Dienstag, 9. Oktober 2007

Persian Carpet Bombing

by Rick Perlstein

A new video on George Bush numbing our minds on Iran; and an account of the real-world complexities.



Pollution has tainted even the most remote areas of Glacier National Park


Trouble in Them Thar Hills: melting in Glacier National Park

Informant: Teresa Binstock


Remote Parts of Montana Park Polluted

According to The Associated Press, "Pollution has tainted even the most remote areas of Glacier National Park, and some fish in backcountry waters are so contaminated they could endanger the wildlife eating them, a federal scientist has found."


Bush Faces GOP Foes on Budget Cuts

Richard Simon, reporting for The Los Angeles Times, writes: "The president is pushing to cut and even eliminate some popular domestic programs that pump billions of dollars into the states. Many congressional Republicans, wary of the potential fallout from the loss of funds, have joined Democrats to oppose the cuts."



Even the British Are Leaving Iraq

The editors of the Los Angeles Times write: "The 'coalition of the willing' is over. One by one, its members have ceded the bloodstained ground to the battling Iraqis and the unyielding US president. Prime Minister Gordon Brown's decision Monday to halve the vestigial British military force in Basra was inevitable; backing the US in Iraq has become a political albatross for governments all over the world."


Anti-Terror Spy Network Wrecked by White House Leak

Joby Warrick, reporting for the Washington Post, writes that a small private intelligence company that monitors Islamic terrorist groups obtained a new Osama bin Laden video ahead of its official release last month and notified the Bush administration of its secret acquisition. It gave two senior officials access on the condition that the officials not reveal they had it until the al-Qaeda release. The founder of the company says the White House's premature disclosure of the tape tipped al-Qaeda to a security breach and destroyed a years-long surveillance operation that the company has used to intercept and pass along secret messages, videos and advance warnings of suicide bombings from the terrorist group's communications network.



9/11 made us stupid: Späte Erkenntnisse von ehemaligen Kriegsbefürwortern


Why the Deafening Silence Regarding Iraqi Civilian Casualties?



Corporations Versus Democracy


Nuke Transportation Story Has Explosive Implications



Torture Endorsed, Torture Denied



What FISA Capitulations Are Democrats Planning Next?



How Pelosi Ended 'The War With Iraq'



Global greenhouse gas emissions already beyond 'worst-case' scenario

Scientist: Greenhouse Gas Emissions Hit Danger Mark Sooner Then Expected


Greenhouse Gas Levels Grave

The Associated Press reports: "Strong worldwide economic growth has accelerated the level of greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere to a dangerous threshold scientists had not expected for another decade, according to a leading Australian climate change expert."



Global greenhouse gas emissions already beyond 'worst-case' scenario

Informant: indpol

From ufpj-news


Obama and Edwards Target Clinton on Iran Vote



ACLU, Lawmakers Press Pentagon On Killings of Iraqis



Exporting Democracy with Missiles


Informant: Kev Hall


US, West Seen Skirting Iraqi Refugee Crisis

David Morgan reports for Reuters, "The Bush administration's cautious approach to Iraqi refugees offers little hope for those trapped in a growing humanitarian crisis that could begin to breed Islamist militancy if left unchecked, experts say."



Petraeus Steps Up Accusations Against Iran

Reuters reports, "The US military commander in Iraq stepped up accusations over the weekend that Iran was inciting violence there and said Tehran's ambassador to Baghdad was a member of the Revolutionary Guards Qods force."



Fearing Political Backlash, Democrats Prepare to Retreat on Wiretapping

Eric Lichtblau and Carl Hulse report for The New York Times, "Two months after insisting that they would roll back broad eavesdropping powers won by the Bush administration, Democrats in Congress appear ready to make concessions that could extend some crucial powers given to the National Security Agency."



Democrats Seem Ready to Extend Wiretap Powers


Resistance, Not Repression, Is the Real Story From Burma

Cynthia Boaz reports for Truthout: "In contrast to the junta’s claims of 'normalcy' and 'restored stability,' sources inside Burma are telling some extraordinary stories of ongoing resistance over the past several days. These forms of resistance represent several categories of nonviolent tactics, and they serve as further support for the thesis that the uprising in Burma is more than a spontaneous series of protests by a few disgruntled students and monks."



