Mittwoch, 6. Juni 2007

Military and Gold Star Families Mourn 3,500th Troop Death In Iraq

US Failing To Support Our Soldiers

A Hypocritical Oath: Psychologists and Torture

UK and US Must Quit Iraq Quickly, Says Former Ambassador

Bush Relaunches Campaign For Democracy But US Policy Provokes Backlash Across The World

Daryl Hannah Joins Amazon Protesters Taking On Oil Giant

US Torpedoes Hopes For G8 Climate Deal

Could al Qaeda Attack Trigger War With Iran?

Urge your representative to co-sponsor an important ocean protection bill

Summer is finally here and for many Americans that means it's time to head back to the shore. We all know that feeling when you first step onto the beach and feel the sand between your toes -- but what is actually going on under the ocean surface?

The sad truth is that our oceans are in trouble, and we have no comprehensive national law -- like a Clean Water Act or a Clean Air Act -- to address fundamental problems. A variety of threats, including decades of overfishing, pollution of all kinds, aggressive invasive species and severe habitat loss have individually and collectively altered the basic way our oceans function. Marine scientists have called the changes we are seeing in our oceans "the rise of slime" -- where jellyfish, algae and bacteria take over ocean areas that no longer contain and can no longer support other forms of life.

To protect and restore our oceans and ocean economies we need to make smarter decisions about the activities that the federal government funds and permits -- on land and in the water -- that affect ocean ecosystems. "Oceans-21" -- the recently introduced Oceans Conservation, Education and National Strategy for the 21st Century Act -- provides both that vision and the necessary mechanisms to ensure its success.

== What to do ==
Send a message urging your representative to co-sponsor Oceans-21, the Oceans Conservation, Education and National Strategy for the 21st Century Act (H.R. 21).

== Contact information ==
You can send a message to your representative directly from NRDC's Earth Action Center at If you prefer to call your representative, the Capitol switchboard number is 202-224-3121.

Is Imperial Liquidation Possible for America?

Informant: Scott Munson


Chalmers Johnson: Evil Empire: Is Imperial Liquidation Possible for America?

In politics, as in medicine, a cure based on a false diagnosis is almost always worthless, often worsening the condition that is supposed to be healed. The United States, today, suffers from a plethora of public ills. Most of them can be traced to the militarism and imperialism that have led to the near-collapse of our Constitutional system of checks and balances.

Jade battles O2 over phone mast

By Paul Dicken

Campaigner: Jade Bryan has started up a petition against the planned phone mast

A 15-YEAR-OLD girl from Ponders End is campaigning to stop a mobile phone giant putting up a phone mast at the end of her street.

Jade Bryan started up a petition after discovering that O2 was applying for planning permission to erect the 15m high mast.

Miss Bryan said the main reason she objects to the mast is its proximity to St Matthew's Primary School and the potential health risks.

She said: "That's the number one problem, I think. Also, for me, I thought about the children. This is a really comfortable, laid-back area. This will spoil it a bit.

"London is a really crowded area in itself. No matter where it is, I would feel quite strongly about it."

Miss Bryan said O2 decided to put up the mast on the High Street, in Ponders End, opposite Allens Road, to improve reception for local customers.

But she added that an O2 customer who signed her petition against the mast had full signal on her phone, metres away from the proposed mast site.

Miss Bryan is also concerned about the amount of "street furniture" on the road already.

She said: "There's too many things on the street. There's a camera post going up when we've already got one operating - it's just ridiculous. I don't know how they expect people to walk on the pavement around here."

Community relations manager for O2, Jim Stevenson, said: "Basically, we are looking to increase capacity. We have 18 million customers demanding a service all the time.

"We understand the lady's concerns and we do listen to people all the time and are more than willing to talk to them.

"I can reassure her that she'll have no problems with the mast as far as health and safety is concerned."

He said the increased capacity was for making sure people in the area could use their phone at any time, day or night, as signal areas became jammed when too many calls were made at once.

In the Enfield area there are currently around 123 masts, with three in the immediate area around the proposed site in Ponders End. In total, across London, there are 6,421 of the so-called "base stations".

The Independent Expert Group on Mobile Phones, set up in the UK, found that scientific evidence to date, suggested exposure to radio waves at guideline strengths did not cause adverse health effects in the general population.

However, Sir William Stewart, who chaired the group, has called for a review on the possible effects of mast radiation and wireless internet networks.

When the group published their findings in 2000, Sir William, now chairman of the Health Protection Agency, felt that the scientific research was sufficient enough for a precautionary approach for siting masts near schools, recommending that masts should not necessarily impact on areas where children are exposed.

© Copyright 2001-2007 Newsquest Media Group

Beim Klimaschutz hört die Freundschaft auf

#Die Linkspartei.PDS: Pressemitteilungen

06. Juni 2007

Die USA hält an ihrer Verweigerungshaltung zum Klimaschutz fest. Dazu erklärt der stellvertretende Vorsitzende Wolfgang Methling:

