Mittwoch, 2. April 2008

EPA Seen Under Attack in Bush Years

Simona Perry, reporting for Truthout, writes, "In remarks at the closing session of the National Treasury Employees Union (NTEU) legislative conference on February 28, Rep. John Sarbanes (D-Maryland) noted, 'One of the things that you come away with, you start to form an impression, having sat through the testimony of the folks at the front lines and unpersuasive testimony of people at the highest levels, it's like there's been an orchestrated attack on federal employees.'"

Armageddon bei Unternehmenskrediten?

Steigt die Zahl der Unternehmenspleiten tatsächlich stark an, dann könnten die mehr als 50 Billionen Dollar an ausstehenden Kreditderivaten die Probleme der Finanzmärkte in ungeahnte Höhen katapultieren.

Der wüste blinde Fleck der US-Regierung: Saudi-Arabien

Der Freund, der den Terrorismus finanziert.

Zwei-Klassen-Medizin: Ärztepräsident Hoppe fordert einheitlichen Gebührenrahmen für alle Patienten

Angesichts der unterschiedlichen Wartezeiten von Kassen- und Privatpatienten bei Fachärzten beklagt auch der Präsident der Bundesärztekammer, Jörg-Dietrich Hoppe, eine Zwei-Klassen-Medizin in Deutschland. Dieser Zustand müsse unbedingt überwunden werden, mahnte Hoppe. Dies sei aber nur möglich, indem man die Situation der gesetzlich Versicherten verbessere, und nicht etwa durch eine Verschlechterung bei den Privatpatienten.

Bush will "Feind besiegen"

Ärzteorganisation IPPNW warnt vor neuer NATO-Strategie

Mit großer Sorge verfolgt die deutsche Sektion der Internationalen Ärzte für die Verhütung des Atomkrieges (IPPNW) die Beratungen des NATO-Gipfels vom 2. bis zum 4. April in der rumänischen Hauptstadt Bukarest. Das im Vorfeld bekannt gewordene Strategiepapier "Towards a Grand Strategy for an Uncertain World" propagiert nach Auffassung der Organisation "die Bereitschaft zum atomaren Erstschlag und zu militärischen Interventionen ohne völkerrechtliche Legitimation durch den Weltsicherheitsrat". Die Autoren aus höchsten NATO-Kreisen, darunter der deutsche Ex-General Klaus Naumann, fordern den Angaben zufolge unter anderem eine "Eskalationsdominanz" zur Sicherung der westlichen Kultur und Lebensweise. Diese Denkweise ist nach Auffassung der IPPNW in keiner Weise geeignet, ein friedliches und zivilisiertes Zusammenleben zu fördern, "sondern entspringt einer unverantwortlichen Hybris und fehlgeleiteten Allmachtsfantasien des politisch-militärisch-industriellen NATO-Komplexes". US-Präsident George W. Bush hat kurz vor Beginn des NATO-Gipfels eindringlich für die Fortsetzung des Afghanistan-Einsatzes geworben. Die terroristische Bedrohung sei real und tödlich, sagte Bush am 2. April in Bukarest. Diesen "Feind" zu besiegen, müsse für die NATO höchste Priorität haben. Daher müsse der Kampf in Afghanistan zu einem Ende gebracht werden.ärisch-industriell

ACLU Urges Senate Judiciary Committee to Probe Department of Homeland Security

Empire or Humanity?

Despite Huge Media Campaign, Facts Show Massive Failure in Iraq

Rapists in the Ranks

Rep. Jane Harman (D-Venice) writes for the Los Angeles Times: "The stories are shocking in their simplicity and brutality: A female military recruit is pinned down at knifepoint and raped repeatedly in her own barracks. Her attackers hid their faces but she identified them by their uniforms; they were her fellow soldiers. During a routine gynecological exam, a female soldier is attacked and raped by her military physician. Yet another young soldier, still adapting to life in a war zone, is raped by her commanding officer.... These are true stories, and, sadly, not isolated incidents. Women serving in the US military are more likely to be raped by a fellow soldier than killed by enemy fire in Iraq."

The Untold Story of How the GOP Rigged Florida and Michigan

Wayne Barrett writes for the Huffington Post: "The Republican role is not some irrelevant anecdote. The DNC is charged, under its rules, to determine whether the Democrats in a noncompliant state made a 'good faith' effort to abide by the party's electoral calendar, and to impose the full weight of its available penalties, namely a 100 percent takedown of a state's delegation, only if Democratic leaders in that state misbehaved. So the fact that it was Republicans who fomented the move-up of primaries in both these states to dates out-of-line with the DNC calendar is at the heart of the matter."

