Montag, 2. April 2007

LLRC success in mast challenge


Mobile phone mast scuppered by £200 Citizen Epidemiology survey

Local Council votes Orange out three times; Orange not to appeal.

Orange has withdrawn its application to install a mobile phone transmitter in the tower of St. Michael's church in Aberystwyth, Wales, UK. This unexpected development comes immediately after Green Audit (LLRC's scientific advisers) began a local health survey.

LLRC funds health questionnaire

Dr. Chris Busby of Green Audit said "We set out to discover the baseline of health before the microwave transmissions could begin. We intended to do a follow-up survey after the mast went into operation."

The Low Level Radiation Campaign felt that this was an opportunity for sound epidemiology. Since the study population would be identical to the control, the only difference would be the microwave exposure. This approach would provide reliable data on the effects.

Funded by LLRC, Green Audit designed a questionnaire and distributed it to a sample of houses in the area. We have used this method to monitor the effects of radioactive contamination in other parts of the United Kingdom and Ireland.

In Aberystwyth the initial survey was to be followed up a few weeks after the mast began transmitting at full power. Green Audit also planned to measure local field intensities.


Local opposition to the transmitter was strong because St. Michael's church, where it was to be sited, is in a residential area and close to Castle Park, a popular children's playground and tourist attraction. There is evidence that living near such transmission antennae causes a range of health effects, from leukaemia and lymphoma to neurological symptoms like sleep disturbances, headaches, and depression. A paper outlining the scientific issues was sent to the local council (Ceredigion District Council) in September last year. The Council rejected the application three times.

Surprise rejection

The last rejection was a surprise development because it was expected that the applicants (Orange and the Rector of St. Michael's, Reverend Stuart Bell whose church was in line to receive annual payments of £5000) would thereafter appeal to the Welsh Assembly Government in Cardiff. The Health Protection Agency would have advised that there was no measurable health threat, Orange would have won the appeal, and costs in the region of £30,000 – 35,000 would have been awarded against Ceredigion District Council. But it looks as if Councillors had the courage to stand up to these bullying tactics.

Surprise retreat

Immediately following the commencement of the health survey, the Council has written to Green Audit to say that Orange and the Rector are not appealing; they have withdrawn the application.


This could be a useful precedent. LLRC does not usually address non-ionising radiation but this looks like a case where just a whiff of good epidemiology, independent of industry funding and reviewers' bias and backed up by the implicit threat that (as usual) we would go straight to the press and the internet to release the results, has been enough to overcome the bad science that characterises radiation risk.

Chris Busby's recently published Wolves of Water, (which LLRC calls a Science Wars Combat Manual) has information about how and where we have used questionnaire surveys, like the Aberystwyth Orange study. (see )

The paper which Chris Busby and Roger Coghill sent to Ceredigion Councillors in September 2006 is on the LLRC website scroll down to the Mobile phones button on the left and follow the links.

Background information on the Aberystwyth application from a September 2006 Cambrian News report —

From Richard Bramhall, info

Another Inconvenient Truth

Informant: binstock

'We don't want this mast to get higher'


RESIDENTS have launched a campaign to stop the extension of an already huge mobile phone mast blighting their view.

More than 100 people living near the Yorkshire Amateurs Football Club, Chapel Allerton, have sent letters of complaint to Leeds City Council, to say they do not want the 17.5 metre mast to go any higher.

But mobile phone provider O2 Airwaves has applied to extend the mast to 20 metres, which it says will improve the existing network purely for emergency services.

And the company believes its plan is likely to go ahead, as it is vital that emergency services have a clear network.

The cash-strapped football club has in previous years made money from having the masts in the ground, yet today said the latest development had nothing to do with them.

Today David Packham, secretary of the Bracken Edge Ground Company, which owns the club, said: "The new application could not be blamed on the club or owners, because, as far as I understand, it is the mobile phone company which had applied to improve its signal and technology with a larger mast."

But fears for health of local residents and well as players at the Roxholme Road club, has caused locals to object.

Resident Jill Harland, 32, said: "We are concerned about the appearance of a 20m mast. It would be very close to houses and people would see it on a daily basis. It would also spoil views from Gledhow Valley Woods.

"We successfully fought a plan for another mast two years ago and now we have to do it all again."

Chapel Allerton Labour Councillor Mohammed Rafique (Lab, Chapel Allerton) is backing them. He said: "In their latest bid O2 Airwaves want to replace and extend the height of the 17.5m high mast at the nearby Yorkshire Amateur's football Ground to 20m while adding six antennaes and two dishes."

He said that two years ago a campaign by local residents had played an important part in the council turning down O2's application to erect another 25-foot high mast at the site.

The council and Planning Inspectorate cited the damaging impact the mast would have on the aesthetic quality of the area as the main reason to refuse the application.

He added: "Who is to say that if this application is successful O2 might decide they want to enlarge it again in the future?"

Ray Weldon, of O2 Airwaves, said: "The extension is just to improve the resilience of the existing network. It is purely for emergency service use such as police, fire and ambulance and is in the interests of public safety. It is not to expand the network."

