Montag, 6. November 2006

Bush Will Say Anything

Robert Parry writes, "The November 7 elections are shaping up as not just a choice between Republicans and Democrats, but a test of how gullible - and how divorced from reality - the American people have become."

New Telemarketing Ploy Steers Voters on Republican Path

Using a telemarketing tactic that is best known for steering consumers to buy products, the organizers of the political telephone calls say they have reached hundreds of thousands of homes in five states over the last several weeks in a push to win votes for Republicans.

End of the Neo-Cons

David Olive writes: "Whether or not the Republicans lose control of one or both houses of the US Congress on Tuesday, the neo-conservative vision that has guided American foreign policy since 2001 has run its course. The neo-cons' grand design lies in ruins, having accomplished nothing other than to shrink America's stature in the world."

The Irresponsible

Jean-Marcel Bouguereau suggests that trusting that current world leadership will attempt to save the human race from the depredations of unchecked industrialization would be an obvious mistake.

An Ideology of Lying

"It is not news to anybody that Bush followers lie repeatedly and aggressively," writes Glenn Greenwald. "But what does continue to amaze is that there is literally no limit on their willingness to do so even when - especially when - it requires them to ignore and contradict even the most glaring facts which everyone can see, as clear as day, right in front of our faces."

GOP Must Go

The American Conservative writes: "It should surprise few readers that we think a vote that is seen - in America and the world at large - as a decisive 'No' vote on the Bush presidency is the best outcome ... On November 7, the world will be watching as we go to the polls, seeking to ascertain whether the American people have the wisdom to try to correct a disastrous course."

Where Are You Harry?

William Fisher writes: "Duncan Hunter, chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, announced he would be seeking the Republican Party's nomination for president in 2008 ... What he didn't announce is that he had one of his staffers insert in the Defense Department's funding bill, literally in the middle of the night, a provision to shut down the Office of the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction, known as SEGIR ... American occupation officials have been sent to jail on bribery and conspiracy charges, and SEGIR has exposed disastrously poor construction work by well-connected companies, and discovered that the military did not properly track hundreds of thousands of weapons it shipped to Iraqi security forces."

For a New Direction: Cost of GOP Failed Strategy in Iraq

Now or Never: Volunteer to Win!

Die letzte Karte für Bush: Todesurteil gegen den Diktator


Drei Anwälte ermordert: Ex-Präsident Saddam Hussein von Sondertribunal zum Tode verurteilt (06.11.06)

Nach gut einjähriger Verhandlung ist im Irak das Urteil gegen den früheren Staats- und Regierungschef Saddam Hussein gefallen. Wegen Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit verurteilte ihn ein Sondertribunal am Sonntag zur Höchststrafe: Tod durch Erhängen. Das Urteil gegen Saddam ist noch nicht rechtskräftig. Die Menschenrechtsorganisation Amnesty International bezeichnete in einer in London veröffentlichten Erklärung den Prozess gegen Saddam Hussein als "fehlerbehaftet und unfair". Das Verfahren habe eigentlich dazu beitragen sollen, Justiz und Rechtsstaatlichkeit im Irak voranzubringen. Tatsächlich sei es jedoch eine "schäbige Angelegenheit" gewesen, welche die Fähigkeit des Tribunals in Frage stelle, nach internationalen Standards Recht zu sprechen.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

Working To Make Your Vote Count

Tomorrow is Election Day and the NAACP is prepared to ensure that you can exercise your right to vote and have it counted. For months our units have been working across the country to make certain that eligible voters are registered, informed about important issues, and prepared to make decisions in this year’s mid-term elections.

Today, the NAACP is involved in a national effort to Get-Out-The-Vote and is committed to protecting each vote cast on November 7th. The NAACP is part of the nation’s most comprehensive and far-reaching nonpartisan Election Protection Coalition. Joined by People for the American Way and the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, the NAACP is prepared to provide direct and immediate assistance to voters by way of a national Election Protection hotline: 1-866-OUR-VOTE.

Find Out Where To Vote! (click here)

The 1-866-OUR-VOTE hotline is staffed by live call center operators trained to provide state-specific assistance to all voters. Lawyers, poll monitors and additional volunteers will be mobilized to inform voters and solve problems on issues such as voter identification requirements, voting machine malfunctions, problems at the polling place, and voter intimidation between now and Election Day. While the toll-free hotline will be available to voters nationwide, Election Protection ground operations will be concentrated in target states with precincts most at risk for disenfranchisement, including low-income communities, African American and Latino communities, and areas with a history of voting irregularities.

