Mittwoch, 16. Mai 2007

Banham mast set for go-ahead

16 May 2007

A CONTROVERSIAL mobile phone mast looks set to be installed at Banham despite opposition from residents who are worried about potential health risks from the electro- magnetic field.

Applicant T-Mobile wants to locate the 13.7m high monopole and equipment at the rear of a small industrial development in Heath Road.

It would be about 320m south east of The Eagle House School, which caters for children with special needs, and a small number of houses are within 100m of the site.

Banham Parish Council has objected on the grounds of potential harm to the health of nearby residents, and Breckland Council has also received six protest letters from villagers voicing similar concerns.

T-Mobile is required under the terms of its 3G licence to provide network coverage to 80pc of the population by the end of 2007, and it has submitted evidence that a mast is required in the Banham area.

Telecommunication masts up to 15m high are allowed without the need for planning consent.

However, under the terms of the Town and Country Planning Order, applicants are required to use the 'prior notification' procedure to determine whether the planning authority has concerns about the location of the mast and its external appearance.

Breckland's development control committee has been recommended to advise T-Mobile, at its meeting on Monday, that prior approval will not be required in this case.

Copyright © 2006 Archant Regional. All rights reserved.

Timber Industry Uses Draft Bush Endangered Species Act Regulations

Detroit City Council Passes Impeachment Resolution

Informant: David Swanson

From ufpj-news

Dems Revive '06 Ethics Bill

House Democratic leaders have decided to use their Honest Leadership and Open Government legislation from the 109th Congress as the basis for the lobbying reform bill that the House Judiciary Committee is expected to mark up this week. By doing so, the leaders are on a trajectory to meet key demands made by left-leaning advocacy groups favoring strong reform.

Warrantless Eavesdropping Was Deemed Illegal by Department of Justice

The Bush administration ran its warrantless eavesdropping program without the Justice Department's approval for up to three weeks in 2004, nearly triggering a mass resignation of the nation's top law enforcement officials, the former No. 2 official disclosed on Tuesday.

Die Vereinten Nationen warnen vor exzessivem Einsatz von Biosprit

Bioenergie biete Möglichkeiten zur Entwicklung und zur Reduzierung von Treibhausgasen, kann aber auch zur Entwaldung, Hunger und Vertreibung von Kleinbauern führen.

Geo- und Energiepolitik versus Menschenrechte

Im neuen Kalten Krieg liefert Russland Waffen und Atomtechnologie nach Myanmar, die EU mildert unter Führung der deutschen Ratspräsidentschaft die über Usbekistan verhängten Sanktionen ab.

Was soll die staatliche und mediale Einschüchterung von Kritikern der G8-Politik bezwecken?

Der Charme des Widerstands

Die Angst der Mächtigen vor der Gewaltfreiheit: Was soll die staatliche und mediale Einschüchterung von Kritikern der G8-Politik bezwecken?


#Die Linkspartei.PDS: Pressemitteilungen

18. Mai 2007

Heiligendamm darf nicht zum Reinstraum werden

Zu den Einschränkungen des Demonstrationsrechtes im Umfeld des G8-Gipfels erklärt die stellvertretende Parteivorsitzende Katja Kipping (MdB):

Die Chip-Herstellung braucht absolute Sicherheit im Reinstraum, die Gesellschaft braucht öffentlichen Raum für Protest. Die Gefahr für die Demokratie beim G8-Gipfel geht nicht von Demonstranten aus, sondern von der Bundesregierung, die das Grundrecht auf Demonstration nach Gutdünken einschränken will. Das Grundrecht auf Demonstration macht jedoch nur Sinn, wenn die Demonstranten auch die Chance haben, öffentlich wahrgenommen zu werden. Die Strategie der Bundesregierung ist durchschaubar: Demonstranten sollen im Vorfeld massiv eingeschüchtert werden, um demokratischen Protest im Keim zu ersticken. Ich fordere die Bundesregierung auf, demokratischen Protest nicht im Vorfeld zu delegitimieren und Globalisierungskritiker nicht pauschal zu kriminalisieren. Als Linke streiten wir für Gerechtigkeit, und zwar nicht nur für Gerechtigkeit vor der eigenen Haustür, sondern für Gerechtigkeit weltweit. Insofern ist es für uns eine Selbstverständlichkeit, dass wir uns an den Protesten und an den Veranstaltungen der Globalisierungskritiker des G8-Treffens in Heiligendamm beteiligen.


Einübung in eine "gated democracy" oder Politikspektakel?

