Dienstag, 16. Mai 2006

Demand Justice for Darcy Cowles: a rescuer wrongly accused

A message from Eleanor

Forwarded by Ronda! Thanks! *sign*

Original Message:

Dear Friends,

I saw red this morning. Read the following and you'll see why. Rescuer Arrested in TX for Helping to SAVE a Dog Monday, 6:02 PM Help Kilgore Texas alert How many of you have ever picked up an animal on the side of the road? Or fed starving animals? Please read below, this could be you if are in Tyler, Texas or Smith County. Please sign the petition and pass it on!!


Please help a fellow rescuer who helped a friend rescue a stray dog and fed some abandoned puppies and burried 2 dead ones. Darcelle Cowles of Kilgore, Texas has been arrested not once, but twice and held on a 30,000 bond. All because she helped rescue a stray dog. Once the dog was in rescue, blood work and a physical exam by a vet found the Great Pyrenees to be over 40 pounds underweight and high heartworm positive. Animal Control Officer Natalie Smith filed charges of theft for the Pyrenees and trespassing for feeding starving puppies after the "owner" came forward demanding the dog back. Darcy did not know where the dog was or which group her friend had him sent to so refused to return the dog, because it was in need of medical treatment, and alerted the media of her situation. Smith then filed third degree felony charges on Cowles for tampering with evidence and had her arrested again. Officer Smith stated the reason for the charges was because the "owner" stepped up and claimed that the dog was in "show quality". Even though the owner did not have the money to pay for heartworm treatment, Smith tracked down the dog in the rescue community and returned it to the owner to continue to run free on Hwy 31. We do not even know if treatment was ever rendered to the animal. Smith remarked that it was the rescue who starved to dog, not the owner. Now Smith has stated that she will shut down every rescue in Smith County and that she will make an example out of Cowles. Officer Smith feels the need to retaliate against Darcy for trying to defend herself, so please help US defend her!

The attorney Darcy hired has been trying to contact Justice of the Peace Lemmert for over two weeks to get a court date set and there has been no response. Lemmert is in the same offices as ACO Smith and her counterparts. Darcy has paid over $10,000 just in bail money, not to mention drug testing three times a week which is also part of being arrested on felony charges. She has been the victim of an unjust search of her property after ACO Smith and the Sheriff's department searched her house , her purse, all her personal items and her property for 3 hours looking for this dog. The D.A. also filed a restraining order against Cowles prohibiting her near the dog, the property, or Animal Control Officers. Please let the courts know that we will not stand for someone to made an "example" of when there has been no crime committed. They are wasting their time and our tax money on a Good Samaritan! There are people all over the state of Texas like DeShawn Brown who are busy stabbing dogs and lighting them on fire with gasoline and bail out at $250.00, but they would rather prosecute someone trying to help like Darcy Cowles. Ask Judge Lemmert to respond attorney Kyle Beale of Scammahorn Beale Law Firm. Demand Justice for Darcy Cowles.

Please go one step further and contact Judge Lemmert at the info below! OFFICE 903-561-1022 FAX: 903-561-3310 comments@smith-county.com http://www.smith-county.com/JPs/JudgeLemmert.htm

Please Help this Rescuer!

Thanks for all you Do to Help!


The $70 Billion Tax Cut: Irresponsible and Obscene

Robert Reich writes, "The rich are now paying a smaller percentage of their income in taxes than at any time in the last seventy-five years. That they pay a lot of taxes nonetheless is a by-product of the mind-boggling increase in their income and wealth relative to most other Americans.... Middle-income workers are now paying a larger share of their incomes than people at or near the top. We have turned the principle of a graduated, progressive tax on its head."


Rove vs. Reality

E.J. Dionne Jr. writes: "Speaking at the American Enterprise Institute, Rove started talking about 'game changers,' a nice, wonky term to throw around at a leading conservative think tank. The idea is that certain changes in policy can push the political debate in new and - from the point of view of the game changer - more congenial directions. The phrase told us everything about what Bush's No. 1 guy had once hoped to accomplish - and everything about the fix he and the president are now in."


What will it take for Congress to exercise its Constitutional authority to stop the president when he has gone too far?

What Will It Take?

"What will it take?" asks Marjorie Cohn. "What will it take for Congress to exercise its Constitutional authority to stop the president when he has gone too far?"


Systemcrash: Phase II / Prognose E2020


GAO Reports Military Unprepared for Storm

As the Bush administration plans long-term obligations in Iraq, and sends troops to the Mexican border, little remains for storm disaster response or catastrophic natural disasters.


Prosecutor: Lay, Skilling Committed Crimes

Prosecutor Kathryn Ruemmler on Monday displayed for jurors what she called a telling quote from Lay: "Rules are important, but they should not ... you should not be a slave to the rules either." Ruemmler said neither were slaves to rules as they committed crimes "through accounting tricks, fiction, hocus-pocus, trickery, misleading statements, half-truths, omissions and outright lies."


Bush's Immigration Speech Is Bad Policy, Bad Politics

"The real mission of the 6,000 National Guard troops he has called out is to quell the rebellion on the president’s right flank, the flaring mutiny of his own conservative base," writes Marc Cooper. "Indeed, if the president were being honest, the mobilized troops would be taken off the federal payroll and moved onto the books of the 2006 national Republican campaign."


Nicht erst der Kampf gegen Terror im Ausland bedroht die rechtsstaatlichen Werte im Inneren

Die Debatte um Journalisten im Geheimdienst offenbart, dass nicht erst der Kampf gegen Terror im Ausland die rechtsstaatlichen Werte im Inneren bedroht.


Call Congress and Demand Questions: Not More Spy Funds


Überwachungsskandale: mit Data Retention ganz einfach


Spying On ABC News

War And Piece responds to the news that the feds are tracking ABC News' phone calls.


