Donnerstag, 18. Januar 2007

Your call, says vicar

Plans to build a mobile phone mast on top of a church spire have set alarm bells ringing in Two Mile Ash.

But the Church of the Holy Cross has this week promised that if the parishioners object, then the proposal will not go ahead.

The church, used daily to house a popular Under 5's playgroup, has been offered a "substantial sum" of rent each month to accommodate the mast and transmitting base station.

Making the offer is a company called QS4, which acts as an intermediary between mobile phone companies and churches all over the country in a bid to find new sites for masts.

"It's too early for us to comment about this proposal," said a QS4 spokesman this week. "We have made an approach to the Church of the Holy Cross but they have not yet reached a decision."

The spokesman refused to say how high the mast would be or how much money the church would receive each month.

Ministry team leader Rev Tim Norwood has assured residents and church users their views would be taken into account before any decision was made.

Church organisers organised a meeting, due to be held yesterday evening (Wednesday) for people to have their say.

"We know very little about the plans at the moment," said a spokesman for the pre-school group. "A letter went out to parents a couple of days ago and we've only had a few responses so far.

A couple were worried about any side-effects to the children's health and a couple objected on religious grounds."

Said Rev Norwood: "It is a difficult decision to make. Undoubtedly any church would welcome the money the companies are offering and they could put that money to very good use. But unless everyone agrees unanimously, we simply will not go ahead."

"We don't know what to think," said one Two Mile Ash resident.

"It seems wrong somehow to put a mast on top of a place of worship – but then there are three different masts on the roundabouts next to the church building!"


18 January 2007

All rights reserved © 2007 Johnston Press Digital Publishing.

Phone mast row spirals

By Jonathan Bunn

LET DOWN: Residents by the phone mast which is at the centre of a row between O2 and the council. (EL630-79)

RESIDENTS are caught in the middle of a row between the council and communications giant O2 over a phone mast that was erected without planning permission.

O2 says it was entitled to put up the 15 metre mast and it will remain in Markhouse Road, Walthamstow, because it was not informed of the council's decision to refuse the application within the required 56 days.

The Guardian understands O2 received notification of the decision 24 hours late, but the council denies there was any delay and says negotiations are ongoing.

The Department for Communities and Local Government confirmed O2 is within its rights.

Residents believed they had been successful in their campaign to fight the proposal, with a petition signed by 185 people.

Officers turned the mast down under delegated powers in July last year, but just before Christmas residents were shocked to discover that it had appeared.

Tony Alveranga, 42, of nearby Samantha Close, said: "Last Friday January 12 there were some guys working on the the mast and I asked them what they thought of it. They said it was a strange place to put it - halfway across the pavement.

"Local planning officers are there to protect the interests of residents. We feel let down. We expect proper procedure to be followed.

"I would point the finger at the planning office, but assuming O2 received the letter a day late, it has been inconsiderate at least."

An O2 spokesman: "The council has 56 days to come to us with a reply and if they don't, we take that as permission being granted.

"There is no possibility that we will take the mast down. It does not obstruct the pavement."

© Copyright 2001-2007 Newsquest Media Group

Next-up News n°159

The Trial of Saddam We Never Saw

Former "60 Minutes" producer and author Barry Lando connects the dots between Saddam Hussein and his American backers in this powerful documentary.

Stop the Iraq escalation

Take action:

Exposing the FDA's Betrayal of America

by Greg Ciola

The pharmaceutical companies are under tremendous pressure from Wall Street to perform. The bottom line of it is the pharmaceutical companies cannot make money selling drugs to treat disease. Thus, they have to create markets for drugs in order to have profits. Two major areas they focus a lot of their marketing efforts on is the baby boomers.....

Phone giant’s mast appeal turned down

By Janaki Mahadevan

Phone giant T-Mobile has failed to win permission to build a phone mast on Green Belt land in Shenley after a Government inspector dismissed its appeal last Friday.

The company, which challenged Hertsmere Borough Council's decision to refuse it planning permission, has had a temporary mast at London Colney Cricket Club in Green Street for nearly four years. That could now be removed next month after council enforcement action, leaving the company with no network coverage in the area.

T-Mobile had applied to build a permanent mast on the grounds of the cricket club but councillors refused permission in July last year, prompting the appeal.

In his report dismissing the appeal, the Government inspector said: "Because of their size, the mast and the associated cabinets and other equipment would reduce the openness of the Green Belt, and would cause some limited harm.

"In order for very special circumstances to exist sufficient to outweigh harm to the Green Belt, and other harm to the character and appearance of the area, a vigorous assessment of alternative locations is required."

The temporary mast was built after one erected on the Shenley Water Tower, in Porters Park estate, had to be removed when renovation work started on the building at the beginning of 2003.

The council issued an enforcement notice for T-Mobile to take down the temporary mast next month. If it is not removed, the council could take the company to court.

John Marks, clerk of Shenley Parish Council, said: "We are disappointed that the whole process has gone on for so long. But that is how the system works and we are bound by that.

"The mobile operator obviously wanted to keep the mast up so tried all it could to do so and you can't hold that against it.

"I do laugh every time it is called a temporary mast because it has been here for so long, but I am glad it is finally being taken down."

A spokesman for T-Mobile said: "We are considering the judgement of the inspector and his reasons for the dismissal of the appeal. We are also looking at other options in the area because we still have to provide a service there."

© Copyright 2001-2007 Newsquest Media Group

"Enorme Bedenken in der Gesellschaft": Breiter Widerstand gegen Anbau genveränderter Pflanzen


Zum Auftakt der Grünen Woche in Berlin formiert sich breiter Widerstand gegen den vermehrten Einsatz der Gentechnik auf dem Acker. "Der Anbau von genveränderten Pflanzen im Freiland birgt erhebliche Risiken für die menschliche Gesundheit und die Umwelt, die vor allem in ihrer langfristigen Wirkung nicht abschätzbar sind", sagte der Präsident des Deutschen Naturschutzrings, Hubert Weinzierl, der "Berliner Zeitung". Angesichts dieser Risiken sei der Einsatz in der Landwirtschaft und der Lebensmittelproduktion nicht zu rechtfertigen. Er wandte sich damit gegen Pläne der Regierung, Forschung und Anbau von genveränderten Pflanzen zu erleichtern.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

WWF sieht aktuelle Winterstürme als Vorboten des Klimawandels


Die aktuellen Winterstürme liefern nach Einschätzung des World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF) einen Vorgeschmack auf das Klima der Zukunft. In einer am Donnerstag veröffentlichten Stellungnahme heißt es, dass die Wetterturbulenzen bereits auf eine Änderung des Klimas hinwiesen. Die Organisation erinnerte daran, dass ihr bereits im vergangenen Jahr veröffentlichter Report "Stormy Europe" auf "diese Tatsache" hingewiesen habe: "Wenn wir den Klimawandel nicht in den Griff bekommen, werden die Winter noch ungemütlicher." Dem WWF zufolge steigt die Temperatur in Europa tendenziell an. Dies lasse das Wetter unbeständiger werden. Es müsse deshalb davon ausgegangen werden, dass sowohl die Zahl als auch die Stärke der europäischen Winterstürme in Zukunft erheblich zunähmen, "wenn es nicht gelingt, den Ausstoß an Treibhausgasen entscheidend zu drosseln", meint der WWF.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:


Klimawandel zeigt mit Winterstürmen sein hässliches Gesicht

"Kriegspräsident": Ex-US-Botschafter Holbrooke rechnet mit Bush ab


Der frühere US-Botschafter in Deutschland und politischer Bush-Konkurrent, Richard Holbrooke, hat in ungewöhnlich scharfer Form mit der bisherigen Leistung von US-Präsident George W. Bush abgerechnet. Bush werde "ohne Zweifel" als der Kriegspräsident in die Geschichte eingehen. Bush "hat das Land in zwei Kriege geschickt, von denen er keinen beenden wird. Dann haben wir ein riesiges Haushaltsdefizit und eine tief gespaltene Nation. Das ist eine furchtbare Hinterlassenschaft", sagte Holbrooke der "Berliner Zeitung".

