Dienstag, 16. Oktober 2007

Keine Kündigung wegen Mobilfunkanlage



Manu K. 16-10-07

Bayerische Hausbesitzer Zeitung 10/2007 - bitte zweiten Absatz beachten

Der Mieter kann ein Mietverhältnis außerordentlich und fristlos kündigen, wenn die Benutzung der gemieteten Räume zu einer erheblichen Gefährdung seiner Gesundheit führen kann (§§ 569 Abs. 1, 578 Abs. 2 BGB).

Diese Voraussetzungen sind nach einem Urteil des LG Hamburg bei Errichtung einer Mobilfunkantenne in der Nähe der Wohnung grundsätzlich nicht gegeben. Daher ist der Mieter wegen der Errichtung einer Mobilfunkanlage in unmittelbarer Nähe der Wohnung (hier: 8,13 m Abstand) nicht zur fristlosen Kündigung berechtigt, wenn die Grenzwerte der 26. Bundesimmissionsschutzverordnung eingehalten werden.

Eine Ausnahme würde nur dann bestehen, wenn der Mieter wissenschaftlich begründete Zweifel an der Richtigkeit der in der 26. Bundesimmissionsschutzverordnung festgelegten Grenzwerte darlegt oder fundierte Verdachtsmomente für eine Gesundheitsgefährdung durch elektromagnetische Felder unterhalb dieser Werte vortragen könnte.

Eine fristlose Kündigung kann der Mieter auch nicht darauf stützen, dass ihn der Vermieter bei Abschluss des Mietvertrages nicht über die geplante Errichtung der Mobilfunkantenne informiert hat. Dies wäre nur dann der Fall, wenn für den Vermieter erkennbar gewesen wäre, dass dies für den Mieter von besonderer Bedeutung ist (LG Hamburg, Urteil v. 26.1.2006, 307 S 130/05, ZMR 2007, 1317 und NJW 2000,1714).

Phone companies should not have immunity for illegal wiretapping sought by the White House

Telecoms Want Off The Hook


Pesticides sneak in the EP


Informant: Dorothee Krien


Can the CIA be sued for torture?



Bush, Climate and the Technology Illusion

Le Monde's environmental editor Herve Kempf highlights the importance - and the misplaced priorities - of Bush's recent speech on energy security and the climate.


Blackwater "Excesses" No Surprise

William Fisher, reporting for Truthout, writes, "On October 15, a diplomatic advocacy organization charged that the powerful State Department office and the Department's inspector general are protecting Blackwater and other private security contractors by creating a 'pattern of deceit involving direct collusion' to conceal a wide variety of problems from Congressional and American taxpayer oversight."



In Iran, Putin Warns Against Military Action

Nazila Fathi, reporting for The New York Times, writes: "President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia told a summit of five Caspian Sea nations in Iran today that any use of military force in the Caspian region was unacceptable and in a declaration the countries agreed that none of them would allow their territories to be used as a base for launching military strikes against any of the others."



Putin issues veiled warnings against U.S. in Iran

Russian leader Vladimir Putin met his Iranian counterpart Tuesday and implicitly warned the U.S. not to use a former Soviet republic to stage an attack on Iran. He also said nations shouldn't pursue oil pipeline projects in the area if they weren't backed by regional powers.


Iran, Russia warn against using Caspian territories for military action

Russia, Iran and other Caspian Sea countries strongly warned outside countries on Tuesday against using their territories for launching military action, but they failed to reach an agreement on ways to divide the sea's vast energy resources.


Gates says all options on table for Iran

U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said on Monday all options for dealing with Iran must remain open and called for international pressure and tougher sanctions to curb Tehran's nuclear aspirations.


From Information Clearing House


Neighbors Join Call Against Attack on Iran

Informant: ranger116


Die Schock-Strategie



Sind die Angestellten der privaten Sicherheitsunternehmen möglicherweise "ungesetzliche Kombattanten"?

Mit Sicherheit gefährlich

Sind die Angestellten der privaten Sicherheitsunternehmen möglicherweise "ungesetzliche Kombattanten" wie die Insassen von Guantanamo?



Write Your Representative: Protect Our Rights!



