Samstag, 23. Juni 2007

Is Your Cell Phone Bugged?

Informant: Dorothee Krien


Cell Phone SECURITY warning

In the US, several high powered commercial radio stations have been slapped by the FCC for RF field levels exceeding safe levels in areas of the station where employees had to work.

FCC RF field limits are set based on short-term and mid-term effects such as RF heating of tissue possibly causing cataracts in those exposed every day. Those big commercial stations use tens of thousands of watts, and buildings directly under the tower can locally concentrate RF fields, especially if any structure is present whose dimensions approach any odd multiple of 1/4 wavelength(about 3 meters in the FM broadcast band, for instance).

It is well known in radio engineering that intense local RF fields are dangerous! The maximum safe power for hand held transmitters is generally believed to be about 5 watts-and their antennas are intended to be held away from the body. This would be equivalent to a 1/2 cell phone(some are 1/4 watt these days) with its antenna at least four inches away from your head.

While studies of RF risks from cell phones are getting contradictory results, the math says that a cell phone antenna 1/2 inch from your skull(as it is generally used) with 1/2 watt of power give you as much absorbed energy as perhaps 300 watts(!) from a hypothetical hand held with a long antenna pointed away from the body at a 1 foot distance. Remember, with any form of electromagnetic field, power varies with the square of the distance.

I suspect a lot of hams would not want to run a 300W hand held transmitter very long-and one pirate radio station with only 50W routinely warned everyone to stay off the roof when the antenna was energized.

Anyway, these figures suggest that any danger from cell phone systems comes from the phones themselves, not the towers. Anyone using a cell phone will get so much RF from the handset you could not measure any effects from the tower-no matter what these effects turned out to be.

If studies found cell phones to be causing health problems, I would not be at all suprised based on the extremely high field levels generated by having the antenna so close to the skull. If people didn't insist on the phones being so damned small maybe the antennas could be kept farther way from the face.

Since people are not dropping like flies on DDT from using their phones, my guess is that most people are not harmed, most of the time. This does not mean something is safe for everyone, of course. If you get headaches while using a cell phone, either get rid of it or use some kind of aftermarket antenna that is not so close to your head.

As for cell phones, there is another problem with them that can land yu in PRISON-security! I'm not talking about intercepted call, though that's bad enough. It turns out that the FBI or anyone else who can talk your provider into putting the phone in "diagnostic mode" can use it to listen to ROOM AUDIO at least ten feet away.

I tested the sound quality possible with this by putting a small audio recorder in my backpack, walking ten feet away and talking. It recovered clearly understandable audio! Assume that any cell phone present at a meeting is doing the same, and REMOVE THE BATTERIES when not in use.

In the current issue of the Earth First! Journal there is a very good article about cell phone security hazards.

In Congressional testimony about "roving wiretaps" it came out that most cell phones can be signalled by the tower to go into "diagnostic mode" and at that point they broadcast all audio reaching the microphone. Some models will do this even when turned off, but none ca transmit with the battery removed.

A "roving wiretap" gives both audio and location-either by GPS or by the older and now automated method of triangulation.

Any time you are going somewhere you need to be able to deny having been,or any time you are going somewhere you want to not be immediatly findable by the cops, you need to leave the phone behind or remove the battery.

Before any meeting, all participants should pull out any cell phones they are carrying and remove the batteries. It's not enough to put them in a bag on the far side of the room, as my own testing has verified.

When I heard about this, I ran a simple test: I set my audio recorder(used for making Indymedia audio) to record, put it in a backpack, and walked 10 feet away indoors. Then I started talking, and guess what? The audio was clearly understandable. Assume the microphone in a cell phone is just as good, and keep the battery OUT when discussing secure matters.

The safest way to use a cell phone is not to, followed by putting the battery in only when you need to make a call or be available for calls. The disadvantage of this is obvious: you become hard to reach. At a mimimum, you should be aware of your phone any time the battery is hooked up-or anyone near you has one that has its battery installed. This way, you won't tell the FBI something you have a need for them NOT to know.

What is a cell phone? It is a computer with software you do not control and cannot modify hooked to a speaker, a microphone, and a radio transciever. In other words, it is the perfect bugging device.

Informant: lukekuhn

This Land Was My Land

Informant: bigraccoon

UN Report Warns of Wars Triggered by Climate Change

The conflict in Darfur has been driven by climate change and environmental degradation, which threaten to trigger a succession of new wars across Africa unless more is done to contain the damage, according to a UN report published yesterday.

Bush, Senate Head for Showdown on Domestic Spying

President George W. Bush is headed toward a showdown with the Senate over his domestic spying program after lawmakers approved subpoenas for documents the White House declared off-limits.