All rights reserved ©2007 Johnston Press Digital Publishing

Todesfalle für Meeressäuger: Grindwale sollen unter Militärversuchen und anderen Lärmquellen leiden

Nach Auffassung der Naturschutzorganisation Pro Wildlife sind Delfine und Wale zunehmend durch den Lärm in den Ozeanen bedroht. "Unsere Kritik richtet sich unter anderem gegen den Einsatz von Militär-Sonar. Dieser kann so laut wie ein startender Düsenjet werden und den Tod von Delfinen und Walen verursachen", meint Sandra Altherr von Pro Wildlife. In den USA hätten in der vergangenen Woche Umweltverbände eine Klage gegen die Sonarversuche der US-Marine in delfinreichen Gewässern eingereicht. Seit 2003 seien diese Sonar-Einsätze verboten. Doch Anfang des Jahres habe das Pentagon das Verbot für zwei Jahre wieder aufgehoben.

BASF: Erdgas-Förderung soll letzte Wale Deutschlands gefährden

Die Naturschutzorganisation Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society (WDCS) warnt vor einer Gefährdung der letzten Wale Deutschlands durch die Erdgas-Förderung in der Nordsee. So seien am 2. April in den amtlichen Mitteilungen des Nautischen Warndienstes in Hamburg die ersten Sperrungen im Naturschutzgebiet Entenschnabel veröffentlicht worden. Dies bedeute, dass sich das Schiff Ocean Explorer, das im Auftrag der BASF Tochtergesellschaft Wintershall in der Nordsee nach Erdgas suche, mit seinen "gefährlichen Aktivitäten" begonnen habe. "Von heute an bis in den Herbst werden Tag für Tag, 24 Stunden lang, alle 8 Sekunden Luftkanonen (Airguns) das Meeresschutzgebiet und große Teile der Nordsee verlärmen und vermutlich alle Wale aus ihrem Lebensraum großflächig vertreiben", kritisieren die Naturschützer.

Warnung vor Angriffskrieg: "Der Iran ist von US-amerikanischen Militärbasen zu Land und zur See umzingelt"

Das Komitee für Grundrechte und Demokratie warnt vor den Folgen der Festnahme von 15 britischen Soldaten durch den Iran. Gleichgültig, ob die Festnahme in iranischen oder irakischen Gewässern erfolgte, erhöhe sich dadurch die Gefahr eine Angriffskrieges gegen den Iran, fürchtet der friedenspolitische Sprecher des Komitees, Andreas Buro. "Der Iran ist von US-amerikanischen Militärbasen zu Land und zur See umzingelt. In Israel werden bereits Übungen für einen Angriff auf den Iran betrieben. Die kriegerische Rhetorik beider Nuklearmächte ist außerordentlich bedrohlich und gibt zu größter Sorge Anlass, dass ein weiterer Krieg in Nah- und Mittelost vom Zaun gebrochen werden könnte", so Buro.

McCain Photo Op While US Troops Die

Sen. John McCain strolled briefly through an open-air market in Baghdad today in an effort to prove that Americans are "not getting the full picture" of what's going on in Iraq. He was accompanied by "100 American soldiers, with three Blackhawk helicopters and two Apache gunships overhead." Still photographs provided by the military to NBC News seemed to show McCain wearing a bulletproof vest during his visit.

A Salute for His Wounded, a Last Touch for His Dead

Unaware of a deep wound beneath his body armor, Sergeant Sebban, a 29-year-old medic, shook off the blast and staggered to his first-aid station to treat casualties, other soldiers recalled. "Let's get ready!" he shouted, one soldier said. Then he collapsed. He bled to death even before the evacuation helicopter arrived to carry him away, 17 minutes after the 6:00 PM attack.

The GOP's Quiet Revolution

Sen. Ted Kennedy addressed a gathering organized by the Alliance for Justice. Kennedy spoke about the Bush administration's lack of respect for the rule of law. Following his remarks, a documentary film titled Quiet Revolution was screened. The film chronicles 30 years of Republican efforts to turn back the clock on civil liberties.

Court Rebukes Bush in Global Warming Case

In a defeat for the Bush administration, the Supreme Court ruled Monday that a US government agency has the power under the clean air law to regulate greenhouse gas emissions that spur global warming. The ruling came in one of the most important environmental cases to reach the Supreme Court in decades. It marked the first high court decision in a case involving global warming.

Keine Waldzerstörung für Zucker in Uganda

Uganda will einen Teil seines größten Regenwald-Reservats abholzen, um Platz für eine Zuckerrohrplantage zu schaffen. Bedroht sind allein 312 Baumarten und fast 300 Vogelarten. Die Wälder sind außerdem ein natürlicher Luftfilter, sie speichern Millionen Tonnen CO2 und stabilisieren das feuchte Klima in Zentraluganda. Die Kahlschlag-Pläne müssen noch vom Parlament gebilligt werden. Auf unserer Webseite finden Sie eine Unterschriftenaktion an die Abgeordeten und einen Protestbrief an die Mehta-Gruppe , welche die Zuckerrohrindustrie in Uganda beherrscht und das Mabira Waldreservat abholzen will.

Herzliche Grüße und vielen Dank !
Reinhard Behrend
Rettet den Regenwald
Friedhofsweg 28
22337 Hamburg
Tel. 040 - 4103804


Plant trees, lots of them, you can never plant enough!

Saarland bedroht den Regenwald auf Borneo

Eine Investorengruppe will am Dillinger Saarhafen ein „Bio“-Kraftwerk bauen, das Soja- und Palmöl aus Übersee in Strom und Wärme verwandelt. Trotz anfänglicher Kritik an dem Vorhaben scheint der saarländische Umweltminister Stefan Mörsdorf nun gegenüber den Forderungen des saarländischen Wirtschaftsministers und der Industrie einzuknicken und das Kraftwerk zu genehmigen. Bitte protestieren Sie gegen die Pläne, die das Saarland zum Komplizen der Regenwaldabholzer und Klimakiller machen. Mehr Infos und einen Musterbrief finden Sie unter

Bitte informieren Sie auch Freunde und Bekannte.

