Montag, 18. Juni 2007

Where Have All The Young Ones Gone?

Rosa Maria Pegueros

In Ethiopian Desert, Fear and Cries of Army Brutality

The Bush administration, particularly the military, considers Ethiopia its best bet in the volatile Horn which - with Sudan, Somalia and Eritrea - is fast becoming intensely violent, virulently anti-American and an incubator for terrorism. But an emerging concern for American officials is the way the Ethiopian military operates inside its own borders, especially in war zones like the Ogaden.

Electorate Blames Democrats for Not Ending War

The new Democratic-led Congress is drawing the ire of voters upset with its failure to quickly deliver on a promise to end the Iraq war. This is reflected in polls that show Congress - plagued by partisan bickering mostly about the war - at one of its lowest approval ratings in a decade. Surveys find only about one in four Americans approves of it.

US Attorneys Fallout Seeps Into the Courts

For months, the Justice Department and Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales have taken political heat for the purge of eight US attorneys last year. Now the fallout is starting to hit the department in courtrooms around the country. Defense lawyers in a growing number of cases are raising questions about the motives of government lawyers who have brought charges against their clients. In court papers, they are citing the furor over the US attorney dismissals as evidence that their cases may have been infected by politics.

Grand Jury Examines GOP Senator Stevens's Ties to Veco

A federal grand jury in Washington, DC heard evidence last month about the expansion of US Senator Ted Stevens's Girdwood home in 2000 and other matters connecting Stevens to the oil services company Veco Inc.

Iraq on Verge of Genocidal War, Warns Ex-US Overseer

The man who led the initial American effort to reconstruct Iraq after the war believes the country is on the brink of a genocidal civil war and its government will fall apart unless the US changes course and allows a three-way federal structure. He has also urged talks with Iran and other regional players.

Kontrolle total

Buy no gas on July 15 2007

A message from John

Buy no gas on July 15 2007 Wednesday, 3:21 PM

Sponsored by Forest Across America Project

July 15, 2007

Invite friends

Hey Everybody!

This effort was so successful it even has MEDIA COVERAGE!!! So I was thinking that we could do it again.


Let's do another campaign to


Show your support here:

This time,... let's kinda change the focus. This time let's make special effort to send invites to people that visit other sites.

Let's see if we can help Care2 have 10,000,000 members by July 15th. We can see how we are doing by looking at the 'total members' that Care2 provides us.

There has been some question about where the 6 million members have gone,... the ones that joined Care2 and do not seem to be participating or active.

My guess is that there is no clear 'start here' indicators when a new member joins.

Could it be that we are not offering any immediate and direct action they can do to make a difference for the environment.

Action that shows immediate results that the person taking the action can see what they have accomplished (like tending an FAAP garden or planting 200 trees can provide).

We could ask everyone to join FAAP ('Forest Across America Project'). Where we ask people to take quick action to search the world for anyone willing to help plant a garden, farm or forest!

Or even plant their own garden, farm or forest,... we might even provide the land and a place to live and veggies fresh from the garden while the people help the project.

We could start our own gardens in our areas so that where ever the new member lives they can come visit one of the FAAP gardens,... and participate the day they arrive.

Then we would have a better chance of having over a million 'active' Care2 members.... and millions of trees planted.

Could you help by joining Forest Across America Project and posting something related to gardening or finding land to plant a forest...

Just one post each month, each week would help.

Something so that when new people join Care2 and FAAP there are new messages for them to enjoy.

And other messages with projects and activities they can do on their first day to make a notable difference for the environment?

So let's extend the Gas Off to July 15,... invite everyone that is not a member of Care2 (and your friends and Friends of Friends too) so that we can start a real action oriented effort to improve the health of the Earth?

If you would like to respond to this message,... please post your reply at FAAP.

Thank you...


Please forward this message to your Friends and Friends of Friends

By the way,.... this is not limited to Internet users. Make flyers and put them up everywhere,... only 10% of Americans have Internet, much lower % of Internet users in other countries.


Plant trees, lots of them, you can never plant enough!

Save the Galapagos: Stop dangerous experimentation near the Galapagos!

Tell the International Maritime Organization to crack down on reckless "iron dump."

Send a letter to the Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement

Carving Up The Rainforest

Greepeace illustrates how development banks subsidize logging interests to clearcut the Congo rainforest.



Plant trees, lots of them, you can never plant enough!

Take Back America: 'This Is Our Time'

The failure of conservatism is clear. We now have the opening to champion a bold progressive agenda.

Take Back America Just 3 Days Away

Excitement is at a fever pitch as the Take Back America conference is a mere three days away.


