Mittwoch, 6. September 2006

Anti-War Message Travels From Texas to Washington

Anti-war activists picket the president's ranch and set up camp near the White House to continue their vigil. Many protesters are military family members, veterans, and peace activists, but the main voices heard yesterday were those of veterans. They talked about how to end the war and the shortfalls in veterans' benefits and medical care.

FBI Suspected Rove and Libby Pre-Fitzgerald

Special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald, investigating the leak of covert CIA operative Valerie Plame, found that two senior White House officials may have lied to FBI investigators.

Bush Seeks New Way to Try Gitmo Detainees

President Bush pushed Wednesday to resuscitate his plan to subject Guantanamo Bay detainees to special trials, a key policy in his anti-terror strategy that was struck down by the Supreme Court. The president has said he eventually wants to close the Guantanamo prison, as critics and allies around the world have urged. But White House spokesman Tony Snow said the president was not going to announce any such plan Wednesday.

Los Alamos Environmental Impact

"The latest nuclear insult to democracy, common sense and morality is described in a document called the 'Draft Site-Wide Environmental Impact Statement,' or SWEIS for short, for the operation of Los Alamos National Laboratory," writes Willem Malten. "In it, the National Nuclear Security Administration, an autonomous fiefdom within the Department of Energy, describes the first 5 years of its plan to turn Los Alamos into a nuclear bomb factory."

Lobbying Probe Looks at Payments to DeLay's Wife

In the last few weeks, FBI agents have interviewed several people at the Alexander Strategy Group lobbying firm to determine if Christine DeLay, wife of former House majority leader Tom DeLay, was being paid $3,200 per month - a total of $115,000 over three years - but not earning it. In a series of interviews last month, investigators questioned people who used to work at Alexander Strategy as well as people who worked in the same building as the now-defunct firm.


Informant: Kev Hall

The KinderGUARD (TM) Product

Informant: Gotemf


RESIDENTS want to see a mobile phone mast scheme kicked into touch at a sports ground.

Complaints have been lodged with South Tyneside Council about plans to place a telecommunications mast at Hebburn Sports and Social Club.

The plans by mobile phone company 02 (UK) Ltd, of Leeds, include the demolition of an existing 16.5m high lattice tower and floodlights at the north west corner of the site in North Drive, off Victoria Road West, and the construction in the same location of a new tower of the same height, incorporating three telecommunications antennas, floodlights and two microwave dishes.

But nearby residents are unhappy about the plans, citing health fears and possible damage to property values.

John Shippen, of North Drive, Hebburn, who plans to speak out against the mast plans at a future council meeting, said: "Basically, I think it will be in the wrong place and there are still health fears about mobile masts."

Neighbour Thomas Johnsen added: "We already have problems with double parking when football is played at the ground.

"We have spoken to local councillors about the mast and we hope to get their support.

"A petition will also be going around the estate, because we have been told that will carry more weight with the council."

A planning spokesman confirmed that a dozen letters objecting to the mast scheme have already been received by South Tyneside Council.

A council consultation exercise about the plans has been under way for some time.

Mary McNabola, another North Drive resident, said: "I don't think the mobile mast should be so close to people's homes.

"I think people are also worried about the possible effect on house values."

Coun Eddie McAtominey, for the Hebburn South ward, said: "I have met with residents in the area and it's clear people are unhappy about the mast being placed so near their homes.

"South Tyneside Council owns the land and leases the site to the sports club and I don't think Hebburn ward members will look on this application favourably."

No one was available for comment at Hebburn Sports and Social Club.

06 September 2006

All rights reserved © 2006 Johnston Press Digital Publishing.

EPA Allows Dumping in Chesapeake and Shenandoah River

September 06, 2006

NOTE: Today's Washington Post story, Male Bass Across Region Found to Be Bearing Eggs , suggests that serious water pollution is affecting the entire Potomac river basin not just the Shenandoah river tributary described in the piece below. This underscores the consequences of the Bush administration's failure to conscientiously enforce the Clean Water Act for the past six years. Write to your local papers today.

It seemed like an excellent solution to a vexing problem—turning waste into fertilizer. That's the theory, anyway, behind Sheaffer International's plan to treat concentrated waste from the Cargill Meat Solutions and Pilgrim's Pride poultry processing plants and use that wastewater to irrigate cropland.

The reality is somewhat different. According to a suit filed by Waterkeeper Alliance, Shenandoah Riverkeeper and Potomac Riverkeeper, Sheaffer has committed a "multitude" of violations of the federal Clean Water Act, Resource Conservation and Recovery Act and numerous Virginia environmental laws by dumping excessive levels of major pollutants into the Chesapeake Bay and Shenandoah River.

How excessive? Let us count the ways:

*384,965 pounds of phosphorous dumped into the North Fork, which exceed federal limits by an astounding 6000 percent. (The federal limit is 7,054 pounds.)

*Nitrogen discharges that also exceeded their permitted level by over 1000 percent.

These violations continue to this day. State and national environmental agencies have been unable to structure meaningful remedies to what is a potentially irreversible situation. And this despite EPA's own findings that "90 percent of the [Chesapeake] Bay's waters are on the nation's 'dirty waters' list due to nitrogen and phosphorous pollution."

Despite that finding, the EPA has painted a deceptively rosy picture of Bay restoration. Waterkeeper Alliance Executive Director, Steve Fleischli, puts it this way: "EPA has wholly abdicated its responsibility to stop even the most flagrant violators . . . [we're] stepping in for government enforcement officials who have failed to stop the pollution."

Nitrogen and phosphorous are particularly deadly because they rob water of oxygen needed by aquatic life and vegetation, decrease water clarity and encourage the growth of algal blooms. Explains Ed Merrifield of Potomac Riverkeeper, "…the pollution loads have continued to go up, creating dead zones in our rivers…suffocating marine life."