Griles Traded Many Favors With Abramoff

Jack Abramoff had a problem. It was September 2003, and a film crew was shooting "National Treasure" at the Navy Memorial, located next to what was then Abramoff's restaurant, Signatures. The crew's trailers and equipment were lined up near the building, and Abramoff, at his zenith as a big-time lobbyist with Greenberg Traurig, was concerned that they were blocking his valet parking area. So Abramoff called J. Steven Griles, and within hours the deputy secretary for the Interior Department had the park service tell the film crew to move. "I have already chatted with Griles and am all over their asses," Abramoff emailed a colleague that night.

Justice Department's No. 3 Resigns

President Bush's pick to be the No. 3 official in the Justice Department asked to have his nomination withdrawn Friday, four days before he was to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Bush Claims Oversight Exemption Too

The White House said Friday that, like Vice President Dick Cheney's office, President Bush's office is not allowing an independent federal watchdog to oversee its handling of classified national security information.

Halliburton Accused of Cooking Its Books

Investors have shrugged off almost all the bad news at Halliburton Co. the past few years - accusations of overbilling the Army and bribing foreign officials, along with scrutiny over business dealings in Iran and non-compete bids on government work. The same investors might take notice, though, if Halliburton's financial statements were in doubt, and a former company accounting executive says they are.

Gitmo Panel Cooked Intel On Detainees: Army Officer

An Army officer with a key role in the US military hearings at Guantanamo Bay says they relied on vague and incomplete intelligence and were pressured to declare detainees "enemy combatants," often without any specific evidence.

How close are Fresh Del Monte's links to bin Laden & Bush families?

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Parish hall phone mast ditched after objections

You may have seen these recent 'successes'.


Parish hall phone mast ditched after objections

CONTROVERSIAL plans to build a mobile phone mast on the roof of a parish hall have been scrapped after public protests.

Telephone company O2 had applied for permission to erect a 3.8m antennae and a base station in Church House, Hutton Rudby.

Residents said the mast would be unsightly and voiced concerns about possible health risks. A public meeting was called by the church council on May 10 and a 369-name petition drawn up.


Vicar drops phone mast plans

You may have seen these recent 'successes'.


Vicar drops phone mast plans

26 May 2007 06:07

A Norfolk vicar has dropped plans for a phone mast inside his landmark church tower and urged villagers “not to think badly” of the church for considering the proposal.

Father Adrian Ling, priest in charge at Winterton's Holy Trinity and All Saints, said the deal with QS4 would have meant much needed rent income for the church but that local concern about health fears carried more weight.


Einrichtung einer Arbeitsgruppe Mobilfunk in der Lokalen Agenda 21 Maintal

Dubai: die Araber sind uns beim Mobilfunk weit, weit voraus

NSA Subpoenas and More

Panama World Heritage Site In Danger!

Keine Bürgschaft für Regenwaldvernichtungöl

Senate Energy Bill Disappoints on Global Warming

The CIA's Family Jewels: Agency Violated Charter for 25 Years, Wiretapped Journalists and Dissidents

Senate's Underwhelming Energy Bill Shows Oil Companies and Other Polluters Still Calling Shots

Close Guantanamo, Not Tomorrow, but Today

Is The Vice President Creating A Fourth Branch of Government?

Hillary's Tone-Deaf Campaign

Slave Labor, Poisoned Toys Give Global Capitalism a Black Eye

CIA to Reveal 'Skeletons'

A Slow Demise in the Delta

From 2001 to 2005, the federal government spent nearly $1.2 billion in agricultural subsidies to boost farmers' incomes and invigorate local economies in a poverty-stricken region of the Mississippi Delta. Most residents are black, but less than five percent of the money went to black farmers. Ninety-five percent of the money went to large, commercial farms, virtually all of which have white owners.

Critics Question EPA's Tighter Ozone Limits

The Environmental Protection Agency offered tighter standards for ozone pollution for the first time since 1997, but critics said Thursday the proposal is more lax than what the EPA's own experts recommended.

An Apollo Program for Climate Change

"In May 1961, President John F. Kennedy committed the nation, by the end of that decade, to landing Americans on the moon and bringing them safely back to Earth," writes David Sokol. "Today, many political leaders say that climate change is the defining challenge of our generation. Unfortunately, they fail to provide Kennedy's understanding of what is required, much less the resources and leadership, to succeed," Sokol continues.

White House Facing Contempt of Congress Charges

House Judiciary Committee Democrats warned yesterday that they would pursue a contempt of Congress motion if the White House fails to respond to subpoenas for testimony and documents related to the firings of US attorneys last year.

Congress has 14% approval in poll New Gallup data shows

Informant: ranger116

Kucinich Speaks at the Take Back America Conference 06/20/07

Informant: Robin Rae

Ground Current in Rural and Urban Areas


Ground Current Electricity (also known as stray voltage)

The link below is to a CBC radio news story about ground current electricity. Lee Montgomery is a farmer who was one of the first people to be greatly affected by this pollution. He lost his prize dairy herd, his farm and his wife died, due to the terrible effects of ground current electrical pollution. Ground current is a very common problem throughout North America because electrical utility companies have failed to update their distribution system. It probably harms a large number of people without them even being aware of the danger. I hope that you take the time to listen to the story.