Noch bevor der G8-Gipfel begonnen hat, ist er gescheitert. Aufgrund der Verweigerungshaltung der USA kann auf dem G8-Gipfel offenbar keine Einigung über verbindliche Ziele im Kampf gegen die Klimaerwärmung erzielt werden. Die Signale aus Washington sind eindeutig, die USA sind nicht daran interessiert. Diese Verweigerungshaltung wird nicht nur verheerende Auswirkungen auf die Klimaerwärmung haben, sondern wird sich auch auf das Verhalten der so genannten Schwellenländer auswirken. Wenn die G8-Staaten als Hauptverursacher des drohenden Klimawandels mit seinen katastrophalen Folgen nicht bereit sind, ihrer Verantwortung ernsthaft nachzukommen, dann kann dies auch nicht glaubhaft von anderen Staaten eingefordert werden. Kanzlerin Merkel ist als G8-Präsidentin nun gefordert, das vielbeschworene gute Klima zwischen den USA und Deutschland für mehr Klimaschutz zu nutzen. Denn beim Klimaschutz hört die Freundschaft auf. Es wird Zeit, dass die USA endlich die Notwenigkeit eines weltweiten Engagements begreifen und sich aktiv am Klimaschutz beteiligen. Eine Fortschreibung des Kyoto-Prozesses über 2012 hinaus wäre das einzig richtige Zeichen. Aber auch die Bundesrepublik lässt wirkungsvolle Schritte beim Klimaschutz vermissen. Der geplante Bau neuer Kohlekraftwerke steht allen Bemühungen um eine wirksame Eindämmung der Emission von Klima schädigenden Giften diametral entgegen.

Schalt ab fürs Klima während des G8 Gipfels tägl. 19:45 bis 20 Uhr

Schalt ab!...für's Klima Unter der Schirmherrschaft des bekannten Autors und Fernsehjournalisten Dr. Franz Alt ruft die Bürgerinitiative "Schalt ab!...für's Klima" alle Einwohner Deutschlands zu einer gemeinsamen Stromabschaltaktion während des G8-Gipfels auf. Vom 6. bis 8. Juni 2007 soll an drei Tagen jeweils von 19:45 bis 20:00 Uhr der Strom abgeschaltet werden. Die UmweltBank macht mit -- Machen auch Sie mit!

Mehr unter

Farmers Take Heat, but Big Agriculture Reaps Farm Bill Benefits

Tallying up the farm bill, which Congress will likely vote on this fall, yields losers and winners. The losers: farmers, farm laborers, food processing workers, rural communities, the environment, poor country peasants, many developing country agricultural industries, and urban laborers in both developed and developing countries facing wage competition from rural migrants and US taxpayers. The winner: corporate agribusiness.

Rice Blamed for Staff Shortage, Low Morale Among US Diplomats

The influential Foreign Affairs Council, comprising mostly senior retired US diplomats and ambassadors, says the US State Department is in crisis, facing a shortage of 1,100 staff, and that in the "first two years of Secretary Rice's stewardship, almost no new net-resources have been realized."

The Passion of Al Gore

"Al Gore is earnestly talking about the long-term implications of the energy and climate crises, and how the Arctic ice cap is receding much faster than computer models had predicted, and how difficult and delicate a task it will be to try and set things straight in Iraq. You look at him and you can't help thinking how bizarre it is that this particular political figure, perhaps the most qualified person in the country to be president, is sitting in a wing chair in a hotel room in Manhattan rather than in the White House," writes Bob Herbert.

White House Under Pressure Over Guantanamo Ruling

The Bush administration faces pressure to overhaul how it brings foreign terrorism suspects to trial after the surprise dismissal of war crimes charges against two prisoners held at Guantanamo Bay.

Senator Charges Improper Political Interference in Justice Department

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy angrily threatened Tuesday to issue subpoenas "if the White House continues to stonewall" his panel's investigation into fired US attorneys, saying he was "deeply troubled" by what he called White House efforts to "manipulate the (Justice) Department into its own political arm."

Iraq Legislature Vote May End US Occupation

The Iraqi Parliament has passed a binding resolution that will guarantee lawmakers an opportunity to block the extension of the UN mandate under which coalition troops now remain in Iraq when it comes up for renewal in December. Without the cover of the UN mandate, the continued presence of coalition troops in Iraq would become an armed occupation, at which point it would no longer be politically tenable to support it.

Financing The Imperial Armed Forces

by Robert Dreyfuss,

A trillion dollars and nowhere to go but up.

Defend IVAW's Liam Madden: Online Petition

Liam Madden-Marine War Resister-Boston 6-7-07

Support Liam Madden of the Boston Chapter of Iraq Veterans Against the War (IVAW) and co-founder of the Appeal for Redress

Because of his courageous antiwar activism, the Marines are attempting to go after him and saddle him with an "other than honorable discharge"

Sign the Online Petition in defense of Liam Madden:

Background: Former Marine Liam Madden and Adam Kokesh, who is also under attack, both served in Iraq and were both honorably discharged. Upon their return, they both joined Iraq Veterans Against the War (IVAW). Liam is also a cofounder of the Appeal for Redress, a statement signed by nearly 2,000 active-duty troops that garnered a lot of media coverage, and he has been helping to organize a bus tour to some 20 military bases throughout the eastern U.S. Adam has been in Germany, reaching out to soldiers at the U.S. Army base at Ansbach. Both Adam and Liam participated in the first installment of Operation First Casualty, in which IVAW members brought the war home through street theater by mounting "patrols" in the streets of Washington, D.C., on March 19. Now the Marine Corps is trying to make an example of them. Both men are still part of the Individual Ready Reserve (IRR), an inactive status that practically all troops pass through prior to final separation from the military.

