Mittwoch, 25. April 2007

Endzeitstimmung am Aktienmarkt: Exzesse an der Börse werden zum Regelfall

Neokonservative stellen sich hinter Bush


Despite the promises made at the 2005 G8 meeting, aid to Africa has actually dropped since last year. Following the pattern of previous G8 summits, the bold promises made by world leaders under the media's spotlight seem to have been quietly abandoned once the TV cameras were turned off.

Philosopher Gene Sage is aghast at the 'speed mania' culture of electronic technology in the United States


After a 35 year wait, American and British oil corporations are on the verge of securing control of Iraq's vast oil reserves. Becca Fisher reveals how the unholy alliance of Big Oil, government and the IMF is getting closer to its goal of reconstructing the Iraqi state to gain secure oil supplies.

The "American Way" of Ecology

Herve Kempf reviews progress the US has made on the climate change front and suggests the biggest hurdle in the way forward.

Bush Blames the Troops

Robert Scheer writes: "Blame it on the military, but make it look like you're supporting the troops. That's been the convenient gambit of failed emperors throughout history as they witnessed their empires decline. Not surprisingly then, it's become the standard rhetorical trick employed by President Bush in shirking responsibility for the Iraq debacle of his making."

Climate Change and the Courts

In the first high court decision on global warming, the Supreme Court has ruled that it is the job of the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to regulate greenhouse gases emitted from cars. This landmark ruling in the case of Massachusetts v. EPA has set a new precedent that will allow a plethora of global warming litigation cases to move forward. This decision will directly influence a current court case in which automakers are trying to block a California law that requires new cars and trucks to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 22 percent by 2012 and 30 percent by 2016. This law has been adopted by ten other states, and if successfully implemented, would drastically transform the environmental standards of the auto industry. These court cases are an example of how litigation that attempts to force governments and corporations to act to combat global warming is gaining momentum.

UN: Baghdad "Surge" Has Failed

Sectarian violence continues to claim the lives of a large number of Iraqi civilians in Sunni Arab and Shi'ite neighborhoods of Iraq's capital, despite the coalition's new Baghdad security plan, the UN said today. The United Nations Assistance Mission in Iraq (UNAMI) also said that for the first time since it began issuing quarterly reports on the human rights situation in Iraq, the latest report (1/1-3/31) did not contain overall mortality figures from Iraq's Ministry of Health because it refused to release them.

Four Million Displaced as Civil War Deepens Iraqi Refugee Crisis

The unfolding civil war and inter-sectarian violence in Iraq is deepening a humanitarian crisis of refugees, a Congressional Research Service report has found. An estimated four million refugees have been displaced, or 13 percent of the Iraqi population.

Gonzales Aide Monica Goodling Gets Immunity

A House committee voted Wednesday to grant immunity to Monica Goodling, a key aide to Attorney General Alberto Gonzales during the firings of eight US attorneys. She had refused to testify, invoking her Fifth Amendment rights against self-incrimination. The 32-6 vote by the House Judiciary Committee surpassed the two-thirds majority required to grant a witness immunity from prosecution. A separate vote to authorize a subpoena for Goodling passed by voice vote.

Kritik an Thierse: "Demokratie verbessern statt Wähler beschimpfen"

Die Initiative "Mehr Demokratie" kritisiert die Äußerungen des Bundestagsvizepräsidenten Wolfgang Thierse (SPD) zur Beteiligung an der Kommunalwahl in Sachsen-Anhalt am vergangenen Sonntag. "Statt die Wähler zu schelten, sollte die Politik dafür sorgen, dass die Beteiligung an politischen Entscheidungen für die Bürger wieder attraktiver wird", sagte Daniel Schily, Landesgeschäftsführer von Mehr Demokratie, am 25. April in Köln.

