Dienstag, 18. Dezember 2007

Legal moves to stop masts

by Joel de Woolfson

FOREST Road residents are taking legal advice in their battle to stop Guernsey Airtel erecting seven phone aerials on the water tower.



Campaigners dismayed by mast appeal blow

18 December 2007 15:00

Families living on the outskirts of Norwich fear they will now get a phone mast in the centre of their village after a decision to refuse planning permission was overturned on appeal.

More than 80 people had objected to plans for the 11.7metre T-Mobile mast on land opposite the Crown pub in Norwich Road, New Costessey, after application was submitted.




Volk unerwünscht: Deutschland eröffnet Ratifizierungsverfahren für neuen EU-Vertrag

Ebenso wenig wie die Bevölkerung in Deutschland über die gescheiterte EU-Verfassung abstimmen durfte, darf sie über die Annahme des in den meisten Punkten übereinstimmenden "EU-Reformvertrags" selbst befinden. Das Ratifizierungsverfahren für den neuen EU-Vertrag startet am 19. Dezember. Ein entsprechendes Gesetz, das noch vom Bundestag und Bundesrat bestätigt werden muss, berät das Bundeskabinett am Vormittag in Berlin. Ziel ist es, das Verfahren bis Mitte Mai 2008 abzuschließen. Als erstes der 27 EU-Länder hatte Ungarn am 17. Dezember die Ratifizierung der neuen Rechtsgrundlage für die Europäische Union beschlossen, die ab 2009 gelten soll. Ziel der Staats- und Regierungschefs ist es, den EU-Vertrag noch vor den Europawahlen unter Dach und Fach zu bringen. Die Meinung der Bevölkerungen Europas ist bei solchen Entscheidungen offenkundig unerwünscht.



Judge Orders Hearing on CIA Interrogation Tapes

CBS news reports that a federal judge on Tuesday "rejected calls from the Justice Department to stay out of the matter," and "has ordered a hearing on whether the Bush administration violated a court order by destroying CIA interrogation videos of two Al Qaeda suspects."



Dodd Wins Battle in Spy Bill Standoff

Truthout's Matt Renner reports, "after a full day of debate on Monday, Sen. Chris Dodd (D-Connecticut) prevailed in his effort to halt an Intelligence Committee bill that included legal immunity for telecommunication companies that may have broken the law in cooperating with the Bush administration's warrantless spying programs."



Notizen aus dem Kontext des drohenden Krieges gegen den Iran



Für Weihnachtskerzen brennen die Regenwälder



Kürzung für Kranke: Olaf Scholz bedient sich bei Hartz IV


Did CIA break the law destroying torture tapes?

Michael Ratner: U.S. law is clear - Torture is a crime and destroying evidence is a crime.



Michael Ratner on Missing CIA Tapes, Torture and the Supreme Court

Truthout's Matt Renner interviews acclaimed human rights lawyer Michael Ratner about the destruction of CIA interrogation tapes and his work on behalf of prisoners in the so-called War on Terror.



More Than 250 Torture Victims Come Forward to Sue CACI for Participating in Conspiracy to Torture



More Than 250 Iraqi Torture Victims Come Forward to Sue CACI

Hundreds of innocent torture victims came forward and filed a complaint late Monday in Washington federal court against CACI, the private military contractor involved in torturing and abusing prisoners at Abu Ghraib and other prisons in Iraq.



US Senator Russ Feingold: Statement in Opposition to the Flawed FISA Bill



Senator Russ Feingold: Statement in Opposition to the Flawed FISA Bill


Lieberman Peddles the Old Iraq-9/11 Connection



Hillary as Hawk



World Food Stocks Dwindling Rapidly, UN Warns


Did Bush Get New Iran Intel Last Winter?



Did Bush Get New Iran Intel Last Winter?

White House officials have now admitted that George W. Bush was told that the intelligence assessment on a covert Iranian nuclear programme might change last August, but they have avoided answering the question of when the president was first informed about the new intelligence that led to that revised assessment.


From Information Clearing House


FCC Votes for Monopoly, Congress Must Vote for Democracy


Free Press Blasts FCC Media Ownership Vote

Senator Bernie Sanders Opposes FCC Media-Ownership Rule Change


Fed and Regulators Shrugged as the Subprime Crisis Spread

Edmund L. Sanders reports for The New York Times, "Until the boom in subprime mortgages turned into a national nightmare this summer, the few people who tried to warn federal banking officials might as well have been talking to themselves."



