Dienstag, 22. Mai 2007

"Buying the War": Now It's Iran

Part II

"You would think that after all the official and unofficial lies that came out of the Washington spin machine during the 2002-03 run-up to the war in Iraq, newspapers would be a little more skeptical about similarly unsupported, high-level, but anonymous and bellicose allegations about Iran (or anyone else)," writes Will Bunch. "You'd think ... but you would be wrong."



"Buying the War," Now it's Iran

By William Bunch

You would think that after after all the official and unofficial lies that came out of the Washington spin machine during the 2002-03 run-up to the war in Iraq, newspapers would be a little more skeptical about similarly unsupported, high-level but anonymous and bellicose allegations about Iran (or anyone else).


The Scramble for Africa's Oil

It's a little known fact: The United States today imports more oil from Africa than from Saudi Arabia. More than $50 billion in foreign investment in African oil is expected over the next three years. Amy Goodman interviews John Ghazvinian, a journalist who has written for publications including Newsweek, The Nation and Time Out New York. His new book is called "Untapped: The Scramble for Africa's Oil." The book compares the global competition for the continent's oil resources to the nineteenth century scramble for colonization.



US Secretly Launches Second Iraq Troop Surge

The Bush administration is quietly on track to nearly double the number of combat troops in Iraq this year, an analysis of Pentagon deployment orders showed on Monday.



Email Greenland and Denmark officials and ask them to vote to protect whales at the IWC

Please take action today!


The Virginia Tech massacre represents a crisis of citizenship


Amnesty International: Global conference on internet freedom

It's now a year since the launch of our global campaign against internet repression, and we've come a long way in putting issues of web censorship high on the agenda for organisations and governments worldwide.

But we need to do more.

Join Amnesty International and The Observer online for a unique, interactive global event.

When: Wednesday 6 June
18:30 (UK), 19:30 (Europe), 13:30 (EST), 10:30 (PST)
Where: Online at http://www.amnesty.org.uk/webcast

On 6 June we will use the internet to link activists from around the world to discuss the struggle against internet repression, and to celebrate the irrepressible human desire for freedom of expression.

We will also launch a news hub, that will enable you to link news stories about internet repression to the Irrepressible website.

The event will be chaired by BBC journalist, Clark Boyd.

* Listen to a preview (Quicktime or RealPlayer required).

* Find out more about other participants, including Jimmy Wales from Wikipedia and Sami Ben Gharbia, a Tunisian cyber-dissident.

Wherever you are, you can watch the debate live by webcast, ask questions, and make comments.

We hope you will be able to join us in cyberspace.

Best wishes

Nick Dearden
Business and Human Rights Team

Don't SURRENDER To Bush On Iraq


Please call NOW toll free at 800-828-0498, 800-459-1887 or 800-614-2803 and ask for your own House member and Senators. And ALSO leave separate messages for both Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi at their leadership offices. They represent you too!

ACTION PAGE: http://www.millionphonemarch.com/no_bush_surrender.php

Drafting this alert has been an enormous challenge . . . to find a way to express our anger in a way that is still civil. Please, Lord, help us to express this in a way that will have a positive result.

We are hearing reports that the Democrats are preparing to unilaterally surrender to Bush on the Iraq supplemental, despite a solid majority of the American people in favor of at least some kind of restraints on a war president run amok. If this is a trial balloon, or in part even a Republican trick to try to demoralize us, it didn't work. We're not demoralized, we're just angry.

The inside the beltway genius pundits, the ones who thought the Iraq invasion and occupation was such a bully-bully party for the first couple disastrous years, pontificate that if the Democrats don't completely cave in on yet another mammoth emergency funding demand it would be political "suicide". Like we really need them to self-appoint themselves as our campaign managers. Meanwhile, the death and destruction in Iraq continues unabated.

And for what? The latest rumblings in Iraq are that the stinky, smelly oil production sharing agreement that was the end game of this entire monstrosity is generating increasing resistance in even the puppet Iraq government, the harder we try to force it down their throats. This is the only benchmark Bush has ever been interested in. And is there any doubt that even if they are able to force it through by our military presence, that it be nothing but a casus belli for all eternity?

Is there any doubt that the Iraqi people, if not the entire Muslim world, will resent for generations, with the most blind and unanimous hatred, the way their natural resources were looted from them by an invading imperial army? Is there any doubt that insurgent attacks will continue to increase exponentially, the Al Qaeda dream come true? Is there any doubt that any member of the Iraqi parliament who signs on to this does so at peril to his own life from his own people?

