Sonntag, 26. November 2006

Please save the Briarfields Animal Sanctuary

A message from Sophia

Bei der DECT-Technik rührt sich was

Auszug Internetseite des Bundesamts für Strahlenschutz

Elektromagnetische Felder > Strahlungsarme DECT-Telefone

Strahlungsarme DECT- Schnurlostelefone

"Unter dem Aspekt einer vorsorglichen Reduzierung der Exposition ist zu fordern, dass die Basisstationen im Stand-by-Betrieb automatisch abgeschaltet und die Telefone mit einer bedarfsgerechten Regelung der Sendeleistung ausgestattet werden.

Diesen Forderungen sind mittlerweile einige Hersteller nachgekommen.

Zu Beginn des Jahres 2006 erschienen erstmals zwei Geräte (Hersteller: Orchid und Swissvoice) auf dem deutschen Markt, die eine Abschaltung bzw. Absenkung des Kontrollsignals zwischen Basisstation und Mobilteil ermöglichen. Hierzu muss sich das Mobilteil in der Basis befinden und es darf nur ein Mobilteil an der Basis angemeldet sein. Damit können diese Geräte als "bedingt strahlungsarm" bezeichnet werden. Strahlungsarme DECT-Telefongeräte sollten folgende Kriterien erfüllen:

* Abschaltung oder mindestens 100.000fache Absenkung des Kontrollsignals im Standby-Betrieb unabhängig von der Anzahl der angemeldeten Mobilteile, wobei sich das Mobilteil nicht notwendigerweise in der Basis befinden muß;
* Bedarfsgerechte Regelung der Sendeleistung des Mobilteils beim Telefonieren in mehr als 2 Stufen ähnlich der beim Handy;
* Bedarfsgerechte Regelung der Sendeleistung auch der Basisstation während des Telefonierens;
* Möglichkeit des Anschlusses eines Headsets an das Mobilteil;
* Möglichkeit der Einstellung / Begrenzung der Reichweite. "

In einer Tabelle sind die zurzeit bzw. in Kürze auf dem deutschen Markt erhältlichen "bedingt strahlungsarmen" DECT-Schnurlostelefone sowie Art und Ausmaß ihrer Strahlungsreduzierung aufgelistet.

Es ist eher unwahrscheinlich, dass der CT1+ Standart über 2008 hinaus verlängert wird, eher kann man sicher sein, dass der DECT Standart verlängert wird.

Liberale treten für eine Kennzeichnung strahlungsarmer Mobiltelefone ein


"Entgegen der öffentlichen Besorgnis könne es durch den Gebrauch von Handys und Mobiltelefonen eher zu einer hohen Exposition der Nutzer kommen als durch ortsfeste Sendeanlagen.

Für den mündigen Verbraucher ist es deshalb unerlässlich, eine technisch fundierte und souveräne Entscheidung darüber treffen zu können, welche Rolle die Strahlungsintensität bei seiner Kaufentscheidung spielen soll. Hilfreich ist in diesem Zusammenhang eine einheitliche Kennzeichnung der Geräte, um Käufer und Nutzer schon beim Erwerb über die Strahlungswerte aufzuklären."


Mit freundlichem Gruß

Helmut Langenbach


DECT - Gesundheitsschäden durch DECT-Telefone

Informations-Faltblatt DECT

Deutsche Künstler und Journalisten als "IM" der USA?

Selbst Heinrich Böll arbeitete jahrelang - möglicherweise unwissentlich - dem CIA zu.

Big Energy Firms Crimping Oil Supplies

An Associated Press analysis suggests that big oil companies have been crimping supplies in subtler ways across the country for years. The analysis, based on data from the US Energy Information Administration, indicates that the industry slacked off supplying oil and gasoline during the prolonged price boom between early 1999 and last summer, when prices began to fall.

US-Presse bereut Irakkrieg

Dive In to Ocean Activism

A message from Pilvi

Please sign for our oceans!! Just dive in and then sign... Its pretty cool..



World Scientists' Warning to Humanity

Humankind in en route to extinction. Nothing is been done about it. We have known about it for decades (some would say centuries) but continue to do nothing...