Indeed, Shenandoah's North Fork has seen populations of adult smallmouth bass and sunfish reduced by 80 percent in recent springs, which may explain the declining sales of fishing licenses in the seven counties bordering the river. If this trend continues, its effect may go well beyond fish kills. It will kill tourism and decrease the critical revenue stream river-centered recreational activities generate for the region and the state.

For its part, Sheaffer says that the excessive discharges are not due to corporate misfeasance but to state regulations that have limited the amount of water that could be diverted to irrigation. "What we couldn't irrigate had to go into the river," said Jack Sheaffer, company chairman and a hydrologist. "You can't make it disappear." He added that the company is working to "implement changes" that would reduce its emissions.

The Virginia State Department of Environmental Quality claims it has been pressing Sheaffer to correct violations. The violations have continued, despite a 2002 settlement in which the company promised to take necessary action.

The suit filed by the three river watchdogs gives Sheaffer sixty days to show that it is cleaning up its act. Jeff Kelble of Shenandoah Riverkeepers admits that this is a "very difficult case," but as Ed Merrifield says "…we have to be here for the river itself" and stop the pollution.

Take action - Write to your local papers today.

Mit einer gefährlichen Rhetorik will US-Präsident Bush die Menschen wieder hinter sich bringen

Al-Qaida und Iran, Bin Laden und Hitler/Lenin

Mit einer gefährlichen Rhetorik will US-Präsident Bush die Menschen wieder hinter sich bringen und spricht erneut vom geschichtlichen Auftrag im Krieg gegen den Terrorismus, wobei die Schiiten und der Iran nach al-Qaida zum neuen Feind aufrücken.

Die Gier staatlicher Behörden in den USA und der EU nach immer mehr persönlichen Daten

Überwachungslisten und Anti-Terror-Dateien

Don't Let the White House Bully Congress With "Big Brother" Bills

Stop the Abuse of Power

Mast is rejected

Sep 6 2006

PLANS to put a mobile phone mast on a house roof in Erith have been rejected by the council.

Applicant Hutchinson 3G wanted to install three antennas, two dishes and associated radio equipment on the roof of the house at 172 Park Crescent.

The mast and equipment was proposed to be hidden within the house's roof spire.

Councillors rejected the application owing to the adverse impact on the architecture, insufficient information on emissions from the mast and alternative sites hadn't been explored.

© owned by or licensed to Trinity Mirror Southern Limited 2006

Electro Magnetic Radiation from Antennas

----- Original Message -----
From: Robert Riedlinger
Sent: Friday, September 01, 2006 12:17 PM
Subject: I would like letters of reiforcement

To All.

I will be meeting with the Mayor and council of Harrison Hot Springs on Sept 11 at 7 PM . I sent them a letter along with some info such as the Athens court case where 10 towers were ordered down for health reasons and the Frieburger Appeal.I received a phone call that day from the Mayor who has set a date for me to address council. Harrison Hot Springs is the Village where I suffered in my home by the tower to the extent that I had to move.I have since sold the home and I have been waiting for good news such as the Athens Court case. I would greatly appreciate any letters of reinforcement from those with knowledge and or personal experience of living near towers telling council why a tower that houses TV,FM radio and cellphone antennas should not be placed close to homes. Letters can be sent to me or directly to Mayor and Council At Please CC to me.

Regards Robert

Dear Mayor and council members.

Back in 1995 I purchased a home on Pine HHS which was situated aprox 350 feet from the CBC broadcast tower which also houses cellphone and FM radio antenna's.Within one year I became so ill that I had to move from that home.I soon discovered that the radio waves from the tower was the cause of my illness.Since that time I have devoted to research on the subject and have found that many people around the world have become ill from cellphone towers near their homes and some have had to move as I did. While living in HHS I contacted Industry Canada,Health Canada and BC Radiation Protection Office in Burnaby and could not get any help. They all deny that there could be adverse health effects from towers even though there are many studies that show biological effects. There are surveys that have been done that show illness from radio waves. Please read below. I srongly suggest ,for the protection of public health,that you insist that the CBC remove the tower on McCoombs Street. I would like to address council if you are interested.Please call 604 8266791. Your Truly Robert Riedlinger 30199 Silverhill Ave Mission BC V4S 1H9 I should point out,a family living close to my home was also affected.

Betreff: Re: Electro Magnetic Radiation from Antennas
Von: Robert Riedlinger
Datum: Tue, 5 Sep 2006 13:30:24 -0700
An: Martin Weatherall

Dear Martin

Thank you ver much for your support I will call you soon.

Best Regards


----- Original Message -----
From: Martin Weatherall
Cc: Robert Riedlinger
Sent: Tuesday, September 05, 2006 7:45 AM
Subject: Electro Magnetic Radiation from Antennas

The Mayor and Members of Council Harrison Hot Springs British Columbia Canada

5 September 2006

Dear Mayor and Members of Council

This letter is written in support of Robert Riedlinger, who has asked to address council and is trying to make you aware of the dangers of electro magnetic radiation (EMR) from antennas.

I live in south western Ontario and have been badly affected by EMR emissions from antennas and the electrical system. I also (same as Robert) had to move out of my own home due to the terrible effects from EMR. During the last two years I have found clear evidence that cell phone antennas, broadcasting antennas and other strong sources of electro magnetic radiation are causing cancer, sleep depravation and many other unpleasant and dangerous health effects to persons exposed to EMR. That evidence, is in the form of much research by scientist in countries throughout the world, the observations of many doctors around the world and the stories of victims who have been affected. I am in touch with many other persons in Canada who have been seriously harmed by EMR emissions.

I encourage you to listen closely to Robert Riedlinger and to study some of the research that is available about the dangers of EMR. It appears that there is a period of time, possibly as long as ten years for EMR to cause serious damage to health. There is no point waiting for your citizens to become ill, develop cancer or die. You can take action now that can safeguard your community for the years to come. I have attached a few documents that may assist you to understand the dangers that we all face. I have many more documents and will gladly assist you, if I can.

