Donnerstag, 7. Juni 2007

Ask the Iraqi Government to End Our Occupation of Their Country

We've asked Congress to end the occupation of Iraq and seen no progress. Iraq's Parliament, on the other hand, is taking steps to legally require that the occupation end. A note from you, as an American, to the Iraqi Embassy in Washington, D.C., might help move the Iraqi government where Congress dares not go.


As a resident of the United States, I am contacting you in a spirit of friendship and sorrow. I apologize for the behavior of my government and its insistence on occupying your nation. I would like to urge your government to do what the majority of the American people and the majority of the Iraqi people want done, but what the U.S. government is unwilling to do: end the occupation. If you will take this step and send our military men and women home to their families, I will commit to doing everything I can to assist in the reconstruction of Iraq by Iraqis once the occupation is over.


Informant: David Swanson

From ufpj-news

Don't Let Congress Undo State and Local Animal Laws

Senator Russ Feingold: Statement On Habeas Corpus Restoration Act of 2007

The Crime Is The Prison

The Greenwashing Of America

Yet Another G8 Farce

Coke Faces New Charges in India, Including 'Greenwashing'

Cheney Blocked Official's Promotion

California Senate OKs State War Referendum

California could become the first state to formally call for immediate withdrawal of US troops from Iraq under a ballot proposal that the state Senate approved on Wednesday.

Complaints Abound Over Enforcement of Voter Registration Law

Representatives of three liberal-leaning groups came to the Justice Department in 2004, armed with evidence that hundreds of public-assistance agencies had illegally failed to offer voter registration to their mostly poor and minority clients.

Last Plamegate Worry for Bush/Cheney

Robert Parry writes: "It's a well-worn talking point for George W. Bush's supporters to say there was no underlying crime beneath former White House aide I. Lewis Libby's conviction for obstructing justice, a debatable point itself. But the evidence is clear there was a larger cover-up conspiracy - and it could still unravel."

Goodling's "Uncomfortable" Conversation Piques Senators' Interest

The leaders of the Senate Judiciary Committee are seeking answers regarding an "uncomfortable" conversation on the firing of US attorneys between Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and Monica Goodling that the former Department of Justice aide described in recent testimony.

GOP Senator Stevens Under Probe by FBI

Senator Ted Stevens, the longest-serving Republican in the Senate, disclosed in an interview that the FBI asked him to preserve records as part of a widening investigation into Alaskan political corruption that has touched his son and ensnared one of his closest political confidants and financial backers.

Comey Implicates Cheney in Wiretapping Reprisal

Former Deputy Attorney General James Comey told the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, in written remarks Wednesday, that Vice President Dick Cheney blocked the promotion of a top Justice Department lawyer after the official called into question the legality of the White House's secret domestic spying program.

Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Klaus Buchner: Macht Mobilfunk krank?



Prof. Dr. Karl Richter 6-06-07


Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

in Zusammenarbeit mit der neugegründeten 'Kompetenzinitiative zum Schutz von Mensch, Umwelt und Demokratie' lädt das Bündnis saarländischer Bürgerinitiativen Mobilfunk für den 12. Juni, 19.30 Uhr, in den großen Sitzungssaal des Rathauses Homburg / Saar zu einem Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Klaus Buchner, Physikprofessor der TU München und Vorsitzender der ÖDP, ein:

"Macht Mobilfunk krank?"

Einladungstext mit weiteren Angaben anbei.

Die erwähnte Kompetenzinitiative, die wir bei dieser Gelegenheit mit vorstellen werden, ist eine deutschlandweite und internationale Reaktion auf beobachtete fachliche, demokratische und ethische Defizite derzeitiger Verbraucherschutz- und Umweltpolitik. Über ihr Programm und erste Aktivitäten - u. a. Auseinandersetzung mit industriefinanzierten Ärzteschulungen und einem fragwürdigen Spiegel-Journalismus - informiert die Website ; über die Arbeit unseres saarländischen Bürgerbündnisses .

Vorträge zu einem verantwortungsbewussten Einsatz der Messtechnik, zum Verschwinden der Bienen und den Folgen einer staatlich konzessionierten Mitgestaltung des Verbraucherschutzes durch die Interessenvertretung der Mobilfunkindustrie (IZMF) werden in unserem diesjährigen Veranstaltungsprogramm folgen.

Wir bitten die Medien des Landes, auf unsere Veranstaltungen hinzuweisen und darüber zu berichten.