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

"Konflikt mit EU-Kartellrecht": Gesundheitsreform schwächt laut Gutachten Solidarprinzip


Die geplante Gesundheitsreform birgt laut einem Gutachten der gewerkschaftsnahen Hans-Böckler-Stiftung auch europarechtliche Risiken. Die Reform schwäche das Solidarprinzip in der Gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung (GKV) und könne die Versicherungen so in Konflikt mit dem EU-Kartellrecht bringen, schreibt der Gesundheitsrechtler Thorsten Kingreen von der Universität Regensburg. Bislang gelten die gesetzlichen Kassen wegen des Solidarprinzips nicht als Unternehmen. Diese Sonderstellung werde durch die Reform gefährdet, heißt es in dem am Donnerstag veröffentlichten Gutachten.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

Seehofer "Klientelpolitik zugunsten von Großbetrieben" vorgeworfen


Anlässlich der Internationalen Grünen Woche stellte die Nichtregierungsorganisation Oxfam am Donnerstag ihre Bilanz der Politik des deutschen Landwirtschaftsministeriums seit Amtsantritt von Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU) vor. Oxfam kommt bei der Analyse der bisherigen politischen Arbeit des Bundesministeriums zu der Einschätzung, "dass Entwicklungsanliegen keinen Platz in Seehofers Agrarpolitik haben". Die Kleinbauern in den Entwicklungsländern, die durch "subventionierte Billigimporte" der EU in ihrer Existenz gefährdet seien, würden den Exportinteressen der Ernährungsindustrie geopfert und dem Exportdumping weiterhin ausgesetzt", sagte Marita Wiggerthale, Agrarreferentin bei Oxfam. Eine Wende in der Förderpolitik hin zu einer sozial gerechten, bäuerlichen, regionalen und ökologisch verträglichen Landwirtschaft sei nicht in Sicht und "politisch nicht gewollt".

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

"An Ketten aufgehängt": Kurnaz schildert Menschenrechtsverletzungen in Kandahar und Guantanamo


Der Bremer Türke Murat Kurnaz hat seine Misshandlungsvorwürfe gegen deutsche KSK-Soldaten erneuert und zugleich erstmals detailliert weitere Menschenrechtsverletzungen im US-Gefangenenlager im afghanischen Kandahar sowie in Guantanamo geschildert. Vertreter aller Fraktionen zeigten sich nach der knapp dreistündigen Befragung im Untersuchungsausschuss erschüttert und wollen ihre Aufklärungsarbeit nach Angaben des Ausschussvorsitzenden Karl Lamers (CDU) zumindest bis zum Sommer fortsetzen. Kurnaz wurde fraktionsübergreifend als "glaubwürdig" eingeschätzt.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

As Bush Spy Plan Weakens, Help Move Freedom Forward

It's Time for Democrats to Just Say No on Iraq

George Bush's super-hyped speech calling for escalation in Iraq was a political disaster. The American people now overwhelmingly oppose Bush's handling of the war (72%), oppose Bush's escalation plan (61%), and want to bring all our troops home in 2007 (56%).

These polls are terrifying to Republicans - their own pollster told them "if U.S. boots are still on the ground in Iraq and U.S. blood is still being spilled there at the end of the year, the GOP disaster in 2008 will eclipse 2006." Even Bob Novak predicts an "electoral catastrophe."

Please send this message to your Representatives: End War Funding, Begin War Investigations

Presidential Candidates Should Take the Lead

The 2008 Presidential campaign is in full swing, and the Democratic candidates want our support.

Let's tell them what they must do to earn it!

1. Deny all funds for Bush's escalation
2. Support immediate redeployment of U.S. troops, to be completed by the end of 2007 using the funds already appropriated
3. Oppose the $100 billion "Supplemental" appropriation in March and any other bills to extend the U.S. occupation of Iraq

We are keeping track of the positions of all the candidates here:

You can click on the name of each candidate and email our three principles. They are listening to us very carefully - let's speak up!

March and Lobby in Washington on January 27th, 28th, and 29th

Come to Washington, D.C., on January 27. Join in the march for peace being organized by United for Peace and Justice, and impeachment events on January 28th being planned by Progressive Democrats of America.

Make appointments now to meet with your Congress Member on January 29th to demand impeachment and peace. Get organized with others in your Congressional District.

TIP: Buy a dozen or more Impeachment Shirts, bring them to D.C., sell them at a profit, and pay for your trip.

Sign Up for Lobby Day Now

Register now for the UFPJ Congressional Advocacy Day (lobby day) January 29, 2007

March to the Capitol on J27 -- march into your Rep. and Senators' offices on J29! Register Here:

Plan to spend three days in D.C. On Saturday, march. On Sunday, take part in workshops and training sessions on peace and impeachment. Meet with fellow activists from your state and congressional district and prepare for Monday. On Monday, lobby your Congress Member and Senators for two things:
1. No more funding for this war.
2. Investigations of the justification for and conduct of this war.

Print Out a Flyer and Make Copies
Blank areas on right are for you to fill in local info.

Forward this message to everyone you know!

An Inconvenient Truth Squeezed from Classrooms

Informant: Bob Banner


Who Will Hold Science Teachers Association Accountable?

"The world's largest science teachers association has rejected 'An Inconvenient Truth.' Who will hold them accountable at their annual national conference?" asks John Borowski.

Bloggers Who Criticize Government May Face Prison

Ehren Watada's Parents Speak Out

Video Interview

Truthout's Geoffrey Millard interviews Lieutenant Ehren Watada's parents on the eve of his court-martial. They spoke about their son and his courage as he faces the fight of his life.

Bills on Climate Move to Spotlight in New Congress

Washington - The climate here has definitely changed. Legislation to control global warming that once had a passionate but quixotic ring to it is now serious business. Congressional Democrats are increasingly determined to wrest control of the issue from the White House and impose the mandatory controls on carbon dioxide emissions that most smokestack industries have long opposed.

Impeach Disney and General Electric

David Swanson argues that by any serious standard of journalism, impeachment should be in the news right now. This illustrates the worst problem with our media. It's not how they cover stories. It's how they do not cover stories. A Newsweek poll a while back said that 51 percent of Americans want Bush impeached and 44 percent do not. That's about double the support there was for impeaching Clinton when it was in the news every single day.

Democrats Target Royalty Breaks for Oil Firms

As the House prepared to impose new fees on oil and gas taken from federal waters, some Senate Democrats said Wednesday that royalty breaks for energy companies ought to be abandoned. House Democrats are confident they can approve an energy package Thursday that includes a conservation fee on oil and gas from the Gulf of Mexico, seeks to recoup royalties lost because of a government error in drilling leases in the late 1990s, and rolls back several oil-industry tax breaks.

Where Is the Energy for Freedom?