Absehen lässt sich, dass auf dem G8-Gipfel kaum Verpflichtendes in Sachen Armutsbekämpfung, soziale Sicherung, Klimapolitik oder Umweltschutz beschlossen wird.


Russische Verhältnisse in Heiligendamm?

Auf dem EU-Russland-Gipfel kritisierte Bundeskanzlerin Merkel unverblümt den Umgang der russischen Regierung mit Protesten und Oppositionellen, kam aber beim Gegenangriff Putins ins Schleudern.

It's not only the uninsured who get substandard care, it's everybody

An F In Health Care

by Alec Dubro,

A new report on health care discovers that it's not only the uninsured who get substandard care—it's everybody.


An "F" in Health Care

"The New York-based Commonwealth Fund released a comprehensive cross-border study of health care systems in rich countries and, no surprise, ranks the US as pretty much last. Except when it comes to cost, that is. We pay more overall and get less," writes Alec Dubro. "What everyone who cares to look knows is that there are two health care systems in America - one for those with money and one for those without."

Rumsfeld's Resignation Letter Remains Elusive

The Bush administration is keeping a tight hold on Donald Rumsfeld's resignation letter nearly five months after the former defense secretary and Iraq war manager stepped down. In response to a November request, the Defense Department's FOIA office said last month that a "thorough search of the records systems ... revealed no records responsive to your request." Bush's office of administration, in response to another FOIA request, said this month that it, too, had no copy of Rumsfeld's resignation letter.

Support Erodes for Doolittle

Political support for Representative John Doolittle (R-California) is beginning to erode. Originally either silent or supportive following the FBI raid of Doolittle's Virginia home last month, a growing number of Republican activists in the Sacramento-area's Fourth District have decided they can no longer support the congressman and are beginning to explore backing other candidates.

Consumer Protection Nominee Rekindles Charges of Cronyism

The nomination of a long-time manufacturers' lobbyist to head the nation's consumer safety watchdog agency is not only igniting fierce opposition from public interest groups, but also sparking a reexamination of the Bush administration's five-year history of appointing senior officials many regard as "cronies" who were inefficient, inexperienced and, in some cases, forced to resign under pressure or convicted of crimes.

FDA acquiring new powers to suppress alternative health

Informant: binstock

Stop Gassing Animals in Texas

From Jessica U.

Der Heuschreckenkrieg: Aufkaufen und zerlegen

Aufkaufen und zerlegen

„Die Übernahmeschlacht um die niederländische Bank ABN Amro zeigt, wie groß die Macht von Hedgefonds auf dem Finanzmarkt ist…“ Artikel von Michael R. Krätke in Jungle World vom 16. Mai 2007

Siehe dazu auch:

Übernahmen: Aufsicht sieht Banken in Gefahr

„Die deutschen Banken könnten bei weiteren Übernahmen in der europäischen Finanzbranche leicht zum Spielball werden. Davor warnt die Finanzaufsicht Bafin. Die Behörde selbst ist offenbar von einem früheren Beschäftigten "ausgeplündert" worden….“ Artikel in Frankfurter Rundschau vom 15.05.2007

Der Heuschreckenkrieg

„Angefangen hat es, als Frau Müller-Goldschmitz in einen Hedge-Fonds investierte, der eine Woche lang auf den Börsenabsturz einer Aktiengesellschaft wettete, in die Herr Doktor Bertram sein Geld angelegt hatte….“ Deutscher Einhei(t)Z-Textdienst von Werner Lutz Extra - 5/07

Aus: LabourNet, 16. Mai 2007

Protect Mountain Caribou: Add Your Voice

Next move, Bush?

Free Market News Network
by Anthony Wile


The problem faced by George Bush remains the same. Nothing he has done has ‘worked’ except the war, and the way the war is working is not doing him — or the United States — any good. More than that, if the war, and other elements of Bush’s policy throughout his regime continue to unravel, the man and his administration could face serious regulatory and legal difficulties. Not many are enamored of this ‘compassionate conservative’ at this point. Add up the numbers and the result is not a pretty picture. The question this column will attempt to answer, is what does Bush have in mind for the rest of his presidency. Survival? Or something more...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Wrong way to judge a candidate

