Mittwoch, 3. Mai 2006

Immigration Anxiety

by Thomas I. Palley,

The solution to the dilemma lies in protecting the rights of all workers.

The Progressive Identity Complex

by Paul Waldman,

It isn't enough to put a big idea before the American people -- we have to build a political identity.

Hearing Vowed on Bush's Powers

Senator Specter said he plans to hold a hearing in June to examine Bush's assertion that he has the power to bypass more than 750 laws enacted over the past five years. Specter intends to call administration officials to explain and defend the president's claims of authority, as well as constitutional scholars to testify on whether Bush has overstepped the boundaries of his power.

Playing Politics With War

By David Michael Green

There are politicians who are immune to this basest form of politics, profiles in courage like Paul Wellstone or Russ Feingold. But for every one of them, there are tons more like Hillary Clinton or John Kerry or John Edwards, who are so interested in advancing their careers that they are willing to cast even this most despicable, this most murderous, this most shameful of votes to get there.

Administration Conducting Research Into Laser Weapon

The Bush administration is seeking to develop a powerful ground-based laser weapon that would use beams of concentrated light to destroy enemy satellites in orbit. The largely secret project, parts of which have been made public through Air Force budget documents submitted to Congress in February, is part of a wide-ranging effort to develop space weapons, both defensive and offensive.

Bush, GOP Agree to Extend Expiring Tax Cuts

President Bush and Congressional Republicans agreed yesterday on a $70 billion package of tax-cut extensions that they hope will help halt the deterioration of their political fortunes. Democrats point to the deficit and benefits for the rich.

"Hatz auf Arbeitslose": Kabinett plant Regeln für die Kürzung des Arbeitslosengeldes bis zu 60 Prozent


Die Bundesregierung will die Zahlungen an Langzeitarbeitslose weiter kürzen. Der Bund will damit ab 2007 jährlich rund 1,2 Milliarden Euro nicht mehr den Arbeitslosen zur Verfügung stellen. Die Gemeinden soll rund 300 Euro anderweitig ausgeben können. Zu diesem Zweck verabschiedete das Kabinett am Mittwoch in Berlin das so genannte "Hartz IV-Optimierungsgesetz". Optimiert werden soll damit nach Darstellung der Bundesregierung bei der Auszahlung des so genannten Arbeitslosengeldes II das Leistungsrecht, die Verwaltungspraxis und die "Bekämpfung des Leistungsmissbrauchs". Der Entwurf mit seinen mehr als 50 Einzelmaßnahmen sieht unter anderem eine Beweislastumkehr bei eheähnlichen Gemeinschaften vor. Außerdem soll laut Bundesregierung eine schnelle Möglichkeit für eine drastische Kürzung des Arbeitslosengeldes geschaffen werden: "Erwerbsfähigen Personen, die Arbeitslosengeld II beantragen, sollen Sofortangebote unterbreitet werden. Wer innerhalb eines Jahres zwei Mal eine a ngebotene Stelle oder Qualifizierung ausschlägt, muss mit einer Kürzung bis zu 60 Prozent rechnen." Auf diese Weise solle die "Bereitschaft zur Arbeitsaufnahme geprüft werden".

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:


SGB II – Optimierungsgesetz

Grundsicherung für Arbeitsuchende wird fortentwickelt

„Die vorhandenen Mittel zur Grundsicherung für Arbeitsuchende müssen effizient und praxisnah eingesetzt werden. Die gemachten Erfahrungen zeigen, dass die Zielgenauigkeit einiger Instrumente noch verbessert werden muss. Das Kabinett hat Anpassungen beschlossen, damit jede und jeder Arbeitsuchende bestmöglich unterstützt werden kann…“ Meldung zum Kabinettsbeschluss bei Bundesregierung online vom 03.05.2006,413.996647/artikel/Grundsicherung-fuer-Arbeitsuch.htm

Entwurf eines Gesetzes zur Optimierung der Grundsicherung für Arbeitsuchende

Gesetzentwurf der Fraktionen CDU/CSU und SPD - Stand vom 18. April 2006 (pdf)

Das nunmehr von der Regierung gebilligte „Fortentwicklungsgesetz“ liegt noch nicht vor. Es soll noch in der nächsten Woche in den Bundestag eingebracht und verabschiedet werden. Der Bundesrat muss dann im Juli zustimmen, damit die Neuregelungen wie geplant zum 1. August in Kraft treten können. Höchste Zeit für Proteste!