Now, both Adam and Liam are being charged with appearing in uniform at a political event. Additionally, Liam is being charged with "disloyal statements" for calling the war in Iraq "a war crime." Adam is facing a military hearing on Monday June 4th in Kansas where he will be "tried" by a panel of 3 officers. If found guilty, an "other than honorable discharge" will prevent him from ever being able to get a government job or many other types of jobs, similar to the effect of a criminal record. Liam has not received a hearing date yet, but he expects to. Why we need to fight this: "The military is trying to stifle the IVAW's voice in the public discourse about the war," Liam has said. "If we are to have an informed and free discussion in society about the most pressing issue of our generation, the war in Iraq, then the voices of returning veterans are a crucial aspect." This is an attempt to squash informed discussion of the true reality of their war as well squash the budding movement of antiwar soldiers and veterans turning against the war. "They perceive me as a figurehead or a vocal component of this, and it's their tendency to nip that in the bud by going after the figurehead. The troops are allegedly fighting for freedom and democracy, yet their voices are suppressed when they get home--if their voices go against the grain." They want to silence Liam's message that the whole war is a war crime- and you cannot "win" a war crime, you can only end it-- immediately. The military's charges against Liam send a threatening message to other soldiers and veterans that they should not dare to speak or organize against the war. If they get away with punishing Liam, the military will be emboldened to go after many other dissenters. The antiwar movement must step up and send a message that it will have the backs of its antiwar brothers and sisters within the ranks of the military. Gary Kurpius, the national commander of the 2.4 million-member Veterans of Foreign Wars has recently made news with his statement that "Trying to hush up and punish fellow Americans for exercising the same democratic right we're trying to instill in Iraq is not what we're all about,".

At a time when the majority of people in the US, the vast majority of Iraqis, and unprecedented numbers of US troops are against this war, we can't let some of the most important voices in the antiwar movement be silenced. This is about the important antiwar voice and contributions of Liam Madden but also about the current and future antiwar leadership of countless soldiers and veterans whose vocal and active opposition will be essential to ending this war.

IVAW's Liam Madden Holds Press Conference

Ashley Smith

From ufpj-news


Liam Madden Speaks to Truthout

While Adam Kokesh was dominating the headlines, another former Marine, Sgt. Liam Madden was also being targeted by the Marine Corps. The free speech issues are more apparent in Madden's case: He is being investigated for statements that he made at anti-war events. Madden traveled with Kokesh to Kansas City for Kokesh's separation board hearing. The day before the hearing Truthout's Geoffrey Millard sat down with Sergeant Madden.

Nobelpreisträger Yunus: "Wir können Armut in die Museen verbannen",1518,486746,00.html

Protecting independent science against advocacy science

Time to Protect Chile's Blue Whales

From Rosemary

Conservatives flunk logic

Future of Freedom Foundation
by Sheldon Richman


‘Hello. I’m from the government and I’m here to help you.’ Conservatives love to use this line to mock the idea that government can do constructive things for you. Nothing gets a bigger laugh at conservative gatherings. The sentence has two meanings. First, it makes fun of the notion that politicians have your interests at heart and truly wish to serve them...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

South Korea is not a model for Iraq

Independent Institute
by Ivan Eland


The Bush administration has decided its new model for a long-term solution in Iraq is Korea. It’s an attempt to stifle the inevitable comparisons of the Iraq quagmire to Vietnam and a way to justify the eventual reduction of U.S. forces in Iraq (to take the heat off of Republican candidates in the 2008 elections), while retaining a substantial U.S. military presence by establishing three or four long-term major military bases. The plan would ultimately be a disaster for the United States...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The price of delaying the inevitable in Iraq

Hawaii Reporter
by Congressman Ron Paul


Good intentions frequently lead to unintended bad consequences. Tough choices, doing what is right, often leads to unanticipated good results. The growing demand by the American people for us to leave Iraq prompts the naysayers to predict disaster in the Middle East if we do. Of course, these merchants of fear are the same ones who predicted that invading and occupying Iraq would be a slam dunk operation; that we would be welcomed as liberators, and oil revenues would pay for the operation with minimal loss of American lives...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Blair and Bush: the final reckoning

Independent [UK]


Tony Blair will make a final appeal to George Bush to repay his loyal support over Iraq by signing up to a firm global target to cut carbon emissions at the G8 summit in Germany starting today. Three weeks before he stands down as Prime Minister, Mr Blair will join forces with the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, in an attempt to secure a breakthrough in the battle against climate change. They will press a reluctant US president to agree that the world should cut carbon emissions by 50 per cent from 1990 levels by 2050. Such an outcome from the last international gathering that Mr Blair will attend with President Bush would at last allow him to answer critics who claim he has got little in return for his ’shoulder to shoulder’ support for the US President, notably on Iraq and other issues related to the ‘war on terror’...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

GOP: Bush should adopt bipartisan plan

Kannapolis Independent Tribune


Several Republican senators Tuesday called for President Bush to implement a new war strategy based on recommendations by the Iraq Study Group, which advocated winding down the U.S. combat mission. ‘The president needs bipartisan support if the United States is to sustain a long-term position in Iraq,’ said Sen. Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

GOP hopefuls fault Bush on Iraq, style

Pensacola News Journal


President Bush drew sporadic, startling criticism Tuesday night from Republican White House hopefuls unhappy with his handling of the Iraq war, his diplomatic style and his approach to immigration. ‘I would certainly not send him to the United Nations’ to represent the United States, said Tommy Thompson, the former Wisconsin governor and one-time member of Bush’s Cabinet, midway through a spirited campaign debate...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Informant: NHNE

Censorship and Cop Brutality in the New Bison Wars

Is Big Business Buying Out the Environmental Movement?