Centers Tap Into Personal Databases

Robert O'Harrow Jr. reports for The Washington Post, "Intelligence centers run by states across the country have access to personal information about millions of Americans, including unlisted cellphone numbers, insurance claims, driver's license photographs and credit reports, according to a document obtained by The Washington Post."'Harrow

Heart op widow’s phone mast fears leave her trapped

Exclusive By Craig Manning

CONCERNED: Pensioner Joyce Johnson in her garden near to the disputed T-Mobile phone mast

AN elderly widow from Heswall claims she is a prisoner in her own home after a phone mast was built outside her house following a council administration blunder.


Kein Export von Waffen! Stoppt die Rüstungsproduktion!

2. April 2008

Nach Angaben des Stockholmer Instituts für Internationale Friedensforschung gehört Deutschland weiterhin zu den führenden Waffenexporteuren der Welt. Dazu erklärt das Mitglied des Parteivorstandes Helmut Scholz:

Die USA, Russland, Deutschland, Frankreich und Großbritannien zeichnen für 80 Prozent des weltweiten Waffenhandels verantwortlich. Innerhalb der EU war Deutschland mit einem Volumen von 7,7 Milliarden Euro im Jahr 2006 weitaus größter Rüstungsexporteur. Damit verbunden ist die konkrete Verantwortung für den Tod von tausenden Menschen – Männern, Frauen, Alten und Kindern. Wirtschaftliche und ökologische Schäden sind dabei nicht eingerechnet. Wir lehnen den im Vertrag von Lissabon vorgesehenen Aufbau einer europäischen Rüstungsagentur ab und fordern stattdessen die deutsche Regierung auf, die in der EU notwendigen Konversionsprozesse voranzubringen. DIE LINKE kritisiert seit Jahren die mangelnde Kontrolle beim Geschäft mit Waffen und Munition. Niemand garantiert, dass deutsches Kriegsgerät nicht in Krisengebiete gelangt. Ein leicht zu umgehendes Transparenzgebot reicht nicht aus. Es bedarf eines grundlegenden Umdenkens und einer Politik, die weltweite Abrüstung verfolgt und nicht das Gewinnstreben über Waffenexporte befördert. Daher fordern wir eine drastische Senkung der Rüstungsproduktion und ein generelles Verbot der Ausfuhr von Waffen und militärischem Material. In diesem Zusammenhang sei darauf verwiesen, dass heute vor 15 Jahren die Bundesregierung den Weg freimachte für den ersten Einsatz deutscher Soldaten außerhalb des Gebiets der Bundesrepublik. Heute stehen mehr als 7.000 Soldaten der Bundeswehr in Auslandseinsätzen. Über eine Ausweitung der Einsätze wird permanent diskutiert, wie jüngst über eine zahlenmäßige Verstärkung der Bundeswehr in Afghanistan. Das wäre ohne eine Steigerung der Rüstungsausgaben und Rüstungsproduktion nicht zu bewerkstelligen. Krieg schafft keinen Frieden. DIE LINKE fordert deshalb ein Ende jeder indirekter Kriegsbeteiligung durch Rüstungsexport und ein Ende der Auslandseinsätze der Bundeswehr. Exportweltmeister ja – niemals aber auf Kosten von Menschenleben. Ziel muss ein Stopp der Waffenproduktion sein.üstung

Will the Bush administration’s new nukes program bomb?

Mother Jones
by Brian Beutler


The Bush administration has made a point of condemning countries like North Korea and Iran for their nuclear weapons (or alleged nuclear weapons) programs. As recently as last Tuesday, Vice President Dick Cheney charged Iran with being ‘heavily involved in trying to develop nuclear weapons enrichment, the enrichment of uranium to weapons-grade levels’ — comments that were at odds with last fall’s National Intelligence Estimate that concluded that Iran halted its nuclear weapons program in 2003. But amid the flame throwing, the administration has also quietly tried to launch its own new nuclear weapons production system — one that has been roundly criticized by nonproliferation experts and diplomats and has been rejected by Congress...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Defending the weak, the powerless and scoundrels