Yours sincerely

Martin Weatherall
Bright, Ontario.
519 463 6251.

Given the damage John Bolton has done to U.S. diplomacy, why is the Senate considering confirming him?

How conservative ideology is pricing college out of the reach of most working families

The chemical ocean


Once boasting an abundant and healthy marine eco-system, B.C.'s west coast marine life is now fighting for survival against an endless stream of chemicals, toxins and waste.

In fact, if a killer whale washed up dead on B.C.'s shores today, the carcass would likely be considered hazardous waste due to the high levels of contaminants stored in its blubber, says David Lane, executive director of the T. Buck Suzuki Environmental Foundation.

"We do know there are a host of harmful chemicals that kill fish and have long-term health impacts, and those chemicals are in our sewage, in our landfills and each and every input into our rivers and oceans," says Lane.

Apart from causing immediate death and cancerous growths, toxins in certain brands of everyday cleaning products and laundry detergents, as well as excreted pharmaceutical drugs, have serious and potentially deadly effects on the reproductive, immune and hormonal systems of marine life.

"People used to say the solution to pollution is dilution, that if you dilute it enough, it would go away," said Robie MacDonald, research scientist with the Department of Fisheries and Oceans.

"That is true for some things ... but the trouble with the contaminants that we've invented over the last 50 years, such as PBDEs, PCBs and POPs, is that they tend to be fat soluble, and they enter in at the bottom of the food web and make their way up."

And, even though PCBs, a particularly persistent organic pollutant, were banned in Canada in the 1970s, they're still showing up in high levels in whales and other marine predators. It will take decades to flush them out of the marine eco-system, and even longer for pollutants that are still entering the ocean, MacDonald says.

The T. Buck Suzuki Environmental Foundation, along with the Georgia Strait Alliance, the United Fishermen and Allied Workers' Union, and private investigator Doug Chapman, are currently represented by the Sierra Legal Defence Fund in a private charge against the GVRD and the provincial government for poor sewage treatment practices at the Lions Gate Wastewater Treatment Plant in West Vancouver.

The charge alleges the primary treatment plant dumped toxic sewage into Burrard Inlet on at least seven separate days in the last two years, and that the province has been negligent in its responsibility to uphold protective measures of the Fisheries Act.

"The province, the federal government and the GVRD are aware they have been contravening the Fisheries Act, and nothing's been done," says Christianne Wilhelmson, program co-ordinator at the Georgia Strait Alliance, who argues all sewage plants in the GVRD should have at least secondary treatment to remove not just larger objects, but chemical toxins as well.

"For some reason in British Columbia, we've got a very backward idea about sewage treatment ... If people would just look at the new technologies that are being used in Sweden and Australia and other parts of the world, we can actually turn our waste into a resource, rather than using our ocean as a dumping ground."

Tomorrow, 24 hours takes an in-depth look at the status of a worrisome set of chemicals, polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), and how the federal government stacks up when it comes to protecting the public.


- The GVRD operates five wastewater treatment plants in Greater Vancouver: Annacis Island, Lulu Island and North West Langley, which provide secondary sewage treatment and lona and Lions Gate which are primary treatment facilities.

- Primary treatment, also known as mechanical treatment, filters out oils, grit, sand and solids while secondary treatment removes up to 90 per cent of toxins, including heavy metals and persistent organic pollutants.

- Stockholm, Sweden, has been turning sewage sludge into biogas to fuel cars for more than a decade, and according to the European Cooperation in the field of Scientific and Technical Research (COST), the renewable fuel doesn't contribute to the CO2 content in the atmosphere.

Informant: binstock

Wenn der Sachverstand ausgeht

#Die Linkspartei.PDS: Pressemitteilungen

06. September 2006

Die Leistungen für Hartz-IV-Empfänger und deren Hinzuverdienstmöglichkeiten stehen wieder einmal im Mittelpunkt der Debatte. Dazu erklärt die stellvertretende Parteivorsitzende Katja Kipping, sozialpolitische Sprecherin der Fraktion DIE LINKE:

Weil die "Reform" des Arbeitsmarktes vollkommen versagt hat, sollen nunmehr Kombilöhne hoffähig gemacht werden. Der Druck auf Erwerbslose, die mehr Stunden für einen Niedriglohn plus geringen Sozialtransfer arbeiten sollen, nimmt damit weiter zu. Wer sich diesem perfiden Lohndumping widersetzen will oder keinen Niedriglohnjob findet, der soll für seine Grundsicherung gemeinnützige Arbeit leisten. Die ideologischen Missbrauchs- und Arbeitsdienstdebatten von CDU/CSU und FDP haben also gefruchtet. SPD-Arbeitsminister Franz Müntefering will die Erwerbslosen zwingen, mehr Niedriglohnarbeit anzunehmen. Wer sich dagegen zur Armutsgrundsicherung Hartz IV geringfügig etwas dazu verdient, dem soll dieser Verdienst künftig voll von der Grundsicherung abgezogen werden. Die Bundesregierung versucht durch eine repressive Ausweitung des Niedriglohnsektors den Mindestlohn als Kombilohn einzuführen. Aber, nur ein gesetzlicher Mindestlohn kann Niedriglöhne verhindern, als Kombilohn würde er die Löhne dagegen massiv ins Rutschen bringen. Verschärfter Arbeitszwang und Beförderung des Niedriglohnsektors das ist das neoliberale Konzept der Bundesregierung am Ende des Sachverstandes. Die Linkspartei bleibt bei ihrer Forderung nach einem armutsfesten gesetzlichen Mindestlohn sowie einer repressionsfreien und armutsfesten Grundsicherung. Menschen müssen mit und ohne Arbeit ein Einkommen zum Auskommen haben. Hintergrund der derzeitigen Debatte sind Äußerungen der so genannten Sachverständigen zur Begutachtung der gesamtwirtschaftlichen Entwicklung, die der Bundesregierung eine Absenkung der Regelsatzleistungen bei Hartz IV um 30 Prozent, also auf 240 Euro, empfehlen. Damit sollen dann Kombilöhne finanziert werden. Der Arbeits- und Sozialminister Franz Müntefering plant ebenfalls die Hinzuverdienstmöglichkeiten für gering beschäftigte Grundsicherungsbeziehende einzuschränken.