Wir bitten interessierte Ärzte, Heilpraktiker, Wissenschaftler sowie Landes- und Kommunalpolitiker aller Parteien, die sich einer verharmlosenden staatlichen Informationspolitik und erst recht der 'Aufklärung' von Ärzten, Schulen und Eltern durch die Mobilfunkindustrie nicht anvertrauen wollen, mit uns Kontakt aufzunehmen.

Wir bitten Bürgerinnen und Bürger, unsere Arbeit zum Schutz von Mensch, Umwelt und Demokratie zu unterstützen.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

i. A. des Bündnisses saarländischer Bürgerinitiativen Mobilfunk
Prof. Dr. Karl Richter, Judith Hemm und Armin Scheid

Strong Support for Banning Foie Gras

IDA and RSPCA call on consumers and lawmakers to reject deadly "delicacy".



Informant: reg

Save the Tahuamanu Rainforest


Plant trees, lots of them, you can never plant enough!

The Ballad Of Ake Green

by Rick Perlstein,

How Christian conservative activists spread a vicious lie about a hate crimes bill.

39 People Disappear in US Custody

Six human rights groups on Wednesday released a list of 39 people they believe have been secretly imprisoned by the United States and whose whereabouts are unknown, calling on the Bush administration to abandon such detentions.

Cheney Strong-Armed DOJ on Domestic Spying Program

Cheney told Justice Department officials that he disagreed with their objections to a secret surveillance program during a high-level White House meeting in March 2004, former senior Justice official James B. Comey told senators yesterday. Comey's disclosures, made in response to written questions from the Senate Judiciary Committee, indicate that Cheney and his aides were more closely involved than previously known in a fierce internal battle over the legality of the warrantless surveillance program.

Mast plan is before council

Jun 7 2007

by Lyndsay Young, Bootle Times

A CONTROVERSIAL proposal to install a mobile phone mast near a Bootle school will go before Sefton Council’s planning committee tonight (Thursday).

It is expected that the plans to site a T Mobile phone mast on the corner of the pavement at the junction of Orrell Mount and Hawthorne Road will go ahead.

The 15m high monopole and equipment cabinets would be sited on the pavement in front of the Orrell Mount Industrial Estate, 80m from houses and 150m from St Wilfrid’s High School.

A letter objecting to the plans was submitted by the school as well as three letters from residents in Rose Avenue, Walker Drive and Hawthorne Road.

They complained it is too close to the school, houses and major redevelopment schemes; there is a lack of information about the health impact and it would have detrimental affect on the appearance of the road.

However has been recommended that prior approval should be granted by councillors at tonight’s meeting at Bootle Town Hall.

In his report to the committee, Andy Wallis, Sefton Council’s planning and economic regeneration director said: “The proposal will not have a detrimental impact on the visual amenity of the area, nor on nearby residential properties and schools, therefore approval is recommended.”

In his report he comments that The Stewart Report on the health affects of mobile phone masts concluded that there was no general risk.

Mr Wallis said: “There is substantial independent expert opinion that indicates that exposure levels from living near to a mobile phone base station are not likely to pose any risk to health.”

The report states that when Sefton Council has refused applications for masts they are generally given the go-ahead if an appeal is made.

Mr Wallis added: “The monopole and cabinets are sited sufficiently far from houses and the school not to have any direct detrimental impact on residents and schoolchildren.”

l The planning meeting will start at 6.30pm.

© owned by or licensed to Trinity Mirror North West & North Wales Limited 2007

Auf Schönwetter machen reicht nicht

#Die Linkspartei.PDS: Pressemitteilungen

07. Juni 2007

Zu dem angeblichen G8-Durchbruch beim Klimaschutz erklärt die stellvertretende Parteivorsitzende Katja Kipping:

Man hat den Eindruck: Die G8 reden vom Wetter, wir reden vom Klimaschutz. In Zeiten des Klimawandels reicht es nicht aus, auf Schönwetter zu machen. Sicherlich sitzt mit George Bush Frau Merkel ein harter Klimaschutzgegner gegenüber. Der angeblich erzielte Durchbruch ist ein weiterer Schritt auf dem Pfad der wirkungslosen Unverbindlichkeiten. Man könnte auch sagen: Außer Spesen nicht gewesen.

Ron Paul Attacks Giuliani's Support Of National ID Card

Families' heath worries over mast

PARENTS are fearing for their children’s safety after a phone mast was erected on a neighbouring rugby field.

Residents of Hartshead Avenue, which backs on to Ashton Rugby Club’s ground, claim they were not told about the mast, which was erected two weeks ago.

Mum-of-four Elaine McCabe’s garden is next to the field.

“I was really shocked. Children play on that field and schools use it too and I wonder if parents have been made aware they are playing under one of those things,” she said.