Herzliche Grüße und vielen Dank !
Reinhard Behrend
Rettet den Regenwald
Friedhofsweg 28
22337 Hamburg
Tel. 040 - 4103804


Plant trees, lots of them, you can never plant enough!

Next-up News n°221

Die Zeit der Schauprozesse

Während die britischen Gefangenen im Iran sich selbst und ihre Regierung bezichtigen, bekannte sich in Guantanamo der erste "feindliche Kämpfer" für schuldig und erhielt einige bemerkenswerte Auflagen.

Kriegsgeflüster im Persischen Golf

Teheran spielt mit den Gefangenen, die USA entsenden dritten Flugzeugträgerverband.

Rassemblement Pour la Planète - Gathering for the Planet

France 3 Paris 01 04 2007 : Zusammenschluß für den Planeten (vidéo und Kommentare)

Concentración or el Planeta (video y comentarios).

Klimawandel heizt Ökostrommarkt an

Sustainable Seafood

Find out how eating lower on the fish food chain is better for the environment and your health.


Making The Popular Vote A Winner

by Rob Richie and Ryan O'Donnell,

Momentum is building toward making the Electoral College work as it should.

Reclaiming The Digital Frontier

by Art Brodsky,

We must challenge corporate media's stranglehold on technology and content.

Ex-Partner of Giuliani May Face Charges

Federal prosecutors have told Bernard B. Kerik, whose nomination as homeland security secretary in 2004 ended in scandal, that he is likely to be charged with several felonies, including tax evasion and conspiracy to commit wiretapping. Kerik's indictment could set the stage for a courtroom battle that would draw attention to Kerik's extensive business and political dealings with former New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, who personally recommended him to President Bush for the Cabinet.

Bush, Iran & Selective Outrage

Robert Parry argues that one of the least endearing features of Washington's political/media hierarchy is its propensity for selective outrage, like what is now coming from George W. Bush about the "inexcusable behavior" of the Iranian government in holding 15 British sailors whom Bush has labeled "hostages." This is the same President Bush who often mocks the very idea that international law should apply to him; he's fond of the punch line: "International law? I better call my lawyer." But Bush becomes a pious defender of international law when it suits his geopolitical interests.

Distract and Disenfranchise

Paul Krugman has a theory about the Bush administration's abuses of power that are now, finally, coming to light. Ultimately, he believes, they were driven by rising income inequality.

Democrats to Widen Conflict With Bush

Even as their confrontation with President Bush over Iraq escalates, emboldened Congressional Democrats are challenging the White House on a range of issues - such as unionization of airport security workers and the loosening of presidential secrecy orders - with even more dramatic showdowns coming soon.

Battle Over Habeas Corpus Returns

William Fisher reports on what could turn out to be an epic battle brewing in the US Senate. But unlike most of this chamber's epic battles, this one pits Republican against Republican. The battle is over the Habeas Corpus Restoration Act of 2007. The proposed legislation would repeal provisions of the Military Commissions Act of 2006 that stripped US civilian courts from jurisdiction to hear or consider applications for a writ of habeas corpus filed by aliens detained as enemy combatants.

Speak out to require California's utilities to reduce global warming pollution

Last fall California passed the world's first law limiting global warming pollution from electricity generation. The law prohibits new long-term investments in any baseload electricity power plants (those workhorse power plants that run around the clock) that emit more global warming pollution than an efficient natural gas power plant. A new conventional coal-fired power plant, for example, emits more than twice as much global warming pollution as a new natural gas plant.

In March, the California Energy Commission proposed regulations to implement and enforce the law for the state's municipal utilities, like the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power and the Sacramento Municipal Utility District. The proposed regulations are consistent with those already adopted by the California Public Utilities Commission for the state's investor-owned utilities (like Pacific Gas & Electric and Southern California Edison), in order to ensure that utilities across the state are held to the same standard. Nevertheless, the California Energy Commission faces continued pressure to weaken its proposed enforcement regulations.

The commission will consider the proposed regulations at its April 25th meeting, and is accepting public comments until that date.

== What to do ==

Send a message, before the April 25th meeting, urging the California Energy Commission to adopt the proposed global warming pollution performance standard regulations for municipal utilities.

== Contact information ==

You can send an official comment directly from NRDC's Earth Action Center at Or use the contact information and sample letter below to send your own message.

California Energy Commission Docket No. 06-OIR-1
1516 9th Street, MS-4 Sacramento, CA 95814
Fax: 916-654-4354

== Sample letter ==

Subject: Docket No. 06-OIR-1-- Comments on proposed GHG emissions standard regulations

Dear Commissioners,

I strongly support the proposed "Regulations Establishing and Implementing a Greenhouse Gases Emission Performance Standard for Local Publicly Owned Utilities." These regulations would ensure that utilities are required to place their long-term investments in clean energy sources, thus helping California meet its global warming emissions reduction targets under the Global Warming Solutions Act (AB 32) and avoiding the unnecessary exposure of Californians to hundreds of millions of dollars in extra costs resulting from new investments in highly polluting energy sources.