The decisions we make tomorrow will certainly have an impact on our future. Please take a moment to take down 1-866-OUR-VOTE and keep it handy on Election Day.


Finally, here are some informational tools that I hope will help you, your friends, and family members better prepare to Get-Out-The-Vote tomorrow!

This year’s mid-term elections are important and people of color stand to make a difference on November 7th, so let's value our vote and vote our values!

Carolina Espinal
NAACP National Civic Engagement Policy Manager

For Further Information Contact:
Cherese N. Williams
NAACP National Civic Engagement Program Coordinator

Press Contact:
John C. White
NAACP Communications Director

The Voting Machine Crusaders

Informant: Betsy Whitfill

The Most Important Election in My Lifetime

Informant: Betsy Whitfill

Next-up News n°122

"Democratize" the 2006 midterm Congressional and Senate elections

Informant: NHNE

Recounting Tomorrow's Vote

by Stuart Comstock-Gay,

Verifying ballots in close races isn't about sour grapes—it's about restoring integrity to our electoral system.

The Saddam Hussein Verdict


Hollow Victory: Saddam's Hanging

The highly questionable trial of Hussein will not resolve the internal strife that is tearing Iraq apart.

Frontier Justice For Saddam

Because the right to a fair trial means the right to a fair trial for everyone, even mass murderers.


This Was a Guilty Verdict on America as Well

Robert Fisk writes: "So America's one-time ally has been sentenced to death for war crimes he committed when he was Washington's best friend in the Arab world. America knew all about his atrocities and even supplied the gas - along with the British, of course - yet there we were yesterday declaring it to be, in the White House's words, another 'great day for Iraq.'"

Africa 'will be worst hit by climate change'

Informant: binstock

The neocons, undaunted

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Creating a free America

Strike the Root
by Kevin van Horn


Researcher Gene Sharp counts 198 distinct methods of nonviolent action. Of especial importance are the methods of political noncooperation, which include civil disobedience, rejection of authority, and boycott of government institutions. These are aimed at weakening the State's power, but equally or more important is their effect on the resisters themselves. Noncooperation breaks the habits of obedience and submission; it reduces fear; it breeds independence, confidence, and awareness of one's personal power. It is the point where the former subject begins to rise off his knees and proclaim, 'I am a free man!

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

If you don't want to go to prison pay attention

Liberty For All
by Kay Lee

It's not enough to just obey 'the law' anymore. Did you know that it took the United States 200 years to lock up its first million prisoners? And it has only taken 10 years to lock up the second million? I know why the numbers are so overwhelming. … It's the same thing that's causing the people in prison to eat less, go without, and be abused by under-educated, under-trained 'guards'... (written 03/27/02; posted 11/03/06)

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

US plans to screen all who enter, leave country

Washington Post


The federal government disclosed details of a border-security program to screen all people who enter and leave the United States, create a terrorism risk profile of each individual and retain that information for up to 40 years...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Schools to fingerprint students for lunch program



A plan to fingerprint elementary school students when they buy lunch has some parents worrying that Big Brother has come to the cafeteria. The Hope Elementary School District has notified parents that, beginning this month, students at Monte Vista, Vieja Valley and Hope elementary schools will press an index finger to a scanner before buying cafeteria food. The scan will call up the student's name and student ID, teacher's name and how much the student owes, since some receive government assistance for food. It is meant to speed up cafeteria lines...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Evangelist admits to "sexual immorality" - The Haggard Hypocrisy Effect

Monterey Herald


Saying that he was a 'deceiver and liar' who had given in to his dark side, the Rev. Ted Haggard confessed to sexual immorality Sunday in a letter read from the pulpit of the megachurch he founded. The disgraced former president of the National Association of Evangelicals, which represents 30 million evangelical Christians, apologized and said 'because of pride, I began deceiving those I love the most because I didn't want to hurt or disappoint them'...