Kelpie Wilson writes: "A renewable-energy economy could be a decentralized free-market paradise. Imagine a network of small power producers, ranging from the family that invests in some extra solar panels to the city that owns a fleet of wind turbines - all feeding electricity into a robust electric grid, sharing electrons with Internet-like intelligence and resilience. The future is coming fast, and we'll choose it through our actions as citizens, consumers and voters. The question remains: Do we have the energy for freedom?"

Bush Retreats on Use of Executive Power

President Bush's decision to submit his warrantless-surveillance program to the jurisdiction of a special intelligence court represents the latest step back from the expansive interpretation of executive power he has asserted since the September 11, 2001, attacks. Under pressure from Congress and the courts, Bush in the past six months has closed secret overseas CIA prisons, transferred previously unidentified detainees to regular military custody, negotiated Congressional approval for tribunals to try foreign terrorism suspects and accepted at least some regulation of how harshly such prisoners could be interrogated.

Bush and the Psychology of Incompetent Decisions

According to John P. Briggs, MD, and J.P. Briggs II, PhD, President George W. Bush prides himself on "making tough decisions." But many are sensing something seriously troubling, even psychologically unbalanced, about the president as a decision-maker. They are right. Because of a psychological dynamic swirling around deeply hidden feelings of inadequacy, the president has been driven to make increasingly incompetent and risky decisions. This dynamic makes the psychological stakes for him now unimaginably high. The words "success" and "failure" have seized his rhetoric like metaphors for his psyche's survival.

U.S. Offers Scant Help to Fleeing Refugees

An Iraqi Parliamentarian Considers 'The Surge'

Follow Pelosi or Follower Pelosi?

By David Swanson

Larry Everest made an interesting comment on a panel we did in Memphis last weekend. He said that if Nancy Pelosi, who claims her top priority is ending the war and who claims to support democracy, were to ask people to come to Washington, D.C., on January 27th to march against the war, probably 20 million people would come. Such an action by Pelosi would not require that she take any controversial position, merely that she lead.

Rev. Glenda Hope sent around an Email that was forwarded to me and a lot of other people. She has a ministry in Pelosi's district and recently met with Pelosi's office. Hope was joined in the meeting by the President of the University of San Francisco (a Catholic priest), the pastor of Calvary Presbyterian Church (the largest church in San Francisco), the Senior Rabbi of the largest synagogue in San Francisco (Congregation Emanu-el), and Richard Smoak, a Presbyterian minister and founder/director of San Francisco Network Ministries (a 34-year-old ministry among the poor in San Francisco's Tenderloin). They met for 45 minutes with Pelosi's District Director Dan Bernal and Deputy District Director Melanie Nutter in Nancy Pelosi's office.

Here's the Email:

Subject: RE: Meeting with Pelosi Staff in SF

I began the conversation by saying flatly that I believe we must cut off the funding immediately, as that is the only effective way to begin the process of withdrawal of troops and US disengagement. All of the others agreed. Dan, her Dist. Director, argued that the votes are not there for that, even if Nancy voted "no", and such a cutoff would be widely regarded as "not supporting the troops." I stated that I believe Nancy has enormous influence and others would follow her lead. Also that "if something keeps being said then in the mind of the larger public it becomes true." Therefore, Nancy should quit saying that and tell the truth: that we are not supporting the troops by leaving them there but are only making targets of them more and for longer. Also said that I know there is enough money already in the pipeline to continue the war for 6-7 months and that is enough to make a continuing but losing effort to prepare Iraq to take over and to bring our people home.

Dan said Pelosi, Murtha, et al are preparing strings to be attached to the supplemental and other legislation which "will have the force of law" and will force a disengagement. Wouldn't Rev. Hope accept that approach rather than cutting off the funding? I replied that I do not believe anything will work other than cutting off the funding. Dan labeled that a "symbolic gesture," a response which I found mind boggling. Rabbi Pearce spoke eloquently from the position of the Hebrew and contemporary prophets, stating that there are times when one must quit the "political plotting, psyching out, and maneuvering and take a stand: do the right thing." Dan replied with an insulting little lecture about the difference between being an activist and working within the system. (All of us have been working for social justice a lot longer than he has been around. For example, I am 70 and my first involvements were in the Deep South in the Civil Rights Movement)

This went on about 45 minutes which was astonishing and I think one of our number might have been won over to the gradualist approach, though he may have changed back since recent events. The rest of us held firm.

I took in a letter to Pelosi, who I know personally, and the dep. Dist. dir. (who said little but later indicated that she agreed with me) said: "Oh, good!" and snatched it up.

We also talked, myself especially since I have worked in the Tenderloin for 34 years, about the domestic impact with reduced funding for programs such as our own SafeHouse for Homeless Women Leaving Prostitution (ll% cut in HUD funds in the last 2 years). And I spoke about the memorial services I do for homeless people and people living in the TL, noting that a large number of them are veterans (a particular concern for Pelosi) suffering from PTSD, homelessness, addiction and mental illness related to combat. I said we expect a "surge" of additional vets onto our streets now with similar afflictions and the longer we stay in Iraq the more there will be. I noted the absence of effective and adequate treatment for them. I also said that Nancy knows I work with drug addicts and I have learned that no matter how passionate my pleas, how eloquent and clear my reasoning, or how dire my threats, if I keep giving an active user money he will continue using. I connected that with cutting off the funding.

If we were going today, I would also talk about the number of Iraqi refugees, esp. middle class people who are essential to "building a democracy." I hope this doesn't sound like we were ignoring what is happening to the country and the people of Iraq. we were trying not to spread out over everything but to stay focussed on cutting off funds.

NB: in Wednesday's SF Chronicle there will be an OpEd piece by Cong. Lynn Woolsey. You should alert all your email contacts to read this.

Oh, Dan also said "we need progressive Christians to get involved in speaking out against this war." I pointed out that he should have said "and progressive Jews, such as Rabbi Pearce" (!). I said that I preach this every chance I get at a pulpit or other speaking engagement and have contacted people across the country urging them to speak out for cutting off the funds.

Amazingly, he also said "Nancy doesn't need and isn't helped by demonstrations, etc., by people calling for cutting off the funding. She thinks their plan is the only workable one and, again, cutting off funding will be widely perceived as not supporting the troops."

I could draw conclusions and strategy from all this but I think you can, too. Thanks for your efforts. Keep the faith!!

Rev. Glenda Hope.

So, Pelosi claims to support majority positions that are unpopular within the Beltway (like ending the war), but she opposes demonstrations. Pelosi claims to be blocked by the idea that cutting off the funds for the war somehow hurts the troops we would thereby bring safely home, but she is herself a chief proponent of that nonsense. Pelosi wants to end the war, but wants to fund it. Pelosi is the new leader but considers leadership merely symbolic. Can we get our votes back? Maybe we should have taken a vacation on November 7 instead of voting. Maybe we should all march on January 27th BECAUSE Pelosi doesn't want us to:

From ufpj-news

Help National Forests Get Critical Funding

Wo sind sie denn, die "unbelasteten" Vergleichsgruppen?



Helmut Breunig

Wo sind sie denn, die "unbelasteten" Vergeichsgruppen?

Widersprüchliche Untersuchungen


SEEHEIM. Sämtliche Anlagen in Seeheim-Jugenheim senden nach Angaben der Bundesnetzagentur innerhalb des gesetzlich erlaubten Rahmens, die Grenzwerte werden dabei nicht annähernd tangiert.