Less Oil, More Wars

by Michael T. Klare, TomPaine.com

Why the shift in oil production from the global North to the global South means more instability and high gas prices.


Derelict On Domestic Spying

by Aziz Huq, TomPaine.com

By failing to conduct oversight, Congress is allowing itself to be written off the constitutional map.


Congress Acts to Protect the Public from the EPA


Aufhebung der Immunität von Tobias Pflüger - Solidarität mit Tobias Pflüger



Solidarität mit Tobias Pflüger


Die Verfolgung Andersdenkender wird nun auch von den Grünen und der SPD unterstützt, im Fall der Aufhebung der Immunität von Tobias Pflüger, gegen den die bayrische Staatsanwaltschaft ermittelte, nachdem er sich der Verhaftung von Demonstranten entgegenstellte.

Die völlige Verwandlung vom politischen Paulus zum Saulus dokumentieren nun die Grünen und verleugnen damit ihre Herkunft aus der außerparlamentarischen Opposition, um vollständig im vermeintlichen Olymp der staatstragenden Parteien anzukommen. Auch vor politischer Verfolgung schrecken sie nun offensichtlich nicht mehr zurück - wenn es dabei um die politische Konkurrenz geht.

Nachfolgend die Presseerklärung von Thomas Pflüger zum Vorgang

Presseerklärung 2006/34 - Tobias Pflüger (MdEP) - Strasbourg, 16. Mai 2006

Zur Aufhebung seiner Immunität durch das Europäische Parlament, erklärt der Europaabgeordnete der Linksfraktion (GUE/NGL), Tobias Pflüger:

Fortsetzung der politischen Justiz durch Mehrheit des Europaeischen Parlaments: Koalition von Rechten bis Grünen hebt Immunität von Tobias Pflüger auf

Heute hat eine deutliche Mehrheit der Europaabgeordneten dem Bericht des Abgeordneten der Lega Nord, Francesco Speroni, in dem die Aufhebung meiner Immunität gefordert wird, zugestimmt. Eine breite Koalition von Konservativen, Liberalen, Sozialdemokraten, Grünen und Rechtsextremen verschaffte diesem Ansinnen die Mehrheit. Die Linksfraktion GUE/NGL stand geschlossen gegen diese politisch motivierte Aufhebung der Immunität. Lediglich einige wenige Abgeordnete der anderen Fraktionen hatten den Mut gegen die Abstimmungsempfehlungen der Fraktionsführungen zu stimmen.

Die bisherige Praxis des Europäischen Parlaments war es, in der Grundtendenz die Immunität von Mitgliedern des Europäischen Parlaments in politischen Angelegenheiten nicht aufzuheben. Mit der heutigen Entscheidung wurde diese Grundtendenz umgekehrt und die Immunitätsaufhebung zum Spielball gegen missliebige Auffassungen gemacht.

Es ging um einen explizit politischen Fall: Mir wird von der Staatsanwaltschaft München vorgeworfen, während einer Demonstration Straftaten begangen zu haben, als ich Polizeibeamte um Auskunft über die Personalien eines festgenommenen Demonstrationsteilnehmers bat. Ich hatte mich ihnen gegenüber als Europaabgeordneter ausgewiesen. Von zwei Polizeibeamten wurde ich - ein halbes Jahr nach der angeblichen Tat - angezeigt.

Es ist das vierte Ermittlungsverfahren (1999, 2003, 2004, 2005) einer bestimmten Staatsanwaltschaft in Bayern ("Staatsanwaltschaft München I") gegen mich anlässlich meiner Beteiligung an Protesten gegen die Münchener Sicherheitskonferenz. Ein Gericht in München sprach mich wegen der Anzeige 1999 frei. Das Verfahren 2003 wurde eingestellt und für die brutale Festnahme von mir im Jahr 2004 entschuldige sich die Polizei später bei mir.

Mit der heutigen Entscheidung wurde für diese politische Verfolgung durch die Mehrheit des Europäischen Parlaments grünes Licht gegeben. Würde gegen einen Parlamentsabgeordneten in Weißrussland von einer bestimmten Staatsanwaltschaft wegen seiner Beteiligung an Protesten ständig ermittelt, würde das Europäische Parlament sicherlich diese Art der politischen Verfolgung gegeißelt haben. Aber doppelte Standards gehören inzwischen zum ganz gewöhnlichen Handwerkszeug der Mehrheit im Europaeischen Parlament.

Das Verhalten von Sozialdemokraten und Grünen ist ein Armutszeugnis. Bei meiner Fraktion GUE/NGL und allen ihren Abgeordneten will ich mich ausdrücklich für die umfangreiche Unterstützung bedanken. Die Aushöhlung von Meinungs- und Versammlungsfreiheit in Deutschland und in der EU geht immer weiter, da ist dieser Fall nur einer unter vielen.

Selbstverständlich werde ich im Februar 2007 wieder an den Protesten gegen die Münchner NATO-Sicherheitskonferenz teilnehmen. Dem Gerichtsverfahren sehe ich gelassen entgegen, schließlich habe ich mir nichts "vorzuwerfen" als das Einsetzen für einen brutal festgenommenen Demonstranten.