“I’ve read articles about electromagnetic radiation — about incidents of childhood cancer increasing because of it. My garden is around 150m from the mast so I’m annoyed that I didn’t receive a letter warning me about it.

“There’s not been enough research done about these masts so they shouldn’t be putting them up anywhere near houses fullstop. There’s plenty of hills round here — why don’t they put them on there?

Tameside Council says it is only legally obliged to inform residents within four metres of any planned mast, but that on this occasion informed the 40 nearest houses, without any complaints being made.

Rugby Club secretary, Dennis Gee, said: “As far as safety, emissions from that — so we’ve been told — are about the same as when you use your own mobile phone. The mast has gone through three years of planning applications at the highest level possible.

“It’s a T Mobile mast, a massive company — they’re not just going to plonk one of these things down unless they’re sure it’s safe,” he said.

“If residents have any problems we want them to come in and see us at the rugby club. We don’t want any hassle, we want to get on with out neighbours.

“We’ll sit down and have a chat.”

A Tameside Council spokeswoman added: “This site was specifically chosen because it is furthest from local houses and near to existing trees to provide screening.” Eve Dugdale

First published by the Tameside Advertiser

© Copyright 2007 Guardian Media Group

Protest the stoning of Du'a Khalil Aswad

Sign our petition to protest the stoning of Du'a Khalil Aswad

Fears that children are getting damaged by radiation: environmentalists want to ban wireless networks

WIFI news from Norway

Good news, we have made some progress in Norway regarding WIFI.

There is now a major initiative from the largest environmental organisation in Norway to ban WIFI from all public areas, starting with schools and kindergardens.

The article headline reads: "Fears that children are getting damaged by radiation. Environmentalists want to ban wireless networks."

And continues... "Wireless transmitters for PC networks emits so much health damaging radiation that a ban is called for in Norwegian schools.

The man on the photo is the main guy in the largest Norwegian environmental organisation, Kurt Oddekalv.

We have been working on this issue together with one of the leaders in the Norwegian el-sensitive group, who now works for this environmental organisation. It will be an interesting process to see what players will enter this discussion now to try and ridicule or stop it.

Anyway, the discussion has started and surely there will be some activities from parents and the like to have schools remove WIFI.


Børge Mørk


Norwegian Environmental Group

Green Warriors of Norway
Leader: Kurt Oddekalv
Phone: (+47) 90 89 22 68
Email: kurt (Add

Wireless causes health problems

The offshore prison breeds terror, it must be closed now

Informant: Corey

The "Read the Bills Act" (RTBA) is promoting legislation to force Congress to read every word of every bill it creates before it can vote on it. Check it out here:

Come to to learn more:

Informant: Corey

Verarmung und Bereicherung der Gesellschaft und was man dagegen tun kann

The end of Bush’s kangaroo courts?

by Jennifer Daskal


If the Bush administration had any sense, Monday’s courtroom spectacle would mark the death knell of the military commissions in Guantánamo Bay, Cuba. On Sunday evening, I climbed off a chartered jet full of journalists, cameramen, lawyers, military handlers and other independent observers, anticipating what was to be the start of the first full-blown trials here. After more than five years in U.S. detention and multiple court challenges, two detainees — Omar Khadr, who was 15 when he was arrested, and Salim Hamdan, alleged to be one of Osama bin Laden’s drivers — were finally going to be brought to trial. But by Monday evening, both cases had been dismissed, and the fate of any future such trials was left in serious jeopardy...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp Khadr

Restoring the republic with truth and fearlessness

by Karen Kwiatkowski

Today, in the United States, unlimited information is instantly available to old and young, to the formally educated and the illiterate, to the fact finder and the politician, the entrepreneur, the scientist, the worker, and the business mogul. This wonderful 21st century may be exactly what the anti-federalists envisioned. I am often reminded of the famous quote from the 1992 movie remake of the Last of the Mohicans. A Loyalist commander asks, ‘And who empowered these colonials to pass judgment on England’s policies, and to come and go without so much as a ‘by your leave?’” Cora Munro answers, ‘They do not live their lives ‘by your leave!’ They hack it out of the wilderness with their own two hands, bearing their children along the way!’ Mostly due to modern technologies, we have today outstanding decentralization, mobility, unleashed human creativity, and if we need it, anonymity. We have the wilderness. We have, or can get, what we need to live our lives, and control our destinies. We can ‘hack’ out our own lives. We may be taught to live our lives at the direction, and by the permission, of government, but in fact, we don’t have to... (speech given at the recent FFF conference; published 06/06/07)

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Must history always repeat itself?