Seehofer verärgert Bauern und Gentech-Kritiker

Der deutsche Verbraucher- und Landwirtschaftsminister stimmte Ende September in Brüssel für den Import von gentechnisch verändertem Rapssamen. Das ist ein Skandal. Gentechnisch veränderter Raps gilt unter Experten als besonders "auskreuzungsfreudig". Der Raps ist für Bienen eine ganz zentrale Honig- und Pollenquelle, Gentech-Raps eine Katastrophe für alle Imker. Selbst hartgesottene Gentechnikbefürworter geben zu, dass diese Pflanze mit vielen verwandten wildlebenden Arten innerhalb kürzester Zeit unkontrollierbare Verbreitung erreicht.

Trotzdem stimmte Seehofer im Agrarministerrat für Deutschland jetzt für die Zulassung der GV-Rapssorten Ms8, Rf3 und Ms8xRf3 der Firma Bayer. Wenn dieser Vorgang auch die nächste Hürde, die Absegnung durch die EU-Kommission, nimmt, könnte dadurch erstmals gentechnisch veränderte Rapssaat in die EU gelangen.

Die 'Ausrede' der Bundesregierung, der gentechnisch veränderte Raps komme ja nicht auf die Äcker, sondern gelange als Importerzeugnis gleich in die Ölmühlen, zeugt angesichts der illegalen Gentechnik-Maisimporte 2005 und des jetzigen Reisskandals von großer Naivität. Oder hier liegt sogar eine bewusste Verunreinigungsstrategie vor. Weil niemand ausschließen kann, dass der Raps nicht irgendwann doch auf den Äckern wächst. In etlichen anderen Ländern wurden so schon Tatsachen geschaffen.

Aus: Newsletter-Feldbefreiung vom 26.11.2006

Guten Appetit?

Im Oktober erschütterten gleich mehrere Gentech-Skandale die Öffentlichkeit. Jede fünfte Probe Langkornreis in Europa enthält illegalen Gentech-Reis LL601 aus dem Hause Bayer. Das ergaben Testreihen bei europäischen Reismühlen. Kurze Zeit später wurde klar, dass der Reis längst im Handel ist. Nachdem Greenpeace eine kontaminierte Sorte bei Aldi ausmachte, räumte der Discounter vorsorglich die Regale aus. Daraufhin gab die EU-Kommission bekannt, dass in Lieferungen aus den USA auch die von Bayer hergestellte Genreis-Sorte LL 62 gefunden wurde. Diese Information ist von besonderer Brisanz, da der Konzern eine EU-Importzulassung für LL 62 beantragt hat und die Gefahr einer unkontrollierten Ausbreitung stets bestritten hat. Beide Reis-Sorten, LL 601 und LL 62 sind gegen das von Bayer produzierte Herbizid Liberty mit dem Wirkstoff Glufosinat resistent und in der EU nicht zugelassen.

Aus: Newsletter-Feldbefreiung vom 26.11.2006

EU-Richtlinie zu Gunsten der Gentech-Konzerne?

Innerhalb der EU ist mal wieder eine gruselige Richtlinie in Arbeit - ein Geschenk an die Agrarkonzerne wie Monsanto & Co. Die Richtlinie könnte in Zukunft die strenge Bestrafung von Menschen und Unternehmen, die sogenannte "Geistige Eigentumsrechte" verletzen, ermöglichen. Das beginnt beim Herunterladen von Musik aus dem Internet und endet bei der Anklage gegen Bauern und Bäuerinnen, die selbst vermehrtes Saatgut aussäen, ohne Lizenzen oder Nachbaugebühren zu entrichten. Verantwortlicher ist EU-Kommissar Frattini, seine Richtlinie trägt den eingängigen Namen IPRED2. Reto Hilty, anerkannter Fachmann vom Max-Planck-Institut, hat den Entwurf näher begutachtet. Seine Bilanz im rechtswissenschaftlichen Fachblatt GRUR International ist alarmierend. Obwohl ein Strafverfahren für viele Landwirte schon existenzbedrohend werden würde, sieht die Richtlinie sogar vor, dass das gesamte Vermögen beschlagnahmt werden kann und die Ernte vernichtet wird. Der Richtlinienentwurf ("IPRED2") der EU-Kommission: "Richtlinie ... über strafrechtliche Maßnahmen zur Durchsetzung der Rechte des geistigen Eigentums, KOM(2006) 168" ist im Netz zu finden unter:

Wer im Rechtsausschuss verantwortlich ist:

Wer im Industrieausschuss verantwortlich ist:

Aus: Newsletter-Feldbefreiung vom 26.11.2006

Ban the Export of Live Horses for Slaughter

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

A message from Gwen

Daniel Ellsberg on Iran

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Help us save the dogs and cats from being slaughtered

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

A message from Pam

This petition is new to me - if you have already signed, bear with me, and please forward to as many friends as possible. With the GREAT news of the cancellation of the Shanghai Animal Olympics, it is some encouragement to keep trying for these poor creatures.