Neskovic fordert Steinmeier zum Rücktritt auf

Im Fall des langjährigen Guantanamo-Häftlings Murat Kurnaz bleibt der Vertreter der Linksfraktion in BND-Untersuchungsausschuss, Wolfgang Neskovic, bei seinen schweren Vorwürfen gegen die damalige rot-grüne Bundesregierung. "Da ist Rechtsbruch begangen worden", sagte Neskovic am Mittwoch in Berlin. Die Hauptverantwortung dafür trage als damaliger Kanzleramtschef der heutige Außenminister Frank-Walter Steinmeier (SPD), der aus seiner Sicht ein "Rechtsstaatsversager" sei und zurücktreten sollte.

Tell Barrick to Stop Mining on Sacred Grounds

Bundesregierung gibt heimliche Online-Durchsuchungen zu

Bundesverfassungsschutz und Bundesnachrichtendienst praktizieren offenbar bereits seit zwei Jahren geheime Online-Durchsuchungen. Das gab das Kanzleramt am Mittwoch nach Aussagen von Teilnehmern im Innenausschuss des Bundestags zu. Vertreter der Opposition reagierten mit Empörung und warfen der Bundesregierung Rechtsbruch vor. Unions-Politiker sprachen dagegen von der Notwendigkeit der Ermittlungsmaßnahmen. Nach dem Bericht des Kanzleramts spähen die Geheimdienste seit Juni 2005 verdächtige Computer aus. Sie stützen sich dabei auf eine Dienstvorschrift des damaligen Bundesinnenministers Otto Schily (SPD). Der Bundesgerichtshof hatte heimliche Online-Durchsuchungen durch Ermittlungsbehörden im Februar für unzulässig erklärt, weil es an einer Rechtsgrundlage fehle. Der CSU-Politiker Hans-Peter Uhl forderte, gegebenenfalls das Grundgesetz zu ändern.


#Die Linkspartei.PDS: Pressemitteilungen

26. April 2007

Skandal ersten Ranges

Zu der jetzt bekannt gewordenen Tatsache, dass Geheimdienste bereits seit zwei Jahren Online-Durchsuchungen durchführen erklärt die stellvertretende Parteivorsitzende Katina Schubert:

Die Geheimdienste haben Tatsachen geschaffen, während die Politik noch über die Rechtsgrundlage von Online-Durchsuchungen debattiert. Entweder hat Innenminister Schäuble seinen Geheimdienst nicht in Griff oder er duldet solche offensichtlichen Rechtsverletzungen. Beides wäre ein Skandal. Die illegale Praxis der Online-Durchsuchungen muss sofort beendet und die widerrechtlich erfassten Daten vernichtet werden. Der jetzt bekannt gewordene Fakt macht deutlich: Der Kampf gegen den Terror wird missbraucht für eine allumfassenden Überwachung der Bürgerinnen und Bürger. Vorbei sind die Zeiten, in denen sich Polizei und Geheimdienste erst mühsam den Zugriff auf persönliche Daten erstreiten mussten. Jeder und jede stehen unter Generalverdacht, niemand kann mehr nachvollziehen, von wem und warum persönliche Daten gespeichert oder weitergegeben werden. Die Linkspartei.PDS bleibt bei ihrer Forderung: Der Schutz von Bürgerrechten muss Priorität haben. Die Trennung von polizeilicher und geheimdienstlicher Arbeit darf nicht beseitigt werden. Die Geheimdienste müssen stärker kontrolliert werden und alle Bürgerinnen und Bürger das Recht haben, über persönliche Daten zu bestimmen.äuble



Dr. Ernest Sternglass: We are really, really killing our own

Irak: Zusammenbruch von Recht und Ordnung

UN-Organisation kritisiert irakische Regierung scharf und warnt, dass sich auch die humanitäre Situation schnell weiter verschlechtert.

Phone mast plans thrown out

By Deborah Linton

PLANS to install two mobile phone masts have been thrown-out by planners.

Service provider, T-Mobile, applied to Bolton Council to erect a 12.3 metre-high mast on land in Market Street, Little Lever. The firm also sought permission to install a 12 metre mast on a grass verge opposite McDonalds, in Chorley Old Road, Bolton.

But Bolton Council's planning and highways committee refused the proposals last week. Councillors said the first set of plans were out-of-keeping with the area.