Doch gerade um die Höhe der Grenzwerte gibt es seit Jahren eine mitunter erbittert geführte Debatte zwischen Mobilfunkgegnern – sie befürchten gesundheitliche Langzeitschäden durch die Senderstrahlung und halten die Grenzwerte für zu hoch – und Befürwortern der Technik. Kernpunkt der Debatte ist das Fehlen von Beweisen für oder gegen die Schädlichkeit der Mobilfunktechnik. Dazu fehlt es vor allem an Langzeituntersuchungen und auch daran, dass in Deutschland mit seiner beinahe kompletten Mobilfunknetzversorgung keine Vergleichsgruppe, die nicht von Sendeanlagen bestrahlt wird, zu einer Untersuchung herangezogen werden kann.

Nur durch das Heranziehen einer unbelasteten Vergleichsgruppe könnten die Untersuchungen an „bestrahlten“ Bürgern seriös eingeschätzt werden.

Die europaweit fast 1500 Untersuchungen und Gutachten zu diesem Thema lassen bis heute keine allgemein gültige Antwort zur Schädlichkeit oder Unschädlichkeit von Mobilfunkstrahlung zu.

The psychology behind the worst possible president

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Iran: thinking the unthinkable

Foreign Policy In Focus
by Conn Hallinan


Is Israel, supported by the Bush Administration, preparing to launch an atomic war against Iran? On January 7, the London Sunday Times claimed that the Israeli government is planning to attack Iran’s uranium enrichment facilities with tactical nuclear weapons. While the Israeli government denies the story, recent statements by top Israeli officials and military figures — along with recent White House threats against Iran and Syria and a shuffling of American commanders in the Middle East — suggest that the possibility is real...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

America’s slave labor

In These Times
by Christopher Moraff


U.S. prisoners working for a computer-recycling operation run by Federal Prison Industries (FPI) are being exposed to a toxic cocktail of hazardous chemicals through their prison jobs while efforts by some prison officials to protect them have been met with stonewalling and subterfuge. Since 1994, FPI has used inmates to disassemble electronic waste (e-waste) — the detritus of obsolete computers, televisions and related electronics goods — for recycling. According to a new report, ‘Toxic Sweatshops’ — published jointly by the Texas Campaign for the Environment, California-based Computer TakeBack Campaign and the Prison Activist Resource Center — the waste contains high levels of arsenic, selenium, mercury, lead, dioxins and beryllium — all considered dangerous by the Environmental Protection Agency...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

An impartial interrogation of George W. Bush

The Nation
by George McGovern

Senator George McGovern delivered these remarks at the National Press Club January 12. They are published here as part of Moral Compass, a series focusing on the spoken word. “I’m glad to be back at the National Press Club. Indeed, at the age of eighty-four, I’m glad to be anywhere. In my younger years when the subject of aging came up, trying to sound worldly wise, I would say, ‘It doesn’t matter so much the number of years you have, but what you do with those years.’ I don’t say that anymore. I now want to reach a hundred. Why? Because I thoroughly enjoy life and there are so many things I must still do before entering the mystery beyond. The most urgent of these is to get American soldiers out of the Iraqi hellhole Bush-Cheney and their neoconservative theorists have created in what was once called the cradle of civilization. It is believed to be the location of the Garden of Eden. I mention the neoconservative theorists to recall Walter Lippman’s observance, ‘There is nothing so dangerous as a belligerent professor’...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Has 1984 finally arrived?

Frontiers of Freedom
by Dan Sernoffsky


Patriotism, it appears, is passe, at least as far as the Democrat-controlled New Jersey legislature is concerned, and teaching the real historic roots of our history is something to be avoided. History is politically incorrect. George Orwell knew that. ‘He who controls the present,’ Orwell said, ‘controls the past. He who controls the past, controls the future.’ Like Winston Smith, the protagonist in ‘1984,’ we are allowing ourselves to become fellow employees of the Ministry of Truth, where Freedom is Slavery, and Ignorance is Truth...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


George Orwell 1984

Iraq resolution may expose GOP divide

Tacoma News Tribune


A Democrat-driven resolution on Iraq that has attracted the support of at least two Republicans threatens to expose fissures within the GOP over the unpopular war. Republicans are deeply divided on the war in Iraq and how Congress should react to President Bush’s plan to send 21,500 more troops to join the estimated 130,000 already there...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

USA: 30 years of executions, 30 years of wrongs

Today, January 17, 2007 marks the 30th anniversary of the execution of Gary Gilmore in Utah, the first to take place after the 1976 U.S. Supreme Court decision Gregg v. Georgia allowed for the resumption of executions. Since that time, more than 1,050 executions have taken place in the United States.

Even as we pause to reflect on 30 years of state-sanctioned killing, executions continue unabated in states such as Texas, North Carolina, and Oklahoma. At the same time, executions are on hold in at least 10 states, due to challenges to lethal injection protocols and other concerns about this fatally flawed system.

Please read Amnesty International's statement on this somber occasion and an accompanying review of 30 years of executions .

Also, please take action to stop the pending execution of Ronald Chambers in Texas, scheduled for January 25.

Mr. Chambers has spent the past 31 years in prison, nearly all of it on death row. To quote Supreme Court Justice Breyer, "It is fairly asked whether such punishment is both unusual and cruel."

The time has come for society to recognize that our 30 year-experiment with the death penalty has failed. We must end the death penalty once and for all.

Thank you for your support and commitment to this issue.

In Solidarity,
AIUSA's Program to Abolish the Death Penalty

Next-up News n°158

Was, wenn die Arbeitslosigkeit bleibt?

Kurzer feuilletonistischer Streifzug durch das Elend der Arbeitslosigkeit und Höhen-, wie Sturzflüge des Existenzgeldes von Gerhard Hanloser in der trend onlinezeitung 01/2007

Aus: LabourNet, 18. Januar 2007

Welcome to the New World Job Order: doubling the number of part-time employees

Welcome to the New World Job Order - Doubling the number of part-time employees

Jack Rasmus, Gewerkschaftsaktivist und Autor des Buches „The War At Home: The Corporate Offensive From Ronald Reagan To George W. Bush“ hat in der Dezember-Ausgabe des Z-Magazine-Online eine überarbeitete Fassung eines gleichnamigen Kapitels aus dem o.a. Buch veröffentlicht. Millionen von Full-Time-Jobs werden auf Kosten der Angestellten zu Teilzeit-Jobs oder in allgemein prekäre Beschäftigungsverhältnisse umgewandelt. Und: Dieser Trend beschleunigt sich stark. Mittlerweile müssen mehr als 43 Millionen amerikanischer Arbeiter, also ein Drittel der Gesamt-Beschäftigten, unter solchen Job-Verhältnissen arbeiten und versuchen zu überleben. Siehe dazu:

Welcome to the New World Job Order - Doubling the number of part-time employees

Der (englische) Artikel von Jack Rasmus im Z-Magazine-Online vom Dezember 2006

The War At Home: The Corporate Offensive Against American Workers and Unions from Ronald Reagan to George W. Bush

Die Seite des Verlages „Kyklos Productions“ mit dem Einleitungskapitel, Pressestimmen und Bestellmöglichkeiten. In Deutschland kann es folgendermaßen bestellt werden: Verlag: Kyklos Productions; Auflage: 1st
(Mai 2006); ISBN-10: 0977106209; ISBN-13: 978-0977106202. Es hat 517 Seiten und kostet 20 Euro

Aus: LabourNet, 18. Januar 2007

Arbeitsbedingungen in der "new economy" - Digitale Bohème: sie nennen es Arbeit

Wir nennen es Arbeit - Die digitale Boheme oder: Intelligentes Leben jenseits der Festanstellung

