Samstag, 11. November 2006

Global Carbon Emissions Soaring 'Out of Control'

Nat'l Guard Units to Be Sent Back to Battle in Iraq Again

The Pentagon is developing plans that for the first time would send entire National Guard combat brigades back to Iraq for a second tour, the Guard's top general said in the latest sign of how thinly stretched the military has become. The move - which could include brigades from North Carolina, Florida, Arkansas and Indiana - would force the Pentagon to make the first large-scale departure from its previous decision not to deploy reserves for more than a cumulative 24 months in Iraq.

USA: große Mehrheit für Bush-Impeachment

Wie der US-Präsident zu stürzen ist

German case against Rumsfeld et al

Trust in move to ban phone masts


11 November 2006 11:23

A community trust could soon place a permanent ban to stop mobile phone companies putting masts on its land.

The North Earlham, Larkman and Marlpit (NELM) development trust which is a community regeneration programme, is investigating the possibility of placing a moratorium on telecommunication development on all the land it owns in the city.

It could also place covenants on its land assets to ensure the ban remains in place permanently.

The ban would mirror one already put in place by Norwich city council which does not allow masts to be placed on land or buildings it owns.

The move comes after NELM threw out an unsolicited approach from mobile phone operator O2 to site a 22m high mast off Ivy Road, Bowthrope.

David Ralph, executive director of NELM, said: “The residents asked us to look at this only a few days before our board meeting.

“We have agreed to look in the next three of four months at whether to bring forward a policy.

“I think this is an issue for the NELM area.

“One of the things that struck us was that if we just said we would not allow building on land people could turn round in the future and reverse this decision.

“The issue really it whether we can impose something permanent and it is not just about masts it is about ring fencing land for community use.”

Mr Ralph said that further consultation with families would now take place and he hoped a decision could be reached by the spring.

The possibility of a permanent ban has been welcomed by those who campaigned hard against the 02 proposal.

John Clayton, lives in Ivy Road and collected a petition of more than 100 signatures calling for its rejection and for a moratorium.

He said: “We are pleased the board is exploring a policy of rejecting future solicitations from telecommunication developers exploring the idea of placing covenants on future land sales.

“We very much hope this will be a high priority. Residents have already shown their strength of feeling on this.

Ward councillor Rupert Read spoke against the mast at the board meeting where it was rejected.

He welcomed the prospect of a permanent ban and called on other landowners to follow suit.

He said: “It is Green Party policy that there should be a moratorium on phone masts in the Norwich area and this is a welcome step towards that.

“I think any landowner who says I am not going to allow masts on my land if they are within 500 metres of schools or houses is doing an enormous favour to the people of Norwich.”

The Evening News has long run our Put Masts On Hold campaign, calling for no masts to be built on land near homes and schools until it is conclusively proved there is no risk to health.

# Are you worried about a mobile phone mast near you? Contact reporter Dominic Chessum on 01603 772428 or email

Copyright © 2006 Archant Regional. All rights reserved.

Female Veterans Face Displaced Worker Distress

As America recognizes its veterans Saturday, a small but steadily growing number are women - some 28,000 of the 274,000 service members currently deployed.

How Green Was My Election?

There's no question that the environment played a central role in some high-profile victories. Gene Karpinski, president of the League of Conservation Voters, told Muckraker, "This is the first election I can remember in US history that has put such a specific focus on a top-priority environmental issue, which this year has been a clean-energy future."

Richard Pombo 's Defeat Heralds Hope for Alternative Energy in Congress

The possible shift in Congress on energy issues may be summed up in one race: House Resources Committee chairman Richard W. Pombo (R-Calif.), who received substantial contributions from oil and gas companies, lost his seat to Jerry McNerney, who runs a start-up company that hopes to make wind turbines.

Group Urges Probe Into House "Bid-Rigging," "Kickbacks"

Earlier today, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) sent a letter to Attorney General Alberto Gonzales requesting an immediate investigation into whether a senior aide to Speaker of the House J. Dennis Hastert (R-Ill.) hindered a House Appropriations Committee investigation into mismanagement, bid-rigging and kickbacks in regard to Capitol Hill security upgrades.

Cleric Details CIA Abduction, Torture

In an account smuggled out of prison, a radical Muslim cleric has detailed how he was kidnapped by the CIA from a northern Italian city and flown to Cairo, where he was tortured for months with electric shocks and shackled to an iron rack known as "the Bride."

18,000 votes in U.S. House race may be lost

Thousands of votes were either not counted or not cast in Sarasota's nationally watched congressional race.

