Donnerstag, 23. November 2006

Gates and the Iran Arms Sales

Robert Parry writes: "With Congress hoping for a new Defense Secretary who has both the guts and the clout to stand up to White House pressure, the senators who will evaluate Gates’s fitness for the job may want to look back at this troubling Iran-Contra episode."

New Democratic Majority Roils Lobbying Industry

The Democrats' takeover of Congress this month has turned official Washington upside down. Labor and environmental representatives, once also-rans in congressional influence, are meeting frequently with Capitol Hill's incoming Democratic leaders. Corporations that once boasted about their Republican ties are busily hiring Democratic lobbyists. And industries worried about reprisals from the new Democrats-in-charge, especially the pharmaceutical industry, are sending out woe-is-me memos and hoping their GOP connections will protect them in the crunch.

In the Shadow of Ho Chi Minh

Robert Scheer writes: "President Bush has said many dumb things in defense of his Iraq policy. Citing the Vietnam War as a model, however, is perhaps his most ludicrous yet."

Squeezed out: Orange mast plan

Camden New Journal - by RICHARD OSLEY

Published 23 November 2006

Mobile firm given short shrift

MOBILE phone giants Orange have become the first operators to see plans for a new phone mast torn up by a committee of Camden planners.

The company wants to improve reception in the West Hampstead area but came up against a storm of protest from residents when it tried to place a pole antenna in Dynham Road.

While deluged with letters about health worries, planners cannot legally take such opposition in to account.

The strict national rules have meant scores of mast applications have already been approved in Camden without even reaching the sight of a committee of elected councillors.

But planning chiefs turned Orange’s application on its head on Thursday night by refusing the plans on the grounds that it would clutter the residential street. Nine out of 12 councillors on the panel voted against.
Deputy planning chairman Councillor David Abrahams said: “I can’t accept that this is the best possible site for a eight-metre pole. I think it’s completely wrong.”

The news was welcomed by residents who turned up at the planning meeting to protest.

Simon Holmes, who lives in the street, told the meeting: “There should be proper consultation between the residents, operators and the council.”

He said that the mast would block views from his young daughter’s bedroom window.

His concerns were matched in a series of written protests sent to councillors by neighbours.

Nichola McKerrow, one of the objectors, said: “It is my understanding the council’s policy to reduce the street scene clutter not to increase it.

Bollards, a lamp post, two traffic signs, a cabinet, a bench, a small tree and a flowerbed already exist in the area – this is enough.”

Lib Dem finance chief Councillor Janet Grauberg, a ward councillor, also spoke against the application.

But there was a word of caution from one of the committee’s most experienced heads.

Conservative councillor Mike Greene said that he had fought mobile phone mast applications elsewhere but that he felt forced to vote in favour of this one.

He said the refusal opened the Town Hall to a costly appeal case which Camden was bound to lose. The council’s planning department had recommended that the proposals were approved.

Cllr Greene said: “The situation is deeply unsatisfactory. It is horrible that people should have to live next to a mast. But I don’t think we have a cat in hell’s chance of winning this. We are not going to win on appeal.”

Liberal Democrat Councillor Flick Rea added: “They do cause an enormous amount of concern amongst residents, rightly or wrongly. There is an alternative. We could all discard our mobiles. We are in a stuck position until we are allowed to take people’s distress and worries over phone masts into account.”

All content © New Journal Enterprises, 2006

Residents oppose phone mast plan

TUPSLEY residents are opposing a plan to erect two new mobile phone masts near their homes.

Mobile phone company T-Mobile UK is seeking planning permission to install two telecommunications towers at the junction on Whittern Way and Folly Lane in Hereford.

Local councillor Brian Wilcox attended a residents' meeting on Wednesday evening and listened to their concerns.

One resident, Ron Maul, said: "They are planning on installing an 11.7 metre mast literally 30 metres from my house and 10-20 metres from the local shops.

"There are also several schools in the vicinity and schoolchildren often congregate round by the shops which is right where the mast will be."

Others voiced concern over the health implications of having a mast so close to their homes.

John Shaughnessy, T-Mobile Community Affairs spokesman, said: "In May 2006 the World Health Organisation in Geneva published a fact sheet on mobile communication masts concluding that considering the very low exposure levels and research results collected to date, there is no convincing scientific evidence that the weak radiofrequency signals from base stations and wireless networks cause adverse health effects'."