We must protect all Californians equally from the financial and reliability risks of continued reliance on electricity sources that produce high amounts of global warming pollution. The California Public Utilities Commission has already adopted strong rules to implement and enforce SB 1368 for the state's investor-owned utilities, and the California Energy Commission is obligated to adopt consistent regulations for the state's local publicly owned utilities.

The proposed regulations provide for necessary state oversight to ensure compliance with the standard, while allowing the publicly owned utilities enough flexibility to continue purchasing the cleanest, most affordable power for their customers. In addition, the proposed regulations would ensure a consistent statewide standard for all California utilities. I strongly urge the commission to adopt the proposed regulations to implement and enforce SB 1368 for California's local publicly owned utilities.


[Your name and address]

Tell state wildlife officials to protect California condors from poisonous lead bullets

Lead ammunition is threatening to wipe out the last surviving California condors. After several public hearings, the California Fish and Game Commission is poised to vote this month on whether to ban this poisonous hunting ammunition in counties where condors live.

The California condor, North America's largest bird, is one of the most endangered animals on earth. Today there are 138 condors in the wild, 61 of which fly free in California. One of the leading causes of condor deaths is lead poisoning, which occurs when the birds accidentally ingest lead bullet fragments found in their prey. Lead poisoning has caused nine confirmed condor deaths since 1992 and has been implicated in the death or disappearance of at least 15 more condors. Other birds, such as golden and bald eagles, are also susceptible to lead contamination from ingesting lead fragments in ammunition.

The California Fish and Game Commission is considering changing its hunting regulations to ban lead ammunition in counties with condor populations. Such a ban would help protect these birds and others from lead contamination and bring them back from the brink of extinction.

The commission will vote on the ban at its April 12-13 meeting in Bodega Bay.

== What to do ==

Send a message, before April 12th, urging the California Fish and Game Commission to ban the use of lead ammunition in counties where condors live.

== Contact information ==

You can send an official comment directly from NRDC's Earth Action Center at Or use the contact information and sample letter below to send your own message.

Doug Updike, Acting Chief, Wildlife Programs California Department of Fish and Game
1812 Ninth Street Sacramento, CA 95814
Fax: 916-445-4048

== Sample letter ==

Subject: Ban lead ammunition in condor habitat

Dear Acting Chief Updike,

I urge the California Fish and Game Commission to ban the use of lead ammunition for hunting activities in California hunting zones where condors are found.

Leading scientists have concluded that lead poisoning is a major obstacle to the recovery of the California condor. In addition to condors, other birds, such as golden and bald eagles, also are poisoned by ingesting lead shot and lead bullet fragments.

Alternatives to lead ammunition for many hunting activities are already widely available.

Please act now to protect the natural heritage of all Californians and save the California condor.


[Your name and address]

Oil from palms: scientists weigh the downside of a once-popular alternative

Informant: binstock

Lobbyisten im Zentrum der Macht

LobbyControl-Extra vom 2.4.2006

TV-Tipp: Lobbyisten im Zentrum der Macht

Heute abend läuft im WDR Fernsehen eine 45minütige Dokumentation über die Mitarbeit von Lobbyisten in Ministerien. Der Film stammt von Sascha Adamek und Kim Otto aus der Monitor-Redaktion, die diesen Skandal in den letzten Monaten aufgedeckt hat - auf jeden Fall sehenswert!

Sendedaten: WDR3, 22.45 - 23.30 Uhr (und morgen um 10 Uhr)

Weitere Informationen auf der Webseite der Doku-Reihe "die story":

The emails the White House doesn’t want you to see

Mother Jones
by Daniel Schulman


In general, past administrations, Democratic and Republican, have chafed at the prospect of turning over their records, per the Presidential Records Act, says Bruce Montgomery, the director of the University of Colorado at Boulder’s archives and an expert on presidential papers. ‘No president since Carter, who signed the Presidential Records Act into law, has looked kindly on that statute. Carter did not want the Presidential Records Act to apply to him. The Carter Justice Department saw it as a breach of the separation of powers.’ In 1985, a young lawyer working in the Reagan White House questioned the constitutionality of the law in a memo to his boss, White House counsel Fred Fielding, who is currently reprising that role in the Bush administration. That lawyer, John Glover Roberts Jr., who we know as Chief Justice Roberts, noted that the ‘existence of the Act serves to burden the full and frank exchange of advice.’ That advice, he argued, ‘is protected by the constitutionally based doctrine of executive privilege.’ He fretted, however, that it was too early to mount a constitutional challenge. That would have to wait until 2001, when, after the 12-year waiting period outlined in the law, the first batch of Reagan-era documents would be released...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Broken arrow

by Phillip Carter


The U.S. Army broke in the 1970s in the wake of the Vietnam War and the end of the draft. But if you ask officers who served during that period, few will recall the sounds of creaking planks, snapping beams, or rupturing buildings as the institution disintegrated. Instead, the crumbling occurred over time, becoming apparent only decades later. Today’s Army is stretched past its breaking point by the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The sounds of its collapse may be faint enough for policymakers in Washington to ignore, but they are there...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Political correctness is destroying America

Liberty For All
by Danny Brooks

In my opinion, the most dangerous threat to the United States is not the threat from another country. After all, what country can compete with our military? It isn’t terrorist cells or weapons of mass distraction. It is political correctness. Those two words have been used to confuse, irritate, and placate Americans for years... (written 06/03; posted 03/30/07)

