Donnerstag, 13. Dezember 2007

Big Media Myopia at the FCC

Is junk media making you sick?

And if you're fed up with junk news: please stand shoulder to shoulder with us against the FCC's Big Media giveaway.

Katrina Vanden Heuvel: On the Media

Martin Evades Tough Questions on Media Ownership

Torture's Blame Game

The USA's Human Rights Daze

Human Rights Groups Call Destruction of Low Income Housing Projects in New Orleans Act of Racial Cleansing

Demolition of New Orleans Public Housing Starts


Housing demolition protests gear up

Associated Press


In normal times, redevelopment of public housing to make way for mixed-income neighborhoods might have gone largely unopposed. But passions are high in hurricane-ravaged New Orleans, where residents are desperate for cheap housing. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development wants to demolish about 4,500 public housing units at four of the city’s largest complexes and replace them with mixed-income neighborhoods. Protesters have marched on Mayor Ray Nagin’s home and disrupted City Council proceedings with chants. At least two protesters apparently occupied one of the buildings scheduled to be bulldozed, draping two handmade banners from he side Thursday. One read, ‘Reopen now,’ and the other, ‘No demolition.’ Protesters kept up the pressure with a march at the HUD offices in Washington...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Dozens Protest Razing of New Orleans Public Housing

Cain Burdeau reports for The Associated Press, "Police used chemical spray and stun guns Thursday on protesters who tried to force their way into a City Council meeting, the latest strife over plans to demolish 4,500 public housing units in a redevelopment project that council members unanimously supported."


New Orleans to Demolish Thousands of 'Poor' Homes

The Shock Doctrine in Action in New Orleans

Minority of Senate Kills Efforts to Repeal Billions in Tax Giveaways to Big Oil

Bottled Water Boycotts: Back-to-the-Tap Movement Gains Momentum

Protect the Apalachicola River, Protect the Gulf

Critic of Guantanamo Tribunals Now Top Judge

William Glaberson, reporting for The New York Times, writes, "Back in 2002, a master's degree candidate at the Naval War College wrote a paper on the Bush administration's plan to use military commissions to try Guantanamo suspects, concluding that 'even a good military tribunal is a bad idea.'"

Lawmakers Vote to Hold Bolten and Rove in Contempt

Thomas Ferraro, from Reuters, reports, "The Senate Judiciary Committee voted on Thursday to hold two top aides to President George W. Bush in contempt of Congress for refusing to cooperate in its probe of fired federal prosecutors."

Armutsbekämpfung und Klimaschutz müssen verbunden werden

Lasten, Chancen oder beides durch Klimaschutz?

Nichts mehr wie vorher

Rückkehr zur Realität: Die Neokonservativen nach dem Geheimdienstbericht über Irans Nuklearprogramm.

Gentechnik: Ihre Argumente belagern den Bundestag

Campact-News 29/07 Donnerstag, den 13. Dezember 2007

Im Bundestag gehen die Beratungen über das Gentechnik-Gesetz in die heiße Phase. Machen Sie der Gentechnik-Lobby einen Strich durch die Rechnung: Belagern Sie mit uns den Bundestag! Rund um das Parlament versehen wir möglichst viele Großplakate mit den besten Argumenten gegen Gentechnik in der Landwirtschaft. Steuern Sie Ihr Argument bei und bewerten Sie die Argumente anderer!

Zur Aktion:

Unsere Belagerung wird stark: Die Spenden von über 600 Campact-Aktiven haben uns bereits 40 Großplakate rund um den Bundestag ermöglicht. Herzlichen Dank!

Stefanie Hundsdorfer

Democrats Cave on Spending

Alexander Bolton, of The Hill, reports, "Senate and House Democrats backed down Wednesday from a spending showdown with President Bush....Democratic leaders said Wednesday that they would keep total spending at the strict $933 billion limit set by the White House."