Omega this is not true. See under:

He added: "In the UK there are now over 65 million mobile phones in use and they cannot work without a network of base stations in places where people want to use them."

Councillor Wilcox advised those opposing the development to write their letters of complaint to the planning office by the end of the month but could not say whether the issue would be discussed in the council's planning meeting in December or in the new year.

Residents have vowed to fight the application and started planning a petition to block it.

© Copyright 2001-2006 Newsquest Media Group

Noch mehr Lobbyisten in Ministerien

Den großen Einfluss von Lobbyisten und Interessenverbänden auf Regierung und Abgeordnete offenbart eine Antwort der Bundesregierung auf eine parlamentarische Anfrage der FDP Fraktion. Laut Bericht der Berliner Zeitung sind demnach “insgesamt 100 externe Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter, die ganz oder teilweise von Unternehmen, Verbänden oder Gewerkschaften bezahlt wurden” in Ministerien sowie im Kanzleramt zeitlich befristet tätig gewesen oder aktuell eingesetzt.

Von Koch über das CHE bis zu den Republikanern

Ein paar aktuelle und ein paar ältere Hinweise rund um Lobbyismus und Verflechtungen, von Roland Koch, über Merkel und die Manager, bis zum Centrum für Hochschulentwicklung und Johannes Kahrs.

Private Spies Stalk The Internet

Iraq Mission Accomplished: They're Not Fighting Us Anymore, They're Fighting Each Other

Journalisten hinter Gittern: verfolgt, verhaftet und vergessen

Düstere Bilanz von "Reporter ohne Grenzen" zum internationalen Tag "Journalisten hinter Gittern".

Nach dem Schulabschluss ist vor der Arbeitslosigkeit

Was mach ich hier eigentlich?

Nach dem Schulabschluss ist vor der Arbeitslosigkeit: Noch nie gab es so viele Ausbildungsberufe und Studienfächer. Die Jugendarbeitslosigkeit ist gleichwohl auf hohem Niveau.

USA gelten im Hinblick auf die Einreiseprozeduren weltweit als "schlimmstes Land"

"Worst Country"

Nach einer Umfrage eines US-Verbandes der Reisebranche gelten die USA im Hinblick auf die Einreiseprozeduren weltweit als "schlimmstes Land".

The future of civil liberty in US depends on impeachment of Bush, Cheney, & Gonzales

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

How the IMF is waging 'economic war' against the people of Iraq

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Next-up News n°131

345 Euro reichen nicht zum Leben

Undo the Military Commissions Act

Tom Paine
by Aziz Huq


The general understanding -- if not the universal practice -- is that those on Capitol Hill answer to today's voters, but not tomorrow's. On matters such as global climate change, the consequences are evident. Today's leaders face too small a reckoning for their disregard of ethical obligations to our planet and future generations. Pushing back today's problems, they store up crises for our children. But environmental issues are not the sole arena in which the future holds an accounting for short-sighted policies. Perhaps surprisingly, national security is another. Here Congress seems capable of only acting in frantic fits of unwise activity. Lawmakers should take advantage of the recent change in congressional leadership to both correct recent mistakes and reflect on their bad habit of leaping before looking...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Bürgertum vs. Unterschicht: Arbeitslos? Selbst Schuld!

„Deutschlands Mittelschicht spricht heute über Arbeitslose, als wären sie Kriminelle. In der öffentlichen Debatte gelten sie nicht mehr als Opfer der Verelendung, sondern als Mitschuldige an der sozialen Krise - die neuen Bürgerlichen wollen sich einreden, dass ihnen selbst so was nie passieren würde…“ Artikel von Christian Rickens in Spiegel online vom 22. November 2006,1518,449792,00.html

Aus: LabourNet, 23. November 2006

Armuts-Alltag in München: von der Willkür der Sozialbehörden

"Nicht mehr nachvollziehbar, was da geschieht": Ein Sozialberater über den Umgang mancher Ämter im Umgang mit Hilfesuchenden. Artikel von Dietrich Mittler in Süddeutsche Zeitung vom 23.11.06,immm3/muenchen/artikel/462/92370/

Aus: LabourNet, 23. November 2006

Phone mast wins permission

A controversial scheme to install a mobile phone mast in the green belt in Kenilworth has won planning permission.

For the past year Warwick District Council's planning committee has fought off applications for mobile phone masts in the town.