Classically Liberal
by CLS


I think one reason that I find liberty important is that it is so necessary to those people who are weaker or easy targets. The powerful always do well for themselves in a Statist society. Big government helps the powerful. At best the powerless are just the excuse for accumulating more power, but in truth that power rarely helps them — and I don’t think it can help them. I don’t believe compulsion and coercion can help the powerless or less powerful. They are ‘outgunned’ by definition...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

War math

Common Dreams
by Bud McClure


A study just released by The Center for Personal Integrity now allows us, on one important measure, to calculate the cost of each of the 4000 American soldiers that have been sacrificed in Bush’s War. The study shows that Bush and seven members of his administration made 935 false statements about the national security threats posed by Saddam Hussein in the two years following September 11, 2001. A quick calculation shows that each life was worth a tad over 4 lies. The Center’s study overwhelmingly suggests a White House campaign of distortion and propaganda, aimed at convincing a gullible and vulnerable public, to support an invasion of Iraq...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

UK’s first hybrid embryos created

BBC News [UK]


Scientists at Newcastle University have created part-human, part-animal hybrid embryos for the first time in the UK, the BBC can reveal.The embryos survived for up to three days and are part of medical research into a range of illnesses. It comes a month before MPs are to debate the future of such research.The Catholic Church describes it as ‘monstrous.’ But medical bodies and patient groups say such research is vital for our understanding of disease...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


British researchers create human-animal hybrid embryo amid political row

For the first time in Britain, researchers at Newcastle University said Tuesday they had created human-animal hybrid embryos, amid a political row over a disputed embryo research bill in parliament.

From Information Clearing House

Vietnam War records now available online

Aberdeen American News


The National Archives is joining with a Web site to make historical records of tens of thousands of deceased Vietnam War veterans available electronically for the first time. The interactive site is a Web re-creation of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial on the National Mall. The site allows access to thousands of pages of casualty records and agency photos. People can search by name, hometown, birthdate, tour date, or dozens of other categories...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

ACLU: Military skirting law to spy

Hampton Roads Daily Press


The military is using the FBI to skirt legal restrictions on domestic surveillance to obtain private records of Americans’ Internet service providers, financial institutions and telephone companies, the ACLU said Tuesday. The American Civil Liberties Union based its conclusion on a review of more than 1,000 documents turned over by the Defense Department after it sued the agency last year for documents related to national security letters...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Bush’s power trumps laws on torture



The Pentagon Tuesday made public a now-defunct legal memo that approved the use of harsh interrogation techniques against terror suspects, saying President Bush’s wartime authority trumps any international ban on torture. The Justice Department memo, dated March 14, 2003, outlines legal justification for military interrogators to use harsh tactics against al Qaeda and Taliban detainees overseas — so long as they did not specifically intend to torture their captors...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Terrorism Interrogators Immune From Prosecution, 2003 Memo Says

Dan Eggen and Josh White report for The Washington Post, "Federal laws prohibiting assault and other crimes did not apply to military interrogators who questioned al-Qaeda captives because the president's ultimate authority as commander-in-chief overrode such statutes, according to a newly declassified 2003 Justice Department memo released today."

Make Impeachment Actually Happen

Are you as tired of hearing that meaningless "New Direction" slogan as we are, where all it's been is the same old caving in. Until just a couple weeks ago we could have sworn we had traded a rubber stamp Congress for a rubber spine one, and even there they could cave again on telecom immunity any day without our incessant pressure. And what's made just a little difference was the huge primary challenge win in MD by Donna Edwards. If we do the same thing in San Francisco on June 3rd, as Shirley Golub is doing, impeachment is on, for real.

We can show Nancy Pelosi herself a "New Direction" . . . OUT the door, by doing all we can to support Shirley Golub now.

Donations for Shirley Golub Mailings:

There are lots of other things we could be doing to work for real progressive policy change, but nothing would have MORE impact than demonstrating that the Speaker of the House herself can be seriously challenged for not doing her job.

We are doing conventional things and non-conventional things. The most important conventional things we need to do right now are mailings, to get to as many people as possible with the Shirley Golub's "I'm On The Table" message. And she really is, on all the issues we are fighting for, ending the horrid indefensible occupation of Iraq, instituting real national health care for all our citizens, ending NAFTA and rebalancing our trade policy to protect American jobs, and most urgently impeaching the president and vice president before they can do any more damage.