Happening Before Our Eyes: An Ice-Free Arctic

Now You Can Watch, Too, at a New 'Blow-by-Blow' Site.


An Ice-Free Arctic ... Happening Before Our Eyes

Sept. 6, 2006 — - Summer at the North Pole may be gorgeous, but the news from there is devastating again this year.

"The land of the polar bear" -- where in fact there is no land, only frozen sea surface -- is melting.

America's "summer air conditioner" -- the vast fields of sea ice that constantly rotate around the North Pole and feed cooling winds that sweep down to the lower 48 -- is continuing to shrink back this summer.

It is the effect of global warming occurring far faster than scientists predicted just a few years ago.

The refreezing of sea ice during the long, dark polar night of winter is also reportedly declining sharply.

Scientists believe this is all due not only to higher average temperatures of the air but also to the water, contributing to an Arctic that could be ice-free in summer far sooner than predicted only a year ago.

"It's continuing the pattern of extreme sea-ice loss," Mark Serreze of the National Snow and Ice Data Center said to ABC News. "What we're seeing in
2006 is way below the average ice extent over the 20 years ending in

There are still three weeks to go before the Arctic's "summer sea ice minimum," and already experts at the data center can see the bad news -- and you can, too, at "Figure 2" when you click here.

That light-blue line snaking down and hugging the dotted line? It's bad news.

It shows the 2006 summer melt back of sea ice virtually as great as that in the summer of 2005 -- which all means major changes under way for life, natural and human -- in the Arctic, the United States and worldwide.

The public is getting smarter and smarter about the importance of sea-ice loss, Serreze says.

The arcane craft he and his colleagues practice in the academic quiet of their labs and computer rooms is no longer quite so lonely.

All sorts of people now call up wanting to know what's up with Arctic melt back.

"That's why we created this new blow-by-blow site," Serreze said. "People can watch along with us" as each warming Arctic month shatters ever more sea ice -- and often records as well.

Bad News Bears

It's also more bad news for the world's polar bears, as confirmed in a new article in the peer-reviewed scientific journal Arctic.

Claire Parkinson, a NASA ice expert and author, told ABC News about new satellite data that show "the date at which the sea ice breaks up each summer, forcing polar bears back onto land, has been coming seven [days] or eight days earlier each decade" in Canadian Arctic regions she studies.

Polar bears -- Latin name Ursus maritimus or "Sea Bear" -- get virtually all their food, principally seals, on the sea ice.

The scientists say global warming means that summer melt backs are now dumping polar bears on land three weeks earlier each summer than in the mid-'70s, which means more hungry bears on land and more trouble for humans.

See our full report on the new polar bear findings on Thursday.

The Holy Grail -- 'What We Really Need to Know'

"But sea-ice volume is what we really need to know," Serreze said.

"It's the Holy Grail" for sea-ice experts, he says, adding that the news here is probably worse than any we've heard about sea-ice extent.

News from NASA that Arctic summer sea ice melted back 30 percent in the last 30 years -- and could well be gone completely by about the year 2070 -- made headlines in the summer of 2005.

But those findings measured only the loss of surface area, not the thickness -- thus the volume -- of the ice.

Satellites are close to being able to measure ice thickness accurately, Serreze said.

New techniques are closing in on how to measure the amount of ice "freeboard" floating above the surface, which with a little fancy math can tell scientists the volume of the ice.

The world's first nuclear submarine, the USS Nautilus, made the first submarine sonar measurements of Arctic sea-ice thickness in 1958.

"In the early '60s, they found thicknesses in the North Pole region of about 3½ meters [about 11 feet], and then in the late '80s and early '90s it was down to about 2½ meters [7 feet or 8 feet,]" Serreze said to ABC News.

"They needed that info back then for two reasons. First, to know where they could surface in an emergency. Second, to know where they could surface if there was a 'boomer' and they needed to fire off some missiles."

A third reason now adds great value to those ice-thickness measurements from Cold War submarines -- the accelerating advance of global warming.

Both U.S. and former Soviet Union ice-thickness measurements have been declassified and are available to the world's ice experts.

Serreze says that a number of his colleagues are now working on Arctic summer sea-ice thickness, and that their findings so far show massive volume loss over the last 30 years.

Serreze cites work by Wieslaw Maslowski of the U.S. Navy Post Graduate School in Monterey, Calif., that strongly suggests it's not only Earth's warming atmosphere that is melting the Arctic ice from above.

"Wieslaw is saying it's also the warming sea currents melting the sea ice from below. He's been arguing that 2070 is way too far out in the future -- way too conservative. I suspect he may be right," Serreze said.

Both these reporters walking out on the Arctic sea ice last summer in the company of scientists and Coast Guard officers of the Ice Breaker USCG Healy, were, as Arctic first timers, naturally worried about walking on thin ice a mile and a half above the sea floor.

"How thick? Is it safe?" we asked several times, stepping from small landing craft onto the beautiful white and blue undulating planes of ice reaching to the horizon.

We always got answers something like: "It's still OK -- it's about four feet thick. It used to be eight feet thick, but now it's about four in most places."

Coasties and scientists are watching that thickness ever more closely now as they step off their landing boats, racing to gather what knowledge they can of this largely unknown and breathtakingly beautiful environment that is now melting away fast.

Copyright © 2006 ABC News Internet Ventures

Informant: binstock


Polar Bear Survival Rate Falls as Climate Warms

Polar bear cubs in Alaska's Beaufort Sea are much less likely to survive compared to about 20 years ago, probably due to melting sea ice caused by global warming, a study released Wednesday said.