Das neue Buch von Holm Friebe und Sascha Lobo, erschienen bei Heyne in der Verlagsgruppe Random House. Gebundenes Buch, 304 Seiten, ISBN-10: 3-453-12092-2, ISBN-13: 978-3-453-12092-1, € 17,95

Siehe dazu:

Wir nennen es Arbeit - Die digitale Boheme oder: Intelligentes Leben jenseits der Festanstellung

Die Verlags-Homepage zum Buch „Wir nennen es Arbeit“ bei Random House mit weiteren Informationen zum Buch und direkten Bestellmöglichkeiten

Etwas Besseres als die Festanstellung finden wir allemal

Dies ist die Website und das Blog zum Buch "Wir nennen es Arbeit – die digitale Bohème oder intelligentes Leben jenseits der Festanstellung" von Holm Friebe und Sascha Lobo. Das Buch handelt davon, wie eine neue Klasse von Selbstständigen mit Hilfe digitaler Technologien dem alten Traum vom selbstbestimmten Arbeiten in selbstgewählten Kollektivstrukturen ein gutes Stück näher kommt. Das Blog schreibt das Buch fort, gibt Updates zu den einzelnen Kapiteln und informiert über neueste Entwicklungen und Frontverläufe im Kampf um den Individualismus 2.0.

Die Vorrede

„Unsere gemeinsame Vorgeschichte, und damit die Vorgeschichte dieses Buchs, beginnt etwa um das Jahr 2001 herum. Die New Economy war gerade zusammengebrochen und hatte uns in ihrer Spätphase unabhängig voneinander tiefe Einblicke in die Unternehmens- und Arbeitswelt beschert. Wir waren hin und her getaumelt zwischen Internet-, Trend- und Werbeagenturen, die heiße Luft mit je nach Bedarf angepasster Temperatur verkauften. Es hatte anfangs durchaus Spaß gemacht. Dann war es unbequem geworden. Und danach standen wir beide wieder auf verschiedenen Seiten der Trümmer…“ Die Vorrede aus dem Buch exklusiv im LabourNet Germany (pdf)

Digitale Bohème - Frei und ängstlich

Nach dem Abrauschen der New Economy formiert sich im Internet eine neue Generation der Selbstständigen. Wie sieht es in dieser Arbeitswelt aus? Artikel von Julian Weber, Hamburg in der schweizerischen WOZ vom 07.12.2006

Digitale Boheme

Holm Friebe und Sascha Lobo verdienen ihr Geld mit kreativen Projekten im Internet. Ein Gespräch über Strategien des Durchwurstelns und das Auslaufmodell Festanstellung. "Es gibt inzwischen viel mehr freie Jobs, als man glaubt." Interview von Elisalex Clary in Die Welt vom 12.10.2006

Digitale Bohème. Sie nennen es Arbeit

Artikel von Eberhard Rathgeb in der FAZ vom 08.12.2006

Aus: LabourNet, 18. Januar 2007

Alg II und Schulkosten: ein fortgesetzter Verfassungsverstoß

Artikel von Herbert Masslau vom 14. Januar 2007 auf seiner Homepage

Aus: LabourNet, 18. Januar 2007

Die Wirkung arbeitsmarktpolitischer Instrumente im SGB II - Ein-Euro-Jobs bringen selten Erfolg

Zwei Jahre Hartz IV am Beispiel Dortmund

Zwei Jahre Hartz IV – Hausarbeit als "Dritter Arbeitsmarkt"?

Artikel von Irina Vellay, Mitautorin der Studie über 1-Euro-Jobs in Dortmund, zum Jahrestag "Zwei Jahre Hartz IV" beim Sozialforum Dortmund (pdf)

Zwei Jahre Hartz IV – Startphase eines Langzeitversuchs

Artikel von Wolfgang Richter beim Sozialforum Dortmund (pdf)

Ein-Euro-Jobs bringen selten Erfolg

Ein-Euro-Jobs sind mittlerweile weit verbreitet. Doch sie bringen recht wenig: Nur 15 Prozent finden der Mini-Jobber finden anschließend eine reguläre Arbeit. Die Bundesagentur legt jetzt Eingliederungsbilanz vor - und der DGB übt harsche Kritik. Artikel in Die Welt vom 16.1.07

Siehe dazu auch:

Die Wirkung arbeitsmarktpolitischer Instrumente im SGB II

BA-Presse Info 002 vom 15/01/2007

Aus: LabourNet, 18. Januar 2007

Call to arms over a mobile phone mast

Jan 18 2007

By John Hill

AN UNWANTED Christmas present has sent tongues wagging around Limehouse.

Residents clearing out their yuletide trees and tinsel were shocked to discover telecommunications company T Mobile had already set the wheels in motion for a 10-metre slimline black phone mast to be constructed off Branch Road.

An application for the monopole, which would include shrouded antennas and an equipment cabinet, was lodged on December 11 to improve the "poor quality" reception in the area. The pole will also be designed to cater for the next-generation 3G network, which will allow users to browse the internet, listen to music and watch video on their mobiles.

But the message was not passed on to Limehouse homeowners until they were tipped off by an email from a fellow resident - Limehouse West Management Team chairman David Ronaldson.

Among the objectors is Victory Place Residents Association chairman Donald Davies, who has submitted a petition signed by more than two-thirds of the 143 apartment owners. He said: "People are keen to object to this. It would be on a footpath, and people sit around there just to enjoy life.

"I suppose masts have to be put up somewhere, but it's a funny place. T-Mobile users don't seem to have a problem around here. And we're concerned they seem to be trying to slip this through. We found out just after Christmas from another resident, but nobody's seen any notices relating to the application anywhere around Limehouse."

The petitioners claim the company has presented no evidence for its claims of poor reception, and have complained about the "insufficiency of notice and consultation".

They also say health concerns will cause "fear and stress" to residents, and argue the mast will be an eyesore in the attractive area.

Mr Davies is aware of several other petitioners against the mast, which would be set up on British Waterways land in Limehouse Basin.

T-Mobile claims the location was decided after an "exhaustive site search", and that "no other site share opportunities were available".

It said: "The proposed installation will be of a sympathetic nature due to its minor scale and bulk and painted to blend with existing structures in the surrounding."

© owned by or licensed to Trinity Mirror Southern Limited 2007

Wal-Mart Stores Inc. Accused of Widespread Distortion Nonorganic Food Products Misidentified as "Organic"

US, Ethiopian, Somali Forces Must Respect Civilian Lives


Rogue State America

By John B. Judis

What exactly are we doing in the horn of Africa, where we have encouraged the Christian government of Ethiopia to invade Somalia and replace its Islamic government? As far as I can tell, we have violated international law, committed war crimes, helped Al Qaeda recruit new members, and involved ourselves in a guerrilla war that could last decades.