But at a meeting on Wednesday members of the committee agreed with planning officers that the perceived health risks did not justify refusing an application by mobile phone company Hutchinson 3G to erect a 17.5metre mast in Chase Lane.

They said the visual impact would be minimal, the mast would not be in direct line with Priors Field School situated 500metres away and it meets the guidelines for public exposure.

Chase Lane resident Roger Stevens spoke on behalf of neighbours and drew attention to the possible health risks of masts.

He said: "The intensity of the microwave radiation from these aerials is much higher than previous generations.

"The proposed mast will be next to one of the most used footpaths and bridleways in Kenilworth.

"It is well documented that young children are more at risk of ill health from these masts and as residents we are not happy with this."

Mr Stevens added residents had the full support of the Council Protection for Rural England, which believes the mast will change the character of historic and peaceful countryside.

Speaking as ward councillor, Coun Michael Coker (Con, Kenilworth Abbey) reminded the committee that the council was in the green belt, the town's conservation area and near Kenilworth Castle.

He said: "The imposition of this particular item would be completely out of character. It should be an area which is protected more than most. I don't believe that other sites could not be found."

But Coun Bertie Mackay (Ind, Stoneleigh) said this was a decision where the head had to overrule the heart.

He said the distances of 230m and 475m from housing meant almost 80 per cent of masts were nearer development.

He added: "I can't honestly say this is unsightly. I can't honestly say this constitutes a threat.

"And whether this is a lattice mast or not, the reality is that conservation area or not, greenbelt or not the position of the mast, the sparsity of the population and the lack of unsightliness is such that we can only come to one conclusion and that is that we should approve the recommendation."

Councillors voted to allow the mast, subject to the conditions in the agenda.

23 November 2006

All rights reserved © 2006 Johnston Press Digital Publishing.

Why I will never read an ebook

She has so far had some very rude comments. She was trying to write a novel about phone mast! But it has been dropped as the editor says there will be no interest. She thought if we write in to this blog and show interest it may help!

The blog is on The Guardian site!



The National Parks Conservation Association, Center for Biological Diversity and other conservation groups represented by Earthjustice filed papers Nov. 15 to intervene in a case that threatens to allow extreme off-road vehicle use in a rare, fragile desert stre am in Surprise Canyon inside Death Valley National Park. Extreme off-road vehicle use would d amage the canyon's unique character, including waterfalls, towering cottonwoods and lush willows that provide habitat for desert bighorn sheep, endangered birds and rare species found nowhere else on earth except Surprise Canyon and nearby areas. Congress and federal land managers have recognized Surprise Canyon's incredible values for decades. In the 1980's the Bureau of Land Management designated the lower portion of the canyon as an "Area of Critical Environmental Concern."

From Endangered Earth, No. 375

Gerechtigkeit für den australischen Guantanamo-Häftling David Hicks

ONLINE-PETITION: Gerechtigkeit für den australischen Guantánamo- Häftling David Hicks

Der Australier David Hicks sitzt seit fast fünf Jahren im US-Gefangenenlager Guantánamo Bay. Die australische Regierung muss sich dafür einsetzen, dass David Hicks in US-Gewahrsam menschlich behandelt wird, und seine Rückführung in sein Heimatland fordern, damit er einen fairen Prozess erhält oder andernfalls freigelassen wird.

Star Neil Morrissey says 'NO!' to phone mast outside home


22 November 2006

NEIL MORRISSEY outside his home in Mount View Road, where the phone mast could be situated

TV star Neil Morrissey is leading residents into battle against the latest attempt to install a mobile phone mast opposite their homes.

Hutchison 3G UK has appealed Haringey Council's rejection of its application for a 13.5 metre mast on Crouch End Reservoir land off Mount View Road to the planning inspectorate.

But furious residents say the mast will emit radiation that may affect health and spoil sweeping views over London.

Mr Morrissey, 44, the Men Behaving Badly star and voice of Bob the Builder, has lived in the area for around 20 years. He said: "What annoys me is these things seem to be popping up all over the place. Apart from the fact they are ugly they are dangerous too.

"The health implications are not clear. It is also a conservation area. The fact is it is probably going to spoil one of the best views over London you can get.

"You can't build there but you can stick these false masts pumping out radio signals. I don't think anyone has thought about this."

