Donnerstag, 31. Mai 2007

Will Javier Solana and co. Expand 'Global Governance'?

by Attorney Constance Cumbey

At the February 14th New York City event, “dear Javier” was introduced by German Ambassador to the USA, Klaus Scharioth as “The Face and Voice of Europe.” Five weeks later, Javier Solana would with the assistance of New York University, Stanford University and the Brookings Institution all apparently acting with the blessings of the United States State Department would launch a new global security initiative.......

Javier Solana and the Larger Plan

by Dennis Cuddy

Javier Solana, formerly a physics instructor in Virginia, had become the political head of NATO as part of the power elite’s larger plan. He had been supported for this position by Rhodes scholars Bill Clinton, Strobe Talbott, and U.S. Ambassador to Spain Richard Gardner, who had written in the CFR’s Foreign Affairs (April 1974) about the desirability of “an end run around national sovereignty, eroding......

A Nation Divided Cannot Prevail Against its Enemies

by Devvy

One thing I learned 17 years ago: This is no game and the power structure arrayed against the people of these united States of America is formidable as it was in 1775 when the colonials were reaching the breaking point with King George. Anyone who thinks this is just some silly political game of left vs right or conservative vs liberal is dead wrong. The power cabal ruining this country represents the wealthiest most powerful individuals and families on this earth. Their plans are.....

Sign the Declaration of New Patriotism today

Vor G8: Bilderberg-Elitentreffen in Istanbul

Zwangsweise Kasernierung von jungen Hartz IV-Betroffenen im Rhein-Lahn-Kreis

Nach „PR-SOZIAL“ vorliegenden Informationen plant die Arge Rhein-Lahn-Kreis die Kasernierung von Hartz IV-Betroffenen unter 25 Jahren. Dabei soll es sich vorrangig um junge Erwachsene handeln, die weder zur Schule gehen noch in Ausbildung sind. Das Konzept trägt den Namen „JUWEL“ (Jugendliche auf dem Weg in Arbeit) und wurde bereits im März dieses Jahres der rheinland-pfälzischen Landesregierung vorgestellt. Von dieser wurden Bezuschussungen in Aussicht gestellt. Den Informationen nach sieht das Konzept folgendes vor: Die Jugendlichen müssen von in der Früh bis spätnachmittags in einem von der ArGe gemieteten Haus verbleiben und müssen pünktlich zum Appell auf dem Hofgelände des Anwesens erscheinen und werden das Haus in dieser Zeit nicht ohne Genehmigung der Arge verlassen dürfen. Abends dürfen sie heimgehen. Quelle: PR-SOZIAL, Presseportal für Soziales und Politik


Zwangsweise Kasernierung von jungen Hartz IV-Betroffenen im Rhein-Lahn-Kreis

"Nach PR-SOZIAL vorliegenden Informationen plant die Arge Rhein-Lahn-Kreis die Kasernierung von Hartz IV-Betroffenen unter 25 Jahren. Dabei soll es sich vorrangig um junge Erwachsene handeln, die weder zur Schule gehen noch in Ausbildung sind. Das Konzept trägt den Namen "JUWEL" (Jugendliche auf dem Weg in Arbeit) und wurde bereits im März dieses Jahres der rheinland-pfälzischen Landesregierung vorgestellt..." Meldung beim Erwerbslosenforum vom 27. Mai 2007:

(Tacheles e.V. gab auf Nachfrage der LabourNet-Redaktion bekannt, mit der Geschäftsführung der der Arge Rhein-Lahn-Kreis über das Projekt "JUWEl" gesprochen zu haben. Diese bestätigte gegenüber dem Verein, dass eine Eingliederungsmaßnahme für unter 25Jährigen Alg II BezieherInnen geplant sei, die einen "ganzheitlichen Ansatz" verfolge. Tacheles bot sich gerne an, das Projekt "JUWEL" kritisch zu begleiten, und ARGE-Geschäftsführer Hahn erklärte sich bereit, detaillierte Projektinformationen preiszugeben, sobald die Planungsphase abgeschlossen sei).

Aus: LabourNet, 6. Juni 2007

Jeder zweite Bezieher von Arbeitslosengeld wird in der staatlichen Analyse zum Nichtarbeitslosen

Dem Schwindeln ein Ende!

Petition des Aktionsbündnis Sozialproteste für eine ehrliche Veröffentlichung der Arbeitslosenzahlen

Gleich online mit unterzeichnen!

Die Arbeitslosenzahlen sollen nicht mehr geschönt werden! Z.B. wollen wir, dass Leute, die 1-Euro-Jobs machen oder an anderen arbeitsmarktpolitischen Maßnahmen teilnehmen, als Arbeitslose gezählt werden. Schließlich müssen sie bei einem Angebot auf dem ersten Arbeitsmarkt ihre Maßnahme sofort abbrechen. Sie sind also arbeitslos. Die Bundesregierung soll ehrlich zu der Arbeitslosigkeit stehen und nicht versuchen, die Öffentlichkeit zu täuschen, sondern eine zukunftsfähige Arbeits- und Sozialpolitik für die Menschen entwickeln.

Direkt zur Petition des Aktionsbündnis Sozialproteste auf den Seiten des Bundestages:

Inzwischen über 7.000 UnterstützerInnen!

Zur Mitzeichnung auf der Seite, die sich beim Anklicken des oben angegebenen Links öffnet, einfach ganz nach unten scrollen und persönliche Daten wie Name, Vorname, Adresse usw. in das Formular eintragen. Dann dort auf "Mitzeichnen" klicken!

Die Zustimmung wächst! Mehr Informationen/Kampagnenseite

PDF-Datei zum Sammeln von Unterschriften vor Ort

Aus: Rundmail des Aktionsbündnis Sozialproteste (ABSP) am 29. Juni 2007

US Attorney Targeted for Supporting Voting Rights

At a time when GOP activists wanted US attorneys to concentrate on pursuing voter fraud cases, Heffelfinger's office was expressing deep concern about a state directive that could have the effect of discouraging Indians in Minnesota from casting ballots.

Neue Bundesverwaltungsgerichts-Präsidentin Eckertz-Höfer warnt vor zunehmenden Einschränkungen der Grundrechte

Das Bundesverwaltungsgericht wird erstmals von einer Frau geführt. Bundesjustizministerin Brigitte Zypries (SPD) übergab am Donnerstag in Leipzig die Ernennungsurkunde an die neue Präsidentin Marion Eckertz-Höfer. Die 58-jährige Juristin folgt Eckart Hien nach, der seit 2002 an der Spitze des Bundesgerichts stand und in den Ruhestand tritt. Eckertz-Höfer zeigte sich in ihrer Eröffnungsrede besorgt über die zunehmenden Einschränkungen der Grundrechte im Zuge der Terrorabwehr. Kern der Rechtsstaatlichkeit sei, dass sie auf Begrenzung und Bändigung der Staatsgewalt und auf die "Achtung der personalen Freiheit" abziele.

Another Life Succumbs to the Horrors of Isolation and Indefinite Detention in Guantanamo Bay

Center For Constitutional Rights Condemns Death of Fourth Guantanamo Prisoner

Bush Tries To Sabotage Fight Against Global Warming

Repudiation, Not Impeachment

"Less Meeting, More Fighting!"

Bill Quigley and Katrina survivors met with tsunami victims in India. Quigley writes: "Over hundreds of miles, and days and nights of visits, we and our Indian friends found tremendous similarities in our experiences between the tsunami and Hurricane Katrina. Our governments, on all levels, have failed us and continue to fail us. The needs of poor and working people have been mainly neglected. Incredible incompetence and apparent lack of sustained concern have combined to aggravate and amplify the effects of the disasters. It is primarily through the efforts of small voluntary organizations that any real progress is being made."