Realpolitik > Hartz IV > Leistungen und Auswirkungen

Studierende in Elternzeit bekommen kein ALG II mehr in Jena

In der Universitätsstadt Jena (Thüringen) bekommen seit Ende letzten Jahres bedürftige, beurlaubte Studierende keine Leistungen zum Lebensunterhalt (ALG II) mehr. Jena ist eine optierende Kommune, welche das betreffende Sozialgesetzbuch (SGB II) selbst auslegen kann. Siehe dazu eine Debattenseite

Aus: LabourNet, 4.Mai 2006

Protest in Seifersdorf

Der Bauantrag wurde zurückgezogen !

Nachricht von Christine Kind

Der Palast von George W.

Während der Wiederaufbau im Irak nur schleppend vorangekommen ist, wird der Bau der weltweit größten Botschaft in Bagdad zügig fesrtiggestellt, was manchen Irakern nicht gefällt.

How To Avert War With Iran

Informant: Kev Hall

Secret but visible to all, giant US embassy rises in Baghdad, enraging Iraqis

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Arsenal's stadium raises hackles in local election

From Karen Barratt

see link below - The full article appears in today's Guardian Sport Supp. It descibes many planning issues re: Arsenal that have upset local residents but doesn't mention the 32 masts applications. If London campaigners want to contact the journalist he's

The message is ready to be sent with the following file or link attachments:
Shortcut to:,,1766179,00.html

Amnesty: Torture "Widespread" in US Custody

Torture and inhumane treatment are "widespread" in US-run prisons in Afghanistan, Iraq, Cuba and elsewhere despite Washington's denials, Amnesty International said on Wednesday. In a report for the United Nations' Committee Against Torture, the London-based human rights group also alleged abuses within the US domestic law enforcement system.

Another constitutional lesson for Capitol Hill

Center For Individual Freedom
by staff


Alright, we admit it. We do enjoy pointing out the constitutional ignorance of others, especially when those others owe their seats of power to the very first Article of the 'supreme Law of the Land.' ... But even we were shocked this week when the Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Senator Arlen Specter (R-PA), demonstrated his prodigious constitutional naivete in an op-ed column published by The Washington Post. On Tuesday, Chairman Specter went on the offensive in black-and-white in support of a bill he is sponsoring that would 'mandate[ ] television coverage of the Supreme Court['s]' proceedings. Even if televised oral arguments were the greatest good imaginable, that doesn't mean Chairman Specter -- or, for that matter, the Congress -- can simply make it so...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Our monarch, above the law

Boston Globe
by Scot Lehigh


Has George W. Bush come to believe he's king? That's the question that springs to mind upon reading Charlie Savage's front-page report in Sunday's Globe detailing the president's sotto voce assertion that he can disregard laws if he thinks they impinge on his constitutional powers. That novel claim resides in the 'signing statements' the administration issues outlining its legal interpretation of laws the president has signed -- interpretations that often run contrary to the statute's clear intent. As Savage reports, Bush has registered hundreds of those reservations, adding them to statutes on subjects ranging from military rules and regulations to affirmative action language to congressionally mandated reporting requirements to protections Congress has passed for whistle-blowers to legal assurances against political meddling in government-funded research...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Exporting the American model

Mother Jones
by Chalmers Johnson


There is something absurd and inherently false about one country trying to impose its system of government or its economic institutions on another. Such an enterprise amounts to a dictionary definition of imperialism. When what's at issue is 'democracy,' you have the fallacy of using the end to justify the means (making war on those to be democratized), and in the process the leaders of the missionary country are invariably infected with the sins of hubris, racism, and arrogance. We Americans have long been guilty of these crimes...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Exporting the American Model

"There is something absurd and inherently false about one country trying to impose its system of government or its economic institutions on another," writes Chalmers Johnson. "Such an enterprise amounts to a dictionary definition of imperialism."