Ron Paul Warns Middle Class Being "Wiped Out"

Hartz IV macht arm

13. Dezember 2007

Zur aktuellen Studie des Deutschen Institutes für Wirtschaftsforschung über die Einführung des Arbeitslosengeldes II erklärt sie stellvertretende Vorsitzende Katja Kipping:

Nun haben es CDU/CSU, FDP, Bündnis90/Die Grünen und SPD auch von einem Wirtschaftsinstitut bestätigt bekommen: Die Armutsquote bei Bezieherinnen und Beziehern von sozialen Transfers hat sich mit der Einführung von Hartz IV von ca. 50 Prozent auf nunmehr 66 Prozent erhöht. Hartz IV macht arm, ist Armut und Ausgrenzung per Gesetz. Insbesondere ostdeutsche Haushalte zählen zu den Verlierern der Hartz-IV-Gesetzgebung, da aufgrund der höheren Frauenerwerbstätigkeit nunmehr öfter Partnereinkommen angerechnet wird. Das war vor Hartz IV anders. Wir brauchen endlich eine Politik gegen Armut und Ausgrenzung. Dazu gehört die sofortige Einführung eines gesetzlichen Mindestlohnes und einer bedarfsorientierten, repressionsfreien Grundsicherung.

Arbeitslosengeld II: Deutlich mehr Verlierer als Gewinner unter den Hilfeempfängern

DIW-Wochenbericht vom 12. Dezember 2007 (pdf)

Keine Arbeit ohne Lohn!

„In Deutschland, und nicht nur dort, erleben wir derzeit einen beispiellosen Angriff auf die regulären Beschäftigungsverhältnisse. Einst hart erkämpfte Arbeitsstandards werden untergraben, Löhne nach unten geschraubt, das Arbeitsrecht aufgeweicht, Arbeit generell „flexibilisiert“, wie sie es nennen. Gerade die allgemeine Herabsetzung der Löhne spüren wir, als lohnabhängige Bevölkerung, am härtesten. Der krasseste Ausdruck dieses Lohnverfalls liegt, logischerweise, dann vor, wenn Menschen ohne Lohn schuften…“ Aufruf zur Kampagne der Lokalföderation Berlin vom 06.12.07

Eine Aktionshomepage befindet sich im Aufbau

Input und Diskussion zum Auftakt der Kampagne "Keine Arbeit ohne Lohn" am Di. 15.01.2008 [20.00Uhr] in Berlin, Veranstaltungsort: FAU-Lokal, Straßburger Str. 38, Berlin-P'berg, U2 Senefelderplatz

“Koblenz von unten”. Befragung zur sozialen Lage von Hartz-IV-Betroffenen und zur Praxis der Arbeitsämter

Anlässlich einer Pressekonferenz am 10.12.07 wurden die Ergebnisse der Befragung (Kurzfassung) vorgestellt (pdf)

Aus: LabourNet, 13. Dezember 2007

Formal complaint against mast U-turn

13 December 2007

A FORMAL complaint has been made about a council's U-turn over allowing a mobile phone mast in a park.

St Albans District Council had originally resisted attempts by Orange to install a mast in Clarence Park but agreed to it when the phone firm instead submitted applications for a number of smaller masts in surrounding streets to improve their coverage.


Study finds White House manipulation on climate change

Christian Science Monitor


At least since 2003, and especially after hurricane Katrina hit, the White House has broadly attempted to control which climate scientists could speak with reporters, as well as editing scientists’ congressional testimony on climate science and key legal opinions, according to a new report by a House committee. ‘The Bush Administration has engaged in a systematic effort to manipulate climate change science and mislead policy makers and the public about the dangers of global warming,’ said the report, which is the result of a 16-month probe by the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. ‘The White House exerted unusual control over the public statements of federal scientists on climate change issues’...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Vorweihnachtliche Heuchelei

13. Dezember 2007

Zu Ankündigungen von SPD-Chef Beck, sich für europaweite Standards zur Leiharbeit stark zu machen, erklärt der stellvertretende Parteivorsitzende Klaus Ernst:

Kurt Becks Gedächtnis ist offenbar nicht das Beste. Es ist gerade erst eine Woche her, dass sein Genosse und Arbeitsminister Scholz in Brüssel eine europäische Einigung zur Leiharbeit verhindert hat. Europaweit geltende Höchstarbeitszeiten und Mindeststandards für Leiharbeiter scheitern derzeit vor allem an der deutschen Sozialdemokratie. An Lippenbekenntnissen zur sozialen Gerechtigkeit mangelt es der Beck-SPD nicht. Auf Taten warten die Menschen aber bisher vergeblich. Unsere Forderung lautet klar und deutlich: gleiches Geld für gleiche Arbeit! An der Durchsetzung dieses Prinzips muss sich Beck messen lassen, wenn er nicht als Dampfplauderer in die Geschichtsbücher eingehen will.

Kyoto's Bali Successor May Be Little More Than a Carbon and Rainforest Market


Paying nations to be green diverts attention from necessary resolute actions based upon what is right and sufficient to minimize climate change

Earth Meanders, By Dr. Glen Barry November 12th, 2007

I have been an obstinate supporter of the Kyoto process; whose weaknesses, including non-universal participation and inadequate emission targets, are well known. Short of revolution, I do not believe alternative international political processes exist at this late date to enable nations to cooperatively and successfully reduce emissions. Kyoto and a possible successor beginning to be negotiated now in Bali provide the basis and mechanisms for binding emission cuts that can be tightened.

I do not see how emissions can be cut by the necessary amount
(> 80%) in the requisite period of time (ASAP, for sure by
2050) other than through difficult international negotiations. If Kyoto were abandoned, any successor international negotiating process would be equally hobbled by competing political and economic interests, and decades more wasted.

This assumes a certain level of goodwill and commitment to address the climate crisis through adequate solutions exists on the part of all parties. Sadly, this may be lacking, as there are serious deficiencies in policies being promoted at Bali.

This essay discusses how increasingly the international climate focus has become financial trickery rather than achieving shared, binding and adequate commitments to reduce emissions. The climate conference in Bali appears to be mostly about money and growth and development and not about meeting the needs of the Earth, ecosystems and most vulnerable citizens.

The Bali meetings seem far more interested in establishing markets for carbon and rainforests than committing to climate policy that is truthful and scientifically merited. Yes, there is some fine rhetoric from the United Nations, Europe and (gulp) Australia regarding the extent of the crisis and need for urgent actions as a solution. Yet a sad denial permeates the negotiations, as an emphasis upon growth -- including building new carbon reduction and rainforest protection markets -- shrouds the need to respect the biosphere's limits.

Huge and misguided efforts are going into creating the illusion that climate and rainforests can be saved even as we continue their destruction to grow our economies, population and consumption. There are many things that must be done to protect the environment that do not contribute to national development and do not make money for the elites.

Rainforests and their species, and of course an operable atmosphere, have value and a right to exist other than for carbon profits. Their protection is about way more than money.

The focus of the Kyoto process has gone from establishing binding commitments to reduce emissions to making money from looking like you are doing so. Very few leaders appear willing to push for binding emission targets as their priority because it is the just and necessary thing to do. Policies receive national support only if it benefits narrow definitions of their economic interests. This by definition is lack of leadership, as failure means global ecological collapse and an end to economies and society.

Doesn’t anybody do anything anymore because it is the right thing? Both rich and poor nations want to eat their cake and have it too – to continue polluting and cutting while being paid for not doing so, or doing it more carefully. What is next? Paying nations to not go to war? Not wage genocide? Educate and provide health care to their citizens?

Cutting carbon is a requirement for survival of the Earth, humanity and all creatures -- this should be payment enough. The whole effort to craft international climate change policy, and recent efforts to attach rainforest protection to the issue, is beginning to look more like a business opportunity and less like setting limits upon the human endeavor in order to maintain natural global ecosystem processes; thus ensuring a just, equitable human future.