We can do lots of email for practically nothing. But not everybody has email and we certainly don't have the email addresses for every voter in San Francisco, which is where the critical battleground is right now. Thanks to your valiant help, Shirley is running multiple ads daily on MSNBC in her district, the Air America radio affiliate, and last weekend placed a prominent display ad in the San Franciso Chronicle. But we still need to do traditional mailings to win.

It's going to take about $30,000 to get this mailing out over the next week or so. But if each of our participants just kicked in a dollar we would raise far more than that. So anything you can do to help will make a real difference, knowing that we have candidate who is not afraid to put it on the line and proclaim her stands, where the incumbent, Pelosi, just mouths worn out and worthless slogans.

Donations for Shirley Golub Mailings:

If you can donate $100 to help show Nancy Pelosi the door and what direction it's in, Shirley will send you one of the new "IMPEACH BOTH!!!" baseball caps, so you can proudly proclaim your position on what Congress should have done long ago. And if you can be an angel and donate $1000 to get this mailing off the ground, you get a custom embroidered "I'm On The Table" baseball style satin award jacket.

At the same time, just based on our last alert, we have been hearing from people from all other the country excited about the theatrical impeachment passion play that Shirley is helping to make happen. Think of it like "An Inconvenient Truth". Think of the dramatic impact that movie has made on worldwide policy thinking, inspiring and mobilizing people to take action where before they were dreadfully uninformed.

Here we have a play cowritten by Bruce Fein, one of the premier impeachment scholars, together with some gifted dramatists. And if you have ever heard Mr. Fein speak at forum on the urgency of impeachment, you know that everyone needs to hear what he has to say about the mortal threat to our democracy posed by NOT acting to impeach this president and vice president now. Few people have had that opportunity, and you can't get most people to sit still for a lecture. But with this play we can have Mr. Fein as a character educating and inspiring people to speak out every night, while we pick apart all the specious White House excuses for their Constitutional offenses witness by witness, in the most dramatic way possible.

It get's better than that. Every person who will attend this play in San Francisco we can recruit on the spot to volunteer for the campaign, they can take home house signs with them, and every dollar we spend advertising the play will double as campaign advertising. The synergistic possibilities are breathtaking, not to mention the media attention phenomenon we can create by making the production the hit we know it will be. Unconventionial? Yes. But it could amazing and we have to go for it. We already have a top notch director in place, so if you would like to make a donation to help mount this production, please use this link.

Donations For Impeachment Play:

And especially if you are in another city and want to work on your own productions, to make this inspiring impeachment play the national media phenomenon it is destined to be, please email us too because we will be releasing the final locked script to all comers this week.

We beat back a corporate financed challenge to Dennis Kucinich for his own congressional seat with your help, against all odds. Now we can win a primary challenge in San Francisco, and in doing so change the course of American political history forever.

Paid for by Shirley Golub for Congress

Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed to be ours, and forward this alert as widely as possible.


Powered by The People's Email Network Copyright 2008, Patent pending, All rights reserved

Creating The Compliant Robot Society

Informant: Kristine

Banning Aspartame, A Common Sense Precaution

Informant: Dorothee Krien

Are the Oceans Giving Up?

According to Jayalakshmi K. in The Deccan Herald, "Ocean deserts, which are non-productive areas, have increased by 15 percent in the period 1998-2007, according to a study done by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in the US and the University of Hawaii. This translates into a total of 6.6 million square kilometers. On the whole, there are 51 million square kilometers of such desert zones."

USA 2008: The Great Depression

David Usborne, The Independent UK, reports: "We knew things were bad on Wall Street, but on Main Street it may be worse. Startling official statistics show that as a new economic recession stalks the United States, a record number of Americans will shortly be depending on food stamps just to feed themselves and their families."


IMF Says U.S. In Worst Economic Crisis Since Great Depression


Recession warning by US Fed chief

Bernanke's testimony was a pessimistic assessment of the economy's prospects amid housing and financial crises.

IMF warns of US recession

The International Monetary Fund has warned that the United States will tip into a "mild recession" later this year, with only a "gradual recovery" in 2009.

From Information Clearing House

Bush calls on Congress to pass key legislation allowing more spying on US citizens

The proposed reform would ease requirements for court warrants to conduct wiretaps of suspected security threats and provide liability protection to telecommunications firms helping in the wire-taps, a sticking point with the Democrat-controlled Congress.