Big Brother watches Britain

The American Conservative
by Peter Hitchens

One of the oddest and most eerily prophetic passages in 1984 finds Winston Smith, unwisely searching for a key to the lost past, entering a sordid alehouse in a proletarian quarter. There he sees an old man, a survivor of former times, trying to order a pint of beer, once the standard English measure. The barman either does not understand him or pretends not to do so. 'What in hell's name is a pint? Litre and half-litre, that's all we serve,' he says. ... A market trader, Steve Thoburn, was filmed secretly by City Hall officials as he sold bananas to his customers in Sunderland, an industrial town in the north of England. They then prosecuted him because he had made the sale in pounds and ounces, rather than in kilograms and grams. There was no question of him giving short measure or of having done anything dishonest. His offense was to continue to use traditional measures, well-known to all his customers, rather than the global ones now preferred by authority... (for publication 05/08/06)

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

War with Iran?


by Justin Raimondo


[N]ow we learn that the famous Valerie Plame -- outed as a CIA agent by I. Lewis 'Scooter' Libby and the neocon cabal around Bush -- was working on tracking Iran's nuclear program when she was exposed. Her cover blown, along with the entire network of which she was a part, the U.S. has been flying blind on the question of whether or not Iran is actively pursuing a nuclear program with military applications. Ignorance is strength as far as the War Party is concerned. With the nuke-tracking unit of the CIA put out of commission by Scooter and his friends, the way is opened for various 'exile' groups of dubious credentials and ideology to stovepipe phony 'intelligence' to the Americans. It's basically a repeat of what happened in the run-up to war with Iraq -- only, this time, the stakes are much higher...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Addicted to war

Salon by Farhad Manjoo


James Carroll's 'House of War' is ostensibly a history of a single American government building, that five-sided behemoth that sits across the river from Washington and is instantly recognizable to just about anyone in the world as the headquarters of the United States military. But if Carroll's book actually reads like something much bigger than that, like a story not just of the Pentagon but of the last half-century of American foreign policy, well, that's the point. 'The Pentagon has been so much at the center of national life that one could write an entire history of the contemporary United States in its terms,' Carroll argues in his prologue. That's just about what he does... [subscription or ad view required]

We’re addicted to war

The Libertarian Enterprise
by Doug Newman


Two weeks ago, I had never heard of South Ossetia and I could only tell you four things about Georgia. 1. It was a former Soviet republic. 2. It was somewhere on the southern periphery of Russia, but I could not tell you exactly where. 3. It was Joe Stalin’s home country. 4. It was the Georgia the Beatles sang of in ‘Back in the USSR.’ Now, Bush, Cheney and McCain are foaming at the mouth over a purely regional conflict involving Georgia that has no bearing whatsoever on America...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Silencing a hornet's nest

by Glenn Harlan Reynolds


As bloggers get more powerful, lots of people are likely to be tempted to try to silence them. This, however, is likely to turn out badly -- like trying to stop hornets' buzzing by smacking their nest with a stick. In all cases, the people who don't like what the bloggers are saying should be responding with facts and arguments of their own, rather than trying to shut bloggers up...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