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The fake fight over the Iraq war

by Alexander Cockburn and Jeffrey St. Clair


Has the end of America’s war on Iraq been brought closer by the recent vote in the House of Representatives? On March 23, the full House voted 218 to 212 to set a timeline on the withdrawal of US troops, with September 1, 2008, as the putative date after which war funding might be restricted to withdrawal purposes only. It’s not exactly a stringent deadline. It only requires Bush to seek Congressional approval before extending the occupation and spending new funds to do so. … Although nothing of any significance actually happened on March 23, to read liberal commentators one would think we’d witnessed some profound upheaval, courtesy of Nancy Pelosi’s skillful uniting of the various Democratic factions. What she accomplished in practice was the neutering of the antiwar faction...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Republicans can’t sell Americans out again

by Rep. Lincoln Davis


There are many untruths emanating from Washington about the recently passed House budget. It almost seems like there is an attempt to rewrite history. First, the Republicans in Washington have zero credibility when it comes to the budget. Last year, when they were in complete control, they couldn’t pass a budget resolution or the appropriations process. The wheels completely fell off. They gave us the rainforest in Iowa, the Bridge to Nowhere, and, when handed a budget surplus in the hundreds of billions of dollars in 2000, it only took six years to squander it and saddle us with historic deficits and a ballooning debt. The record needs to be set straight. The newly passed budget ends the ‘borrow-and-spend’ era of the last several years with the reimplementation of pay-as-you-go rules...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Kissinger: Iraq victory not possible

The Age [Australia]


Former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, who helped engineer the US withdrawal from Vietnam, says the problems in Iraq are more complex than that conflict, and military victory is no longer possible. He also said he sympathises with the troubles facing US President George Bush. ‘A ‘military victory’ in the sense of total control over the whole territory, imposed on the entire population, is not possible,’ Kissinger told The Associated Press in Tokyo, where he received an honorary degree from Waseda University. The faceless, ubiquitous nature of Iraq’s insurgency, as well as the religious divide between Shi’ite and Sunni rivals, makes negotiating peace more complex, he said...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Ein Hartz für Kinder: zur Senkung der Regelsätze für Schulkinder mit Einführung von Hartz IV

Hartz IV: ALG II und Kinder/Jugendliche

Kampagne „Kinder brauchen Teddybären und Schulsachen!“

"Hartz IV - Förderung der Bildung durch Kürzungen"

Flugblatt des Rhein-Main-Bündnisses gegen Sozialabbau und Billiglöhne (pdf)

Ein Hartz für Kinder. Zur Senkung der Regelsätze für Schulkinder mit Einführung von Hartz IV

36-seitige Broschüre des Rhein-Main-Bündnisses gegen Sozialabbau und Billiglöhne (pdf)

ARGE München kennt keine Grenzen mehr: Jetzt wird schon Hartz4-Kindern fiktives Einkommen vom Lebensbedarf abgezogen: Reichen 24 Euro für ein Kind zum Leben?

„Die ARGE München Mitte scheint gar keine Grenzen mehr zu kennen, Einsparungen an unfreiwilligen Hartz4-Empfängern vorzunehmen, jetzt sind die Kinder dran: Zwei Kindern in München wurden für April Kindesunterhalt als Einkommen abgezogen, welcher den Kindern noch nie gezahlt wurde…“ Artikel von Christiane Hoepner, München, vom 01.04.2007 beim Presseportal für Soziales und Politik

Jugendarbeitslosigkeit: Jugendliche und Hartz IV - Was macht das Fördern?

Der Reader dokumentiert einen gemeinsam von Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung und DGB Bundesvorstand durchgeführten Expertenworkshop am 20. November 2006 in Berlin. Veröffentlichung des DGB-Bundesvorstandes, Bereich Arbeitsmarktpolitik, vom Januar 2007, dokumentiert bei der Arbeitsnehmerkammer (pdf)

Aus: LabourNet, 2. April 2007


Bündnisplattform: "Hartz IV - vorsätzliche Kürzungen bei Schulkindern!"

Die Bündnisplattform fordert höhere Regelleistungen für Kinder und deckt den Betrug um die Kürzung der Kinderregelleistungen auf. Schon jetzt wird die Bündnisplattform durch sehr viele Organisationen und Einzelpersonen unterstützt. Siehe dazu:

Die Homepage der Bündnisplattform:

Bündnisplattform: Hartz IV - vorsätzliche Kürzungen bei Schulkindern! Schluss mit dem empörenden Zustand, Kinder für ihr Wachstum und ihren Schulbesuch zu bestrafen!

Aufruf als pdf-Datei

und Aufruf unterzeichnen:

Kürzungen bei Hartz IV-Kindern finanzieren das höhere Kindergeld

„Die neu gründete Bündnisplattform «Kinderarmut durch Hartz IV» wirft Finanzminister Peer Steinbrück vor, seine im Haushaltsentwurf 2009 eingestellten Mittel für Familien mit Kindern in Höhe von einer Mrd. Euro würden zur Hälfte durch Einsparungen bei Hartz IV-Kindern gegenfinanziert. Mit Einführung von Hartz IV im Jahr 2005 sei Kindern und Jugendlichen ab sieben der Wachstumsbedarf aberkannt worden, und die Bundesregierung sei bis heute nicht bereit, diese Kürzung wieder zurück zu nehmen….“ Pressemitteilung der Bündnisplattform «Kinderarmut durch Hartz IV» vom 16.07.2008

Hartz IV: "Fördern" durch Kürzen. Zur Aberkennung des Wachstumsbedarfs von Schulkindern und Jugendlichen mit Einführung von Hartz IV

Broschüre zu den Hintergründen der Kinderregelleistungskürzungen nun auch online bei Tacheles (pdf)

Aus: LabourNet, 18. Juli 2008ück

Martin Luther King assassination: It was a conspiracy, not a lone gunman

Intel: Modifiziertes WLAN sendet 100 Kilometer

Plant trees, lots of them, you can never plant enough!