Homeland Security Creates Terrorism Score for Travelers

What's your terrorism quotient? U.S. Customs and Border Patrol agents will know with a newly announced Automated Targeting System, a data mining system which will use the Treasury's watch list (.pdf), data provided to it by the airlines, your I-94 form and other data sources to compute your terrorism risk when you cross the border.

From Information Clearing House

The CIA, the MCA, and Detainee Abuse

Everyone knows that after the crime, comes the cover-up. In this case, the government is not only taking aggressive steps to prevent its crimes from coming to light, it has also tried to ensure that when and if these crimes come to public attention, the perpetrators are protected from punishment.

From Information Clearing House

Fighting empire: An interview with former US Attorney General Ramsey Clark

Just government is a commitment to fulfil human need wherever it exists and prevent violence wherever it threatens. The present US administration is the antithesis of that.

From Information Clearing House

Coalition of Antiwar, Veteran Groups Launching National Movement to Impeach Bush and Cheney

On Saturday, a coalition of groups are meeting near Independence Hall in Philadelphia to announce plans to mobilize a national movement to impeach President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney. Audio and transcript.

Cheney in a Box

'Iraq: Legacy of Hate': The Lost Generation

Video Documentary By Channel 4 - UK

'Iraq: The Lost Generation' opens a window onto the hidden world of Iraqi youth, revealing the brutalisation and psychological trauma of living under military occupation. It reveals how the people with whom the future of Iraq rests, are reacting with anger, aggression and, in some cases, violence.

I doubt there is guilt

War on Iran: Unleashing Armageddon in the Middle East

Gunning for Iran

Video Documentary

Exposed: Where The U.S. gets its "intelligence" about Iran's nuclear program.

Video and transcript

Iraq disaster warning

By William S. Lind

An attack on Iran will not be an invasion with ground troops. We don't have enough of those left to invade Ruritania. It will be a "package" of air and missile strikes, by U.S. forces or Israel. - The Democrats taking either or both Houses of Congress, if it happens, will not make any difference. They would rather have the Republicans start and lose another war than prevent a national disaster. Politics comes first and the country second.

Sind Kommunen wirklich handlungsunfähig?



Wegen der Brisanz der Thematik Mobilfunk im Zusammenhang mit den immer wieder aufs Neue kolportierten Aussagen der Kommunen, sie seien machtlos und wären gezwungen, den gesetzgeberischen Richtlinien entsprechend pauschal Anlagen zu genehmigen, eine nochmalige für alle Betroffenen klare Aussage mit Hinweis von Herrn Prof. Dr. Lebrecht von Klitzing.


Prof. Dr. Lebrecht von Klitzing 9-11-06

Lieber Herr Tittmann,

erst heute konnte ich Ihre Nachricht lesen.

Es ist immer die selbe Argumentation der Kommunen: wir können nichts machen.

Natürlich kann man vieles machen, nur muss es richtig angegangen werden. Unser Baugesetzbuch (BauGB) und die Baunutzungsverordnung (BauNVO) erlauben viele Möglichkeiten.

Bedauerlicherweise halten es viele Kommunen für unnötig, sich hier richtig zu informieren (warum auch immer).

Wir empfehlen für solche Verfahren das in Papierform und auf CD zusammengefasste Wissen einer von uns initiierten Tagung im Juli 2006. Ein Teil steht im Internet unter mit dem Link „Mobilfunk“ ; das vollständige Druckwerk kann über uns bezogen werden (umweltphysik

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

L. von Klitzing
Umweltphysikalische Messungen GbR
Lohstr. 170 A
D-23617 Stockelsdorf
Tel. 0451-49 62 92
Fax. 0451-8 80 57 61

Statt Mindestlohn Steuergeschenke für Großkonzerne

"Die Zeit" zum Irakkrieg: Weitermachen

Election 2006 Was a Disaster for E-Voting Systems Across the Nation

Informant: Kathy Dopp

Human Rights Watch: Sweden Violated Torture Ban in CIA Rendition

State Department Should Nominate Politically Incorrect Howard Zinn to Help Michelle Kwan Polish U.S Image

We Failed Our Children, with War

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Wrong Man to Replace Rumsfeld

Cities For Peace

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Cities for peace

Tom Paine
by Karen Dolan


Red state, blue state? That is SO last week. As Democrats have swept into power, shamelessly ignoring the once-sacred red state–blue state divide, one more aspect of this blurring of the nation's political divide remains underreported. This story more fully illustrates the passionate energy of anti-war sentiment in America and it’s a lesson former red-staters would do well to heed. This election, 162 communities in Wisconsin, Illinois and Massachusetts voted on ballot measures calling for the U.S. to end the Iraq War. In every one of those communities, the measures swept to victory. ... Mirroring anti-Bush sentiment in the congressional and gubernatorial races, the "Bring the Troops Home" ballot measures received great support even in legislative districts that went for Bush in 2004...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Americans, Republicans and Democrats alike, risk undermining the Constitution and compromising our ability to hold future presidents accountable under the law

When is a Crime so Great it Shouldn’t be Acknowledged?