The 86 Days campaign: 86 days separate two infamous dates



Krake Bertelsmann und das Arbeitsrecht



Die Bertelsmann Stiftung in der Kritik



Bertelsmann-kritische Tagung 2007

Vier Videoclips von der Tagung am 27.10.2007 in Frankfurt a.M. gibt’s es jetzt bei kanalB http://kanalb.org/topic.php?clipId=252

Aus: LabourNet, 30. Oktober 2007


Privatarmeen und private Sicherheitsfirmen im Krieg

Ihr Geschäft heißt killen

Privatkrieger von New Orleans bis Bagdad. Auf ein paar Tote mehr oder weniger kommt es nicht an. Artikel von Mumia Abu-Jamal in einer Übersetzung von Jürgen Heiser in der jungen Welt vom 06.10.2007 http://www.jungewelt.de/2007/10-06/007.php

Gut bezahlt und straflos

„Das Repräsentantenhaus der USA zog am Donnerstag eine erste Konsequenz aus dem Blackwater-Skandal, den jüngst bekannt gewordenen Übergriffen und Morden einer privaten Söldnertruppe in Irak. Mit großer Mehrheit wurde der Beschluss gefasst, dass »Sicherheitsfirmen« der USA-Gerichtsbarkeit unterliegen…“ Artikel von Max Böhnel, New York, im ND vom 06.10.2007 http://www.nd-online.de/artikel.asp?AID=117287&IDC=2

Unerkannte Mittler. Wie kommt das Militär in die deutsche Gesellschaft?

„Mit dem Aufbau von „Netzwerken" ehemaliger Soldaten setzt die Bundeswehr die Durchdringung ziviler Lebensbereiche fort. Vor wenigen Tagen hat die Militär-Universität in München mehrere Hundert ihrer Absolventen zum zweiten „Alumni-Kongress" versammelt und damit die Netzwerkbildung früherer Armeeangehöriger in Wirtschaftsunternehmen und Medien verstärkt. Ziel ist der Abgleich technischer und administrativer Maßnahmen…“ Artikel von Hille Krüger in Neue Rheinische Zeitung, Online-Flyer Nr. 115 vom
03.10.2007 http://www.nrhz.de/flyer/beitrag.php?id=11538

Afghanistan - die deutsche Rolle. Informationen zu den anstehenden Mandatsverlängerungen

IMI-Analyse 2007/029b von Claudia Haydt / Christoph Marischka / Jürgen Wagner in der aktualisierten Fassung vom 25.9.2007 http://www.imi-online.de/2007.php3?id=1622

Aus: LabourNet, 9. Oktober 2007


Die Privatisierung des Krieges. Kolumbien als Labor und der Irak als Anwendung im großen Maßstab.

Artikel von Dario Azzellini aus junge Welt vom 26.10.2007, dokumentiert beim beim Friedenspolitischen Ratschlag http://www.uni-kassel.de/fb5/frieden/regionen/Kolumbien/privatkrieg.html

Aus: LabourNet, 30. Oktober 2007


Ex-Bundeswehrsoldaten sollten nach Somalia. Ermittlungen wegen Söldner-Anwerbung

„Die geplante Entsendung deutscher Söldner nach Somalia könnte strafrechtliche Konsequenzen haben. Die Staatsanwaltschaft Münster leitete nach Informationen von NDR Info und tagesschau.de ein Verfahren ein. Es bestehe der Verdacht, dass für einen "fremden Wehrdienst" geworben worden sei, sagte ein Sprecher der Behörde…“ Dossier von Franz Feyder, NDR Info, und Alexander Richter, tagesschau.de, vom 24.05.2010 bei der Tagesschau http://www.tagesschau.de/inland/asgaard110.html

Siehe dazu auch:

Umschulung wird subventioniert: Söldner werden - mithilfe des Staates

„Private Militärdienstleister - wie die in die Kritik geratene Firma Asgaard bei Münster - profitieren mehrfach von der Bundeswehr. Klar ist, dass deutsche Ex-Soldaten gern gesehene Mitarbeiter sind. Doch Deutschland bietet darüber hinaus optimale Rahmenbedingungen: Der Staat finanziert auch die Fortbildung zum Söldner…“ Artikel von Franz Feyder und Alexander Richter vom 24.05.2010 bei der Tagesschau http://www.tagesschau.de/inland/asgaard108.html

Ehemalige Bundeswehrsoldaten als Söldner in Krisengebieten. Deutsche Exsoldaten als Söldner in Somalia. Interview mit Ulrich Delius, dem Afrikareferenten der Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker

„Dass Bundeswehrsoldaten nach Ableistung ihres Vertrages mit dem Staat Ausbildung und Kampferfahrung in privaten Sicherheitsunternehmen versilbern, dürfte niemanden ernstlich überraschen. Das wusste man schon immer, irgendwie. Und doch sorgt ein konkreter Fall nun für größeres Aufsehen. Bundeswehrsoldaten werden von der privaten Sicherheitsfirma Asgaard angeheuert, um den somalischen Warlord Galadid Abdinur Ahmad Darmanzu unterstützen, der sich selbst als Präsidenten Somalias sieht…“ Interview von Eren Güvercin in telepolis vom 27.05.2010 http://www.heise.de/tp/r4/artikel/32/32693/1.html

tagesschau.de: "Deutsche Söldner für Bürgerkrieg in Somalia"

Hintergrund: Deutsche "Sicherheitsfirmen" im Auslandseinsatz. Zum Beispiel: Asgaard German Security Group. Ein Firmenporträt beim Friedensratschlag http://www.uni-kassel.de/fb5/frieden/themen/Privatkriege/reher.html

Aus: LabourNet, 27. Mai 2010


Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen entspricht der Würde und Freiheit des Menschen

2. deutschsprachiger Grundeinkommens-Kongress in Basel zu Ende gegangen

Attac-Pressemitteilung vom 07.10.2007 http://www.attac.de/aktuell/presse/presse_ausgabe.php?id=782

Grundeinkommen: Ein Menschenrecht!

„In Basel tagte am Wochenende der zweite Grundeinkommens-Kongress. Die Szene ist zerstritten, weltweit gibt es kaum messbare Erfolge - doch die Linken sind nicht mehr unter sich…“ Artikel von Susanne Götze in der taz vom 08.10.2007 http://www.taz.de/index.php?id=start&art=5720&id=wirtschaft-artikel&src=AR&cHash=b764fefcfc

Arbeit und Erwerbseinkommen entkoppeln

„Der 2. deutschsprachige Grundeinkommenkongress in Basel (5. – 7. Oktober 2007) ermöglichte eine neue Sicht auf die Arbeits-Gesellschaft. Die Vorstellungen über ihre Zukunft stehen sich zum Teil diametral gegenüber. Sie reichen vom neoliberalen Sozialabbau und der Verbesserung der Marktfähigkeit aller Menschen hin bis zur sozialistischen Utopie…“ Bericht von Paul Ignaz Vogel, Mediendienst Hälfte http://www.labournet.de/diskussion/arbeit/existenz/kongr2_haelfte.html

Aus: LabourNet, 9. Oktober 2007


Rüsten für den globalen Bürgerkrieg

„Die IMI-Studie "Rüsten für den globalen Bürgerkrieg" geht von einer zunehmenden Verarmung großer Bevölkerungsteile durch den weltweiten Kapitalismus aus, deren Kontrolle von der "Strategischen Gemeinschaft" als größte Herausforderung der kommenden Jahre gesehen wird (Abschnitt 1). Durch erweiterte Sicherheitsbegriffe (Abschnitt 2) ist der Umgang mit der Zivilbevölkerung insbesondere bei Peacekeepingeinsätzen in den Aufgabenbereich des Militärs übergegangen, was sich gut am Beispiel Haiti (Abschnitt 5) darstellen lässt. Mittlerweile haben auch die USA in ihren Militärdoktrinen diese Strategie übernommen, die Zivilgesellschaften der Einsatzländer quasi militärisch zu durchdringen (Abschnitt 4). Kern der Studie ist ein zusammenfassender Überblick über Rüstungsprojekte, welche diesen Paradigmenwechsel widerspiegeln. Dabei geht es in Abschnitt 3 noch überwiegend um eher klassische Militärgüter, für die nun aber die schnelle Verlegbarkeit eine wesentlich wichtigere Rolle spielt. Die Abschnitte 6 und 7 handeln hingegen von der Militarisierung der Polizei, dem Aufbau von Gendarmerieeinheiten und neuen Ausbildungskonzepten, mit denen Soldaten auf die Niederschlagung von Demonstrationen und Aufständen vorbereitet werden. Im Folgenden wird dargestellt, wie sich die Militärs auf den Häuserkampf in noch von ZivilistInnen bewohnten Großstädten vorbereiten, besonders auf die Rolle von unbemannten Drohnen (Abschnitt 9) und so genannten Nicht-Lethalen Waffen (Abschnitt 11) hierbei wird besonders eingegangen. Zum Abschluss (Abschnitt 12) wird noch die Umstrukturierung des globalen Rüstungsmarktes dargestellt, welche ebenfalls die These untermauert, dass die Staaten immer weniger für einen Krieg gegeneinander als gegen die eigene Bevölkerung aufrüsten…“