The Haggard Hypocrisy Effect

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Recruiters dishonest about Iraq

Chicago Tribune


An undercover investigation by ABC News revealed some Army recruiters told students that if they enlisted, their chances of going to Iraq would be small. In an exchange videotaped by a hidden camera, a student asked a recruiter, 'Nobody is going over to Iraq anymore?' The reply: 'No, we're bringing people back.' ABC News said Friday that it and New York affiliate WABC provided 10 students with hidden cameras and sent them to recruiters in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Karl Rove 's LAST Dirty Trick: RoboLies

STAATSVERDRUSS: Diebstahl an Demokratie

Meßlatte für deutsche EU-Ratspräsidentschaft: mehr direkte Bürgerbeteiligung

#Die Linkspartei.PDS: Pressemitteilungen

06. November 2006

Im nächsten Jahr wird Deutschland den Vorsitz der G8 und im ersten Halbjahr gleichzeitig die EU-Präsidentschaft innehaben. Gestern beriet die Bundesregierung über Ziele der Doppelpräsidentschaft und veröffentlichte eine Erklärung zur deutschen EU-Ratspräsidentschaft. Dazu erklärt Helmut Scholz, Mitglied des Parteivorstands der Linkspartei.PDS und des Vorstandes der Europäischen Linkspartei:

Die Doppelratspräsidentschaft Deutschlands im nächsten Jahr der EU und in der G8 ist nicht nur Chance sondern vor allem Verantwortung für die Bundesregierung und aller politischen Institutionen Deutschlands, einschließlich der im Bundestag vertretenen Parteien. Es gilt die Kräfte zu bündeln, um notwendige Veränderungen in Europa und darüber hinaus koordiniert und ambitioniert in Angriff zu nehmen. Ich teile die in der Erklärung vorgenommene Positionierung, dass Deutschland seinen Platz in der Mitte Europas hat und die EU als Staatenverbund eine politische Union ist. Die vollmundigen Worte von Frau Merkel können jedoch nicht darüber hinweg täuschen, dass ein Kurswechsel in der Politik der Europäischen Union von der Bundesregierung offensichtlich nach wie vor nicht beabsichtigt wird. Für die Bundesregierung bleiben ein neoliberaler Politikansatz und einseitig an Profitraten der Unternehmen orientierte Vorgaben Hauptgesichtspunkt europäischer Politik. Gerade dies aber hat vor dem Hintergrund des real erlebten Alltags in Paris und Warschau, in Amsterdam und in Lissabon und fast überall in der EU zum Zweifeln der Menschen am Sinn europäischen Zusammengehens geführt: Europa wird durch das Agieren nationaler Eliten den in der EU lebenden Menschen immer ferner, uninteressanter und gegensätzlicher zu eigenen Lebensplanungen. Das war zu weiten Teilen der Hauptgrund für die Ablehnung des EUVerfassungsvertrages durch die Bürgerinnen und Bürger Frankreichs und der Niederlande und auch von den Parteien der Europäischen Linken, darunter der Linkspartei.PDS. Die Bundesregierung will dazu beitragen, neues Vertrauen in die europäischen Institutionen zu schaffen und die Zustimmung der Bürgerinnen und Bürger zur europäischen Integration wieder zu stärken. Doch dazu bedarf es eines anderen Vorgehens als gestern Abend vorgestellt. Wenn das europäische Projekt nicht endgültig verkommen soll als Gefeilsche zwischen Lobby-Gruppen und nationalen Eigeninteressen in einer globalisierten kapitalistischen Welt, brauchen wir in Europa mehr als vollmundige Reden und ein Weiter so wie bisher. Eine politische Union ist nicht möglich ohne Sozial-, Wirtschafts- und Umweltunion und umgekehrt. Und die Klammer für alles ist die direkte Beteiligungsmöglichkeit und -garantie der Bürgerinnen und Bürger an den Entscheidungen der europäischen Integration. Darunter ist ein wirkliches Europa nicht zu haben. Und das, Frau Merkel, ist die Meßlatte für die deutsche EU-Ratspräsidentschaft. Etwas Zeit zum Nachbessern Ihres Angebots bleibt noch: Die Linke und die europäische Öffentlichkeit werden sie daran messen.

Sozialproteste: Das geht nur ganz anders! Oder gar nicht!

DGB ruft zum Protest – wer kommt?

21. Oktober 2006 - Berichte, Bilder und einige Reden

Fotos von der Demo gegen Sozialabbau am 21.10 in Berlin von und bei Umbruch Bildarchiv

Aufrufe und Kommentare im Vorfeld

DGB-Maulkorb für LEA und LRA

Flugblatt von LEA (Landeserwerbslosenausschuss) und LSA
(Landesseniorenausschuss) in BaWü (pdf), am 21.10.06 auf der Groß-Demo des DGB vom Erwerbslosenausschuss in ver.di Ostwürttemberg/Ulm verteilt

Bewertung des 21. Oktober und „wie weiter?“

Resumee zum bundesweiten DGB-Aktionstag am 21. Oktober: “Das geht besser - Aber nicht von allein!“

Artikel von Carsten Zinn und Andreas Steiner

Das geht nur ganz anders! Oder gar nicht! Wie weiter mit den Sozialprotesten nach den Herbstaktivitäten?