Haringey Council rejected the application earlier this year for the replica telegraph pole that would accommodate the mast, ruling it would negatively affect the conservation area. Residents argued it would block part of the pavement and produce emissions that may contaminate reservoir drinking water.

In a letter to the planning inspectorate, Robin Derham, an architect, who lives next door to Mr Morrissey and is co-ordinator of the Mount View and Womersley Roads Neighbourhood Group, says: "In making their decisions, the inspectors might like to ask themselves whether they themselves would choose to buy a house with an immediate foreground view of the H3G 'telegraph pole' and all its associated gear and have it beaming radiation through their windows directly at them and their families by day and night for the rest of their lives."

The community is backed by Hornsey and Wood Green MP Lynne Featherstone. She said: "While the scientific community is still arguing about it we can't risk the well-being of young children."

Anyone with written representations about the mast should send three copies to The Planning Inspectorate at 3/14 Eagle Wing, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Temple Quay, Bristol BS1 6PN by tomorrow (Friday, November 24). A decision is then due in six to eight weeks.

Copyright © 2006 Archant Regional. All rights reserved.

Tired cliche to cover big brother agenda doesn't wash anymore

Women's World Is Far From Equal

Nordic Europe is the guiding light for gender equality in the world, topping a global list of 115 countries and laying claim to the world's best maternity leave, the best political participation rates and an education system in which women now outnumber men.

Laurie David 's fight to convince America of the dangers of global warming

Hollywood Environmentalist Targets Middle America

Hollywood environmentalist Laurie David's fight to convince America of the dangers of global warming begins in her own bathrooms. David, producer of Al Gore's movie "An Inconvenient Truth," is taking her crusade to Middle America and Washington next year, setting her sights on convincing President Bush and average US citizens to make changes to safeguard the planet.

Deforestation remains the greatest current threat to the world's forests

Deforestation remains the greatest current threat to the world's forests, claiming 10 to 15 million hectares of tree-covered areas every year, but climate change may represent a bigger challenge in the long term, scientists say. "We're like a two-year-old playing with fire ... We're messing around with something dangerous and don't really understand what will happen," says William Laurance, of the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute in Balboa, Panama, in reference to climate change and the Amazon rainforest.

Lost in the Desert

Maureen Dowd writes: "Iraq now evokes that old Jimmy Durante song that goes, 'Did you ever have the feeling that you wanted to go and still have the feeling that you wanted to stay?' It's hard to remember when America has been so stuck. We can't win and we can't leave."

Save Guy LeGrande

Informant: julien

Fury over mast plan

Nov 23 2006

By Adrian Short,
Widnes Weekly News

RESIDENTS fear erecting a mobile phone mast near their homes will blight a recreational area and put youngsters' health at risk.

Vodafone has informed Halton Council of its intention to construct a 12.5-metre mast on the edge of Birchfield Gardens at the junction of Lunts Heath Road and Birchfield Road, Widnes.

Mum Kathryn Rawlinson, of Elworth Road, who is leading an objection campaign alongside Cllr Carl Cross, gathered 65 names in two hours of door-knocking on Friday night.

She said: 'I know you can't objecton thehealthgroundsbut, personally, that's my main concern because I have three kids.

'The mast will be on open land in the middle of a beauty spot - the local children put up bird boxes there and do nature studies, there are ponds and ditches and wildlife.

'A lot of mums and tots go down there for a walk and, having done research on the internet, some experts reckon masts can cause leukaemia and can affect pacemakers.

'The mast will be five minutes walk away from a nearby school.

'I couldn't sleep at night knowing this mast was there and I certainly wouldn't buy a house near one. It will cause massive house devaluation.

'I expect at least 200 names on the petition and would appeal to everybody to write individually to the council.'

A council spokesman said: 'The council will assess the proposal against both national guidance and local policy - which seeks to ensure that the proposal represents the best environmental option - before reaching a decision.

'Three telecommunication applications have been rejected in the past in the north Widnes area.'


© owned by or licensed to Trinity Mirror North West & North Wales Limited 2006

Dollar Declines Amid Concerns Economy Is Slowing, Fed May Ease

The dollar declined against the euro and yen as traders speculated the economy may be slowing enough for the Federal Reserve to reduce interest rates.