Aus der Vorstellung der IMI-Studie 2007/08 – dort auch eine Zusammenfassung http://www.imi-online.de/2007.php3?id=1630

Siehe auch den Volltext der Studie (pdf) http://www.imi-online.de/download/IMI-Studie-2007-08.pdf

Aus: LabourNet, 9. Oktober 2007

Volkswagen: Bekenntnisse des Peter Hartz, Innenansicht eines korporatistischen Modells


Aus: LabourNet, 9. Oktober 2007


The great forgetting

by Eunice Wong


The Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian, located on the Mall in Washington, D.C., is a monument to historical amnesia. The blond limestone building, surrounded by indigenous crops of corn, tobacco and squash, invites visitors on a guilt-free, theme park tour of Native American history, where acknowledgment of the American genocide is in extremely bad taste. … America’s brutal cycle of imperial invasion and occupation is as enduring as the cultivated illusion of its goodness. And the first step toward breaking this cycle and exposing this illusion is facing our history and ourselves. The National Museum of the American Indian feeds the mass amnesia that makes our national psychosis possible...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Hillary offers little change to Bush’s policies

Fox News
by Radley Balko


Polls show Hillary Clinton has now opened up a striking 33-point lead over Barack Obama in the race for the 2008 Democratic presidential nomination. The latest poll shows that likely Democratic primary voters favor her in every major policy area. Clinton also raised $27 million in campaign contributions in the last quarter, adding to an already-significant lead over her Democratic rivals. For seven years, the left has been up in arms about President Bush’s aggressive foreign policy, his secrecy, his partisanship, and his expansive claims on executive power. It’s odd, then, that they’re prepared to nominate Hillary Clinton to carry the party into the 2008 elections. The problem with Hillary Clinton is two-fold: First, she’s likely to be as bad or worse than Bush on all of those issues, and second, she’s the one Democrat the Republicans still have a chance to beat...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Iraqi authorities seek Blackwater ouster

Charlotte Observer


Iraqi authorities want the U.S. government to sever all contracts in Iraq with Blackwater USA within six months. They also want the firm to pay $8 million in compensation to families of each of the 17 people killed when its guards sprayed a traffic circle with heavy machine gun fire last month...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


The Damage Is Done



Columbus Day: As Rape Rules Africa and American Churches Embrace Violent 'Christian' Video Games



A Troubling Turn in American History



Iraqi Guard's Widow Reports No Compensation



'State Secrets' Case May Get Airing


Clinton's Iran Vote Prompts A Harsh Back-and-Forth



Background on Blackwater



Number of Homeless Families Rises

Data from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development suggests there about 750,000 homeless in the nation on any given night, with about 40 percent of those members of homeless families, said Philip Mangano, director of the U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness.


From Information Clearing House


Bush faces court ruling over CIA prisons

The administration of President George W. Bush could face a further challenge to its anti-terrorism policies from the Supreme Court, which is expected to say on Tuesday whether it will take up a case involving US secret prisons overseas.


From Information Clearing House


Noted psychologist Beth Shinn resigns from American Psychological Association

The damage to the American Psychological Association from its indefensible position supporting psychologists participating in interrogations where human rights are ignored...


From Information Clearing House


US appears guilty of torture: Pelosi

The United States appears to be illegally torturing terror suspects contrary to denials by President George Bush, House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi said on Sunday.


From Information Clearing House


US steps up accusations against Iran

Statements like those by General Petraeus could be part of an attempt to turn US public opinion in favour of military action against Iran - in particular, air strikes against revolutionary guard bases.


Britain 'on board' for US strikes on Iran

British defence officials have held talks with their Pentagon counterparts about how they could help out if America chose to bomb Iran.


War On Terror Labelled A Disaster

The War On Terror has been a disaster and has played into the hands of Al Qaeda, according to a damning report. British military policy in Iraq and Afghanistan must be fundamentally changed if the terrorist network is to be defeated, it warned.