Artikel von Corinna Genschel in ak – Analyse + Kritik - 510 vom 20.10.2006

Wie weiter mit dem DGB?

Wir erinnern uns: Der 21. Oktober sollte nur der Auftakt sein… Die Kampagnenseite „Das geht besser“ des DGB widmet sich nur den Kundgebungen und für die Kampagnenseite „ Gemeinsam mobilisieren“ gilt: „Die Informationen auf diesen Seiten sind nur für hauptamtliche Beschäftigte des DGB und der Mitgliedsgewerkschaften gedacht und in diesem Sinne vertraulich.“ Aber wir haben ja Nachrichtenagenturen und AP vermeldet am 4.11.06: „Bsirske will Kampf gegen Sozialabbau in die Betriebe tragen“ Aus dem Text: „Das kündigte der ver.di-Vorsitzende Frank Bsirske am Samstag vor Journalisten in Frankfurt am Main an. Nach seinen Worten soll darüber am Dienstag im DGB-Bundesvorstand mit den anderen Einzelgewerkschaften beraten werden. (…) Nachdrücklich machte Bsirske deutlich, dass die Gewerkschaften ihre Proteste gegen die neoliberale Politik der Bundesregierung auch nach den Kundgebungen vom 21. Oktober fortsetzen wollen. (…) Dafür seien vor allem Betriebsversammlungen vorgesehen, aber auch das Aufsuchen von Betriebsräten während der Arbeitszeit und die Befragung von Beschäftigten. Auch sollten Bundestagsabgeordnete in die Betriebe eingeladen werden…“ Unsere erste Reaktion: Und was ist aus der scharfen Waffe „Unterschriftensammlung“ geworden? Zur Erinnerung siehe „Debatte über Protestformen: Arbeitnehmerbegehren“

2tägige Aktionskonferenz der Sozialen Bewegungen

Die Konferenz findet nun nicht wie geplant in Dortmund, sondern in Frankfurt statt. Siehe

der (vorläufige !) Ablaufplan der Aktions- und Strategiekonferenz 2./3. Dezember

„Wie weiter mit dem Widerstand gegen Sozial- und Lohnabbau?“ Konferenzaufruf (pdf)

Anmeldung an: anmeldung

Aus: LabourNet, 6. November 2006

Go-ahead for phone mast near school

By Rob Devey

A MOBILE phone mast will be erected just 200 yards from a Bolton school after councillors said their hands were tied by planning guidelines.

Governors at the 330-pupil Church Road Primary School had objected to the 45 ft high O2 mast proposed for the junction of Moss Bank Way and Captain's Clough Road in Smithills.

Objectors were concerned about possible health effects and also the impact on bats and owls found in the area. continued...

Residents also claimed the structure would be an eyesore.

Joesph Crook, vice-chairman of the Church Road school governors, told Bolton Council's planning and highways committee: "The radiation emitted could be dangerous for our children, who are aged between three and 12.

"We can't identify any possible advantage to them. The Stewart Report commissioned by the Government says masts should not be near to schools."

Cllr Roger Hayes also called for the application to be rejected, saying the mast appeared to be of "low importance to the network".

He said that while Government guidelines meant health grounds could not be used to justify refusing the plan, members should reject it because of the mast's visual impact.

But Cllr Laurie Williamson said the council would be likely to lose an appeal.

"The bottom line view of the Government is that there are no appreciable or definable health risks from masts," he said.

"If they can't put a mast here, where can they put it?"

Councillors voted 13-5 in favour of the mast, leaving Mr Crook "disturbed" by the decision.

"I have tested the reception on an O2 phone in the area and it seems fine," he said.

"We're very disappointed. Above all, we're thinking of our children."

O2 spokesman Tom Powell said the application had met guidelines on emissions and was accompanied by an International Commission on No-Ionizing Radiation Protection certificate.

Mr Powell said the mast was needed to boost network coverage in the area.

© Copyright 2001-2006 Newsquest Media Group

Schwarzenegger Bows to "Special Interests"; Raises Record $113 Million

When he ran for governor during the 2003 recall election, Arnold Schwarzenegger described the Capitol as a place where "special interests have a stranglehold. The money comes in, favors go out, the people lose." Even as the governor says he is not returning favors for cash, the money has been flooding in since he rose from Hollywood celebrity to chief executive of the nation's most populous state.

Why Do So Few People Vote in the US?

Government of the people, by the people, will be missing a lot of people Election Day. It's a persistent riddle in a country that thinks of itself as the beacon of democracy. Why do so few vote?