ACLU Links Boeing to CIA Torture Program

The American Civil Liberties Union announced this morning that it would sue a Boeing subsidiary in San Jose federal court today, alleging that the company helped the CIA with "the forced disappearance, torture and inhumane treatment" of three men the government suspected of terrorist involvement.

Justice Dept. Expands Probe to Include Hiring Practices

Justice Department has expanded its investigations to include allegations regarding improper political or other considerations in hiring decisions. Gonzales is already facing lawmakers' calls for his resignation and a potential no-confidence vote by the Senate. Improper hiring practices could be deemed a violation of the law.

Rove Protege Griffin Said to Resign Friday

Tim Griffin, the federal prosecutor in Arkansas and former assistant to Karl Rove, is resigning on Friday. Griffin replaced well-respected US Attorney Bud Cummins, one of the eight US attorneys whose firings have led to calls for the resignation of Attorney General Gonzales.

Global temperatures will rise for a millennia

Informant: binstock

Anger as residents voice dismay at mast permission

By Pamela Duncan

RESIDENTS in the Monaleen/Castletroy/Annacotty area have described as "unbelievable”, Limerick County Council’s decision to grant planning retention for a telecommunications mast on the grounds of Aisling Annacotty FC.

Meteor Mobile Communications were granted retention for a 10 metre floodlight monopole support structure with attached radio antennae and telecommunications dishes, on an already existing floodlight on May 22.

Residents argue that the mast would be erected in a residential area and in the vicinity of a creche and a secondary school, as well as being sited on a sports ground utilised by children. They have cited health fears as their main concern and noted that reports, such as the Stewart report in England, suggested that mobile phone radiation could be hazardous to health and that children were more susceptible to this risk.

Locals say government regulations indicate that operators should endeavour to locate in industrial estates or in industrially zoned lands.

"The Aisling Annacotty playing pitch is zoned as recreational and educational site under the existing Limerick County Council guidelines. National guidelines also state that such structures should not be erected near crèches or schools,” one local resident, who did not wish to be named, told the Limerick Post.

However, senior planner for Limerick County Council, Gerry Sheeran, says that these guidelines date back to 1996, while a report commissioned by the Department of Communications, Marine and Natural Resources just two months ago, stated: "There is no scientific basis for, or evidence of adverse health affects effecting either children or adults as a result of their exposure to RF (radio frequencies) from phone masts”.

But the decision by Limerick County Council to grant permission is sure to further rile residents because the council actually issued an enforcement order against Meteor in July last year, to remove the mast. The matter was subsequently brought to the courts but was later adjourned so that the planning procedure could take its course.

However, Limerick County Council have now say that because Meteor attached the antenna to an already existing floodlight, that they are, in turn, exempt from planning.

For successful Dail candidate, Kieran O’Donnell, the timing of the council’s decision proved somewhat of an embarrassment as he had assured residents that permission would be denied.

He said he greeted the council’s decision with "disbelief and amazement”, and described the erection of a mast "in the middle of a recreational amenity surrounded by residential houses”, as "completely inappropriate”.

He added that the planning permission was inconsistent with similar applications, such as that in Bilboa, Cappamore, for which planning permission was denied, in late 2006.

He said that permission for the mast should have been denied on a number of points, including the visual impact and the potential affect on house prices in the area. He added that there are a number of telecommunications masts circling that area to which the service provider could have relocated.

"I firmly believe that there is more than adequate cover for all service providers in the area and that this is as much about Meteor securing somewhere that they can charge other operators for co-location,” O’Donnell concluded.

Objections to the mast were submitted by Minister Willie O’Dea and Michael Noonan, Castletroy College, and residents of Castlemara, Riverbank and Newtown Park, amongst others.

An appeal is expected to be lodged with an Bord Pleanala.

© Limerick Post Newspapers 2006

The Perils of Pushing Atomic Energy as the Climate Change Panacea,1518,483602,00.html

Informant: binstock

U.S. Food System Deeply At Risk

by Jim Harkness,

Our increasingly globalized food growth and processing system is expensive, environmentally costly and dangerous.

Another Wolf For The World Bank

by Sarah Anderson,

Robert Zoellick equates anti-globalization protests with terrorism and backed anti-labor trade deals.


Mr. Hardball Goes to the World Bank

Compromise Or Capitulation?

by Glenn Hurowitz,

In letting Bush completely derail their agenda, the Dems aren't doing us—or themselves—any favors.

Scientists for a GM Free Europe


Scientists for a GM Free Europe Final Announcement

ISIS Press Release 11/06/07

Scientists from six countries join forces with MEPs to call for a Europe wide and worldwide ban on growing GM crops.

The event coincides with key scientific publications [1,2] on how national and international regulators have been ignoring damning evidence against the safety of GM food and feed while colluding with industry to manipulate scientific research to promote GM crops. The scientific papers will be presented to the European Parliament together with a comprehensive dossier containing more than 160 fully referenced articles from the Science in Society archives documenting the serious hazards ignored, the scientific fraud, the regulatory sham and violation of farmers’ rights [3]

Time:10:00-13:15 Date: 12 June 2007 Venue: Room P5B001, Paul Henri Spaak Building, European Parliament, Brussels

Notes 1. Seralini G-E, Cellier D and de Vendomois JS. New Analysis of a Rat Feeding Study with a Genetically modified maize reveals signs of hepatorenal toxicity. Arch Environ Contam Toxicol 2007, 52, 596-602. 2. Ho MW, Cummins J and Saunders PT. GM food nightmare unfolding in the regulatory sham. Microbial Ecology in Health and Disease 2007,published online 7 June 2007, DOI: 10.1080/08910600701 343781 3. GM Science Exposed: Hazards Ignored, Fraud, Regulatory Sham, and Violation of Farmers’ Rights, Science in Society Spring
2003-Summer 2007, ISIS CD Book, 2007.
( )

For further details please contact: Sam Burcher or Andy Watton, tel: 44-(0)20-8452-2729, e-mail: sam, andy


10:00 Welcoming Remarks Prof. Peter Saunders, Institute of Science in Society (ISIS), UK

10:05 Opening and Chairman’s Remarks Mr. Janusz Wojciechowski MEP,Vice Chairman of the European Parliament Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development

10:10 Special Address Ms. Jill Evans MEP

10:15 Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, Director of ISIS, UK No to GMOs, No to GM Science

10:30 Dr. Irina Ermakova, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow Experimental Evidence of GMO Hazards

10:45 Dr. Christian Velot, University of Caen, France and CriiGen (Committee for Research and Independent Information on Genetic Engineering, France) WhyCriiGen?

11:00 Dr. Caroline Lucas, Green MEP Why Europe has to be GM Free

11:15 Coffee/Tea break

11:30 Dr. Eva Novotny, Scientists for Global Responsibility, UK Transgene Contamination Is Inevitable

11:45 Prof. Joe Cummins, ISIS, Canada GM Crops and Colony Collapse of Honeybees

12:00 Dr. Zbigniew Halat, Association for Protection of Consumer Health, Poland Resistance to GMOs in Poland, Its Roots and Fruits

12:15 Dr. Pietro Perrino, Institute of Plant Genetics, CNR, Bari, Italy The Genebanks Robbers

12:30 Mr. Jeffrey Smith, IRT, USA Documented Health Risks of GM Food and Feed

12:45 General discussion

13:10 Closing remarks Prof. Peter Saunders

Quotes from Speakers

Mr. Janusz Wojciechowski, MEP, Vice-Chairman of the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development: “For me it is obvious that decisions on GMOs must be based on public opinion, and I do my best in that regard as one of the decision makers in the EU, to safeguard the health of citizens above all.”