Cllr Mary Woodward said: "The main issue is where this thing is going, in a very busy area, behind a bus shelter. There are at least three other telephone masts in Little Lever. The mast is designed to look like a lamp post but then again how many lamp posts do we need?"

Opposing the plans, one resident said: "This is a major footfall in Little Lever. It's the wrong place."

Cllr Roger Hayes suggested that T-Mobile look into scrapping the Chorley Old Road plans and sharing a 45 ft mast that is to be installed by O2, at the junction of Moss Bank Way and Captain's Clough Road, in Smithills.

Cllr Barbara Ronson said: "I'm worried about the visual amenity on that grass verge. It would be quite striking as it comes into view."

Defending the plans, Martin Dale, on behalf of T-Mobile, had told the committee: "This is visually acceptable within the street-scene. We are creating a replica telegraph pole. Refusal cannot be justified on the basis of concerns about health."

© Copyright 2001-2007 Newsquest Media Group

Honeybeeworld ...EMF exposures?

I believe this study (Lubeck 2005) re oscillating current during sleep improving memory will help support EMF/EMR concerns regarding "disappearing bees."

The study is very long, so I have copied only small portions below. Access info:

There are 31 references/studies re various relevant subjects (re humans).

I am not familiar with the Helsinki Declaration but can't help wonder how much of what was done regarding "human studies" -- "EMF RAPID Studies" -- that may be in violation of the Declaration!!! It makes me sick to my stomach when I recall the "intimidating individual" that came around with her black briefcase, making it clear to us that we needed to participate in her very involved series of questions (during time of EMF RAPID Studies).

This "unpleasant encounter" (think she came back more than once) never involved sharing any information to the effect there was any reason whatsoever to consider possible adverse health effects regarding our house being only 50 ft. from two high voltage lines. I do remember reporting a long list of symptoms (this occurred before I had any knowledge of benefits re taking vitamins and supplements and especially "melatonin) and I do know there is specific reference to homes within 50 ft. of high voltage lines in the EMF RAPID Conclusions.

I do not recall any questions being asked about any sort of electrical or telephone equipment being close to our beds. The fact that the American Cancer Society sent the "USA Today article" (1993) recommending appliances be moved away from beds, indicates the whole EMF RAPID Study may have "completely missed-the-boat" and that the omission of such relevant questions may have been intentional.

Had these issues been properly addressed and the public "informed," perhaps even the bees would still be able to find their way home? Take care - Joanne

Joanne C. Mueller
Guinea Pigs R Us
731 - 123rd Avenue N.W. Minneapolis, Minnesota 55448-2127
Phone: 763-755-6114
Email: (4-25-07)

All truth goes through three stages: first it is ridiculed: then it is violently opposed: finally it is accepted as self evident. - Schopenhauer

"No substance is a poison by itself. It is the dose that makes a substance a poison..." Paracelsus (1493-1541)

Climate: Time Is Short

Ted Glick writes: "Despite the tremendous upsurge in consciousness about - and activism on - the climate crisis over the past year and a half in the USA, those greenhouse gas emissions just keep going up.... Each year that passes without action to seriously reduce carbon emissions is one more year that we are rolling the dice for ourselves, our children, and future generations. We need to do more.... I'm prepared for a long fast. I'm ready to get arrested again. Is there anyone else who feels the same?"

Climate: Time Is Short, Part Two

Ted Glick writes: "We are in a planetary emergency, pure and simple. It's time for the climate movement in the United States - a movement that has grown tremendously in the last year - to act accordingly. We need to follow up and increase the pressure on Congress. Republicans and Democrats alike need to feel the heat of an aroused citizenry demanding immediate action to dramatically reduce emissions, enact a moratorium on any new coal plants and provide serious money, such as $25 billion annually, for energy conservation, efficiencies, and clean and safe renewables."