CA sues feds over SUV mileage standards

San Francisco Chronicle


California today launched its latest skirmish with Bush administration over environmental rules, suing the federal government over SUV gas-mileage standards that the state considers too lax. The suit, joined by nine other states, argues that the federal government didn't fully consider potential damage to the environment when it announced new fuel efficiency standards for sports utility vehicles and light trucks. Under the administration's new standards, issued in March, those vehicles must have a fleet-wide average of 24 mpg by the year 2011. 'With gas prices skyrocketing, we must substantially increase fuel efficiency in new vehicles, not only to protest the pocketbooks of working families, but also to reduce vehicle emissions that contribute to global warming,' said California Attorney General Bill Lockyer in a prepared statement...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Autism and pollution: the vital link

Juliet Rix,,2682-2160195.html

The number of children with autism has risen dramatically in recent years. In a new book, Richard Lathe argues that pollution and environmental causes may be to blame

At the age of 3, James started to regress. His speech got worse until "he was really only echoing and all he did was run around hardly looking at anyone", says Chris, his father. Severe classic autism was diagnosed. The NHS offered no suggestions for treatment so his desperate parents did their own research, dug into their savings and started to do whatever they thought might help.

They put James on a gluten and casein (milk)-free diet and nutritional supplements. "There was an immediate improvement in concentration," his father says, making behavioural therapy more useful. James was found to have high levels of certain chemicals, porphyrins, in his urine, indicating excess mercury in his body. This is now being slowly removed. Eighteen months on from the diagnosis, James is still an autistic child, but, says his father, "his IQ is up from 82 to 120, his autism score has fallen dramatically, and we can sit and read a book to him again".

Thousands of parents like Chris, despairing of the mainstream treatment
(or lack of it) offered to their autistic children, are turning to biomedical interventions that they believe treat physical causes of their children's behavioural problems.

Such interventions are scientifically unproven and many experts are sceptical. But there is a growing body of research and anecdotal evidence, and a new book to be published later this month, Autism, Brain and Environment by Richard Lathe, draws it together along with the theoretical science behind it. One of this country's leading autism researchers, Simon Baron-Cohen, Professor of Developmental Psychopathology at the University of Cambridge, describes Lathe as " an excellent scientist", and his book as "a masterly review . . . a serious summary of the science of autism".

Lathe believes that not only are parents like Chris right in thinking that biomedical intervention can help their children, but that some of these interventions may be getting to the heart of environmental "causes" of autism.

The number of people -- and particularly young children -- who have autistic spectrum disorders (ASD) has risen dramatically over the past two decades. ASD used to be identified in a few children in every
10,000: it now affects as much as 1 per cent of the population. Part of this rise is certainly due to a broader definition and increased diagnosis, but some experts are convinced that there has also been a real rise. Lathe is one, and he believes that this is in part due to an increase in environmental toxins -- pesticides, PCBs (from plastics) and particularly heavy metals including mercury and lead (both known neurotoxins).

He is not suggesting that pollution is the sole cause of autism. It is now well established that genes play a major role in the disorder. The genetics is not, however, straightforward. No "autism" gene has been identified -- nor is one expected. Autistic tendency runs in families but there are pairs of identical twins, one of whom is autistic while the other is not. Genes predispose to ASD but in most cases something more is needed to trigger the development of autism -- something in the environment. Sir Michael Rutter, Professor of Developmental Psychopathology at King's College London, a leading authority on autism, says the days when bad parenting was blamed are long gone and that "the environmental factors are likely to be physical rather than psychological".

All sorts of things have been suggested, from infections to diet, complications of pregnancy and birth to vaccines -- all of which are currently being investigated by the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children at Bristol University. Lathe points to research showing that autism is more prevalent in cities than in rural areas to support his view that pollution may be implicated.

He emphasises that nothing in his book contradicts the genetic research. "I aim to show how genetics and environmental factors might come together," he says.

Lathe argues that many cases of autism could be caused by a genetically determined frailty in the body's biochemistry that makes it less able to deal with particular pollutants. So when the individual is exposed to toxins (even at levels that have no ill-effect on most of the population) their bodies cannot cope. If exposure is at a vulnerable stage of development (foetal, neonatal or at significant points in brain development) the toxins may cause damage to key areas of the brain.

