Montag, 28. Mai 2007

"Mobilfunk kann Ihrer Gesundheit schaden" - "Mobile phone mast can damage your health"

Durch Anklicken dieses Links können Sie sich einen BBC Beitrag anhören zu „Mobile phone mast can damage your health“:

In Folge der Sendung schnellten in London die IT-Aufträge schnurlose Systeme zu deinstallieren und dafür kabelgebundene Systeme zu installieren auf 40% aller Aufträge in die Höhe. Das gab es noch nie.

Freundliche Grüsse,


Paying Less to Pollute: Environmental Enforcement Under the Bush

Enforcement actions by the EPA in the most recent five full fiscal years of the Bush Administration have fallen on four out of five key fronts compared to the last five years of the EPA under Clinton. EPA enforcement is down by about a quarter or more in terms of court filings, criminal investigations, civil fines and criminal penalties. The Justice Department has become reluctant to sue violators that refuse to settle.

Paying Less to Pollute: Environmental Enforcement Under the Bush.

Published by Environmental Integrity Project.

Informant: binstock

The Handwriting on the Wall Is Written in Blood

Scott Galindez: "This Memorial Day, nearly 1,000 more families will be visiting the graves of American soldiers killed in Iraq than a year ago. With death tolls over 100 for the last few months, I have to ask if over 400 new lives should be sacrificed, if the handwriting is already on the wall?"

Palm oil puts squeeze on endangered orangutan

Informant: binstock


Palm Oil Puts Squeeze on Endangered Orangutan

Bound hand and foot, disheveled orangutans caught raiding Borneo's oil palm crops silently await their fate as a small crowd of plantation workers gathers to watch. Lacking only handcuffs and fingerprinting to complete the atmosphere of a criminal bust, such "ape evictions" have become part of life for Asia's endangered red apes.

Ron Paul on Patriotism

VIDEO and text:

Informant: Ron Neil


Ron Paul on dissent in a time of war


The true patriot is motivated by a sense of responsibility and out of self-interest for himself, his family, and the future of his country to resist government abuse of power. He rejects the notion that patriotism means obedience to the state.


Rethinking Patriotism

Assault on Elections Needs Full Airing

The Sacramento Bee writes: " ... it seems more and more apparent that behind the US attorney scandal is a blatant effort of the Justice Department to tamper with the US election process, trumping up voter fraud as an issue to intimidate voters and suppress voting in the United States. This is a serious matter calling for investigation by an outside special counsel."

Iraq Intelligence Horror Stories Shouldn't Be Old News

Hearing horror stories about the manipulation of Iraq intelligence is like watching "The Exorcist" again and again: Each time, you see something new and laugh at the parts that used to make your hair go up straight.

Trust and Betrayal

"Future historians will shake their heads over how easily America was misled into war. The warning signs, the indications that we had a rogue administration determined to use 9/11 as an excuse for war, were there, for those willing to see them, right from the beginning - even before Mr. Bush began explicitly pushing for war with Iraq," writes Paul Krugman.

As Allies Turn Foe, Disillusion Rises in Some GIs

Staff Sgt. David Safstrom does not regret his previous tours in Iraq - not even a difficult second stint, when two comrades died while trying to capture insurgents. But now, on his third deployment in Iraq, he is no longer a believer in the mission. His views are echoed by most of his fellow soldiers in Delta Company.

GOP Rivals Embrace Unproven Iraq-9/11 Tie

In defending the Iraq war, leading Republican presidential contenders are increasingly echoing words and phrases used by President Bush in the run-up to the war, reinforcing the misleading impression that Iraq was responsible for the September 11, 2001 attacks.

Das Öl soll im Boden bleiben: Rettungsaktion für den Yasuni-Nationalpark in Ecuador

Protect Yellowstone from Snowmobiles

Click here to tell the NPS not to let snowmobiles destroy Yellowstone

Mast victory for residents who stood up to club

May 28 2007

by Lisa Jones, South Wales Echo

A FIGHT to keep a mobile phone mast from being put up in a rugby ground has been won.

Plans to erect the T-Mobile mast in the grounds of Glamorgan Wanderers Rugby Club, Ely, Cardiff, were shelved after its board of trustees opposed them.

Residents living near the ground in Stirling Road, Ely, were horrified by the prospect of having to live next to the 20.5-metre-high mast and organised a petition against it, collecting 168 names.

They were concerned it could put people’s health at risk and would be a blot on the landscape.

Representatives also voiced their concerns to club officials, who finally relented after its trustees’ meeting.

Derek Patterson, club secretary, said the club withdrew its support in response to opposition from residents.

He said: “There was a lot of concern expressed by the local residents.

“At the end of the day we decided in the interests of keeping good relations with the neighbours that we wouldn’t go ahead with it.