Die schlimmsten Strippenzieher der EU


Fingerabdruck im Reisepass: Risikoexperiment an der Bevölkerung beginnt

Pressemitteilung des Chaos Computer Club online abrufbar unter: http://www.ccc.de/updates/2007/risikoexperiment-reisepass

16. Oktober 2007 (presse@ccc.de)

Ab 1. November startet die Erfassung der Fingerabdrücke aller reisewilligen Bürger der Bundesrepublik auf den Meldeämtern. Nach Beginn der Speicherung des digitalen Gesichtsbildes auf einem Funkchip vor zwei Jahren wird damit das Projekt biometrische Vollerfassung der Gesamtbevölkerung fortgesetzt. Der Chaos Computer Club (CCC) weist nochmals auf die Risiken und Nebenwirkungen des ePasses hin, die insbesondere Senioren betreffen werden. Viele ältere Mitbürger werden bei der Abnahme von Fingerabdrücken Probleme bekommen. Erfahrungen sowie internationale und deutsche Studien zeigen, dass weit über 10% der Senioren damit rechnen müssen, keine erfassbaren Fingerabdrücke zu haben. Daher erwartet sie unweigerlich eine Diskriminierung durch verschärfte Kontrollen und lange Wartezeiten. Neben den Senioren werden auch intensiv mit den Händen arbeitende Menschen mit derartigen Benachteiligungen zu kämpfen haben.

Der CCC weist darauf hin, dass nur noch wenige Tage Reisepässe ohne Fingerabdruckerfassung auf den Bürgerämtern beantragt werden können. Auch Besitzer eines noch gültigen Passes können einen neuen Pass beantragen und so die Zeit bis zu einer Verfassungsprüfung überbrücken. Bis dahin kann man sich auf diesem Wege der biometrischen Datensammelwut der deutschen Behörden entziehen.

Der Sicherheitsgewinn durch die biometrischen Ausweisdokumente ist dabei selbst nach Aussage der Bundesregierung nicht messbar. Dies beweist eine Antwort der Bundesregierung auf eine Kleine Anfrage im Bundestag. [1] "Die Einführung dieser Risikotechnologie ist offenbar vorwiegend durch die privatwirtschaftlichen Interessen nicht nur ehemaliger Regierungsmitglieder motiviert – eigentlich ein Fall für die Korruptionsliste von transparency international", erklärt CCC-Sprecher Dirk Engling.

Offen sind nach wie vor die tatsächlichen finanziellen Belastungen der biometrischen Vollerfassung für die Allgemeinheit. Trotz der inzwischen nahezu abgeschlossenen Beschaffung der Geräte gibt es immer noch keine Aufstellung der entstehenden Gesamtkosten.

Das Ausmaß der Gefahren für die Betroffenen durch biometrische Funkchips in Ausweisdokumenten illustrierte der Präsident des Bundeskriminalamts, Jörg Ziercke, höchstselbst. Trotz aller Beteuerungen seiner “Experten”, dass die biometrischen Daten “sicher” auf dem funkenden Chip seien, trägt Ziercke seinen eigenen Reisepass in einer funkdichten Abschirmhülle.

Auch das Auswärtige Amt traut den Sicherheitsversprechungen des Bundesinnenministeriums nicht. Diplomatenpässe werden “wegen der besonderen Gefährdungslage” keine Funkchips enthalten. [2] Der normale Bürger hingegen muss mit dem Sicherheitsrisiko ePass auf Reisen gehen.

Worum es den Sicherheitshysterikern in der deutschen Politik wirklich geht, offenbart die Forderung der CDU nach Speicherung der sensiblen biometrischen Daten bei den ausgebenden Behörden. "Die Beteuerungen deutscher Politiker, die Fingerabdrücke würden nicht zentral gespeichert, haben angesichts der maßlosen Datengier des Staates nicht mal mehr Unterhaltungswert", unterstrich der Sprecher des CCC Dirk Engling. "Jetzt zu behaupten, dass es keine zentrale Biometriedatei geben werde, ist eine vorsätzliche Täuschung des Bürgers."

Mit der unlängst beschlossenen Einführung der neuen biometrischen Personalausweise wird die erkennungsdienstliche Behandlung aller Bürger trotz der bekannten Sicherheitslücken fortgesetzt. Diese bisher nur Verbrechern vorbehaltene Maßnahme betrifft dann die gesamte deutsche Bevölkerung.