Is there any doubt that our only net spoils from this war will be magnified threats of terrorist attacks against our own homeland in revenge?

In 1919, the Chicago White Sox UNEXPECTEDLY lost the World Series. Their biggest star, Shoeless Joe Jackson, the number three lifetime batting average champion of all time, had admitted under oath to being part of a conspiracy to throw the series, but he was only convicted of not reporting the scandal. On leaving the courtroom, it is reported that a young fan plaintively begged him, "Say it ain't so, Joe!" Joe Jackson was banned from major league baseball and never played there again.

Democrats have majorities in both houses of Congress. They have done little but surrender, capitulate, and surrender some more since the day we gave them those majorities. One of the things we have heard is that they will attach the forgotten minimum wage increase now to a new total surrender version of the Iraq Supplemental. Somebody please explain to us why with a majority in both houses of Congress they could not have put the minimum wage provision on the president's desk months ago.

Some say they will "seek other opportunities later this year to challenge Bush's handling of the unpopular conflict." There will be other opportunities for gratuitous grandstanding. But there will be few other opportunities for ending this insane occupation, short of impeachment (itself a necessity), UNLESS the Democrats stick to their guns just one time.

ACTION PAGE: http://www.millionphonemarch.com/no_bush_surrender.php

Wake up, America. We respectfully submit that if you are not angry by now, you are not paying attention. And we pray for you, that if you are motivated to express that anger to Congress, please do it in a way that cannot be construed as anything but a verbal expression of your policy position.

Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed to be ours, and forward this message to everyone else you know.


Powered by The People's Email Network Copyright 2007, Patent pending, All rights reserved

Stellungnahme des Vereins quintessenz zum Begutachtungsverfahren zur Novelle des TKG

Stellungnahme des Vereins quintessenz zum Begutachtungsverfahren zur Novelle des TKG - Geschäftszahl BMVIT-630.333/0001-III/PT2/2007 "Vorratsdatenspeicherung".



Climate change threatens range of British species


Informant: binstock

Oust Gonzales (But Don't Stop There)

The investigators of the Gonzales Prosecutor Purge must ask: Who ordered it done?


Despite the disclosure of an illegal FBI citizen database, why has Congress still not taken remedial action?

Official Identity Theft

by Frances Madeson, TomPaine.com


Baroodys: Corleones Of The Right?

by Rick Perlstein, TomPaine.com

Bush's choice for Consumer Product Safety Commission chief is from a family of right-wing hustlers.



Phone mast plea falls on deaf ears

A Scottish Executive planning official has turned down pleas to reject plans for a mobile phone mast near two homes for the elderly and disabled in Dundee (writes Grant Smith).

A petition signed by 31 residents of Naughton Place, near Balgay Cemetery, warned that “many disabled, partially-sighted and retired people will have another obstacle to negotiate on the pavement they use regularly”.

They urged the Executive to tell mobile phone operator Hutchison 3G it could not erect a 12-metre mast with equipment cabinet at the base that would extend almost a third of the pavement.

Naughton Place is home to Blackwood Court, a complex of 70 homes, many of them occupied by people who need wheelchairs or have limited mobility, run by the Margaret Blackwood Housing Association. There is also a complex for the elderly run by the Servite Housing Association.

Dundee City Council had already backed their appeal, turning down Hutchison’s planning application because of its effect on pedestrian safety and the amenity of the area. The mast would be much taller than the trees and lampposts in the area and would be visually dominant and intrusive, it said.

But Hutchison exercised its right to appeal to the Executive’s planning inquiry unit, arguing its proposals complied with the rules and that the council had not taken into account the lack of alternative sites.

The company had looked at nine other possible locations, including the Menzieshill water tower in Yarrow Terrace and the Mills Observatory in Balgay Park.

The Shand pub, Royal Victoria Hospital and St Ninian’s Church were also on the list — but all were either too far away to provide proper coverage or would be affected by interference from existing phone equipment or nearby trees.

Hutchison said the pavement was three metres wide and the equipment cabinet just under one metre. The space left for pedestrians was in line with the council’s own roads standards and the Government’s mobility guide on wheelchairs.

Executive reporter Donald Watt visited the site and said in his written judgment that on the same side of the road as the proposed mast were road signs, street lights and a bus shelter, so it was unlikely the equipment would detract significantly from the look of the area.

He went on, “Turning to the issue of pedestrian safety, the equipment cabinet is just under one metre in depth, leaving a footpath at least two metres wide for pedestrian passage.