Strasbourg, den 16. Mai 2006

Tobias Pflüger (MdEP) Linksfraktion GUE/NGL Auswärtiger Ausschuss / Unterausschuss Sicherheit und Verteidigung Ko-Präsident der interparlamentarischen Gruppe Friedensinitiativen
1. Stellv. Vorsitzender der Delegation für die Beziehungen zu den Golfstaaten, einschließlich Jemen Mitglied der Delegation für die Beziehungen zur Parlamentarischen Versammlung der NATO

Link zum Beitrag / Hintergrundinfo oder Pressehinweis: http://www.hh-online.com?lid=23993 und http://links.net-hh.de?lid=23993

Infopool / metainfo hamburg http://www.hh-online.com


Stellungnahme der Anwältin von Tobias Pflüger zu den Vorwürfen der "Staatsanwaltschaft München I"

Siehe auch die Stellungnahme der Anwältin von Tobias Pflüger zu den Vorwürfen der "Staatsanwaltschaft München I" mit ausführlicher Darstellung des Sachverhaltes (pdf) http://www.tobias-pflueger.de/Schreiben.pdf

Wir bitten um Proteste an:

Martin Schulz (Vorsitzender der Sozialdemokratischen Fraktion im Europäischen Parlament) maschulz@europarl.eu.int

Monika Frassoni (Fraktionsvorsitzende der Grünen, spricht sehr gut deutsch) mfranssoni@europarl.eu.int

Solidaritätszuschriften bitte an: tobias.pflueger@europarl.europa.eu

Aus: LabourNet, 17. Mai 2006


Solidarität gefragt! Koalition von Rechten bis Grünen hebt Immunität von Tobias Pflüger auf

DFG-VK verurteilt die Kriminalisierung des Friedensaktivisten Tobias Pflüger. Immunität des Europaabgeordneten Pflüger aufgehoben. Repressionsmaßnahme durch die Justiz ist ein Skandal.

Pressemitteilung der Deutschen Friedensgesellschaft - Vereinigte KriegsdienstgegnerInnen (DFG-VK)vom 18.05.06 http://www.deutsche-friedensgesellschaft.de/php/index.php?id=63&tx_ttnews[tt_news]=75&tx_ttnews[backPid]=66&cHash=b31a2df895

Die Fraktionsvorsitzende der Grünen im EU-Parlament ist unter der von uns bislang angegebenen eMail-Adresse nicht erreichbar. Die richtige Adresse lautet: monica.frassoni@europarl.europa.eu Wir danken einem Leser für den Hinweis!

Demnach dürfte auch die Adresse von Martin Schulz (Vorsitzender der Sozialdemokratischen Fraktion im Europäischen Parlament) lauten: martin.schulz@europarl.europa.eu

Aus: LabourNet, 22. Mai 2006

Dixie Chicks, Valerie Plame & Bush

Robert Parry: "Certainly, no one who truly cares about democracy favors punishing critics and demonizing dissenters. But just such hostility has been the calling card of George W. Bush and his backers over the past five years as they have subjected public critics to vilification, ridicule and retaliation."


Revolt in the ranks?

Strike the Root
by Douglas Herman


Dissent is common among unhappy soldiers; disgruntlement as common as the chevrons on our sleeves. Always has been and always will be. But whether any actual revolt in the ranks would ever occur within the US military is debatable. However, the Bush administration should be VERY careful. Just because a large scale mutiny among US soldiers has never occurred does not mean one will not...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Dangerous liaison: shame on Hillary Rodham Clinton

The American Prospect
by Robert Kuttner


Shame on Hillary Rodham Clinton. Rupert Murdoch, the right-wing publishing mogul, is hosting a fund-raiser in July for her Senate reelection campaign. Her explanation is that Murdoch, based in New York, is an important constituent: 'I'm very gratified that he thinks I'm doing a good job.' Murdoch runs Fox television, home of Bill O'Reilly and company. No far-right media enterprise has been more relentlessly dishonest in its efforts to destroy American liberalism in general and the Clintons in particular. Fox was prime cheerleader for the bogus Whitewater investigation and the impeachment campaign against Bill Clinton. Fox exists to oppose every liberal principle that Senator Clinton is accused, perhaps falsely, of standing for...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

All hail the surveillance state

by Danny Schechter


The convergence between the telcos and the internet, the broadcasters and the broadbanders is birthing a new media world. But it's not just the old media that is at risk. Our democracy is imperiled, and not just by the unchecked power of big government. The corporate world lurks in the shadows here. They are the 'men behind the curtain.' It is our our job as concerned citizens to take crises like the ones now surfacing and deepen them and raise b. h. before their new technologies take us backward into the future...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The weakness of empire

The American Conservative
by Michael Vlahos

for publication 05/22/06

Something remarkable happened on the eve of the U.S. invasion of Iraq. Commentators began to declare, in somewhat exultant tones, that America had at last become a true empire. America was of course also a benevolent empire, they insisted, but that nod to altruistic tradition could not hide their excitement that America had at last joined the greatest empires of the past. Implicit in these giddy declarations was the assumption that empire was an exalted state of power and possibility, not so unlike Rome at its zenith. Ironically, and for a historical instant, they were right. But there is one inescapable aspect of empire that the commentators missed. Empires are weak. It is republics in contrast that are strong. The United States is a republic that has been operating like an empire, and it has suffered for it...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Abolish both the Hayden nomination and the NSA

Independent Institute
by Ivan Eland


The nomination of Gen. Michael V. Hayden, the National Security Agency’s (NSA's) former director, to replace the disastrously incompetent Porter Goss as Director of the CIA, should be rejected on the grounds that Hayden subverted the U.S. Constitution. In addition, the public debate about the efficacy of the recent intelligence reorganization should lead to the abolishment of his former agency and the inclusion of its more legitimate functions into a slimmed down and more agile intelligence community...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The family vs. the state

by Arnold Kling


The original idea of 'compassionate conservatism' was for government to achieve goals using as partners faith-based organizations and other nongovernmental associations. If that idea ever takes off, I believe it will be a disaster. My line is that 'Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely, and private-public partnerships absolutely corrupt the private sector.' There is nothing compassionate about government subcontracting out to private entities. The only real compassionate conservatism is conservatism that shrinks the role of government. Compassion should start with families and expand through voluntary associations. Government programs, everywhere and always, undermine families and weaken voluntary associations...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Hedge funds play major role in gas price hikes

Arizona Republic


Oil workers in Nigeria are shot and killed by militants. Venezuelan politicians urge tighter controls of foreign oil companies. Tensions mount over Iran's fledgling nuclear program. Meanwhile, price signs at gas stations in the Valley spin like slot-machine reels, forcing residents to dig deeper in their pockets to fill up vehicles with gasoline that costs more than $3 a gallon. Want somebody else to blame besides major oil companies? Try the likes of investors who fashion themselves after Gordon Gekko, the fictional character in the 1987 Oscar-winning film Wall Street, which portrayed the wheeling, dealing nature of the financial capital and its impact on ordinary Americans. While politicians and pundits point to outsized oil-company profits as a reason for rising prices, these companies have little control over setting oil's daily price, which is established on trading exchanges around the globe...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Secret Gov't Source Tells ABC News: "Get New Cellphones"

ABC News has reported that a senior federal law enforcement official told its reporters that the reporters’ phone calls with sources are being tracked by the US government "to root out confidential sources." The law enforcement official told ABC News: "It's time for you to get some new cell phones, quick."