Another GOP Aide Snared in Abramoff Probe

Former Congressional aide Mark Zachares pleaded guilty Tuesday to accepting tens of thousands of dollars in gifts from lobbyist Jack Abramoff in an influence-peddling scandal that has touched the White House, Interior Department and Congressional Republicans. Mark Zachares was the eleventh person to be convicted in the Justice Department probe.

Kucinich Officially Moves to Impeach Cheney

Representative Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) on Tuesday introduced articles of impeachment against Vice President Dick Cheney. Kucinich outlined three charges against Cheney: that he "manipulated the intelligence process ... by fabricating the threat of Iraqi weapons of mass destruction" to justify the war in Iraq; that he deceived citizens and Congress "about an alleged relationship between Iraq and al Qaeda" to justify the war; and that he has "openly threatened aggression against the Republic of Iran, absent any real threat to the United States, and has done so with the United States' proven capability to carry out such threats."

Congress Poised to Issue Numerous Subpoenas

Today, three Congressional committees will consider subpoenas for half a dozen officials from the White House and the departments of Justice and State. On the list is former presidential Chief of Staff Andrew Card Jr., Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and former Justice Department liaison to the White House Monica Goodling, a key figure in the controversial firing of eight US attorneys.


Phone mast will stay after ‘Pull it down’ move fails

By Paul Keaveny

A GOVERNMENT planning inspector has quashed a move by Bolton Council to force a telecommunications giant to remove a 47ft mobile phone mast.

T-Mobile erected the mast on the footpath next to the Shell petrol station and in front of Tonge Cricket Club, in Crompton Way, last year.

The mast is designed to provide coverage to Crompton, Bradshaw, Hall i'th' Wood and areas around Tonge Moor.

A mix-up led to T-Mobile believing it had been granted permission to install the equipment so it erected the mast.

The council refused to give retrospective permission and ordered the company to pull down the mast as well as remove three equipment cabinets, claiming they were a potential hazard.

T-Mobile appealed against the decision and a hearing was held in front of government inspector Paul Taylor. In his formal ruling, Mr Taylor quashed the council's enforcement notice.

A council spokesman said: "It was unfortunate that the inspector did not agree with the council's evidence on this matter. We were of the view that the mobile phone mast blocked the pavement on Crompton Way in a fashion that might have affected users of the footway and highway.

"The council will continue to deal with the many applications from mobile phone operators in a way that best protects the communities of Bolton."

Cllr Nick Peel, chairman of the planning and highways committee at Bolton Council said: "We try to encourage the companies to erect masts to the minimum height and where possible to mast-share."

Graeme Mitchell, Bolton's group planning officer, said: "The mast obstructs the view of people crossing the road at that point, and vehicles would not get a good view of them."

The council argued the equipment narrowed the path and prevented pedestrians passing each other safely.

James Bevis, who represents T-Mobile, said: "Pedestrians would stand close to the kerb and the mast would not obstruct the view."

© Copyright 2001-2007 Newsquest Media Group

Battling for Mobile Phone Mast Controls

Killing dolphins and killing people

The Free Liberal
by Fred E. Foldvary


I was going to write about the killing of dolphins in Japan. Porpoises and dolphins are aquatic mammals of the suborder Odontoceti. (There are also fish called dolphins, which are entirely different animals.) Mammalian dolphins belong to the family Delphinidae, and porpoises belong to the family Phocoenidae. Both are highly intelligent social mammals. They like human beings and seldom harm people who swim with them. I was going to deplore the slaughter of dolphins in Japan. Fishermen in Japan are killing dolphins and small whales. These intelligent social beings hear the screaming of other dolphins as they get butchered in shallow coves. One wonders how the Japanese people could be so cruel as to allow this atrocity. It is done with the approval of the Japanese government. … That’s what I was going to write about, and then came the massacre at Virginia Tech...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Articles of Impeachment Against Vice President Richard Cheney

Senatorial wisdom on Gonzales

The American Spectator
by Quin Hillyer


Lance the boil, Mr. President. So says, in effect, a knowledgeable U.S. senator who is usually friendly to the Bush administration. The boil is at the U.S. Department of Justice. The department has become painfully dysfunctional. One of the hardest things for a good leader to do is to relieve from a position of power somebody who is not only a decent person but a personal friend, somebody who has done nothing unethical, but who just isn’t up to the task. Unfortunately, that is what needs to be done in the case of Attorney General Alberto Gonzales...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Neither conservative nor progressive

by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.