Christian Science Monitor
by Carla Seaquist


With Election Day 2008 more than a year-and-a-half off, already the presidential campaign is — sigh — energetically under way. And already — groan — we hear the media discuss it as a popularity contest. As in 2000 and 2004, the media are at it again: Candidates are rated for ‘likability.’ Once again, we Americans are asked: With whom would we rather hang out? Once again, extraneous factors such as voice (Hillary Clinton’s) and lack of hair (Rudy Giuliani’s) are noted and mocked. By these superficial measures, President Bush’s perceived affability trumped the stiffness of Vice President Al Gore and Sen. John Kerry in the 2000 and 2004 elections. And look what it got us: a president who leaves an abysmal record that even many Republicans disavow...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

How Wolfowitz and Riza gamed the Bank

The Nation
by David Corn


World Bank president Paul Wolfowitz broke the rules and engaged in an actual conflict of interest when in 2005 he arranged for a rather generous salary boost for his girlfriend, Shaha Riza, a communications official at the Bank. That’s the conclusion of a special panel of the Bank’s board of directors, which on Monday released its report on the Wolfowitz matter. This judgment was no surprise; the basics had been leaked days earlier. But the report presented more information that places Wolfowitz in a tough spot — for it suggests that he and Riza brazenly took advantage of the situation created by his appointment to the Bank to guarantee her a promotion and pay rise she had failed to obtain previously. And the question of the moment is the obvious one: can he survive? Here are some interesting portions of the report...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

No Congress, no peace

Mother Jones
by Jonathan Schwarz


Gauging the Bush administration’s true intentions toward Iran is not easy. Each week brings a new story that hints at a struggle between the hardliners who’d like to take down one more point on the Axis of Evil and the realists who prefer one disastrous Middle East conflict at a time. Given the administration’s track record, uncoordinated and sporadic attempts by members of Congress to prevent an attack on Iran will restrain it no more than would cobwebs. Yet Congress does possess the power to stop a war — if it chooses to exercise it. If we wake up one morning to find cruise missiles flying, the responsibility will not be Bush’s alone. It will also belong to a Democratic-controlled Congress that could have acted but decided not to...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Cheney threatens more war

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Reconsidering impeachment

Common Dreams
by Bob Burnett


In Berkeley, it’s difficult to travel more than a few blocks without seeing an ‘Impeach Bush’ bumper sticker. And whenever I write a column about the 43rd President, I receive emails suggesting that the simplest solution to America’s problems is his impeachment. Nonetheless, I’d never taken the possibility of impeachment seriously until this week, when I realized I’ve had enough: I want Dubya to go down...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Bush names Pentagon general ‘war czar’

San Francisco Examiner


President Bush on Tuesday chose Lt. Gen. Douglas Lute, the Pentagon’s director of operations and a former leader of U.S. military forces in the Middle East, to oversee the fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan as a war czar. ‘General Lute is a tremendously accomplished military leader who understands war and government and knows how to get things done,’ Bush said, capping a difficult search for new leadership in the wars that have defined his presidency...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Bush Selects His "War Czar"

The White House said Tuesday that President Bush ended his lengthy search for a so-called "war czar" to carry out Iraq and Afghanistan policy by offering the job to an active duty three-star Army general who said in his interview that he had been skeptical of the troop buildup in Iraq.

The Poverty Business

Inside U.S. companies' audacious drive to extract more profits from the nation's working poor.

From Information Clearing House

Big Oil buys Sacramento

WHO'S AFRAID of Big Oil? Apparently, California's elected officials. Gasoline prices are stuck well above last year's record highs and about 50 cents above the national average. Yet state politicians are not saying or doing a thing, except for raking in political cash from the oil companies and flying around the world on their dime.

U.S. fights for Wolfowitz to stay at World Bank

The United States fought for World Bank President Paul Wolfowitz to keep his job on Tuesday, saying he had made mistakes but should not be fired despite a bank finding that he broke rules in promoting his companion.

From Information Clearing House

World Bank panel finds Wolfowitz violated rules

The World Bank's embattled President Paul Wolfowitz violated bank rules and ethics codes and put his own interest above those of the bank, according to a report from a special panel released Monday.

From Information Clearing House

America's Child Soldier Problem

Thousands of America's children, however, are not so lucky. Almost 600,000 of America's 1 million active and reserve soldiers enlisted as teens. The military lures these physiologically immature kids with a PR machine that would make Joe Camel proud.

From Information Clearing House

CBC Investigates The Secret War That Led To 9/11


The Secret History of 9/11 provides a look at the long, secret war waged against al-Qaeda from the White House, the CIA and the FBI, and examines the key intelligence failures that allowed the 9/11 plot to happen.