Signs of tyranny looming

If you don't have 15 minutes to look this over, someday when you have the time and not the content, you'll wish you had.

"The greatest menace to freedom is an inert people." Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis

If you don't want to read all the evidence, scroll all the way down and follow the 2 links for this imperative information.


When the time comes it will be imperative that you stand up for what you believe in. What are you going to do? I understand it is easy to be lazy about these things in the present. When circumstances become apparent you must not be lazy. Our brethren and posterity are going ask more from our young generation than have been demanded from any previous American generations. When the time comes,know your Rights, be prepared to Act, and expect to do your part.

On July 5, 1987 the front page of the Miami Herald Newspaper carried a now famous article describing White House plans to:


On August 14, 2002, Attorney General John Ashcroft was called a "menace to Liberty" by Jonathan Turley, in the Los Angeles Times, for announcing his desire for camps for U.S. citizens he deems "enemy combatants."

Under the Justice Department's new definition of "enemy combatant"— which won the enthusiastic approval of the president and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld—anyone defined as an "enemy combatant," very much including American citizens, can be held indefinitely by the government, without charges, a hearing, or a lawyer. In short, incommunicado.

On August 8, The Wall Street Journal reported that "the Goose Creek, South Carolina, facility now has a special wing that could be used to jail U.S. citizens if the government were to deem them enemy combatants," a senior administration official said.

The Rex-84 Alpha Explan (Readiness Exercise 1984, Exercise Plan) showed that FEMA leads 34 other federal agencies, including CIA, FBI, and U.S. Treasury, in a massive civil readiness exercise. In 1983, at the annual meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, FEMA's General Frank S. Salcedo recommended expanding FEMA's power even further. As he saw it at least 100,000 U.S. citizens, from survivalists to tax protesters, were serious threats to civil security.



Operation: Urban Warrior. US Marines Training with Foreign Troops in Mock Martial Law Practices Including Disarming American Citizens Portrayed by Actors and Placing Them in Concentration Camps.During the urban combat phase of Operation Urban Warrior, U.S. Marines take cover and move out in Oakland, Calif., March 16.

It was announced recently that Halliburton subsidiary Kellogg, Brown and Root had been awarded a $385 million dollar contract by Homeland Security to construct detention and processing facilities in the event of a national emergency.

In 2002, FEMA sought bids from major real estate and engineering firms to construct giant internment facilities in the case of a chemical, biological or nuclear attack or a natural disaster.

Okanogan County Commissioner Dave Schulz went public three years ago with his contention that his county was home of a modern day internment camp.

When Rep. Jim McDermott (D-Wash.) read a story widely circulated in the U.S. press in 2003 entitled "Foundations Are in Place for Martial Law in the United States," he became so alarmed that he gave a speech on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives on the topic.

In a revealing admission the Director of Resource Management for the U.S. Army confirmed the validity of a memorandum relating to the establishment of a civilian inmate labor program under development by the Department of the Army.

The 1878 Posse Comitatus Act, passed in response to abuses by federal troops in the South after the Civil War, prohibits the use of the military "to execute the laws" of the U.S. That's been widely interpreted as a ban on searching, arresting or spying on U.S. civilians by federal troops.

Northcom's commander, Gen. Ralph "Ed" Eberhart, is the first general since the Civil War with operational authority exclusively over military forces within the U.S.

Northcom is doing more than mere coordinating. "Under the banner of 'homeland security', the military and intelligence communities are implementing far-reaching changes that blur the lines between terrorism and other kinds of crises and will break down long- established barriers to military action and surveillance within the US."

Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz, testifying in October before the Senate Armed Services Committee, agreed that federal troops have a major role in domestic policing to prevent terrorism.-- ---please go here- http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/html/uscode18/usc_sec_18_00001385----000-.html

State Emergency Health Powers Act WASHINGTON -- In the event of a bio-terrorist attack using a deadly and contagious disease such as smallpox, public health officials want to be able to close roads and airports and, if necessary, quarantine entire infected cities. To make that possible, 50 governors are to receive copies of a proposed law, drafted at the behest of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, which could give states immense power to control their populations.


May 11, 2006 Reacting to today's news that the NSA is "amassing information about ordinary Americans," Reps. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS) and Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) have put out a statement questioning the legality of the program. Their statement contains this: "when the Attorney General was forced to testify before the House Judiciary Committee a few weeks ago, he misled the Committee about the existence of the program." "It's the largest database ever assembled in the world,"

MAY 12 2006 CongressDaily "A former intelligence officer for the National Security Agency said Thursday he plans to tell Senate staffers next week that unlawful activity occurred at the agency under the supervision of Gen. Michael Hayden beyond what has been publicly reported, while hinting that it might have involved the illegal use of space-based satellites and systems to spy on U.S. citizens. ..."

If the President ever declared Martial Law These are the implementation plans for the internment of United States citizens Directed by FEMA. It is legal, this is why.

