Sonntag, 7. Mai 2006


Informant: jensenmk
From ufpj-news

Race to Stop Violence Against Women

Violence is arguably the most egregious form of inequality visited upon women and girls across the globe.

This year Amnesty International launched a two-year Stop Violence Against Women Campaign. Amnesty will work in local communities to help women at the grassroots level, pressure governments to pass legal protections, and work with the media to raise awareness about the issue.

But Amnesty needs your help to make this campaign succeed:

One out of every three women has been beaten, raped, or abused in her lifetime. As women and men with the ability to take action, we have a special opportunity - and perhaps a responsibility - to be leaders in enacting a new era in women's human rights. Please consider donating today:

Then, click to end violence against women today:

Every click helps Amnesty International generates 3 letters to put pressure on decision makers, urging them to take actions to prevent rape, domestic abuse, war and other violent crimes committed against women and girls worldwide.

Can democracy be brought to people by bombs?

Remember the Edsel!

Nobel Peace Prize-winner and Iranian human rights advocate and dissident Shirin Ebadi was asked on PBS last week about the $75 million the US State Department intends to spend supporting pro-democracy groups in her country, to which she answered, "Can democracy be brought to people by bombs? Democracy is a culture. It has to come from within a society, not brought by America to a society."

For those who truly care about where America is going

Please load, listen, and pass on to all on your lists let the kids hear this song. If your church has a webpage, email it to your church, very sad, but very good.


Warning for modem connectors - it's 6Mb and a long load at 28.8kbps

Subject: 'Dear Mr. President'

Watch this Flash Video of PINK & the Indigo Girls. Then pass it along to those who truly care about where America is going.

Go to:

Ice-capped roof of world turns to desert

Scientists warn of ecological catastrophe across Asia as glaciers melt and continent's great rivers dry up

By Geoffrey Lean,
Environment Editor
Published: 07 May 2006

Global warming is rapidly melting the ice-bound roof of the world, and turning it into desert, leading scientists have revealed.

The Chinese Academy of Sciences - the country's top scientific body - has announced that the glaciers of the Tibetan plateau are vanishing so fast that they will be reduced by 50 per cent every decade. Each year enough water permanently melts from them to fill the entire Yellow River.

They added that the vast environmental changes brought about by the process will increase droughts and sandstorms over the rest of the country, and devastate many of the world's greatest rivers, in what experts warn will be an "ecological catastrophe".

The plateau, says the academy, has a staggering 46,298 glaciers, covering almost 60,000 square miles. At an average height of 13,000 feet above sea level, they make up the largest area of ice outside the polar regions, nearly a sixth of the world's total.

The glaciers have been receding over the past four decades, as the world has gradually warmed up, but the process has now accelerated alarmingly. Average temperatures in Tibet have risen by 2 degrees Fahrenheit over the past 20 years, causing the glaciers to shrink by 7 per cent a year, which means that they will halve every 10 years.

Prof Dong Guangrong, speaking for the academy - after a study analysing data from 680 weather stations scattered across the country - said that the rising temperatures would thaw out the tundra of the plateau, turning it into desert.

He added: "The melting glaciers will ultimately trigger more droughts, expand desertification and increase sand storms." The water running off the plateau is increasing soil erosion and so allowing the deserts to spread.

Sandstorms, blowing in from the degraded land, are already plaguing the country. So far this year, 13 of them have hit northern China, including Beijing. Three weeks ago one storm swept across an eighth of the vast country and even reached Korea and Japan. On the way, it dumped a mind-boggling 336,000 tons of dust on the capital, causing dangerous air pollution.

The rising temperatures are also endangering the newly built world's highest railway, which is due to go into operation this summer. They threaten to melt the permafrost under the tracks of the £1.7bn Tibetan railway, constructed to link the area with China's northwestern Qinghai province.

Perhaps worst of all, the melting threatens to disrupt water supplies over much of Asia. Many of the continent's greatest rivers - including the Yangtze, the Indus, the Ganges, the Brahmaputra, the Mekong and the Yellow River - rise on the plateau.

In China alone, 300 million people depend on water from the glaciers for their survival. Yet the plateau is drying up, threatening to escalate an already dire situation across the country. Already 400 cities are short of water; in 100 of them - including Beijing - the shortages are becoming critical.

Even hopes that the melting glaciers might provide a temporary respite, by increasing the amount of water flowing off the plateau - have been dashed. For most of the water is evaporating before it reaches the people that need it - again because of the rising temperatures brought by global warning.