"People with autism have a diverse set of physiological impairments such as hormone imbalances, gut problems and immune system deficiencies in addition to their psychological and cognitive difficulties," says Lathe. Practitioners have often chosen to ignore these, he adds, preferring to see the physical and psychological as separate. But "recent evidence contradicts this", he says.

It is well established that exposure to certain toxins can cause brain damage and that brain damage (particularly in the limbic system) can lead to autistic symptoms. What is more, the limbic brain is known not only to affect emotions and behaviour, but also to play a major role in regulating the body's physiology. So the initial brain damage may go on to cause further physical problems, which, in a vicious cycle, could in turn cause yet more damage to the brain.

Can biomedical intervention break this cycle and ameliorate or even reverse the damage? Unlike most of the brain, the limbic area has some ability to repair itself, Lathe says. "So there are prospects of some degree of recovery if the specific problem can be identified and treated . . . as early as possible."

While noting that there is currently no conclusive evidence in favour of biomedical intervention in autism, Professor Rutter says such treatments do work in other conditions. Phenylketonuria (PKU), for instance, is an inherited enzyme deficiency which if left untreated causes brain damage
(sometimes producing autistic symptoms). "PKU has a purely genetic cause but is almost entirely remedied by a change of diet," he says.

There is a close neurological connection between the gut and the brain and a study by Research Autism found that 60 per cent of families with an autistic child were using casein and/or gluten-free diets.

"I know a lot of children on these diets who have been dramatically improved," says Richard Mills, director of Research Autism. "I also know plenty for whom they made no difference."

This may be because autism is not a single disorder. It is defined only by a collection of behaviours that could have multiple causes. This would also explain why autism research often produces contradictory results. Experts agree that finding ways to distinguish between autistic subgroups is crucial so that research and treatment can be better targeted.

Lathe is in little doubt that individually tailored biomedical intervention can help children like James. What is more, he says, if we could reduce toxins in our environment we might bring down the number of cases not only of autism, but also of Alzheimer's (in which there is increasing evidence of a link with heavy metals), schizophrenia, ADHD and perhaps even the much reported bad behaviour in schools.

Autism, Brain and Environment by Richard Lathe (Jessica Kingsley, £15.99)

What parents of autistic children can do:

# Reduce as much as possible your child's exposure to pollution and toxic chemicals. Levels that may not affect the child next door may still affect and autistic child.

# Filter tap water through activated charcoal to remove pollutants.

# Eat organic.

# Try to avoid heavy metal intake. Limit seafood, which can be high in heavy metals - particularly swordfish and tuna (but be aware of the impact on nutrition.

# Keep a close eye on your child's physical wellbeing, especially if he or she cannot effectively communicate. Unrecognised pain can lead to extreme problems that may be connected to autism.

# Be aware that your child may have gastrointestinal problems
(diarrhoea, constipation, pain). If so, get the child treated. GI abnormalities may play a causal role (through neurological and biochemical connections with the brain).

# Try to limit social and psychological stress; stress chemicals can also induce limbic brain damage.

# Gluten and/or casein free diets may help (again be careful that good overall nutrition is maintained).

# Consider nutritional supplements - folic acid, selenium, B vitamins, vitamin C etc.

# Encourage proper recycling. Dumping of electrical goods and other rubbish helps to poison groundwater.

# If your child is shown to have excess levels of heavy metals consider chelation (the removal of metals from the body by binding to other chemicals) but do this with only reliable evidence that it is necessary and under proper supervision.