“This accords with both the national and local guidance on footpath construction standards in relation to the needs of pedestrians and the disabled in particular.

“Accordingly, I conclude there are no material considerations in this appeal sufficient to warrant withholding the grant of planning permission.”

This is the sixth time in the last year the Executive has upheld an appeal by a mobile phone operator after the council refused planning consent for a mast.

© All copyright D C Thomson & Co Ltd., 2007


Row over 40ft mast reignites

By Sue Vickers

PICKERSLEIGH Road residents who won the fight against a 40ft phone mast outside their front doors are preparing to fight again.

Residents objected to a planning application for a mobile mast on a grass verge outside their homes earlier this year and were delighted when Malvern Hills District Council. turned down the proposal.

Now the mobile phone company Hutchinson 3G is appealing against the decision and residents say they will have to fight all over again.

"It seems so wrong. Every resident was against it. Why do we have to have the same fight again? Nothing has changed," said resident Hilda Forsyth.

Mrs Forsyth, who has lived in Pickersleigh Road for more than 20 years, said the phone company had been offered an alternative site by the council.

"It's only half a mile away, it's council land and there are no houses nearby. I don't see why they can't put the mast there," added the 76-year-old.

She is worried about the health and safety aspects of having a mast so close to her home and two base stations with large batteries and acid inside.

"There are accidents on this road regularly and cars come up on to the pavement and grass verge. What would happen if they hit the mast?"

Mrs Forsyth and other local residents will be writing to the council and contacting their MP Sir Michael Spicer about the phone mast.

"I'm getting older. I could do without all this but we won last time and we're determined to win again. We are not having that mast here," she said.

Hutchinson 3G corporate affairs manager Mike Dobson, said: "No other alternative site has been found that would work for us. We think it's a fair and reasonable proposal so we are appealling."

He said the mast was needed to provide voice, text and data services.

© Copyright 2001-2007 Newsquest Media Group


Mobile mast plan to receive clear 'no' signal

A PROPOSED mobile phone mast in Blackburn is set to be refused planning permission on the grounds it could affect local amenities.

The 11.7-metre high telecommunications mast, with associated equipment cabins, is planned for Ash Grove in Blackburn, West Lothian.

But the council's planning officials have recommended T-Mobile be refused permission to build the pole, as it could affect local community facilities.

The proposed site of the mobile phone mast is near the library, health centre and community centre, which the council considers to be sensitive buildings, and officials have stated the mast could have "an unacceptable adverse impact" on the buildings. Officials have also stated that they do not consider the site to be the best option for the company in terms of providing coverage for the area.

There have been no objections to the mast, but it is expected the council will refuse planning permission when they meet tomorrow.

©2007 Scotsman.com


Gentechnik: Plakate und Aktionstour im Juni

Auch die geplante Änderung des Gentechnik-Gesetzes hält uns in Atem. Im Campact-Büro wird gerade intensiv an einer Aktionstour mit Großplakatwänden durch die Wahlkreise der Abgeordneten gearbeitet, die in Sachen Gentechnik das Sagen haben.

Werfen Sie schon jetzt einen Blick auf den Stand der Dinge: http://www.campact.de/gentec/plakate/home .

Smithsonian Alters Climate Exhibition

The Smithsonian Institution toned down an exhibit on climate change in the Arctic for fear of angering Congress and the Bush administration, said Robert Sullivan, who was associate director in charge of exhibitions at the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History.


McKay Suggests Cover-Up in Prosecutor Case

Fired US Attorney John McKay believes the Justice Department is covering up the real reason for his ouster. Some Republicans were appalled that McKay didn't bring charges of "election fraud" in the Washington state election won by Democrat Chris Gregoire. "I still don't know if the 2004 governor's election was the principal reason I was asked to step down. If it was, I think it is an entirely improper and perhaps illegal reason for my termination," said McKay.



Whistleblowers Charge Retaliation; More Protections Sought

Career federal employees who report waste, fraud, abuse and mismanagement in government agencies are routinely subjected to career-ending retaliation, humiliation and legal costs - despite laws that are supposed to protect them, and repeated assurances from the White House, many government agencies and Congress that there is zero tolerance for retaliation. Public interest groups are calling on Congress to strengthen legal protections for whistleblowers.



Volle Transparenz über Politiker-Nebeneinkünfte: Lammerts setzt Transparenzregeln weiter NICHT um

Online-Aktion: Volle Transparenz über Politiker-Nebeneinkünfte.