Saddam Verdict Date "Rigged" for Bush

Saddam Hussein's defense team has urged a delay of his possible death sentence and said the ousted Iraqi leader believed today's expected verdict was timed to boost President George Bush before US mid-term elections.

They Can't Steal A LANDSLIDE

This entire year we have thrown all our energy into finding and supporting the best progressive candidates we could. In two days we are hoping that at least enough seats will be gained in the House of Representatives so we can START to have some oversight and regain some control over what is supposed to be our democracy.

But in the meantime, recognize that we have very long way to go. Just this morning Dick Cheney was on the Sunday ABC This Week program and declared in his usual cagey and dismissive way that they would resist any subpoenas based on the usual gang of Constitutional canards about supreme executive authority.


So just electing a Democratic majority in one chamber of Congress or another is no magic ticket. We must continue to keep the maximum heat with our regular action pages on whoever does get elected this Tuesday so they will know another day of accountability will come again soon enough, and our numbers and our voices will be stronger still.

Let us be able to look back and say we did everything we could. When we did the primary challenges in California last June, although we had no outright victories, those challenged have come significantly over to our side in calling for a change in Iraq policy. We have had REAL positive impact already and we're not going to stop.

In just the last month we have raised about $70,000 to support the brave candidates on the Peace Team, thanks to your generous support. We definitely have candidates within striking distance, where none of the "smart" money would have given them any chance at all.

There are still things we can do at the last minute that can make all the difference in the world, make phone calls, help get out the vote and poll watch. Call the individual campaigns in your jurisdication and volunteer to do something if you can. Or make a last minute donation to help in these efforts.


And know that we have done absolutely everything we could have done.

Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed to be ours.

Powered by The People's Email Network
Copyright 2006, Patent pending, All rights reserved

Ex-Judges: Detainee Law Unconstitutional,0,1054841.story

Informant: ranger116

Neocon Ship Down

Informant: ranger116

What The Experts Say About Electronic Voting

Informant: ranger116

Congress Tells Auditor in Iraq to Close Office

Informant: ranger116

Gehen Sie davon aus, dass es in Deutschland noch keinen wirksamen Schutz vor Mobilfunkstrahlung gibt

Ihre Fürsorge ist aller Ehren wert. Bitte gehen Sie jedoch leider davon aus, dass es in Deutschland noch keinen wirksamen Schutz vor Mobilfunkstrahlung gibt. Noch nicht. So wie es bei den Skandalen um Contergan und PCP/PCB Jahrzehnte dauerte, so wird es auch in unserem Land noch sehr lange dauern, bevor Vernunft und Einsicht Oberhand gewinnen. Natürlich gibt es teure Abschirmmöglichkeiten für Wohnräume, die allerdings vielfach als Placebo angesehen werden. Als sieben Meter neben unserem Wohnhaus eine Mobilfunkstation bei Nacht und Nebel aufgebaut wurde, haben wir für 1.500 Euro eine neutrale Messung der Strahlenbelastung ausführen lassen und danach beim zuständigen Landgericht auf Rückbau geklagt. Als der gegnerische Anwalt die neutrale Messung nicht nur infrage stellte sondern als blanken Unsinn bezeichnete, haben wir den von uns beauftragten "Strahlenexperten" um Gegendarstellung gebeten. Das Ergebnis war denkbar kläglich, da sich dieser "Experte" auch nach mehrfacher Aufforderung überhaupt nicht mehr meldete. Die Klage wurde abgewiesen, die Gesamtkosten betrugen zum Abschluß annähernd 5.000 Euro. Warum ich Ihnen das schreibe? Nach meiner Erfahrung tummeln sich im Mobilfunkspektrum zu viele Scharlatane, die besorgten Menschen Geld aus der Nase ziehen. Also Vorsicht!

Klaus Kowakowski


Help required folks. Please see this story "RADIATION RISK ON THE ROOF" in Saturday's (4.11.06) Bristol Evening Post about ill health and cancer clusters in a block of flats:

Just to get you interested/annoyed the Orange spokes person said, "It is interesting that the residents believe if the mast is gone they will be free of radiation but this will not be the case. In fact, a 90- second phone call on a mobile is the equivalent in exposure terms to standing in front of a mast for a full 24 hours without moving.