Thank you.


NEW Petition for Dogs in Korea. Friday, 2:54 AM

This important petition needs many more signatures!

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Thank you!

(posted by Karin.)

Cut and Run, the Only Brave Thing to Do

Sunday, November 26th, 2006

Tomorrow marks the day that we will have been in Iraq longer than we were in all of World War II.

That's right. We were able to defeat all of Nazi Germany, Mussolini, and the entire Japanese empire in LESS time than it's taken the world's only superpower to secure the road from the airport to downtown Baghdad.

And we haven't even done THAT. After 1,347 days, in the same time it took us to took us to sweep across North Africa, storm the beaches of Italy, conquer the South Pacific, and liberate all of Western Europe, we cannot, after over 3 and 1/2 years, even take over a single highway and protect ourselves from a homemade device of two tin cans placed in a pothole. No wonder the cab fare from the airport into Baghdad is now running around $35,000 for the 25-minute ride. And that doesn't even include a friggin' helmet.

Is this utter failure the fault of our troops? Hardly. That's because no amount of troops or choppers or democracy shot out of the barrel of a gun is ever going to "win" the war in Iraq. It is a lost war, lost because it never had a right to be won, lost because it was started by men who have never been to war, men who hide behind others sent to fight and die.

Let's listen to what the Iraqi people are saying, according to a recent poll conducted by the University of Maryland:

** 71% of all Iraqis now want the U.S. out of Iraq.

** 61% of all Iraqis SUPPORT insurgent attacks on U.S. troops.

Yes, the vast majority of Iraqi citizens believe that our soldiers should be killed and maimed! So what the hell are we still doing there? Talk about not getting the hint.

There are many ways to liberate a country. Usually the residents of that country rise up and liberate themselves. That's how we did it. You can also do it through nonviolent, mass civil disobedience. That's how India did it. You can get the world to boycott a regime until they are so ostracized they capitulate. That's how South Africa did it. Or you can just wait them out and, sooner or later, the king's legions simply leave (sometimes just because they're too cold). That's how Canada did it.

The one way that DOESN'T work is to invade a country and tell the people, "We are here to liberate you!" -- when they have done NOTHING to liberate themselves. Where were all the suicide bombers when Saddam was oppressing them? Where were the insurgents planting bombs along the roadside as the evildoer Saddam's convoy passed them by? I guess ol' Saddam was a cruel despot -- but not cruel enough for thousands to risk their necks. "Oh no, Mike, they couldn't do that! Saddam would have had them killed!" Really? You don't think King George had any of the colonial insurgents killed? You don't think Patrick Henry or Tom Paine were afraid? That didn't stop them. When tens of thousands aren't willing to shed their own blood to remove a dictator, that should be the first clue that they aren't going to be willing participants when you decide you're going to do the liberating for them.

A country can HELP another people overthrow a tyrant (that's what the French did for us in our revolution), but after you help them, you leave. Immediately. The French didn't stay and tell us how to set up our government. They didn't say, "we're not leaving because we want your natural resources." They left us to our own devices and it took us six years before we had an election. And then we had a bloody civil war. That's what happens, and history is full of these examples. The French didn't say, "Oh, we better stay in America, otherwise they're going to kill each other over that slavery issue!"

The only way a war of liberation has a chance of succeeding is if the oppressed people being liberated have their own citizens behind them -- and a group of Washingtons, Jeffersons, Franklins, Ghandis and Mandellas leading them. Where are these beacons of liberty in Iraq? This is a joke and it's been a joke since the beginning. Yes, the joke's been on us, but with 655,000 Iraqis now dead as a result of our invasion (source: Johns Hopkins University), I guess the cruel joke is on them. At least they've been liberated, permanently.