Vor zwei Jahren beschloss der Bundestag, dass Abgeordnete die Höhe ihrer Nebeneinkünfte (in drei Stufen) veröffentlichen müssen. Bisher weigert sich Bundestagspräsident Lammert, den Bundestagsbeschluss umzusetzen - mit Verweis auf die Klagen mehrerer Abgeordnete vor dem Bundesverfassungsgericht. Allerdings haben die Klagen juristisch keine aufschiebende Wirkung.

Nachdem sich die Richter letzte Woche wieder nicht auf ein Urteil einigen konnten, will Lammert jetzt zwar veröffentlichen - doch nicht nach den vom Bundestag beschlossenen scharfen Regeln, sondern nach den windelweichen von zuvor. Wir sind entsetzt: Wer macht in diesem Land eigentlich Gesetze - der Bundestag oder sein Präsident?

Morgen will Lammert die Fraktionschefs Struck und Kauder zur Zustimmung bewegen. Sie müssen Lammert stoppen und den Spielchen endlich ein Ende setzen.

Schicken Sie Struck und Kauder schnell eine Protestmail: http://www.campact.de/nebenekft/ml2/mailer

Lesen Sie zum Hintergrund auch unseren Blogbeitrag: Lammerts setzt Transparenzregeln weiter NICHT um.


Families' triple phone mast fears

Brian Lashley
22/ 5/2007

FAMILIES living close to THREE mobile phone masts want action after a survey revealed living within 400ft of just one can damage health.

Margaret Robertson and her neighbours in Stockport are concerned by the study because they have three masts just 600ft from their front doors.

Mrs Robertson, 64, who beat breast cancer five years ago, has joined other residents to call for mobile phone firms to examine potential dangers and consider removing the masts.

Two of the three masts near their homes in Etchells Road, Heald Green, are owned by O2 and the other by Orange.

Scientist Dr John Walker compiled a `cluster' study and discovered 31 cancers in one street in Warwickshire.

He also found that seven out of 30 staff at a special school near a 90ft mast had developed tumours, while others suffered health problems.

In what O2 said was a `rare and unusual' move, it removed the mast, but denied it was linked to the illnesses.

The level of emissions from mobile masts has to follow guidelines set by the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP).

Mrs Robertson, a market research manager, said: "Our main worry is that although one mast comes within the guidelines, no one is saying groups are still within safe levels.

"Everyone seems to skirt round the subject. When is the government going to do proper studies into any harmful effects they have?

"How many people have to become ill or die before something is done to protect the population living within the vicinity of so many masts?"

Neighbour Janet Brown, 35, mother of Sam, seven, and Emma, two, said: "My fear is that we are going to go down the road of smoking. The dangers of smoking were never proven at first and are we going to go 20 or 30 years before we realise how bad masts are."

A spokesman for O2 said: "All O2 transmitter sites conform to the strict guidelines and operate at many hundreds, if not thousands, of times below them."

Omega read "Base Stations, operating within strict national and international Guidelines, do not present a Health Risk?" under: http://omega.twoday.net/stories/771911/

A Stockport council spokesman said they had replied to Mrs Robertson and added: "The government has investigated concerns about the siting of mobile phone masts and has found no evidence to support the case that the siting and use of the masts causes any adverse health problems to those people living or working close to them."

© M.E.N media 2007



Defining “progress” in Iraq

The Nation
by Katrina vanden Heuvel


Three months into the job, General David Petraeus says it is difficult to predict, before the full number of troops arrive, if the surge in Baghdad will succeed. And he now says he will not have a definitive answer about prospects for progress by September, when he is to report back to Congress. But how to define ‘progress’ in Iraq? (And why should the US have the right to decide what progress in Iraq means? Shouldn’t we, instead, be given the task of measuring the destruction we have caused and held to account for repairing the human and physical damage we have helped inflict?) But if one does engage in this defining-progress project, here are some early measurements to consider...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


The trauma that remains

The American Prospect
by Kay Steiger


Suppose that a soldier, freshly home from Iraq, is made to take a test. He or she is asked to describe the following statements as true or false: I usually feel that life is worthwhile. False. Sometimes I feel as if I must injure myself or someone else. True. Most of the time, I wish I were dead. True. This soldier is at risk for suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Symptoms can include flashbacks or nightmares, lack of sleep, panic, and violent or explosive outbursts. Right now such testing is not in place. The House Committee on Veterans Affairs met last week to discuss options for dealing with the potential problems with returning soldiers and PTSD...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Thank you, Ron Paul