"We are obviously sensitive to the fact that some people who live there have health problems, but there is no evidence to suggest the phone masts are in any way a cause of their various illnesses." Would like the Bristol Evening Post to be flooded with letters if possible (well 2 or 3 at least). It is only me who ever responds to such stories in the BEP so it would be great if a few of you could also write. You can email your letter marked "for publication" to '' or write to Readers Letters, Bristol Evening Post, Temple Way, Bristol, BS99 7HD. (The usual 250 word limit is given but I have got away with 295 in the past)!

Thanks for your help,

John Elliott


How can 90 seconds on a mobile phone be the equivilent to standing in front of a mast for 24 hours ?????????????????

I just don't get it !!

A mast near me that it proposed has a rating of 100 Watts of output power. What is the output power of a mobile phone ? Does anyone know ? I'm sure I read somewhere that its a few Watts, so its doesn't seem comparable....

Anyone know what Orange might be talking about here ?????



Bristol Cancer Cluster in Flats (Vodaphone and Orange Masts on Roof)

I've heard this one before too.

With a mast, the power output is high (100W) but you're tens of metres from it. With a phone, the power output is low (a few Watts), but you're only millimetres from it. The amount of energy you absorb is dependent on:

1. the power output

2. how far away you are

3. how long you are exposed So someone's done the maths and worked out you absorb the same energy in a 90 second call compared to 24 hours at some distance from a mast. I can believe this...


2 things to note.

Firstly, it's making a huge assumption about the mechanics of any harmful effect. Is harm simply dependent on the amount of energy absorbed? Perhaps prolonged exposure causes more damage than short bursts, in which case a mast on your roof would be more dangerous? Or perhaps it's the other way round - maybe we're immune below a certain threshold, above which damage starts being caused, in which case a mast would be less dangerous than a phone. Without identifying the actual mechanism, you simply can't say. So for Orange to imply the risks are the same is flawed logic. But it gets them a good soundbite...

Secondly, government guidelines clearly recommend children should only use mobile phones in an emergency. This means even a 90 second call is too much. If they're happy to admit that 24 hours near a mast is the same as 90 seconds on the phone, then there's a clear contradiction allowing masts on top of houses where children might live.



----- Original Message -----
From: Dr Grahame Blackwell
Sent: Tuesday, November 07, 2006 8:21 PM
Subject: for publication

Dear Editor

[I understand that you have a 250-word limit. If you have to cut this letter, please take those sections that you consider of most concern to your readership. Thanks]

I'm writing in response to your article 'Radiation Risk on the Roof' (Evening Post, 4th Nov). I find it particularly arrogant of the Orange spokesperson to assert that 90 seconds on a mobile is equivalent to 24 hours in front of a mast. She's clearly not up to speed on research showing that the body's recovery processes which restore balance to one's system quite quickly after such a short call have absolutely NO chance of maintaining such balance under a 24-hour exposure, even at far lower signal strength - there's just no respite for those in the radiation field of a mast 24/7. She also shouldn't be making such wild claims without acquainting herself with replicated research findings showing significant reduction in melatonin production - essential for both sleep regulation and as an anti-cancer agent - for those exposed to such emissions for extended periods at night, as people living near to a mast are. It's no coincidence that both sleep disorders and incidence of a variety of cancers are significantly higher in the vicinity of masts according to a number of studies.

Those conversant with the weight of evidence showing health risks from mast emissions can only give a hollow laugh at the 'reassurance' that the NRPB are monitoring the situation - remember the confident claims of government departments over BSE? As for the BMA claim that there's evidence that they're perfectly safe, that just doesn't make sense. The only evidence possible from research studies is on whether or not specific effects have been observed to a significant degree - to be 'perfectly safe', EVERY possible effects would have to have been tested for, a logical impossibility.

On the contrary, the EU-funded 'Reflex' study, conducted over a period of more than four years by twelve partner institutions from seven countries, concluded that in respect of radiation as emitted from both phones and masts "... there exists no justification any more to claim, that we are not aware of any pathophysiological mechanisms which could be the basis for the development of functional disturbances and any kind of chronic diseases in animal and man." In other words the claim that there's no way that this type of radiation could cause illness no longer holds water. This followed results replicated by a number of the partner institutions showing single and double-strand DNA breaks of the sort that lead to cancer at levels of radiation within our government's 'safety guidelines'.

Come off it Vodafone and Orange. The future may be bright for mobile phone operators under the government's 'Fire away, that's OK' policy, but the cancer clusters in the main beams of masts across the world speak far more eloquently than any ill-informed vested-interest spokesperson for those who gain big bucks while others suffer.