Dr. Joe Cummins, Emeritus Professor of Genetics, University of Western Ontario, Canada: “The collapse of honeybees worldwide is almost certainly a combination of different factors including mobile phone transmitters, new systemic neonicotinoid pesticides used in seed dressings and sprays in both conventional and GM crops, and GM crops containing Bt toxins, a biopesticide. Bt biopesticides reduce the honeybee’s immunity to infection by parasitic fungi that are also widely used as biocontrol agents, so it is a case of casualty from friendly fire. The honeybee is a major pollinator of our food crops, and its demise is a dire warning that the extinction of the human species is not far behind”

Dr. Irina Ermakova of the Russian Academy of Sciences: “So many things went wrong for rats fed genetically modified soybeans. They became more anxious and aggressive, there was a high mortality of rat pups born to the females in the first generation, disturbances of reproductive function,s and pathological changes in the internal organs of males and females.”

Dr. Zbigniew Halat, President of the Association for Protection of Consumers Health: “The problems created by genetic engineering are global, it is the proliferation of a kind of biological weapon of mass destruction worldwide.”

Dr. Eva Novotny of SGR: “There can be no co-existence of GM and non-GM crops, as the latest research shows that GM pollen can be transported downwind tens of kilometres. It is clear that we have to make our choice right now.”

Mr. Jeffrey Smith worked with more than 30 scientists over the past two years, compiling the health risks of GM foods for his new book, Genetic Roulette: “There is now irrefutable evidence that GM foods are unsafe. Animal trials show damage to virtually every system studied, reports describe thousands of sick, sterile and dead livestock, large numbers of people link toxic or allergic symptoms to GM products, and most of the fundamental assumptions about the technology, used as the basis for safety claims, have been overturned.”

Dr. Pietro Perrino, Director of Research, Institute of Plant Genetics, (formerly Institute of Germplasm) Bari, Italy: “We urgently need to protect the gene banks as they may soon be the only source of uncontaminated seed stocks in the world. This may be why the biotech industry and their supporters are so keen to see them destroyed after they’ve sequenced the genomes and patented the genes.”

Dr. Christian Velot of Criigen: “Practically all the studies finding “no effect” of GM food and feed are done by companies seeking market approval or funded by them. This research simply does not stand up to independent scientific scrutiny, and regulators are putting people at serious health risks by accepting such research results.”

Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, Director of ISIS: “GMOs are not only hazardous for health and bad for the environment, they will severely damage our chances of surviving global warming. GM crops need more fossil fuels and water to grow, both of which are fast diminishing. Europe cannot afford to waste any more time and resources on GMOs, we must start investing in sustainable food and energy systems now.”

Brief Biographies

Dr. Joe Cummins, Professor Emeritus of Genetics, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada, is one of the earliest critics of genetic engineering. He obtained BS Horticulture, Washington State University 1955 and PhD Cellular Biology, University of Wisconsin 1962. Carried out postdoctoral research at Edinburgh, Palermo, Stockholm (Karolinska) and the Macardle Laboratory for Cancer Research University of Wisconsin. Taught genetics at Rutgers and the University of Washington, Seattle before joining University of Western Ontario in 1972. Became involved in environmental issues from 1968 including mercury, asbestos, PCB and pesticide pollution along with waste sites and incinerators. His critiques of genetic modification began in 1988 when he encountered the power of multinational corporations over the Canadian federal government, and their refusal to face serious risk evaluations. He has published over 200 scientific and popular articles, and is an associate editor and regular contributor to Science in Society.

Jill Evans MEP, member of the Green/European Free Alliance Group, Vice President of Plaid Cymru and party spokesperson for European and International issues and chair of CND Cymru, member of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety with special interest in food safety and GMOs, member of the Delegation for relations with the Palestinian Authorities, and deputises on the Committee for Regional Development and Committee for Women's Rights and Gender Equality; attended University in Aberystwyth and gained her M.Phil. at the former Polytechnic of Wales; worked for the National Federation of Women's Institutes in Wales for six years before becoming Wales Regional Organiser for CHILD, the National Infertility Support Network; Councillor for seven years on the former Rhondda Borough and Mid Glamorgan County Councils and then Rhondda Cynon Taff County Borough Council; elected Plaid Cymru's Alternate Member of the Committee of the Regions in 1993, served for four years, and was also the party's representative on the European Free Alliance, working with Plaid Cymru's sister parties throughout the continent; Chair of Plaid Cymru 1994- 96, and elected first MEP in Plaid Cymru's history together with fellow candidate Eurig Wyn in June 1999.

Dr. Zbigniew Halat medical doctor, consultant epidemiologist; CEO of Health Risk Management & Communication; Chairman of The John Snow International Society for Common Sense in Public Health; President of Association for Protection of Consumers Health; Founder of The Dr Halat Water Institute; Former Deputy Minister of Health in first three non-communist governments of post-war Poland; fought epidemic outbreaks of foodborne and waterborn diseases in the 1970s; consultant epidemiologist in Central Province of the Republic of Kenya in the 1980s, witnessed the birth of a new epidemic, HIV/AIDS, which became an important target of his activity under auspices of Polish Red Cross after he returned to Poland; as Deputy Minister of Health, Chief Sanitary Inspector. He introduced to post- communist Poland the latest advances in public health: environmental health, health promotion and peer education; his achievements were described by a prestigious medical journal as follows: “the quixotic and controversial deputy minister of health, government sanitary inspector, and chief environmental health officer, Zbigniew Halat MD is engaged in a personal crusade to shake the health service out of the spiritual atrophy induced by 45 years of communism. Hard working, self reliant, aggressive, and abrasively masculine, this man of Promethean energies put me in mind of a nineteenth century northern mill owner" (Karin Chopin, Letters from Poland, British Medical Journal, 30 May, 6 June, and 13 June 1992). He later developed a new branch of medicine, consumer medicine, focusing on diagnostic, preventive and legal aspects of health risks linked to consumer goods, from tap water to genetically engineered products. Since 1999 Dr. Halat became an icon of anti-GMO movemwnt in Poland; he is editor-in-chief of a health protection movement periodical Health Risks in Poland, columnist of a monthly Consumer’s World linked to European and US consumer opinion magazines, and collaborator of influential radio and tv broadcasting stations.

Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, B.Sc. Biol (First Class) and Ph.D. Biochemistry. Hong Kong University; co-founder and Director of the Institute of Science in Society, a not-for-profit organisation promoting social responsibility and holistic, ecological approaches in science, Editor and Art Director of the magazine Science in Society ; Science Advisor to the Third World Network and on the Roster of Experts for the Cartegena Protocol on Biosafety. She has a long and distinguished career in research and teaching at universities in the United States and the UK in several disciplines; numerous publications including 151 scientific papers and 14 books; best known for pioneering a ‘physics of organisms’, and as major critic of neo-Darwinism and genetic engineering.

Dr Caroline Lucas (to come)

Dr. Eva Novotny, retired astrophysicist, read physics for an A.B. degree from Barnard College, Columbia University, New York and obtained a Ph.D. in astronomy from Columbia University; worked at several universities in Great Britain, lastly at the Institute of Astronomy of the University of Cambridge; Co-ordinator for GM Issues at Scientists for Global Responsibility for several years and continues occasionally to write for that web site; also an Associate of ISIS.

Dr. Pietro Perrino, Research Director of CNR at the Plant Genetic Institute in Bari, Italy, formerly Director of the Germplasm Institute of CNR (Gene Bank) (Bari, Italy, 1983- 2002), FAO expert for gene banks in the Midle East (1978), Professor of Systematic Botany and Ecology (1992-1996). He is author of more than 300 scientific papers on safeguarding plant genetic resources.