From Information Clearing House

GAO Blasts Weapons Budget: Cost Overruns Hit $295 Billion

Government auditors issued a scathing review yesterday of dozens of the Pentagon's biggest weapons systems, saying ships, aircraft and satellites are billions of dollars over budget and years behind schedule.

From Information Clearing House

U.S. fails to halt Emirates' dangerous trade

Roadside bombings of American troops in Iraq were occurring with bloody regularity when military investigators made a disturbing discovery: American-made computer circuits sold to a trading company in the United Arab Emirates had turned up in the bomb detonators.

From Information Clearing House

Should Americans Die For South Ossetia?

By Patrick J. Buchanan

One begins to understand why Gen. Petraeus wants a "pause" in the pullout of U.S. forces, and why Bush agrees. This will leave more U.S. troops in Iraq on Inauguration Day 2009, than on Election Day 2006, when the country voted the Democrats into power to bring a swift end to the war.

U.S. Forces Battle Mahdi Army in Sadr City, Aircraft Target Basra

U.S. Appears to Take Lead in Fighting in Baghdad

By Sudarsan Raghavan and Sholnn Freeman

U.S. forces in armored vehicles battled Mahdi Army fighters Thursday in the vast Shiite stronghold of Sadr City, and military officials said Friday that U.S. aircraft bombed militant positions in the southern city of Basra, as the American role in a campaign against party-backed militias appeared to expand.

Iraq's Shia Power Struggle

Al Jazeera - Video Report

Riz Khan interviews Patrick Cockburn, who has been a Middle East correspondent since 1979 for the Financial Times and The Independent and asks if Iraq is on the verge of a new civil war.

Iraqi crackdown backfires, strengthens Sadrists

Analysts say Iraqis may be about to witness a new phase in the cycle of violence that has gripped the country since the U.S.-led invasion in 2003 -- intra-Shi'ite bloodletting that could tear Iraq apart and more deeply embroil U.S. forces.

How Moqtada al-Sadr Won in Basra

Moqtada al-Sadr. Sadr's militia, the Mahdi Army, stood its ground in several days of heavy fighting with Iraqi soldiers backed up by American and British air power. But perhaps more important than the manner in which the militia fought is the manner in which it stopped fighting.,8599,1726763,00.html?xid=rss-world

Embarrassed U.S. Starts to Disown Basra Operation

As it became clear last week that the "Operation Knights Assault" in Basra was in serious trouble, the George W. Bush administration began to claim in off-the-record statements to journalists that Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki had launched the operation without consulting Washington.

Iraq to hire 100,000 new security personnel for Basra

The recruitment of extra security forces, many of whom will inevitably be Sadr supporters, was presented as part of a seven-point plan to improve conditions in Basra, which included measures to improve public services in the dilapidated and war-ravaged second city.

Al Qaeda "winning" against US

In backing the Basra assault, the US has only helped Sadr

The hardline US vice-president, Dick Cheney, was in Baghdad two weeks earlier and may well have urged Maliki to go ahead. They hoped for a triumph to boast about in Congress. Now they must explain a disaster.

From Information Clearing House


Baghdad's Sadr City Mourns Its Dead and Injured

Leila Fadel reports for McClatchy Newspapers: "In Baghdad's Shiite Muslim slum of Sadr City, US airstrikes aimed at militants plague the population. After a week of violence between the US-backed Iraqi Security Forces and the militia of radical Shiite cleric Muqtada al Sadr, the American military is targeting mortar teams and rockets that have bombarded the heavily fortified Green Zone, home to US and Iraqi government headquarters."

Iraqi Police: US Airstrike Kills Six Civilians

Sinan Salaheddin reports for The Associated Press: "An airstrike destroyed a house in the southern city of Basra, killing a militant, the US military said Thursday. Iraqi police said six civilians were among the dead."

More Than 1,000 in Iraq's Forces Quit Basra Fight

Stephen Farrell and James Glanz report for The New York Times: "More than 1,000 Iraqi soldiers and policemen either refused to fight or simply abandoned their posts during the inconclusive assault against Shiite militias in Basra last week, a senior Iraqi government official said Thursday. Iraqi military officials said the group included dozens of officers, including at least two senior field commanders in the battle."


US airstrikes pound Sadr City

Death toll mounts as US, Iraqi troops fight Mahdi army.