Phil Mattera writes: "In the business world these days, it appears that just about everything is for sale. Multi-billion-dollar deals are commonplace, and even venerable institutions such as the Wall Street Journal find themselves put into play. Yet companies are not the only things being acquired. This may turn out to be the year that big business bought a substantial part of the environmental movement."

Our Parks and Their Agencies Have Been Ravaged

"The contents of government budgets are a big deal in other democratic societies - witness 40,000 marchers in Vancouver, BC, protesting government priorities. Down here, we follow the DUI arrests of Lindsay Lohan and Paris Hilton, 'American Idol' contestants; the custody battles over Anna Nicole Smith's baby, and other examples of what Al Gore calls 'the new priorities in America's news coverage,'" says Joel Connelly.

Logging Threatens Indonesia's Forests

Indonesia's rainforests - especially those on Borneo island - are being stripped so rapidly because of illegal logging and palm oil plantations for biofuels that they could be wiped out altogether within 15 years, some environmentalists say.


Plant trees, lots of them, you can never plant enough!

Melting Ice Will Affect Hundreds of Millions Globally

Hundreds of millions of livelihoods will be affected by declining snow and ice cover as a result of global warming. The risks facing people include rising sea levels and losing access to drinking water, a UN study concludes.

"Serious Jeopardy" for US Climate Studies

The Bush administration is drastically scaling back efforts to measure global warming from space, just as the president tries to convince the world that the US is ready to take the lead in reducing greenhouse gases.

Another Long Summer

"Politics in the American style has never been particularly sane, to be sure. Every so often, however, the usual level of strangeness we're accustomed to reaches a new gear, and the whole show just goes right over the moon. Over the last few years, we've pretty much been permanently locked into that higher gear, so it takes something exceptionally deranged to ring the cherries," says William Rivers Pitt. "Leave it to a Republican Party official, of course, to spelunk our national dialogue into a whole new low."

Say NO To New Nuclear Weapons!

Stop U.S. Weapons of Mass Destruction

Anger over missing mast protest

06 June 2007

A NEW mobile phone mast will go up in Churchill despite strong opposition from parish councillors.

At a meeting of Churchill and Langford Parish Council, members voted unanimously against the proposed mast on land near Bath Road, but their views did not reach North Somerset Council.

They said the mast is too close to houses and they were worried about the potential impact on residents' health. The mast will be sited 400m from an area of outstanding natural beauty but will be disguised as a telegraph pole.

Parish clerk Lindsay Ireland posted a letter containing the council's response on May 18, but it failed to get to planners at the district council.

The local authority then gave its permission for the mast to go ahead at a planning meeting a week later, as it had not received any objections from the parish council.

Mrs Ireland said: "This is hideous and I shall be writing a letter of complaint to the council. The parish council had previously rejected the plans for the mobile phone mast and so the planning department would expect that we would again reject the application.

"The parish council will make a formal complaint to the planning department.

© 2007 Archant Regional Limited. All rights reserved.

Phone mast protest picket planned

By Tony Donnelly

PROTESTORS against a plan to site a phone mast in Bishampton will take their fight to the company at the weekend when they mount a picket and protest outside the T-Mobile shop in central Evesham.

The villagers have been angered by the company's refusal to meet to discuss alternative sites for the placement of the 15-metre mast just yards from their homes.

And at a public meeting in the village hall last month, residents voted for more direct action, leading to the decision to demonstrate outside the Bridge Street shop this weekend.

Leading objector Tony Waghorn, who lives near Nightingale Farm, where it is proposed to site the mast, said: "T-Mobile have rejected alternative sites and we believe this is purely down to money. This mast should not be anywhere near people."

He said villagers feared the mast could affect their health and action group members pointed to a newspaper report which condemned T-Mobile for not heeding a warning about the alleged dangers from cancer from mobile handsets and masts.

T-Mobile spokesman John Shaunnassy previously said the company had commissioned four reports on the subject and only one was of the opinion there could be a problem.

He also said that three other sites proposed by villagers were not suitable.

Mr Waghorn responded: "We are not against mobile phones - we appreciate people do have them and do use them.

"But we do not feel it is right that these masts should be close to our children's bedroom windows."

© Copyright 2001-2007 Newsquest Media Group

Internet Doomsday Creeps Closer

Lawsuit Filed to Restore Protections for Yellowstone Grizzly Bears

G8: Watch What They Do, Not What They Says

Tallying Bush Progress on Democracy

The Paradox of Missile Defense

Democrats Bob and Weave

Poor Little Rich Boys (and Girl)

Germany Braces Itself for G8 Summit Failure, because US Not Cooperative

Massacres and Paramilitary Land Seizures Behind the Biofuel Revolution

A Top Clinton Aide Draws Criticism From Unions

Bush has proven once and for all that the world must move on global warming without him


Ron Paul on the Daily Show with Jon Stewart 6-4-07


Another Excellent Interview

From Information Clearing House


JUNE 5TH 2007

Ron Paul debates fellow GOP at the June 5th CNN debate.

Informant: shane_digital

U.S. economy's fate in Saudi hands

Forget the Fed and Washington, D.C. Because of its swing position in the world's oil market, Saudi Arabia wields the real power over our economic future.