Further information: National Autistic Society
0207 8332299

Autism research Institute

Informant: Teresa Binstock

Bush Administration Increases Number of Political Appointees, Minority and Female Appointees Plunge

Ignoring Inaccuracy at the Washington Post

Rich-Poor Gap Widens

The No-Reform Lobby Reform Bill

Why Impeachment is Essential

Iran Urges UN to Oppose American 'Threats' of Nuclear Strike

Leading Democrats Slam Bush for Defying over 750 Statutes

Don't Nuke Iran


May 2006

I'm Donna Mattfield, a peace and disarmament campaigner with Greenpeace International in Amsterdam. I'm writing to you to ask for your help in creating a pre-emptive peace strike.

You may have read in the news recently about revelations that the United States is considering plans for a nuclear strike on Iran. I know I'm not alone in thinking this is an insane way to tell a country that it's wrong to develop nuclear weapons.

And where would these weapons come from? The type of weapons the US are including in their plans could be among those stored in Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Turkey and the UK.

Join me in asking for a simple assurance from the NATO countries which host American nuclear weapons that they'll not endorse or cooperate with a pre-emptive nuclear strike on Iran.

When I first heard that the US still maintains 480 nuclear weapons in NATO bases in Europe I was shocked. I find it hard to comprehend that in 2006, 16 years after the cold war ended, those of us who live here are still sitting on such a dangerous legacy.

The Bush Administration can't treat Europe as a convenient parking lot for its destructive missiles. The situation in Iran brings home a very scary fact: the Bush administration could implicate independent European nations in a war that shuns diplomatic solutions and invites retaliation, with or without the consent of the countries that host those nuclear weapons.

It doesn't have to be like this. Join our campaign to eliminate the threat altogether by calling for the US to take back and dismantle its nuclear weapons from Europe and Turkey altogether, and to begin the work of creating a nuclear free zone in the Middle East. The choice is simple: a world in which everybody is threatened by nuclear weapons, or nobody is. I know which world I want to live in.

Thank you for your support,


Arbeitsbedingungen in der New Economy: Stress bis zum Burnout, wenn Topjobs krank machen

Aktueller IAT-Report untersucht Belastungssituation bei Projektarbeit in der Informationstechnik-Branche

„Arbeiten in der IT-Branche gilt als Topjob: flexibel, eigenverantwortlich, hochbezahlt - aber gesund ist das nicht. Widersprüchliche Arbeitsanforderungen, überlange Arbeitszeiten und Leistungsdruck machen immer mehr IT-Spezialisten krank. Bis zu viermal häufiger als der Durchschnitt der Beschäftigten in Deutschland leiden sie unter psychosomatischen Beschwerden wie chronischer Müdigkeit, Nervosität, Schlafstörungen und Magenbeschwerden. Wie eine Untersuchung des Instituts Arbeit und Technik (IAT/Gelsenkirchen) zeigt, führen Stressphasen von mehr als acht Wochen zu einer Zunahme chronischer Erschöpfung - einem Frühindikator für Burnout -, rund 40 Prozent der Befragten wiesen deutliche Anzeichen dafür auf. Etwa 30 Prozent hatten zudem Probleme damit, sich zu erholen…“ IAT-Pressemitteilung vom 10.04.2006

Siehe dazu:

Zwischen Innovation und alltäglichem Kleinkrieg. Zur Belastungssituation von IT-Beschäftigten

Studie von Erich Latniak und Anja Gerlmaier, erschienen als IAT-Report
2006-04 (pdf)

Aus: LabourNet, 3.Mai 2006

Planet Earth As Weapon and Target

From InfoNature.Org

Mass Deaths in Sheep Grazing on Bt Cotton

EU: Der Karfreitag der Unschuldsvermutung

New Red List Paints Bleak Picture of Extinction

Two out of every five species on the planet that have been assessed by scientists face extinction, according to the latest Red List of Threatened Species. Overall, 16,119 animal and plant species are in danger of extinction, including 1 in 8 birds, 1 in 4 mammals and 1 in 3 amphibian species. Since records began, 784 species have been declared extinct.