So I don't want to hear another word about sending more troops (wake up, America, John McCain is bonkers), or "redeploying" them, or waiting four months to begin the "phase-out." There is only one solution and it is this: Leave. Now. Start tonight. Get out of there as fast as we can. As much as people of good heart and conscience don't want to believe this, as much as it kills us to accept defeat, there is nothing we can do to undo the damage we have done. What's happened has happened. If you were to drive drunk down the road and you killed a child, there would be nothing you could do to bring that child back to life. If you invade and destroy a country, plunging it into a civil war, there isn't much you can do 'til the smoke settles and blood is mopped up. Then maybe you can atone for the atrocity you have committed and help the living come back to a better life.

The Soviet Union got out of Afghanistan in 36 weeks. They did so and suffered hardly any losses as they left. They realized the mistake they had made and removed their troops. A civil war ensued. The bad guys won. Later, we overthrew the bad guys and everybody lived happily ever after. See! It all works out in the end!

The responsibility to end this war now falls upon the Democrats. Congress controls the purse strings and the Constitution says only Congress can declare war. Mr. Reid and Ms. Pelosi now hold the power to put an end to this madness. Failure to do so will bring the wrath of the voters. We aren't kidding around, Democrats, and if you don't believe us, just go ahead and continue this war another month. We will fight you harder than we did the Republicans. The opening page of my website has a photo of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, each made up by a collage of photos of the American soldiers who have died in Bush's War. But it is now about to become the Bush/Democratic Party War unless swift action is taken.

This is what we demand:

1. Bring the troops home now. Not six months from now. NOW. Quit looking for a way to win. We can't win. We've lost. Sometimes you lose. This is one of those times. Be brave and admit it.

2. Apologize to our soldiers and make amends. Tell them we are sorry they were used to fight a war that had NOTHING to do with our national security. We must commit to taking care of them so that they suffer as little as possible. The mentally and physically maimed must get the best care and significant financial compensation. The families of the deceased deserve the biggest apology and they must be taken care of for the rest of their lives.

3. We must atone for the atrocity we have perpetuated on the people of Iraq. There are few evils worse than waging a war based on a lie, invading another country because you want what they have buried under the ground. Now many more will die. Their blood is on our hands, regardless for whom we voted. If you pay taxes, you have contributed to the three billion dollars a week now being spent to drive Iraq into the hellhole it's become. When the civil war is over, we will have to help rebuild Iraq. We can receive no redemption until we have atoned.

In closing, there is one final thing I know. We Americans are better than what has been done in our name. A majority of us were upset and angry after 9/11 and we lost our minds. We didn't think straight and we never looked at a map. Because we are kept stupid through our pathetic education system and our lazy media, we knew nothing of history. We didn't know that WE were the ones funding and arming Saddam for many years, including those when he massacred the Kurds. He was our guy. We didn't know what a Sunni or a Shiite was, never even heard the words. Eighty percent of our young adults (according to National Geographic) were not able to find Iraq on the map. Our leaders played off our stupidity, manipulated us with lies, and scared us to death.

But at our core we are a good people. We may be slow learners, but that "Mission Accomplished" banner struck us as odd, and soon we began to ask some questions. Then we began to get smart. By this past November 7th, we got mad and tried to right our wrongs. The majority now know the truth. The majority now feel a deep sadness and guilt and a hope that somehow we can make make it all right again.

Unfortunately, we can't. So we will accept the consequences of our actions and do our best to be there should the Iraqi people ever dare to seek our help in the future. We ask for their forgiveness.

We demand the Democrats listen to us and get out of Iraq now.

Michael Moore

Who will save us from nuclear power?

International Energy Agency calls for 200 new nukes

In a report just published, the International Energy Agency promotes nuclear power as the solution which will save us from global warming. But who will save us from nuclear power?

Deutschlands Spitzenverdiener werden zum Standortrisiko Nummer eins

Bananenrepublik Deutschland?

In der weltweiten Rangliste der Korruptionländer ist Deutschland von einem früheren guten Platz bereits ins Mittelfeld abgerutscht - hinter Hongkong! Das Ergebnis ist offensichtlich: Deutschlands Spitzenverdiener werden zum Standortrisiko Nummer eins.

Rumsfeld okayed abuses says former US army general

Informant: ranger116


by Deanna Spingola

The government told Horvat to get a lawyer. Horvat, tired and with limited funds, cannot compete with the government and their unlimited use of taxpayer's funds. I personally believe that the government stole Horvat's invention. The circumstances strongly suggest it. The government and their big business accomplices will make trillions of dollars from a decidedly criminal act against a well-intentioned citizen.....


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November 2006


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