Dr Grahame Blackwell


Bristol Cancer Cluster in Flats (Vodaphone and Orange Mast)

Your article of 4th November 2006, “Radiation on the Roof”, moved me so much that I felt compelled to write despite the fact that I am trying to recover after an enforced move from my home where TETRA, 2G and 3G emissions penetrate most areas of my flat and made me quite unwell.

Berkley House is yet another example of the increasing clusters of ill-health across the UK attributed to all technologies using pulsed microwave radiation which includes mobile phone masts, TETRA etc

As the founder member of Mast Sickness UK, I know of many such sites with masts on the roofs of residential flats, offices, industrial units, hospitals, schools and churches. There are also clusters of antennae on sports grounds and in residential areas across the UK. All those I have heard of are also associated with clusters of ill- health, many with higher than average cancer rates which are regarded by authorities as anecdotal evidence.

The scientific proof of harm has been presented to various bodies countless times but it remains discredited or ignored by those with the power to change things, yet the incidents of “anecdotal evidence” keep rising at an alarming rate.

I speak to many people who are unwell around this technology and they have worked out by trial and error over a period of time what is actually making them ill, many after undergoing various medical tests. None wished to blame this new technology which liberates us and gives us so much pleasure but many now have to avoid it, if they can, and cannot use it! There is a growing number of people who have become sensitive to pulsed microwave radiation, just as some are sensitive to electrical frequencies, or others to chemicals, pollen etc.

The wisps of this man-made smog are now becoming a multi –layered blanket of pollution of a new kind that we cannot see and only those who are sensitive to it can feel. Where there is smoke we should look for the fire before it becomes an unquenchable inferno.

All these poor people in Berkeley House, or any others affected, can do is to seek some form of protection or ask their MP to lobby the Government about this growing problem.

I can advise on where protection can be obtained or help in other simple ways.

My email address is MastSicknessUK

Sandi Lawrence
Mast Sickness UK




Base Stations, operating within strict national and international Guidelines, do not present a Health Risk?

Bring nuclear weapons before the court!

The Race Between the Right Wing and the Right Thing

Republican dirty tricks: repeat calls not from Hodes

Democratic field offices received dozens of phone calls and e-mails from frustrated voters upset about repeated automated phone calls they thought were coming from Democratic candidate Paul Hodes - though the calls were paid for by a Republican group instead.

From Information Clearing House

Cheating possible on vote machine

Pushing yellow button on device could reset machine, let someone cast ballot multiple times.

From Information Clearing House

U.S. Wants Filmmaker's Suit Dismissed

"I found it disturbing that their position is that American citizens can be treated with impunity by American officials without a recognition that the constitution applies," Rosenbaum said.

From Information Clearing House

Pentagon targets North Korea’s nuclear sites

Pentagon targets Kim’s nuclear sites

THE Pentagon is speeding up plans for possible military strikes on North Korea’s nuclear programme as concern mounts that Arab states are also looking to acquire nuclear technology,,2089-2437937,00.html

Perry: U.S. might use force on DPRK

Former U.S. Defense Secretary William Perry warned Saturday that the United States might be forced to take military action against North Korea if China and South Korea do not agree to apply "coercive action" in urging North Korea to scrap its nuclear ambitions.

From Information Clearing House

U.S. says terror suspect shouldn't talk to civilian lawyer

By Associated Press

A suspected terrorist who spent years in a secret CIA prison should not be allowed to speak to a civilian attorney, the Bush administration argues, because he could reveal the agency's closely guarded interrogation techniques.

Bush & Blair: The Iraq Fantasy

Neither will admit that Iraq is a disaster. But while their state of denial may cost votes in Washington and London, on the frontline in the Middle East, it continues to cost lives

By Patrick Cockburn

"When does the incompetence end and the crime begin?" asked an appalled German Chancellor in the First World War when the German army commander said he intended to resume his bloody and doomed assaults on the French fortress city of Verdun.

1999 war games foresaw problems in Iraq

The U.S. government conducted a series of secret war games in 1999 that anticipated an invasion of Iraq would require 400,000 troops, and even then chaos might ensue.

Bush Plans Post-Election Call Up Of National Guard And Reserves

Informant: rafeswhiterose

U.S. Web Archive Is Said to Reveal a Nuclear Primer

Informant: NHNE

The 2006 U.S. Midterms: Another Stolen Election?