From Information Clearing House

Terror Suspect Claims CIA Tortured Him

A Pakistani terrorism suspect denied any connection to al-Qaida and said he was tortured and his family was hounded by U.S. authorities, according to a transcript released Tuesday by the Pentagon.

From Information Clearing House

Perle Turns on Bush in Harsh Terms

The Bush administration is beginning to appease rather than confront America's enemies, a former chairman of the Defense Policy Board and leading neoconservative thinker said yesterday, describing the president as "a failure" who is proving powerless to impose his views on his administration.

From Information Clearing House

Disappeared without a trace: more than 10,000 Iraqis

There's no accurate count of the missing since the war began. Iraqi human rights groups put the figure at 15,000 or more, while government officials say 40 to 60 people disappeared each day throughout the country for much of last year, a rate equal to at least 14,600 in one year.

From Information Clearing House

Imperial Democracy: Buy One Get One Free

By Arundhati Roy

Lecture given by author Arundhati Roy about Empire, Iraq, War, Role of Money, USS Vincenz, Manufactured Consent, Disenfranchisement, Production Democracy, Affirmative Action, and the Patriot Act.

Bush Doesn't Want Detente, He Wants To Attack Iran

By Alain Gresh

The US has swept aside repeated overtures from Tehran. Is it any wonder if the Islamic Republic now wants the bomb?

Setting the Stage for Turmoil in Caracas: Washington's New Imperial Strategy In Venezuela

By Chris Carlson

Washington has now perfected a new imperial strategy to maintain their supremacy around the globe. Whereas military invasions and installing dictatorships have traditionally been the way to control foreign populations and keep them out of the way of business, the U.S. government has now developed a new strategy that is not so messy or brutal, and much more sleek; so sleek, in fact, that it's almost invisible.

Think Guatemala 1954, for Hugo Chavez's Venezuela

The parallels between Guatemala in 1954 and present day Venezuela are uncomfortably close, which is cause enough for concern that the U.S. government and its compliant media have predictably taken sides.

You May Love Mom, but the US Doesn't

"As individuals, we're pretty fond of our mothers. But as a nation we don't value motherhood all that much. We lag far behind Europe in granting leave for the birth or adoption of a child, for example. Our system of unpaid leave applies only to those who work for the largest corporations, and most new mothers (or fathers) can't afford to take it anyway. CEOs and their lap-dog lawmakers say paid leave, the norm in most of the rest of the developed world, would cost too much. Guess it would. After all, we have to save money - for tax breaks and corporate bailouts benefiting the same employers that don't provide any family benefits." says Martha Burk.

Intelligence Chief Backs Climate Study

Director of National Intelligence Mike McConnell believes it is "appropriate" for global climate change to be considered in a future National Intelligence Estimate, according to a letter he sent Wednesday to Rep. Anna G. Eshoo (D-California), a member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.

US Mileage Rules Ignore Global Warming, Foes Say

Lawyers for 11 states and several environmental groups told a federal appeals court Monday that the Bush administration failed to consider global warming when setting new gas mileage rules.

Guantanamo Detainees' Suit Challenges Fairness of Military's Repeat Hearings

The military system of determining whether detainees are properly held at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, includes an unusual practice: If Pentagon officials disagree with the result of a hearing, they order a second one, or even a third, until they approve of the finding. The fairness of the repeat hearings is at the center of a pivotal federal appeals court case.

Former Deputy AG on Wiretapping: "White House Tried to Coerce Ashcroft"

The White House operated a domestic surveillance program for several weeks three years ago, overriding objections by senior Justice Department officials who had informed top Bush administration officials that the spy program was illegal, a former deputy attorney general testified Tuesday before the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Support Clean Elections in 2008

I urge you to support the amended U.S. Representative Rush Holt's
HR811 "Voter Confidence and Increased Accessibility Act" and its
Senate companion bill S559 and contact your Senators to support its
passage. ( )

Here is more information (FAQs, a list of changes, and other info) on
the newly revised HR811 that Representative Holt has provided on his
web site:

and here is the amended bill itself:

The amended HR811 is GOOD because it:

1. immediately replaces all paperless digital recording electronic
(DRE) voting systems with optical scan paper ballot systems (there is
insufficient time for any jurisdictions to purchase anything but
opscans by 2008), and

2. immediately requires, for the first time in history, nationwide
independent audits of all federal election outcomes, and

3. more than sufficiently funds all its requirements for the next two
years and beyond, and

4. requires replacing all DRES with VVPT rolls by the 2010 election so
that if we apply enough pressure on local election officials, or if
vendors do not invent new DRE equipment which print paper ballots
which are durable and separate fast enough, then that means ALL
jurisdictions will be using paper ballot opscan systems by 2010.