I once heard a leading Republican intellectual, a respected figure with lots of books on everyone’s shelves, express profound regret when the Soviet Union was falling apart. The problem, from this person’s perspective, is that this led to disorder, and order — meaning control even by the Soviet state — is the fundamental conservative value. That about sums it up. Even Communism is to be tolerated so long as it keeps away what they dread more than death: people within their rights doing whatever they want. At the end of the Cold War, many conservatives panicked that there would be no more great causes into which the state could enlist itself. There were about 10 years of books that sought to demonize someone, somewhere, in the hope of creating a new enemy. Maybe it would be China. Maybe it would be the culture war. Maybe it should be drugs. At last, from their point of view, 9-11 presented the opportunity they needed, and thus began the newest unwinnable war in the tradition of LBJ: The War on Terror...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Control-freakery at the FCC

Disloyal Opposition
by J.D. Tuccille


The federal government is apparently preparing to break out its blue pencils. Specifically, the Federal Communications Commission is poised to expand its power and launch a political jihad against violent television programming. … the FCC wants to dramatically extend its power beyond its traditional dominion over the ‘public’ airwaves to programming carried over completely private cables and satellite links...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Cheney, Reid spar over Iraq policy

Cañon City Daily Record


Vice President Dick Cheney accused Democratic leader Harry Reid on Tuesday of personally pursuing a defeatist strategy in Iraq to win votes at home — a charge Reid dismissed as President Bush’s ‘attack dog’ lashing out. The particularly harsh exchange came just hours after Bush said he would veto the latest war spending bill taking shape in Congress, which includes a timetable for withdrawing from Iraq...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Canadian Gitmo detainee charged



The U.S. military has charged a 20-year-old Canadian held at the U.S. detention center at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, as a suspected terrorist with murder and other crimes, the Pentagon announced. Omar Ahmed Khadr, captured by U.S. troops in Afghanistan when he was 15, was formally charged with murder, attempted murder, conspiracy, providing material support for terrorism and spying, according to the Pentagon’s announcement on Tuesday...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Iraq demands put squeeze on Air Force, chief says



The Pentagon’s bolstering of its ground forces in Baghdad by borrowing money and people from its sister services is further straining a stretched Air Force, Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Michael Moseley said Tuesday. The result, Moseley said, is people being assigned to jobs they weren’t trained for. He cited Air Force airmen being used to guard prisoners and serve as drivers and cited one instance in which a female Air Force surgeon was assigned typing chores...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Ramsey Clark: "The winds of impeachment are sweeping the country"

Statement by Ramsey Clark, Former U.S. Attorney General: “The winds of impeachment are sweeping the country.”

The following is a press release sent to the national and international media by The second half of the press release includes a statement from Ramsey Clark, former U.S. Attorney General.

A nationwide grassroots movement to impeach George W. Bush, Dick Cheney and other high officials was launched on January 18, 2003. Ramsey Clark called for the impeachment of President that day when he addressed a crowd estimated to be nearly a half million strong on the Mall in Washington D.C., in what the Washington Post described as the largest anti-war protest since the end of the Vietnam War.

As President Bush and Vice President Cheney were actively deceiving the country with false propaganda aimed at justifying an unprovoked war of aggression, Mr. Clark on January 18 announced the formation of the and web sites. He stated that the active preparation for the launch of a war of aggression against Iraq constituted an impeachable offense. He asked people to join an on-line referendum.

As of today, nearly 900,000 people have voted for impeachment with web site.

The impeachment movement that Mr. Clark started has evolved into one of the most dynamic grassroots movements in recent U.S. history.

On April 23, 2007 the Vermont State Senate voted in support of the impeachment of Bush and Cheney. One week earlier, elected officials in Vermont said the impeachment resolution didn’t stand a chance. Then their offices were flooded with emails, faxes, and phone calls, and the tide turned.