Plant trees, lots of them, we can never plant enough! First and foremost they will keep cool our environment! That is how we can control the global warming, replace the wood we consume with new trees, trees which need Co2 to live.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket-

A million trees? No, we need a billion

Informant: Scott Munson


IPCC Issues Second Report in Series on Climate Change.

Save the climate now!

The Global Marshall Plan: One Million Flyers in Germany for the Billion Tree Campaign. Students and teenagers invite all generations to plant one billion trees together.


You can not only plant trees for as little as .50 cents each but also save rainforest at the same time!:) Shop where it matters & only where it matters. Visit The Rainforest Site and do a search on Save Monarch Butterfly Habitat. In one year I have planted 1000 trees and so can you! You can help by funding the planting of tree seedlings in the butterflies' overwintering area in Michoacán, Mexico, through the work of The Michoacán Reforestation Fund, winner of the 2002 Smithsonian Magazine/USTOA Conservation Award. This fine organization has worked with its Mexican partners to plant over 2 million trees since its founding in 1997 and is committed to restoring protective forest cover. As the trees grow, they serve as a climatic buffer that protects butterflies from harsh weather. And when sustainably harvested, the trees provide a renewable source of income for local residents. Choose to plant 50 Trees ($25.00) or 100 Trees ($50.00).

Mari Enchanted


Trees Across America: Help the Urban Forest


Steve Nix

The good news is, millions of trees will be planted over the next year. The bad news is, many of those trees will not be planted correctly and then only given minimal care over time. I have prepared this eCourse so that you can prepare yourself for the best tree planting outcome possible. You are beginning a course that will broaden your understanding of a tree's needs a bit while giving you sound advice on how to select and plant the best one possible. Let's get started!


Why Are Trees Important?

Art Plotnik, urban tree expert and author, dedicates a portion of his book "The Urban Tree Book" to a tree's importance. Plotnik makes a great case-in-point for planting and maintaining trees in and around your home and explains why trees are also important to an urban community. Plotnik suggests eight reasons a tree is more than just beautiful and pleasing to the eye.


Where Do I Buy A Tree?

Buy Online!

High quality seedlings and saplings can be found at reasonable prices on the Internet. You just have to know where to look. Here are five of the best Internet sites available for purchasing trees.

A USFS Nursery Directory

The United States Forest Service's RNGR Team maintains a list of plant material providers for the United States. It includes many tree nurseries. You can search for plant materials by state, product, or any keyword. The directory is managed completely online.


Discussions on Planting and Maintaining Trees

The Forestry Forum

Remember that tree planting help is just a click away at About's Forestry Forum. We have a large number of foresters and nurserymen ready to answer any question you might have. You will feel welcome in our forums. Take a look as a Guest. When you want to post, choose a login name and then become an active member.


10 Best Trees You Should Plant

I've picked ten best trees readily available for planting in your yard. Although there are dozens of great trees from which to pick, I have taken some of the subjectivity out to give you reasonable choices. I am certain any one of these ten trees will earn itself a place of pride in your yard.


10 Trees You May Not Want to Plant

Planting the wrong tree in the wrong place is a guarantee for future tree removal. Tree removal is, at best, expensive to buy and can be very dangerous if you decide to do it yourself - plus it is back breaking work. A lot of trouble and anxiety can be avoided by planting the appropriate tree on your property to start with.


Plant Hardiness Zones

It is extremely important that you plant your tree in a place where it will survive. Planting a tree outside of it's hardiness zone can waste you time, money and effort. Most nurseries suggest planting trees using a USDA hardiness zone as your guide. Check your tree for zone requirements and check this map for your particular planting zone.


A Tree Planting Guide

This tree guide is probably my most visited site on tree planting. The guide is an overview on planting tree seedlings and saplings with guidelines on how they should be purchased, handled and planted. If you need to read just one thing listed on my eCourse, this is it.


Ten Commandments for Seedling Survival!

Dr. William Carey, Auburn University Forestry Professor, outlines a ten point system to help improve forest tree seedling survival. These "commandments" specifically apply to wildland reforestation but will generally apply as well for urban tree planting.


Seven Ps For Healthy Trees!

Here are seven helps designed to keep your trees healthy. Follow this step-by-step prescription for preventing or minimizing tree damage caused by decay. Remember - prepare yourself, make a plan of action, provide protection, prevent tree damage, prune every year, provide nutrients and seek professional help.


Causes and Cures for Storm Damage

Hundreds of thousands of shade and street trees in the United States are storm damaged by wind, ice and lightning each year. Estimates of property value loss from tree storm damage can approach one billion dollars annually depending on how severe the weather is. This is a feature designed to help you quickly understand and prevent costly storm damage to trees.


Tree Planting - Frequently Asked Quesions

Everyone has a question or two on planting tree. Here are those 10 basic questions asked by a new tree planter. I have done the research and found an answer to each one and include links for further review.