Watch Barbara Boxer deliver her remarks at the Take Back America Conference


Progressives Have The Mojo Now


Campaign for America's Future: Propelled by Recent Victories, Progressive Leaders to Kick-Off a Major Campaign to 'Take Back America'

City battle to keep Wi-Fi network

Norwich North MP Dr Ian Gibson has previously raised concerns about the lack of consultation over the scheme while Norfolk county councillor Andrew Boswell says he has been contacted by people worried about the proximity of the transmitters to their homes.



Dakota Region: America's Secret Chernobyl

Informant: Teresa Binstock


The dark underside of the world's fastest growing refugee crisis is the indelible scarring of millions of Iraqi children, alarming numbers of whom have witnessed gruesome violence and have had close family members murdered, a new report from World Vision finds.


Simmering in the summer heat, Iraqis now have a dream called electricity. It is a part of the bigger dream of reconstruction that collapsed. On all measurable levels, the infrastructure is worse than under the former regime of Saddam Hussein, even when it was crippled by the harshest economic sanctions in modern history. Iraqis lack security, jobs, potable water, and these days when it really pinches, electricity.

Oil Industry Scales Back Refinery Plans

A push from Congress and the White House for huge increases in biofuels, such as ethanol, is prompting the oil industry to scale back its plans for refinery expansions. That could keep gasoline prices high, possibly for years to come. With President Bush calling for a 20 percent drop in gasoline use and the Senate now debating legislation for huge increases in ethanol production, oil companies see growing uncertainty about future gasoline demand and little need to expand refineries or build new ones.

Walter Reed Patients Say Mental Care Falls Short

Every month, 20 to 40 soldiers are evacuated from Iraq because of mental problems, according to the Army. Most are sent to Walter Reed along with other war-wounded. For amputees, the nation's top Army hospital offers state-of-the-art prosthetics and physical rehabilitation programs, and soon, a new $10 million amputee center with a rappelling wall and virtual reality center. Nothing so state-of-the-art exists for soldiers with diagnoses of post-traumatic stress disorder, who in the Army alone outnumber all of the war's amputees by 43 to one.

At Least Seven Afghan Children Killed in US Airstrike

Seven children were killed in a US-led coalition airstrike targeting suspected al Qaeda militants in eastern Afghanistan, a coalition statement said Monday. The strike came hours after the deadliest insurgent attack since the Taliban fell in 2001. Police said on Monday they had detained a suspect in connection with the deadly suicide bombing that destroyed a bus full of police instructors at Kabul's busiest transportation hub, killing 35 people and wounding 52.

Erste Gemeinde in Europa gegen Wasserprivatisierung

Privatisierung und Widerstand: Wasser, Strom, Gas

Erste Gemeinde in Europa gegen Wasserprivatisierung. Die Wasserrebellen von Emmenbrücke - wie ein paar Bürger der Wasserglobalisierung die Stirn bieten.

„Als erste Gemeinde in Europa hat Emmen in die Gemeindesatzung einen Passus aufgenommen, dass die Wasserversorgung n i c h t privatisiert werden darf…“ Artikel in Linke Zeitung vom 17.06.2007

Aus: LabourNet, 18. Juni 2007

Bauer hält 118 Rumänen wie Sklaven

„Harte Feldarbeit, Hunger und einen Stundenlohn von 1,20 Euro. Was sich anhört, wie in einem Dritte-Welt-Land, hat sich tatsächlich auf einer Erdbeerplantage im bayerischen Donauwörth abgespielt. Ein Bauer soll 118 Rumänen wie Sklaven gehalten haben…“ Artikel bei Süddeutsche Zeitung online vom 16.06.2007,tt6m5/bayern/artikel/904/118765/

Siehe dazu auch:

Dreck und Dumpinglöhne. Rumänische Erntehelfer mussten nach der Arbeit betteln gehen – Besitzer der Erdbeerplantage in Bayern ist im Hauptberuf Polizist

Artikel von Claudia Wangerin in junge Welt vom 16.6.07

Und sie geben keine Herberge...“ Kongress über den Umgang mit Menschen ohne Papiere

„Rund 100 TeilnehmerInnen kamen am 11. Mai nach Bonn zum Kongress „Über den Umgang mit Menschen ohne Papiere“. Der Kongress wurde vom Arbeitskreis „Menschen ohne Papiere“ des Bonner Netzwerks für Migration MIGRANET veranstaltet und auch von der ila unterstützt. Die Schirmherrschaft hatte Prof. Dr. Herta Däubler-Gmelin, Vorsitzende des Bundestagsausschusses für Menschenrechte und Humanitäre Hilfe, übernommen. In ihrer Grußbotschaft betonte sie, Menschen ohne Papiere „haben, auch darauf muss immer wieder hingewiesen werden, Anspruch auf Realisierung ihrer grundlegenden Menschenrechte wie Gesundheit, Ausbildung, Zugang zu Rechtsschutz...“ Das thematische Einführungsreferat hielt Landeskirchenrat Jörn-Erik Gutheil. In drei Workshops beschäftigten sich die TeilnehmerInnen mit den Problemfeldern Medizinische Versorgung, Zugang zu Bildungseinrichtungen für die Kinder, Rechtssicherheit für humanitär motivierte Helfer…“ Artikel von Sigrid Becker-Wirth in der ila 306 vom Juni 2007