From Information Clearing House

NSA surveillance program may have skirted 1991 law

The Bush administration may have sidestepped a key 1991 law regarding congressional notification of intelligence activities when it chose to alert just a handful of lawmakers of its warrantless surveillance program following the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, according to Democratic sources.

From Information Clearing House

Libby Sentenced to 2 1/2 Years in CIA Leak Case

Federal Judge Reggie Walton also ordered I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby to pay $250,000 in fines. Additionally, the former aide will be on probation for two years following the completion of his prison term. Libby must report to a probation officer within 72 hours of sentencing.

From Information Clearing House


The Scooter Files: Washington X-Ray

by Rick Perlstein,

The letters written on behalf of "Scooter" Libby offer an unappealing look inside our political system.


Bush Faces Libby Pardon Dilemma

The 30-months sentence imposed on I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby puts new pressure on Bush, who may soon confront the choice of triggering a political storm by pardoning a convicted perjurer, or letting one of the early architects of his administration head off to prison.

Soviet-Style 'Torture' Becomes 'Interrogation'

HOW did the United States, in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks, come to adopt interrogation techniques copied from the Soviet Union and other cold war adversaries?

From Information Clearing House

U.S. Government's Role in Privatizing Iraqi Oil

Congressman Kucinich to Receive Statement By Iraqi Oil Workers Union

U.S. Government's Role in Privatizing Iraqi Oil

Iraqi Oil Workers On Strike

Workers began the strike at 6.30 this morning by shutting two 14" pipelines carrying oil and gas products inside Iraq.

From Information Clearing House

Manufacturing Consent For War With Iran

U.S. troops detain four insurgents smuggling Iranian weapons in Baghdad

The detainees are believed to be members of a "secret cell terrorist network known for facilitating the transport of weapons and explosively formed penetrators, or EFPs, from Iran to Iraq, as well as bringing militants from Iraq to Iran for terrorist training," a military statement said.

U.S. diplomat accuses Iran of passing weapons to Taliban

A senior U.S. diplomat accused Iran on Tuesday of transferring weapons to Taliban insurgents in Afghanistan - the most direct comments yet on the issue by a ranking American official.

U.S. official says Iran violating U.N. rules by sending weapons to Afghanistan's Taliban

A senior U.S. diplomat, lobbying world powers for tougher sanctions against Iran, accused Tehran on Wednesday of violating international law by arming its once-bitter foe - Afghanistan's Taliban - and of trying to destabilize the Middle East.

U.S. claims Iran funding terrorism

A day after a top U.S. official accused Iran of arming the Taliban in Afghanistan, U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson asked the financial world to freeze the assets of an Iranian bank.

Some doubt U.S. claims Iran arming Taliban

Some analysts question U.S. reports that Iran is arming the Taliban, saying Tehran has other allies there and the weapons are available on the open market.

Iraq: U.S. Troops Arrest Another 3 Iranian Officals

US soldiers on Friday reportedly arrested three Iranian diplomats north of Baghdad. The officials had first been detained by Iraqi forces who had subsequently freed them, allegedly after the intervention of the Iraqi foreign ministry.

Kidnappers of British contractors in Iraq were backed by Iran: US General

The kidnappers who snatched five British contractors last month were funded, trained and armed by Iran, the US commander in Iraq said in an interview published late Wednesday.

Iranian weapons still flowing into Iraq: US General

Smuggled weapons and deadly explosives are still coming into Iraq from neighbouring Iran and continue to kill American soldiers, a top U.S. commander said on Thursday.

Presstitute and war pimp alert:

Muqtada al-Sadr moving toward all-out fight with Iraqi leaders:

Muqtada al-Sadr is considering setting aside his political ambitions and restarting a full-scale fight against U.S.-led forces - a worrisome shift that may reflect Iranian influence on the young cleric and could open the way for a shadow state protected by his powerful Mahdi Army.

Manufacturing Consent For An Attack On Iran:

Gates: Iranians kill US soldiers

The US Defense Secretary blames Iran for the killing of US troops in Iraq as the Bush administration steps up rhetoric against Tehran.

U.S. military official:

Iran boosting support for Iraqi, Afghan rebels

Admiral Mike Mullen conceded at a Pentagon news conference Friday that he has "no smoking gun" proof that the highest leadership in the Iranian government is involved.

Joint Chiefs Chairman Says U.S. Preparing Military Options Against Iran

The nation's top military officer said today that the Pentagon is planning for "potential military courses of action" against Iran, criticizing what he called the Tehran government's "increasingly lethal and malign influence" in Iraq.

Manufacturing Consent For An Attack On Iran:

U.S. ship opens fire on patrol boats near Iran

MSNBC says the Iranian boats were approaching at a high rate of speed and were within 100 yards of the ship when crewmembers fired eight .50-caliber rounds and three M-16 rounds that forced the vessels to turn away.

Iran denies any clash with US vessel

Iranian Navy official told IRNA that no such an incident took place in the Persian Gulf.

US 'extremely concerned' over Iran

In an exclusive interview with Al Jazeera, Admiral Michael Mullen said the US would maintain a presence in the Gulf in an attempt to deter Iran from taking any military action.