Blank Check for Afghanistan Passes, Iraq Funds to Come

Truthout's Maya Schenwar reports, "Under a cloud of frustration, the House of Representatives passed an omnibus spending bill Monday night that contains $31 billion for the war in Afghanistan, with the expectation Iraq war funding will be added in the Senate. Additionally, the bill submits to most of the president's requests on domestic spending."



Totalitarianism in America

by Stephen Baskerville, Ph.D

Mass incarcerations without trial or charge; forced confessions; children forcibly separated from their parents with no reasons given; doctored hearing transcripts and falsified court records; evidence fabricated against the innocent; government agents entering the homes, examining private papers and personal effects, and seizing the property of citizens who are under no suspicion of legal wrongdoing; special courts created specifically to convict people who cannot be convicted in ordinary courts; children instructed to hate their parents by state functionaries: Is all this the Soviet Union?



Schattenbericht: Deutsche Kindersoldaten

„Die Bundesrepublik protestiert gegen den Einsatz von Kindersoldaten in aller Welt - und rekrutiert gleichzeitig Minderjährige in ihre Armee. Kindernothilfe und Terre des Hommes rügen das…“ Artikel von Hendrik Cremer in Frankfurter Rundschau vom 15.12.2007 http://www.fr-online.de/in_und_ausland/politik/dokumentation/?sid=7d8113ac8f106e1e51f0a6e341242f81&em_cnt=1258664

siehe dazu:

Völkerrechtswidriger Umgang Deutschlands mit ehemaligen Kindersoldaten. Kindernothilfe und terre des hommes stellen »Schattenbericht Kindersoldaten« vor

„Die Kindernothilfe und terre des hommes kritisieren Menschenrechtsverletzungen und Verstöße Deutschlands gegen die UN-Kinderrechtskonvention. Dies ist das Ergebnis des »Schattenberichtes Kindersoldaten«, den die beiden Organisationen in Berlin vorstellten. Er deckt erhebliche Defizite der Bundesregierung im Umgang mit ehemaligen Kindersoldaten in Deutschland auf. Kindernothilfe und terre des hommes kritisieren außerdem die Rekrutierung von unter 18-jährigen Freiwilligen durch die Bundeswehr…“ Pressemitteilung vom 07.12.2007 http://www.tdh.de/content/presse/pressemeldungen/detail.htm?&view=detail&id=194&year=2007

»Schattenbericht Kindersoldaten«

Schattenbericht von Dr. Hendrik Cremer im Auftrag von Kindernothilfe und terre des hommes Deutschland im Rahmen des Staatenberichtsverfahrens nach Artikel 8 des Fakultativprotokolls zum Übereinkommen über die Rechte des Kindes betreffend die Beteiligung von Kindern an bewaffneten Konflikten (pdf) http://www.tdh.de/content/materialien/download/download_wrapper.php?id=249

Aus: LabourNet, 18. Dezember 2007

Keine Rücksicht auf "Versager": Hartz-IV-Empfänger Zielscheibe von Diskriminierung

"Faulenzer"- Debatte die x-te - Arbeitslose sind faul und die Erde ist eine Scheibe

Studie: Keine Rücksicht auf "Versager"

„"Deutsche Zustände, Folge 6" - hinter diesem unspektakulären Titel der neuesten Studie des Bielefelder Instituts für interdisziplinäre Konfliktforschung verbirgt sich eine unangenehme Erkenntnis: Die Mehrheit der Deutschen hat abwertende bis feindselige Einstellungen zu Langzeitarbeitslosen - 56 Prozent. 40 Prozent der Bundesbürger sind der Meinung, die Gesellschaft könne keine Rücksicht auf "Versager" nehmen. Mehr als ein Viertel hält moralisches Verhalten für Luxus…“ Artikel von Viktor Funk in Frankfurter Rundschau vom 14.12.07 http://www.fr-online.de/in_und_ausland/politik/aktuell/?em_cnt=1258099&

Siehe dazu auch:

Hartz-IV-Empfänger Zielscheibe von Diskriminierung

„Seit 2002 untersucht der Bielefelder Soziologe Wilhelm Heitmeyer Fremdenfeindlichkeit, Rassenhass und Diskrimierung in Deutschland. Im 6. Band seiner Untersuchung ''Deutsche Zustände'' stellt er fest, dass die Fremdenfeindlichkeit ''signifkant'' gesunken ist - als Folge der gesunkenen Arbeitslosenzahlen. Wenn das eigene Leben und der Arbeitsplatz nicht bedroht erscheinen, ist die Ablehnung von Zuwanderern nicht mehr so groß. Die Abwertung von Langzeitarbeitslosen jedoch wächst. Langzeitarbeitslose und Hartz-IV-Empfänger werden zur ''Zielscheibe öffentlicher Debatten'', warnt Heitmeyer…“ Interview von Corinna Emundts mit dem Soziologen Wilhelm Heitmeyer unter tagesschau.de vom 13.12.07 http://www.swr.de/nachrichten/-/id=396/nid=396/did=2929286/1hlash3/

Aus: LabourNet, 18. Dezember 2007


Kein Stopp der Zwangsverrentung

Info-Grafik Sozialpolitik vom 17.12.2007 von Johannes Steffen, Arbeitnehmerkammer Bremen (pdf) http://www.arbeitnehmerkammer.de/sozialpolitik/doku/01_aktuell/info-grafik/2007_12_17_zwangsverrentung%2063.pdf

Zwangsverrentung: Soforthilfe für die Übergangszeit

Was ist zu tun, wenn die Ämter "gegen alle Vernunft" ab Januar 2008 ALG-II-Bezieher nach der alten Rechtslage auffordern, einen Rentenantrag zu stellen? Darüber informiert die Sonderseite der Kos vom 13.12.2007 samt Musterwiderspruch http://www.erwerbslos.de/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=576&Itemid=32

Aus: LabourNet, 18. Dezember 2007


Zwangsverrentung: aktuelle Infos und Tipps zur rechtlichen Gegenwehr

Aktualisierte Infos der KOS vom 04.03.2008 http://www.erwerbslos.de/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=575&Itemid=32

Aus: LabourNet, 18. März 2008


Freiheitsberaubung, Entmündigung, Betrug: Pflege in D

„Im Oktober 2007 erhält eine selbstständige Heilerziehungspflegerin den Auftrag, als 24 Stunden-rund-um-die-Uhr Pflegerin zu arbeiten. Diesen Auftrag zur Versorgung eines 64jährigen Herrn hat sie von einem privaten Pflegedienst erhalten. Die Pflegerin ist nicht neu in ihrem Beruf und sie hat schon Einiges zu sehen und hören bekommen. Der einwöchige Aufenthalt vermittelt ihr aber einen so tiefen Einblick in die Absonderlichkeiten der Pflegebranche, dass sie nicht schweigen und darüber hinwegsehen will. Die Pflegerin hat sich an das Büro gegen Altersdiskriminierung gewandt. Damit gehört sie zu den wenigen Praktikern ihrer Zunft, die Pflege- und Betreuungsmissstände aufzeigen und laut benennen. Die Pflegerin legt Wert auf die Feststellung, dass sie mit keiner der hier erwähnten Personen verwandt oder verschwägert ist…“ Artikel von Hanne Schweitzer auf der Website des Büros gegen Altersdiskriminierung vom 11.12.2007 http://www.altersdiskriminierung.de/themen/artikel.php?id=2320

»Menschliche Zuwendung aufs Minimum reduziert«

In Frankfurt am Main wehrten sich Klinik-Beschäftigte gegen das Primat der Wirtschaftlichkeit. Ein Interview von Gitta Düperthal mit Margarete Wiemer, Vorsitzende des Personalrats der Städtischen Kliniken Frankfurt am Main-Höchst, in der jungen Welt vom 17.12.2007 http://www.jungewelt.de/2007/12-17/039.php

Aus: LabourNet, 18. Dezember 2007


DoCoMo to shut down phone station after residents' health complaints

Japanese mobile phone company, NTT Docomo will remove their phone mast in Kawanishi City, Hyogo, by next April.