Yao Tandong, head of the academy's Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Research Institute, summed it up. "The full-scale glacier shrinkage in the plateau regions will eventually lead to an ecological catastrophe," he said.

Global warming is rapidly melting the ice-bound roof of the world, and turning it into desert, leading scientists have revealed.

The Chinese Academy of Sciences - the country's top scientific body - has announced that the glaciers of the Tibetan plateau are vanishing so fast that they will be reduced by 50 per cent every decade. Each year enough water permanently melts from them to fill the entire Yellow River.

They added that the vast environmental changes brought about by the process will increase droughts and sandstorms over the rest of the country, and devastate many of the world's greatest rivers, in what experts warn will be an "ecological catastrophe".

The plateau, says the academy, has a staggering 46,298 glaciers, covering almost 60,000 square miles. At an average height of 13,000 feet above sea level, they make up the largest area of ice outside the polar regions, nearly a sixth of the world's total.

The glaciers have been receding over the past four decades, as the world has gradually warmed up, but the process has now accelerated alarmingly. Average temperatures in Tibet have risen by 2 degrees Fahrenheit over the past 20 years, causing the glaciers to shrink by 7 per cent a year, which means that they will halve every 10 years.

Prof Dong Guangrong, speaking for the academy - after a study analysing data from 680 weather stations scattered across the country - said that the rising temperatures would thaw out the tundra of the plateau, turning it into desert.

He added: "The melting glaciers will ultimately trigger more droughts, expand desertification and increase sand storms." The water running off the plateau is increasing soil erosion and so allowing the deserts to spread.

Sandstorms, blowing in from the degraded land, are already plaguing the country. So far this year, 13 of them have hit northern China, including Beijing. Three weeks ago one storm swept across an eighth of the vast country and even reached Korea and Japan. On the way, it dumped a mind-boggling 336,000 tons of dust on the capital, causing dangerous air pollution.

The rising temperatures are also endangering the newly built world's highest railway, which is due to go into operation this summer. They threaten to melt the permafrost under the tracks of the £1.7bn Tibetan railway, constructed to link the area with China's northwestern Qinghai province.

Perhaps worst of all, the melting threatens to disrupt water supplies over much of Asia. Many of the continent's greatest rivers - including the Yangtze, the Indus, the Ganges, the Brahmaputra, the Mekong and the Yellow River - rise on the plateau.

In China alone, 300 million people depend on water from the glaciers for their survival. Yet the plateau is drying up, threatening to escalate an already dire situation across the country. Already 400 cities are short of water; in 100 of them - including Beijing - the shortages are becoming critical.

Even hopes that the melting glaciers might provide a temporary respite, by increasing the amount of water flowing off the plateau - have been dashed. For most of the water is evaporating before it reaches the people that need it - again because of the rising temperatures brought by global warning.

Yao Tandong, head of the academy's Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Research Institute, summed it up. "The full-scale glacier shrinkage in the plateau regions will eventually lead to an ecological catastrophe," he said.

Informant: Teresa Binstock

Paying the price for a lack of moral fiber

By Michael Hoffman
The Japan Times / Shukan Post
Sunday, May 7, 2006

Individuals have nervous breakdowns; countries have "moral breakdowns." Japan, Shukan Post fears, is having one now. It sees signs of it everywhere -- at home, at work, in public places, notably trains. Manners are appalling, indifference is total, and crime, expanding to fill the vacuum, ranges from outrageous (buildings built with falsified earthquake resistance data) to grotesque (a 9-year-old boy thrown off a 15th-floor balcony).

Why are Japan's morals collapsing?

"For the Japanese," says Seishin Women's College sociologist Kensuke Sugawara, "the center of moral authority was always the neighborhood. Neighbors got together for the ceremonial occasions of life, supported each other, helped each other out. And people were aware of their neighbors' eyes on them, and of the need to take the judgment of others into consideration.

"But neighborhood society broke down" -- a victim of urbanization and the blind rush to economic superpower status. New moral imperatives arose, mandating impersonal conformity and self-sacrifice to the corporate interest. When the corporate interest itself foundered with the bursting of the economic bubble, the new challenge became to live simultaneously as individuals and as responsible members of society. This challenge, in Shukan Post's view, is not being successfully met.

Is the radical change the magazine records in the sex lives of children a symptom or cause of the larger breakdown?