Rainforest Action Network Defends Support for Old-Growth Logging


Rainforest Action Network Defends Support for Old-Growth Logging

RAN indicates industrial first time logging of centuries old trees in primeval forests the best that can be expected, censors further discussion on their web site, and faces renewed global call for members to cancel until withdraws from FSC

April 1, 2008 By Ecological Internet, Inc. Dr. Glen Barry, +1 920 776 1075,

After six months of evasions and personal recriminations, Rainforest Action Network (RAN) has officially answered the question "how does Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified logging of primary and old-growth forests 'protect endangered forests'"? RAN has been the target of protest by thousands of forest conservationists from eighty countries concerned with how RAN's support for FSC legitimizes continued loss of ancient forests, their biodiversity and the climate. This is there answer:

"Simply, FSC certification isn’t the ultimate protection for endangered forests, but it is a vastly superior alternative to standard industrial logging. In forests that would otherwise be logged without third party oversight, FSC promotes practices that preserve ecosystem functions (like habitat and water quality) and safeguards the most ecologically valuable areas." -- RAN statement, 4/1/08.

Sadly, RAN provided an answer to this sincere, straight- forward question only after continued prodding and denigrating protestors as "attention seekers" and "flame bait". Ecological Internet had to resort to questioning their webmaster to get a preliminary response, since confirmed, and has now been notified further discussions on their web site will be censored.

Certified logging of primary forests has gained in prominence given the role ancient forest loss and diminishment plays in climate change. Many long-time destroyers of rainforests including FSC, the World Bank and renowned renegade logger Rimbunan Hijau of Papua New Guinea now suggest that industrial selective logging of ancient forests is good for the climate. New initiatives including avoided deforestation payments are proposed to marketize and profit from rainforest ecosystem services, yet most are mute regarding the acceptability of continued industrial logging in newly "protected" areas.

Notably absent from RAN's statement is any scientific evidence or quantification of FSC being "vastly superior". They fail to acknowledge conflicts of interests by certifiers and the slew of problematic certifications. There is no detailed strategic analysis by RAN showing that the benefits from FSC logging will in the long term result in more rainforests being protected, in comparison to working to end all such logging now. For years RAN has even suggested first time industrial logging of primary and old-growth forests is "sustainable".

Dr. Barry, EI's President, explains: "a more careful reading of recent advances is conservation biology and climatology would show the importance of maintaining ancient forest in an intact, unfragmented condition as the keystone response to protecting biodiversity and climate. All indications are the Earth has surpassed the amount of intact terrestrial ecosystems that can be lost and still maintain the biosphere. If this is indeed the case, all efforts to reform logging to make it a bit better are meaningless. Ancient forest logging must end."

Ecological Internet calls upon Rainforest Action Network to withdraw from FSC, ending their involvement in the destruction of the Earth's last primary rainforests and the climate. By doing so, they join the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation, which has recently done so, and Friends of the Earth England, Wales and Northern Ireland, which has announced they no longer standby FSC and are reviewing their membership.

It is simply unacceptable that America's largest recipient of rainforest protection monies continues to support heavy industrial logging of ancient rainforests. If RAN does not withdraw from FSC, they can expect long, sustained protest including web sites urging members to cancel their support, and physical protests at their events. Sadly, this is necessary to put the RAINFOREST back in the action network.

### ENDS ###

For media interviews and additional information contact: Dr. Glen Barry President Ecological Internet, Inc. P.O. Box 433 Denmark, WI 54208, USA
+1 920 776 1075 phone

Ecological Internet's projects include: EcoEarth.Info -- http://www.EcoEarth.Info/ Climate Ark -- -- Water Conserve -- Rainforest Portal -- Ocean Conserve -- My.EcoEarth.Info --

Bush Booed: The media tries to make it go away

Le Drame de l'autoroute A9 Minibus Emmaüs

U.S. base plan revives Cold War ‘spectre’

Informant: Kev Hall


ID cards scrapped in favour of RFID implants for infants

Fuel protests planned across the country as frustrations rise

There Stands Schweitzer Like a Stone Wall

Gov signs law rejecting Real ID act

The Transcendent Challenge of Our Time

The Other Civil War

Leave Russia Alone

George W. Bush unites historians: 98% consider him 'a failure'

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news


Keeping It In The Family

Informant: sasha karlik

Lobbying-Regeln im Europa-Parlament


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