Mr. Jeffrey Smith, executive director of the Institute for Responsible Technology; author of Seeds of Deception, the world’s best selling book on the health risks of GMOs, credited with motivating changes in legislation and consumer buying habits. His new book Genetic Roulette: The Documented Health Risks of Genetically Engineered Foods, highlights 65 adverse reactions and theoretical dangers of GM foods, shows why government assessments are not competent to identify most of the health dangers, and reveals how industry-funded research is often meticulously designed to avoid finding problems. He has lectured in 25 countries and has been quoted by government leaders and hundreds of media outlets across the globe including, The New York Times, Washington Post, BBC World Service, Nature, The Independent, Daily Telegraph, New Scientist, The Times, and Time Magazine. In 2007, he united leaders to support The Campaign for Healthier Eating in America, a revolutionary industry and consumer movement to remove GMOs from the natural food industry.

Dr. Christian Velot (to come)

Dr. Ermakova Irina Vladimirovna, B.Sc. and Ph.D. Biology, Moscow Univeristy, Chief Scientist at The Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology Russian Academy of Science, has 123 publications and participated in numerous international conferences, and has performed joint investigations with scientists in Czechoslovakia, UK, USA and Sweden.

Mr Janusz Wojciechowski, MEP,Vice Chairman of Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development; Member of the Union for Europe of the Nations Group at the European Parliament; Master of Law at University of Lódz (1977); Member of Parliament of the Polish Republic (1993-1995; 2001-2004), and President of the Polish Supreme Chamber of Control (1995-2001).

This article can be found on the I-SIS website at

Gentechnik im Essen per Gesetz: Machen Sie da mit?

Im Moment findet die Diskussionsveranstaltung in der Königsstraße in Nürnberg statt.

Bleiben Sie dran! Verfolgen Sie die Aktionstour in unserem Tourblog:

.Lesen Sie detailliert über das neue SPD-Papier:

Greenpeace Says Global Warming Melting Himalayan Glaciers, Threatening Millions

Informant: NHNE

Protect Yellowstone and the Greater Rockies

Call your Congressperson about the war budget vote

Call your Congressperson at 202.224.3121 about the war budget vote

A soldier in Iraq asks in despair: Why are we here?

Informant: Corey

Wir brauchen die Entkopplung von Arbeit und materieller Grundausstattung

Weg mit der BGE-Forderung! Für die „kostenlose materielle Grundausstattung“ oder: Reformen, für die es sich zu kämpfen lohnt!

Ein Kommentar zu der Aktion „Der Bundestag ist gescheitert“ von Robert Schlosser bei trend

Aus: LabourNet, 31. Mai 2007

What is required of us to be loyal, patriotic Americans?

Daytona Beach News Journal
by Pierre Tristam


Should a devastating terrorist attack occur in the United States (a nuclear bomb, say, or a series of massive urban attacks day after day) it’s not at all far-fetched that the government will indiscriminately round up Arab Americans as security risks, whether they have citizenship or not (I have mine) — not because the government did so with Japanese-Americans during World War II, but because it already did so with thousands of loyal, law-abiding Arab-Americans in the aftermath of 9/11. As with the internment of Japanese in World War II, few voices spoke up against the round-up of Arab-Americans. It may have been the patriotic thing to do to keep quiet about it. It certainly wasn’t the loyal thing to do.Those who spoke up, the American Civil Liberties Union and a ridiculously small number of newspapers and magazines among them, were the ones being loyal to the rights and principles the government was befouling, and that blind patriots were condoning...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Rural communities exploited by Nestle for your bottled water

by Tara Lohan


Across the country, multinational corporations are targeting hundreds of rural communities to gain control of their most precious resource. By strong-arming small towns with limited economic means, these corporations are part of a growing trend to privatize public water supplies for economic gain in the ballooning bottled water industry. With sales of over $35 billion worldwide in the bottled water market, corporations are doing whatever it takes to buy up pristine springs in some of our country’s most beautiful places. While the companies reap the profits, the local communities and the environment are paying the price. One of the biggest and most voracious of the water gobblers is Nestle, which controls one-third of the U.S. market and sells 70 different brand names — such as Arrowhead, Calistoga, Deer Park, Perrier, Poland Spring and Ice Mountain — which it draws from 75 springs located all over the country...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Bush’s detention facilities

by Jerome Corsi


Last week, WND reported President Bush had signed May 9 a little-reported National Security and Homeland Security Directive (NSPD-51 [ ] and NSPD-20) that granted extraordinary powers to the president in the event of a declared national emergency, apparently without congressional approval or oversight. NSPD-51/HSPD-20, published on the White House website, rescinds Presidential Decision Directive 67 signed by Bill Clinton Oct. 21, 1998, and establishes a new White House office of the National Continuity Coordinator, a position now occupied by Frances Fragos Townsend, the assistant to the president for Homeland Security and Terrorism. The new directive concentrates an unprecedented amount of emergency authority in the office of the president, specifying that the president now has the authority to direct ‘National Essential Functions’ of all federal state, local, territorial and tribal governments, as well as private sector organizations in the event of a national emergency...

Bush’s failed campaign to rebrand America

by Fred Kaplan


You’ve probably never heard of a State Department official named Price Floyd (I hadn’t until a few days ago), but his resignation-in-protest, late last March, is as damning a commentary on President George W. Bush’s foreign policies as any of the critiques from retired military officers. Floyd was director of media relations at Foggy Bottom, the most recent of several diplomatic posts that he’d held over the past 17 years, beginning in the administration of Bush’s father. He explained his reason for quitting in a little-read op-ed piece in the May 25 edition of the Fort Worth Star-Telegram (his former hometown newspaper): Basically, he was tired of trying to convince journalists, here and abroad, ‘that we should not be judged by our actions, only our words.’ Ever since Sept. 11, the State Department, he noted, has embarked on ‘an unprecedented effort’ to explain U.S. foreign policy to both American and foreign audiences. His office arranged more than 6,500 interviews, half with international media. On any given day, senior officials were doing four or five interviews. And yet, poll after poll revealed rising animosity toward America. But the problem wasn’t our words; as he put it, ‘What we don’t have here is a failure to communicate.’ Rather, it was our actions, ‘which speak the loudest of all’...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

America is not Bush


by Sidney Blumenthal


The current challenge is not a struggle against a totalitarian foe. It is not, as Bush has said, ‘the ideological struggle of our time.’ It is not an ideological war. It is not a battle against an enemy called ‘Islamofascism’ — a confected category that conflates Bush’s idea of war not only with the Cold War but also with World War II. Most important, it is not a struggle for national survival against an existential threat. Jihadism and its use of terror are, of course, a dangerous threat, but they do not, and cannot, destroy the United States as the Soviet Union could do...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Gitmo abductee “kills himself”

BBC News [UK]


A Saudi Arabian prisoner has died in an apparent suicide at the US detention facility at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba, the US military has said. A statement by the US Southern Command said the inmate was found unresponsive and not breathing by guards, and attempts to revive him failed. … There were no details as to how the prisoner died. The Naval Criminal Investigative Service is investigating the incident...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Saudi Prisoner Becomes Guantanamo's Fourth Suicide

A Saudi Arabian detainee died on Wednesday at Guantanamo Bay prison, apparently by committing suicide, according to the US military. It would be the fourth suicide at Guantanamo since the prison camp opened in January 2002.

ACLU sues Jeppesen over alleged torture flights

San Jose Mercury News


The American Civil Liberties Union today filed suit against a company operating out of San Jose for its alleged part in shipping people overseas for interrogation and possibly torture. The suit filed in the U.S. District Court for Northern California charges that Jeppesen Dataplan Inc. facilitated international flights that took at least three people the CIA wanted to interrogate to countries where they would be tortured...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Has Big Business Turned Organics Into "Yuppy Chow"?

Organic food is being taken over by big business, marketed as "yuppy chow" for the privileged, and increasingly packaged with as little concern for the environment as conventional food production.