Future of Freedom Foundation
by Sheldon Richman


Ron Paul, a Republican congressman running for president, is saying what needs to be said about the 9/11 attacks and the Iraq war. Clearly, his rivals and the news media can’t handle the truth. At the most recent Republican debate Paul not only repeated his opposition to the illegal and unconstitutional war, but he also identified 50 years of U.S. intervention in the Middle East as ‘a major contributing factor’ in al-Qaeda’s attacks in 2001...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


The Ron Paul pile-on

Disloyal Opposition
by J.D. Tuccille


If nothing else, Dr. Paul’s candidacy serves to demonstrate that traditional views about restrained, peaceful foreign policy haven’t been completely displaced in the Republican Party — only mostly so. That he’s also an enthusiastic civil libertarian and believer in small government in the age of waterboarding, the PATRIOT Act and Medicare drug benefits makes him something of a ghost of the Republican Part past. Maybe that’s why conservatives don’t want Paul up on stage with the other candidates — he’s too much of a reminder of what their party could have been if its leaders had made better choices...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Why hasn’t Bush been impeached?

by Gary Kamiya


The impeach-Bush movement has not really taken off yet, and barring some unforeseen dramatic development, it seems unlikely that it will. Even if there were a mass popular movement to impeach Bush, it’s far from clear that Congress, which alone has the power to initiate impeachment proceedings, would do anything. The Democratic congressional majority has been at best lukewarm to the idea. In any case, their constituents have not demanded it forcefully or in such numbers that politicians feel they must respond. Democrats, and for that matter Americans of all political persuasions, seem content to watch Bush slowly bleed to death. Why? Why was Clinton, who was never as unpopular as Bush, impeached for lying about sex, while Bush faces no sanction for the far more serious offense of lying about war? The main reason is obvious: The Democrats think it’s bad politics. Bush is dying politically and taking the GOP down with him, and impeachment is risky...



How Republicans can save America

Strike the Root
by Glen Allport


Why a column addressing Republicans at a site that eschews the coercion of politics? Because preaching to the choir does nothing to advance the cause of love and freedom. … Frankly, the idea that torture would be sanctioned and used by the United States even occasionally is appalling. But torture is being used widely and routinely, against people who in many cases clearly have no useful information to provide and who may not even be enemy combatants but rather victims of the U.S. bounty program — people sold into slavery, basically, to be tortured by U.S. interrogators...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


How Democrats can save America


Congress must do its duty

by US Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX)


Many of my colleagues, faced with the reality that the war in Iraq is not going well, line up to place all the blame on the president. The president ‘mismanaged’ the war, they say. ‘It’s all the president’s fault,’ they claim. In reality, much of the blame should rest with Congress, which shirked its constitutional duty to declare war and instead told the president to decide for himself whether or not to go to war. More than four years into that war, Congress continues to avoid its constitutional responsibility to exercise policy oversight, particularly considering the fact that the original authorization no longer reflects the reality on the ground in Iraq...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Dominion Over the World: The elites who rule us

Part IX

The Power of Narrative
by Arthur Silber


If people studied and remembered history, they would realize that every leader, including the most brutally vicious and murderous, has always appealed to ‘the will of the people.’ It is on the basis of such platitudinous, vapid twaddle that crimes of immense scale and horror are committed. As Romney’s remarks make clear, the belief that the ‘heart of the American people’ makes America ‘the greatest nation in the world’ is one regularly trotted out by Republicans. However, I note again that these hackneyed phrases are primarily a public relations ploy, designed to drug unthinking Americans into apathy, secure in the conviction that the state is following their ‘will.’ On the right side of the spectrum, especially among many neoconservatives, the deep contempt for ‘ordinary’ Americans is now occasionally acknowledged explicitly, together with the belief that these citizen-dolts must be told ‘noble’ Straussian lies to get them to behave properly...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Dems betray America, wimp out on war funding

Battle Creek Enquirer


In grudging concessions to President Bush, Democrats intend to draft an Iraq war-funding bill without a timeline for the withdrawal of U.S. troops and shorn of at least some of the billions they want for domestic programs, officials said Monday. The legislation would include the first federal minimum wage increase in more than a decade, a top priority for the Democrats who took control of Congress in January, the officials added...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Democrats Abandon Iraq Withdrawal Timeline

Scrambling to send President Bush an emergency war spending bill he will sign, Democratic leaders have decided to drop their insistence on a timeline for withdrawing US forces from Iraq. The major concession comes because leaders in Congress cannot muster veto-proof majorities.