Future of Freedom Foundation
by Gary D. Barnett


Some comparisons are just too tough to stomach, but the time has come to stomach one of them just the same. The United States has become the opposite of what was intended by our Founding Fathers. It is now not free, but rather sunk in dictatorial morass. What has become of us Americans? Why are we so weak as a people? Why do we not stand up for justice, right, and freedom, and against big, omnipotent government?

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

US missiles hit Russia where it hurts

Asia Times
by M K Bhadrakumar


The escalating war of words over the United States’ proposed deployment of a missile defense system in Europe highlights the determined effort by Washington to eliminate Moscow’s strategic parity with the US. This is the first essential step toward the US regaining “unipolarity”. Moscow is firmly resisting, no matter what it takes, and has a budding ally in China...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Bushed army

The American Conservative
by Andrew J. Bacevich


Courting the soldier vote during the 2000 presidential campaign, the candidate made this simple promise: ‘Help is on the way.’ Throughout the 1990s, Republicans had regularly lambasted the Clinton administration for misusing America’s military and for failing to show soldiers proper respect. Electing George W. Bush was supposed to fix that. The electoral strategy paid off handsomely: the absentee votes of soldiers helped Bush carry Florida and claim the Oval Office. Yet rather than delivering help, the Bush administration has since subjected the Armed Forces of the United States to sustained abuse. The scandal at Walter Reed is not some isolated blemish on an otherwise admirable record. It is emblematic of the way that this administration has treated soldiers...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Rights groups press US on “ghost detainees”



A coalition of human rights groups is demanding the United States account for 39 terror suspects it believes have been secretly imprisoned and published their names in a report being released Thursday. Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and four other groups have drawn up a list of 39 so-called ‘ghost detainees’ — people they claim are held by U.S. authorities and are still missing...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Bush war adviser was skeptical on Iraq

Bennington Banner


Lt. Gen. Douglas Lute, picked by President Bush as his White House war adviser, said Wednesday he had been skeptical of Bush’s decision to send thousands more U.S. troops into Iraq. In a written response to questions by the Senate Armed Services Committee, Lute confirmed news reports that he had voiced doubts during a White House-led policy review that led to Bush’s Jan. 10 announcement that 21,500 more combat troops would go to Baghdad and Anbar province...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Poor-Washing, the Gates Foundation and the "Green Revolution" in Africa

Are corporate foundations really out to feed the hungry, or are they hypocritical Trojan Horses on a mission to hijack the world's food supply - to create the most complete and ultimate state of dependency.

From Information Clearing House

Syria Dumps US Dollar Peg

Global Confidence In Greenback Falls

From Information Clearing House

Censorship 'changes face of net'

Amnesty International has warned that the internet "could change beyond all recognition" unless action is taken against the erosion of online freedoms.

From Information Clearing House

John Conyers and the Bush Dictatorship

Without fanfare, or announcement of any kind, the president recently signed a directive which states that in case of a "catastrophic emergency" the "President shall lead the activities of the Federal Government for ensuring constitutional government." What is a catastrophic emergency? Well, it is anything that Bush says it is.

From Information Clearing House

Hicks conviction in doubt after US setback

Australian David Hicks became the military commission system's first scalp when he pleaded guilty on March 30 to a terrorism charge.,23599,21858265-1702,00.html

From Information Clearing House

No Unlawful Enemy Combatants at Guantanamo

Marjorie Cohn of Thomas Jefferson School of Law, says US treatment of those combatants violates the Geneva Conventions.

Congress warns on Guantanamo rulings

THE White House must work with Congress on a new system for trying terror suspects after a military court threw out charges against two Guantanamo Bay inmates, top Democrats said today.

Democrats want habeas corpus for detainees

Congressional Democrats are seizing on rulings against the current terror trial system to call for the right of detainees to file habeas corpus suits.

From Information Clearing House

33 Congress Members for Impeachment

14 US Congress Members Support Cheney Impeachment


Five US Reps Support Cheney Impeachment

US Rep. Yvette Clarke (D-NY) has become the fifth total co-sponsor of US Rep. Dennis Kucinich's (D-OH) bill to impeach Vice President of the United States Dick Cheney, Atlanta Progressive News has learned. In addition to Kucinich, the additional three Members of Congress who have signed on to H. Res 333 are US Rep. Janice Schakowsky (D-IL), William Lacy Clay (D-MO), and Albert Wynn (D-MD).

From Information Clearing House


Six Congress Members for Impeachment

By David Swanson

Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey, Co-Chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, has joined Congress Members Yvette Clarke, Jan Schakowsky, William Lacy Clay, Albert Wynn, and Dennis Kucinich in cosponsoring Articles of Impeachment against Vice President Dick Cheney (H. Res. 333). For details, see:

Thank Lynn here:

Ask her to please encourage other Progressive Caucus Members to sign on.