Informant: Yasuko Kato


Health gripes spur DoCoMo to hang up on Hyogo facility

The biggest global warming crime in history

by Cahal Milmo


“BP, the British oil giant that pledged to move ‘Beyond Petroleum’ by finding cleaner ways to produce fossil fuels, is being accused of abandoning its ‘green sheen’ by investing nearly £1.5bn to extract oil from the Canadian wilderness using methods which environmentalists say are part of the ‘biggest global warming crime’ in history. The multinational oil and gas producer, which last year made a profit of £11bn, is facing a head-on confrontation with the green lobby in the pristine forests of North America after Greenpeace pledged a direct action campaign against BP following its decision to reverse a long-standing policy and invest heavily in extracting so-called ‘oil sands’ that lie beneath the Canadian province of Alberta and form the world’s second-largest proven oil reserves after Saudi Arabia...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


An analysis of how the republic died post-9/11

Freedom\'s Phoenix
by Stephen Lendman


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Torturing the language of torture

Future of Freedom Foundation
by Sheldon Richman


Is waterboarding, known during the Spanish Inquisition as tortura del agua, really torture or not? The question seems to answer itself, but the Bush administration says No. Its critics disagree, noting that the ‘interrogation technique,’ which makes a subject physically and mentally react as though he is drowning, has long been regarded as torture by international agreements and outlawed in the United States. The Washington Post reports that the Army investigated U.S. forces for using the method on a North Vietnamese in 1968. Moreover, ‘Twenty-one years earlier, in 1947, the United States charged a Japanese officer, Yukio Asano, with war crimes for carrying out another form of waterboarding on a U.S. civilian,’ the Post reported. Asano was sentenced to 15 years’ hard labor. Despite all this, the Bush administration and its knee-jerk supporters incoherently maintain (1) that waterboarding is not torture, and (2) that it’s effective at getting hardened terrorists to spill their guts with useful information that enables the U.S. government to save innocent lives. Which is it?


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Democrats: less whine, more work

St. Petersburg [FL] Times
by E.J. Dionne


Congressional Democrats need a Plan B. Republicans chortle as they block Democratic initiatives — and accuse the majority of being unable to govern. Rank-and-filers are furious their leaders can’t end the Iraq war. President Bush sits back and vetoes at will. Worse, Democrats are starting to blame each other, with those in the House wondering why their Senate colleagues don’t force Republicans to engage in grueling, old-fashioned filibusters. Instead, the GOP kills bills by coming up with just 41 votes. Senators defend themselves by saying that their House colleagues don’t understand how the august ‘upper’ chamber works these days. If Bush’s strategy is to drag Congress down to his low level of public esteem, he is succeeding brilliantly...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Democrats Mull Strategy, Leadership After Setbacks

The Associated Press writes: "Congressional Democrats will have plenty to ponder during the Christmas-New Year recess. For instance, why did things go so badly this fall, and how well did their leaders serve them?"


Judge Rules White House Logs Are Public

According to Matt Apuzzo of The Associated Press, "White House visitor logs are public documents, a federal judge ruled Monday, rejecting a legal strategy that the Bush administration had hoped would get around public records laws."



Lakota Indians break away from USA


Lakota Freedom Delegation to DC ] ?????
Date: Tue, 18 Dec 2007 01:23:26 +0000

Is there any genuine legal avenue for this unless it gains wide support from all the Lakotah, Dakotah and Nakotah peoples?

Firefly Tawo Seed Carrier POB 1456 South Pasadena, CA 91031

Date: Sat, 15 Dec 2007 06:32:39 -0600
From: bud@alliancecom.net
Subject: [Fwd: Lakota Freedom Delegation]

-------- Original Message --------

Lakota Freedom Delegation Mitaku Oyasin: We Are All Related

Immediate Release: 13 December 2007

Media Contacts: Naomi Archer,
Communications Liaison (828) 230-1404
lakotafree@gmail. com


First Nation Travels to Washington D.C., Will Unilaterally Withdrawal from All Treaties with the United States Government

U.S., International Treaty Law Indicate Historic Land Range Returns to Sovereign Lakota People

Excellent Audio and Visuals: Press Conference to Feature Lakota Flag/Eagle Staff, Traditional Language and Music, Traditional Lakota Food and Other Refreshments

WHAT: A Historic Ev ent between the Lakota Sioux Indians and the United States Government: Press Conference Announcing Unilateral Withdrawal of Lakota Nation From All U.S. Treaties and Return to Independence.