"The other day," says gynecologist Tsuneo Akaeda, who offers free weekly nighttime health consultations in Tokyo's Roppongi, "a third-year junior high school girl came to me; she wanted an abortion. 'It's my third one,' she said, bold as brass. Then there was another girl, a senior high school girl. She too wanted an abortion. 'I can't do it,' I told her, 'without your boyfriend's consent.' 'Oh!' she said. 'But . . . I have a lot of boyfriends. I don't know which is the father.' 'Well,' I said, 'you know roughly when you became pregnant. Doesn't that narrow it down?' 'Not really -- around then I was making it with two guys at the same time . . . ' "

It's no surprise any more that kids are shedding their virginity younger and younger, though the actual numbers are rather surprising: According to one survey Shukan Post cites, 35.7 percent of third-year senior high school boys, and 44.3 percent of girls, have already crossed that milestone.

Their parents, meanwhile -- roughly half, say the experts -- are increasingly sexless, either stewing in varying blends of exhaustion and frustration, or else -- the numbers here too are rising -- taking their frustration to the streets and discos in search of extra-marital partners.

A survey last month by the Gunma Prefecture Board of Education shows an interesting correlation between the sexual activity of young teenagers and, of all things, breakfast habits. Kids who eat breakfast regularly are less apt to be prematurely preoccupied with sex, the explanation being that regular breakfasts imply a harmonious family.

Family harmony has always been more or less elusive, unlike workplace harmony, which could generally be counted on, though no longer.

There is a generation gap. Older employees find their young colleagues cavalier, insubordinate and undisciplined. New recruits shrug this off rather lightly. They will work, but not submit to a corporate harness. For
80 percent of them, Shukan Post reports, personal life is more important than work; 60 percent say work is nothing but a means to a salary. They think nothing of refusing to work overtime, and as for after-hours corporate barroom bonding, they have better things to do with what they insist on considering their free time. There's not much their bosses can do, it seems, except fret about the passing of the good old days when "free time" was a universally recognized oxymoron.

The good old days were probably not so good, and maybe the present isn't really so bad. But Shukan Post's prognosis is bleak: People "lacking character," it says, are "leading the nation to ruin."

Informant: NHNE

NSA als CIO von CIA

Impeachment Momentum Builds

Informant: ranger116

DeLay Office Knew Abramoff Arranged Trip

Prosecutors have emails showing Rep. Tom DeLay's office knew lobbyist Jack Abramoff had arranged the financing for the GOP leader's controversial European golfing trip in 2000 and was concerned, "if someone starts asking questions."

Vaccines and Disease: The Polio Vaccine Myth


"Firstly, they have you believe that there are all these germs out there that can kill you. Or if they don't kill you, they can cause horrible complications and long term suffering.

Secondly, they have you believe that no matter how healthy you are, if you contract one of these germs then you can easily develop the disease and die. In other words, they have you believe that health is no protection.

Thirdly, they have you believe that your only means of protection, your only chances of survival, is through their drugs and vaccines that you have to buy. (Your taxes are paying for them)

The most effective marketing strategy on the planet is to convince the consumer that if he doesn't buy the product he'll die! "

See graphs at:

The above graphs, based on the official death numbers as recorded in the Official Year Books of the Commonwealth of Australia, are taken from Greg Beattie's excellent book "Vaccination A Parent's Dilemma" and represent the decline in death rates from infectious disease in Australia.

They clearly show that vaccines had nothing to do with the decline in death rates. (Note: Graphical evidence on the decline in death rates from infectious disease for USA, England, New Zealand and many other countries shows the exact same scenario as above).

So what were the true reasons for this decline? From his book 'Health and Healing' Dr Andrew Weil best answers it with this statement;

"Scientific medicine has taken credit it does not deserve for some advances in health. Most people believe that victory over the infectious diseases of the last century came with the invention of immunisations.

In fact, cholera, typhoid, tetanus, diphtheria and whooping cough, etc, were in decline before vaccines for them became available - the result of better methods of sanitation, sewage disposal, and distribution of food and water."

Vaccines and Disease

The Polio Vaccine Myth










Informant: Friends


Informant: Dawn Ortiz Legg

Last Question is Obstruction for Fitzgerald, Rove

Jason Leopold reports that hundreds of pages of emails and memos "discovered" by the White House in February and turned over to Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald show that Karl Rove played a much larger role in the Valerie Plame Wilson leak case than he had previously disclosed to a grand jury and FBI investigators.