There are moral and ecological obligations to protect all rainforests and end all fossil fuel emissions that go well beyond getting paid to do so. Rainforest and climate policy making should not primarily and foremost be about making money. Harnessing markets and providing business incentives may be part of the strategy for addressing these climate and other global eco-crises, but it cannot be the main focus if it is to be successful.

As long as economic growth is the measure of humanity meeting its aspirations, as long as fossil fuels are burned rather than left in the ground, as long as cutting ancient rainforests for any reason is seen as desirable, there is no hope for the Earth. Some element of policy to maintain a livable biosphere is going to have to be for non-monetary reasons, because it is right and necessary to do so. This implies shared sacrifice at the national and personal levels.


Hoodwinked in Bali on Carbon Credits

Daphne Wysham writes for The Nation: "When money is on the table, there can be plenty to fight about. And right now there is a hefty wad of cash being dangled before governments and NGOs that comes with a catch: accept carbon trading as the deal or get nothing at all. Even so-called adaptation funding, arguably the largest piece of the pie, if done correctly, is being proffered to cash-poor countries--but only as a percentage of the carbon-trading budget. The message: accept carbon trading or your poor will starve."

Bitter Divisions Exposed at Climate Talks

Thomas Fuller and Elisabeth Rosenthal, writing for The New York Times, report, "Amid growing frustration with the United States in deadlocked negotiations at a United Nations conference on global warming, the European Union threatened Thursday to boycott separate talks proposed by the Bush administration in Hawaii next month."

Biofuels Scarce on Bali Menu

Marwaan Macan-Markar reports for Inter Press Service that "Green groups hoping that the social and environmental cost of biofuels would get an airing at the United Nations climate change conference here are a disappointed lot."


Al Gore Lambasts US Climate Obstructions

U.S. and Canada obstruct Bali talks


Climate Deal Runs Straight Into Trouble With US

Shaun Tandon, Agence France-Presse, reports: "A hard-fought deal fixing a 2009 deadline for a new treaty to tackle global warming ran straight into trouble Sunday with the United States voicing 'serious concerns' over its provisions."


Tragic Truth from Bali

by Andrew Light, Grist

The U.S. could have showed the world that we are serious about climate change. Instead, we drew an unnecessary line in the Bali sand.



We've Been Suckered Again by the US. So Far the Bali Deal Is Worse than Kyoto


US Pours Cold Water on Bali Optimism

John Vidal, The Guardian UK, reports: "The US backtracked yesterday on the climate change agreement reached after marathon talks in Bali, saying it had 'serious concerns' about the new global consensus and that developing countries had to do far more if there was to be any pact in two years' time."

The Bali Meeting, and the Lessons Learned

Tom Athanasiou of Grist writes: "It's important, this time, to draw conclusions, and to do so publicly. Because Bali has taken us - barely and painfully - over a line and into a new and even more difficult level in the climate game we'll be playing for the rest of our lives. In fact, it's not too much to say that, with the realizations of the last year and their culmination at the 13th Conference of Parties, the game has, finally, belatedly, begun in earnest."


Who cares if the world drowns?

Lights! Camera! Collective Action!

Writing for In These Times, David Moberg says, "With its celebrity patina, highly literate and occasionally well-paid strikers, high-tech controversies, and mobilization of support via the Internet, the strike by 10,500 members of the Writers Guild of America (both East and West) is unusual - and not only because strikes themselves are rare these days. But for all its distinctiveness, the strike revolves around issues familiar to most American workers: management's use of new technology to disempower and underpay workers; executives' avoidance of unions through legal finagling; corporations' increasing concentration of power; a "winner-take-all" system of compensation that is grossly unequal; and corporate strategies that try to divide workers on minor issues to win on the bigger ones."

Global Unions Unite to Fight "Lawless" US Corporations

According to Mark Schoeff Jr.,, "In the global economy, goods and services aren't the only products that US multinational corporations sell to other countries. They're also exporting anti-union attitudes that threaten collective bargaining around the world."