From Information Clearing House


US blamed for Pakistan insecurity

Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, leader of a powerful armed group in Afghanistan, has accused the United States of trying to destabilise Pakistan.


From Information Clearing House

Iraqis tell of guards' reckless behavior

Residents of Hillah await answers and justice in the slayings of two men. They believe those responsible for the deaths were Blackwater employees.


From Information Clearing House


Big Sugar

Video Documentary by CBC

Big Sugar explores the dark history and modern power of the world's reigning sugar cartels. Using dramatic reenactments, it reveals how sugar was at the heart of slavery in the West Indies in the 18th century, while showing how present-day consumers are slaves to a sugar-based diet.



Politicians Use Fear to Justify Wars, Paul Says

GOP candidate calls for troop withdrawal

By Margot Sanger-Katz

Rep. Ron Paul believes political leaders are pumping up the threat of terrorism to accomplish political goals. Paul, the 10-term Texas congressman, told Monitor reporters and editors that concerns about the country's security have been overblown to justify needless foreign invasions and domestic surveillance programs.



Nuclear-armed states have the legal obligation to carry out negotiations to eliminate nuclear weapons entirely



The Big Lie: 'Iran Is a Threat'

By Scott Ritter

Iran has never manifested itself as a serious threat to the national security of the United States, or by extension as a security threat to global security. At the height of Iran's "exportation of the Islamic Revolution" phase, in the mid-1980's, the Islamic Republic demonstrated a less-than-impressive ability to project its power beyond the immediate borders of Iran, and even then this projection was limited to war-torn Lebanon.



Slavery Is Alive and Well in the US

Suzi Steffen, AlterNet.org, says, "What do you call it when those who cross the Mexican-US border get charged thousands of dollars for a ride to a job where their employer makes them pay rent for unspeakably bad living conditions and board for the food they can only buy at the company store and where that employer patrols with dogs, trucks and thugs so the workers can't leave?"



Climate Change Disaster Is Upon Us, Warns UN

Julian Borger of The Guardian UK writes: "A record number of floods, droughts and storms around the world this year amount to a climate change 'megadisaster,' the United Nations emergency relief coordinator, Sir John Holmes, has warned."


South America Chokes As Amazon Burns

The Independent UK's Daniel Howden and Jules Steven write: "Vast areas of Brazil and Paraguay and much of Bolivia are choking under thick layers of smoke as fires rage out of control in the Amazon rain forest, forcing the cancellation of flights."



The Not-So-Small Price of Iraq

In The Philadelphia Daily News, Dante Zappala says, "Until recently, I thought America agreed that the death of over 3,800 troops in Iraq is a tremendous loss to this country."


Mutual Loathing and Human Suppression



Tempo Increases for U.S. attack on Iran



Next-up news n°330


U.S. considered radiological weapon


Informant: Mark G.

Orland residents not happy with cell tower

October 8, 2007

Staff writer

An Orland Township resident was furious when she received a text message on her T-Mobile phone boasting of better coverage in her area.

For her, the message confirmed what she and her neighbors hoped wasn't true: The cell phone tower erected at the Palos Park public works property on 131st Street was in service.

The neighbors are upset about the location of the tower and health problems it might cause. They are organizing a petition drive to do something about the tower, and Orland Park village officials are looking for ways to help.


A Swiftly Melting Planet


Informant: Bob Banner

Support, endorse, and distribute the Kennebunkport Warning



‘Enemy Combatant’ or Enemy of the Government?



Ron Paul: Foreign policy should follow Founding Fathers' ideals

Nick Juliano


It's Time Once Again To Play Worldwide Preemptive War

Today's alert closes with a satirical piece, with the humor hopefully not too dark. But first, we have action to take.

Support The Weekly Agenda At Democrats.com

This site is NOT the Democratic party. If anything they are doing as much as anybody else to hold the Democrats' feet to the issues fire. And they are doing a terrific job tracking ALL the issues that we should be speaking out on a week by week basis. Please bookmark this action page and make a point of submitting it each week.

Weekly Agenda Action Page: http://www.democrats.com/weekly-agenda

Do You Have An Opinion On Cheney Impeachment Or Like What?!

We need to have a serious talk. Despite the fact that more than
110,000 of our participants have voted in the National Cheney Impeachment Poll (and in doing so sent their messages to Congress and letters to the editor), as best as we can determine you still have not. Have you not gotten any alerts on this yet?