Gaia's Last Stand: Climate Change is Everybody’s Business

by Helke Ferrie

When I was a child, the Earth was incomprehensibly huge, solid and eternal. Now it seems as fragile as a Christmas ornament. Within a hundred years most life forms and human civilization may be completely gone, as if they had never existed at all. As I write this, I cannot believe I am actually doing so.


The Revenge of Gaia: Earth's Climate Crisis and the Fate of Humanity

Informant: Andy Caffrey

Polen sagt Nein zu Gen-Saatgut


Das polnische Parlament hat ein Gesetz verabschiedet, das Gen-Saatgut verbietet.

Die Meinung, es gäbe keine Alternative zur blinden Anpassung an Weltmarktzwänge und Standortwettbewerb, lähmt die Gesellschaft

Die Kraft der Zivilgesellschaft

Die Meinung, es gäbe keine Alternative zur blinden Anpassung an Weltmarktzwänge und Standortwettbewerb, lähmt die Gesellschaft. Gastkommentar von Harald Klimenta. In seinem aktuell beim Aufbau-Verlag erschienen Buch „Das Gesellschaftswunder – Wie wir Gewinner des Wandels werden“ beschreibt Harald Klimenta zahlreiche ermutigende Lichtblicke und zeichnet mögliche Wege und Strategien, wie wir der Globalisierungsfalle entrinnen können.

Weltweite radioaktive Verseuchung – Tschernobyl ist kein Einzelfall

Durch zivilen und militärischen Einsatz der Atomtechnologie steigt die radioaktive Belastung weltweit an. Traurige Bilanz: Verseuchung, Krankheit und Tod im Umfeld der Atomnutzung. Der Mensch kann radioaktive Strahlung nicht direkt wahrnehmen. Doch durch Strahleneinwirkung werden Veränderungen oder Zerstörung von lebenden Zellen hervorgerufen. Diese Strahlenschäden können so gravierend sein, dass sie große Leiden oder den Tod bewirken. Kein Flecken dieser Erde ist mittlerweile frei von zusätzlicher radioaktiver Belastung durch die zivile und militärische Verwendung der Atomtechnologie.

Telecom giant’s lavish hospitality dubbed ‘blatant corporate payola’

Here is an article from todays The Mail on Sunday in the UK.

I have no link as it is not featured on their web-newspaper, so I have scanned it in.

Best regards.


Telecom giant’s lavish hospitality dubbed ‘blatant corporate payola’

By Christopher Leake and Andrew WiIks

O2 gave Freebies to 15 Police and Fire Chiefs

THE Mail on Sunday can today reveal the extraordinary extent of the cam­paign launched by mobile phone giant 02 to lavish hospitality on police and fire chiefs whose forces have awarded it huge contracts.

At least 15 senior police and fire officers have enjoyed VIP trips to top soccer and rugby matches, golf days, the London Eye and gala dinners in what one critic called ‘blatant corporate payola’.

The ‘freebies’ offered by Spanish-owned 02 were first uncovered by The Mail on Sunday in February when we revealed how Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Ian Blair watched an England-Wales rugby international as a VIP guest of the company which sponsors the England team. Sir Ian’s judgment was called into question for being wined and dined by 02, which has con­tracts with police forces, inclu­ding the Met, worth £2.Sbillion. Tom Carroll, Cambridgeshire’s chief fire officer and former president of the Chief Fire Officers’ Association, and Andy Trotter, Deputy Chief Constable of British Transport Police, also attended the game. Three months earlier, 02 had been confirmed as preferred bidder for a new £500 million secure communications system for England’s fire services. And British Transport Police had placed numerous orders for 02’s Airwave digital system. Now documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act show how 02 lavished the nation’s emergency services bosses with hundreds of thou­sands of pounds worth of invita­tions to major sporting events. Tory MP Mike Penning, a for­mer fireman who first raised the issue, said last night: ‘Common sense should have told these senior officers that if 02 had such huge contracts with them, they shouldn’t be seen at sporting events because this would natu­rally cause great suspicion. ‘This is blatant corporate pay­ola of the worst possible kind. Public servants like these senior police and fire officers should make sure there is not a whiff of suspicion. That’s the least the public can expect.’ 02’s lavish treatment of emer­gency services chiefs began after the Home Office’s Police Infor­mation Technology Office signed a 19-year, £2.9billion contract with BT in February 2000, before 02 split from BT. Individual police forces then signed up.

Among the recipients was a senior officer from Avon and Somerset Police, whose 02 deal was signed in February 2001.

