, we are seeing the first signs of many wholly ecological bubbles to come. The world is not only at peak oil, but well past peak water, land, climate, oceans, food and energy in general. Rising food prices are the front edge of the food bubble -- a result of over-population, climate change, water shortages and land scarcity. The climate bubble has already begun to burst –- it is too late to return to the relatively stable set of climate patterns with which we evolved -- but failure to stabilize emissions as early as possible will bring far worse. And perhaps most ominously, and by extension of the food and climate bubbles, we are facing a deadly water bubble that is already disrupting societies and may prove insurmountable.

Ecological Bubbles and a New Global Dream These ecological bubbles are partly responsible for the current economic downturn, and unless addressed now, they are certainly going to soon fully burst with calamitous impacts in their own right upon societal and individual well-being. The American dream which has been embraced by the world -- based upon a sub-conscious urge to expand our dominance over nature and always, forever have more of everything, with constant societal pressure to do so -- will have to give way to a more organic, ecologically-cognizant reality of living simply but well within ecological limits. Sadly for many, but a blessing for the Earth System and the not super rich, the whole world cannot live an over-consumptive super-sized lifestyle without destroying being.

It is time for a new global dream. The new dream would include aspiring that all have their basic needs met, even as individuals are free to pursue their passions and fortunes, as long as they do not undermine common ecological systems. Such a dream seeks to avert apocalyptic ecological and societal collapse through promotion of a sense of personal enoughness, voluntary simplicity and a whole range of necessary fundamental changes in society such as ending the use of coal and logging of ancient forests.

One thing is clear -- more unbridled growth based upon unsustainable resource use will not solve the global ecological problems associated with unbridled growth and unsustainable resource use. The human enterprise and each global citizen's consumption aspirations must be downsized to a scale appropriate to ecosystem limits. Or the Earth herself -- as it turns out, with the assistance of the human created economic system -- will do so brutally.

The industrial resource and illusory financial binge must end if we are to reverse the destruction, and begin the restoration, of the biosphere, its component ecosystems, and their ability to provide natural capital upon which to base a steady-state economy. It is time to get back to making honest, good livings from actually making or doing something of societal value, by making a living with the land and Earth, and that does not depend upon liquidating ecological being and financial speculation.

As the economic bubble deflates we might as well get on with finding a way to live simply, sustainably, equitably and justly with the Earth and each other. Because when the water, food and climate bubbles fully burst -- we are going to need each other, and to be ready.

Dr. Barry is founder and President of Ecological Internet; provider of the largest, most used environmental portals on the Internet including the Climate Ark at and http://www.EcoEarth.Info/ . Earth Meanders is a series of ecological essays that are written entirely in his personal capacity. This essay may be reprinted granted it is properly credited to Dr. Barry and with a link to Earth Meanders. Emailed responses are public record and will be posted on the web site unless otherwise requested.

After news of White House torture discussions, Tacoman says impeachment mandatory

Informant: jensenmk
From ufpj-news

Navy ship fires warning flare at Iranian boat in Persian Gulf

The official says there were no signs any boat was armed.

The Black Death of Financial Collapse

By James Cumes

The financial and economic crisis now upon us is by far the most menacing of the past century - even more so than the Great Depression of the 1930s. It is not just a "subprime" crisis; it is systemic - affecting the entire financial system.

Cheney on the Warpath Again?

By Dan Froomkin

Vice President Cheney went on right-wing talk radio yesterday with a dramatic new argument for preventing Iran from getting nuclear weapons, casting the Iranian leadership as apocalyptic zealots who yearn for a nuclear conflagration.

Are The US And Iran Backing The Same Horse?


Raed Jarrar on why both Iran and the US are supporting the same players in Iraq.

We'll Reap What We Sow

Daniel Imhoff writes for The Los Angeles Times, "Over the last decade, the farm bill has allowed the US Department of Agriculture to shower tens of billions of dollars in subsidies on the nation's cotton and rice farmers (along with corn, soybean, wheat, sugar and milk producers). These subsidies flow whether growers need them or not. They flow even as they damage the environment and our nutritional well-being. They flow, all the while enabling the biggest farms to consolidate into mega-farms."

Bush Opens Back Door for Logging National Forests

Dan Shapley, The Daily Green, reports: "EarthJustice has accused the Bush administration of slyly defying a federal court decision as it implements new rules governing national forests."

U.S. Presidential Election Can Be Hacked

by Robert McMillan, IDG News Service

Thursday, April 10, 2008 5:30 PM PDT

This year, the U.S. will pick a new president using electronic voting machines that can be hacked, security experts said Thursday at the RSA [Security] Conference in San Francisco.