Reclaiming our America

Amid Bloodshed, Bush Wants a 'Thank You'

A Fully Funded 6-Month Withdrawal Plan

Entschädigungen für erzwungene Ein-Euro-Jobs

#Die Linkspartei.PDS: Pressemitteilungen

18. Januar 2007

Der erwerbslose Soziologe Thomas Meese (36) aus Hamburg hatte vom August 2005 bis Juni 2006 an zwei Instituten der Universität Hamburg einen so genannten Ein-Euro-Job. Nun klagt er gemäß dem von Deutschland 1956 ratifizierten Abkommen Nr. 29 der Internationalen Arbeitsorganisation (ILO) zum Verbot von Zwangsarbeit auf Entschädigung in Höhe von 10.784 Euro. Dazu erklärt die stellvertretende Parteivorsitzende Katja Kipping (MdB):

Ich fordere die Große Koalition auf, unverzüglich die rechtswidrigen Zumutbarkeitskriterien und Sanktionsandrohungen bei Hartz IV zurück zu nehmen. Entschädigungen für bisherig erzwungene Ein-Euro-Jobs sind zu zahlen. Im Abkommen Nr. 29 der Internationalen Arbeitsorganisation von 1930 wird Zwangsarbeit als eine Arbeit oder Dienstleistung bezeichnet, "die von einer Person unter Androhung irgendeiner Strafe verlangt wird und für die sie sich nicht freiwillig zur Verfügung gestellt hat". Die ILO hat verschiedentlich betont, dass unter "Strafen" auch der "Verlust von Rechten und Privilegien" bzw. der "Ausschluss aus dem gemeinschaftlichen und sozialen Leben" zu verstehen sind. So auf der
93. Internationalen Arbeitskonferenz 2005 in Genf. Die Nichtannahme eines 1 Euro - Jobs hat die Absenkung bzw. den Wegfall des gesamten Leistungsanspruches des ALG II als mögliche Konsequenz. Ein von PDS-Landtagsfraktionen in Auftrag gegebenes Rechtsgutachten zu Hartz IV von Ulf Wende kam bereits 2004 zum Schluss, dass die Zumutbarkeitskriterien und die drohende Absenkung bzw. der Wegfall der Leistungen bei Hartz IV mit dem Arbeitszwang-Verbot im Grundgesetz
(Art. 12) unvereinbar ist, "wenn die Aufnahme von Arbeitsgelegenheiten gegen den Willen des Betroffenen verlangt wird und diesem der Arbeitsmarkt verschlossen ist." Eine Beschwerde gegen diese rechtswidrige Praxis kann gemäß Artikel 24 der ILO-Konvention jede Organisation der Arbeitgeber oder der Arbeitnehmer beim Verwaltungsrat der ILO einreichen. Es wird höchste Zeit, dass dieser Schritt gegangen wird.

The Healthcare Crisis for the Rest of Us

The Shame of Guantanamo Exposed in Cuba

Protesters' Names in Pentagon Database

Law Groups Want Pentagon Official Fired

Bill Would Require Congress Approval to Increase US Troops in Iraq

Animal Tags for People?

Silverman heads a second company that sells the rice-size people chips, which are the only ones with Food & Drug Administration (FDA) approval, for implantation in an individual's right biceps. They carry an identity marker that would be linked to medical records. His goal is to create "the first RFID company for people."

From Information Clearing House

Sen. Diane Feinstein blows the whistle on yet another Bush power grab


Watch this video and tremble -fear for the future of Democracy, Due Process of Law, freedom itself:

From Information Clearing House

Another Pentagon smear

Congress's new Democratic majorities should repeal the law passed last year that denies detainees their habeas corpus right to challenge their continued detention.

From Information Clearing House

US lacks 'explosive' evidence against Iran

The Bush administration made a decision to start blaming its new problem in Iraq on Tehran. On August 4, 2005, Pentagon and intelligence officials leaked the story to the National Broadcasting Co (NBC) and the Columbia Broadcasting System that US troops had "intercepted" dozens of shaped charges said to have been "smuggled into northeastern Iraq only last week".

Top Iraqi condemns US over Iran

One of Iraq's most powerful Shia politicians has condemned the arrest of Iranians by US forces in Iraq as an attack on the country's sovereignty.

From Information Clearing House

Putting the annual cost of war in perspective

Sudan says U.S. troops search Baghdad embassy

Sudan on Wednesday summoned the senior U.S. diplomat in Khartoum after it said American troops raided the Sudanese embassy in Baghdad, violating diplomatic conventions, a foreign ministry spokesman said.

From Information Clearing House

Terror Suspect was terrorized in a U.S. Navy brig

By Fred Grimm

The accused was held in extreme isolation for 1,307 days. Held in a nine-by-seven-foot cell. The only window blacked out. He was the lone prisoner on the two-tier cellblock. He was given food through a slot in the door. He slept on a steel mattress. No reading material. No calendar. No clock. Nothing to connect him to the outside world.

Iran Does Not Pose A Threat To The U.S.


Radio National host Paul Barry interviews Scott Ritter.

Attacking Iran: What’s In It For Bush?

By Paul Craig Roberts

Suddenly the media is full of Bush Regime propagandistic assertions designed to make the American public believe that Iran is the enemy that is fighting against our troops in Iraq. To facilitate this deception, the Bush Regime staged a propaganda event by invading an Iranian government liaison office in Northern Iraq, kidnapping the Iranian officials and declaring them to be involved in plans to kill US troops.

Is The U.S. Planning A Horrific Global Nuclear War?

By Michel Chossudovsky

At no point since the first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima on August 6th, 1945, has humanity been closer to the unthinkable, a nuclear holocaust which could potentially spread, in terms of radioactive fallout, over a large part of the Middle East.

5 Minutes to Midnight

Board Statement - Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

We stand at the brink of a second nuclear age. Not since the first atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki has the world faced such perilous choices.

Electrosmog in the clear with scientists?


Informant: Mark G.


The Rubin study was MTHR. They released a literature review (published in the American Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine)

then their provocation study published in the BMJ. (see also discussion at the end)

which features in WHO's "factsheet" on EHS:

Rubin's team concluded that since the sensitive people reacted to everything equally but differently from the control group, the response to "sham" shows it's all psychological.

What they assumed was that the standard MTHR mobile phone dummy fields were too low in "sham" condition. The mobile unit in fact produces equal signals in all modes, it just runs to a "load" rather than the antenna. Powerwatch also has some critique of this

This is criticised by Frans in Don's blog:

Rubin's boss is Simon Wessely, but let's not be prejudiced. It's just that Wesseley's agenda on MCS, ME on GWS and on EHS is that "idiopathic environmental intolerance" can be wished away with cognitive behavioural therapy. The most disturbing fact about the Wessely approach is that he has been funded by insurance companies, which is ideal in the case of GWS. Martin Walker ("Skewed") tells some disturbing accounts of the effects on people's lives and health of misinterpreting ME (a subject on which you should look up the Countess of Mar as a protagonist vs Wessely).

Here's my reply to the Guardian, should they wish to file it away or use it:


Dear Sir

With reference to Technology Guardian "Electrosmog in the clear with scientists" (18 January) your article is over-conclusive. There is a real difficulty with provocation testing - ie subjecting a person who claims to be electro-sensitive (ES) to double-blind exposure in controlled conditions.

First, there are two few studies, even those interpreted as "best" by the Rubin team, that truly replicate each other without introducing fresh variables in what is in all probability a complex biological interaction. Any "sham" testing should achieve a natural EM environment, since ES people show sensitivity to extremely small changes, and this is rarely achieved. The Kings college researchers assumed that extraneous fields were simply too small to affect their results, and this has been challenged.

Second, testing for responses takes very little account of "lag time", ie it assumes an instantaneous response in the course of a 40 minute changing EM environment, and this is far from often the case.

Third, introducing placebo and nocebo advances us nowhere. If the mind affects the body in this way, there is a fair chance that at least part of that neurological communication itself involves endogenous electromagnetic communication.