WHERE: Plymouth Congregational Church 5301 N. Capital Street, NE, Washington DC

WHEN: 11:30am, Wednesday December 19, 2007

WHO: Lakota Freedom Delegation, representatives of Lakota Sioux Indians- an Indigenous First Nation of North America. Delegation includes Lakota activist and actor Russell Means; Oglala Lakota Strong Heart Society leader Duane Martin Sr.; Gary Rowland, Leader Chief Big Foot Riders, Women of Red Nations founder Phyllis Young, Pearl Denet Claw Daniel and others.

SUMMARY: For far too long our people have suffered at the hands of the colonial apartheid system imposed on the Lakota Sioux. Our treaties with the United States government are nothing more than worth less words on worthless paper â?? repeatedly violated in order to steal our culture, our land and our ability to maintain our way of life.

The devastation this has wrought is clear:

+ Lakota men have a life expectancy of less than 44 years, lowest of any country in the World (excluding AIDS) including Haiti.

+ The Lakota infant mortality rate is 5x the U.S. Average.

+ The Tuberculosis rate on Lakota reservations is approx 800% higher than the U.S national average.

+ 97% of our Lakota people live below the poverty line.

+ Unemployment rates on our reservations are approximately 85%.

+ Teenage suicide rate is 150% higher than the U.S national average for this group.

+ Our Lakota language is an Endangered Language, on the verge of extinction.

We have no choice but to take this historic action to protect our people and our way of life, and reclaim our freedom from the colonial systems of the United States Government. So we travel to Washington D.C. to withdraw from our treaties with the United States and announce full return of our sovereign status under Article 6 of the U.S. Constitution, International and Natural Law.

We are the freedom loving Lakota from the Sioux Indian reservations of Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota and Montana who have suffered from cultural and physical genocide in the colonial apartheid system we have been forced to live under. We are in Washington, D. C. to wit hdraw from the constitutionally mandated treaties to become a free and independent country. We are alerting the Family of Nations we have now reassumed our freedom and independence with the backing of Natural, International, and United States law. For more information, please visit our new website at http://www.lakotafreedom.com

Lakota; 444 Crazy Horse Drive; P.O. Box 99; Porcupine, SD 57772.

Spiritual freedom is my birthright. I am a free thinker. I am able to rise above mental prejudices and stereotypes of others. I am a free thinker. Nobody and nothing can manipulate me or deceive me. I am a free thinker. I freely choose truth and love. Today, I embrace a greater degree of spiritual freedom.


Lakota Indians break away from USA

Informant: John Calvert


Descendants of Sitting Bull, Crazy Horse break away from US

The Lakota Indians, who gave the world legendary warriors Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse, have withdrawn from treaties with the United States, leaders said Wednesday.


Lakota group pushes for new nation

A group of "freedom-loving" Lakota activists announced a plan Wednesday for their people to withdraw from treaties.


From Information Clearing House


Lakotas secede from U.S.

Raw Story


The Lakota Indians, who gave the world legendary warriors Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse, have withdrawn from treaties with the United States, leaders said Wednesday. ‘We are no longer citizens of the United States of America and all those who live in the five-state area that encompasses our country are free to join us,’ long-time Indian rights activist Russell Means told a handful of reporters and a delegation from the Bolivian embassy, gathered in a church in a run-down neighborhood of Washington for a news conference. A delegation of Lakota leaders delivered a message to the State Department on Monday, announcing they were unilaterally withdrawing from treaties they signed with the federal government of the United States, some of them more than 150 years old. … Lakota country includes parts of the states of Nebraska, South Dakota, North Dakota, Montana and Wyoming...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Lakota Sioux: The Bravest Americans

When I get some rebuttal of all of this that doesn't pretend this was a delegation of only Russel Means, I will address it. Any that deliberately ignore this fact will be, in turn, ignored.


Now let's think this through: five days have elapsed and if any major First Nations spokesperson or group or tribal council is standing against the Lakotah secession, they remain unheard. This is extremely auspicious inofitself. I don't think I am off base when I say that there are responsible individuals and groups amongst First Nations tribes and that, therefore, were this not something everyone concerned really wanted to work then we would have heard something by now. I have personally sent messages to John Trudell and Honor the Earth and this was two days ago. Still nothing.

