Montag, 15. Mai 2006

How the Wealthy Use the Government to Stay Rich and Get Richer

In his new book, "The Conservative Nanny State: How the Wealthy Use the Government to Stay Rich and Get Richer," well-known economist Dean Baker debunks the myth that conservatives favor the market over government intervention. The book examines a variety of "nanny state" policies that make the rich richer while leaving most Americans worse off. Baker offers the book as a free download:



The rich get richer

The American Conservative
by James Kurth

In 1914, Henry Ford paid his factory workers $5 a day, twice the going rate, with the aim of creating a broad middle class able to buy the cars they were building. Today, that project isn't faring so well: The Economist reports that in the U.S. 'the gap between rich and poor is bigger than in any other advanced country.' And it's growing. According to the Congressional Budget Office, from 1979 to 2001, the after-tax income of the top 1 percent of U.S. households soared 139 percent, while the income of the middle fifth rose only 17 percent and the income of the poorest fifth climbed just 9 percent. Last year American CEOs earned 262 times the average wage of their workers -- up tenfold from 1970. This widening gap can be seen virtually everywhere we look -- in America; within other countries, even those hitherto distinguished by a high degree of equality (in particular, Japan, South Korea, and China); and between rich and poor countries in the world at large... (for publication 09/25/06)

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

D for Debacle

"Today is the last day to sign up for Medicare Part D, the prescription drug benefit. It appears that millions of Americans, confused by the array of competing plans or simply unaware of the cutoff date, will miss the deadline," Paul Krugman writes. "This will leave them without drug coverage for the rest of the year, and subject to financial penalties for the rest of their lives."

Constant Surveillance: Who's a Target?

Revelations this week that the National Security Agency may have amassed the largest phone call database in the world with the aid of US telecom companies prompted New America Media writer, Roberto Lovato, to examine his own FBI files and the implications of aggressive US surveillance.

Hayden Must Explain Involvement in Domestic Spying

The NSA, which Hayden headed from 1999 to 2005, began intercepting telephone calls and e-mails without warrants between people in the United States and other countries after the September 11 attacks. It also inadvertently intercepted some domestic traffic, The New York Times reported last year.

NSA Thwarts Whistleblower

Russell Tice worked for the National Security Agency as an intelligence analyst and capabilities officer. He has intimate knowledge of the innermost workings of the intelligence community, and wants to tell Congress about an NSA program that, he says, is unconstitutional and possibly criminal. He is gagged, however, by the non-disclosure agreement he signed before becoming privy to top-secret government activities.

Will Major Media Stop Hiding Electronic Election Fraud?

The New York Times, Wall Street Journal and Washington Post finally ran coverage of problems with electronic voting machines this week. The scandals surrounding computer fraud and financial illegalities at Diebold and other electronic voting machine companies have become too big and blatant for even the bought, docile, mainstream media to ignore. With 99% of Fox viewers mistakenly believing that the election was "legitimate," only the constant propaganda of Rupert Murdoch's disinformation campaign at Fox stands in the way of a majority of Americans coming to grips with the facts that two consecutive elections have been stolen.

Humpty-Dumpty Republicans

William Rivers Pitt writes on Bush's upcoming speech tonight: "The main reason for the delivery of this speech, and for the deployment of Guard troops to the Rio Grande, has to do with GOP inside baseball and the looming midterm elections. The powerful Republican coalition between movement conservatives and business conservatives has shown significant signs of fraying lately, and the issue of immigration is at the heart of the matter."

Der schnelle Wechsel in die Industrie ist "eine Form der nachgelagerten Bestechung"

"Nachgelagerte Bestechung": Bundestag debattierte Wechsel von Regierungsmitgliedern in die Privatwirtschaft (15.05.06)

Angesichts des Engagements ehemaliger Regierungsmitglieder in Aufsichtsräten großer Unternehmen fordert die Opposition einen Verhaltenskodex für ausgeschiedene Minister. Der schnelle Wechsel in die Industrie sei "eine Form der nachgelagerten Bestechung", sagte Linksfraktionsvize Gesine Lötzsch am vergangenen Donnerstag in der Bundestagsdebatte zu den entsprechenden Anträgen von FDP, Linksfraktion und Grünen. Das Motto "Erst regieren, dann kassieren" dürfe nicht weiter Schule machen. Hintergrund ist unter anderem die Übernahme des Aufsichtsratsvorsitzes beim Konsortium zum Bau der Ostsee-Pipeline durch Alt-Kanzler Gerhard Schröder (SPD). Noch zum Ende seiner Amtszeit wurde von der Bundesregierung über eine Kreditbürgschaft für Gasprom entschieden. Ein anderes Beispiel war der Wechsel von Finanzstaatssekretär Cajo Koch-Weser als Vice Chairman zur Deutschen Bank. Vorher war er in der Bundesregierung für die Bankenaufsicht zuständig. Er war an der Abwicklung eines Schuldende als beteiligt, in den auch die Deutsche Bank involviert war.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

US Govt Admits Lyme Disease a Bioweapon

Informant: Neo Mulder

Next-up News 15 May 2006

Final Appeal: Wisconsin Death Penalty Vote Tomorrow!

National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty

Tomorrow the Wisconsin Senate is expected to vote whether to place the issue of the death penalty on the November election ballot.

The National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty -- and many of our allied groups -- have been working hard to try to defeat this proposed referendum.

If you live in Wisconsin we urge you to click here to take action:


Today, we are proud to distribute this eve-of-vote appeal from our state affiliate, the Wisconsin Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty:

Dear Friends;

Many thanks from the Wisconsin Coalition Against the Death Penalty, for your efforts to oppose SJR-5, which would put an advisory referendum on the ballot in November regarding the death penalty.

The vote is Tuesday, May 16, and you may watch and hear it live on your computer, by going to:

If you have not yet called your own state senator on this issue, please do so NOW.

This is a most excellent 30 page summary of the history of legislation like this in Wisconsin, which you may want to read for background:

Our own talking points for those senators who voted for the referendum, are personally opposed to the death penalty, but are feeling pressure, are to begin by saying: "We respect that reasonable people may disagree on the issue of capitol punishment." Then go on to say:

1. You are on record as supporting an advisory referendum in September, when it would be the ONLY referendum question on the ballot. We think that if we are to have one, it should be in September, when voters could focus on the question and there could be a good public debate, but not in November, when there cannot be such a debate.

2. The Assembly changed the date of the vote to November, when it will be competing with the constitutional amendment question, about which there will be great public debate. That vote does have legally binding effect; the death penalty question does not. Voters will be confused by putting these different kinds of questions on the same ballot. The debate about the death penalty will be drowned out by the debate on the constitutional amendment.

And, it is poor public policy to put such different questions, with such different legal effects, on the same ballot.

3. You can say that you support a referendum and want it to be "clean"; that is, the only such public policy question on the ballot.

4. If you vote to amend the resolution back to the original September referendum date, the Assembly will be able to reconsider it during one of the veto sessions, as they can easily add an extraordinary session for that day. So you are NOT voting to kill, just standing on your position that this should occur in September, as you originally voted. Please vote to amend, and if the amendment fails, please vote NO on having the referendum in November.

Again, thank you for whatever you can do, have done, and will do in the future.