The list of state Democratic Parties that have passed resolutions urging impeachment of Bush and Cheney has just grown to 15. Meanwhile, 11 state legislatures have introduced such resolutions, which have now been passed by at least 76 cities and towns and a growing list of labor unions and other organizations. These resolutions are all listed at

Seven Congress Members for Impeachment

By David Swanson

Congresswoman Barbara Lee, Co-Chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, has joined Lynn Woolsey, the other Co-Chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, and Congress Members Yvette Clarke, Jan Schakowsky, William Lacy Clay, Albert Wynn, and Dennis Kucinich in cosponsoring Articles of Impeachment against Vice President Dick Cheney (H. Res. 333). For details, see:

Thank Barbara Lee here:
Thank Lynn Woolsey here:

Ask Lee and Woolsey to please encourage other Progressive Caucus Members to sign on.

Ask other Progressive Caucus Members to please sign on.

The list of state Democratic Parties that have passed resolutions urging impeachment of Bush and Cheney has just grown to 15. Meanwhile, 11 state legislatures have introduced such resolutions, which have now been passed by at least 77 cities and towns and a growing list of labor unions and other organizations. These resolutions are all listed at

Eight Congress Members for Impeachment

By David Swanson

Congresswoman Maxine Waters, Chair of the Out of Iraq Caucus, has joined Congresswomen Barbara Lee and Lynn Woolsey, the two Co-Chairs of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, as well as Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky, Chief Deputy Whip and a member of the Steering and Policy Committee, and Congress Members Yvette Clarke, William Lacy Clay, Albert Wynn, and Dennis Kucinich in cosponsoring Articles of Impeachment against Vice President Dick Cheney (H. Res. 333). For details, see:

On Wednesday, June 13, Waters and Kucinich plan to hold a press conference in Washington, D.C., to discuss "Renewed Efforts in the House of Representatives to Impeach Vice President Cheney." The event is planned for 9:30 a.m. at the Cannon Terrace (on the outside of the Cannon House Office Building).

The reference to "renewed" efforts may be related to this discussion of impeaching Cheney in which Congresswoman Waters engaged in April 2006:

Congresswoman Waters has spoken out strongly on this issue since June 16, 2005:

The list of state Democratic Parties that have passed resolutions urging the impeachment of Bush and Cheney has recently grown to 15. Meanwhile, 11 state legislatures have introduced such resolutions, which have now been passed by at least 77 cities and towns and a growing list of labor unions and other organizations. These resolutions are all listed at

33 Congress Members for Impeachment

From ufpj-news

Countdown to War on Iran

US Foments Unrest and Spurns Overtures

From Information Clearing House

Ghosts of History Haunt Pakistan and US War on Terror

One of Afghanistan's many springs of blood and tears has just started. Its vast southern and south-eastern mountains and deserts witness the fiercest battles between the Taliban and NATO troops. Blood and destruction are all over the place. Villages are left empty ruins, and the carpet bombing and the Taliban guerrilla warfare turned life for the innocent civilians into a hell.

U.S. Doubles Air Attacks in Iraq

Four years into the war that opened with "shock and awe," U.S. warplanes have again stepped up attacks in Iraq, dropping bombs at more than twice the rate of a year ago.

From Information Clearing House

The Thirteen Stars and Stripes: An Expatriate's Alarm

By Emanuel E. Garcia

A quartet of laws has been signed that lays the complete legal foundation for the takeover of our constitutional democracy.

What is G8, actually?

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Petition to Ban Detergents Linked to Gender Changes in Fish

Five environmental groups and a labor union petitioned the US Environmental Protection Agency to restrict the use of chemicals that are found in many household detergents and have been linked to gender changes in fish and other aquatic life.

Black Labor Vows "We Will Not Be Made Expendable"

"The global 'Race to the Bottom' is fast erasing blacks from the ever-shrinking unionized labor force, a historical crisis that demands an all-out campaign to dismantle the corporate agenda," says Glen Ford. "Black folks have already seen the bottom, and will not go back."

Thunder? It's the Sound of Greenland Melting

Atop Greenland's Suicide Cliff, from where old Inuit women used to hurl themselves when they felt they had become a burden to their community, a crack and a thud like thunder pierce the air. "We don't have thunder here. But I know it from movies," says Ilulissat nurse Vilhelmina Nathanielsen. "It's the ice cracking inside the icebergs." Greenland's ice cap is melting, and faster than scientists had thought possible.