McGovern to Meet With Congress on War

He's Out, But Some Still Want Rumsfeld to Face War Crimes Charges

Marines Get the News From an Iraqi Host: Rumsfeld’s Out. ‘Who’s Rumsfeld?’

UN Report: Dirty Water Kills 5,000 Children a Day

Democrats Set to Subpoena on Military Spending, Iraq War

White House Protests - Anti-War Group Renews Iraq Pull-out Call

Gold Star Families At White House


Election 2006 - Mourn & Celebrate!


White House Protest - Dont Attack Iran/Impeach Bush


Or at least see photos

Also see...

Informant: Carol Moore in DC

From ufpj-news


Anti-War Group Renews Iraq Pull-out Call


A message from Jakki

New global petition - Ceasefire Campaign: Stop the War

Please Sign the Petition

This week the American people voted overwhelmingly to reject President BushÕs war in Iraq, and yesterday the key architect of the war, US military chief Donald Rumsfeld, announced his resignation. The winds of political change are sweeping the US, and the US-led Coalition in Iraq may -- finally -- be realising that they cannot win the war, and that they lack the legitimacy to bring stability and peace to the country without more help from the international community.

To seize this opportunity, we want to place ads in US and UK papers with a new global petition calling upon the Coalition to accept a larger role for the international community and a phased withdrawal of all its troops from Iraq. WeÕll publish the number of signatures we get in the ads, so we need AS MANY PEOPLE AS POSSIBLE to sign the petition in the next 48 hours. Please tell all your friends and family, and sign below:

Wird Amerika nun demokratischer?

Nancy Pelosi: "This Victory is Yours"

Dear Friend,

We have so much to celebrate, so much to talk about, and so much to work on in the days and weeks ahead. But, let me start by sharing just two words with you.

Thank you.

My colleagues in the new Democratic majority - in both the House and the Senate - are in a position to lead America in a new direction and we wouldn't have this opportunity without your energy, dedication and commitment. The DCCC community, who stayed engaged day after day, who responded every time we were in need, was the heart and soul of this effort.

I want you to know that I fully appreciate the humbling responsibility that you have given to me and to all Democrats. If I am elected Speaker by my colleagues, I will take the Speaker's gavel from the special interests and place it in the hands of the children for the future of our country. Democrats are ready to lead and prepared to govern. We will take our country in a new direction. We could not have done it without you.

Your support and your partnership will be even more crucial in the period ahead than they were during all the excitement of the 2006 campaign. Together, we can set a new course for America. Nowhere did the American people make it clearer that we need a new direction than in the war in Iraq. We are committed to finding a new solution to Iraq, but we know that actions speak louder than words.

That's why we will go forward with our "Six for '06" agenda:

* To make our country safer by implementing the 9/11 commission recommendations

* To make our economy fairer

* To make college and health care more affordable

* To move toward energy independence

* To guarantee a dignified retirement

* To do this in a fiscally sound way with civility, integrity, and bipartisanship.

That's the kind of tangible progress that you have brought within reach by devoting yourself so enthusiastically to supporting the work of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.

I've received hundreds of emails in the last few days congratulating me and the DCCC -- thank you, and congratulations to you as well. You were a part of history, and we would not have a new direction in America without you. Thank you for all you have done and for all that I know you will do as we work side-by-side to lead America forward.

With deep appreciation,

Nancy Pelosi

P.S. It wouldn't be fair to the DCCC's Chairman and leader, Rahm Emanuel and his incredible staff if I didn't add one last point. The Committee poured every available dollar into winning the majority on November 7th -- and I congratulate and thank them and most of all hope that you will stay with them. Even now, some races are not yet decided, and we need to make sure every vote is counted. Our best teams of lawyers and organizers have been dispatched -- if you can, please continue to support the DCCC today.


Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Impeachment, The Pelosi Edition

~ Impeach For Peace
~ • DIY Impeachment, The Pelosi Edition

• DIY Impeachment, The Pelosi Edition

Please forward this to all of your distribution lists:

Hello Fellow Impeachers,

Much to our delight many incumbents were voted out on election day and the congress that will convene in January is composed of representatives more likely to hold impeachment hearings.

Many of you are probably wondering what happened in the October mailing of the Do-It-Yourself Impeachment. We had over 300,000 downloads of the DIY Impeachment representing over one million mailings.

One of our organizers contacted the communications director of John Conyers' office. They indicated they had received the documents. However, they did not disclose the number of documents received. They also indicated that they were holding off on comment until after the elections. We have not spoken to Conyers' office since, but will keep you informed on our message board.