Tale of last 90 minutes of woman's life

Parked in the emergency room lobby in a wheelchair after police left, she fell to the floor. She lay on the linoleum, writhing in pain, for 45 minutes, as staffers worked at their desks and numerous patients looked on.


From Information Clearing House

Racism goes on trial again in America's Deep South

The prosecution of three black Louisiana youths reveals the rise of discrimination by stealth.


From Information Clearing House

U.N. barred from Texas detention center

U.S. immigration officials blocked a U.N. observer from visiting a detention facility for illegal aliens in Texas, the ACLU reported.


From Information Clearing House


Army Recruiters Caught on Hidden Camera

The United States Army insists that it's not so desperate that it would recruit the mentally ill to serve on the front lines. But now an exclusive NewsChannel 5 investigation has the Army investigating three Middle Tennessee recruiters, along with their Dishonorable Deceptions.


From Information Clearing House


David Hicks' trial was a political fix by two governments

NOW that David Hicks is back in Australia to serve out the rest of his sentence at Yatala, it is opportune to reflect on the implications of his "trial" for the future of the US military commission process. It is not a pretty picture.


From Information Clearing House


Kuwait drops dollar peg in blow to Gulf currency union

Kuwait unshackled its dinar from the tumbling US dollar on Sunday and switched the exchange rate mechanism to a basket of currencies, throwing plans for currency union with other Gulf Arab oil producers into disarray.


From Information Clearing House

The Globalization of Military Power: NATO Expansion

Ultimately NATO is slated to become a global military force. Moreover, part of the objectives of NATO as a global military alliance is to ensure the "energy security" of its member states. What this signifies is the militarization of the world's arteries, strategic pipeline routes, maritime traffic corridors used by oil tankers, and international waters.


From Information Clearing House

Kyrgyzstan will close U.S. base if used against Iran

Kyrgyzstan will close a U.S. military base on its territory if the United States uses it for purposes other than to support an antiterrorism campaign in Afghanistan, the parliamentary speaker said in an interview with RIA Novosti Monday.


From Information Clearing House

"Mine is a dirty and miserable life"

Nineteen-year-old Nafisa Ridwan says she was forced to work as a sex worker to feed her younger brothers after her father died in an attack in the capital, Baghdad. With her mother seriously sick with a heart condition and without anyone to look after the family, she had to resort to prostitution after failing to find other work.


From Information Clearing House

Why Working Less Is Better for the Globe

Dara Colwell writes: "Americans are working harder than ever before. The dogged pursuit of the paycheck coupled with a 24/7 economy has thrust many of us onto a never-ending treadmill. But of workaholism's growing wounded, its greatest casualty has been practically ignored - the planet."


"Ecoterrorism" Case Stirs Debate in US

When law-enforcement agencies arrested ten animal rights activists and environmental radicals 18 months ago, it was a major breakthrough in the fight against what officials call "ecoterrorism."



Western Fires: The Next Katrina?

"Once again, the Iraq war is taking precedence over needs of Americans. This time, the US Forest Service is taking a beating," writes the Idaho Mountain Express.


The Peace Weenies Were Right

"Last week I was struck to see a well-respected centrist foreign policy analyst discuss President Bush's 'surge' as a serious policy for bringing stability to Iraq," says Dean Baker. "This sight was striking, because at this point it is very difficult to imagine the surge as a serious policy. The analyst's comments were disturbing because they seemed to be yet another example of an expert bending an analysis to accommodate political power."



Bush Anoints Himself as Ensurer of Constitutional Government in Emergency

Read it and weep? Or do Something !

News story here Address:

Click below and scroll down about ten screens to see "The National Security Presidential Directive"

National Security and Homeland Security Presidential Directive http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2007/05/20070509-12.html

National Security Presidential Directive - Google Search http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=national+security+presidential+directive+

Informant: ranger116


Bush Anoints Himself as Ensurer of Constitutional Government in Emergency

With scarcely a mention in the mainstream media, President Bush has ordered up a plan for responding to a catastrophic attack. Under that plan, he entrusts himself with leading the entire federal government, not just the executive branch.


Celling ourselves short

By chance I found the 2004 spring edition of The Voice, an interesting US undergarduate health journal with an article on mobile phones: "Celling ourselves short" by Christina Baxter.




Von Handy entlarvt: Eklat um Rumäniens Präsidenten


Giuliani Time: Giuliani’s rise to power


Informant: shane_digital


Oppose the Theft of Iraq's Oil



Can Wi-Fi damage health?



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