The human body is highly energetic, not a bag of chemicals. There is abundant scientific research showing that EM fields can alter the skin (mast cell activity and conductance), the blood (red cell flocculation and leukocyte balance), blood pressure, gene expression and EEG rhythms. It seems hardly conclusive to compare provocation studies and psychiatric analysis with the physiological indicators, especially when an increasing number of people are developing a quite unexpected sensitivity. The HPA report on hypersensitivity and EM fields (Irvine, 2006) itself identified the most effective remedies of ES as being removal of EMF sources.

If CBT works for some people, it no more proves the cause of ES to be psychological than that aspirin proves the cause of pain to be chemical.



He is a wessley protege at kings college couple of links outlining his involvement the recent work he has done was funded by the MTHR I think

Alasdair brought this up with me in a recent meeting we had and the sham signal in the study was done in a way that they could still have the phone switched on, so they placed a dummy load across the antenna output to limit the amount of RF going out of the antenna when the experiment was conducted. As a radio ham the notion of placing a dummy load to contain RF is laughable as RF seems to be predisposed to leak out and spread "through" everything in its path at every opportunity, at best the dummy load may have reduced the output by 90 % but that is not the same as zero output to truly be a sham exposure, this makes the study very "amateurish" if I may say so!!

panayis zambellis luton uk

From Mast Sanity/Mast Network

Take Action: Help Save Polar Bears from Global Warming

Protect Polar Bears From Global Warming


Alaska Wildlife Alliance

Thanks to your action and support – Interior Secretary Dirk Kempthorne was persuaded to propose listing the polar bear as threatened under the Endangered Species Act.

However, the final decision about whether or not to list the polar bear will not be made until the proposal goes through a 12-month review process. In the interim, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is taking requests for public hearings until FEBRUARY 23rd.

They are not required to hold public hearings nor will they unless they are swayed by an outpouring of public concern. For this reason, your activism is needed now in order for the Service to listen to and heed our concerns about the polar bear and its melting habitat.

Please send an email to Rosa Meehan at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Marine Mammals Management program at

Together, Alaska Wildlife Alliance members can influence the Service's decision regarding the life-or-death outcome of the great white bear. Send Ms. Meehan an email today.


Dear Ms. Meehan,

Thank you for proposing to list the polar bear as threatened under the Endangered Species Act. The Interior's foresight on this matter is greatly appreciated but as a concerned citizen I am requesting that the FWS hold public hearings here in Alaska and across the lower 48.

The plight of the polar bear and its melting habitat are the sentinels of global warming, causing a vast majority of Americans to be concerned about the future welfare of the great white bear and the Arctic sea ice.

Therefore, I urge you to please allow the American public to participate in the planning process that will determine that fate of the polar bear and the variety other species that are dependent on the most endangered habitat in the world – the Arctic Sea Ice.

Thank you,


A message from Linda

"U.S. War Crimes in Iraq and Mechanisms for Accountability" translated and published in Arabic

JANUARY 17, 2006


“U.S. War Crimes in Iraq and Mechanisms for Accountability” - published on October 11, 2006 by ten organizations concurrently, has now been translated into Arabic. The report is now fully accessible by Iraqis and other Arabic speakers in the Middle East.

"We are making 'U.S. War Crimes in Iraq and Mechanisms for Accountability' available in Arabic because we want to increase its accessibilty to the people of Iraq so that they may have knowledge of the scope and illegality of certain U.S. conduct there," said Nick Mottern, Director of "We hope that this will assist the Iraqi people in preventing further war crimes and in getting reparations for what has been done."

The Arabic language edition of the War Crimes Report is available for free download as a pdf file through these websites:

English language editions are available at these sites and the sites listed below. We thank Dahr Jamail for coordinating the translation, which includes all references in his extensively researched report.

Adobe Reader for pdf files is installed on most computers, or available for free at

The English language edition had been prepared by Consumers for Peace - - with the advice of Karen Parker, noted lawyer in human rights and humanitarian law. Ms. Parker is President of the San-Francisco-based Association of Humanitarian Lawyers and Chief Delegate to the United Nations for the Los Angeles-based International Educational Development/Humanitarian Law Project (IED/AHL), an accredited non-governmental organization on the U.N. Secretary-General’s list.

Endorsements from the forward:

Howard Zinn, a historian, playwright, and social activist, is perhaps best known for A People's History of the United States, which presents American history through the eyes of those he feels are outside of the political and economic establishment. He writes:

This report on the war crimes of the current administration is an invaluable resource, with a meticulous presentation of the evidence and an astute examination of international law.

Kathy Kelly, co-coordinator of Voices for Creative Non-Violence and three-time Noble Peace Prize nominee, has visited Iraq 28 times in the last 15 years. She writes:

“After spending four days in the fortified and secure Green Zone, in Iraq, during September ’06, former Secretary of State James Baker III assured that the investigative panel he led had not spent any time “wringing our hands over what mistakes might or might not have been created in the past.” (NYT, September 20, 2006). The “Consumers for Peace” report on war crimes committed in Iraq helps us understand our responsibility not to wring our hands but rather to demand accountability from elected representatives by delivering this report to them and to local media. How many people killed? How many families torn apart? How many homes destroyed? How many livelihoods gone? How many lives ruined? How many cities sacrificed? We bear responsibility to end the war in Iraq, insist on just reparations for suffering caused, and promote careful, legal scrutiny of the crimes committed. This report beckons all who read it to stop collaborating with illegal, immoral warmongers who recklessly afflict Iraq.”

Dahr Jamail, noted independent journalist who spent more than eight months reporting from occupied Iraq, writes the following about the report:

“I cannot endorse strongly enough this report prepared by Karen Parker regarding U.S. war crimes in Iraq. Having witnessed much of what is so well documented in this report, it is a clear and encompassing indictment of the Bush Administration for the war crimes they are directly responsible for in Iraq. Until evidence such as this begins to see the light of day in a court of law and the perpetrators brought to justice, the world remains unsafe and unstable from an administration determined to rule the world. After witnessing what they are capable of in Iraq, I have no doubt these people will not stop in their quest for world domination. Instead, they must be stopped. And the only way to do that is bring the guilty to justice. This document will help achieve that goal.”

Neil MacKay, multi-award winning Home Affairs and Investigations Editor of the Sunday Herald (Scotland), writes:

"What has happened in Iraq is a great sin and a great crime. The invasion and occupation have stained the concepts of democracy, freedom and liberty; and disgraced the good name of the people of both the United States of America and Great Britain. As a journalist who has investigated the roots of this war, and the on-going horror of what is happening in Iraq, I fully commend this report to readers. It is an important reminder of the blood which is on the hands of our leaders, and the shame that the governments of the UK and the USA have brought to the British and American people by perpetrating a criminal war in our name."

Ann Wright, 29 year US Army veteran who retired as a Colonel and US diplomat who resigned in March, 2003 in opposition to the war in Iraq commented on the War Crimes Report:

"While in the US Army at Ft Bragg, NC, I taught to US military officers and non-commissioned officers the responsibilities of military forces under the Geneva Convention and the Law of Land Warfare, as well as the obligations of an Occupying Power.

The War Crimes Report is an extraordinarily comprehensive and important presentation of international law that governs the conduct of nations and their military forces. The Report documents the blatant violations of international and domestic law by the Bush administration and US military forces including the use of illegal military tactics and illegal weapons.

Because of a huge media failure in the United States, many Americans do not realize how many times the Bush administration has violated international law. But, the rest of the world knows very well the extent of these crimes.