Scores of cities around the country have witnessed impeachment resolutions carry in the City Council.

On April 28, impeachment actions will be taking place from New York City to San Francisco and every place in between.

Polls taken by Zogby have indicated that 52% of the American people support the impeachment of Bush if he lied to Congress about the reasons for going to war in Iraq.

The movement has placed full page newspaper ads in the New York Times, San Francisco Chronicle, Boston Globe and many other newspapers. When President Bush speaks at the Coast Guard Graduation on May 23 in New London, Ct. there will be a large crowd of protesters calling for his impeachment. When Dick Cheney speaks three days later at the West Point Graduation Ceremony he will be met too by a big crowd calling for his impeachment along with that of President Bush.

Today as the rumblings for impeachment are starting to reverberate inside the House of Representatives, the only place where Articles for Impeachment can set the impeachment process into motion, Ramsey Clark issued the following statement.

Ramsey Clark's statement to the media

“We have seen that Congress can be moved. The Bush Administration is reeling from its own wrongdoing. The horror its war of aggression has wreaked on the people of Iraq and thousands of U.S. service members must trouble the sleep of every sentient American. The Surge is only adding to the death and destruction.

“All over the country supporters of impeachment are intensifying their efforts. Our focus must be on Congress, and the priorities of full troop withdrawal and the impeachment of President Bush, Vice President Cheney, Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and other culpable officials within the Administration.

“In recent weeks, tens of thousands of people have sent letters or called their elected representatives in Congress. On the statewide and local level people have been demanding local officials take a stand. Large scale pro-Impeachment demonstrations took place on March 17 at the Pentagon and in more than 1,000 other protests marking the 4th anniversary of the start of the Iraq war.

“The crimes committed by President Bush and Vice President Cheney are numerous. The Bush Administration’s war of aggression, its assault on human dignity at Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo, demeaning the Geneva Conventions and Habeas Corpus, invading the privacy of any American it chooses, corrupting the rule of law in the Department of Justice and others.

“President Bush and Vice President Cheney should be held accountable as it is proscribed in the Constitution, Article II, Section 4: The President, Vice President, and all civil officers of the United States shall be removed from office or impeachment for and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.

“The authors of the Constitution were serious about impeachment and intended that the carefully prescribed procedures and principles of impeachment written into the text be faithfully executed. We, the growing impeachment movement that is sweeping this country from one end to the other, will make the members of the House of Representatives become as serious and courageous about impeachment as the Founding Fathers were.”

Save Black Bears in Alaska

A message from Vida

PET/America: Save Black Bears in Alaska

The Department of Fish and Game is Alaska wants to hunt 900-1400 Black Bears to their deaths by any means necessary, including sows and cubs.

This program is to be part of the heavily criticised aerial wolf-kill program, part of which has already been declared illegal by the courts.

The Department says the hunt is necessary to protect Moose numbers, however there have been questions raised about the science behind their estimates, why such a large number of bears need to be killed, the "anything goes" methodology of the hunt wherein fair chase and usual hunting ethics don’t even apply, and even the plan's practicality - Department officials have themselves admitted that the plan is unlikely to work, and at least one major hunting group has said that they do not support it. The public certainly don’t. So why go ahead with it?

We are asking that the Department reconsider this plan. To sign the petition, please go to the following link:

The hunt is due to begin on July 1, we need your signatures now!!

Thank you!!


Medicaid Programs "Severely Challenged"

State Medicaid programs, which provide health care to millions of poor people, vary widely in their eligibility criteria, the scope and quality of care, and the amount they reimburse physicians providing it, according to an independent assessment.

What established authorities teach Americans about global trade is wrong, disastrously wrong for the United States

The Establishment Rethinks Globalization

The church of global free trade, which rules American politics with infallible pretensions, may have finally met its Martin Luther. An unlikely dissenter has come forward with a revised understanding of globalization that argues for thorough reformation. This man knows the global trading system from the inside because he is a respected veteran of multinational business. His ideas contain an explosive message: that what established authorities teach Americans about global trade is simply wrong - disastrously wrong for the United States.