[1] Bundesregierung bestätigt die Unsinnigkeit von biometrischen Ausweisdokumenten http://www.ccc.de/updates/2007/biometrie-unsinn-deluxe?language=de

[2] Heise: Von Kinder-, Vorrats- und Passdaten http://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/95038 Weiterführender Link zur Technik des biometrischen Reisepasses: Chaosradio Express: Der Elektronische Reisepass http://chaosradio.ccc.de/cre047.html


Krank durch WLAN?


Republicans Head for the Exits

Janet Hook and Theo Milonopoulos report for The Los Angeles Times: "This is crunchtime for members of Congress who must decide whether to seek reelection next year or leave office, and so far Republicans seem to be lunging for the exits. While 16 GOP lawmakers have decided to throw in the towel on their Capitol Hill careers, only two Democrats so far have called it quits - and they both are seeking higher office."



Watada's Double Jeopardy

Jeremy Brecher and Brendan Smith report for The Nation: "The double jeopardy clause of the US Constitution ensures that no American can be tried twice for the same offense. But at a time when our civil liberties are rapidly eroding, a drama is unfolding in Washington State over whether that constitutional protection applies to a US soldier."



Verizon Says It Turned Over Data Without Court Orders

Ellen Nakashima reports for The Washington Post, "Verizon Communications, the nation's second-largest telecom company, told congressional investigators that it has provided customers' telephone records to federal authorities in emergency cases without court orders hundreds of times since 2005."



Burma's Junta: Too Late to Turn Back the Clock

Cynthia Boaz writes for Truthout: "At the time of this writing, pro-democracy groups from Burma estimate the number of Buddhist monks killed by regime violence in the past two weeks to be as low as 200 and possibly many more. Those numbers make the regime's official estimates of a dozen or so monks killed absurdly low, and they highlight a serious error in strategy by the junta - one that is likely to be their final undoing."



Werkstatt Frieden & Solidarität Rundbrief 18-2007



Früherer US-Oberbefehlshaber: Irak-Krieg wird um Öl geführt



Protest Failed World Bank Congo Rainforest Policy and Proposed Ill-Conceived Forest Carbon Payments



Rainforest Portal & Climate Ark, projects of Ecological Internet http://www.rainforestportal.org/ & http://www.climateark.org/ October 15, 2007

TAKE ACTION Given revelations of misconduct in Democratic Republic of Congo's rainforests by the World Bank and UK aid agencies, the World Bank's desire to administer global carbon payments for rainforest protection as a means to address climate change is suspect http://www.rainforestportal.org/alerts/send.asp?id=world_bank_forest_policy

The World Bank's independent inspection panel has found serious violations of the Bank's own rules as foreign companies were encouraged to destructively log the Democratic Republic of Congo's (DRC) rainforests, endangering the lives of thousands of Congolese Pygmies. Along with the British government, the Bank has since 2002 sought to "create a favorable climate for industrial logging" in the Congo by rushing through new forestry laws and dividing the country's massive rainforests into logging zones. This is the World Bank's most recent failure to promote "sustainable" ancient rainforest logging, and comes as they position themselves to administer international carbon market funds meant to protect ancient rainforests for their climate benefits... The concept of "avoided deforestation" -- whereby countries are paid to protect forests -- has the potential to maintain standing rainforests in an intact, fully functioning condition; while meeting reasonable local development needs... Many crucial details regarding how avoided deforestation payments would work remain undefined... To be maximally effective, avoided deforestation climate payments should only support strict preservation of ancient forests; and not their "sustainable" selective logging, certified or otherwise... Industrial ancient forest logging must be rejected and replaced with an emphasis upon community development based upon standing, intact rainforests. This requires abandoning subsidizing of DRC's industrial forestry, fully protecting Pygmy rights, and ensuring carbon payments are made only for strict rainforest preservation.

TAKE ACTION NOW: http://www.rainforestportal.org/alerts/send.asp?id=world_bank_forest_policy


The folly of war with Iran

Christian Science Monitor
by Walter Rodgers


Never is wisdom more requisite in a president than in time of war. Abraham Lincoln was perhaps America’s wisest war president and should remain a beacon to his successors. Late in 1861, there was a public clamor for war with England when the Republic was already bogged down in a horrible fratricidal war, the outcome of which was by no means certain. Incensed that a United States Navy ship party boarded a British packet and illegally removed two Confederate diplomats bound for Europe, Lord Palmerston sent 8,000 additional troops to Canada preparing for war with the US. More than a few Americans, including Secretary of State William Seward, wanted to give the British a thumping at a time when the bulk of the US military was tied down in a continental civil war...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Iraq: what happened, why and what do we do now?