Arthur Thexton
Wisconsin Coalition Against the Death Penalty, Inc.

Stop Big Brother Surveillance: Call Congress

Domestic Surveillance: National Security Agency Warrantless Wiretapping

------- Forwarded message follows -------
Date sent: Mon, 15 May 2006 11:28:25 -0400 (EDT)
From: Bill of Rights Defense Committee
Subject: Alert: Wed. 5/17, Stop Big Brother Surveillance -- Call Congress

Please forward this message widely, and call your Senators and Representative (just three quick phone calls) on Wednesday, May 17!

Wednesday, May 17, National Call-in to Congress on NSA Warrantless Surveillance

Last December, we learned that the President had broken the law by allowing the National Security Agency to spy on Americans' phone calls.

On Thursday, 5/11, USA Today published a major cover story revealing a National Security Agency (NSA) database of millions of innocent Americans' domestic phone call records, indicating who, when and where we are calling.

This database has nothing to do with catching suspected terrorists: It is documenting all our associations in the largest database in history-with a goal of including "every call ever made" within the nation's borders. This program is truly beyond "Big Brother"!

Take Action Now

It's time for the American people to tell Congress in a clear, loud voice that we've had enough!

Join the Bill of Rights Defense Committee and thousands of other Americans by calling Congress on Wednesday, May 17 to demand they investigate this government intrusion immediately. The BORDC, the ACLU, People For the American Way, and other organizations
(see below) have declared the week of May 15 "National Call-in to Congress Week" and are asking their constituents to call their members of Congress on a specific day. Let's keep those phones ringing in the Congressional halls all week long!

The Message

Please phone each of your Senators, and your Representative. Urge them NOT to consider draft legislation that would give the executive branch new surveillance powers that are immune to oversight by the courts and Congress.

Call for a full, public investigation of the NSA surveillance program.

Call the Capitol switchboard at 202-224-3121 (24 hours) and ask the operator to connect you. Or use the BORDC call-in page to find your legislators' phone numbers and to let us know how your calls went.

Additional sample talking points: Here are a few suggestions. Choose one or two:

The President has broken the law. He must stop warrantless eavesdropping and collecting records on all our phone calls and come clean with the American people about any further secret powers he claims as Commander-in-Chief.

The administration's claim that it must break the law to protect us from al-Qaeda are just plain false: any communications specifically targeting an al-Qaeda member outside the U.S. doesn't even need a warrant, and FISA judges are ready and waiting to issue warrants to wiretap any suspected al-Qaeda in the U.S.-- ven if those calls include U.S. citizens or residents.

Overburdening the FBI with thousands of false leads makes us less safe because it leaves them less time and fewer resources to find the real terrorists.

How can Congress even consider passing legislation to make these illegal programs legal, when it can't even find out what they entail? It must investigate. This is no time for new legislation!

What's needed is an immediate, full and unrestricted public investigation into the NSA spying program, including a probe into the massive database collecting Americans' phone calls.

The idea that the database of all our calls is permissible as long as it doesn't contain names and addresses is ludicrous. By linking the database of phone calls with all the other government data mining operations, the government can literally follow our every move, every contact, and every transaction. It's "Big Brother" run amok!

Congress needs to pass whistleblower protections for government employees and safeguards for journalists who provide information to the American public about illegal government acts.

The Fourth Amendment is clear. Electronic surveillance of this sort requires a warrant. A warrant allows a judge to serve as a check against executive abuse of power. That check keeps our government honest -- preventing one branch of government from mischief and errors.

Organizations supporting the call-in day (partial list) include the Alliance for Justice, American-Arab Anti- Discrimination Committee, American Civil Liberties Union, Bill of Rights Defense Committee, Council on American-Islamic Relations, Electronic Frontier Foundation, Electronic Privacy Information Center, First Amendment Foundation, Friends Committee on National Legislation, Liberty Coalition, National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, National Coalition Against Repressive Legislation, National Lawyers Guild, Patriots to Restore Checks and Balances, People For the American Way, Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism, Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations, and United For Peace and Justice.

More information is available on the BORDC webpage:

Informant: Craig Gingold

Stop Offshore Drilling Before It’s Too Late – Vote This Week

In the next few days, the House of Representatives will decide whether or not to expose our beautiful coasts and marine wildlife to the perils of offshore drilling when they vote on the Interior and Environment Appropriations bill.

Click here to urge your representative to vote to protect our coasts, wildlife, and environment before it’s too late!

Expanding offshore drilling is a short-sighted policy that would industrialize our coastline, threaten marine mammals, and threaten coastal communities and economies. Offshore drilling would do nothing to ease our energy crunch or lower prices at the pump. Any new natural gas that was discovered wouldn’t come on line for at least SEVEN years! We can’t drill our way out of this problem.

We need REAL energy solutions, not more drilling and giveaways to ExxonMobil. We consume 25% of the world's oil, yet we sit on just 3% of world reserves. The US can never drill our way to energy independence. Rather than offering up our last special places for more drilling, we need to focus on real energy solutions like efficiency, renewable energy and conservation.

Click here to ask your representative to support an amendment to protect our coasts and the manatees, sea turtles, dolphins and whales that call them home by upholding the 25-year ban on drilling in the Outer Continental Shelf that has protected our coasts up until now.

In addition to the amendment banning offshore drilling, there are a number of other important things on the table for this week’s vote on the Appropriations bill, including good amendments to protect clean water, preserve the Tongass National Forest in Alaska, and fight global warming.

We’d like to get your help securing your representative’s support for these pro-environment efforts next week, as well. You can do it all in one fell swoop by clicking on the link below.

Click here to urge your representative to help ensure that the environment is protected when he or she votes on the Appropriations bill later this week.

Please spread the word to your friends and family and ask them to join you in contacting their representatives, too.

Thank you for your help,

Katelyn Sabochik
Online Campaign Manager

Umfassender Lauschangriff auf US-Bürger

„Das umstrittene geheime Lauschprogramm der NSA ist weit umfassender, als bislang angenommen, und speichert die Verbindungsdaten fast der gesamten Inlandskommunikation. Vermutlich war es kein kluger Schachzug von US-Präsident Bush, Michael Hayden als Nachfolger von Porter Goss zum Direktor der CIA zu machen. Hayden, Stellvertreter des nationalen Geheimdienstdirektors John Negroponte und ehemaliger Direktor der NSA, hatte das Ende 2005 bekannt gewordene, heimlich organisierte Lauschprogramm auf US-Bürger unter Umgehung des Kongresses und der gesetzlichen Bestimmungen, durchgeführt. Das aber fanden auch republikanische Abgeordneten nicht in Ordnung…“ Artikel von Florian Rötzer auf telepolis vom 11.05.2006

Aus: LabourNet, 15. Mai 2006

BND bespitzelte Journalisten in großem Stil

Agenten des Geheimdienstes spionierten sogar das Privatleben von Medienvertretern aus.