From Information Clearing House


Conflicting arms claims on Iran reveal US rift

Asia Times
by Gareth Porter


The evidence that Iran is arming the Taliban isn’t as ‘irrefutable’ as some US officials are claiming, says the US NATO commander in Afghanistan. He points to more likely sources for the arms, such as drugs and weapons smugglers. The anti-Iran language used by the accusers points to Vice President Dick Cheney, who would like nothing more than an invasion of Iran before his boss leaves office...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Iran helping to plan attacks in Iraq - US

Iran is training fighters in Iraq and helping to plan attacks there despite diplomatic pressure for change, U.S. officials said on Wednesday, while violence around the Arab state killed at least 19 people.

U.S.: Iran Helped in Deadly Iraq Strike

U.S. military spokesman Brig. Gen. Kevin J. Bergner also accused Iran of using its Lebanese ally, the Shiite militia Hezbollah, as a "proxy" to arm Shiite militants in Iraq.

Iran 'baring its teeth' in Afghanistan, officials say

In public, Afghanistan has played down US and British allegations that Iran is feeding weapons to Taliban insurgents, but in private, officials here say the charges are true -- and worrying.

Al-Qaeda linked to operations from Iran

Evidence that Iranian territory is being used as a base by al-Qaeda to help in terrorist operations in Iraq and elsewhere is growing, say western officials.

Sunni Insurgent Leader Paints Iran as 'Real Enemy'

A leader of an armed Sunni group in western Baghdad described his hatred for Iran and the current Iraqi government, while outlining the dimensions of an armed insurgency that extends well beyond al-Qaeda in Iraq, the organization that U.S. officials routinely identify as their central enemy.

US finds Iranian rockets aimed at Iraq base

US soldiers discovered a field of rocket launchers near a US army base south of Baghdad armed with 34 Iranian-made missiles, the military said Saturday.

On Heels Of Senate's Iran Vote, Brownback Declared I'm Ready To Strike Iran

On Wednesday, the Senate voted 97-0 to pass a resolution sponsored by Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-CT) to censure Iran "for what it said was complicity in the killing of U.S. soldiers in Iraq." The resolution required the Bush administration to regularly report to Congress on Iran's role in Iraq.

U.S. says Iran knows its weapons reaching Taliban

Iranian arms are entering Afghanistan and reaching Taliban insurgents in such quality and quantity that the Tehran government must know about it, the U.S. ambassador to Kabul said on Tuesday.

Iran attack could be 2nd Holocaust, Gingrich warns

Former US House speaker, who is considering running for presidency on Republican ticket, warns that if Iran acquires nukes, Israel and US would be under severe threat; 'Firing one or more bombs at Israel could be a second Holocaust for the Jewish people,' Gingrich says.

Chinese missiles smuggled through Iran into Iraq

US: The US military on Sunday said its troops had found Chinese-made missiles which they believe were smuggled into Iraq by groups in Iran in order to arm groups fighting US-led forces.

U.S. says Iran training Green Zone bombers

Top commander blames Tehran for better aim of mortars, rockets

Iran fist-in-glove with Iraqi rebels: America builds its case

A senior US official in Baghdad told the Guardian in May that Iran was fighting a proxy war in Iraq. He accused Tehran of "committing daily acts of war against US and British forces", including weapons and other assistance to militias and ad hoc cooperation with individual extremists tied to al-Qaida.,,330261901-103681,00.html

'Iran-armed militia behind 3/4 of Iraq attacks'

Rogue Shiite militia fighters said to be armed and trained by Iran were responsible for nearly three-quarters of attacks that killed or wounded Americans in Baghdad last month, the No. 2 US commander in Iraq said Sunday.

Bush levels dubious Iran nuclear arms charge

US President George W. Bush charged Monday that Iran has openly declared that it seeks nuclear weapons -- an inaccurate accusation at a time of sharp tensions between Washington and Tehran.

Iran trying to sway US debate on Iraq -US general

A U.S. general said on Saturday Iran had increased supplies of weapons to Shi'ite militias in Iraq to attack U.S. troops and influence debate in Washington before the presentation of a crucial report on Iraq next month.

US labels Iran's Guards terrorists

The Bush Administration has decided to move against the 125,000-strong Revolutionary Guards because of what officials say is the corps' growing involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan, and its support for extremists throughout the Middle East.

Iran meddling in Afghanistan

US lawmaker: An influential US lawmaker has accused Iran of meddling in the internal affairs of Afghanistan by allegedly supplying arms and equipment to Taliban and al-Qaeda.

Fifty Iranians helping militias in south Iraq

About 50 members of Iran's elite Revolutionary Guards were believed to be training Shi'ite militias in the use of mortars and rockets in southern Iraq, the general commanding U.S. troops in the area said on Sunday.

Fox Attacks: Iran


FOX are repeating the same distortions and fear mongering as they did before the Iraq war.

Iranian operatives step up flow of weapons and training from Iran says general

Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) operatives are trying to sabotage US security gains in Iraq, by stepping up the flow of arms and training to Shiite extremist groups, a top US commander charged Friday.

US forces arrest Iranian-linked agent in Iraq

U.S. soldiers detained a "highly sought individual" suspected of links to senior officers in Iran's Revolutionary Guards in a predawn raid on the holy Iraqi Shi'ite city of Kerbala on Wednesday, the U.S. military said.

Reports Iranian arms reaching Taliban worry U.S.

The United States is concerned over reports that Iranian-made weapons are crossing the Afghan border and reaching Islamist Taliban insurgents, a top U.S. diplomat said on Tuesday.

Iran Linked to Iraq Rocket Attack

U.S. military officials in Iraq tell ABC News that a rocket used in an attack on coalition headquarters at Camp Victory Tuesday was made in Iran.