"Supersize Me" Research Offers Grim Warning for Americans

It's research that may have you thinking twice before upgrading to the large size at your favorite fast-food joint. Saint Louis University research presented in Washington, DC, shows the dangers of high-fat food combined with high-fructose corn syrup and a sedentary lifestyle - in other words, what may be becoming commonplace among Americans.

Doubt cast on US Iraq 'surge' strategy

Informant: Corey

Rich Must Pay Bulk of Climate Change Bill, Oxfam Says

Coping with the ravages of global warming will cost $50 billion a year, and the rich nations who caused most of the pollution must pay most of the bill, aid agency Oxfam said on Tuesday.

Former Democratic Senator Bob Kerrey makes his case for staying the course in Iraq

Justifying the War

The Coal Trap

The New York Times writes: "There is a rule for judging solutions to the twin problems of energy dependence and global warming: A policy designed to solve one problem should not make the other worse. But that is a likely outcome of the many 'energy independence' bills circulating in Congress that aim to build a whole new generation of coal-to-liquid plants to convert coal into automotive fuel."

Some Hitherto Staunch GOP Voters Souring on Iraq

Through four elections, Debbie Thompson has supported Representative Mark Steven Kirk, a Republican and staunch backer of the Bush administration's policies in Iraq. "My patience for this war, it's run out," said Ms. Thompson. "I think this is the most expensive, stupidest thing ever done. My frustration has reached a level that is so unsettling, something has to be done."

Investigation Involves GOP Senator Stevens

Federal agents are looking into Senator Ted Stevens's role in the ongoing investigation into the remodeling of his Alaska home, according to two law enforcement officials familiar with the probe.

WiFi network for lampposts

Residents face new phone mast battle

31 May 2007 | 08:12

A SECOND attempt could be made to put up a mobile phone mast in a Colchester street where residents previously staged a blockade with their cars.

Hutchison 3G (UK) Ltd was given permission to put a mast at the junction of Berechurch Hall Road and Lethe Grove in 2002 after Colchester Borough Council failed to decide on the application in time.

Residents were outraged and when contractors arrived to erect the mast, they parked their cars on the piece of land and the mast was never put up.

Now five years on, Hutchison 3G wants to put a phone mast further up Berechurch Hall Road, at its junction with Mersea Road.

It has submitted an application to Colchester Borough Council which must be dealt with by July 12.

Berechurch ward councillor Terry Sutton said: “I have heard from several people who are annoyed about it.

“Residents will not be able to park their cars and stop it this time as there are double yellow lines on the road so they would be looking at £60 fines.

“The application is basically saying can the council determine if the mast needs permission but it effectively doesn't.

“You can object on design grounds but they are designed these days to fit into the street scene. It is very hard to find ways to stop it.”

Mr Sutton said he had asked Hutchison 3G to confirm they would not also try to use the Lethe Grove junction site, permission for which still exists, but had not had a response.

A spokesman for the firm said: “I can confirm there are current plans for a site at Berechurch Hall Road and Mersea Road but we have no plans for the Lethe Grove site.

“There is demand for Hutchison services in this area and under the terms of the licence we have with the UK government we have to provide a service.

“We have found a good site which we want to use in that area.”

Sue Jackson, principle planning officer for Colchester Borough Council, said: “Because of its height the mast doesn't need planning permission as such but we do need to approve its setting and design which is known as prior approval application.”

Copyright © 2007 Archant Regional Ltd. All rights reserved.

Railroaded by mast plan

Global warming is not just a theory to us

Inuit, the people who live farther north than anyone else, are the canary in the global coal mine.

Stranger than fiction; US on Mad Cow: Don't Test All Cattle

The Bush administration said Tuesday it will fight to keep meatpackers from testing all their animals for mad cow disease.

From Information Clearing House


Bush: US will fight to keep beef unsafe

China Post [Taiwan]


The Bush administration said Tuesday it will fight to keep meatpackers from testing all their animals for mad cow disease. The Agriculture Department tests fewer than 1 percent of slaughtered cows for the disease, which can be fatal to humans who eat tainted beef. A beef producer in the western state of Kansas, Creekstone Farms Premium Beef, wants to test all of its cows. Larger meat companies feared that move because, if Creekstone should test its meat and advertised it as safe, they might have to perform the expensive tests on their larger herds as well. The Agriculture Department regulates the test and argued that widespread testing could lead to a false positive that would harm the meat industry...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Rules 'hiding' trillions in debt: Liability $516,348 per U.S. household

The federal government recorded a $1.3 trillion loss last year - far more than the official $248 billion deficit - when corporate-style accounting standards are used, a USA TODAY analysis shows.

From Information Clearing House

Why Democratic Political Consultants Love the Iraq War

We read in the Boston Globe how John Kerry, preparing to campaign to be commander in chief, voted in 2002 for the Iraq war after his political consultants informed the would-be leader of the free world that he would not be "politically viable" unless he voted yes.

From Information Clearing House

Cheney criticizes the Geneva Conventions in Military Academy commencement address

Vice President Dick Cheney criticized the notion of applying the Geneva Conventions to individuals captured in the course of the war on terrorism in a Saturday commencement address at the United States Military Academy in West Point, New York.

From Information Clearing House

Cheney accused on prisoner abuse

A top aide to former Secretary of State Colin Powell has launched a stinging attack on US Vice-President Dick Cheney over abuse of prisoners by US troops.

Interrogation Methods Are Criticized

As the Bush administration completes secret new rules governing interrogations, a group of experts advising the intelligence agencies are arguing that the harsh techniques used since the 2001 terrorist attacks are outmoded, amateurish and unreliable.

From Information Clearing House

Exit From Iraq Should Be Through Iran

The lesson for both Iran and North Korea is simple: acquire nuclear weapons and the US will not only stop threatening "regime change," but will also seek good relations. Effectively the US has demolished the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

Diplomats: Iran Hinted at Suspension

Iran recently hinted at willingness to discuss a partial suspension of uranium enrichment, but the West stuck to its demand for a full halt and Tehran withdrew its idea for getting talks going in the dispute over its nuclear program, diplomats said Wednesday.

From Information Clearing House

IRAQ: Women forced to give up their jobs, marriages

From Information Clearing House

Goldsmith 'told Army to ignore Rights Act' in Iraq

Leaked emails between London and military chiefs in Iraq suggest Lord Goldsmith advised a "pragmatic" approach to handling prisoners rather than adherence to the "higher standards" of human rights.

Human rights in Iraq: a case to answer

Revealed: How Lord Goldsmith advised Army chiefs to deny detainees 'full' legal protection.

From Information Clearing House

The Iraq war is Brown's war, a war he could have stopped

Brown showed a distinct lack of courage in failing to stand up to Blair. Now he must quickly summon the courage to withdraw.,,2090983,00.html

From Information Clearing House

Bush envisions U.S. presence in Iraq like S.Korea

The United States has had thousands of U.S. troops in South Korea to guard against a North Korean invasion for 50 years.

Korea 'may have lessons for US'

THE half-century US military presence in South Korea may be a model for a future in which US forces play a support role in Iraq rather than a frontline combat role, the White House said.

From Information Clearing House


Bush sees South Korea model for Iraq

Palm Beach Post


President Bush envisions a long-term U.S. troop presence in Iraq similar to the one in South Korea where American forces have helped keep an uneasy peace for more than 50 years, the White House said Wednesday. The comparison was offered as the Pentagon announced the completion of the troop buildup ordered by Bush in January. The last of about 21,500 combat troops to arrive were an Army brigade in Baghdad and a Marine unit heading into the Anbar province in western Iraq...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Ideas Cannot be Killed

Dreaming of a True Memorial Day

By Cynthia McKinney

Our young men and women are dying in a far-off land; those of us who dissent are spied upon by an Administration that violates the Constitution. Our economy has been wrecked by massive theft occurring in the guise of war and disaster profiteering. Our tax money has been used to fly people to places around the world so they can be tortured-whether they're guilty of anything or not.