At the very worst, HR811 gets us through the 2008 election because it
gives a large chance of ensuring that the right people are sworn into
office, perhaps for the first time in American history.

The House Admin. Committee's amendments to HR811 incorporate quite a few of the good revisions election activists suggested including:

1. changes the language for the official ballot of record in case of
disputes so that the electronic counts cannot be automatically used
whenever sufficient paper ballot records are unreadable; and

2. removes the loophole where audits could be avoided by requiring any
state mandated recounts to manually count at least as many ballots as
the audit would; and

3. fixes the timelines to be reasonable for election officials to
replace existing DREs which do not meet the requirements for durable
paper ballots which preserve voter anonymity; and

4. fixes the funding to be more than adequate to replace all DRE
voting machines and conduct audits; and

5. removes any requirement for text conversion technology - it gives
the choice of allowing voters with disabilities to verify their vote
by conversion of either the text or the marked ballot; and

6. fixes the Internet connection clause to prohibit connections to
vote tabulating or ballot programming devices, as well as to vote
casting devices; and

7. changes the make up of the state audit boards to give states more
flexibility for appointing independent auditors as long as they meet
the GAO requirements for independent auditing; and

8. removes the extension of funding authorization for the Election
Assistance Commission; and

9. requires that paper ballots be available at all polling locations
for any voter which requests one and in case of problems with
electronic voting systems, and requires that those paper ballots are
counted with the other ballots cast on Election Day.

I am happy that so many of the amendments election integrity activists
asked for were made to HR811, and that the bill is now reasonable for
election officials, and comes close to accomplishing what we all want
- accurate election outcomes.

Please make up your own mind to support HR811/S559 based on actual facts.

Untrue rumours about the amended HR811 are being spread by a prominent "election integrity activist", whose final recommendations are
consistently the same as election officials who are against any
mandated independent audits of election results and against any
federal legislation which would force election officials to replace
current voting equipment. Please keep in mind that some "election
integrity activists" may have financial or other incentives to "not"
quickly solve our country's election problems and may be attempting to
kill any and all federal election reform legislation by employing
disingenuous, illogical arguments.

For instance, some of the opponents of HR811 formerly opposed full
software disclosure requirements in the original HR811, yet now are
opposing HR811 because it does not require full software disclosure.

In order to replace all digital recording electronic (DRE) voting
machines by 2010, full software disclosure cannot be required because
implementing voing systems which use fully disclosed software would
take at least 4.5 years to develop, test, do federal and state
certifications, purchase, do training, and implement.

In other words, there is a clear choice, either:

1. require full voting system software disclosure and wait 5 years to
replace all existing DRES due to the time it takes for development,
testing, certification, training, and implementation cycles; or

2. leave software disclosure essentially the same as it is today (as
the amended HR811 does), and immediately replace (by 2010) all DREs
with existing optical scan paper ballot systems that are already
federally certified

Election officials and voting machine vendors are actively fighting
against the revised Holt bill for two reasons:

1. election officials do not want election results to be subjected to
independent audits, and

2. voting machine vendors want to be able to sell DRE
electronic-ballot voting machines which are more profitable for them
than selling paper-ballot optical scan systems.

According to the literature of "The Election Technology Council",
voting machine vendors cannot develop and implement any voting systems by 2010.

In "Election Technology Council Comments on Help America Vote Act Amendments":

(See the color chart)

voting vendors claim to need 54 mos. (4.5 years until at least 2011)
to develop, certify and implement any new products to meet the new
requirements of HR811.

Therefore the requirement to replace all DREs w/ VVPAT rolls by 2010,
according to the vendors' own material, would mean that DREs,
including the ones with paper rolls, would have to be replaced by
paper ballot optical scan voting systems.

It is very important for all responsible Americans who love democracy
to support HR811 and to call, email, and write your US Senators and
ask them to pass S559 with the same amendments that have been made to


Kathy Dopp

The material expressed herein is the informed product of the author
Kathy Dopp's fact-finding and investigative efforts. Dopp is a
Mathematician, Expert in election audit mathematics and procedures; in
exit poll discrepancy analysis; and can be reached at

P.O. Box 680192
Park City, UT 84068
phone 435-658-4657

Election Audit Mathematics Bibliography

"Enlighten the people generally, and tyranny and oppressions of body
and mind will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day," wrote
Thomas Jefferson in 1816

Active-Duty Generals Will ‘Revolt’ Against Bush If He Maintains Escalation Into 2008

Informant: ranger116

Why they really won't impeach him and how the failure to impeach carries the seeds of the next war

Informant: Sharen

Tell the Senate to End the War

Is your car spying on you?