United States Executive Order
10900-Allows the government to take control over all modes of transportation, highways, and seaports.
10995-Allows the seizure and control the communication media.
10997-Allows the seizure and control of all electrical power, gas, petroleum, fuels, and minerals.
10998-Allows the seizure and control of all food resources and farms.
11000-Allows the mobilization of citizens into work brigades under government supervision.
11001-Allows the seizure and control of all health, education, and welfare functions.
11002-Designates the Postmaster General to operate national registration of all persons.
11004-Allows the Housing and Finance Authority to relocate communities, build new housing with public funds, designate areas to be abandoned, and establish new locations for populations.

I will quote Gen. Tommy Franks..... "What is the worst thing that can happen in our country? Two steps. The first step would be a nexus between weapons of mass destruction . . . and terrorism. The second step would be the western world, the free world, loses what it cherishes most, and that is freedom and liberty we've seen for a couple of hundred years in this grand experiment that we call democracy." Franks suggests that a "massive casualty-producing event" might cause "our population to question our own Constitution and begin to militarize our country." Franks concluded, "We ain't seen nothing yet. If terrorism's sting is felt again, fascism may be its aftermath."

The -------- FM 3- 19.40 plans were created weeks before 9/11/01----- -were signed into order weeks after 9/11/01

By Order of the Secretary of the Army: ERIC K. SHINSEKI General, United States Army Chief of Staff Joel B Hudson Administrative Assistant to the Secretary of the Army 0120505 First, I recommend going to en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rex_84


I find chapter 5 and 6 particularly disturbing.


It is also available on the UNITED STATES ARMY website in PDF format@


On the army website it is not easy to find (for obvious reasons) its
1/6th the way down the page entitled MILITARY POLICE INTERNMENT/RESETTLEMENT OPERATIONS DATED 08/01/2001

If you read this and do nothing, then you will know more about the reason that we lost our freedoms, than anyone else in the whole slave labor camp.

If you want to do something about it, visit:

http://www.jbs.org and
http://www.thenewamerican.com and
http://www.trimonline.org and

Message from John Perna

Kremlin Voices Concern At US Conventional Missile Plans


Informant: Kev Hall

Vorratsdatenspeicherung: Amerikanischer Abhörskandal erfordert Umdenken auch in Europa

Deutsche Bürgerrechtsorganisationen: Amerikanischer Abhörskandal erfordert Umdenken auch in Europa

„In den letzten Tagen ist bekannt geworden, dass der amerikanische Geheimdienst NSA die Telefon-Verbindungsdaten von 200 Millionen Amerikanern sammelt. Es handelt sich dabei um die "größte Datenbank der Welt". Die gespeicherten Kommunikationsdaten werden automatisch auf Auffälligkeiten geprüft; "soziale Netzwerke" der Gesprächsteilnehmer werden offengelegt. Die EU-Staaten haben im Februar 2006 ebenfalls eine systematische und verdachtslose Vorratsspeicherung der Verbindungsdaten der gesamten Bevölkerung beschlossen…“ Pressemitteilung des Arbeitskreises Vorratsdatenspeicherung vom 15.5.06 http://www.stop1984.de/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=397&Itemid=145&lang=de

„Dieses Telefon ist angezapft!“

Unter http://web125.nice-host.de/nl/files/spuckis.pdf stehen Spuckis gegen Vorratsdatenspeicherung als PDF zum download bereit.

Aus: LabourNet, 16. Mai 2006

Gewerkschaften müssen kämpfen - DGB: Verarmen in Würde

„Wie stark sind die deutschen Gewerkschaften noch? Was können sie für ihre Mitglieder in den Tarifverhandlungen erreichen? Welchen Einfluß haben sie auf die jeweilige Bundesregierung, um im Arbeitsrecht, in Mitbestimmungsfragen und in der Wirtschaftspolitik ArbeitnehmerInnen-Interessen durchzusetzen? Es ist offensichtlich: Sie schwächeln. Aber es wäre falsch, sie allein dafür verantwortlich zu machen…“ Artikel von Heiz-J. Bontrup in Ossietzky vom 22.04.2006 http://www.linksnet.de/artikel.php?id=2370

DGB – Verarmen in Würde

„Unter dem Motto „Deine Würde ist unser Maß“ ruft der DGB die Arbeiter auf, an seinen 1.-Mai-Kundgebunden teilzunehmen. Solange nur die Würde der Arbeiter gewährleistest wird, scheint er daher an der kapitalistischen Produktionsweise wenig auszusetzen zu haben. Dass man als Arbeiter hier die berühmte kleine Nummer und der fürs Kapital stets zu teure Kostenfaktor ist, wird damit anerkannt und gebilligt…“ Replik zum 1. Mai Aufruf des DGB 2006 von social-critique bei trend http://www.trend.infopartisan.net/trd0506/t320506.html

Zielgruppen der Gewerkschaftsarbeit > Erwerbslosenarbeit der Gewerkschaften

Erwerbslose in die Satzung!

„»Die Würde des Menschen ist unser Maßstab«: Dies ist das Motto des 18. Ordentlichen Bundeskongresses des DGB, der vom 22.-26. Mai 2006 in Berlin tagen wird. Was aber folgt aus diesem Motto für die Organisation? Offenbar nicht viel. Anders ist die Arroganz des geschäftsführenden Bundesvorstandes und der Antragskommission nicht zu werten, zwei organisationspolitische Anträge zur Erwerbslosenpolitik den Delegierten zur Nichtbefassung oder Ablehnung zu empfehlen…“ Artikel von Carsten Zinn und Andreas Steiner in ND vom 12.05.06 http://www.nd-online.de/artikel.asp?AID=90289&IDC=42&DB=

Aus: LabourNet, 16. Mai 2006

Arbeitslose sollen keine Kinder kriegen

Familienministerium beziffert Zahl der Familien, die sich mit dem Elterngeld schlechter stehen werden als bisher mit dem Erziehungsgeld:
155.000. Pro Jahr. Vor allem ALG-II-Bezieher und Studierende werden zu den Verlierern gehören. Artikel von Ulrike Winkelmann in der taz vom 12.5.2006 http://www.taz.de/pt/2006/05/12/a0133.1/text