Equipment Levels Worst Ever, Guard Chief Says

About half of all National Guard equipment is being used in the Middle East, and the Guard’s senior uniformed officer said Tuesday that could hurt the organization’s overall readiness at home. The equipment problem is the result of a long-term strategy of assuming risk by underequipping - and underfunding - the Guard.

New Charges Filed in Abramoff Probe

The head of a Republican environmental advocacy group was charged Wednesday with tax evasion and obstructing a Senate inquiry as part of the Jack Abramoff corruption probe.

Reporter Arrested on Orders of Giuliani Press Secretary


Infowars' Matt Lepacek arrested after GOP debate


Infowars' Matt Lepacek confronts Rudy Giuliani pollster Ed Goeas in the spin room after the 6/5/07 Republican debate in Manchester. He is arrested; later, his colleague Luke Rudowski is led outside by police. Rudowski is let go and explains what just happened.

From Information Clearing House


Will fiendish Giuliani be Bush III?

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Öffentliche Petition: Veröffentlichung Arbeitslosenzahlen

Seit kurzem ist unsere öffentliche Petition zur Veröffentlichung der Arbeitslosenzahlen online und kann unterzeichnet werden. Zur Petition gelangt man über

wir bitten Sie, die Petition zu unterstützen und über Ihre persönlichen Verteiler unter die Leute zu bringen, wir brauchen viele, viele Unterschriften um das Thema über die Petition in den Bundestag zu bringen.

Vielen Dank für Ihre Unterstützung

Pia Witte

Text der Petition:

Der Deutsche Bundestag möge beschließen, dass das statistische Bundesamt die offizielle Zahl der Arbeitslosen in Deutschland veröffentlicht. Als Arbeitslosenzahl soll gelten: Die Summe aller im gesamten Berichtszeitraum arbeitslosen bzw. arbeitsuchenden Menschen, die Leistungsbezieher nach dem SGB III (ALG I), nach dem SGB II (ALG II), arbeitsuchend mit oder ohne Leistungsbezug sind oder sich in einer Arbeitsgelegenheit, einer Fortbildungs- oder sonstigen arbeitsmarktpolitischen Maßnahme befinden.

Begründung: Um bei Bundestagswahlen zu entscheiden, welche Partei er wählt, braucht der Bürger verlässliche Informationen über die Erfolge bzw. Nicht-Erfolge der an der Regierung beteiligten Parteien. Für eine große Mehrheit der Bürger ist es von herausragender Bedeutung, inwieweit die Regierung das Problem der Massenarbeitslosigkeit meistert. Zur Zeit werden die monatlichen Arbeitslosenzahlen in der BRD durch die Bundesagentur für Arbeit bzw. das Ministerium für Arbeit und Soziales veröffentlicht. Da auch die Leistung dieser Stellen an der Höhe der Arbeitslosenquote gemessen wird, ist es nur allzu menschlich und verständlich, dass sie die Zahlen möglichst vorteilhaft darstellen. Dadurch kann es für den Bürger schwierig sein, anhand der veröffentlichten Zahlen seine Wahlentscheidung sachkundig an diesem wichtigen Bereich zu orientieren. Beispielsweise werden Personen, die an Maßnahmen teilnehmen und per Gesetz dazu verpflichtet sind, beim Angebot eines Arbeitsplatzes auf dem ersten Arbeitsmarkt die Maßnahme unverzüglich abzubrechen, dennoch in der derzeitigen Statistik nicht als Arbeitslose geführt. Der Bundestag lege daher per Gesetz fest, dass die monatlichen Zahlen über den Stand der Arbeitslosigkeit in Deutschland nicht mehr von der Bundesagentur oder dem Ministerium für Arbeit und Soziales veröffentlicht werden, sondern durch die neutralere Instanz des statistischen Bundesamts. Dabei sollen die Zahlen wie folgt aufgeschlüsselt werden: I. Im gesamten Berichtszeitraum arbeitslose bzw. arbeitssuchende Leistungsbezieher: - Gesamtzahl der Leistungsbezieher in der Bundesrepublik, dann aufgeschlüsselt nach: a) Anzahl der Leistungsbezieher nach dem SGB III (ALG I) b) Anzahl der Leistungsbezieher nach dem SGB II (ALG II) - Gesamtzahl der als arbeitssuchend gemeldeten Personen, kann aufgeschlüsselt werden nach: c) Arbeitssuchende mit Leistungsbezug d) Arbeitssuchende ohne Leistungsbezug - Personen in arbeitsmarktpolitischen Maßnahmen können aufgeschlüsselt werden nach: e) Anzahl der Personen in einer AGH (1 Euro ?Job) f) Personen in einer Fortbildungsmaßnahme g) Personen in sonstigen Maßnahmen h) Personen mit SGB II Bezug die einer Erwerbstätigkeit nachgehen (Aufstocker) Die Summe der Personen unter I. a), b) und d), abzüglich h), soll als offizielle Gesamtzahl der Arbeitslosen im Berichtszeitraum gelten und durch das statistische Bundesamt veröffentlicht werden. II. Weitere im Rahmen der Sozialgesetzbücher berücksichtigte Personengruppen: - Gesamtzahl derer, die im Berichtszeitraum arbeitssuchend gemeldet waren und eine sozialversicherungspflichtige Tätigkeit aufgenommen haben, aufgeschlüsselt nach: a) durch die Bundesagentur/ARGE in Arbeit vermittelt, b) ohne die Vermittlung durch die Bundesagentur/ARGE den Weg in den ersten Arbeitsmarkt gefunden. - Gesamtzahl der Kinder unter 15 Jahren in der Bundesrepublik, die vom Sozialgeld leben. Diese weiteren Angaben unter II. und weiter aufgeschlüsselte Informationen unter I. stehen immer zur Veröffentlichung frei.