Independently Tracking the United States Congress

Informant: rafeswhiterose

FEMA Camps For American Citizens's+the+proof+moron


Kennedy Warns America of NEW WORLD ORDER

Informant: ranger116

Glos hat Recht: Kündigungsschutz ist reformbedürftig

#Die Linkspartei.PDS: Pressemitteilungen

05. November 2006

Das Vorpreschen des Bundeswirtschaftsministers zur Reform des Kündigungsschutzes kommt zur rechten Zeit meint Harald Werner, Mitglied des Parteivorstandes der Linkspartei.PDS und gewerkschaftspolitischer Sprecher. Er erklärt:

Nicht nur bei der Allianz, auch bei vielen anderen Konzernen mit zweistelligen Renditeraten folgte in den vergangenen Monaten auf die Vermeldung des Rekordgewinns die Ankündigung von Massenentlassungen. Es ist deshalb höchste Zeit, den Kündigungsschutz so zu verändern, dass es tatsächlich vor ungerechtfertigten Kündigungen schützt. Betrieben, die schwarze Zahlen schreiben, müssen eindeutige Grenzen für die Verwendung ihrer Gewinne gezogen werden, weil unsere Verfassung zwar das Eigentum schützt, aber gleichzeitig die Bedingung setzt, dass seine Verwendung dem Allgemeinwohl dienen muss. Dieser Verfassungsgrundsatz ist bei Herrn Glos offenbar in Vergessenheit geraten. Wer den Kündigungsschutz beseitigen und das Heuern und Feuern zum Grundprinzip erheben will, steht aber nicht nur mit dem Grundgesetz, sondern auch mit der Realität auf dem Kriegsfuß. Die Beseitigung des Kündigungsschutzes beseitigt nicht die Arbeitslosigkeit, sondern Arbeitsplätze. Die höhere Flexibilität des Beschäftigungssystems führt lediglich zu einem schnelleren Wechsel zwischen Beschäftigung und Entlassung, nicht aber zu mehr Arbeitsplätzen. Wer das nach dänischem Vorbild will, muss aber auch dänische Verhältnisse schaffen. Die arbeitslosen Dänen finden im System des Heuerns und Feuerns nicht nur schneller neue Arbeit, sie bekommen auch ein Arbeitslosengeld, das bis zu 70 Prozent des letzten Nettoentgelts ausmacht.

Looking for victory or success or even for a strategy in the Bush administration is like looking for orchids in the desert

Behind Bush's Nuclear Gift to Terrorism

Is Bush Next? The Trial of Bush: will it follow the trial of Saddam?

It Takes a Family: Conservatism and the Common Good

The Emerging Mythology of Defeat

Unitary executive theory incompatible with American democracy

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Jeb Bush's executive order and 9-11

by Devvy Kidd

Some will say it was just a coincidence, just like the biggest voting mess in a presidential election ever witnessed in this country just also happened to take place in the candidate's brother's state (brother Jeb, Florida) who also serves as governor. And, the candidate, George Bush, is also the governor of one of the biggest states of the Union! Gee, what a coincidence.....

Tricks for Hiding $1 Million Campaign Contribution

UN Human Rights Body declares Saddam detention illegal as a violation of Human Rights Law

Informant: Christopher Christie



Statement of Saddam Hussein's Defense Lawyers

This is a trial which has a political purpose to convict President Saddam Hussein in order to keep pace with the occupying invader's policy to get use of such a decisions (of conviction) and to utilize it for electoral objectives as been illustrated by President Saddam Hussein in a letter he sent to the Court on the 22nd of October 2006.

War Criminals, Beware

On November 14 a group of lawyers and other experts will come before the German federal prosecutor and ask him to open a criminal investigation targeting Donald Rumsfeld, Alberto Gonzales and other key Bush Administration figures for war crimes.

When All Else Fails: Execute the dictator

It’s that simple. When American troops are being killed by the dozen, when the country you are occupying is threatening to break up into smaller countries, when you have militias and death squads roaming the streets and you’ve put a group of Mullahs in power- execute the dictator.

Saddam verdict date 'rigged' for Bush

"This court is a creature of the US military occupation, and the Iraqi court is just a tool and rubber stamp of the invaders," insisted Dulaimi.

World differs on Saddam's sentence

Islamic leaders warned that executing Saddam could inflame those who revile the U.S., undermining President Bush's policy in the Middle East and inspiring terrorists.

EU: Saddam should not hang

The European Union urged Iraq on Sunday not to carry out the death sentence passed on Iraq's former leader Saddam Hussein after his conviction for crimes against humanity.,7340,L-3324076,00.html

War Crimes : The Case Against Secretary Rumsfeld

Our effort to gain information vitiated 200 years of history. International obligations didn’t matter, nor did morality or humanity. "

From Information Clearing House


Informant: Amy Sasser

From ufpj-news


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