From Information Clearing House

A predatory capitalist who stifles competition and delivers mediocrity

Our politicians pay court to Rupert Murdoch like Roman vassals. He is a threat to democracy and it is time we took him on.,,1953685,00.html

From Information Clearing House

92-Year-Old Killed As Police Burst Into Her Home

Niece Says Woman 'Gunned Down Like Dog'

From Information Clearing House

Pentagon delays chemical weapons disposal

The Pentagon has extended its timeline to destroy its aging chemical weapons arsenal until 2023. the military won’t eliminate its stock of deadly nerve gases and skin-blistering agents until 11 years after the 2012 deadline set by the international Chemical Weapons Convention.

From Information Clearing House

U.S. - Iran history, beyond the fear

So warm, gracious and welcoming were the people of Iran, in just two days I felt safer walking the streets of Tehran, a city of 16 million, than I did in Albany. Where was this "axis of evil"?

"The time for more troops is past"


Sen. Chuck Hagel (R-NE), “The time for more troops is past,” “We don’t want to put more troops in now. Even if we had them, that’s the wrong approach.”

How Multinational Corporations Avoid Paying Their Taxes

By Peter Rost

Drug companies and other multinational companies based in the U.S. systematically avoid paying tax in the U.S. on their profits. The companies elect to realize profits in low-tax countries and because of this the rest of us have to pay billions of unnecessary taxes to make up for the shortfall. writes Peter Rost, an ex-pharmaceutical executive.

Third Parties Fight for American Democracy

By Joel S. Hirschhorn

The time is long overdue for Americans to stop voting for candidates that can win, and start voting for those that should win. What lesser-evil voting has produced is entrenched two-party evil.

The Cumulative Effect of Lesser Evils

By Charles Sullivan

Corrupt self-serving government is the result of over two hundred years of choice between lesser evils: the effect of which is cumulative and permanent. Year after year, election after election, the American voter adds to these strata of evil, like the making of a reef that lays fathoms deep on the ocean’s floor. We are making things progressively worse while deluding ourselves into thinking they are getting better.

America Has Left the Building

An Open Missive of Anger and Hope

By Phil Rockstroh

We must begin to grasp the unsettling knowledge that the things we, as a nation, inflict upon the world -- we will eventually inflict upon ourselves. It is imperative that we start to ask ourselves this question: When so many external and internal forces work to thwart, degrade, and destroy our essential selves -- hence the world -- what can help to restore us?

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

The Cumulative Effect of Lesser Evils

By Charles Sullivan

Corrupt self-serving government is the result of over two hundred years of choice between lesser evils: the effect of which is cumulative and permanent. Year after year, election after election, the American voter adds to these strata of evil, like the making of a reef that lays fathoms deep on the ocean’s floor. We are making things progressively worse while deluding ourselves into thinking they are getting better.

Back to American politics: credibility and hope

Washington's Iraq Chimeras

Rumsfeld and a Mountain of Misery

US Retreat from Iraq? The Secret Story

Arabs' Questions Throw Elder Bush on Defensive

Iraqi Civilian Deaths at New High

Military Documents Hold Tips on Antiwar Activities

Bush Plans to Bomb Iran Nuclear Sites in 2007


What Else is the Mainstream Media Lying About?

Informant: Amy Sasser

From ufpj-news

Phone masts: the growing risk


23 November 2006

HARINGEY is covered in nearly 70 mobile phone mast and antenna sites, several of them in public buildings including schools, a hospital and a church spire.

The locations of the phone masts, which many people feel could be a public health risk because of radiation levels, have been revealed in information released to the Journal under the Freedom of Information Act.

There have been masts granted on at least 67 sites across the borough since 1991 - 15 in Tottenham, 14 in Wood Green, 10 in Muswell Hill, eight in South Tottenham, six in Hornsey, five in Highgate, three in both Crouch End and East Finchley, two in Bounds Green and one in Stroud Green.

Sarah Purdy, who lives close to Fortismere School, Muswell Hill, has been involved in numerous protests against mobile phone masts.

She said: "I think we have too many masts in residential areas and near our schools and nurseries, contrary to the recommendations of the Department of Education.

"If people don't want masts near their houses they should think about not making calls on their mobiles from home. Each mast can only take about 100 calls at once, and if a mast has to drop calls then the phone company will want to put up another one to cope with demand."

The most recent site is the spire of the Church of All Hallows, Church Lane, Tottenham.

It was also revealed at a meeting this month that there had been one in Hornsey Town Hall's tower, in Crouch End, since 2002.

One of the earliest masts to be granted was placed on Haringey Council's own River Park House, opposite Wood Green Tube, in 1991.