Cindy Sheehan Says She Will Return After Stepping Back as Antiwar Leader

"We Will Retool...and Come at it from a Different Direction" -

Audio; Interview with Cindy Sheehan

Audio and transcript


Interview With Cindy Sheehan: "We'll Come Back Stronger"

Prominent anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan tells NOW's David Brancaccio that she plans to rest, spend time with her family, and then continue her struggle against the Iraq war. "We're going to pull back and regroup and figure out a better way to come at this," Sheehan said in a NOW on the News web-exclusive audio interview.


Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Marine feels killing 'right thing'

Marine Describes Haditha Death Scene

Informant: Frank Gonzalez


Marine feels killing 'right thing'

An officer who saw the corpses of Iraqi women and children sprawled across a bed in a home said in recorded testimony that he believed that "my Marines were doing the right thing" when they killed them.

22,500 soldiers with PTSD

22,500 soldiers with PTSD - VA absolved of responsibility for their care

In the past six years, more than 22,500 soldiers, most diagnosed with PTSD or traumatic brain injury, have been dismissed from service with a diagnosis of "personality disorder," which, considered a pre-existing condition, absolves the VA of all responsibility for their future care.

A rose for their graves ...

David Fickel, a 25-year-old Minnesotan honorably discharged from the Marine Corps after serving in Iraq, used a shotgun to take his own life on Memorial Day, 2006

Linda Michel, a 33-year-old Navy medic from Albany, who served at a U.S.-run prison near Baghdad, returned to her husband and three children last October and, two weeks later, shot and killed herself

Jonathan Schulze, a 25-year-old from New Prague, MN, asked to be admitted to a VA hospital on January 11 because he was thinking of killing himself. Told he was No. 26 on the waiting list, he hung himself at his parents' farm, leaving behind his pregnant wife and a young daughter

Michael Bramer, a 23-year-old from Boston who had served with the Army's 82d Airborne Division, turned up the surround sound on his television on January 17 and took his own life

Jessica Rich, a 24-year-old Army Reservist and mother of a 7-year-old son, despaired of leaving behind her nightmares and flashbacks of Iraq. On February 8, she drove her car into oncoming traffic on I-25 outside of Denver and died

Chris Dana, a 23-year-old Iraq war veteran from Helena who friends said wore his uniform and boots for weeks at a time, even to sleep, shut himself in his bedroom in March, put a blanket over his head, and shot himself

Jack Topel

Ghosts of Abu Ghraib

Informant: Ed Ward, MD


Ghosts of Abu Ghraib

Video Documentary

Film Summary Through startling interviews with perpetrators, witnesses and victims, GHOSTS OF ABU GHRAIB examines and contextualizes the abuses that occurred in the fall of 2003 at the notorious Iraqi prison abuses documented in photographs that are etched in our national consciousness.

The film probes the psychology of how typical American men and women came to commit these atrocious acts and, on a parallel track, explores the policy decisions that eroded our compliance with the Geneva Conventions and contributed to making the abuse a reality. Ultimately, the film asks what these events say about America, our government, our military and our human nature.

An Analysis of the "Ballot Integrity Act" Proposed in the US Senate

An Analysis of the "Ballot Integrity Act" Proposed in the US Senate

Senator Diane Feinstein's recently released "Ballot Integrity Act of
2007" is co-sponsored by Senators Dodd, Sanders, Inouye, Obama, Brown, Leahy, Menendez, Kennedy, and Clinton (a powerful group so that this bill probably has more standing than Nelson's bill which mirrors Representative Rush Holt's HR811 "Voter Confidence and Increased Accessibility Act of 2007" more closely)

Here are links to Representative Ehler's alternative bill (which does not require any voter verified paper ballots), to Feinstein's press release, to Feinstein's bill, and to Holt's HR811:

The "Ballot Integrity Act" manual audit provisions are terrible compared to HR811:

1. Its audits are not independent, but may be conducted internally by election officials (See Section 304 "each State shall establish guidelines and standards for local jurisdictions to utilize in conducting audits..." and "each State shall establish guidelines and standards". This means that sham audit procedures like Utah's where the manual counts of the voter-verifiable paper ballot records are never compared with the electronic tallies on the election management system which are actually used to tally votes.)

2. No audits are required until the 2010 election (i.e. It leaves the
2008 election wide-open to vote tampering or innocent error or electronic failures.) (See Section 201(d))

3. Its voluntary standards for audit procedures must be voted on by the EAC (Yikes, the EAC, whose Executive Director and Chair were original board members of a group founded by voting vendors called The Election Center, recently voted against a requirement for voter verifiable paper records that are necessary to independently audit vote count accuracy.)

4. The nonpartisan US Government Accountability Office (GAO) which has real expertise in audits is not even mentioned by Feinstein's bill
(HR811 requires US GAO standards for independent auditing be applied)

5. Only 2% of precincts are required to be audited (with no adjustment for close races, so that outcome-altering error would not be detected in most close US House races) (See Section 202. REQUIREMENTS FOR MANDATORY MANUAL AUDITS.)

6. Its audits are not required to be publicly verifiable by committing the data first (a practice required in auditing in any field), so that the unaudited counts can be manipulated after the audit to match the vote totals.

7. Its audits do not require comparing the voter verified ballots with the electronic tallies used to tally votes on the central tabulator. Instead the language says "the audit shall compare the vote tallies from the hand count of the individual, durable, voter-verified paper records ... with electronic tallies" (Section 202(a) (1)), so that the polling location electronic tallies could be used instead. This means that in places like Utah where election statutes prohibit the election night polling place tallies from being publicly posted (according to Utah election officials), and the "audit" is conducted by comparing voter verifiable paper ballot roll records with printouts of alleged polling place totals, the audits are a sham. i.e. "Ballot Integrity Act" audits could be easily manipulated because the vote counts are not required to be publicly released prior to beginning the audit and any electronic counts may be used. (I.e. there is nothing in Feinstein's bill to prevent sham or manipulate-able audits) in contrast to HR811's provisions.

7. Paperless DRE systems are not required to be replaced until the
2010 elections and funding is provided for that ($600 Mill which is about what it would cost to replace paperless DREs with PBOS systems and BMDs) (See Section 201(a) (1) (C) - States with paperless voting systems shall certify to the EAC by July, 2009 that they will comply with the new requirements by the deadline of January, 2010 - See Section 201(a) (2) (A).)

8. Feinstein's bill requires the elimination of voting systems using VVPT rolls, but does not seem to fund any monies for replacing them.

9. Feinstein's bill sets up a new "audit guidelines task force" but does not require taskforce members to have qualifications to set such standards (Section 223) and its audit standards are voluntary and the EAC must vote to adopt the voluntary standards (Section 224). The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is tasked to give advice on the audit standards, but the US GAO which has considerable expertise in auditing, is not. The audit task force is not required to be multi-partisan or to have members who are mathematicians, statisticians, gaming professionals, or anyone with the expertise to ensure that the audit protocols or procedures would be correctly set. Section 223 requires someone who is "expert in the field of election audits" - perhaps a former election official who has helped conduct prior insufficient, sham audits in the past? There is no requirement for any election integrity advocates to be on the audit guidelines task force either.

10. The "Ballot Integrity Act" sets up a clearinghouse of information on the experiences of state and local governments in implementing audit guidelines that is required to collect the experiences of election officials, who have historically covered up evidence of election problems, but no experiences of election integrity advocates or voters or expert citizens is collected. (Section 224)

So in sum, we can kiss the integrity and accuracy of the 2008 election results goodbye with this version of manual election audits (unless your idea is just to blindly trust all voting vendors and election officials not to make any mistakes). The "Ballot Integrity Act" would risk the future of our country by letting another election go un-audited. The "Ballot Integrity Act" is not as good as HR811 was before HR811 was amended to fix some of its flaws.