Yellowstone Delisting Beginning of End for Grizzly

"On March 29, 2007, the Department of the Interior removed federal protection for Yellowstone's grizzly bears under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). On April 29 this delisting will take effect. Only a challenge in federal court can stop this final ruling. I believe this decision will mark the beginning of the end of the grizzly in the contiguous states," says Doug Peacock.

Miers Weighed Yang's Firing, Senator Feinstein Says

Former White House Counsel Harriet Miers discussed firing ex-US Attorney Debra Yang, who was leading an investigation into lucrative ties between Rep. Jerry Lewis (R-California) and a lobbying firm before she left her government post voluntarily last fall, Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-California) charged in a hearing last week.

War Causes Air Force Chief Master Sergeant to Change Course

Jeff Slocum is a 41-year-old chief master sergeant in the United States Air Force. He's spent the last 21 years in the military and has been stationed in Europe, Korea, Honduras and the Middle East. He's now an engineer at Pope Air Force Base near Fayetteville, North Carolina. He loves his work, has enormous faith in the military and believes in serving his country. Until recently, he planned to spend his entire life in military service. But the events in Iraq have forced Slocum to question the viability of that plan and ultimately to change his life course. "First and foremost, we should never have gone into Iraq," says Slocum.

The Coca-Cola Company Invests Money in Cleaning its Image

Informant: Pol DHuyvetter

Antennes Relais, les Ecologistes de Wallonie déposent une proposition de décret à 0,6V/m

RTC-Be : Antennes Relais, les Ecologistes de Wallonie déposent une proposition de décret à 0,6V/m (vidéo).

An island made by global warming

The map of Greenland will have to be redrawn. A new island has appeared off its coast, suddenly separated from the mainland by the melting of Greenland's enormous ice sheet, a development that is being seen as the most alarming sign of global warming.

From Information Clearing House

Lieberman: Patience With Iran Wearing Thin

Sen. Joe Lieberman said the United States would not allow Iran to acquire nuclear weapons and warned that America was losing patience with President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's regime.

From Information Clearing House

Inside Iraq: Broken Dreams

Video Report

Jasim Al-Azzawi looks at the high hopes and broken dreams of Iraq.

From Information Clearing House

Murtha: 'Surge has failed"


"There's going to be redeployment," Murtha insisted. "It's just a matter of when."

From Information Clearing House

Congress panel backs Iraq pullout

A Democrat-led congressional panel has approved a war-funding bill that sets a tentative March 31, 2008 deadline for US troop withdrawal from Iraq despite a promised veto by the president.

From Information Clearing House

Economic Armageddon Is Coming

By Joel S. Hirschhorn

The British military establishment's most prestigious think tank sees what too few over-consuming Americans are willing to anticipate. Unjustified and mounting economic inequality is planting the seeds for global economic conflict.


By Jim Kunstler

We've entered a euphoric phase of financial arbitrage capitalism with extreme Ponzi overtones, a pyramid scheme of revolving credit rackets and percentage spread plays completely abstracted from any reality of fruitful activity. The reason we don't even call "money" by its former name anymore is precisely because we realize at some semi-conscious level that "liquidity" is not really money.

Existing U.S. home sales tumble in March; consumer confidence slides in April

Sales of existing homes plunged in March by the largest amount in nearly two decades. And consumer confidence in April crumbled to its lowest level since August.

From Information Clearing House

Housing Bubble Boondoggle: "Is it too late to get out"?

By Mike Whitney

Details of the meltdown are being downplayed in the media to prevent panic-selling among the public. But the Fed knows what's going on. In fact, the Federal Reserve and the five other federal agencies that regulate banks issued this statement just last week.

We Just Marched In (So We Can Just March Out)

Hon. Ron Paul Of Texas
Before the U.S. House of Representatives

Why the dilemma? The American people have spoken, and continue to speak out, against this war. So why not end it? How do we end it? Why not exactly the way we went in? We just marched in, and we can just march out.