Tottenham Hotspur football ground has a mast, as does St Ann's Hospital in South Tottenham, Coppetts Wood Hospital in Muswell Hill, Fortismere and Alexandra Park secondary schools, Alexandra Palace and Hornsey Fire Station, Priory Road, Hornsey.

Several masts also sit on council housing blocks.



Northholt Tower, Lordship Lane, Wood Green
River Park House, High Road, Wood Green


Eckington House, Pulford Road, South Tottenham
Barclays Bank, Highgate High Street, Highgate


Alexander House, Hillcrest Estate, North Hill, Highgate
Car park, rear of Green Man pub, Muswell Hill, Muswell Hill
Fortismere secondary school, Tetherdown, Muswell Hill


270 Langham Road, South Tottenham
Chettle Court, Ridge Road, Crouch End
New River Sports Centre, White Hart Lane, Wood Green


312 High Road, South Tottenham
530 White Hart Lane, Tottenham
28 Lawrence Road, South Tottenham
YMCA, Tottenham Lane, Crouch End
BT Telephone Exchange, Reform Row, Tottenham
Dylan Thomas House, Denmark Road, Hornsey
Car park, Shopping City, High Road, Wood Green
Kenley House, Broadwater Farm Estate, Lordship Lane, Tottenham
Stella House, High Road, Tottenham
George Lansbury House, Progress Way, Wood Green


St Ann's Hospital, St Ann's Road, South Tottenham
Cordell House, Newton Road, South Tottenham
Elizabeth Blackwell House, Progress Way, Wood Green
Millicent Fawcett Court, Pembury Road, Tottenham
Edgecot Grove, South Tottenham
Eleanor Rathbone House, Avenue Road, Highgate


Telephone Exchange, Grand Avenue, Muswell Hill
14-28 Fortis Green Road, Muswell Hill
48-50 Muswell Road, Muswell Hill
Alexandra Palace, Alexandra Palace Way, Wood Green
Middlesex University, Bounds Green Road, Bounds Green
Thomas Hardy House, Commerce Road, Wood Green
Page High Estate, Lymington Avenue, Wood Green
Imperial House, Willoughby Lane, Tottenham


50 Clarendon Road, Hornsey
Sainsbury's Flats, Fortis Green Road, Muswell Hill
Southwood Park, Southwood Lawn Road, Highgate
Hornsey Train Servicing Centre, Hampden Road, Hornsey
British Gas Compound, Garman Road, Tottenham
Cordell House, Newton Road, south Tottenham
Outside The Chestnuts, Cherry Tree Hill, Great North Road, East Finchley
Lordship Lane, near junction with Walpole Road, Wood Green
Wilmott Dixon Building, Hampden Road, Hornsey


Haringey Borough FC, White Hart Lane, Tottenham
Hornsey Fire Station, Priory Road, Hornsey
Tottenham Hotspur FC, High Road, Tottenham
Middlesex University, White Hart Lane, Tottenham
Barrington Court, Colney Hatch Lane, Muswell Hill
41 West Road, Tottenham


Charles Clore House, Fortis Green, Muswell Hill
BHS, High Road, Wood Green
Junction of Bounds Green Road and Whittington Road, Wood Green
Outside Doran Manor, Great North Road, East Finchley
Hornsey Town Hall, The Broadway, Crouch End
Coppetts Wood Hospital, Coppetts Road, Muswell Hill


Junction of Lordship Lane and Granville Road, Wood Green


Site opposite Downhills Park, Downhills Park Road, Tottenham
Outside 1 Williamson Road, Stroud Green
Junction of Seven Sisters Road and St Ann's Road, South Tottenham
Outside The Coliseum, Green Lanes, Hornsey
Highcroft, North Hill, Highgate


Railway land behind Park Motors, Ringway, Bounds Green


Barber Wilsons & Co, Crawley Road, Wood Green
61 Markfield Road, South Tottenham
Telecommunications station outside 64 Aylmer Road, East Finchley
All Hallows Church, Church Lane, Tottenham
Date unavailable
Alexandra Park Secondary School

Copyright © 2006 Archant Regional. All rights reserved.