Aktionen: Abschiebehaft abschaffen. Gegen das unmenschliche Migrationsregime von EU und G8. Am Samstag, den 23. 6. um 15 Uhr auf nach Ingelheim (bei Mainz)

44 Gruppen rufen zur Demonstration am 23. Juni nach Ingelheim auf: „Abschiebeknäste abschaffen!“

„Im Rotweinstädtchen Ingelheim am Rhein befindet sich seit bereits fünf Jahren einer der modernsten Abschiebeknäste Deutschlands, konzipiert für 150 Häftlinge. Aktuell werden dort circa 40 bis 50 so genannte „Ausreisepflichtige“ von 60 Wärtern und 7 Hunden bewacht. Die fünf Meter hohen Betonmauern, zusätzlich mit Nato-Stacheldraht und Kameras gesichert, suggerieren, dort säßen „Schwerkriminelle“ ein. Vorurteile der Bevölkerung werden so verstärkt und verhindern eine kritische Auseinandersetzung mit dieser Einrichtung und ihrer Funktion…“ Artikel von Peter Kleinert in NRhZ-Online - Neue Rheinische Zeitung Nr 99 vom vom 13.06.2007

Aus: LabourNet, 18. Juni 2007üchtlinge

Völlig durchleuchtet mit der Kundenkarte der Zukunft

Calling evil by its name

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Russia bans human tissue export in bioweapon alert

Kommersant attributed the ban to fears in the secret service that Russian genetic material could be used abroad to make biochemical weapons targeting Russians.

From Information Clearing House

Crisis of American Superpower

Charlie Rose Interviews Zbigniew Brzezinski

A conversation with former National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski about his book Second Chance: Three Presidents and the Crisis of American Superpower.

From Information Clearing House

Backlash feared to US funding in Iran

The survival of Iran's fragile pro-democracy movement is being threatened by the US administration's continuing attempts to fund the country's civil society, leading activists have warned.

From Information Clearing House

U.S.: 60 Pct of Baghdad Not Controlled

Security forces in Baghdad have full control in only 40 percent of the city five months into the pacification campaign, a top American general said Saturday.,,-6714881,00.html

From Information Clearing House

Mercenaries face mounting losses

Companies, funded by billions of dollars in U.S. military and State Department contracts, are fighting insurgents on a widening scale in Iraq, enduring daily attacks, returning fire and taking hundreds of casualties that have been underreported and sometimes concealed, according to U.S. and Iraqi officials and company representatives.

From Information Clearing House

SAS man sets up Sunnis to take on al-Qa'eda

A British general is at the forefront of a risky American strategy to turn former Sunni insurgents into "freedom fighters" battling al-Qa'eda in Baghdad.

From Information Clearing House

There's money out there, but little sign of responsibility

The super-rich are back, and would much rather buy private planes or build golf courses than recognise their debt to society.,,2104908,00.html

From Information Clearing House

US troops could stay in Iraq for a decade: General

US forces could be needed in Iraq for a decade to battle insurgents, the top coalition commander said yesterday while vowing a "forthright" review in September on whether a troop surge is working.

From Information Clearing House

A bloody epitaph to Blair's war

The death of a hotel receptionist in British custody was first reported by the IoS. In the week that the Law Lords ruled that the Human Rights Act applies to Iraqis in British custody, Andrew Johnston reveals the shocking witness statements that shed new light on a dark chapter in an illegal war.

From Information Clearing House

Blair despaired of US Iraq war plans

Mr Bush told Mr Blair that he did not have to commit soldiers and could help 'in some other way'. But the PM replied: "No, I'm with you."

From Information Clearing House

Arming Sunni Militias Undercuts Iraqi Government, Critics Say

Maliki asks US troops to resist arming Iraqi tribes

Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri Al-Maliki has warned that US troops sometimes create new militias by arming Iraqi tribes, urging that such decisions be left to his government.

From Information Clearing House


Arming Sunni Militias Undercuts Iraqi Government, Critics Say

A US program to combat al Qaeda in Iraq by arming Sunni Muslims undercuts the Iraqi government and years of US policy, and is a tacit acknowledgment that the country's violence is really a civil war, some US military officials in Washington and foreign policy experts say. The program, which Bush administration officials have hailed as a sign of progress in Iraq, has sparked heated debate among military and foreign policy analysts. It is opposed by the Iraqi government of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki.