Deforestation Effects Depend On Location

The effects of deforestation on climate depend on three things - location, location and location. Environmentalists concerned about global warming have long encouraged preservation of forests because they absorb carbon dioxide, the most abundant greenhouse gas in the atmosphere.


Tree Planting a Practical, Effective Way to Remove CO2


Reforestation May Be Fastest Way to Reverse Global Warming

Informant: Dorothee Krien

impf-report Newsletter Nr. 6/2007

Next-up News n°220

Our "Strong Economy:" A Powder Keg Waiting to Blow

by Devvy Kidd

Michael Panzner is author of a book titled Financial Armageddon, which has a clear message no one wants to hear: "Unable to cope with the harsh new economic environment, growing numbers of Americans will end up on the streets - confused, homeless and hungry. With that, begging will increase to previously unseen levels. So too will a range of other social ills, especially when those who have lost hope seek solace in drugs or alcohol…Even once-model citizens will have little choice but to break the law to take care of themselves and their families." Panzner isn't blowing smoke, he's trying to warn unsuspecting Americans poised to lose everything......

Wollt ihr das totale Protokoll?

Dass sich der Staat für Recherchen und Informanten von Journalisten interessiert und dabei auch deren Kommunikation überprüft, ist nicht neu. Bekannt wurde etwa die Ermittlung von Telefonkontaktdaten eines Reporters der Dresdner Morgenpost, die Telefonüberwachung von Journalisten des Stern und des ZDF im Zusammenhang mit dem Entführungsfall Khaled el-Masri und die monatelange Analyse aller Verbindungsdaten der Wolfsburger Allgemeinen Zeitung.

Was Journalisten und allen Bürgern dieses Landes droht, wenn das verharmlosend "Vorratsdatenspeicherung" genannte Vorhaben der Regierung umgesetzt wird, beschreibt Patrick Breyer in der aktuellen Ausgabe des Medienmagazins 'Berliner Journalisten'.

Aus: Newsletter Netzwerk Recherche, #41, 02.04.2007

Freispruch für BamS-Reporter in Sachen Jauch

Aus einer PM des Axel-Springer-Verlages vom 22. März 2007:

Der BamS-Chefreporter Guido Brandenburg wurde heute in einem von TV-Moderator Günther Jauch veranlassten Strafverfahren vor dem Amtsgericht Potsdam freigesprochen.

Brandenburg war von Jauch vorgeworfen worden, sich über sein Immobilienvermögen beim Grundbuchamt Potsdam durch verleumderische Angaben Informationen verschafft zu haben. Jauch hatte Strafanzeige gestellt, nachdem er zuvor von Behauptungen erfahren hatte, der Reporter hätte bei der Recherche von dem Verdacht der Vorteilsgewährung im Zusammenhang mit Grundstücksgeschäften Jauchs gesprochen.

Claus Strunz, Chefredakteur BamS: "Hier sollte in beispielloser Weise ein Journalist kriminalisiert werden, der sich bei seinen Recherchen völlig korrekt verhalten hat. Es ist gut für die Pressefreiheit in diesem Land, dass dieser Versuch gescheitert ist."

Tobias Fröhlich
Tel: +49 (0) 30 25 91-7 76 20

Aus: Newsletter Netzwerk Recherche, #41, 02.04.2007

EU-Kommission bangt um Richtlinie zur Vorratsdatenspeicherung

Die deutschen Pläne zur elektronischen Totalüberwachung aller Bewohner des Landes (verharmlosend Vorratsdatenspeicherung betitelt) fußen auf einer entsprechenden Richtlinie der Europäischen Kommission. Diese hat gerade den Zugang zu Dokumenten abgelehnt, die die Gültigkeit der Richtlinie zur Vorratsspeicherung von Telekommunikationsdaten betreffen. Bürgerrechtler werten die Entscheidung als Ausdruck einer zunehmenden Nervosität der Brüsseler Behörde in Bezug auf eine laufende Klage gegen die Richtlinie.

Nach der Richtlinie vom März 2006 soll zur "verbesserten Strafverfolgung" unter anderem nachvollziehbar werden, wer mit wem in den letzten sechs Monaten per Telefon, Handy oder E-Mail in Verbindung gestanden hat.

Zwei Monate nach Beschluss der Richtlinie hat der Europäische Gerichtshof die Fluggastdatenübermittlung in die USA für unzulässig erklärt, weil die EG für die innere Sicherheit nicht zuständig ist. Unter Berufung auf dieses Urteil hat Irland im Juni 2006 Nichtigkeitsklage gegen die Richtlinie zur Vorratsdatenspeicherung eingereicht. Eine Entscheidung des Gerichtshofs wird für nächstes Jahr erwartet.

Unter Berufung auf Informationsfreiheitsregelungen hat der Arbeitskreis Vorratsdatenspeicherung, ein bundesweiter Zusammenschluss von Bürgerrechtlern, Datenschützern und Internet-Nutzern, von der EG-Kommission die Herausgabe von Dokumenten über die Gerichtsverfahren zur Vorratsdatenspeicherung und zur Fluggastdatenübermittlung verlangt. Die Dokumente sollen die Einschätzung vieler Rechtsexperten untermauern, dass die Richtlinie zur Vorratsdatenspeicherung nichtig ist und deswegen nicht umgesetzt werden darf.

Die Kommission hat die Anträge mit dem Argument abgelehnt, eine Offenlegung könne dem laufenden Gerichtsverfahren schaden und die "Verteidigungsrechte der Parteien unterminieren".