The Melbourne Minutes: New Downing Street Memos from Down Under

By David Swanson

Over a year before the United States launched an endless war on Iraq in what President George W. Bush told Congress [ ] was an urgently needed action to prevent an attack with nonexistent weapons by non-Iraqi terrorists…

Eleven months before Bush told British Prime Minister Tony Blair [ ] that a good way to start a war on Iraq would be to paint planes with U.N. colors, fly them low, and get them shot at…

Five months before the Downing Street Minutes [ ] were taken at a meeting revealing the knowledge top British officials had of the secret war plans of the Bush administration…

Just a week or two before several of the Downing Street Memos [ ] recorded U.S.-British discussions of the coming war…

On February 27, 2002 – just five months after 15 Saudis, 2 Lebanese, and 2 Yemenis flew airplanes into U.S. buildings – Trevor Flugge, who was then chairman of AWB, the Australian Wheat Board, a private corporation, told AWB's board that John Dauth, who was then Australia's ambassador to the United Nations, had revealed to Flugge the plans of the U.S. and Australian governments for war on Iraq. Tragically, for war-profiteers everywhere, somebody took minutes of the meeting.

You may not have heard about this from the U.S. media. Maybe if we all scream really loudly for six weeks you will. That's how the Downing Street Minutes found their 15 minutes of fame in June 2005. But, as we stuff our faces with dead turkeys, the new Melbourne Minutes are the top news story in Australia. According to the Australian Associated Press [ ]:

"Mr Dauth briefed Mr Flugge in New York in February 2002 - 13 months before the invasion - and the details appear in minutes of AWB's February 27 board meeting tendered to the inquiry.

"'The ambassador stated that he believed that US military action to depose Saddam Hussein was inevitable and that at this time the Australian government would support and participate in such action,' the minutes say. 'The ambassador believed that the Iraqis grossly underestimated the US reaction to September 11 (with the consequent military response in Afghanistan) and that Iraq's request to renegotiate UN weapons inspectors was a direct result of their nervousness about US action. The ambassador believed that the latest olive branch from the Iraqis was likely to stave off US action (for) 12 to 18 months but that some military action was inevitable.'

"Mr Dauth - now high commissioner in New Zealand - predicted the Iraq war would be similar to the campaign in Afghanistan, with heavy use of air support followed by the deployment of ground troops.

"'He undertook to ensure that AWB was given as much warning as would be possible under such circumstances but noted that in these instances often the Australian government had little notification,' the board minutes said."

Where have we heard that word "inevitable" before? Oh, yeah: the Downing Street Minutes: "Military action was now seen as inevitable. Bush wanted to remove Saddam, through military action, justified by the conjunction of terrorism and WMD. But the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy."

Why are we hearing about the minutes of this Australian meeting only now? Well, the minutes have been released by a government investigation into AWB's bribing of Saddam Hussein's government in order to win contracts to export Australian wheat to Iraq. That investigation may now be expanded in Australia. It's also one that the incoming Democratic chairs of the House and Senate agriculture committees in the U.S. committed last week to investigating [ ]. What will they do now, with the wheat bribe scandal having taken this interesting twist?

The past six years of near zero Congressional oversight in Washington is one reason Americans' knowledge of the planning of the Iraq War comes largely from foreign sources. But, if members of the Australian government were passing word around, I shudder to think how many people in the right circles in Washington, D.C., knew the score but kept their mouths shut and are keeping them shut to this very day. It's clear that members of the U.S. corporate media elite were in the know. In fact, if you ask them to condescend to notice this Australian news, they'll almost certainly tell you it's "old news," that they knew it all four years ago. They did, but they didn't tell the rest of us.

Now, here we are years later, still killing and dying in Iraq, and proposing to attack Iran on the basis of lies almost identical to those used to justify the initial attack on Iraq.

We must demand that the new Congress block any new wars and cut off funding for the current one. We must also demand investigations immediately [ ] into the lies that launched the war and the conducting of the war. American citizens are the last to know what our government is doing. We're used to that, but there is no reason we need wait any longer. If the subpoenas don't start piling up in the White House mailbox on New Year's Day, we will have established two critical facts:

1. Future presidents are free to ignore all laws.
2. Democrats are just Republicans with manners.

Informant: David Swanson

From ufpj-news

The Government Demands That You Be Thankful

“V” Makes A Mark In DC

The movie "V" for Vendetta opened earlier this year to interesting reviews. Here, an action by 100 people dressed in "V" masks seek to petition the government. Very interesting photos, and story. A new movement is brewing.

Informant: Mitchel Cohen

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