Siehe dazu auch:

249.000 geschädigt. Ministerium rechnet vor: Das Elterngeld benachteiligt 249.000 arme und arbeitslose Familien pro Jahr. Artikel in der taz vom 13.5.2006 http://www.taz.de/pt/2006/05/13/a0019.1/text

Arbeitslosengeld II: Kindergeld und Unterhaltszahlungen für Kinder

„Der Petent fordert eine Änderung von § 11 Absatz 1 Zweites Buch Sozialgesetzbuch dahingehend, dass Kindergeld und Unterhaltszahlungen für Kinder bei der Berechnung des Arbeitslosengeldes II (allgemein bei der Feststellung von Hilfsbedürftigkeit) nicht als Einkommen angerechnet werden. Dieses Geld soll zweckgebunden dazu dienen, dass das Kind Bildung, Erziehung und Zuwendung bekommt…“ Öffentliche Petition von Matthias Schulz, kann bis zum 14. Juni 2006 mitgezeichnet werden unter http://itc.napier.ac.uk/e-Petition/bundestag/view_petition.asp?PetitionID=139

Aus: LabourNet, 16. Mai 2006

Energie, Menschenrechte und Cheney in Kasachstan


(ftd) Was haben Energiepolitik und Menschenrechte miteinander zu tun? Lucas Zeise wirft mit seinem Kommentar in der Financial Times einen Blick auf die Szenerie zwischen Moskau, Washington und den ausgedehnten eurasischen Erdgasfeldern.

Zeise zitiert Shell-Chef van der Veer, der neuen Nationalismus mit den rapide gestiegenen Ölpreisen aufkeimen sieht - mit Blick auf die Verstaatlichungen in Förderländern wie Bolivien - und widerspricht ihm: die wichtigsten Verstaatlichungen hätten bereits in den 60er und 70er-Jahren stattgefunden. Er spannt den Bogen darüber hinaus nach Moskau, wo Putin die russischen Energieressourcen ebenfalls wieder in die Hand des Staates zurückführte nach der abenteuerlichen Privatisierung durch Jelzin. Und er fragt sich, welches Interesse US-Vizepräsident Cheney bei seinem jüngsten Statement in Litauen an Bürger- und Menschenrechten entwickelt haben mag - bevor er den Präsidenten von Kasachstan, dem Land mit riesigen Erdgasreserven besuchte.

Link zum Beitrag / Hintergrundinfo oder Pressehinweis: http://www.hh-online.com?lid=23990 und http://links.net-hh.de?lid=23990

Infopool / metainfo hamburg http://www.hh-online.com

Controversial Experimental Weather Modification Bill in US Congress

Weather Modification may adversely impact agricultural crops and water supplies. If the weather is changed in one state, region or county it may have severe consequences in another region, state or county. And who is going to decide the type of weather modification experimentation and who it will benefit or adversely impact?


From Information Clearing House

Climate change a 'deadly threat'

The Christian Aid charity has warned that 184 million people in Africa alone could die as a result of climate change before the end of the century.


From Information Clearing House

Is Bush Ready to Fire Cheney?

Handwritten notes may link vice president to Valerie Plame leak.

From Information Clearing House

Federal Source: We Know Who You're Calling:

A senior federal law enforcement official tells ABC News the government is tracking the phone numbers we (Brian Ross and Richard Esposito) call in an effort to root out confidential source.


From Information Clearing House

Soldiers Rights

This site is for those who are lost in the military system of destruction, deceit, and corruption.


From Information Clearing House

West Point Graduates Against The War

We members of West Point Graduates Against The War stand appalled at the deceitful behavior of the government of the United States and, in particular, its widely known malefactors.


Greg Palast: “Armed Madhouse"

Is the war in Iraq for oil? Yes, it's about the oil, but not for the oil. In my investigations for Armed Madhouse, I ended up with a story far more fascinating and difficult than I imagined. We didn't go in to grab the oil. Just the opposite. We went in to control the oil and make sure we didn't get it. It goes back to 1920, when the oil companies sat in a room in Brussels in a hotel room, drew a red line.


Inspector: Politics stunted 'biotrailer' findings

A year after Bush administration claims about Iraqi ''bioweapons trailers'' were discredited by American experts, U.S. officials were still suppressing the findings, according to a senior member of the CIA-led inspection team.


Smoke Alarm: Yet More Evidence for War Crimes


From Information Clearing House

The American Empire Is Waning

One More Clue That the American Empire Is Waning

By Karen Kwiatkowski

Empire is never just about the emperor. The enablers of empire – the big purple socialist hegemonic American state – include not just a slavish and well-paid royal military, but also corporate interests, state-funded educational institutions, and an ever-devoted media.


Starting over when Bush is gone

By Mike Whitney

The American dream has ripened into a menacing delirium, teeming with torture, violence, and murder. We have become everything we profess to hate.


Appealing to the United States is not very appealing

By William Blum

With his recent letter to President Bush, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has become part of a long tradition of Third-World leaders who, under imminent military or political threat from the United States, communicated with Washington officials in the hope of removing that threat. Let us hope that Ahmadinejad's effort doesn't result in the equally traditional outright US rejection.


Newark Bear Hunt Continues

This is the second bear to be killed this week in New Jersey.


NJARA spoke with Irvington Mayor Wayne Smith and Irvington Police Director Michael Damiano who said that reports to them from the field say that the bear acted aggressively toward the animal control officer trying to tranquilize him and an officer fatally shot the bear. That is out of sync with the article at the end of this email. NJARA is looking into it and waiting to hear from the town on Thursday once they are all briefed on the incident, but in the meantime, if anyone knows anyone who was on the scene and can confirm or deny this, please call NJARA at 732-446-6808.