Now we're redirecting our energies toward Nancy Pelosi, the new Speaker of the House. If we are to pursue impeachment, Pelosi must support the process. As many of you know, she has said impeachment is "off the table" and a "waste of time."

Pelosi most likely said this to remove any appearance of conflict-of-interest that would arise if she were thrust into the presidency as a result of the coming impeachment.

Meanwhile, in the background, John Conyers will be holding hearings in the Judiciary (the committee that would write up the articles of impeachment). What we need to do is to pressure Pelosi not to interfere with Conyers' impeachment hearings. Furthermore, sending her the DIY impeachments legitimizes her when she joins the impeachment movement in the future.

The day the nation demands impeachment is upon us. Take a moment and help convince Nancy Pelosi to Impeach. Sacks and sacks of mail are about to arrive in Nancy Pelosi's office initiating impeachment via the House of Representative's own rules. This legal document is as binding as if a State or the House itself passed the impeachment resolution (H.R. 635).

There's a little known and rarely used clause of the "Jefferson Manual" in the rules for the House of Representatives which sets forth the various ways in which a president can be impeached. Only the House Judiciary Committee puts together the Articles of Impeachment, but before that happens, someone has to initiate the process.

That's where we come in. In addition to a House Resolution (635), or the State-by-State method, one of the ways to get impeachment going is for individual citizens like you and me to submit a memorial. We have created a new memorial based on one which was successful in impeaching a federal official in the past. You can find it and more information about the procedure on our website.

You can initiate the impeachment process and simultaneously help to convince Pelosi to follow through with the process. Do it yourself by downloading the memorial, filling in the relevant information (your name, state, etc.), and sending it in. Be a part of history!

• It will take more than emails to accomplish our goal.

We need people to get out into the world and get involved. Calling all concerned citizens...Activate!

We need leaders. Ask yourself if you're willing to put in the time to help make this happen. No hiearchy, no egos. Our organization is proud of the fact that anybody who has the desire can step up and make things happen. There are a few of us who started things initially, but we're all in agreement that this movement must be democratic, and open to all. Anyone who wants to step up and make this happen, is free to. We'll provide you any resources to which we have access to help make your dreams of Bush-Free America come true.

We do need your help. This can't happen without people stepping up to demand Bush step down. Please contact us, come to a meeting (info on the website), and become a player in this movement. We have plenty of projects which are as-of-yet undone. Which one of you would like to head up the project to get the Minnesota Legislature to pass an impeachment resolution? We know how, and can provide you the resources necessary.

• Become a sponsor...

Organizing requires resources. So far, most of the funding of this cause has been borne by those attending the meetings. However, we will obviously not be able to afford the costs associated with this whole movement as it grows. Please think of how important this effort is, and ask yourself if you can contribute to this cause of ours. Even $10 or $20 can really make a huge difference to us. You can do so on our website by clicking on the "Donate" button. Or, feel free to come to a meeting, and donate in person. We'd love to mention you as a sponsor on the website, or feel free to remain anonymous. You may choose to sponsor a specific cause. Perhaps a freeway banner? We'll be posting some specific needs related to our October protest soon. We are not-for-profit, so every dollar goes to Impeach Bush. Help us to reclaim our democracy.

• Recurring events

For details:

Every Tuesday-7:30pm Minneapolis World Can't Wait Meeting For 1.5 hours.

• Other Impeach For Peace Resources...

Do-It-Yourself Impeachment:
See all the events at
Join us for discussion at
See our blog at
Our parent organization:

Informant: Elaine Nichols

San Francisco voted 59%-41% in favor of impeachment of Bush & Cheney

Informant: jensenmk

Nancy Pelosi 's hometown of San Francisco voted 60% in favor of "Adopting a Policy Calling for the Impeachment of President Bush and Vice President Cheney."

Wake up Pelosi! The people have spoken!

Informant: Amy Sasser

From ufpj-news

Waxman Set to Probe Areas of Bush Gov't

Informant: NHNE


Waxman Set to Probe Areas of Bush Administration

The Democratic congressman who will investigate the Bush administration's running of the government says there are so many areas of possible wrongdoing, his biggest problem will be deciding which ones to pursue.

If You Live by the Sword, You'll Die by the Sword

Seeing Through Myths, Lies, and Downright Stupidity

Pride goeth before a fall: on the Republicans

The dangerous end of a dangerous era

The making of American foreign policy

Informant: Lew Rockwell

America, the Wrong-Way Warrior

Rumsfeld ’s Legacy

What Republican Revolution? On another conservative myth

Rendition victim's smuggled letter tells of torture

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news


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