Cheney Impeachment Poll: http://www.usalone.com/cheney_impeachment.php

As if anything loathsome should surprise us coming out of the Cheney administration anymore, this week the New York Times reported that even as they were publicly promising to tone down the illegal torture, they were issuing secret directives (drafted by a Cheney aide) to torture even MORE. Former acting attorney general Comey, who confronted Gonzalez when he tried to browbeat a sedated Ashcroft in his hospital bed, told them they would be ASHAMED when this all came to light. Now it has . . . but there is an evil that is beyond the capacity for shame.

What's that you say? You don't THINK that Congress would ever impeach him so why bother to speak out? Do you not understand that the PRIMARY mechanism for suppressing dissent in the first place is to have the corporate media create a FALSE consensus that such and such is a "done deal", or that this or that could never happen? Already, a solid majority of people when polled passively say Cheney SHOULD be impeached. What will it take for you to get active in expressing that opinion?

Do we do what members of Congress tell us to do, or do they do what we tell THEM to do? If they want to tell us what to do they pass a law, but not before we tell them what laws to pass. So who the hell passed a law that says we can't speak out on impeachment? And unless you DO speak out, what's to prevent them from passing exactly that law?

You do have an opinion, don't you? And we know you submit our action pages from time to time, or you would not be on this alert list. Do you think Cheney should be impeached or not? You can vote either Yes or No, your choice. Do you not understand that whether impeachment succeeds or not, ONLY a strong impeachment MOVEMENT can ultimately stop them from bombing Iran, plunging us all into an even greater quagmire before we can have a next election?

Cheney Impeachment Poll: http://www.usalone.com/cheney_impeachment.php

Suppose someone had said to you that Nixon would never be impeached so why bother? Well, guess what, Nixon was NOT impeached. He resigned because the handwriting was on the wall. How shameful would it have been to have not spoken out against Nixon in the face of his many high crimes, on the premise that it would not actually happen? And how shameful would it be if we were not to speak out in the face of constitutional crimes that make Nixon look like a jaywalker. Are we pushing this one action page too hard? Shame on us if we don't.

And now the comedy piece.

It's Time Once Again To Play Worldwide Preemptive War

Announcer: [cue peppy marching music] Here is it comes, the exciting TV game all America is playing . . . whether they like it or not . . Worldwide Preemptive War, where members of our studio audience compete for fantastic prizes, like getting out of here alive without a serious injury. Our first contestant is Joe Grunt, from the Topeka, Kansas National Guard . . . Come On Down!

Contestant 1: Hey, wait a minute, I just signed up for a weekend a month.

Announcer: [laughing] Read your contract, son, including the part about stop loss extensions. And our second contestant is George W. Bush from the Texas Air National Guard . . . Come On Down! . . .

Announcer: George W. Bush, Come On Down! . . . [pause] Now they're telling me he never reported for duty after he was transferred out to Alabama. OK then, Dick Cheney, Come On Down! . . .

Announcer: [pause] What do you mean he said he had other priorities? Hell, just grab three more people without an "R" after their name . . And now . . . here's the star of our show . . . Booooooooob BURKA!

Bob Burka: Welcome to Worldwide Preemptive War, and the first item we have up for bid is an invasion and occupation of Iraq, estimated to take 6 days, or 6 weeks, I doubt 6 months. Who will guess the closest to the real cost plus, without going over?

Contestant 1: I don't even want to go. I bid 100 billion, Bob, it could never possibly be that much.

Contestant 2: 5 billion.

Contestant 3: 20 billion.

Contestant 4: One dollar, leave me out of it too.

Bob Burka: And the actual final cost of the Iraq war and occupation to the American taxpayer is . . . at least 2 TRILLION DOLLARS. Contestant 1, you WIN! You get to play our first game, "Kill An Insurgent". And if you do, what do we have to give you today?

Announcer: It's a New Car!! . . . The latest model armored Humvee with stylish V-shaped underbody to try to deflect some of the many roadside IED explosions you're sure to encounter in your daily patrols. The fact is, you'll be getting one of the very few of these actually out there. A prize worth 150,000 dollars, for which the Pentagon paid five times that much.

Bob Burka: You know how the game is played, you have 15 seconds to open fire on anything that moves, and if you kill an insurgent, you WIN! Go.

Contestant 1: Stop! [rat-tatta-tat] Halt! Don't Move! [ker-pow, boom]

Bob Burka: Well, let's see how you did . . . Oh, I'm so sorry, you killed 19 civilians, including a family of four who could not understand the commands you were shouting at them in English, but you didn't get any insurgents. But wait . . . our judges have ruled that because some of their RELATIVES will now join the insurgency . . . you WIN! Let's have another contestant.