„Der Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND) hat in weit größerem Ausmaß als bisher bekannt Journalisten bespitzelt und sie in rechtswidriger Weise bei der Arbeit und bis ins Privatleben hinein beschattet. Das geht aus dem Bericht des ehemaligen Vorsitzenden Richters am Bundesgerichtshof, Gerhard Schäfer, hervor, den dieser am Mittwochabend dem Parlamentarischen Kontrollgremium (PKG) des Bundestages vorlegte…“ Artikel von Annette Ramelsberger in Süddeutsche Zeitung vom 12.5.2006,tt2m1/deutschland/artikel/694/75619/

Siehe dazu: dju verurteilt BND-Bespitzelung von Journalisten

„Als Verletzung der im Grundgesetz verankerten Pressefreiheit hat die Deutsche Journalistinnen- und Journalisten-Union (dju) die Bespitzelungen und Beschattungen von Journalisten durch den Bundesnachrichtendient (BND) verurteilt. Nach Angaben von dju-Bundesgeschäftsführerin Ulrike Maercks-Franzen machten die neuesten Meldungen aus dem Parlamentarischen Kontrollgremium (PKG) über die umfangreiche rechtswidrige Bespitzelung von Journalisten durch den BND deutlich, wie notwendig die parlamentarische und darüber hinaus die öffentliche demokratische Kontrolle der "geheimen Dienste" ist…“ dju-Pressemitteilung vom 12.05.2006

Umstrittene Polizei-Razzia bei Stern-Korrespondenten. Richter bezweifeln Verhältnismäßigkeit der Maßnahme gegen den Journalisten, der Betrügereien bei der EU nachging

„Reicht ein Gerücht über Schmiergeldzahlungen aus, dass eine EU-Behörde die Festnahme eines Journalisten, die Durchsuchung seiner Wohnung und seines Büros sowie die Beschlagnahme sämtlichen Recherche-Papiere, Handys und Computer veranlassen kann? Diese Frage wollte der Europäische Gerichtshof Erster Instanz in Luxemburg am heutigen Donnerstag bei einer Anhörung klären…“ Artikel von Marcello Faraggi in telepolis vom 11.05.2006

Aus: LabourNet, 15. Mai 2006


"Stasi-Methoden": "Bespitzelungsaffäre kommt im Osten verheerend an" (15.05.06)

Die Bespitzelungsaffäre von Journalisten durch den Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND) wird nach Ansicht von FDP-Präsidiumsmitglied Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberg vor allem in Ostdeutschland zu einer tiefen Enttäuschung über die Demokratie führen. Was der BND mit seiner Schnüffelei gegenüber Journalisten praktiziert habe, sei nichts anderes als "Stasi-Methoden", sagte Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger der Chemnitzer "Freien Presse". Das komme gerade in den neuen Ländern "verheerend" an. BND sei es wie dem früheren Ministerium für Staatssicherheit um ein möglichst umfangreiches Netz von Kontrolle und Überwachung von unliebsamen Personen und Kritikern gegangen. Dass solche Methoden, die bislang einer Diktatur zugerechnet worden seien, auch in einem demokratischen Rechtsstaat möglich seien und jegliche Kontrollen versagten, "muss besonders die Menschen im Osten zutiefst verunsichern".

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:


Rechtsstaat muss Pressefreiheit schützen

#Die Linkspartei.PDS: Pressemitteilungen

16. Mai 2006

Zur Affäre um die Bespitzelung von Journalisten durch den Bundesnachrichtendienst erklärt die stellvertretende Parteivorsitzende Katina Schubert:

Die jüngste Affäre des BND macht erneut die schwierige parlamentarische Kontrolle von Geheimdiensten deutlich. Der BDN als Auslandsgeheimdienst hat im Inland nichts zu suchen. Mit seinen Aktivitäten hat er jeden rechtsstaatlichen Rahmen überschritten. Die Pressefreiheit ist ein hohes Gut, der Rechtsstaat ist gefordert, sie zu schützen. Die Durchsuchung der Cicero-Redaktionsräume im September
2005 und die Beschlagnahme von Redaktionsmaterial war ein erstes Alarmsignal. Die Linkspartei.PDS fordert eine umfassende öffentliche Aufklärung der Vorwürfe, um derartigen Machenschaften konsequent einen Riegel vorzuschieben. Darüber hinaus ist es an der Zeit, die Frage nach dem Sinn von Geheimdiensten neu zu stellen, bevor der erfolgreiche Kinofilm Das Leben der Anderen möglicherweise ungewollt eine Fortsetzung findet.


"Stasi-Methoden": Journalist Barth erwägt Klage gegen Bundesnachrichtendienst (16.05.06)

Der stellvertretende Chefredakteur und Lokalchef des "Hamburger Abendblatt", Karl-Günther Barth, wirft dem Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND) in der Affäre um die Bespitzelung von Journalisten "Stasi-Methoden" vor. Dies müsse politische und rechtliche Konsequenzen haben, forderte Barth, der selbst zu den betroffenen Journalisten gehört, am Dienstag im Deutschlandfunk. "Mit einer Entschuldigung ist das nicht getan", betonte er. Er selbst wolle jetzt seine Akten einsehen und überlege, "ob ich die Kameraden verklage". Barth hatte nach eigener Aussage am Freitag von einem Kollegen vom "Spiegel" erfahren, dass auch er im Visier des BND gewesen sei. "Ich war fassungslos", betonte er. Er habe als "Stern"-Autor über die Elf-Aquitaine-Affäre berichtet sowie über Uranschmuggel und Missstände im BND geschrieben. Die "Berliner Zeitung" veröffentlichte - unter Berufung auf BND-Mitarbeiter - inzwischen einen Artikel, der nahelegt, dass es keine umfassende Überwachung von Medien gegeben hat.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:


Stasi-Methoden überall?: Auch US-Geheimdienst NSA soll deutsche Journalisten ausspähen (16.05.06)

Neben dem deutschen Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND) beobachtet angelich auch der US-Geheimdienst National Security Agency (NSA) deutsche Journalisten. Das sagten Mitarbeiter der NSA der Nachrichtenagentur ddp. Nach diesen Angaben führt die am 21. April 2001 gegründete NSA-Unterabteilung "Signals Intelligence Directorate" (SID) heute auch eine Datei mit dem Codenamen "First Fruits", in der die Namen kritischer Publizisten sowie ihre Artikel und Äußerungen gespeichert sind.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:


Feuer und Wasser – 10 Thesen zum `organisierten Nicht-Verhältnis` von Geheimdiensten und Journalismus

Thesen von Dr. Thomas Leif, Vorsitzender netzwerk recherche, vom 5.4.2005 zur Tagung "Kollege Spitzel" der Journalistenvereinigung Netzwerk Recherche

"Komplex faktenmäßig nicht im Griff"

„Der BND bespitzelte Journalisten, Journalisten bespitzelten für den BND Kollegen: Wer war Opfer und wer auch Täter? Beim Netzwerk Recherche warnt man vor der Schadenfreude der Politiker. Die aber haben vielleicht noch gar nichts verstanden. Wenn Journalisten Journalisten verraten, ist der Ofen aus. Schluss mit dem netten Bonmot von Helmut Schmidt, der BND sammle doch in erster Linie Zeitungsausschnitte. "Heute wissen wir: Er hat die Kollegen gleich mit gekauft" sagt Karl Günther Barth….“ Artikel von Steffen Grimberg in der taz vom 22.5.2006

Aus: LabourNet, 23. Mai 2006

Arbeitsmarkt verkehrt: Arbeitsförderung drängt festangestellte Arbeiterin Job aufzugeben