Debate on Global Warming Helps Produce a Brisk Seller

Canada's Conservative government, which was elected in January, has been distancing itself from the greenhouse gas emission cuts the country promised to make under the Kyoto Protocol, and it is stirring up controversy by censoring a government scientist who wrote a novel about climate change called "Hotter Than Hell."

10 States, in Challenge to US, Plan Suit to Force Better Mileage Rules for SUVs

Ten states will file suit this week to force the Bush administration to toughen mileage regulations for sport utility vehicles and other trucks. The suit contends that the administration did not do a rigorous analysis of the environmental benefits of fuel economy regulations.

Cantwell, Feinstein Press for Public Release of Enron Evidence

Senators Feinstein and Cantwell called on federal energy regulators and the Department of Justice to ensure the timely public release of evidence acquired during the ongoing Enron investigation. Such evidence may help prevent future market manipulation schemes in energy trading, including oil and gasoline markets.

US and Europe Draft Iran Resolution

The United States, Britain and France have drafted a binding Security Council resolution requiring Iran to stop key nuclear activities, but Russia and China are already resisting, officials involved in the negotiations said today.

George W. Bush has announced that another "turning point" has been reached in Iraq

A Turning Point

George W. Bush has announced that another "turning point" has been reached in Iraq. Will Pitt says, "This is, by the best estimates, the four hundred and twelfth 'turning point' that has been reached in Iraq since the disastrous invasion was undertaken." He then proceeds to deconstruct the spin.

The Public Ideology of the Empire

Hacking the National ID Card

More State Hypocrisy: on gas hysteria

Bullying Diplomacy: on dissing the Chinese

52 year old grandmother deployed to Iraq

Janet Grass, 52, had planned to retire from the military in about 10 months after spending 19 years in the U.S. Navy Reserve. Instead, she has been ordered to leave her job as a special-education teacher in Cascade to do security work in the Middle East.

From Information Clearing House

Are U.S. Trade Policies & NAFTA Causing An Influx of Undocumented Workers in U.S.?

Longtime labor journalist David Bacon examines the negative impact Washington’s trade policies have had on Mexico and the rest of Latin America.

From Information Clearing House

Top CIA Official Under Investigation

The CIA inspector general has opened an investigation into the spy agency's executive director, Kyle "Dusty" Foggo, and his connections to two defense contractors accused of bribing a member of Congress and Pentagon officials.

From Information Clearing House

Who's buying cell phone records online?

Net sellers tell Congress they supply law enforcement officials with call lists.

From Information Clearing House

U.S. use of secret warrants climbed 18 pct in 2005

The number of court-approved warrants allowing the Bush administration to conduct intelligence searches and electronic surveillance inside the United States climbed 18 percent to 2,072 in 2005, the Justice Department said on Monday.

From Information Clearing House

Bush in ‘ceaseless push for power’

President George W. Bush had shown disdain and indifference for the US constitution by adopting an “astonishingly broad” view of presidential powers, a leading libertarian think-tank said on Monday.

From Information Clearing House

Outed CIA agent was working on Iran

According to current and former intelligence officials, Plame Wilson, who worked on the clandestine side of the CIA in the Directorate of Operations as a non-official cover (NOC) officer, was part of an operation tracking distribution and acquisition of weapons of mass destruction technology to and from Iran. Video and transcript.

Brzezinski: entire nation would respond to a military attack

“Iran is capable of harming U.S. interests in Iraq and Afghanistan; it has very high capabilities and can halt oil exports. All this could be damaging to the United States.”

From Information Clearing House

Iran decries U.S. refusal to rule out nuclear strike

Iran denounced the United States on Monday for contemplating possible nuclear strikes against Iranian targets and urged the United Nations to take urgent action against what it called a dangerous violation of international law.

From Information Clearing House

Strikes on Iran too risky, says US general

His comments are a rare public statement from the US military on what is the most contentious international issue of the day.

