Demand Justice for Darcy Cowles: a rescuer wrongly accused

A message from Eleanor

Forwarded by Ronda! Thanks! *sign*

Original Message:

Dear Friends,

I saw red this morning. Read the following and you'll see why. Rescuer Arrested in TX for Helping to SAVE a Dog Monday, 6:02 PM Help Kilgore Texas alert How many of you have ever picked up an animal on the side of the road? Or fed starving animals? Please read below, this could be you if are in Tyler, Texas or Smith County. Please sign the petition and pass it on!!

Please help a fellow rescuer who helped a friend rescue a stray dog and fed some abandoned puppies and burried 2 dead ones. Darcelle Cowles of Kilgore, Texas has been arrested not once, but twice and held on a 30,000 bond. All because she helped rescue a stray dog. Once the dog was in rescue, blood work and a physical exam by a vet found the Great Pyrenees to be over 40 pounds underweight and high heartworm positive. Animal Control Officer Natalie Smith filed charges of theft for the Pyrenees and trespassing for feeding starving puppies after the "owner" came forward demanding the dog back. Darcy did not know where the dog was or which group her friend had him sent to so refused to return the dog, because it was in need of medical treatment, and alerted the media of her situation. Smith then filed third degree felony charges on Cowles for tampering with evidence and had her arrested again. Officer Smith stated the reason for the charges was because the "owner" stepped up and claimed that the dog was in "show quality". Even though the owner did not have the money to pay for heartworm treatment, Smith tracked down the dog in the rescue community and returned it to the owner to continue to run free on Hwy 31. We do not even know if treatment was ever rendered to the animal. Smith remarked that it was the rescue who starved to dog, not the owner. Now Smith has stated that she will shut down every rescue in Smith County and that she will make an example out of Cowles. Officer Smith feels the need to retaliate against Darcy for trying to defend herself, so please help US defend her!

The attorney Darcy hired has been trying to contact Justice of the Peace Lemmert for over two weeks to get a court date set and there has been no response. Lemmert is in the same offices as ACO Smith and her counterparts. Darcy has paid over $10,000 just in bail money, not to mention drug testing three times a week which is also part of being arrested on felony charges. She has been the victim of an unjust search of her property after ACO Smith and the Sheriff's department searched her house , her purse, all her personal items and her property for 3 hours looking for this dog. The D.A. also filed a restraining order against Cowles prohibiting her near the dog, the property, or Animal Control Officers. Please let the courts know that we will not stand for someone to made an "example" of when there has been no crime committed. They are wasting their time and our tax money on a Good Samaritan! There are people all over the state of Texas like DeShawn Brown who are busy stabbing dogs and lighting them on fire with gasoline and bail out at $250.00, but they would rather prosecute someone trying to help like Darcy Cowles. Ask Judge Lemmert to respond attorney Kyle Beale of Scammahorn Beale Law Firm. Demand Justice for Darcy Cowles.

Please go one step further and contact Judge Lemmert at the info below! OFFICE 903-561-1022 FAX: 903-561-3310

Please Help this Rescuer!

Thanks for all you Do to Help!



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