Announcer: Rush Limbaugh, Come On Down! . . .

Announcer: [pause] What are you talking about he had an ingrown hair follicle on his butt, and can't have a job where he has to sit for extended periods of time? Look, just draft . . . uh, I mean take, some high school student with no other chance of sustaining employment in this globally outsourced economy.

Bob Burka: Let's tell our contestants the next item up for bid.

Announcer: Now that we're in Iraq, next we want you to guess how many more years we're going to have to stay there.

Contestant 1: One year, Bob.

Contestant 2: Three years.

Contestant 3: Two years.

Contestant 4: Bring the troops home now! [gets tackled by a dozen security guards and dragged off the stage]

Bob Burka: And the actual length of the occupation is . . . at least
10 years, since none of the leading presidential candidates will even promise we'll be out of there by 2013. You're a winner, Contestant 2! And what do we have for you in our next game.

Announcer: It's a fabulous vacation in sunny Ramadi! . . . Yes, you will be sent on an ENDLESS deployment to the city where the action never stops, conveniently located in the famous Sunni Triangle, with all your expenses paid EXCEPT for long term medical care and rehabilitation, courtesy of the Walter Reed Army Hospital bureaucracy. Estimated cost to the American taxpayer, 36 thousand a year, unless you're a contract mercenary, in which case as much as ten times that.

Bob Burka: Now, to win this prize all you have to do is guess which of these quotes is a lie.

[Recording 1] We don't torture.

[Recording 2] We don't wiretap without a court order.

[Recording 3] We have not yet decided to bomb Iran.

Contestant 2: But, Bob, they're ALL lies.

Bob Burka: See how easy it is. You're going to Ramadi! And now we come to our final Showcase. Behind one of the doors is an exit strategy, but behind the other is yet more senseless and counterproductive death and destruction. Contestant 1, you have selected door on the left. Let's see what you've won.

Announcer: It's a hopeless quagmire!! . . . The proportion of the Iraqi people who approve of attacks on Americans will increase ultimately from the current 60 percent to a full 100, while the homegrown insurgency continues to defeat billion dollar technology with weapons improvised from the massive explosives stockpile they looted just after the initial invasion.

Bob Burka: And behind the door on the right, what do we have for Contestant 2?

Announcer: It's a full on regional conflagration precipitated by an attack on Iran without evidence or justification, including the possible fall of Pakistan to jihadist militants, putting operational nuclear weapons in their hands immediately, plus collapse of the global economy from skyrocketing oil prices, and asymmetric terrorist attacks against American interests all around the world.

Bob Burka: Hey, let's give everybody BOTH showcases!

Contestant 2: But you promised there was an exit strategy.

Bob Burka: So I lied. We're not planning on leaving ever.

Bob Burka: [cue music out] Be sure to tune in tomorrow for another Worldwide Preemptive War show. Until then, rest in peace! I mean, bye bye.

Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed to be ours, and forward this message to everyone else you know.


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Trump and His Allies...
https://www.commondreams.o rg/views/2022/06/21/trump- and-his-allies-are-clear-a nd-present-danger-american -democracy?utm_source=dail y_newsletter&utm_medium=Em ail&utm_campaign=daily_new sletter_op
rudkla - 22. Jun, 05:09
The Republican Party...
https://truthout.org/artic les/the-republican-party-i s-still-doing-donald-trump s-bidding/?eType=EmailBlas tContent&eId=804d4873-50dd -4c1b-82a5-f465ac3742ce
rudkla - 26. Apr, 05:36
January 6 Committee Says...
https://truthout.org/artic les/jan-6-committee-says-t rump-engaged-in-criminal-c onspiracy-to-undo-election /?eType=EmailBlastContent& eId=552e5725-9297-4a7c-a21 4-53c8c51615a3
rudkla - 4. Mär, 05:38
Georgia Republicans Are...
https://www.commondreams.o rg/views/2022/02/14/georgi a-republicans-are-delibera tely-attacking-voting-righ ts
rudkla - 15. Feb, 05:03
Now Every Day Is January...
https://www.commondreams.o rg/views/2022/02/07/now-ev ery-day-january-6-trump-ta rgets-vote-counters
rudkla - 8. Feb, 05:41


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