In Deutschland laufen Datenschutzbeauftragte gemeinsam mit Journalisten-, Medien-, Verbraucher- und Wirtschaftsverbänden Sturm gegen die Pläne der Bundesregierung, die Kommunikationsdatenspeicherung noch dieses Jahr umzusetzen. "Eine derart weitreichende Registrierung des Verhaltens der Menschen in Deutschland halten wir für inakzeptabel", heißt es in der Gemeinsamen Erklärung vom Januar. Die Verbände verlangen, die Pläne zumindest bis zur Entscheidung des Europäischen Gerichtshofs über die Rechtmäßigkeit der Richtlinie auf Eis zu legen.

Die Bescheide der EG-Kommission im Wortlaut: , .

Gemeinsame Erklärung der Verbände zur Vorratsdatenspeicherung: .

Pressemitteilung des Arbeitskreises vom 25.03.: .

Aus: Newsletter Netzwerk Recherche, #41, 02.04.2007

Freiheit statt Angst: Demo gegen Sicherheits- und Überwachungswahn

Sa., 14.04.2007, ab 15 Uhr, Frankfurt (Main), Hauptbahnhof.

Buergerrechtler rufen bundesweit zur Teilnahme an einer Demonstration gegen die ausufernde Überwachung durch Staat und Wirtschaft auf. Am Samstag, den 14. April 2007 werden besorgte Bürgerinnen und Buerger in Frankfurt am Main unter dem Motto "Freiheit statt Angst" auf die Strasse gehen. Treffpunkt ist der Hauptbahnhof um 15 Uhr. Der Protestmarsch durch die Stadt wird mit einer Kundgebung vor der Paulskirche enden.

Die Forderungen:

1. Weniger Überwachung

- keine Totalprotokollierung von Telefon, Handy und Internet (Vorratsdatenspeicherung),
- keine geheime Durchsuchung von Computern,
- Stopp der Videoüberwachung des öffentlichen Raums, keine automatische Gesichtskontrolle,
- Stopp von Biometrie und RFID-Chips in Ausweisen und Pässen,
- keine Aufzeichnung des Flugreiseverkehrs,
- kein automatischer Kfz-Kennzeichenabgleich auf öffentlichen Strassen.

2. Bestehende Überwachungsgesetze auf den Prüfstand stellen

- unabhängige Überprüfung aller seit 1968 beschlossenen Überwachungsgesetze auf ihre Wirksamkeit und schädlichen Nebenwirkungen.

3. Stopp für neue Überwachungsgesetze

- Nach der inneren Aufrüstung der letzten Jahre fordern wir einen sofortigen Stopp neuer Gesetzesvorhaben auf dem Gebiet der inneren Sicherheit, wenn sie mit weiteren Grundrechtseingriffen verbunden sind.

Weitere Infos auf der Demo-Homepage

Aus: Newsletter Netzwerk Recherche, #41, 02.04.2007


Rundgang durch die überwachte Stadt

City Control

Freiheit statt Angst: Demo gegen Sicherheits- und Überwachungswahn
Aufruf zur Demo in Frankfurt (Main) am Samstag, den 14. April ab 15 Uhr

Bundesweite Demonstration gegen ausufernde Überwachung am Samstag, den 14.4. in Frankfurt

„Über 20 Bürgerrechtsorganisationen, politische Gruppen und Datenschutzvereinigungen rufen für Samstag, den 14. April unter dem Motto "Freiheit statt Angst" zu einem Protestmarsch in Frankfurt am Main gegen die ausufernde Überwachung durch Staat und Wirtschaft auf. Die Organisationen sind sich einig, dass es höchste Zeit ist, vor dem Hintergrund permanenter Verschärfungen von Sicherheits- und Überwachungsgesetzen für die Bewahrung der Grundrechte der Bürgerinnen und Bürger auf die Straße zu gehen. Die Demonstration wendet sich unter anderem gegen die Vorratsspeicherung des Telekommunikationsverhaltens der gesamten Bevölkerung, gegen verdeckte Online-Durchsuchungen von Computern und gegen die neue Wunschliste von Bundesinnenminister Wolfgang Schäuble…“ Pressemitteilung vom 10. April 2007:

Auf der Demo-Homepage
finden sich jeweils die neuesten Informationen zur Demo und zu Anreisemöglichkeiten.

Aus: LabourNet, 12. April 2007


"Es ist nicht einfach, die Folgen zunehmender Überwachung zu bemerken"

Gespräch mit dem Juristen Patrick Beyer vom "Arbeitskreis Vorratsdatenspeicherung" über Hintergrund und Zweck der geplanten Demonstration "Freiheit statt Angst - gegen Sicherheits- und Überwachungswahn" am Samstag in Frankfurt.

Westliche Propagandaoffensive: ist der Iran sturmreif?

U.S. Shares Blame For Immigration Woes

Cruel, Callous, Inhumane and Unacceptable

Carbon Trading Won't Work

Iraqi Oil Belongs To The Iraqi People

Media Watchdog Aims to Expose Flaws of Cable News

Guantanamo Trial Would Have Done Stalin Proud: Lawyer

This Was A Trial?

The Age Of Warming

Informant: NHNE


The age of warming: segments from 60 Minutes

Informant: binstock

On Drug Lobbyists' Role in Passing Bill That Keeps Drug Prices High

Informant: NHNE


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April 2007


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