Hard Choices on Climate Can Wait for Next President

The Washington Post's Juliet Eilperin reports: "US officials at UN climate negotiations here said Tuesday that they would not embrace any overall binding goals for cutting global greenhouse gas emissions before President Bush leaves office, essentially putting off specific US commitments until a new administration assumes power in 2009, according to several participants."

Bush to Veto Health Insurance Bill

The Associated Press says that "President Bush on Wednesday was ready to veto legislation that passed with bipartisan support to dramatically expand government-provided health insurance for children."


Bush Veto Torpedoes Bipartisan Effort to Provide Health Coverage for Uninsured Kids

EPA Pushed to Lower Reporting Standards

H. Josef Hebert, reporting for The Associated Press, says Congressional auditors have concluded that "The White House pressured the Environmental Protection Agency to weaken requirements that companies annually disclose releases of toxic chemicals."

Der Weg ist frei für unkontrollierbaren IMSI-Catcher-Einsatz

Huckabee Broke, Romney Borrows, Giuliani Ducks Terrorist Ties

by Devvy Kidd

It is no secret Ron Paul has been blacked out by the corrupted "mainstream" media with FAUX (FOX) News leading the way. The amount of air time given to anything about Ron Paul's run for the White House by other than the Internet is unlike anything I've ever seen in my adult life. What all network channels have done to this decent man has really been shameful to their profession. These pitiful moderators at the debates have shown anyone with the ability to see, a cut and slash job each and every time, deliberately cutting Ron Paul off and squashing his response time down to mere minutes for the entire debate........

Ron Paul v. Foxy News: We Reveal, You Deride

by Alan Stang

Look at the record of the Religious Wrong. In the 1860s, they called themselves Abolitionists. The issue they used as a cloak for their true purpose was slavery; it could have been something else. Their motive was to destroy our republican system, a union of independent states. They provoked Lincoln’s Communist War to Destroy the Union for the purpose. That war destroyed the system the Founding Fathers bequeathed us and replaced it with an incipient Empire. They tricked us into many more wars........

Intrusive Brain Reading Surveillance Technology: Hacking the Mind

Sen. Kit Bond of Missouri: Some forms of waterboarding 'like swimming'

Waterboarding is Torture

In defense of torture:

Sen. Kit Bond of Missouri: Some forms of waterboarding 'like swimming

"What the CIA is doing is not torture. It conforms to the Detainee Treatment Act, the Geneva Convention, the Convention against Torture. None of these things that are being used, by any stretch of the imagination, could be described as torture," Bond told interviewer Gwen Ifill.

Alan M. Dershowitz: Want to torture? Get a warrant

The warrant would limit the torture to nonlethal means, such as sterile needles, being inserted beneath the nails to cause excruciating pain without endangering life.

CIA chief knew about interrogation tapes

CIA chief Michael Hayden said Wednesday he knew of the existence of secret interrogation tapes but not that they had been destroyed, as the agency battled accusations that it was covering up torture.

Evidence From Torture Could Be Used in Military Trials

The top legal adviser for the military trials of Guantanamo Bay detainees told Congress yesterday that he cannot rule out the use of evidence derived from the CIA's aggressive interrogation techniques, including waterboarding, a tactic that simulates drowning.

Cindy Sheehan Calls on Pelosi to Explain Silence on Torture Briefing

"This is the smoking that makes it obvious why Nancy Pelosi 'took impeachment off the table.' It is more urgent now than ever that she is removed from office & I am even more determined to win her seat in 2008."

Sovereign funds scoop up crisis victims

For better or worse, big chunks of the Western financial system are falling like ripe fruit into the laps of petrodollar sheikdoms and well-heeled Asian governments.

China tells US to fix its own economic problems

China told the United States Wednesday to fix its own economic problems rather than deliver lectures, as the two sides warned at top-level talks here that protectionism threatened their trade ties.