Former Assistant Chief Con­stable Martin Richards attended the England-All Blacks match and a charity dinner hosted by 02 in December 2003.

Mr Richards is now the Chief Constable of Wiltshire which signed in May 2001.

He continues to enjoy 02 hos pitality. In February this year he was among dignitaries for the England-Wales match.

A spokesman for 02, which was taken over by Spain’s Tele­fonica in a £17.7billion deal earlier this year, said last night:

‘We do offer hospitality to our customers and that is perfectly normal business practice. We often offer our staff tickets as well. We like to spread it around.

Corporate hospitality is about getting close to your customers and we believe in keeping close ties. We do not believe we have won contracts because of this and we do not try to buy con­tracts with favours.’

­‘It would naturally cause suspicion’

Named, the officers who accepted gifts from O2

OTHER emergency services chiefs who have enjoyed 02’s hospitality include:

Phil Wells, head of finance for Bedfordshire Police.
He was 02’s guest at an Arsenal match.

Airwave liaison officer Peter Clarke, of City of London Police, was given tickets for the Arsenal-Manchester United game in January. He says he passed the tickets to another officer.

Former Gwent Chief Constable Keith Turner
enjoyed 02’s hospitality on three separate occasions — a meal in London in March 2003, a dinner in Cambridge in June 2003 and a golf and dinner event in September 2003.

Gwent’s current Chief Constable Michael Tonge attended a dinner in July 2005.

In August 2004, Kent Police’s Airwave team were treated to lunch and a trip on the London Eye.

In March 2003 Sussex Assistant Chief Constable Tony Toynton received an England rugby shirt from 02.

Two months later:

Nigel Howard from the force’s Information Services department won a rugby fleece in an 02 draw.

Mr Howard’s colleague Peter Suter received a dinner and two lunches.

Last year, Mr Toynton was an 02 guest at two gala dinners.

PC Keith Bowen, of Hampshire Police, went to a ‘golf day and meal’ in April 2004 and September 2005.

Lancashire’s Chief Fire Officer Peter Holland has accepted 02’s hospitality on three occasions — lunch and international rugby at Twickenham in March 2004, February 2005 and February this year.

In Shropshire, an unnamed divisional fire officer attended a charity golf day in April 2004, to which 02 donated £25.

02 also gave a pair of England-Wales rugby tickets worth £76, which were raffled for charity.

North Yorkshire’s Chief Fire Officer Eric Clarke, who has since left the service, attended an Arsenal football match in October 2004 courtesy of 02.

Raucher raus: über die Auswertung geheimer Dokumente, welche nach den Tabak-Prozessen in den USA offengelegt werden mussten, Machenschaften der Zigarettenindustrie



diagnose-Funk Newsletter 7-05-06

Der Bayerische Rundfunk brachte am 18. April in der Sendung "Glasklar" (Titel "Raucher Raus!") eine Reportage über die Auswertung geheimer Dokumente, welche nach den Tabak-Prozessen in den USA offengelegt werden mussten. Machenschaften der Zigarettenindustrie. Hier einige Zitate aus der Sendung:

„1981 markierte ein wichtiges Datum, da damals eine Studie herauskam, die zeigte, dass Nichtraucher, die mit Rauchern zusammenleben, ein höheres Risiko für Lungenkrebs haben. Die Tabakindustrie in Deutschland hat damals versucht, die Ergebnisse dieser Studie herunterzuspielen und zu diskreditieren, hat aber nach Innen zugegeben, dass dieser Autor richtig geht mit seinen Schlussfolgerungen. Damals hat sie den Präsidenten des Gesundheitsamtes, Karl Ueberla, dafür bezahlt, dass er eine gross angelegte Studie macht, in welcher die Ergebnisse der japanischen Studie (Anm.: der ersten Studie) widerlegt würden. Diese Studie war der Tabakindustrie 3 Millionen DM wert.“ Dr. Anette Bornhäuser, Gesundheitswissenschaftlerin. Sie hat im Auftrag des Deutschen Krebsforschungszentrum ehemals geheime Unterlagen der Tabakindustrie ausgewertet.

„Der Tabakindustrie gelang es so, die Folgen des Passivrauchens herunterzuspielen, und Nichtraucherschutz-Gesetze zu verhindern. Ein Strategiepapier der Tabakindustrie von 1989 betont die engen Kontakte zur Politik. Die Tabakindustrie organisiert parlamentarische Abende, verhandelt mit Mitgliedern des Bundestages und des Gesundheitsministeriums. Die Beziehungen zur Politik werden fortwährend verbessert. Die Zigarettenindustrie streitet eine gezielte Einflussnahme auf die Politik ab.“

Der Moderator.