However, The "Ballot Integrity Act" may be more palatable than HR811 for election officials and voting vendors who do not want election results subjected to independent audits, and voting system developers who hope to get some of the $4 million allocated to researching new voting systems.

Other bad provisions in the "Ballot Integrity Act" include:

1. Requires the implementation of text conversion technology specifically rather than making functional requirements and leaving the implementation open-ended (this also unfunded since this would require the replacement of all voting machines for voters with disabilities and there is no currently certified "text conversion" system available yet) (See Section 201(a) (2) (A)).

2. Requires partial software disclosure but only "as necessary to assess the integrity and efficacy of such software" and "only for the purpose of administering or enforcing election laws, or for review, analysis, and reporting" for use in litigation, but not as necessary for verifying that the certified software was actually the same as that used during elections (which would require a higher level of disclosure). It therefore has inadequate software disclosure requirements for the purpose of verifying what software actually ran during elections.

3. Allows voting devices which tally votes and which are used to program ballot definitions to be connected to the Internet, thus leaving voting systems wide open to malicious tampering through the Internet. (See Section 201(b) (1))

4. Implements discretionary un-enforceable requirements that any software, other than election-dedicated software, be disclosed, as the Commission deems appropriate. This would seem to require either global changes to national and international copyright and trademark laws, or development of new fully disclosed voting systems, in order to be enforced.

5. Requires that chain of custody (security procedures) for voting systems and ballots be disclosed to the Commission but does not require that they be disclosed to the public, therefore omitting any public scrutiny of ballot and voting system security procedures. (See Section 201(b) (1)) Having just tried to do a Google search on paper ballot and election record security procedures, I can tell you that surprisingly, there is not much information available.

6. Insufficient funding to meet all its requirements. Only $600 Million to replace voting systems. (It would cost roughly $990 Million to replace all paperless and paper-roll DRE voting machines with one precinct-based optical-scanner and one ballot marking device for voters with disabilities, for each precinct now using such DREs).

In its defense, however, there are some important additions to The "Ballot Integrity Act" that are missing in HR811, although it destroyed the audits, certainly for the 2008 where none are conducted, but also for the long term since audits are allowed to be internally conducted by election officials, be inadequate, and so forth.

Good features of the "Ballot Integrity Act" include:

1. Section 101 puts a moratorium on acquiring "for use in an election for Federal office a DRE voting system ... that does not produce a voter-verified paper record as required by section 301(a)(2)

2. Requires durable individual voter-verified paper records - thus making paper-roll DREs that violate voter privacy and are not durable illegal by 2010. (See Section 201(a)(1)(A)

3. Specifies that the voter-verified paper record shall be used as the official ballot for purposes of recounts or audits. (See Section
201(a)(1)(A)) and if there are sufficient inconsistencies to put an outcome in question, and sufficient paper ballot records are compromised, then the electronic vote tallies shall not be the only consideration.

4. Requires "in the event of the failure of voting equipment or circumstance that causes a significant disruption of the voting process for voters, that any voter waiting to cast a ballot shall be advised immediately of the individual's right to use an "emergency paper ballot" and be provided with one.

5. Testing protocols, results, and all communications between the test laboratory ad the manufacturer shall be provided to the EAC and to the public by the EAC.

6. New protections to ensure the accuracy and integrity of voter registration rolls; and to safeguard against accidental removal of legal voters, (Section 306) are implemented; and the procedures and protocols used to purge voters must be made public on the Internet.

7. Poll worker training is required, but not funded.(Section 303)

8. Allocation of voting systems, poll workers, and election resources is required to be equitable, but there is no timely enforcement method. Reports are required by States to explain violations. (Section

9. Campaign Activities are prohibited for Chief State Election Officials. (Section 305)

10. Other provisions re. handling of military, overseas, provisional, and early voting.

Feinstein's bill is a real disappointment if our goal is to ensure the accuracy of election outcomes because no sufficient, independent election audits are required; as compared to HR811.

Kathy Dopp

The material expressed herein is the informed product of the author Kathy Dopp's fact-finding and investigative efforts. Dopp is a Mathematician, Expert in election audit mathematics and procedures; in exit poll discrepancy analysis; and can be reached at P.O. Box 680192 Park City, UT 84068 phone 435-658-4657

Election Audit Mathematics Bibliography

Support Clean Elections in 2008

Important Facts About The Voter Confidence & Increased Accessibility Act (HR811)

"Enlighten the people generally, and tyranny and oppressions of body and mind will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day," wrote Thomas Jefferson in 1816

Health Freedom Protection Act, H.R. 2117 Introduced In House: Help Support This Bill

Representative Ron Paul (along with Representatives Rosco Bartlett, Dan Burton, John Duncan, and Christopher Shays) has reintroduced the Health Freedom Protection Act, H.R. 2117. This is a true health-freedom bill that the NHF has lobbied for, and it deserves the support of the health-freedom community.

For years, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) have continued to censor and engage in heavy-handed attempts to restrict access to supplements and educational information for Americans. This bill would stop the FDA from censoring truthful claims about the curative, mitigative, or preventative effects of dietary supplements.

A grass-roots advocacy letter-writing campaign is needed to help the NHF's lobbying efforts to educate Congressional members on the need for this legislation. The NHF will once again be seeking to have a companion bill introduced in the Senate. As of May 2, 2007, the bill has been referred to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce.

For more information you can visit the NHF webpage to send letters to your Congresspersons, and download this bill.

As the oldest and best-respected health-freedom group on Capitol Hill, the NHF continues to be the credible source of objective assessment, and proactive actions on Congressional legislation and FDA matters impacting upon our freedom-of-health choices and our access to dietary supplements and nutritional foods.

To view H.R. 2117 bill Health Freedom and Protection Act (pdf):

To view the Sample Petition Letter:

To contact your Congressperson in the U.S. House of Representatives:

For individual mailing addresses for letter writing and other contact info for Congress Members:

Fax List for Congress:




Informant: NHNE


Ron Paul Health Freeedom Protection Act

Informant: Neo Mulder

Our democracy has failed us, it is time for the people to end this war

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Protest the Forest Service's attempts to desecrate the San Francisco Peaks!


Let the Forest Service know that you are outraged by their decision to appeal the decision to protect the sacred San Francisco Peaks!

Lets stand for unity to protect our environment and heal the cultural relationships in our community.

Join us Monday, June 4 from 11:30 am until 2:00 pm at the Coconino National Forest Service office.1824 S. Thompson St. (off of W. route
66, across the street from the Daily Sun).

What: Protest the Forest Service's attempts to desecrate the San Francisco Peaks! When: Monday, June 4 from 11:30 am until 2:00 pm Where: Coconino National Forest Service office.1824 S. Thompson St. (off of W. route 66, across the street from the Daily Sun). Why? Because we care about community health, our environment, and Native American religious freedom!


To: Save the Peaks coalition
Subject: U.S. Department of Justice Chooses to Continue Desecration of Sacred Site
Date: Wed, 30 May 2007 20:58:52 -0700

U.S. Department of Justice Chooses to Continue Desecration of Sacred Site

Flagstaff, AZ -- On Wednesday, May 30th the United States Department of Justice on behalf of the Forest Service filed for a rehearing and appeal "en banc" in the case to protect the San Francisco Peaks in Northern Arizona. The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals previously ruled in favor of Native American tribes and environmental groups on the grounds that a proposed ski area development and expansion would violate the Religious Freedom Restoration Act and the National Environmental Policy Act.