Subprime hotline has 45,000 calls in three days

A hotline for a program that aims to help about 1.2 million subprime borrowers received 45,000 calls in the three days after President George W. Bush announced the program, the HOPE NOW alliance said on Tuesday.

Bank of America shutting $12 billion cash fund

Cash withdrawals halted; investor redemptions paid 'in kind'

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The liberties stripped from the weak today could be lost to us all tomorrow

Plans to extend pre-trial detention have sparked opposition - yet many are already locked up for months without charge.,,2224832,00.html

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Bush: Iran has a 'secret' nuke program

Doesn't believe report they stopped making WMD in '03

Mullen: Israel not alone against Iran

Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Michael Mullen wrapped up his lightning trip to Israel on Monday, leaving the IDF with a feeling that Israel does not stand alone in the face of the Iranian nuclear threat, despite a recent American intelligence report.

Israel keeps up pressure on Iran

The Israeli government does not like the US National Intelligence Estimate on Iran - and for the most part, is not buying it.

'France worried by Iran-Israel tension'

French President Nicolas Sarkozy said in an interview published Wednesday that there is a danger of war erupting over Iran's nuclear program if "the Israelis consider their security truly threatened."

Report on Iran may scupper future sanctions

A draft Security Council resolution being discussed yesterday by officials from the US, Britain, France, China, Russia and Germany would extend punitive measures - including travel bans and the seizure of assets - to the 15,000-strong Quds force, as well as dozens of named individuals.

US admits 'tactical differences' with Russia, China on Iran

The United States has "tactical differences" with Russia and China on adopting new UN sanctions against Iran over its disputed nuclear program, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said.

American Jews oppose attack on Iran

Regarding Iran's nuclear program, 92 percent of American Jews are concerned about the prospect of Iran obtaining nuclear weapons. Still, a majority - 57 percent - oppose US military action to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons.

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Army chief: Israeli Military Preparing For Nuclear Iran Scenario

By Deutsche Presse-Agentur

Israel's army chief of staff hinted Wednesday that the Israeli military may have to act itself to prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear power, if the international community was unsuccessful in doing so.

Appeals Court Strikes Down Parts of Anti-terrorism Law

By The Associated Press

A federal appeals court has struck down portions of a law that makes it a crime to provide "material support or resources" to organizations classified as terrorist by the State Department.

Only One Thing Unites Iraq: Hatred Of The US

By Patrick Cockburn

Resistance and Hope

By Charles Sullivan

If we Americans are nothing more than hopelessly addicted consumers who think of ourselves as an exceptional people with special entitlements; if we see ourselves as god's morally superior chosen people; if we are selfish and greedy beyond redemption-then we are complicit in all of the horrible crimes that government commits in our name.


Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Big Brother: DARPA's Control Freak Technology

by Kurt Nimmo

An Open Letter to Apathetic Americans

An Open Letter to Democrats

National Review's Weird Endorsement of Mitt Romney

Only Ron Paul,,2225984,00.html

Informant: Lew Rockwell

Forced IDs

Ex-Innenminister Schily soll angeblich 140.000 Euro von Siemens erhalten haben

Die Nebeneinkünfte des früheren Bundesinnenministers Otto Schily sind nach einem Pressebericht Thema im Präsidium des Deutschen Bundestages. Die "Passauer Neue Presse" berichtete, Bundestagspräsident Norbert Lammert werde mit seinen Stellvertretern über das weitere Vorgehen im Fall des früheren Ministers beraten. Schily weigere sich auch nach mehrmaliger Aufforderung, Nebeneinkünfte aus seiner Tätigkeit als Rechtsanwalt detailliert offenzulegen, obwohl die Parlamentarier nach einem Urteil des Bundesverfassungsgerichts dazu verpflichtet seien. Medienberichten zufolge soll Schily als anwaltlicher Berater des Siemens-Konzerns zwischen März und September 2007 etwa 140.000 Euro eingenommen haben.


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Dezember 2007


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