by Karen Kwiatkowski


So far, we have spent, according to the National Priorities Project, about $460 billion on fighting in Iraq. That’s just the direct cost. We’ve racked up nearly two trillion in total costs of the war so far, including equipment and training losses, lifetime health care of the disabled soldiers, etc. We have sacrificed the lives of nearly 4,000 American troops, and injured, in many cases permanently, over 30,000 troops. So far, well over 100,000 American troops have persistent stress reactions or other mental disturbance as a result of their experience. We have weakened American defensive capability with multiple extended tours for both National Guardsmen and the active forces, years of reduced training and maintenance of equipment, and drastically lower standards for entry into the military. Why would any bright and principled young person want to enter the military today? I can’t think of many reasons...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Next-up news n°338


Téléphonie Mobile: Les preuves définitives de la dangerosité

Conférence de Presse Paris Mardi 16 Octobre 2007-11h

Des Vérités qui dérangent

Colloque Criirem et WWF France Paris 23 Octobre 2007

Iranian threat "overly exaggerated": Margelov

"Neither the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), nor anyone else has any convincing evidence suggesting that Iran is developing nuclear weapons."


From Information Clearing House


Many in the US military think Bush and Cheney are out of control

'Many in the US military think Bush and Cheney are out of control': military historian:

The American military is stretched to the limit. They are losing both wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.


From Information Clearing House


Cindy Sheehan: Matthew 7:3 (Look It Up)

It is truly touching the way First Lady Laura Bush cares about the people of Burma and is using her officiousness (oops... I think that may be the wrong word...or is it?) to bring attention to the admittedly horrible situation there. There are very few people in the world that would not sympathize with or become outraged when monks are beaten and killed because they protested high gas prices.



Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting


Paying The Price: Killing The Children Of Iraq

A documentary film by John Pilger

Sanctions enforced by the UN on Iraq since the Gulf War have killed more people than the two atomic bombs dropped on Japan in 1945, including over half a million children - many of whom weren't even born when the Gulf War began.



John Pilger: A profile in courage for daring to tell the truth


Wisdom Amid A World Tired Of The US Megaphone

By David Ignatius

Dignity is the issue that vexes billions of people around the world, not democracy. Indeed, when people hear President George W. Bush preaching about democratic values, it often comes across as a veiled assertion of America power. The implicit message is that other countries should be more like us - replacing their institutions, values and traditions with ours.



Something is Rotten in Iraq and the Pentagon



We need your help to save the Endangered Forests of the globe



Plant trees, lots of them, you can never plant enough!

A Wife's Battle

Anne Hull and Dana Priest of The Washington Post report: "As thousands of war-wounded lug their discharge papers and pill bottles home, more than a quarter are returning with PTSD and brain trauma. Compensation for these invisible injuries is more difficult and the social isolation more profound, especially in rural communities where pastures outnumber mental health providers. Troy's one-year war has become his wife's endless one."



Biden's Immoral Blueprint for Iraq

On AlterNet.org, Joshua Holland and Raed Jarrar write: "Two weeks ago, the US Senate passed a nonbinding resolution supporting 'regional federalism' in Iraq. The measure is a disaster waiting to happen, and should be called what it is: a blueprint for ethnic cleansing and potentially a full-blown civil war."



ACLU: Pentagon Sought Citizens' Bank Records

The Associated Press reports: "The American Civil Liberties Union said Sunday that newly uncovered documents show that the Pentagon secretly sent hundreds of letters seeking the financial records of private citizens without court approval."



Last chance to see Hector's and Maui's dolphins?






Anti-NAU Warriors Beginning to Move the Rock Uphill

by Tom DeWeese

But there are signs that the huge rock at the bottom of the hill that is the unmovable NAU is beginning to budge uphill as heroes are emerging in the fight. Some close to the movers and shakers are beginning to hint at a concern that they just might not be able to implement the SPP - that darned opposition just won't go away. At the same time, anti-NAU forces are beginning to see signs of progress as the movement is getting energized. Victory is certainly not in sight, but now there is hope........



The FDA is Marching

by Byron Richards

The FDA is seeking to undermine the law known as DSHEA (Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994), the cornerstone of health freedom in America. Emboldened by its new powers the FDA is now poised to trample the first amendment rights of companies and Americans who seek to explain or understand how nutrition can support health. The FDA campaign has begun........




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