„Immenhausen. Die Arbeitsgemeinschaft (Arge) zur Arbeitsförderung im Landkreis drängt eine festangestellte Arbeiterin, sich nach einem anderen, besser bezahlten Job umzuschauen. Die 37-jährige musste dazu eine sogenannte Eingliederungsvereinbarung unterschreiben. (…) Sie solle mehr verdienen, damit die Bedarfsgemeinschaft Horrer/Nuhn nicht mehr angewiesen ist auf Unterstützungsleistungen der Agentur für Arbeit oder der Arbeitsförderung. Nun musste sich die festangestellte Arbeiterin verpflichten, auf Stellensuche zu gehen und Bewerbungsunterlagen zu erstellen…“ Artikel von Gerd Henke in Hofgeismar - Zeitung in Kassel für Nordhessen und Südniedersachsen vom 12.05.2006

Aus: LabourNet, 15. Mai 2006

Mothers Day: Impeachment, please tell me why its not happening

America In Baghdad

by David Phinney,

The new embassy is an emblem of U.S. occupation -- rife with corruption, secret bidding and abusive labor practices.

The Hill's Climate Change

by Jeremy Symons,

This week will be the first time House members are forced to show where they stand on global warming.

Operation Regime Change: why Bush won't use diplomacy with Iran

by Gareth Porter,

Antistigmakampagne: ein Folter-Werbefeldzug der WPA

Tax us if you can: wie sich Multis und Reiche der Besteuerung entziehen und was dagegen unternommen werden kann

"Tax us if you can" jetzt auf Deutsch:

Die neue Broschüre "Tax us if you can - Wie sich Multis und Reiche der Besteuerung entziehen und was dagegen unternommen werden kann" ist das Ergebnis eines internationalen Diskussionsprozesses im "Tax Justice Network". Die Publikation ist inzwischen in sieben Sprachen erschienen und nun auch auf Deutsch. Verantwortet wurde die deutsche Ausgabe von: Attac Österreich, Deutschland, Schweiz, Luxembourg, Kirchlichem Dienst in der Arbeitswelt, Erklärung von Bern und AllianceSud. Koordiniert wurde sie von Share e.V. "Tax us if you can" erklärt allgemeinverständlich die durch Globalisierung verstärkten Steuerungerechtigkeiten und stellt die wichtigsten Akteure vor. Im wichtigsten letzten Teil wird ein aus zwölf Maßnahmen bestehender Weg zu internationaler Steuergerechtigkeit vorgestellt. Bestellung und Download:

Es reicht! Schluss mit den Reformen gegen uns!


Ya basta - Es reicht! Schluss mit den Reformen gegen uns!

Mit einem eigenen Aufruf mobilisiert Attac zur bundesweiten Demonstration am 3. Juni in Berlin gegen Massenentlassungen, Sozialkahlschlag, innere Aufrüstung und Krieg. Im Aufruf heißt es: "Die Vision von einer anderen Welt, in der der Mensch und die Natur im Mittelpunkt stehen und nicht der Profit, ist nötiger denn je. Wir brauchen ein gesellschaftliches Umsteuern zur Lösung der wachsenden ökologischen und ökonomischen Probleme: schon allein der voranschreitende Klimawandel und das absehbare Ende der fossilen Energieträger machen eine Umkehr unausweichlich. Aber das ist auch unser Chance, für einen grundlegenden Wandel in Wirtschaft und Politik hin zu mehr Solidarität und Nachhaltigkeit zu streiten." Unter finden sich der komplette Attac-Aufruf sowie weiterführende Links zu Attac-Hintergrundinfos zum Sohzialabbau, und unter die Mitfahrzentrale zur Demo. Die Demoseite der OrganisatorInnen findet sich unter

Krieg ist keine Lösung

Attac, Campact, DFG-VK, IPPNW und das Netzwerk Friedenskooperative haben am vergangenen Freitag eine gemeinsame Kampagne gegen eine weitere Eskalation des Konflikts um das iranische Atomwaffenprogramm gestartet. Eine erste Online-Aktion richtet sich an die Staaten, die derzeit über den Wortlaut einer Resolution des UN-Sicherheitsrats verhandeln:

* E-Mail-Aktion: "Kein Irankrieg!" - Fordern Sie Vernunft! Der Streit um das iranische Atomprogramm spitzt sich weiter zu. Derzeit ringen Deutschland und die 5 ständigen Mitglieder des UN-Sicherheitsrates um einen Resolutionsentwurf, der die Verurteilung Irans nach Kapitel VII der UN-Charta als "Gefährdung des Weltfriedens" vorsieht. Wie beim Irak-Krieg könnte dies als Legitimation für einen militärischen Alleingang dienen. Eine Atombombe in den Händen des Iran ist nicht akzeptabel. Aber ein militärisches Eingreifen kann sie nicht verhindern und ließe die Situation im Nahen Osten völlig aus den Fugen geraten.

* Fordern Sie von Außenminister Steinmeier und den deutschen Botschaftern der ständigen UN-Sicherheitsrats-Mitglieder eine diplomatische Lösung des Konflikts! Machen Sie mit:

Der vollständige Text der Pressemitteilung zu der Kampagne findet sich im Netz unter .

Bird Flu, Tamiflu and the Donald Rumsfeld Connection

An unsurprisingly astute reader took just a few seconds to set the record straight on the Bird Flu drama currently unfolding. Thanks, reader!

Check it out.

Frank J. Gonzalez
Venture International Mortgage Inc.
Associate Mortgage Broker
2006 candidate for U.S. House vs. Lincoln Diaz-Balart
cell: 786-287-7491

"I hold it that a little rebellion now and then is a good thing, and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical."

"I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, thus building a wall of separation between church and state."

--founder of the Democratic Party, 3rd President of the United States, Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826)

How would a patriot act?

by Glenn Greenwald


In one sense, it is difficult to understand how the Bush administration has been able to embrace such radical theories of executive power, and to engage in such recognizably un-American conduct -- first in the shadows and now quite openly -- without prompting a far more intense backlash from the country than we have seen. That is because the Bush administration has in its arsenal one very potent weapon -- and one weapon only -- which it has repeatedly used: fear. ... For a different vision of our nation, we need only look to the founders, who embodied courage and resolve. Most of them were wealthy and educated, and enjoyed the privileges of a gentrified upbringing in the British Empire. But mere comfort and safety were not enough for them. What they lacked were the basic liberties that have now come to define America and that we now take for granted. Under the Bush administration, we have traveled as a nation from the towering heights defined by the courage of Patrick Henry (and other founding fathers) to a fearful basement where we are ready to give up our liberties and grant the government power without limits...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

What Fourth Amendment?

by Dave Lindorff


Clearly, the Bush administration decided to implement Admiral John Poindexter's bold idea of a Total Information Awareness program, even after Congress and the public broadly denounced the idea when it was first exposed back in 2002. Supposedly killed back then, the idea of monitoring everyone all the time was just too tempting to this control-freak administration, so they just shifted the plan out of the Pentagon and handed it to the NSA...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Millions of terrorists