Informant: peter6264

Goodbye Houston: An Alternative Annual Report on Halliburton

Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood Urges Cable Companies to Tune Out BabyFirstTV

Big Pharma Commits the Crime, Doesn't Do the Time

A Million Road Deaths Every Year? It's Just the Price of Doing Business

Dismal Presidency Plunges US into Dark Arctic Night

Boston Residents Face to Face with Bio-War

Discrimination Against Girls 'Still Deeply Entrenched'

CENTCOM Commander's Veto Sank Bush's Threatening Gulf Buildup


CENTCOM chief Adm. Fallon said to have vowed 'no war against

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Son of Professor Opposed to War is Killed in Iraq


Former Soldier, Now a Professor, Loses His Only Son to a War He Actively Opposed

The father, a longtime military man, from West Point to Vietnam to the first Persian Gulf war, became an early public critic of the war in Iraq, writing frequently and potently about its causes and effects. On Sunday, two soldiers came to Professor Bacevich's home with the kind of news that a military man knows is always possible: First Lt. Andrew J. Bacevich, 27, the son, had been killed by a bomb while on patrol in Balad, Iraq.

US Health System Ranks Last Compared to Other Countries


Opposition to National ID Continues to Grow

by Tom DeWeese

States are in revolt primarily because they simply cannot afford to comply. Estimated costs for full implementation are as high as $14.6 billion (or $292 million per state. Moreover, individuals will have to cover an additional $7.8 billion in additional fees, raising the price tag for the Real ID Act to $23 billion. In many cases the technology necessary for compliance actually does not exist. Moreover, in March, 2007, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) released 162 pages of proposed regulations which States are supposed to implement as part of the Real ID Act.......

A call to dismantle the American empire and its military establishment

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news


Is Imperial Liquidation Possible for America?

By Chalmers Johnson

The United States, today, suffers from a plethora of public ills. Most of them can be traced to the militarism and imperialism that have led to the near-collapse of our Constitutional system of checks and balances. Unfortunately, none of the remedies proposed so far by American politicians or analysts addresses the root causes of the problem.


A Debate Worth Having...



You can call toll free at 800-828-0498, 800-459-1887 or 800-614-2803 and ask for your own Senators.


The new Gallup Poll just came out, and lo and behold, as unpopular as still sinking president Bush is, Congress now has a LOWER approval rating. There is a simple and complete explanation for this.


We put Democrats in control of Congress in November on the possibly vain hope that the yellow stripes down their backs were not permanent tattoos (not that the Republicans are any better on this score). But instead of biting the bullet, and getting our troops the hell out of the monstrously illegal occupation of Iraq, all we are getting from both sides of the aisle are tweaking "limp along with the failure" proposals.

One presidential aspirant was quoted this week as saying we are 16 votes away from ending this brutal insanity. What a dismal abdication of leadership! They have the votes RIGHT NOW to stop the funding, period. Hell, they could have a 100-0 majority and they STILL wouldn't do it on their own, for fear of losing even one seat of that 100, for fear of being called insufficiently patriotically blood-thirsty.

It only takes 41 votes to filibuster the supplemental appropriation. What would that do? That would EXTEND debate UNTIL amendments were passed to put an END to their abortion of a foreign policy immediately. If they had any courage whatsoever. If they weren't so entirely tone deaf to the will of the American people more politely expressed.

Maybe they need to start hearing from more people calling them out for being such gutless cowards, which is what they are. Cowards on bringing out troops home. Cowards on impeachment. Cowards, cowards and more cowards!

You may or may not get this message in time to call about the Feingold-Reid Bill SB 1007, which if the truth were known is just a half-hearted sop to the anti-occupation majority of the American people, which the "leadership" is not even sincerely pushing, and even if it were to pass it would just be vetoed. But call anyway. Call their bluff. Demand they actually pass the bill, and not just use it as a "look we tried and this is why you need to elect more Democrats" campaign photo-op.

And while you are at it, tell them to vote DOWN the supplemental next week. NO supplemental. Not a penny more to finance the deaths of our troops in Iraq, who don't have the luxury of hiding in Congressional cloakrooms pretending there is nothing really effective they can do to stop the senseless murder and destruction.

Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed to be ours, and forward this message to everyone else you know.


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