The Peaks, which are held holy by more than 13 Native American Nations, have been at the center of a legal battle that has pitted tribes and environmental groups against the U.S. Forest Service and a small private ski area. The Arizona Snowbowl ski area has been attempting an expansion and snowmaking with treated sewage effluent on the sacred mountain. The US Forest Service, which leases the land to Snowbowl, approved the decision but was faced with lawsuits by the Navajo Nation, Hopi Tribe, Hualapai Tribe, the White Mountain Apache Tribe, the Yavapai-Apache Tribe, the Havasupai Tribe, the Sierra Club, the Center for Biological Diversity, and the Flagstaff Activist Network.

"The decision of the Forest Service and Snowbowl to appeal the ruling is shameful and harmful to all of the tribes and people of this country who value religious freedom and a healthy environment." Said Howard Shanker, of the Shanker Law Firm, PLC. "The 9th Circuit ruling did not grant Native Americans new rights that restrict other uses of public lands, it only upheld and protected the rights they already have."

"The Federal Government does not have a compelling interest to prop up a private business. As a taxpayer, I am outraged. The Forest Service has spent a lot of our money in this case and they are disregarding good case law. All public land users should be outraged." Carly Long, President of the Flagstaff Activist Network said.

Recently 21 tribes had collaboratively passed a resolution calling on the Federal Government not to appeal the 9th Circuit ruling. The resolution also urged the government to repair damage done to tribal relations due to controversy created by the proposed ski area development. A rehearing could bring the case back before the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. An Appeal "en banc" could have the case heard before the entire 9th Circuit.

There is no guarantee that the courts will hear this case.

[p]eople wonder why we are upset, because after all we can still use part of the Mountain. . . We do not see the Mountain as a pie to divide up into segments. The Mountain is a whole entity like a pregnant woman or a large mature tree. . ." Stated Vincent Randall, Yavapai-Apache Nation Councilman in the 9th Circuit Court briefing.

"We always knew that this would be a long and difficult struggle. The fight for human rights and religious freedom has always been a challenge in this country." Said Jeneda Benally, a volunteer with the Save the Peaks Coalition. "The Save the Peaks Coalition is committed to creating healthy relationships between people in our community and lasting environmental justice for future generations."

The Save the Peaks Coalition has initiated a "Healthy Communities/Turquoise Ribbon campaign" to engage local citizens and the Flagstaff business community in the call for respect for the environment, community health, and cultural diversity.

The Save the Peaks Coalition also has called for a demonstration on Monday, June 4th at the Coconino National Forest Service office in Flagstaff Arizona. The protest will be held from 11:30 am until 2:00 pm. The Forest Service office is located at 1824 S. Thompson St. (off of W. route 66, across the street from the Daily Sun). Visit for more information.

"We must at some point stop trying to fake the world and realize that our actions as humans have created a world in peril. The Native cultural perspective that is protected by this court decision is in fact a road map to once again creating a world in balance." Said Rudy Preston.

Informant: Don B Fanning

Krank durch Handystrahlung?

TV- Hinweis: Quarks & Co

Vor einigen Wochen hat sich die Redaktion von Quarks & Co, einer Wissenschaftsendung des WDR, bezüglich eines geplanten Beitrags zur Handy-Problematik an uns gewandt. Nach recht ausführlicher Kommunikation haben sich die TV- Leute entschieden in Thüringen, Gumpelstadt, zu drehen und es soll sich thematisch um die Anwohnersituation und die Erkrankungen um die Sendestationen, speziell die gehäuften Krebsfälle, handeln.

Laut der Redakteurin des Beitrages soll dieser in der kommenden Quarks & Co Sendung am 19. Juni 2007 ausgestrahlt werden.

Wie so oft wird vieles angekündigt und auch wieder abgesagt. Der mdr hat den zweiten Beitrag mit den Bestätigungen der Fallzahlen in Steinbach-Hallenberg [ ] und der deutlich erhöhten Krebsrate durch das GKR, Berlin, mehrfach angekündigt, auch direkt bei den Protagonisten, doch bis heute blieb alles ohne Ausstrahlung.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen!

Bernd Schreiner
Landesverband Thüringen


Krank durch Handystrahlung?

Quarks & Co. (WDR) sendet am 19.6.2007, 21 Uhr, zum Thema: "Krank durch Handystrahlung?"

Am kommenden Dienstag, 19.6., beschäftigt sich die Sendung „Quarks & Co.“ des WDR-Fernsehens mit dem Thema möglicher gesundheitlicher Auswirkungen von elektromagnetischer Strahlung von Mobiltelefonen. Aus der Ankündigung: „Laut einer repräsentativen Emnid-Umfrage glaubt knapp mehr als die Hälfte der Befragten, dass Mobilfunk gesundheitsschädlich sei. Der Strahlung von Handys und Sendemasten werden die unterschiedlichsten Wirkungen auf die Gesundheit nachgesagt - von Kopfschmerzen und Herzrasen über Tinnitus bis zu Schlafstörungen. Mit diesen Symptomen plagen sich auch die Bewohner von Oberammergau, seit im letzten Sommer der Mobilfunkbetreiber seine Sendeanlage auf die neue Technik umgerüstet hat. Aber macht Mobilfunk wirklich krank?“

Aus: FGF-Infoline vom 14.06.2007
Der Forschungsgemeinschaft Funk e.V. (FGF), gehören alle deutschen Mobilfunkbetreiber an.


Programmbeschwerde an WDR-Intendantin Piel und WDR-Rundfunkrat wegen industriefreundlicher Sendung

Mikrowellenkanone fürs Militär

Mikrowellenwaffen: US-Armee erprobt nicht-tödliche Energiewaffe

Am 30.05.2007 berichtete der Deutschlandfunk über die Erprobung von Energiewaffen, die Angreifer in die Flucht schlagen sollen, ohne sie tödlich zu verletzen. Aus dem Beitrag: „... Active Denial System - kurz ADS - heißt das in der Erprobung befindliche System, erklärt der Physiker und Friedensforscher Jürgen Altmann von der Universität Dortmund. ... Und diese Strahlung, 3 Millimeter oder 95 Gigahertz, wird von Wasser absorbiert. Und zwar viel intensiver als die normale Mikrowellenstrahlung, so dass die schon auf den Zehntel Millimetern von Haut absorbiert wird und die dann aufheizt. Der Energiestrahl durchdringt die Kleidung und reizt die Schmerzrezeptoren in der Haut. Weil die Schmerzen innerhalb von Sekunden unerträglich werden, bleibt dem Gegner nur die Flucht aus dem wenige Meter breiten Heizstrahl.... Den geplanten Einsatz der Mikrowellenkanone in der grünen Sicherheitszone in Bagdad hat das US-Militär allerdings bis auf weiteres verschoben. Gesundheitliche Bedenken ließen zunächst weitere Tests angeraten erscheinen. Denn wie bei Tränengas und Gummigeschossen gilt auch hier: Bei falscher Dosierung können die Opfer nämlich schwere Verbrennungen erleiden oder erblinden. Für Heinz-Günther Witten, Experte für nicht-letale Waffen im Bundesverteidigungsministerium, sind das triftige Argumente gegen den Einsatz der mutmaßlichen Wunderwaffe. Denn wenn der Strahl ins Auge geht, dann ist das Auge verloren. Und das wäre ja schon eine nachhaltige Schädigung, die wir ja eigentlich verhindern wollen oder die eigentlich von der Genfer Konvention nicht zulässig ist.“

Aus: FGF-Infoline vom 31.05.2007
Der Forschungsgemeinschaft Funk e.V. (FGF), gehören alle deutschen Mobilfunkbetreiber an.


Wie gefährlich ist die Mikrowellenwaffe ADS?

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