Boulder Daily Camera
by staff


President Bush often says that things changed after Sept. 11, 2001. Well, the Constitution did not change. The latest revelations about widespread, warrantless spying on innocent Americans provides yet more evidence -- as if any were needed -- that the Bush administration systematically flouts the Constitution. Democrats are outraged. But so are true conservatives -- the ones who believe our founding document is precious...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Millions of terrorists

Boulder Daily Camera
by staff


President Bush often says that things changed after Sept. 11, 2001. Well, the Constitution did not change. The latest revelations about widespread, warrantless spying on innocent Americans provides yet more evidence -- as if any were needed -- that the Bush administration systematically flouts the Constitution. Democrats are outraged. But so are true conservatives -- the ones who believe our founding document is precious...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Groundhog day in Iraq

by Joshua Holland


As the architects of the Iraq war cast about for someone to blame for their debacle, they've turned their sights inward -- to the U.S. public. A lack of fortitude among the American people is to blame; only the folks back home can defeat our awe-inspiring military. Others, despairing of the Bush administration's 'soft approach' to the Iraq insurgency -- and casting hungry eyes toward Tehran -- have adopted a feverish, almost genocidal view of the war. If only we had the stomach to bring more firepower to bear on the Iraqi people, they say, 'victory' would be assured. In both formulations, the media is ultimately at fault for poisoning Americans' view of the war and sapping our national strength. But the war's advocates have no one to blame but themselves; we are in Iraq because of their delusion that raw military power can solve even the most complex transnational issues...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The Big Brother on Capitol Hill

National Review
by Andrew C. McCarthy


Getting elected to Congress is hard work. It is rivaled only by every incumbent's dearest preoccupation: remaining in congress. It takes untold hours of dedicated labor by highly motivated staffs and party organizations. It takes the expertise of outside experts. It takes meticulous research into the predilections of likely voters. And, most of all, it takes money. Lots of money. In modern American politics, that requires a fair amount of data mining -- the very same bane of our existence that currently has the usual suspects in Congress posturing about whether President Bush should merely be impeached or drawn-and-quartered at high noon...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The crash of big-government conservatism

by S.T. Karnick


Recent polls show support for Republicans is still declining, and President Bush's approval ratings are the lowest for any president other than Richard Nixon and Jimmy Carter in the past fifty years. ... This decline is fundamentally not a matter of PR or press bias but of policy and the philosophy behind it. Bush and the Republican Congress have had a difficult time selling themselves to the public because their policies have not been appealing. They have adhered to a philosophy, big-government conservatism, that has finally alienated nearly everyone...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

A good, yet misguided, people

The Free Liberal
by Richard A. Cheatham


Most Americans are optimistic, friendly, creative, productive, fair-minded, tolerant and generous in supporting things in which they believe. When you get to know them on a one-to-one basis, they're great people. If you're perceptive you’ll even find that most people (taken as individuals) around the world could be described in the very same way. Humans are more alike than different and human nature is timeless and virtually identical in all people. The thing that constantly surprises me is how such good people can tolerate (and often even advocate) such lousy and counter-productive methods for dealing with others. It amazes me what important functions they casually delegate to other people who function as their 'agents.' Of course, I'm talking about those 'special agents,' government employees...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The NSA is on the line -- all of them

by Kim Zetter


Interview with intelligence historian Matthew Aid: "The fact that the federal government has my phone records scares the living daylights out of me. They won't learn much from them other than I like ordering pizza on Friday night and I don't call my mother as often as I should. But it should scare the living daylights out of everybody, even if you're willing to permit the government certain leeways to conduct the war on terrorism. We should be terrified that Congress has not been doing its job and because all of the checks and balances put in place to prevent this have been deliberately obviated. In order to get this done, the NSA and White House went around all of the checks and balances. I'm convinced that 20 years from now we, as historians, will be looking back at this as one of the darkest eras in American history. And we're just beginning to sort of peel back the first layers of the onion... [subscription or ad view required]

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Fascism: are we there yet?

by Justin Raimondo


What is significant about this new revelation is the way the White House is spinning it: they claim it's all perfectly legal, because the president -- according to their creative interpretation of the Constitution -- has the 'inherent' authority to create such a database. Congress may object, but it isn't up to them -- it's up to 'the decider,' as Dubya has recently begun referring to Himself. Instead of a president, we now have a decider in chief, who combines the qualities of a chief executive, a military chieftain, and a king. Not a modern monarch, all of whom are merely symbolic reminders of fallen empires, but a king of old, who could dismiss Parliament and rule by decree...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Fonegate only part of fed spying

New York Daily News


The federal government's massive grab of nearly all the nation's phone records was just a small part of a vast array of official 'data mining' projects whose legality has come into question. In two reports since 2004, the Government Accountability Office said 52 of the 128 government agencies surveyed had either carried out or planned such projects -- resulting in 199 separate efforts to collect information. Five of the agencies -- including the FBI, State Department and Internal Revenue Service -- failed to comply with federal privacy and communications safeguards in their efforts to track terrorists and catch criminals, the GAO said.The failures 'increased the risk that personal information could be improperly exposed or altered,' the GAO reports said of the searches for patterns, trends and relationships in huge databases. The survey by the GAO, the investigative arm of Congress, did not include the National Security Agency's collection of hundreds of millions of phone records going back nearly five years...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Judge to decide if victim can sue CIA



The government urged a federal judge on Friday to block a lawsuit filed by a German national who says he was illegally held in a CIA-run prison in Afghanistan for four months and tortured. U.S. Attorney R. Joseph Sher said government secrets could be exposed if Khaled al-Masri were allowed to proceed with his lawsuit. 'Disclosure of information in the case would jeopardize national security,' Sher said during a hearing in which he asked the judge to dismiss the case...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Verizon sued over records: refuses to come clean about wiretapping

Concord Monitor


Verizon Communications Inc. faces its first lawsuit that claims the phone carrier violated privacy laws for giving phone records to the National Security Agency for a secret surveillance program. The lawsuit filed yesterday asks the court to stop Verizon from turning over any more records to the NSA without a warrant or consent of the subscriber. 'This is the largest and most vast intrusion of civil liberties we've ever seen in the United States,' said New Jersey attorney Bruce Afran, who sued with attorney Carl Mayer in federal district court in Manhattan, where Verizon has headquarters...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Verizon Refuses to Come Clean About Wiretapping

In a tight-lipped 44-page response to the PUC last Friday, Verizon argued that the commission lacks the authority to investigate a complaint that the telephone company was involved in the NSA program. The company further claimed such information is protected by the "state-secrets privilege."