The War Goes Ever On

By Paul Craig Roberts

What Bush has demonstrated to Muslims is that American democracy is unresponsive to citizens and voters. Bush has demonstrated to the world that the US government is controlled by a small oligopoly of vested interests, the public be damned.

Kucinich Announces Impeachment Charges Against Vice President Cheney

By Michael Roston

"The weight of the lies used to lead us into war has grown heavier with each death. Now is the time for Congress to examine the actions that led us into this war, just as we must work to bring the troops home. This resolution is a very serious matter, and I will urge the Committee on Judiciary to investigate and carefully consider this resolution."

Keep our rice GMO Free!

Muslims Believe US Seeks to Undermine Islam

Selling Anxiety

Selling Out to K Street Is "A Lot of Fun!"

The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands is the definition of tyranny

Cheney Is Wrong About Me, Wrong About War

Press Fury at Baghdad Wall


Work on Baghdad wall continues despite premier's opposition

The construction of a three-mile wall around a Sunni neighbourhood in Baghdad continued Monday, the military spokesman for the Iraqi government said, despite Premier Nuri al-Maliki's opposition to the plan.

From Information Clearing House


When In Doubt, Build A Wall

'Green Nobel' Winners Noted for Fighting Extractive Industries, Defending Wildlife

Global Campaign to End Gun Trade Ramps Up

Tillman's Brother Blasts Military


Ranger Alleges Cover-Up in Tillman Case

An Army Ranger who was with Pat Tillman when he died by friendly fire said Tuesday he was told by a higher-up to conceal that information from Tillman's family. "I was ordered not to tell them," US Army Specialist Bryan O'Neal told the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.

Bill Moyers: "Buying the War"

BUYING THE WAR: Watch the Show

Informant: BeeFree


Bill Moyers' "Buying the War" Exposes the Media's Failure to do Their Job.


Bill Moyers on Journalism and Democracy

Bill Moyers is launching a new weekly series on PBS starting Friday night. But his latest documentary titled, "Buying the War" (about the media-supported build-up to the war in Iraq), airs tonight, April 25, on PBS. We spoke with Mr. Moyers about the media's coverage of the war and the health of journalism and democracy.


On Journalism And Democracy

by Bill Moyers, The Christian Century

Our government has taken leave of reality and the media won't say as much.


Bill Moyers Interviews Jon Stewart

Veteran journalist Bill Moyers begins his weekly series, "Bill Moyers Journal," with an interview with Jon Stewart, anchor of the award-winning "The Daily Show," about why so many persons get their news and analysis from his fake news show.

Bill Moyers Journal: "Buying the War"

"Buying the War," a documentary film from Bill Moyers, examines the media's coverage in the lead-up to the war as evidence of a paradigm shift in the role of journalists in democracy. And four years after the invasion, Mr. Moyers wonders what has changed? Truthout provides the full documentary and a transcript of the program.


VIDEO: Bill Moyers PBS special -- 'Buying the War'

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news


Bill Moyers: Buying the War: Transcript and Videos

Informant: Bob Banner

Office of Special Counsel to Investigate Rove

FDA Wants to Eliminate Natural Health Care

by Tom DeWeese

The Federal Drug Administration (FDA) has launched another sneak-attack, trying to regulate your health freedom into oblivion. Through FDA’s unholy partnerships with Big Pharma and the Codex Alimentarius Commission (an offshoot of the UN), we are very close to losing alternative health care in America. This is a crisis, and needs your immediate action......


U.S. Health Freedom on Verge of Collapse

by Byron Richards, CCN

The anti-American FDA is actively seeking to undermine U.S. laws and harmonize our dietary supplement laws with Mexico and Canada. This is being done through the Trilateral Cooperation Charter – an illegal agreement set up with health regulatory agencies in Mexico and Canada. It is part of the campaign towards a North American Union, one which would be a catastrophe for health freedom in this country as dietary supplement laws in Canada and Mexico are far more restrictive than in the U.S......


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