As a retired military officer, I know that accountability is one of the foundation elements of the US military. The Bush administration has undercut the professionalism of our military forces by encouraging and condoning the violation of international and domestic war in treatment of detainees, torture and use of illegal tactics and weapons. For the sake of our own military we must demand accountability from civilian leaders, as well as our military forces. This report provides specific mechanisms for much-needed accountability of criminal behaviour by Bush administration policy makers and by US military forces."

Charles Jenks, human rights attorney (1981), Past President of Traprock Peace Center (1998-2005) and Chair of its Advisory Board, and consultant to Consumers for Peace writes:

This war crimes report accurately and succinctly states the case that US officials in the Executive Branch and military have committed grievous war crimes in Iraq. Of course, this is not to say that US culpability stops at the Executive Branch and military. It was the US Congress that authorized the Bush Administration to go to war against Iraq and that has funded the war through every request made by the Executive Branch.

In addition to the fact that this was an illegal war to begin with, the war has been conducted in myriad ways that violate international humanitarian law, including the use of uranium munitions, chemical weapons (white phosphorus), cluster bombs, torture, the indiscriminate killing of civilians and laying waste to cities and the land.

No treatment of crimes, criminals or atrocities could completely describe the wrongs of this tragic conflict. This war crimes report strikes a balance. It manages to be concise at 37 pages, yet has sufficient scope, factual detail and exposition on the law to be useful in both considering the war crimes committed, and the grounds and theories of prosecution for those crimes. Further, it is a treasure trove of resources, with 120 notes and references.

War Crimes Report publishers (English edition):

Consumers for Peace

Association of Humanitarian Lawyers

Traprock Peace Center

Voices for Creative Nonviolence

Information Clearing House

Socialist Worker newspaper

The Brussells Tribunal (for International Anti-Occupation Network)

Stop the War Coalition (UK)

Charles Jenks
Chair of Advisory Board, Traprock Peace Center
Media Liaison, Consumers for Peace
Consultant, ExxonMobil War Boycott Campaign

From ufpj-news

Without change, the war is likely to end with U.S. troops having to fight their way out, if they can

A Time of Chaos?

Beware of the Unfolding Anti-Dietary Supplement Propaganda Campaign

Racial Diversity and Elite Educational Institutions: Duke’s Meltdown

Faith in War and Torture

Give us guns and troops can go, says Iraqi leader,,7374-2553148.html

Informant: ranger116

Maliki stresses need to bolster Iraqi forces



The Iraqi government’s need for American troops would ‘dramatically go down’ in three to six months if the United States accelerated the process of equipping and arming Iraq’s security forces, Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki said Wednesday. The head of Iraq’s Shiite Muslim-led government defended his country’s independence and sovereignty and called on U.S. leaders to show faith in his ability to lead...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Nuke attack against Iran?

Carbon trading: a corporate scam

The impact of carbon trading in the Third World

Somalia: Death and despair the 'benefits' of war on terror

Why Bush's 'new' Iraq strategy will fail

Oppose the PERFORM Act NOW!

The ticks who suck the blood of our freedom--the ones in the word "politics"--never sleep. This particular tick is Dianne Feinstein, a DEMOCRAT!

(...and people ask me why I have no loyalty to parties!) It's a wonder that we have any freedom left at all after more than 230 years since the founders attempted to preserve it.

Below is something very simple you can do to stop something that will further needlessly annoy and inconvenience us all.

Frank J. Gonzalez
Received 41% in 2006 vs. Lincoln Diaz-Balart, lampooned by Jon Stewart here:
Running again in 2008
Post Office Box 832586
Miami, FL 33283-2586
cell: 786-287-7491
Email address: voteliberty
Official campaign site:
Facebook campaign site:
MySpace campaign site:
Email list of campaign updates & issues commentary:

"I hold it that a little rebellion now and then is a good thing, and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical."

"I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, thus building a wall of separation between church and state."

--founder of the Democratic Party, 3rd President of the United States, Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826)

* Action Alert - Tell Congress to Keep DRM out of Radio! The new Congress has barely begun, but the major record labels are already up to their old tricks. Sen. Dianne Feinstein has re-introduced the PERFORM Act, a backdoor assault on your right to record off the radio. Satellite and digital radio stations as well as Internet webcasters would have to adopt digital rights management (DRM) restrictions or lose the statutory license for broadcasting music.

Letters from constituents like you helped beat this dangerous proposal last year -- take action now to block it again:

This bill aims to hobble TiVo-like devices for satellite and digital radio. Such devices would be allowed to include "reasonable recording" features, but that excludes choosing and playing back selections based on song title, artist, or genre. Want to freely move recordings around your home network or copy them to the portable player of your choice? You'll be out of luck if PERFORM passes.

This bill would also mess with Internet radio. Today, Live365, Shoutcast, streaming radio stations included in iTunes, and myriad other smaller webcasters rely on MP3 streaming. PERFORM would in effect force them to use DRM- laden, proprietary formats, so you can say goodbye to software tools like Streamripper that let you record programming to listen to it later.

Tell your representatives to oppose the PERFORM Act now:
Learn more about the bill:
Learn more about related bills:

From mothballs to strategic weapon

Informant: Sheila Baker

Congress to Send Critics to Jail, Says Richard Viguerie

Informant: shane_digital

New Orleans Feels Pain of Mental Health Crisis

Sixteen months after Hurricane Katrina tore this city apart, a hidden sort of damage is emerging. Local officials see it in reports of suicides, strokes and stress-related deaths. They see it in the police calls for fights and domestic violence. They see it in the long waiting lists for psychiatric care that they have no way to provide. These days, life in the Big Easy isn't easy at all.

Bush Won't Budge on Greenhouse Emission Limits

President Bush will outline a policy on global warming next week in his State of the Union speech but has not dropped his opposition to mandatory limits on greenhouse-gas emissions. White House spokesman Tony Snow said media reports suggesting that Bush would agree to mandatory emissions caps in an effort to combat global warming are "wrong."

Secret Court to Govern Wiretapping Plan

The Justice Department, easing a Bush administration policy, said Wednesday it has decided to give an independent body authority to monitor the government's controversial domestic spying program.


Administration: We’ll stop breaking wiretap law



Reversing a position it defended for more than a year, the Bush administration announced Wednesday that it has begun getting court approval before eavesdropping on the communications of suspected terrorists or their associates. The Justice Department notified Congress that a court set up to specialize in wiretapping would oversee its ‘terrorist surveillance program,’ which the administration has said could operate without judicial review. Critics said that violated the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978, which set up a special court to review wiretap applications in intelligence cases...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


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rudkla - 22. Jun, 05:09
The Republican Party... les/the-republican-party-i s-still-doing-donald-trump s-bidding/?eType=EmailBlas tContent&eId=804d4873-50dd -4c1b-82a5-f465ac3742ce
rudkla - 26. Apr, 05:36
January 6 Committee Says... les/jan-6-committee-says-t rump-engaged-in-criminal-c onspiracy-to-undo-election /?eType=EmailBlastContent& eId=552e5725-9297-4a7c-a21 4-53c8c51615a3
rudkla - 4. Mär, 05:38
Georgia Republicans Are...
https://www.commondreams.o rg/views/2022/02/14/georgi a-republicans-are-delibera tely-attacking-voting-righ ts
rudkla - 15. Feb, 05:03
Now Every Day Is January...
https://www.commondreams.o rg/views/2022/02/07/now-ev ery-day-january-6-trump-ta rgets-vote-counters
rudkla - 8. Feb, 05:41


Januar 2007


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