Cheney's notes raise questions about CIA leak

Houston Chronicle


The prosecutor in the CIA leak case said more than six months ago that he was not alleging any criminal acts by Vice President Dick Cheney regarding the leak of agency operative Valerie Plame's identity. Today, the prosecutor is leaving the door open to the possibility that the vice president's now-indicted former chief of staff, I. Lewis Libby, was acting at his boss' behest when Libby allegedly leaked information about Plame to reporters. A new court filing presents handwritten notes of Cheney...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Military ignoring mental illness

Miami Herald


U.S. military troops with severe psychological problems have been sent to Iraq or kept in combat, even when superiors have been aware of signs of mental illness, a newspaper reported for Sunday editions. The Hartford Courant, citing records obtained under the federal Freedom of Information Act and more than 100 interviews of families and military personnel, reported numerous cases in which the military failed to follow its own regulations in screening, treating and evacuating mentally unfit troops from Iraq. In 1997, Congress ordered the military to assess the mental health of all deploying troops...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Miniluv asks judge to dismiss spy plot suit

Los Angeles Times


The Justice Department on Saturday asked a federal judge to throw out an eavesdropping lawsuit against AT&T Corp., citing possible damage from the litigation to national security. Officials wrote that the lawsuit by AT&T customers would bring up matters too sensitive for public discussion. The 34-page filing was bolstered by statements from John D. Negroponte, who is director of national intelligence, and from Lt. Gen. Keith B. Alexander, director of the National Security Agency...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Lie to Congress; Get Fourth Star

Cyber-Warfare Chief's Deception

By Ray McGovern

U.S. Army Lt. Gen. Keith Alexander may well be harboring the proverbial thought attributed to prevaricator Oliver North upon being spared punishment -- and instead getting rewarded handsomely -- for lying about the Iran-Contra Affair: "Is this a great country or what!"

Kirchenprotest in Bruchköbel



Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

anlässlich der am 14. Mai 2006 (Muttertag) durchgeführten Visitation des Bischofs der Evangelischen Landeskirche Kurhessen-Waldeck (EKKW) Herrn Dr. Martin Hein in Bruchköbel, wurden die vor Jahren mit Billigung der EKKW vollzogenen Installationen der Mobilfunksendeanlagen in den Kirchtürmen der Evangelischen Kirchen in Bruchköbel, Brk-Roßdorf und Hanau-Mittlebuchen von den bekannten BI’s erneut massiv kritisiert.

Siehe hierzu nachfolgende PM, Offener Brief an Herrn Bischof Dr. Martin Hein sowie in der Anlage 1 Foto der Demo.

Alfred Tittmann
c/o ImoWoB e.V.

PM zur Aktion offener Brief an den Bischof am 14. Mai 2006:

(Bruchköbel) Etwa 50 Mitglieder der Bürgerinitiativen für mobilfunksenderfreie Wohngebiete in Bruchköbel und Mittelbuchen hatten sich am Muttertag um die Jakobuskirche versammelt, um beim Besuch des Bischofs der Evangelischen Kirche von Kurhessen-Waldeck (EKKW), Dr. Martin Hein, die weiterhin in den Türmen der evangelischen Kirchen in Bruchköbel, Roßdorf und Mittelbuchen strahlenden Mobilfunksendeanlagen in Erinnerung zu rufen. In einem offenen Brief, der den Kirchenbesuchern ausgehändigt wurde, ist an die Mitverantwortung des Bischofs für diese Belastung und deren Folgen, wie etwa zahlreiche Kirchenaustritte, appelliert worden. Das Gefährdungspotential werde offenbar negiert, der Zustand tatenlos hingenommen. Gegen dieses im offenen Brief als unchristlich beurteilte Verhalten wurde aufs schärfste protestiert. Bischof Hein wird darin aufgefordert, der Beteiligung der Kirche an diesem "Freilandversuch" entgegenzutreten, damit die Anlagen endlich gekündigt und abgeschaltet werden. Die sich mehrenden Warnungen der Wissenschaft vor gesundheitlicher Gefährdung durch Mobilfunkstrahlung würden dringend Prävention und Umkehr erfordern.

Eine Gottesdienstbesucherin kritisierte vor der Kirche, dass auch Kinder an der Demonstration beteiligt waren. Kinder seien durch die Strahlung besonders gefährdet, entgegneten BI-Mitglieder. Einzelne Kirchenbesucher waren derart verärgert über die erneute Kritik an den Mobilfunksendern in den drei Kirchtürmen, dass sie den Brief der BI vor den Augen der Verteilenden demonstrativ ungelesen in den Müll beförderten. Unter Berufung auf das Hausrecht veranlassten Kirchenvorstandsmitglieder die Verteilenden, das Grundstück zu verlassen. Ein Pfarrer aus Ostheim führte die damalige "Blauäugigkeit" der Kirchenverantwortlichen bei der Vertragsunterzeichnung mit den Betreiberfirmen an. Als er sagte, nun komme man nicht mehr davon los, wurde er von einem BI-Mitglied darauf hingewiesen, dass die Kirchenvorstände bisher keinen ernsthaften Versuch unternommen haben, die 10 bis 20 Jahre (für die Jakobuskirche noch bis Ende 2018!) laufenden Verträge zu kündigen. Der Bischof habe beim Überreichen des Schreibens geäußert, er sei davon ausgegangen, das "die Sache ausgeräumt" wäre.

Thomas Hirt 1. Vorsitzender ImoWoB e.V.
Innerer Ring 15
63486 Bruchköbel

15. Mai 2006

Offener Brief


Bischof Dr. Martin Hein
Evangelische Landeskirche Kassel
Wilhelmshöher Allee 330
34131 Kassel

14. Mai 2006

Sehr geehrter Herr Dr. Hein,

willkommen in Bruchköbel! Mit Ihrem heutigen Besuch beehren Sie die strahlende Jakobuskirche; strahlend im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes, nämlich durch den vor 7 Jahren klammheimlich installierten Mobilfunksender. Diese "okkulte Belastung" trifft, wie Ihnen bekannt ist, auch für die evangelischen Kirchen in Rossdorf und Mittelbuchen zu. Mit Billigung durch die EKKW und der vor 7 Jahren verantwortlichen Pfarrer und KV-Mitglieder werden Menschen im Umfeld der Kirchensenderanlagen Tag und Nacht zwangsbestrahlt. Sie sind als Bischof u.a. auch dafür mitverantwortlich, dass bereits zahlreiche Menschen aus Protest aus der Kirche ausgetreten sind - dass diesen Menschen ihre kirchliche Heimat genommen wurde.

Zahlreiche Studien, deren Publikation vielfach verzögert oder unterschlagen wird, belegen eindeutig das Gefährdungspotential. Vielfältige schwerwiegende Erkrankungen bis hin zu Leukämie haben nachweisbar im Umfeld solcher Anlagen dramatisch zugenommen und zeigen, dass die weithin von den finanziellen Nutznießern dieser Anlagen mit entsprechendem Nachdruck kolportierte Behauptung, es sei nichts bewiesen usw., unter die schändlichsten, menschenverachtendsten Irreführungsversuche unserer Zeit einzuordnen ist. Demgegenüber fordern seriöse Wissenschaftler und Ärzte dringend zu Prävention und zur Umkehr (Metanoia!) auf.

Wir klagen an, dass Sie diese Gefahr offenbar negieren und mit dazu beigetragen haben, dass Gemeinden gespalten sind und aus Protest Kirchenaustritte erfolgten.

Warum lassen Sie diesen Zustand offenbar tatenlos andauern?

Wir protestieren nach wie vor gegen diesen zutiefst unchristlichen Vorgang und verurteilen dies aufs Schärfste!

Wir fordern Sie erneut dazu auf, der Beteiligung der Kirche am "Freilandversuch" am Menschen hier in Bruchköbel und Mittelbuchen entgegenzutreten. Wirken Sie auf die Verantwortlichen ein, damit die Anlagen gekündigt und abgeschaltet werden.