Petition gegen geschönte Arbeitslosenzahlen

Hintergrundbericht dazu:

Help RESTORE Habeas Corpus and the Constitution - Bring Back Habeas Corpus

Shortly after Democrats won majorities in Congress last November, we asked our readers what changes they should make first. From a list of 140 possible changes, your #1 response was "Restore Habeas Corpus - access to courts for all prisoners of the U.S."

Habeas corpus, which permits the accused a fair hearing in front of a neutral judge, is the most fundamental check on executive power in our Constitution. The United States Supreme Court asserted that habeas "is the fundamental instrument for safeguarding individual freedom against lawless state action."

Today, Senate Judiciary Committee chair Patrick Leahy (D-VT) sent us this message:

"Many of you may recall the hasty passage of the Military Commissions Act in the weeks leading up to last year's election, a bill that set new rules for trying detainees, in particular those currently being held at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba.

"The passage of this bill was a profound mistake, and its elimination of habeas corpus review was its worst error. Righting this wrong is one of my top priorities, and on the first day of this Congress I joined with Senator Arlen Specter to introduce the Habeas Corpus Restoration Act (S. 185). This bipartisan bill already has 17 cosponsors, but it faces a crucial vote in the Judiciary Committee this Thursday so we need your help.

"Please e-mail your home-state Senators today and urge them to protect our fundamental liberties by supporting the Habeas Corpus Restoration Act!"

Iraq Idea: Better Than Calling Congress

We've got to keep the pressure up on Congress to end the occupation of Iraq, but right now it is only Iraq's Parliament that has begun taking steps to legally require that the occupation end. A note from you, as an American, to the Iraqi Embassy in Washington, D.C., might help move the Iraqi government where Congress dares not go. There are always ways to find hope if we look outside the box and reach out to our brothers and sisters across barriers. Please take a moment to sign this petition to the Iraqi government:

Read about an heroic Iraqi woman who inspired this idea:

23 Anti-War House Primary Nominations So Far

Last week, we asked you to nominate anti-war candidates who could challenge the 58 "Bush Democrats" in Democratic primaries in 2008. As of today we have 23 nominations for 15 of the 58 races.

We are using the list of 58 Representatives who voted against the McGovern Amendment on 5/10/2007. If they change their position to oppose the endless occupation of Iraq, we will cross them off our list.

If you would like to nominate a candidate for one of the races below, click on the link and post a comment below their picture.

Over 23,000 have signed our pledge to vote against every Senator and Representative who approves funding to continue the disastrous Iraq War. Sign it now and tell your friends:

Let's do it for Cindy Sheehan - and for her beloved son Casey.

4 Co-sponsors for Cheney Articles of Impeachment

Thanks to grassroots organizing by local activists, freshman Rep. Yvette Clarke (D-NY) became the 4th co-sponsor for Rep. Dennis Kucinich's Articles of Impeachment for Dick Cheney (H. Res. 333). She joins Janice Schakowsky (D-IL), William Lacy Clay (D-MO), and Albert Wynn (D-MD).

Clarke writes, "When the American people voted on November 7th, they asked for a change in direction by electing the Democratic party in the House and Senate. I have heard the loud cries of my constituents, and they want accountability. My support of HRes 333 reflects the voices of the residents of central Brooklyn."