I have also attached a letter that I recently sent to the Minister of Energy for Ontario. My home has been badly affected by this problem and I am hoping it will be rectified soon.


----- Original Message -----
From: Susan Parsons
To: Martin Weatherall
Sent: Sunday, July 29, 2007 11:39 AM
Subject: Re: Lee Montgomery on CBC today before 2pm \ Here is the link so you can listen to the Lee Montgomery story


Re: Dec_costs_strayvoltage_20071011

Ontario Energy Board
21 October 2007

Ontario Energy Board:

I writing this letter to express my disappointment in the stray voltage cost eligibility decision made by the Board. Please accept this further submission outlining the reasons why I should be eligible for an award of consultation costs.

1. The Ontario Energy Board (O.E.B.) has made a mistake in suggesting that the Ontario Federation of Agriculture is representing me. I am not a member of the O.F.A. and my interests are different from theirs. The O.F.A. appears to be mostly concerned about harm to farm animals and the financial costs to farmers caused by stray voltage pollution. My main concern is for the health and safety of humans, animals and the environment. The O.F.A. did not assist me during the last four years of my ordeal, and I doubt that they will represent my interests now. The O.E.B. must be aware that stray voltage affects many people, not just animals.

2. The O.E.B. has made a mistake by referring to WEEP - Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution as an organization with a primary focus on EMFs. This is incorrect. The second word of the organization's name is "Electrical", a word that the O.E.B. surely recognizes. The fourth word of our name is "Pollution", and that is what stray voltage really is. The harm that I and others have incurred from ground current electricity is the primary reason that I co-founded WEEP. The O.E.B. should be aware that ground current electricity (stray voltage) is not nice clean 60 cycle electricity. It contains various high frequency pollutants, known to cause serious health damage. These high frequencies are best described as "Electromagnetic" (the third word in WEEP) radiation. Stray voltage appears to carry this high frequency pollution wherever it flows. Electrical pollution affects people, animals, and the environment throughout Ontario, and WEEP is extremely concerned about this. The first word of WEEP is "Wireless". If you use a transistor radio and locate a channel with limited reception and then move it close to an electrical wire or outlet, you will notice that the reception improves. This demonstrates how the electrical distribution system carries wireless transmissions on its system. All four words in the acronym WEEP are relevant to the stray voltage issue. Furthermore, WEEP is an independent not for profit organization that represents the interests of the many people who have been harmed by electrical pollution, including stray voltage.

3. The O.E.B. has made a mistake by not considering the knowledge that my electrical consultant, Mr. Dave Stetzer, can provide in this process. Mr. Stetzer probably has more direct experience with ground current electricity (stray voltage), its effects on farm operations, people, and animals than any other person in North America. He has great knowledge about the causes of stray voltage, how to measure and record it, and how the problem can be rectified. He has attended at several Ontario farms, evaluated stray voltage problems and provided assistance to those farmers. He has lectured in Ontario, to farmers and others affected by stray voltage and has brought this dreadful problem to the attention of many. The assistance that he can provide to this O.E.B. process is extensive and it would be a mistake not to invite him. He should receive full expenses for his services.

4. I have a unique perspective that the O.E.B. should consider because I have been physically harmed by the stray voltage. I have spent thousands of dollars on equipment, professional help, and mitigation in my attempts to control the stray voltage inside my home. I have also spent countless hours learning about it, measuring it, and writing to Ministries and organizations, such as the O.E.B., about it. All the utilities' employees involved in the process will be paid wages and expenses by their parent organizations. The O.E.B. is being discriminatory by denying expenses for taking part in the consultation process to me and other concerned participants. I have been a victim of stray voltage for the past four years; it is time that the O.E.B. stops making me a victim and treats me fairly.

5. The stray voltage consultation process needs independent concerned citizens to ensure that correct and safe changes are made to the electrical distribution system. Barry G. Fraser and R. Lee Montgomery, Dave Stetzer and myself, should all receive expenses for taking part in such an important consultation process for the Province of Ontario.

I became involved in this matter because Hydro One failed to keep their electrical distribution system safe, up to date, and capable of handling increased load and modern electronic usage. They have caused stray voltage, the second worst pollution problem in Ontario. Furthermore, the Ontario Energy Board has failed in its duties to regulate and enforce safe practices by Hydro One. It is extremely important to me that I participate in this process, and I feel strongly that my expenses should be paid.

Yours sincerely,

Martin Weatherall
WEEP - Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution

Dwight Duncan, Minister of Energy for Ontario
Maria Van Bommell, MPP



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