The Iran Attack That Wasn't

How reporters trumped up a story about Iranians killing Americans in Iraq.

Iranian Arms Destined for Taliban Seized in Afghanistan, Officials Say

'Large' Shipment Said to Include Armor-Piercing Bombs

U.S. says seizes Iraqis "linked" to Iran Qods force

U.S. forces captured 12 Iraqis in Baghdad on Monday suspected of smuggling weapons from Iran, including one linked to Tehran's elite Qods force, the U.S. military said in a statement.

Syrian military blast explained

A Syrian military installation rocked by an explosion in July was being used to develop chemical weapons, and Iranian engineers were among those killed, a respected defence publication has reported.

American commander accuses Iran of arming Taliban

A top U.S. military commander accused Iran on Friday of supplying powerful roadside bombs to militants in Afghanistan and said the United States would "act decisively" if the cross-border flow continued.

Iran smuggling missiles into Iraq: US military

Iran is smuggling advanced weapons, including surface-to-air missiles, into Iraq to be used by extremists against American troops, the US military charged on Sunday.

UN envoy doubts U.S. assertion Iran arming Afghan insurgents

A top United Nations diplomat is rejecting repeated claims from the Bush administration that Iran is supplying weapons to the Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan.

Iran 'arming Taliban with roadside bombs'

Iran is supplying the Taliban in Afghanistan with the same bomb-making equipment it provides to insurgents in Iraq, according to British military intelligence officers.

US Iraq general steps up accusations against Iran

The U.S. military commander in Iraq stepped up accusations over the weekend that Iran was inciting violence there and said Tehran's ambassador to Baghdad was a member of the Revolutionary Guards Qods force.

Bush warns of World War III if Iran goes "nuclear"

We've got a leader in Iran who has announced that he wants to destroy Israel, US president says at White House press conference after Russia cautions against military action against Tehran's suspected atomic program.,7340,L-3461069,00.html

US Military: Intercepted Afghan Weapons Came From Iran

U.S. Army General Dan McNeill said Thursday NATO forces stopped a convoy from Iran on September 5 in western Afghanistan. He said the convoy contained a number of advanced technology improvised explosive devices.

Afghanistan Skeptical Iran Arming Taliban

Afghan Defense Minister Gen. Abdul Rahim Wardak said evidence of Iranian cooperation in arming Taliban insurgents with advanced weapons is inconclusive.

Iran "perhaps single greatest" security risk to US: Rice

President George W. Bush last week warned that a nuclear-armed Iran evoked the threat of "World War III," and Vice President Dick Cheney on Sunday spoke of "serious consequences" unless the Islamic republic comes to heel.

US blames Iran-backed group for Baghdad bombing

Iranian-backed militants were behind a bombing that killed 13 Iraqis at a Baghdad pet market, the U.S. military said on Saturday, raising concerns that Shi'ite militias might be switching tactics.

Pentagon report to accuse Iran of fueling Iraq strife

A Pentagon report to be released Tuesday will accuse Iran of continuing to funnel weapons and technology to fighters in neighboring Iraq even as it cites lower violence overall, US media said.

Pentagon report: Iran keeps funding militias in Iraq

A new Pentagon report says violence is down across Iraq but notes that Iranian influence on Iraq's security continues, despite some assurances this fall that Iran was reducing its shipments of weapons into Iraq.

Iran still training militants

THE commander of US forces in Iraq said during a tour of an Iraq-Iran border crossing that Tehran was still training militants despite its pledge to cut support for the insurgency.,23599,23065451-23109,00.html

Iran speeding up development of missiles, head of U.S. agency says

The head of the United States' missile defense program sought Wednesday to bolster Washington's argument for anti-missile sites in Europe by warning that Iran has sped up development of long-range missiles.

Europe Side Steps Iranian Sanctions

Energy companies throughout Europe continue to defy U.S.-negotiated sanctions against Iran by putting several new deals on the table.

Crying (Iranian) wolf in Argentina bombing

The US Embassy in Buenos Aires at the time - including ambassador James Cheek - have confirmed the absence of evidence linking Iran to the bombing, which killed 85 people and wounded another 300.

U.S. sees attacks by Iranian-backed groups up in Iraq

Attacks by Iranian-backed groups in Iraq have increased in recent months, a senior U.S. official said on Thursday, casting doubt on the view Iran might have reduced its support for violence in the war.

US spy chief retreats from Iran intel

The top US intelligence official is backing away from his agency's recent assessment that Iran halted its 'nuclear weapons program', PressTV reported.

Order given to fire on Iranian speedboat

One of the commanding officers "had literally given the order to fire and it turns out one of the fast boats turned about simultaneously," Mullen said.

U.S. Intelligence Chief On Iran

Al-Qaida is the preeminent terrorist threat to the United States, said Michael McConnell, U.S. Director of National Intelligence. But Iran, said Mr. McConnell, "also remains a threat to regional stability and to U.S. interests throughout the Middle East".

U.S. military contradicts State on Iran

Hundreds of weapons caches found in Iraq: Iranian-backed militias are apparently preparing for major strikes against the U.S.-led coalition in Iraq, military officials said.

'Iran still developing nuclear warheads'

The Iranian regime is undoubtedly developing a nuclear bomb," said Mohammad Mohadessin, a leader of the exiled National Council of Resistance of Iran. He presented reporters in Brussels with information he said had been collected on two sites in Iran on top secret studies on nuclear warheads.