“It’s important to us to keep good relations. We didn’t want to antagonise anybody.”

Keith Bratcher, 56, a lorry driver of St Fagans Court, led the campaign.

He said: “It goes to show that if enough people stand up to be counted, the big boys can be taken down.

“They can’t ride roughshod over everybody.

“It hasn’t been proved that these masts are safe, but it would have altered the skyline completely.

“Nobody is entitled to a view but I’ve had mine for 25 years.

“It’s a wonderful achievement but I’m still keeping a close eye on the situation.”

Retired police officer Trevor Tibbles, 72, whose house is next to the club, said it was good news their concerns had been listened to.

“I’m highly delighted,” he said.

“It’s nice to see that somebody has listened.

“Sometimes you can protest as much as you like but it doesn’t change anything.

“We heard that the Glamorgan Wanderers trustees had put their foot down and said ‘no’. It wouldn’t have been in their best interests to alienate the people.”

A spokeswoman for Cardiff council confirmed that the plans to put up the mast at Glamorgan Wanderers RFC were withdrawn by T-Mobile before a planning committee meeting on Wednesday.


© owned by or licensed to Western Mail & Echo Limited 2007

'I was paid to betray protesters'

(how like our own mighty opponents )


Manx doctors' concern over phone masts

Interesting one!


Manx doctors' concern over phone masts

von Conrad Murray

A medical practice is considering moving to new premises amid concerns about possible health risks posed by mobile phone masts on their building.

There are now five masts on the roof of the Health Centre in Village Walk, Onchan - two operated by Manx Telecom, the other three by Cable and Wireless. The doctors are still not convinced that emissions from the masts pose no risk to health. They are particularly concerned about possible risks to children.

The Island's Public Health consultant, Dr Paul Emmerson, said there was still no proof that exposure to electromagnetic radiation from the masts caused any illness.

GP Dr Jim McAllister said he would rather err on the side of caution.


Ban for Manx mobile phone masts

Iraq funding: Congress bends public over, Bush thrusts

Morris County Daily Record


Bowing to President Bush, the Democratic-controlled Congress grudgingly approved fresh billions for the Iraq war Thursday night, minus the troop withdrawal timeline that drew his earlier veto. ‘The Iraqi government needs to show real progress in return for America’s continued support and sacrifice,’ said the commander in chief, and he warned that August could prove to be a bloody month for U.S. troops in Baghdad’s murderous neighborhoods...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


This Shameful, Bi-partisan Betrayal - Democrats sell out troops

Terrorism not focus of Homeland Security



Claims of terrorism represented less than 0.01 percent of charges filed in recent years in immigration courts by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, according to a report issued Sunday by an independent research group. This comes despite the fact the Bush administration has repeatedly asserted that fighting terrorism is the central mission of DHS...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Fears over mast plans

By Ellie Simmonds

Proposals to extend a mobile phone mast near Bicester town centre have sparked concern among councillors.

Mobile phone company Orange wants to replace a 15m mast on land off Alchester Terrace with a 20m one.

Bicester Town Council has decided to object to the plans. Councillor Nick Cotter, whose Bicester South ward includes the mast, said: "There are concerns about these masts."

He raised fears about so-called cancer clusters which, it has been alleged, occur around masts. He said: "Two of my kids go to St Mary's School and there's a huge great mast there. I just think we should find out more about these things."

Fellow councillor Les Sibley said: "We should ask for a risk assessment. We want to know what impact these masts will actually have on people's health."

But town clerk Anne Wilson said in a letter accompanying the application that Orange had claimed that its design of mast had already won local authority approval.

Newly-elected councillor Nicholas Mawerok said: "Orange coverage within Bicester isn't particularly strong. There are areas in some estates where you can't get any coverage whatsoever. The business community would probably welcome some coverage."

Councillors voted to pass their concerns on to Cherwell District Council, which will make a final decision on the plans.

© Copyright 2001-2007 Newsquest Media Group


American men make 12.5 percent less than their fathers 30 years ago

"Today's data suggest that during a 30-year period of economic expansion, a rising tide did not lift all boats," Morton said in a release accompanying the report, "Economic Mobility: Is the American Dream Alive and Well?"

From Information Clearing House

Apocalyptic Manifesto

With Jerry Falwell recently departing planet earth, ostensibly off to meet his maker, now is the time to examine the role Christian fundamentalism has played in American history since 9/11 - particularly on the policies of George W. Bush.

Savage Christians

Evangelist hit-man Jerry Falwell's career as a racist propagandist was excised from the record, following his death last week. The man who called the Civil Rights Act a "civil wrong" and preached that African Americans were the cursed descendants of Ham, is resurrected as a benign theologian.