On Tuesday, Cheney's former chief of staff Scooter Libby was sentenced to 30 months in prison and a $250,000 fine for perjury and obstruction of justice in the investigation of the criminal outing of covert CIA operative Valerie Plame. Libby refused to tell investigators the truth for one reason: to protect his boss Dick Cheney, who appears to have instructed Libby to out Plame to punish her husband Joe Wilson for exposing Bush's pre-war lies.

Urge your Representative to hold Cheney accountable by co-sponsoring H. Res. 333:

Help us organize a Congressional District Impeachment Committee in your district:

Forward this message to everyone you know!


Help RESTORE Habeas Corpus and the Constitution

Habeas corpus, which permits the accused a fair hearing in front of a neutral judge, is the most fundamental check on executive power in our Constitution. The United States Supreme Court asserted that habeas "is the fundamental instrument for safeguarding individual freedom against lawless state action."


Today, Senate Judiciary Committee approved the Habeas Corpus Restoration Act (S. 185), a correction of the miscarriage of law making from last year which had shamed us all, the Military Commissions Act which purported to strip detainees at Guantanamo of all human rights.

Our activist friends at have an action page to continue to support S. 185, in the which could now come up for a full vote in the Senate at any time. We encourage all our participants to speak out through the page above.


And while we are speaking of the Constitution, yet more crimes of the greatest offender of them all, Dick Cheney, were exposed this week. As reported by the Washington Post on Thursday, Cheney was the primary bully in pushing for the illegal wiretaps, even going so far as to block the promotion of a senior Justice Department attorney who had the integrity to raise concerns about them. There is a link to this article on the action page for the National Cheney Impeachment Poll.


which now has more than 63,000 votes, of which 99.37% of your friends and neighbors have voted "Yes" to impeach. Not only that, but 6 members of the House have already signed on as co-sponsors of H.R. 333, for articles of impeachment against Dick Cheney. And all the other 429 are waiting for is to hear from more of us to speak out. So let's DO it.

You can vote yes or you can vote no. Your choice. We are not asking people to predict whether he will be impeached of not. The question is, "SHOULD he be impeached?" All you need to participate is to have an opinion on that question.

Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed to be ours, and forward this message to everyone else you know.


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Vote in the National Cheney Impeachment Poll

Add this text to your own email and blog signatures!


Bring Back Habeas Corpus

The Senate Judiciary Committee has sent to the Senate floor a bill to restore habeas corpus. Sign the petition, write letters, join in the discussion. This is not a battle our society can afford to lose.



Senate Judiciary Committee Votes to Restore Habeas

Why Being "Worst President Ever" Is Not Enough

By James Rothenberg

If a war crime was committed, it is elementary that those that aid and abet this crime are also war criminals. This includes the Congress when it repeatedly funds the operations which are criminal. It also includes the soldiers who carry out the orders of the war criminals. And, yes, to the extent that we don't publicly object to it, you and me.

Not for Freedom

By Charley Reese

The "global war on terror" is just a bad metaphor that doesn't have any connection to reality. How long are the American people going to allow liars to lull them into sacrificing the most precious treasure the country has - its youth - in a futile, lie-ridden, corruption-pocked war?

Wait Until He Nukes Iran

Paul Craig Roberts

The war in Iraq is lost. This fact is widely recognized by American military officers and has been recently expressed forcefully by Lt. Gen. Ricardo Sanchez, the commander of US forces in Iraq during the first year of the attempted occupation. Winning is no longer an option.

US Graduates Suffer Income Inequality

Earnings of the average US worker with an undergraduate degree have not kept up with gains in productivity in recent decades, according to research by academics at MIT that challenges traditional explanations of why income inequality is rising.

Pelosi to Back Proposal to Allow Outsiders to File Ethics Charges

Monday's indictment of Jefferson (D-Louisiana) came before Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-California) could publicly announce her decision to start permitting anyone, not just members of Congress, to file ethics complaints.

Bush Scandals: It's the Politics, Stupid

"These days, even amidst the talk of America remaining in Iraq for decades, the administration is engaging in feints and spin about the possibility of the US withdrawing tens of thousands of troops prior to the 2008 election - the election, it just so happens, that will decide which party controls the Executive Branch (and presidential pardons) for the next four years," writes Bernard Weiner. "Do they think we're that stupid not to see through their unbelievable, pre-election BS? Wait, don't answer that question."

House Democrats Expand Abramoff Probe

House Democrats are expanding their investigation into ties between jailed GOP lobbyist Jack Abramoff and the White House, and have contacted several Abramoff associates recently about testifying to Congress. The contacts were disclosed Tuesday by a House Democratic aide and an attorney familiar with the matter who both spoke on condition of anonymity because the investigation by the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee is ongoing.


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