From Information Clearing House

Iran says Russia and China will not back sanctions

Iran's foreign minister was quoted on Tuesday as saying that Russia and China had officially informed Tehran they would not support sanctions or military action over the Islamic Republic's nuclear program.

US diplomat predicts tough Iran resolution

The US diplomat leading talks on Iran's nuclear programme today predicted European governments would propose a tough UN resolution that could allow the use of sanctions or force against Tehran.

Iran prepared for US attack

Iranian minister says his country faces possibility of U.S. attack as Iran prepares to confront UN powers over its controversial nuclear programme.

From Information Clearing House

War pimp alert: Iranians accused in Iraq bombing deaths of soldiers

Iranian agents were accused yesterday of masterminding a bomb attack that killed three Italian soldiers in Iraq last week and intensified political pressure for the incoming government to speed up its withdrawal of troops from that country.

From Information Clearing House

Most young Americans can't find Iraq on map

Fewer than 4 in 10 Americans aged 18-24 in a survey could place Iraq on an unlabeled map of the Middle East, a study conducted for National Geographic found. Only about one-quarter of respondents could find Iran and Israel on the same map.

From Information Clearing House

Billions wasted in Iraq

says US audit

A US congressional inspection team set up to monitor reconstruction in Iraq today publishes a scathing report of failures by contractors, mainly from the US, to carry out projects worth hundreds of millions of dollars.,,1765048,00.html

From Information Clearing House

Documents Reveal US approved torture before Abu Ghraib scandal

By Raw Story

New Army documents released by the American Civil Liberties Union today reveal that Lieutenant General Ricardo Sanchez ordered interrogators to "go to the outer limits" to get information from detainees. The documents also show that senior government officials were aware of abuse in Iraq and Afghanistan before the Abu Ghraib scandal broke.

Washington has big guns and planes but Iran has 150,000 American hostages

American Hostages...

By Riverbend - Iraqi Girl Blog

If you live in Iraq - you know America’s hands are tied. Just as soon as Washington makes a move against Tehran, American troops inside Iraq will come under attack. It’s that simple- Washington has big guns and planes… But Iran has 150,000 American hostages.

The current 'crisis' regarding Iran's nuclear ambitions is nothing more than a facilitator for war

Once more unto the breach

The current 'crisis' regarding Iran's nuclear ambitions is nothing more than a facilitator for war.

By Scott Ritter

The best thing the Europeans could do at this time would be to join ranks with the Russians and Chinese to take up the Iranian offer, defusing a very tense and dangerous situation that, as it currently stands, seems to be spinning close toward yet another needless war in the Middle East.

Endgame for the Constitution

Informant: Scott Munson

Urgent Petitions for our furry friends

A message from Lyn

Original Message:

Urgent Petitions!! Pls Be Sure You've Signed & Cross Post!! It'll only take a min and you'll be making a world of difference! -Thanks!

Laurel Canyon Dog Park

Qualified Compassionate Bureau Chief for the Houston City Pound

Stand Up Against Vivisection

Victims of Vivisection - End the Carnage!

Ban Animal Testing In The United States

Stop Importing Animals for Labs

Boycott Bank of America - Supporters of Live Animal/Human Lab Torture!

Stop Letting Animal Abusers Get Away With Murder

Stop Animal Abuse/Cruelty Now!

Charge Michael Gibson with Animal Cruelty/Neglect

Addressing the Australian Feral Animal Situation

Retire Birmingham Zoo's Elephant, Mona, to a Sanctuary!

Tuli Block Elephants: No to Cull!

Help Mercedes the Polar Bear - Trapped for 21 Years!

Tell ExxonMobil: Protect Polar Bears, Not Profits!

Call on Canada's New Prime Minister to End the Seal Slaughter!

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Georgia Republicans Are...
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Mai 2006


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Zuletzt aktualisiert: 22. Jun, 05:09


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