Americans Unready to Revolt, Despite Revolting Conditions

By Joel S. Hirschhorn

The latest NBC/Wall Street Journal national poll results vividly show a population incredibly dissatisfied with their nation's political system. In other countries in other times such a depressing level of confidence in government would send a signal to those running the government that a major upheaval is imminent. But not here in the USA. Why?

War Foretold: Mark Twain and the Sins of Our Race

By Ramzy Baroud

When I resorted to Mark Twain's writings I attempted to escape, at least temporarily from my often distressing readings on war, politics and terror. But his "The Mysterious Stranger", although published 1916, still left me with an eerie feel. The imaginative story calls into question beliefs that we hold as a "matter of course" - a favorite phrase of his. It summons the awful tendencies of "our race": our irrational drive for violence, be it burning 'witches' at the stake or engaging in wars that only serve the "little monarchs and the nobilities."

The mythos that the United States can do no wrong

In the Absence of Reason

By Charles Sullivan

My coworkers are good people, but they are sadly misinformed about the world in general, and things political in particular. They have subscribed to the mythos that the United States can do no wrong, and that the actions of the government in the Middle East, and elsewhere, are not only justified, but sanctified by god. That is the thinking behind manifest destiny.

A cry for justice from a good man who expected us to protect his son

By Robert Fisk

I had seen British military brutality in Northern Ireland - I had even been threatened by British officers in Belfast - but I somehow thought that things had changed, that a new, more disciplined army had emerged from the dark, sinister days of the Irish conflict. But I was wrong. Baha Mousa, Daoud's son, had died from the injuries he received in British custody, a young, decent man whose father was a cop, who did nothing worse than work as a receptionist in a Basra hotel.

Getting The Truth About America's Gold Reserve

by Devvy Kidd

There's no question America is in a dark and dangerous period of history. The world's banking cartels have had their way for centuries, manipulating, strangling and raping the wealth of nations with America at the top of their agenda. For those of us who own gold, we fully understand the importance of owning it to protect us from the machinations of truly evil men. GATA (Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee), has been on a relentless crusade for quite some time to expose the manipulation of gold by the Masters of the Game......

Millions of desperate Iraqis stream into Syria

Informant: Steven L. Robinson

From ufpj-news



Scores of Iraqi men, women and children gathered on the pavement of Baghdad's central Salihiyah area waiting for the big grey bus to take them to neighboring Syria and help them flee their country's violence. Every month, tens of thousands of Iraqis flee to Jordan and Syria - the only two neighboring countries which have opened their borders to Iraqi refugees.

A Crude Awakening: The Oil Crash

Informant: NHNE

What's an Iraqi life worth? How about an Iraqi car?

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Warnung vor Handy-Spannern: "Die Dunkelziffer ist sehr hoch"

The GM crop has saved Argentina's economy but now threatens the survival of its forests,,2104801,00.html

Informant: Teresa Binstock

EHS TV News: Edición España - Reportaje Direct 8

Next-up News n°255

The New York Times and the propaganda campaign against Iran

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Conflict Over Executive Privilege Looms

Congressional Democrats have always believed that the Justice Department's plan to fire eight US attorneys began in the White House, and last week they proved willing to take their investigation to its doorstep by subpoenaing two former Bush aides. Many legal observers say the subpoenas are more likely to force the White House to find some sort of middle ground - even if it takes a protracted legal fight to get there.

Lawmakers Eye Criminal Charges Over Defense Contracts

Senator Claire McCaskill, who is investigating reports of waste, fraud and mismanagement in defense contracts in Iraq, said criminal charges may be filed in some cases and that the government might get at least a little of its money back.

Blair Knew US Had No Post-War Plan for Iraq

Tony Blair agreed to commit British troops to battle in Iraq in the full knowledge that Washington had failed to make adequate preparations for the postwar reconstruction of the country, the Observer UK reports.

The General's Report

The New Yorker's Seymour Hersh reports that a general who investigated US troops sexually humiliating Iraqi prisoners at the notorious Abu Ghraib prison told Pentagon officials, including former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, about the incidents before the scandal became public, but Rumsfeld, and other officials, who told Congress they were unaware about the extent of the abuse, "are lying to protect themselves."


Seymour M. Hersh: The General's Report

How Antonio Taguba, who investigated the Abu Ghraib scandal, became one of its casualties.

From Information Clearing House


New Hersh report depicts rogue US executive & military out of

From ufpj-news

Informant: Charles Jenks


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Juni 2007


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