„In einem Dokument von 1991 lobt der Verband der Zigarettenindustrie die erfolgreiche Einflussnahme. In allen entwickelten Ländern gelte passiv rauchen als gesundheitlich schädlich. Nur in Deutschland sei diese Frage noch unentschieden. Dies sei der Zusammenarbeit der Industrie mit der Wissenschaft zu verdanken“

Der Moderator.

„Die Tabakindustrie nimmt weiterhin Einfluss auf die Politik. Ein Beispiel das sich anführen lässt ist eine Vereinbarung die im Jahr 2002 getroffen wurde, zwischen dem Bundesministerium für Gesundheit, und dem Verband der Zigarettenindustrie. Per Vereinbarung bekommt die Bundesrepublik Deutschland 11.8 Millionen Euro über 5 Jahre, und verpflichtet sich aber im Gegenzug dazu, die Tabakindustrie nicht zu verunglimpfen.“

Dr. Anette Bornhäuser.

Fazit: Die Korruption blüht, und die Politik verkauft unsere Gesundheit - aber wen kümmert es denn? Wo rollen denn die Köpfe? Die Demokratie wurde schon lange verkauft - und der Bürger wäscht sein Auto.

Komplette Quelle:

Weiterer, interessanter Spiegel-Artikel


Weniger Rauchen - mehr Gesundheit - weniger Kosten


Die Bundesregierung findet starke Worte für eine Gesundheitsreform und ist ganz schwach, wenn es um Rauchverbote und Tabakwerbung geht.

Guilty until proven innocent

Capital punishment in the US is under the microscope and lawyers using the latest forensic science techniques have found justice wanting.

From Information Clearing House

An imperial president is smothering the system of checks and balances, imperiling free speech

Ridicule and contempt,,1766835,00.html

From Information Clearing House

U.S. defends new Internet wiretap rules in appeals court

A U.S. appeals panel challenged the Bush administration Friday over new rules making it easier for police and the FBI to wiretap Internet phone calls.

From Information Clearing House

Defeated councillors tell Blair: the sooner you go, the better

Defeated Labour councillors have called for Tony Blair to quit immediately, after their party received a hammering in the local elections.

From Information Clearing House

A World Without Borders

An interview with Howard Zinn

CIA Torture Techniques Go Mainstream

Invisible in Plain Sight

Critical loopholes in the McCain amendment show that the once-clandestine practice of torture is now an official weapon in the War on Terror.

From Information Clearing House

The fallout from a falling dollar

As foreign buyers shun the currency, it could be harder to finance the US trade deficit.

From Information Clearing House

Iran seeks euro-denominated oil market

Iran's Oil Ministry took a step toward establishing an oil trading market denominated in euros, rather than the US dollar, by granting a license for the bourse, Iranian state-run television reported.

Iran: Consequences Of War

From Information Clearing House

Dolts or liars?

ElBaradei has made yet another report to the IAEA Board – and forwarded a copy to the UNSC – that he can find no undeclared proscribed materials in Iran and no indication that any such materials have ever been used in furtherance of any military purpose.

From Information Clearing House

China opposes Chapter 7 on Iran

Russia and China on Friday opposed key provisions in a U.N. draft resolution that orders Iran to curb its nuclear ambitions, making an agreement unlikely before ministers come to New York next week.

From Information Clearing House

Scott Ritter: American patriot

Former U.N. weapons inspector Scott Ritter takes aim at Bush, Clinton, the CIA, Cindy Sheehan — and you.

From Information Clearing House

Interview With Ray McGovern Who Asked Rumsfeld "Why Did You Lie? "

Democracy Now!

Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld comes under fire from retired CIA analyst Ray McGovern at a speech in Atlanta on Thursday. Rumsfeld was interrupted by protesters several times in his address. We speak with McGovern and play excerpts from the event.

Save Nazanin

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

A message from Lyn

Original Message:

Please dear friends, help this young woman hugs chiara

Original Message:

Dear Friends,

I have just read and signed the online petition:

"Save Nazanin"

hosted on the web by, the free online petition service, at:

I personally agree with what this petition says, and I think you might agree, too. If you can spare a moment, please take a look, and consider signing yourself.

Best wishes,

Jasmin Sariell


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