060906 - R - Mobilfunk - Newsletter

060904 - R - Mobilfunk - Newsletter

060901 - R - Mobilfunk - Newsletter

060831 - R - Mobilfunk - Newsletter

060828 - R - Mobilfunk - Newsletter

060824 - R - Mobilfunk - Newsletter

060822 - R - Mobilfunk - Newsletter

060821 - R - Mobilfunk - Newsletter

Keith Olbermann: "Have You No Sense of Decency, Sir?"

Keith Olbermann: "Mr. Bush, you are accomplishing in part what Osama bin Laden and others seek - a fearful American populace, easily manipulated, and willing to throw away any measure of restraint, any loyalty to our own ideals and freedoms, for the comforting illusion of safety."

To see the video click here:

Government, Industry To Use Computer Microphones To Spy On 150 Million Americans

Bush uses bin Laden quotes for war rally

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Permission to speak freely

by Jacob Sullum


As of Friday, when the 60-day blackout period for 'electioneering communications' by nonprofit interest groups begins, political speech will enjoy less protection than dirty movies. While a sexually explicit film is protected by the First Amendment if it has some socially redeeming value, an 'electioneering communication' is forbidden even if it deals with important and timely public policy issues. ... It seems Americans now need permission to speak out on political issues and petition the government. I'd suggest a constitutional amendment protecting those rights, but I thought we already had one...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Rehabilitating fascism

Common Dreams
by Robert Freeman


With his announcement that the war on terror is actually a war against 'Islamo-fascism,' President Bush has opened a fruitful debate. As is so common with Bush, however, his use of the term seeks to stigmatize more than characterize, to evoke glandular excretions more than intellectual reflections.But in one sense, the president has performed a useful service. By re-introducing fascism into legitimate public discourse -- by 'rehabilitating' it, as it were -- the president may actually help inform the country about the real dangers it faces as the war on terror continues its relentless march...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Hatred of Americans, Brits soars across Mid-East

by Patrick Cockburn


The real reason of the increasing violence in the Middle East is the return to imperial control and foreign occupation half a century after the European colonial empires were broken up. This is the fuel for Islamic militancy. This is why fanatical but isolated Islamic groups can suddenly win broader support. Governments allied to the US and Britain have no legitimacy. The very attempts by America and Britain to crush Islamic militancy across the Middle East are making sure that it will become stronger...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Sick to death of Bush

In These Times
by Terry J. Allen


Trust me, George Bush says, perched on the remains of Geneva Conventions, the Constitution and habeas corpus. From this moral high ground, the United States is assuring the world that a new facility for researching a horror shop of weaponized infectious diseases will be used purely for defensive purposes. The National Biodefense Analysis and Countermeasures Center’s (NBACC) $128 million, 160,000-square-foot facility is under construction at Fort Detrick, Md. There, the United States has already weaponized more than a dozen diseases -- including anthrax, plague, botulism and ebola -- and bioengineered war-friendly 'improvements.' Scientists are also using DNA-synthesizing techniques to fabricate genetically altered or man-made viruses, and to study the feasibility of creating germ weapons targeting particular ethnicities. 'De facto, we are going to make biowarfare pathogens at NBACC in order to study them,' Penrose Albright, former assistant Homeland Security secretary for science and technology, told the Washington Post...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The busy season

The American Prospect
by Jonathan Hafetz


Congress returns from recess this month to confront fundamental questions presented by the president's five-year long global 'war on terrorism.' On the table is nothing less than the future scope of presidential power, with battles looming over military trials, detainee treatment, and domestic surveillance. In the past several months, courts have dealt the administration a series of setbacks on these issues. Undeterred, the president intends to reverse those defeats by asking lawmakers for even greater authority. The ball is now in their court. Military trials top the legislative agenda. The impetus is the Supreme Court's recent decision in Hamdan v. Rumsfeld striking down the president's military commissions at Guantanamo Bay...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Fighting terror five years later

Fox News
by Radley Balko


The fatal flaw in the 'war on terror' has always been its open-endedness. The president of the United States is never going to sit down on a battleship to sign a peace treaty with terrorism. So when we give the government special, allegedly temporary powers to fight terrorism, we're essentially handing over that power permanently. And of course, it's likely that even if we were to defeat Al Qaeda for good, there will be more terrorists attacks, be it from other Islamic fundamentalist groups or from homegrown terrorists like Timothy McVeigh. But as we approach the five-year anniversary of Sept. 11, it's worth noting that we haven't see another attack of anywhere near he same scope and magnitude of that awful day...,2933,212081,00.html

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Hypocrisy in sowing democracy

Boston Globe
by H.D.S. Greenway


The spread of democracy, especially in the undemocratic Middle East, is one of the cornerstones of President Bush's foreign policy. 'It is the policy of the United States to seek and support the growth of democratic movements and institutions in every nation and culture, with the ultimate goal of ending tyranny in our world,' he said in his second inaugural address. Few would deny the nobility of this goal. Bush was following in the footsteps of George Washington who, in his inaugural address, spoke of 'the preservation of the sacred fire of liberty, and the destiny of the republican model of government ... entrusted to the hands of the American people'

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Evangelicals, Libertarians, and the Battle to Control the Republican Party

Has Bush destroyed GOP's libertarian-religious coalition?

Human Events
by Bruce Bartlett


This week, New York Post columnist Ryan Sager, one of the most thoughtful young conservatives writing today, publishes an important new book, 'The Elephant in the Room: Evangelicals, Libertarians, and the Battle to Control the Republican Party.' The gist of the book is that the coalition of religious conservatives and libertarian free-marketeers is breaking apart. The basic principle that held them together throughout the postwar era -- the idea that morality and virtue need to be freely chosen to have meaning -- is breaking down...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The Armitage red herring

Mother Jones
by Daniel Schulman


In the Journal's interpretation, one shared by like-minded ideologues, this means that: '... the leaker wasn't Karl Rove or Scooter Libby or anyone else in the White House who has been accused of running a conspiracy against Ms. Plame as revenge for her husband Joe Wilson's false accusations against the White House's case for war with Iraq. So what have the last three years been all about anyway? Political opportunism and internal score-settling, among other things.' Not quite. The very significant news about Armitage's role in all of this is but one strand in a many-tentacled scandal that has led, among other places, to the office of the Vice President and to the President himself. Attempts to portray this news otherwise are just the latest effort by the right to mute the scandal, which has included questioning whether Plame was really covert and not just a Langley office hand...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Cindy Sheehan: Peace icon on the mend, looking ahead

Informant: NHNE

An end to ‘mob’ rule on new masts

Why the silence of pundits, editors and bloggers?