Die Bürgerinitiativen Mittelbuchen, Bruchköbel und Roßdorf

V.i.S.d.P Thomas Hirt, Innerer Ring 15,63486 Bruchköbel

Dr. Ursula Reinhardt, Kirchstr. 15 a, 63486 Bruchköbel-Roßdorf

Andreas Müller-Zimmermann, Hinter der Kirche 8,
63454 Hanau-Mittelbuchen


Kirche und Mobilfunk

NSA: Datamining the USA

Iranische Ölbörse auf Euro-Basis startet

Nachdem die Ankündigung vielfach bereits als Gerücht abqualifiziert wurde, ist vor einer Woche die Lizenz für die euro-basierte Ölbörse auf der Insel Kish im persischen Golf von der iranischen Regierung erteilt worden. Der erwartete Effekt: der Sturz des US-Dollars macht nun den westlichen Finanzmärkten und Ökonomen schwer zu schaffen.

Ursprünglich war der Start der Ölbörse bereits für den Monat März angesetzt worden. Nach Mitteilung der iranischen Regierung soll sie nun in zwei Monaten ihren Betrieb aufnehmen. Die erwartete Konsequenz, dass mit einem Erdölangebot in Euro statt bisher ausschließlich in US-Dollar, war zwischenzeitlich viel diskutiert worden: durch den Wegfall der Deckung in Erdöl wurde ein Sturz der westlichen Leitwährung erwartet. Während bisher alle Länder für den Import von Erdöl Dollar beschaffen und bereithalten mussten und mit ihren Exporten in die USA deshalb das riesige Handelsdefizit dort immer weiter steigerten und dabei gleichzeitig die Leitwährung des Westens stützten, kippt nun diese Situation. Im Ergebnis ist anzunehmen, dass die Funktion der Leitwährung nun auf den Euro übergeht. Schwere Probleme kommen damit auf die USA zu: man wird zukünftig nicht mehr bequem, wie bisher, die immer teureren Öl- und Rohstoff-Importe ebenso wie chinesische Konsumgüter, deutsche BMW usw. mithilfe der eigenen Notenpresse finanzieren können, die zuletzt immer größere Mengen des zunehmend wertlosen Papiers ausgestoßen hatte.

Auf seiten der US-Handelspartner wiederum werden bereits heute die entgegengesetzten Probleme sichtbar: die exportorientierte Industrie gerät massiv unter Druck. Die Financial Times schreibt "Immer mehr Aktienstrategen bangen um die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit exportorientierter europäischer Unternehmen. " Die iranische Ölbörse wirft damit bereits ihre Schatten voraus. Allerdings ist dies Projekt inzwischen nicht mehr isoliert zu sehen: in den vergangenen Monaten schichteten bereits mehrere Zentralbanken ihre Reserven um und zogen sich aus dem Dollar zurück. Hinzu kam der im April bekannt gewordene Plan, nun auch für den Wirtschaftsraum der arabischen Ölförderstaaten sich aus dem Dollar zu lösen und den Dinar in Anlehnung an den Euro als eigene Gemeinschaftswährung zu etablieren. Beratung gab es für dies Projekt von Experten der europäischen Zentralbank. Im Übrigen hatte auch einer der wichtigsten Öllieferanten der USA, Venezuelas Präsident Chavez angekündigt, sich den Iranern anzuschließen, und Öl in Euro abzurechnen. Von verschiedener Seite war darüber spekuliert worden, dass durch einen amerikanischen Angriff auf den Iran die Bedrohung des Dollars verhindert werden sollte: auch Saddam Hussein hatte die Abrechnung des irakischen Öls auf Euro umgestellt, bevor die USA diese Unbotmäßigkeit durch die Besetzung des Landes zur Episode machten. Nachdem nun allerdings die Absetzbewegungen gegenüber der amerikanischen Leitwährung eine neue Breite angenommen haben, wird diese Entwicklung allein durch einen Angriff auf den Iran kaum zu stoppen sein.

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Infopool / metainfo hamburg

Blair: relentless strangling of human rights hasn't stopped yet

They do it in Iraq, why not at home?

The Delusional World of Neocon Make-Believe

Condoleezza Rice at Boston College? I Quit

Steve Almond, adjunct English Professor at Boston College, writes his public resignation from Boston College after the school agreed to host Condoleezza Rice as a featured speaker.

Battle Cry for Theocracy

Activist Sunsara Taylor explores the frightening world of a Christian evangelical youth movement that is holding rock concerts and rallies at city halls nationwide this weekend.

Will the Real Traitors Please Stand Up?

Frank Rich writes, "Today we know who the real traitors were: the officials who squandered American blood and treasure on an ill-considered war and then tried to cover up their lies and mistakes. It was precisely those lies and mistakes, of course, that were laid bare by the thousands of pages of classified Pentagon documents leaked to both The Times and The Washington Post."

"You Can't Understand Unless You Were There"

Bad stuff happened in Iraq, stuff Adam Reuter doesn't want to talk about. Not with his friends, not with the line cooks in the burger joint where he worked when he first came home or the tenants in the apartment complex he manages now.

Cheney Pushed US to Widen Domestic Spying

In the weeks after the Sept. 11 attacks, Vice President Dick Cheney and his top legal adviser argued that the National Security Agency should intercept purely domestic telephone calls and e-mail messages without warrants in the hunt for terrorists, according to two senior intelligence officials.

U.S. moves in secret to quash suit against AT&T

The Bush administration is filing secret arguments with a federal judge to dismiss a lawsuit against AT&T over its alleged participation in the government's electronic surveillance program, a privacy-rights group said Friday.

From Information Clearing House

Transnational Corporations Stand Condemned

The governments of Argentina and Bolivia joined civil society organisations, in the Austrian capital, to accuse European companies of disregarding laws on the environment, civil rights and labour in their operations in Latin America and the Caribbean.

No Rules, Just Might

Last Friday, delegates from the United States stood up before the international community and defended their nation’s practices on torture. Their inconsistent performance bodes ill for America’s efforts to sustain moral and practical leadership in global counterterrorism effort.

From Information Clearing House

U.S. Argues to Block Suit Against CIA

The government urged a federal judge on Friday to block a lawsuit filed by a German national who says he was illegally held in a CIA-run prison in Afghanistan for four months and tortured.

From Information Clearing House

Rice, Rumsfeld block access to secret detainees-ICRC

The United States has again refused the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) access to terrorism suspects held in secret detention centers, the humanitarian agency said on Friday.

Russia and US trade angry words over Iran at UN dinner

The American secretary of state, Condoleezza Rice, and her Russian counterpart, Sergei Lavrov, traded barbs during bad-tempered talks at a foreign ministers' summit in New York on Iran's nuclear programme.

From Information Clearing House

Iran: Euro to replace dollar as oil currency

The switch, first mooted months ago, was expected but Ahmadinejad's decision comes just as Washington is stepping up pressure on other United Nations Security Council members to act against Tehran for flouting agreements taken with the UN's nuclear watchdog.

US must address Iran security concerns

Iran to conduct nuclear activities under UN control - Ahmadinejad

"The international community should not be nervous since Tehran's nuclear program is absolutely peaceful. Iran is ready for talks with all the countries of the world except Israel," he said. "Tehran will never succumb to outside pressure, like it or not."