NJARA is also doing an OPRA request to see if this bear was a previously tagged and relocated by Fish & Wildlife (They have a history of relocation bears to different parts of the state. We know they relocated a bear in 2005 to Monmouth County, hardly prime bear habitat).

For now, please make the following calls letting those below know the following:

1) Governor Corzine
(do NOT let them put you through to Fish & Wildlife!!! Tell them you want to leave a message for Corzine.) Phone: 609-292-6000 When people called in they were told that the state was taking a tally, but that's not good enough. The state needed to ACT on the input from the public. We have word that even hunters were calling in against this bear being shot! When is Corzine going to take a stand on bear issues in NJ? He sure talked about it a lot BEFORE the election, but has been silent since taking office.

2) Lisa Jackson, DEP Commissioner
(do NOT let them put you through to Fish & Wildlife!!! Tell them you want to leave a message for Jackson or the Deputy Commissioner Watson.) Phone: 609-292-2885 There obviously was a breakdown in communication between the state and local authorities. The state was deluged with calls to save the bear's life, but none of that appeared to have filtered down to the town, who, while appearing to have acted in the interest of public safety, would have greatly benefited by input from the state.

3) Dave Chanda, Director of Division of Fish & Wildlife Phone: 609-292-9410 Why isn't the state working with police departments to train them on bear behavior and the use of tranquilizer guns? If bears have been moved to every county in New Jersey, then every effort to educate the police about them should have been undertaken.

4) Irvington Mayor Wayne Smith
Phone: 973-219-5245
We are outraged that this bear was killed. Bears do not act aggressively and if the police had the proper training, they would have realized this bear was reacting out of fear and not aggression. Bluff charges and blowing is classic bear behavior. The situation could have been remedied effectively with a tranquilizer and relocation.

5) Irvington Police Director Michael Damiano
Phone: 973-399-6507
There should have been an aggressive plan in place to tranquilize the bear. Why was he being followed by police and not by animal control officers all along?

Janine Motta
New Jersey Animal Rights Alliance (NJARA)
PO Box 174
Englishtown NJ
07726 732/446-6808
Fax: 732/446-0227 www.nj-ara.org

Newark Bear Hunt Continues
Posted: Wednesday, 10 May 2006 1:11PM

Informant: Blue Ridge Mama

Meltdown fear as Arctic ice cover falls to record winter low


Informant: Teresa Binstock

Global warming turns pristine coral into rubble


Informant: Teresa Binstock

Disease Economy: How the United States economy runs on "treating" chronic disease


Informant: V A

World Council Of Churches Take Action to Stop Terminator Seeds Demands WCC General Secretary

15 May 2006

The General Secretary of the World Council of Churches today issued a strong condemnation of Terminator seeds and called on churches and ecumenical partners to take action to stop the technology. The Rev. Dr. Samuel Kobia warned that sterile seed technology would increase economic injustice all over the world.

The WCC's news release is available here:


World Council Of Churches Take Action to Stop Terminator Seeds Demands WCC General Secretary

The general secretary of the World Council of Churches, Rev. Dr Samuel Kobia, called upon churches and ecumenical partners to take action to stop "terminator technology". "Applying technology to design sterile seeds turns life, which is a gift from God, into a commodity. Preventing farmers from re-planting saved seed will increase economic injustice all over the world and add to the burdens of those already living in hardship," stated Kobia.

He underlined: "Terminator technology locates food sovereignty, once the very backbone of community, in the hands of technologists and large corporations. The UN Food and Agriculture Organization estimates that 1.4 billion people depend on farmer-saved seed as their primary seed source. All Christians pray "Give us this day our daily bread" (Matt 6:11). That this profoundly material request appears in this profoundly spiritual prayer, signals for us the centrality of food in our lives, as well as the indivisibility of the material and spiritual in the eyes of God. It is of great concern to me that life itself is now often thought of and used as a commodity." Governments upheld the international de facto moratorium on "Terminator technology," which refers to plants that are genetically engineered to produce sterile seeds, about a month ago at the Eighth meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP8) to the UN's Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) held in Curitiba, Brazil. They finally gave in to strong pressure by social movements and civil society groups and a number of governmental delegations supporting their claims. The UN conference was held in Brazil only weeks after the WCC's 9th General Assembly in Porto Alegre, Brazil, where delegates urged the WCC to respond to the challenges posed by science and technology.

The call for a ban on sterile-seed technology had taken center stage at the two-week meeting in Curitiba. Thousands of peasant farmers, including those from Brazil's Landless Workers Movement (Movimento Sem Terra), protested daily outside the conference center to demand a ban. The women of the international peasant farmers' organization Via Campesina staged a silent protest inside the plenary hall on 23 March, holding hand-painted signs with the words "Terminar Terminator con la Vida" ("Terminate Terminator with Life"). Brazil and India have already passed national laws to ban Terminator - and other campaigns to prevent commercialization of seed sterilization technologies will follow in various countries around the world. Protestant churches in Germany lobby for a national law and European Union legislation to ban terminator seeds. They also argue against the patenting of terminator technologies. "Though the international moratorium on Terminator was upheld at COP8, the battle to block the technology is now moving to the national level. This requires us to alert our member churches and ecumenical partners to be vigilant in their respective countries," explains the WCC general secretary who is confident that this concern unites Christian churches and people of other faiths who care for small scale farmers and God's creation.

From Ban Terminator Campaign

All Ballots Secret, All Contributions Anonymous


Informant: V A

Gentechnikgegner planen "Feldbefreiung" bei München

Presseinformation vom 15. Mai 2006

** Gentechnikgegner geben den Ort der ersten Freiwilligen Feldbefreiung bei München bekannt**

In den letzten Wochen begann in Deutschland die Maisanbau-Saison. Auf fast 1.400 Hektar wurde gentechnisch manipulierter Mais ausgesät. Und das, obwohl rund 80% der Menschen in der Bundesrepublik Gentechnik weder auf den Feldern noch auf ihren Tellern sehen wollen.