Iran 'continued nuclear weapons programme'

Britain's envoy to the United Nations nuclear watchdog contradicted the findings of US intelligence officials who said Iran stopped developing a nuclear weapon in 2003.

Iran may be biggest threat to Iraq - U.S. general

Odierno also said he was not surprised Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was able to move around without security problems during his two-day visit to Baghdad as the groups that often target high-profile visitors are Iranian-backed.

Iran reneged on pledge to quit supporting Iraqi militias

The top two U.S. officials in Iraq said this week that Iran was still training Iraqi Shiite Muslim militias, in violation of its promises to Iraqi leaders.

Iran fomenting violence in Iraq, U.S. says

The military offers details of Tehran's role in continuing to train and equip militias and insurgents.

Iran May Have Resumed Weapon Program

Retaining his tough stance against Iran, Vice President Dick Cheney said Wednesday that Tehran may have restarted the nuclear weaponization program that a U.S. intelligence report said was halted in 2003.

Cheney talks tough on Iran's N-program

"What we do know is that they had then, and have now, a process by which they're trying to enrich uranium, which is the key obstacle they've got to overcome in order to have a nuclear weapon," he said.

Bush says Iran announced desire for nuclear weapons

President Bush contended that Iran has "declared they want a nuclear weapon to destroy people" and that the Islamic Republic could be hiding a secret program.

McCain's repeated "slips of the tongue" on Iran and al-Qaida

"As you know, there are al Qaeda operatives that are taken back into Iran, given training as leaders, and they're moving back into Iraq."

Iran 'behind Green Zone attack'

The most senior US general in Iraq has said he has evidence that Iran was behind Sunday's bombardment of Baghdad's heavily fortified Green Zone.

PM-Cheney meeting shrouded in mystery

US Vice President Dick Cheney's second meeting with Prime Minister Ehud Olmert Monday morning, like their first meeting Saturday night, was shrouded in mystery, leading to speculation among diplomatic officials that the focus was on how to stop Iran's nuclear program.

Iran's lethal uranium plans

VICE-President Dick Cheney has said Iran was developing a uranium enrichment program for military purposes. "Obviously, they're... heavily involved in trying to develop nuclear weapons enrichment, the enrichment of uranium to weapons grade levels," Cheney said in an interview with ABC television.,25197,23428344-15084,00.html

Cheney Claims Iran Trying To Develop Bomb Despite No Evidence

Cheney alleged in an interview Monday that Iran was trying to develop weapons-grade uranium, even though international inspectors have never found such evidence.

Iranian, Syrian missiles to pound Israel in next war

Secret report paints grim picture: Thousands of casualties, nationwide power outages.,7340,L-3522937,00.html

US Military Says Iran Behind Latest Violence In Iraq

Iran is behind the violence raging in Iraq by providing training to those firing rockets in Baghdad and by not doing enough to rein in lawless gunmen in Basra, the U.S. military charged Wednesday.

Report warns of Saudi Arabia and Turkey possibly joining in a nuclear arms race

The report to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee also says Turkey would come under pressure to follow suit if Iran builds nuclear weapons. It says while Turkey doesn't see Iran as an enemy, it also believes a power balance between the countries is the primary reason for a peaceful relationship between them.

From Information Clearing House


Explosive charge blows up in US's face

British ex-diplomat says Iraq troop presence "makes things worse"

A former top British diplomat Tuesday called for a speedy troop withdrawal from Iraq and predicted that the process of leaving Iraq would cause 'strain' in Anglo-American relations.

From Information Clearing House

Number of Iraqi displaced tops 4.2 million; shanty towns mushroom

The situation in Iraq continues to worsen, with more than 2 million Iraqis now believed to be displaced inside the country and another 2.2 million sheltering in neighbouring states.

From Information Clearing House

The Secret History of the American Empire

Author: John Perkins


John Perkins talks about his follow-up to his 2005 book, "Confessions of an Economic Hitman," at Barnes & Noble in New York City. In his new book, Mr. Perkins argues that the United States uses its foreign policy to further U.S. business interests around the globe, often to the detriment of poor countries.

Economic Hit Men, Jackals, and the Truth about Global Corruption

Audio & Transcript - Interview with John Perkins

Today, we spend the hour with a man who claims to have worked deep inside the forces driving corporate globalization. In his first book, "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man", John Perkins told the story of his work as a highly paid consultant hired to strong-arm leaders into creating policy favorable to the U.S. government and corporations -- what he calls the "corporatocracy."

The Secret History of the American Empire

The Truth About Global Corruption

Video - John Perkins, author of Confessions of An Economic Hit Man.

Perkins zeroes in on hot spots around the world such as Venezuela, Tibet, Iraq, Israel, Vietnam and others and exposes the network of events in each of these countries that have contributed to the creation of the American Empire and international corruption in "The Secret History of the American Empire: Economic Hit Men, Jackals, and the Truth About Global Corruption".

From Information Clearing House


Economic Hitman

Severe Indictment Of U.S. Foreign Policy

By César Chelala

A 2005 report by the World Policy Institute states that most of the U.S.' arms sales to developing countries go to governments that the U.S. State Department qualifies as undemocratic, such as Pakistan, Angola and Saudi Arabia.

Italian Protest of Proposed New US Base Confronts Prime Minister

Informant: David Swanson

From ufpj-news

Protect the Polar Bear and Walrus from Oil Exploration


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