To my knowledge, each and every of the accumulating mound of objections from many online (any from native leadership remain an exception) cite Russel Means' personal problems as reason to ignore this and, consistently, what is deliberately ignored by these unverifiable sources is that there are three others that will have to be discredited to debunk all of this and, to tell you the truth, now that we can see than nearly everyone (with the exception of some heads of state and some of the world's best known news services) is silent on this all then any sudden proclamation of invalidity would indicate, in all likelihood, that someone sensed a turning of the tide.

Doesn't anyone remember how the French revolution started? We have become such spectators in our very lives that when called to action the people all stand and wait to see if anyone else will answer. Is anyone answering? Word out of Lakotah country seems mixed as well and if nothing else, this stands to be remembered as a few people with chutzpah standing up and challenging the people to take what was theirs and the sheeple answering, "Baa-aaahhh!"

Still, I have hope. After all, each minute that ticks by further validates all of this.

Please see:

Lakota Sioux - The Bravest Americans http://eeng.net/CS/blogs/smileycoyote/archive/2007/12/24/1042.aspx

From http://www.lakotafreedom.com/

Cante Tenza Grandmothers consulted, message released by Canupa
Gluha Mani regarding purpose of Treaty Withdrawal MORE...

Delegation representatives held meetings for over three years
leading to Monday's withdrawal MORE...

Lakota to reveal land boundaries on eve of Wounded Knee
anniversary. Check back for updates!

Lakota delivers introductory Portfolio Packet to State
Department and foreign embassies READ THE PACKET...

The Lakota Freedom Delegation acknowledges the rumors of
Russian Government support. In addition, Lakota has been in contact
with other Nations who are considering Lakota sovereignty.

Press Conference Photos...SEE THE GALLERY...

Interview with Canupa Gluha Mani - Lakota Freedom Delegation


I have been in contact with someone very close to all of this. Here are the words of Canupa Gluha Mani (Duane Martin Sr.). The interview is a little over thirty minutes long but the file size is relatively small - less than 6MB. It is an MP3. Does anyone notice that Russel Means is doing precious little of the talking on all of this?

DOWNLOAD HERE: http://www.radio4all.net/pub/files/anonymous@radio4all.net/16-1-20071225-Canupa_Gluha_Mani_interview_12-25-07_24kbps.mp3

Informant: smileycoyote

I join the Ron Paul revolution



Keep the revolution going

Strike the Root
by Marc Stevens


If the Ron Paul revolution is really about the message of freedom, freedom of each individual man and woman, then let’s keep the momentum going and start doing things that will really bring that about. …. Freedom is ours for the taking; it will come through non-violent non-cooperation; not through the political process. The political process, such as voting, only strengthens the twisted root of tyranny. Refusing to participate in the political process takes away the deception governments exist by consent...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Urgent help for Serbia

This just in: It's pretty terrible in Serbia. Hope everyone can help get this petition off the ground by signing and passing it along to everyone you know.

Regards, Earle

Subject: Petition: Urgent help for Serbia

Original Message:

Please help with signatures. I was checking the petition site and discovered this one. It barely has a few signatures, and a much bigger goal.\

Please sign and forward to as many as possible.

Thank you, God bless you.


Urgent help for Serbia

Message from Ron Paul



Ron Paul: The bionic candidate



Ron Paul: The Importance of Fiscal Responsibility in Government



New Supreme Court Outrage



Easy Money, Easy Lies



“God Bless America”: Why would He?



Magnet and PDA Sufficient to Change Votes on Voting Machine



Alarm in Italien: Schon Vierjährige mit Handy im Kindergarten

Handys läuten in den italienischen Klassenzimmern immer häufiger. Die Mehrheit der Volksschulkinder besitzt ein Handy. Sogar Vierjährige im Kindergarten haben oft ein Mobilfunkgerät dabei, ging aus einer Studie hervor, die an der Universität von Florenz vorgestellt wurde. Weiter unter...


Handys sind kein Weihnachtsgeschenk für Kinder


Polizei spürt immer öfter Menschen über Handy auf


Berliner Polizei erhöht Zahl der Handy-Ortungen


Foie gras in Disneyland Paris

Let's put these people out of business. It just takes less than a minute. Thanks,


Subject: Foie gras in Disneyland Paris

Please sign and send it further to your animal's friends.


Next-up news n°414


PROTECT Sharks: Tell the Vermont Country Store to stop peddling shark squalane!




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