As the November election approaches, the question before officials is not how to fix known bugs in their e-voting systems, but rather, how best to check them for fraud, said David Wagner, an associate professor with the University of California, Berkeley's computer science department.

Wagner was part of the team that audited California's voting systems during the state's review of electronic voting, and the problems his team found affect counties across the U.S. "The three systems we looked at are three of the most widely used around the nation," he said during an e-voting panel discussion at the show. "They're going to be using them in the 2008 elections; they're still going to have the same vulnerabilities we found."

...... About a quarter of the votes cast in the upcoming election will be on electronic voting equipment with no paper trail, Wagner said. And even the states that keep paper records are not necessarily checking their results. Only about a third of all states have records that are regularly audited.

That's too bad, he said, because the ability to check whether your voting system has been hacked is of paramount importance. "Security is not the most important thing," he said. "What's more important for elections is auditability."

Read the entire article:


My Comments on the PC World article:

I agree completely with David Wagner, but would add that any federal, state, or local elections can likewise be hacked undetectably due to the utter lack of independent scrutiny over elections in 49 States (NM is the only state which subjects its election results to independently administered post-election audits), and one way to improve the chances that elections are not hacked would be to pass HR5036 with these amendments as quickly as possible.

HR5036 would fund paper ballots and manual post-election audits for the November election for jurisdictions who choose to take advantage of the opportunity.

US Democracy is worth preserving, and is vital to the well-being of humanity world-wide. It is doubtful that the US is truly democracy today because our ballots are secretly counted by private companies using software that is compiled into machine language that no human being can read; and post-election data analysis is consistent with ubiquitous vote miscount. Without manual independent post-election audits of paper ballots that voters created or verified, it is humanly impossible for anyone to claim that our votes are being accurately counted.

Take Action Now to Preserve our Own and our Childrens' Futures:

1. Purchase a copy of this PCWorld magazine and give copies of this article to your local election officials and legislators and ask them to conduct valid election audits like the audit proposal recommended here:

2. Contact your US Rep. and Senators to ask them to pass HR5036 with these amendments to ensure that its audits would detect any errors in unofficial vote counts.

Thank you.

-- Kathy Dopp

The material expressed herein is the informed product of the author Kathy Dopp's fact-finding and investigative efforts. Dopp is a Mathematician, Expert in election audit mathematics and procedures; in exit poll discrepancy analysis; and can be reached at P.O. Box 680192 Park City, UT 84068 phone 435-658-4657

History of Confidence Election Auditing Development & Overview of Election Auditing Fundamentals

Vote Yes on HR5036

Voters Have Reason to Worry

"Enlighten the people generally, and tyranny and oppressions of body and mind will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day," wrote Thomas Jefferson in 1816

"We'll make you see death"

A harrowing account from a man the CIA handed over to Jordan -- smuggled from prison on tiny paper -- exposes U.S. complicity in torture.

Informant: Lew Rockwell

More on Michael Mukasey's false 9/11 and FISA claims

Informant: Lew Rockwell

The Neocons To Get Another War


Petraeus Points To War With Iran

By Patrick J. Buchanan

The neocons may yet get their war on Iran. Ever since President Nouri al-Maliki ordered the attacks in Basra on the Mahdi Army, Gen. David Petraeus has been laying the predicate for U.S. air strikes on Iran and a wider war in the Middle East.

Petraeus is overrated

The Neocon Credo In a Nutshell

An Economy Built On Lies

No Congress approval needed for Iraq troop deal: US official

Iraq and the United States are set to negotiate a Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) to legitimize US operations in Iraq beyond the end of the year, when the United Nations resolution governing their presence expires.

Leaders' mistakes legitimized occupation

An Iraqi politician held "some leaders" responsible for the UN Security Council (UNSC) resolution "legitimizing" U.S. occupation of Iraq

From Information Clearing House

Gas Prices Set Record

Adam Schreck, The Associated Press, says: "US retail gas and diesel prices jumped to yet another record Friday, piling on the costs for motorists as well as consumers reliant on trucks, trains and ships to deliver goods to market."

Gas, diesel prices hit new record

U.S. retail gas prices extended their record run Thursday, adding to the pain consumers feel every time they fill up. Experts predict prices will rise even higher as peak summer driving season approaches.

From Information Clearing House

Bush: "I Was Aware" of Harsh Tactics

For ABC News, Jan Crawford Greenberg, Howard L. Rosenberg and Ariane de Vogue report, "President Bush says he knew his top national security advisers discussed and approved specific details about how high-value al-Qaeda suspects would be interrogated by the Central Intelligence Agency, according to an exclusive interview with ABC News Friday."

Greenpeace Spied On

Datenschutzgesetz 2008


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