Frontiers of Freedom
by Nelson Lee Walker


It is a mystery to me that, in all the new 'good government' websites that I come across, I never find any that stress the fact that, in order to effect REAL reform, it is necessary to have a Congress made up of 'citizen' legislators, rather than the current crop of careerist professional politicians who grimly hang on to their jobs and the status quo. Additionally, in all the 'sound and fury' in editorials and blogs on all the issues on both sides of the political spectrum, nowhere does one see any suggestion that the overriding problems of good governance lie with the professional politicians, who are more interested in holding their seats permanently, than in constructively addressing the country's issues...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Ice Bubbles Reveal Biggest Rise in CO2 for 800,000 Years

Sensitive people, and there are those who are sensitive to electrical and magnetic fields, need protection

A letter about objecting to masts, Mast Sanity help line, and health effects of microwave radiation was printed in the Bognor Regis Observer 24th August 06 and in the West Sussex Gazette today, with a colour photo of Sidlesham TETRA mast.

On the 31st August edition of the Bognor Regis Observer there was a long letter ridiculing my letter of the 24th from supposedly a local resident who had all his facts wrong i.e. calling all phone masts TETRA masts; saying that the likelyhood is that we are all being cooked alive; saying TETRA has been around for years; that cordless phones do not use microwaves, but lower frequency radio waves - as does WiFi; that people could join my club and be given a free foil hat; and describes me as a frightened resident with too much time on her hands. (I wish!) I had emails and phone calls from the local sensitives who were livid.

This could hold the letters page for a while if the Bog Ob prints mine and another I had sent to me to say she was backing me - so is this worth thinking about for letters to the editor?


See 2 replies to this below.

I am used to responses such as that of Alex Murphy to my letter of 24th August 06 (Letters 31st August edition of Bognor Observer) but I acknowledge that he is as much entitled to his viewpoint as I am to mine.

I have also learnt from experience that you just can’t have a sensible debate with people who scorn what they do not understand and have not researched properly – and Mr Murphy clearly has not researched this issue. If he had, he would have known that TETRA is a communications system and not a mobile phone network. Even Sir William Stewart, the Government’s own independent advisor acknowledged that TETRA was not in his remit.

TETRA was introduced in the UK about 4/5 years ago and only came to the Bognor area in January 2004.

No one in this country will be ‘slowly cooked alive’ as the ICNIRP guidelines are set to avoid going over the threshold of what is safe for the thermal effects of microwave radiation, and this includes TETRA and mobile phone masts, TETRA handsets and mobile phones.

However, Sir William Stewart in his 2005 report for the National Radiological Protection Board (now Health Protection Agency) did clearly state at:

“1.18 There is now scientific evidence, however, which suggests that there may be biological effects occurring at exposures below these guidelines. (paragraphs 5.176-5.194. 6.38). This does not necessarily mean that these effects lead to disease or injury, but it is potentially important information and we consider the implications below.

1.19 There are additional factors that need to be taken into account in assessing any possible health effects. Populations as a whole are not genetically homogeneous and people can vary in their susceptibility to environmental hazards. There are some well-established examples in the literature of the genetic predisposition of some groups, which could influence sensitivity to disease. There could also be dependence on age.

We conclude therefore that it is not possible at present to say that exposure to RF radiation, even at levels below national guidelines, is totally without potential adverse health effects, and that the gaps in the knowledge are sufficient to justify a precautionary approach. (Chapter 5, paragraphs 6.35-6.42)”

I will not go on to discuss the cordless phones, pulsed signals and other things because clearly Mr Murphy would rather ridicule the plight of some unfortunate people who have become sensitive to this technology rather than research and be sure of his facts. It puts me in mind of how insensitively the mentally ill and handicapped are treated at times by people who just cannot be bothered to try to understand.

For those who do want to understand I will simply say that it can be a bleak and lonely existence. Sensitive people – and there are those who are sensitive to electrical and magnetic fields – need protection, which costs extra money. They are also limited as to what they can do or what they can use. Many cannot experience the convenience of the mobile phone, digital TV/radio/computers etc.

Some cannot leave their protected homes for long – or even at all - or visit shops, entertainment centres, or towns and cities.

If one partner is not sensitive to this technology there can be a lot of stress, even in long-standing relationships; or relatives who do not understand can distance themselves from the sensitive person.

I have to say that there are many wonderful and caring people in the mast movement who are concerned for people, our children and their future - even those like Mr Murphy who ridicule them. Why? Because a well known independent scientist, Professor Olle Johansson believes, as we do, that time will prove that we ‘sensitives’ are the forerunners of what is to come.

We would dearly love to be proved wrong, but the jury is out and only time will tell. Meanwhile too many of us live as we do and as best we can.

My letter was not one of a ‘frightened resident’ trying to cause panic. I have lived this way since early 2003 when I encountered TETRA in another area and did not even know what it was, or what a mobile phone mast looked like. I did not discover what had made me disabled and ill until March 2004. I accept that until there is change then I can expect no different. Rather, I was hoping to make the isolated sensitive people in this area aware that there are others like them, and that we are trying to press for changes in getting this condition recognised so that their condition is accepted and better understood in society.

Mrs Sandi Lawrence

I have just read with disgust, Alex Murphy’s letter on the attempt to ridicule the people who seemingly suffer from the technology of Tetra Masts!