From Information Clearing House

We are ruled by fear

"The politics of fear" is being used, not only by terror groups, militias and dictatorships but, increasingly, by democratic governments, says Amnesty.

From Information Clearing House

Why the US is losing its war on cocaine

America has spent billions battling the drug industry in Bolivia, Colombia and Peru. And the result? Production as high as ever, street prices at a low, and the governments of the region in open revolt.

From Information Clearing House

"We have wasted billions in Afghanistan on aid"

The international community is in danger of repeating in Afghanistan the mistakes made in Iraq. Millions of Afghans have seen little material improvement in their lives since 2001, and most still live in desperate poverty.

From Information Clearing House

Audio interview with Scott Ritter

Scott Ritter, discusses the irrationality of Bush's Iraq policy, the Democrats betrayal of the Antiwar Left, Mitt Romney's fit over ABC News' reporting Cheney's leak of the finding authorizing CIA action against Iran, the pretext of Iran's nuclear program as the excuse to bomb them.

From Information Clearing House

U.S. disbands unit created to pressure Iran and Syria

The Bush administration has dismantled a special committee that was established last year to coordinate aggressive actions against Iran and Syria, according to State Department officials.

From Information Clearing House

70pc of Iran oil income in non-US dollar

Iran, embroiled in a row with Washington over its nuclear programme, has increased the amount of its oil export earnings in currencies other than US dollars to about 70 per cent, an Iranian official said yesterday.

From Information Clearing House

Bush sanctions 'black ops' against Iran

Under the plan, pressure will be brought to bear on the Iranian economy by manipulating the country's currency and international financial transactions.

From Information Clearing House

Bush okayed 'soft revolution' in Iran

The US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) received presidential approval for a covert operation in Iran aimed at destabilizing the Islamic Republic by "non-lethal" means.

From Information Clearing House

Educating Rudy Giuliani on American foreign policy

Press Conference


Congressman Ron Paul and Michael Scheuer educate Rudy Giuliani on American foreign policy (May 24, 2007).

Activists Confront Giuliani Over 9/11


An activist asks the former NYC mayor, "How do you sleep at night?"

From Information Clearing House

Feingold, Kucinich Denounce the Democratic Cave

No amount of extenuation can minimize the fact that the Democrats, who were brought to power in Congress to end the war, have just signed on to another $120 billion for that war.

From Information Clearing House

$100bn more to fight 'terror"

AMERICAN spending on Iraq and Afghanistan has eclipsed the cost of the Vietnam War, making the War on Terror the second most expensive conflict in United States' history.

From Information Clearing House

The Swan Song for the Democratic Party

By Mike Whitney

By capitulating to Bush, the Democratic Party has cut the ground out from beneath itself and hastened its own demise. Now, let's push the rusty hulk out of the road and go forward.

How Can Bush Bring Freedom and Democracy to Iraq When He Brings Tyranny to America?

Paul Craig Roberts

The Democrats are far from being alone in lacking the vision to see the abyss into which their cynicism is leading us. With the corporate media serving as propaganda ministry for the administration, Cheney will be able to whip up enough fear and anger to convince the American people that the use of nuclear weapons was imperative.

When Oil and Water Mix

By Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich


Withdrawal symptoms

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Informant: John Murphy


Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Mobilfunkgegner prangern Sendemasten-Wildwuchs an

Unter diesem Link macht das Stuttgarter Stadtmagazin eine Leserumfrage "Muss sich die Stadt im Kampf gegen den Mobilfunkmastenwildwuchs stärker einbringen?", und ein Chat ist auch gleich angeschlossen.

Im Anhang der Lift-Artikel dazu.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Für die Bürgerinitiative Stuttgart West
Peter Hensinger

WLAN-Netze können in 60 Sekunden geknackt werden



Radicalized Bacevich denounces US political system

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

The 1776 Patriot in 2007

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

by Devvy

No matter the cost, I will not submit to the tyranny being pumped out of Washington, DC. I cannot. If I am reduced to rags, I will wear them with pride instead of shame because I valued a day at the ball park or hours in front of the television over freedom. You and I dear friends of liberty - we are facing the same challenges as those who shed their blood before us and we must not falter because the opposition is backed up by paid mercenaries. We are seeing victories in our fight as more and more states are standing up and saying no the the federal machine.......

The Kakistocracy Exposes Its Hand

by Edward Vieira, Ph.D., JD

The publication of National Security Presidential Directive 51 (Homeland Security Presidential Directive 20) on 9 May 2007, now available on the White House’s web site, represents another major stage in the devolution of the United States from a constitutional republic to a Caesaristic police state. Inadvertently, though, it exposes the primary danger to the continuation of its own power that the Establishment now fears. As well, it emphasizes the impossibility of any succor for the American people from the present “two” major political parties......


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