Die Initiative Gendreck-weg - Freiwillige Feldbefreiung kündigt an, durch Feldbefreiungen im Norden und im Süden Deutschlands ihren Widerstand 2006 zu verstärken. "Wie unsere Nachbarländer Polen, Österreich und Schweiz, die Freisetzungen verboten haben, sehen auch wir in den genmanipulierten Organismen eine große Gefahr für die gentechnikfreie Landwirtschaft, die biologische Vielfalt und unsere Gesundheit", sagt Micha Grolm, Diplom-Agraringenieur und Berufsimker aus Tübingen. "Wir wollen nicht zusehen, dass unumkehrbare Fehler gemacht werden und fordern unsere Abgeordneten auf, den Willen der Bevölkerung zu respektieren". Die Initiative wurde 2005 von Bauern, Bäuerinnen und Imkern ins Leben gerufen. Sie sieht sich in der Tradition zivilen Ungehorsams und geht gewaltfrei und entschlossen gegen Agro-Gentechnik vor.

Gendreck-weg bereitet in diesem Jahr zwei große Aktionswochenenden vor. An Camps mit Diskussionsveranstaltungen, Workshops und Kultur schließen sich öffentliche freiwillige Feldbefreiungsaktionen an. Das erste Aktionswochenende findet über Pfingsten (2.-5. Juni) im oberbayrischen Poing bei München statt, wo ein staatlich finanzierter Lehranbau von insektenresistentem BT-Mais durchgeführt wird.

In der Region haben schon etliche Menschen ihre Unterstützung zugesagt. Aus ganz Deutschland und auch aus Frankreich wollen Gentechnik-Gegner/innen anreisen. Täglich erklären Menschen öffentlich ihre Entschlossenheit, sich selbst an Feldbefreiungen zu beteiligen und Gentech-Pflanzen auszureißen. Darüber hinaus erklären weitere GentechnikgegnerInnen ihre Solidarität mit den Aktiven. Beides wird namentlich dokumentiert auf www.gendreck-weg.de

Die erste Aktion findet bewusst in Bayern statt: Wer die Landkarte der Gentech-Felder betrachtet, stellt fest, dass die großen Aussaatflächen samt und sonders in Ostdeutschland zu finden sind. Über 40% der Flächen liegen allein in Brandenburg. In Westdeutschland sind ausschließlich Versuchsflächen angemeldet. "Das ist eine Strategie der Gentech-Industrie", kritisiert Jutta Sundermann von der Initiative, "In den neuen Bundesländern wird weniger Widerstand erwartet, weil da schon sehr viele andere Probleme drücken. In den alten Bundesländern setzen die Verantwortlichen darauf, durch die Hintertür zu kommen. Und die heißt: Versuchsanbau, meist finanziert durch die Steuerzahler." Ein zweites Aktionswochenende der Initiative Gendreck-weg ist für den Juli in Brandenburg geplant.

Der Konflikt um die Agro-Gentechnik ist zugespitzt. In diesem und in den folgenden Jahren wird sich entscheiden, ob Gentech-Pflanzen in Deutschland und Europa Fuß fassen können. Eine solche Entwicklung hätte weltweit fatale Konsequenzen. "Breiter und vielfältiger Widerstand ist deshalb notwendig: von der gentechnikfreien Zone bis zur Feldbefreiung", betont Michael Grolm.

Die Idee der Feldbefreiung nach öffentlicher Ankündigung zieht bereits Kreise: In Gießen bereitet eine weitere Initiative eine Freiwillige Feldbefreiung ebenfalls für Pfingsten vor - dort findet seit April der erste Freilandversuch mit Gerste statt. www.gendreck-giessen.de.vu

Mehr: http://www.gendreck-weg.de

Kontakte: Gendreck-weg:
Michael Grolm, 0170 / 10 87 17 4
Jutta Sundermann: 0176 / 520 962 13
Vor Ort bei Poing: Walter Unkelbach, Hergolding, Bundesverband Deutscher Milchviehhalter eV (BDM) 0176 / 60 88 86 39

Gießener Initiative: 06401 / 903 283

Hintergrund: Die Agro-Gentechnik bringt viele Gefahren. Imker, Bäuerinnen und Bauern sind als erste betroffen und zunehmend bereit, auch mit Mitteln des zivilen Ungehorsams gegen Gentech-Pflanzen vorzugehen. Allerdings geht es nicht nur um die eigene ökonomische Existenz. Denn:

1) Genmanipulierte Organismen gefährden die Gesundheit
Es ist unmöglich, die gesundheitlichen Risiken für Mensch und Tier einzugrenzen.

2) Agro-Gentechnik schafft Abhängigkeit und Hunger in der Welt
Beim großen Agrar-Monopoly bleiben nur einige wenige Konzerne übrig, die Vielfalt bleibt auf der Strecke, die Bauern werden abhängig von teurem, patentiertem Industrie-Saatgut.

3) Agro-Gentechnik ist nicht rückholbar
Dabei hat sie weitreichende Folgen auf Pflanzen, Tiere und Menschen in ihrer Umgebung und auf die Zukunft der Landwirtschaft.

4) Gentechnik gefährdet die Demokratie
Über 80% der Menschen in der Bundesrepublik sind gegen Agro-Gentechnik - dennoch schaffen Industrie und Politik vollendete - und nicht mehr änderbare - Tatsachen.

5) Koexistenz gibt es nicht
Ein Nebeneinander von Gentechnik und gentechnikfreier Landwirtschaft
("Koexistenz") funktioniert nicht, denn Bienen, Wind und Pollen kennen keine Grenzen.


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We Can't Solve Poverty Until We Stop Climate Change


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America the Titanic


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West's Failure over Climate Change 'Will Kill 182m Africans'


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