It always brings a smile to my face when I read another ignorant letter from an unsympathetic resident who obviously cares only for themselves and who would like to stop all freedom of speech! It makes me smile because Alex Murphy has no evidence to suggest that Tetra does not affect some people. He has no evidence to suggest that the problem in some people will not increase as time goes on. He has no evidence to suggest that Tetra will not form clusters of illness such as Motor Neurons Disease or Cancer as time goes on. Tetra is an untested technology! In my opinion, to be untested means that questions and answers need to be asked and found. We have so many things pushed onto us, so many technologies that later are found to be unsafe. Nobody yet, knows the long term affects of Tetra and unfortunately it is we, the people who have to wait for time to pass before we find the truth! Alex Murphy is one such person!

Sandi Lawrence does her best to inform people of the many ways in which the Tetra technology can affect the daily running of people’s precious lives. She is constant and tireless in her fight against the misuse of Tetra. She is a far better person than me because she is ceaseless.

My family and I all suffered from the Tetra mast that was on the top of Reynolds. We lived to close to it. I and many others campaigned to bring it down because it affected our health. In a small health survey, done at the time, over two hundred residents in my area, said they suffered strange and unusual health abnormalities and that could not be ignored. Families do not normally have headaches in the same place in the head, at the same time. My smaller son had nose bleeds, sometimes up to twenty five separate ones a day. He was unable to go to school properly for 10 months, during this time. We involved the school, the local council, the Doctors and paediatricians, Health and Safety, the Government. I didn’t feel very well myself and so it was all made harder. All I wanted to do was rest and not get involved, but my son was worse than me and therefore I fought on. Not one authority could give me any reason for the ill health of my family. There is no evidence, in Government to suggest that it was the Tetra mast that caused our problems, however, more importantly there is no evidence to suggest that it was not. The medical people never gave me a valid reason for the ill health of my family. I was alone and angry. The Tetra crusaders gave me strength and back up. Let’s hope that Alex Murphy’s children/ grand children are never sensitive to such technologies, because they are likely never to have any sympathy. That coupled with a permanent headache would be unbearable for them!

After spending two years battling for our health, finally I realised that the only course of action was to move house, in the hope that it would relieve of us of our plight. It took three months for us to feel alive and to enjoy our right to live normally again. No authority gave me a valid reason for our new found health either! My son is now back at school and back to full health. My advice to anyone who feels that they might have similar feelings of ill health is to move away from the masts if they can. It works! That does not mean however that we cannot feel the presence of Tetra when we travel to towns. However, living further away from it rocks! I certainly was never given any hope or relief that worked, from any authority at all. They let us down because they do not have the knowledge to help. Alex Murphy, stop having a go at the people who care, the people who go out of their way to spread knowledge to others, they people who are very busily trying to give up precious time to make the world a better place. You just keep looking the other way. My vote of confidence lies with people like Sandi Lawrence.

Yours sincerely

Bush 'Slush Fund': Courtesy of Canada

Turning trade deal into Republican ammo? Softwood deal pours $450 million straight into White House, says U.S. lawyer.

From Information Clearing House

The IMF is still the rich world's viceroy

What will be passed off as a democratisation is in fact a way of ensuring the poor global majority continue to have no say.

Utah Mayor Speaks Truth To Power

"We will not stand for it any more. No more lies. No more pre-emptive, illegal war, based on false information. No more God-is-on-our-side religious nonsense to justify this immoral, illegal war. We are here to say most fundamentally, no more inhumanity in the name of our nation."

Nationalism, not Islam, motivates most suicide terrorists

Placing tens of thousands of U.S. troops in the Arabian Peninsula between 1990 and 2001 was the pivotal factor accounting for the Sept. 11 attacks.

Worrisome words from seer of Iran

As the West's "war on terror" burns across the Muslim world, one of Islam's most principled leaders, former Iranian President Mohammad Khatami, issued a grave warning from the very heart of America, the country whose troops and allies are fighting Islamists across the Middle East in a war that is costing thousands of Muslim lives.

Russia says nuclear sanctions could inflame Iran

China said earlier it still wanted major world powers to negotiate with Iran even after it defied a U.N. Security Council deadline of August 31 to stop enriching uranium.

From Information Clearing House

GMO Chinese Rice Found in EU

Spinning the Troop Levels in Iraq

The worlds greatest green inventions

Informant: NHNE

Deadly Diseases Migrate With Global Warming

Climate change is exacerbating the spread of infectious diseases, according to new research. Warming temperatures are causing organisms to migrate, and European countries are seeing outbreaks of tropical diseases. Researchers also warn that not enough is being done to monitor the spread of big killers such as malaria in Africa.

Fears of "Extreme" TB Strain

Health experts are to hold an emergency meeting in Johannesburg this week, following the discovery of a deadly new strain of tuberculosis. The strain - known as extreme drug-resistant TB - has horrified World Health Organization doctors. In one outbreak in South Africa, 52 of 53 patients died within weeks of becoming infected.

Shortcut to Catastrophe

George Monbiot reveals his misgivings about a scheme to inject sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere to cool the planet. The unintended consequences could be horrific. He says, "The only responsible way to tackle climate change is to reduce the amount of climate-changing gases we emit.... By re-engineering the planet's systems we could risk invoking as great a catastrophe as the one we are trying to prevent."

Dahr Jamail: Interview With Ray McGovern

The top ten things food companies don't want you to know

Informant: NHNE

Environmental Enforcement Continues to Decline under Bush

Big Money vs. Grassroots: The Fight For the Heart of the Democratic Party

The 9/11 Commission: A Play on Nothing in Three Acts

Kremlin aide warns against military operation in Iran

"We understand so far that the introduction of economic sanctions or a military operation...will result in the consolidation of the country's population around its current authorities, and then all attempts to develop its nuclear program would be supported by the people," Shuvalov said.

From Information Clearing House

Will Bush Bomb Teheran?

From Information Clearing House

Truth in a Time of War

Video with Howard Zinn

Zinn's talk explores the notion of "just" wars with his usual candor and critical understanding.

Documentary Slams U.S. Companies Working in Iraq

He's tackled Wal-Mart and Fox News with his scathing documentaries. Now, filmmaker Robert Greenwald is releasing a documentary which argues that private companies helping to fight the war in Iraq don't have the nation's best interests in mind.

From Information Clearing House

Four American allies in deep trouble

U.S. Losing Control Fast

The U.S. military has lost control over the volatile al-Anbar province, Iraqi police and residents say. The area to the west of Baghdad includes Fallujah, Ramadi and other towns that have seen the worst of military occupation, and the strongest resistance.

What’s happening in the world is in terms of empire and imperial ambitions

Wer profitiert von den EU-Agrarsubventionen?

Campact-Newsletter 14/06
Mittwoch, 6. September 2006

Es schreibt: Christoph Bautz

Jeder und jede von uns zahlt im Schnitt jährlich 100 Euro an Steuern, die als EU-Agrarsubventionen ausgeschüttet werden. Was passiert mit dem Geld? Die Briten sind darüber informiert: Sie machen gerade Druck, dass die Queen nicht länger 1 Million Pfund und der Lebensmittelhersteller Nestle 21 Millionen Pfund an EU-Subventionen erhält, während umweltgerecht wirtschaftende Kleinbauern fast leer aus gehen. Kein Wunder, dass die hiesige Agrarindustrie von Transparenz nichts wissen will.

Dabei hat die EU-Kommission jetzt eine Transparenzinitiative gestartet. Es soll bekannt werden, wer von den Agrarsubventionen profitiert. Aber Wirtschaftsminister Glos sperrt sich dagegen und will nur Zahlungen an Betriebe von über 2 Millionen Euro im Jahr veröffentlichen. Die Transparenzpflicht würde de facto verhindert.

Mehr im 5-Minuten-Info:

Fordern Sie von den Ministern Glos und Seehofer Transparenz!
Zur Aktion:

Die Aktion wird von einem breiten Bündnis von 33 Umwelt-, Entwicklungs-, Tierschutz- und Transparenzinitiativen unterstützt. Gemeinsam haben wir gute Chancen, die Minister Glos und Seehofer noch zum Umschwenken zu bewegen.

Stand up for the people of Darfur

Cosmetic products found to contain 175 different toxic chemicals

Informant: NHNE

The Bush Defense Record by the Numbers

Droht Amerika, sich allmählich in ein autoritäres Staatswesen zu verwandeln?

Alexis de Tocqueville:

"Eine Nation, die von ihrer Regierung nichts anderes erwartet als die Aufrechterhaltung der Ordnung, hat das Sklavendasein bereits verinnerlicht. Sie macht sich selbst zum Sklaven ihres Wohlbefindens, der nichts anderes erwartet als die Hand, die schon alles richten wird. In einer solchen Herrschaft ist der Despotismus des Faktischen nicht weniger zu fürchten als der Despotismus eines einzelnen."

Furcht vor schleichendem Rechtsruck

Fünf Jahre nach dem 11. September 2001
Von Michael Kleff

Fünf Jahre nach den Terroranschlägen vom 11. September: Droht Amerika, sich allmählich in ein autoritäres Staatswesen zu verwandeln? Kritiker meinen Ja und werfen dem Kongress vor, tatenlos zusehe, wie George W. Bush die Demokratie immer weiter schwäche. Dem Weißen Haus gegenüber kritisch eingestellte Politiker werden von Regierungsmitgliedern als Helfer von El Kaida diffamiert.

Zum Nachlesen:

Zum Anhören:

Is SPP an Executive Branch Coup d'Etat?

North American Union: A Top Goal of Secretary of Commerce

by Dr. Jerome R. Corsi, Ph.D

If the Department of Commerce were to openly admit that is rewriting U.S. administrative law, Secretary Gutierrez would need some the Constitutional justification to underpin his enthusiasm for combining with Mexico and Canada. .....

Bush Policies Make Us Less Safe

Informant: NHNE

Defenders of Bush and his war of aggression in Iraq are getting desperate

On the Resurgence of the Warfare State

How Much Do You Pay for War?

To the neocons: it's always 1939

Informant: Lew Rockwell

On the secretary of war

Emergency Call-in to Congress: Stop S. 2453, S. 2455 & H.R. 5825

Informant: Jonathan Markowitz

Bird Factories: Hell on Earth for Millions of Animals - Please Help Stop the Barbaric Importation of Primates

A message from Suzanne

It only requires your email address and your full name. In fact it isn't just the PetSmart but also other pet store chain store like Petland and private bird stores. I have visited so many stores and 9 out of 10 stores are extremely dirty environments too many birds in tiny cages. And many of them are already sick and their life span is only less than the few years for the parakeets. My heart is breaking apart by seeing them suffer, and those people who are greedy and continuously breeding for the profits. This got to be stop. I really appreciate if you can sign on this campaign and spread it out to others who can support this cause. Suzanne

PetSmart Condemns Birds to a Life Sentence Behind Bars

Bird Factories: Hell on Earth for Millions of Animals

You may be aware of our nation's dog and cat overpopulation crisis, but did you know that birds face the same problem? Just as puppy mills churn out dogs for unscrupulous pet stores to sell, huge commercial bird operations house birds and remove their offspring by the thousands in order to sell them to stores like PetSmart. In homes throughout the United States, an estimated 40 million birds are kept caged and captive—lonely, bored, and a long way from their magnificent homes.

Urge PetSmart to Go Bird-Free

Please, never buy a bird. Take a moment to fill out this form and ask PetSmart to stop selling birds.

Personalized letters always work best. Feel free to use the following text, but your message will carry more weight if you write your own customized message and subject line.

Tell me more


Please Help Stop the Barbaric Importation of Primates


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