US must address Iran security concerns

"Iran is surrounded by countries that have nuclear weapons, Russia has nuclear weapons, Pakistan has nuclear weapons, Israel has nuclear weapons, Iraq has used chemical weapons against them. There is a sense of insecurity," he said.

From Information Clearing House

An Iranian offer that America must heed

The Ahmadinejad letter is an invitation to dialogue as well as a reminder of the dangers posed by the Bush administration.

Standing on the bodies: McCain Defends Iraq War

With the Rev. Jerry Falwell at his side, Senator John McCain offered a spirited defense of the Iraq war on Saturday, telling graduating students at Liberty University that victory there was crucial to world security.

Analysts say McCain wooing religious right

When he ran for the Republican presidential nomination in 2000, Senator John McCain denounced religious right leader Jerry Falwell as an ''evil" force whose message of ''intolerance" hurt the GOP and America.

From Information Clearing House


At Falwell's University, McCain Defends Iraq War

With the Revernd Jerry Falwell at his side, Senator John McCain offered a spirited defense of the Iraq war on Saturday, telling graduating students at Liberty University that victory there was crucial to world security. But Mr. McCain urged opponents of the war to vigorously "state their opposition" in the interest of critical debate on this increasingly unpopular conflict.

The algebra of infinite justice

The US prepares to wage a new kind of war: If it doesn't find its enemy, for the sake of the enraged folks back home, it will have to manufacture one. Once war begins, it will develop a momentum, a logic and a justification of its own, and we'll lose sight of why it's being fought in the first place.

Words of Mass Deception

Rod Barton blew the whistle on Australian, US and British lies about Iraq's hidden weapons cache. And the Australian Government has made sure he pays a high price for his stand. Hamish McDonald reports.

Ex-WMD Inspector: Politics Quashed Facts

A year after Bush administration claims about Iraqi ``bioweapons trailers'' were discredited by American experts, U.S. officials were still suppressing the findings, says a senior member of the CIA-led Iraq inspection team.

On Mother's Day in a Time of War

On this Mother's Day, my thoughts go out to First Lady Laura Bush. - She will never feel the pain that so many Iraqi mothers feel when their babies are blown to bits for Bush's agenda. And she will never feel the pain of all those American mothers of dead soldiers.

Military seeks more air bases

"We’ll be in the region for the foreseeable future," said U.S. Air Force Maj. Gen. Allen Peck, deputy air commander of U.S. Central Command, which oversees the region. "

Pair help Iraq veterans 'survive peace'

An Iowa couple's son killed himself while suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. 'We can't ignore the others,' they say.

Suicidal troops sent into combat

U.S. military troops with severe psychological problems have been sent to Iraq or kept in combat, even when superiors have been aware of signs of mental illness, a newspaper reported for Sunday editions.

From Information Clearing House

Fanning the Flames of Dissent

By Charles Sullivan

The government has fallen so completely under the spell of the corporations that it is virtually indistinguishable from them. The people have been shut out of the process and are left to fend for themselves, much like the victims of Hurricane Katrina last year.

The Freefalling Dollar and Bush’s war on the Middle Class

By Mike Whitney

America is being readied for economic “shock therapy” and “structural readjustment”, the vile remedies for ailing economies. When the bottom drops out, the snoozing American middle class will finally stir from their slumber and get their first look at the new world.

The long shadow of the United States

By Robert Fisk

America set up military bases in the north of Brazil without waiting for authorisation.

International Criminal Court: The Missing Link

While there have been multiple conventions and treaties regarding international humanitarian law designed to protect combatants and noncombatants, the missing link has been an effective legal body to interpret and enforce international law, and to hold individuals criminally responsible for the most serious violations. Following World War II, the Nuremberg and Tokyo tribunals prosecuted Axis war criminals. Nuremberg established that individuals, as opposed to abstract entities such as a State, could be held accountable for war crimes. However, tribunals have been done on an ad hoc basis, giving the impression of selective prosecution and creating omissions in who has been brought to justice. For example, no one has been tried for the "killing fields" in Cambodia.

Recognizing this limitation, members of the international community worked for over 50 years to establish an International Criminal Court (ICC). The United Nations sponsored the 1998 Conference in Rome that established the framework for the ICC. It was up to individual countries to become signatories to the Rome Statute, thereby proclaiming agreement, and then to ratify the Statute, thus becoming a Party to the ICC. As part of this process, each ICC country develops its own implementing legislation. On April 11, 2002, the Court received the 60th ratification, the number necessary to trigger realization of the ICC.

The U.S. is not a member. George Bush refused to be judged by the ICC and refuses to have any member of the administration to come under it's jurisdiction. Is there any wonder why?

Informant: ACRYLIC

Mast protesters blame Government for health problems

Irish Independent - Dublin, Ireland

MOBILE phone mast opponents have laid the blame for health problems they claim are associated with the masts squarely on the Government's shoulders...>


Informant: ranger116

Tell your Congressman: Impeach President Bush and Vice-President Cheney Now

Informant: ranger116




The FISA(Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) law is very clear in that the executive branch must get a warrant in order to spy on Americans on American soil. George W. Bush has repeatedly confessed to violating this law. Therefore, it is the duty of members of the House of Representatives to impeach Bush.

It really is that simple. We often hear the argument from Democrats that it is better to wait until after the November elections. Why??? There is no assurance that Democrats will take back the Congress in November.

In the meantime, each Democrat in Congress is collecting a salary. They are getting paid to serve us, and if they neglect to initiate impeachment now, then they are not doing their job. Our constitution is designed for checks and balances between the three branches and taxpayers are not paying them to sit on their hands.


This alert is brought to you by the activism of Charles Coleman, candidate for U.S House from the 28th Congressional District of California. Fighting for the rights of all Americans is why Charles is running for Congress, and he's not waiting until the election to start fighting for Louisiana and the rest of America.

When we talk about taking back Congress, that is what we will have to do, TAKE IT. Nobody is going give us anything we won't give to ourselves. And when we donate to a candidate like Charles Coleman who is showing just the kind of leadership we need, we can make an example of him, and show other candidates that if they show real backbone they will get the support of the people too.


We NEED candidates like Charles Coleman to champion the issues that are important to us. Charles needs your help to get his message out, to get YOUR message out, by putting on radio spots calling yet more people to action Please make a contribution today to send Charles to Congress and fight for you on the issues you care about.

How many times have you felt helpless and wished you could influence the votes of representatives in other districts to prevail on a critical vote in Congress, but thought you could not do so effectively because you were not one of their own constituents? How much more would you support Charles if you do live in his district?

Here we have a courageous candidate who will fight for all the issues you care about, if only he is given the chance to make the run. Please donate whatever you can to help Charles to run ads to recruit and mobilize even more people to speak out so we can have a real impact on these policy decisions now and for the future. What would you give to have a whole legislature of people like Charles Coleman? Won't you give him your support now to make that a reality?

We have been valiantly speaking out with action alerts based on one fundamental premise --- either our representatives in Congress would listen to and heed the voices of their people --- or else we would work to replace them in the next election.

The time for the replacement action is NOW.


If each of us will just contribute what we can, to the most worthy candidates we can find, it will make a real difference in the kind of Congress we will all have to deal with in 2007. Most importantly, strong showings NOW by candidates who DO have a backbone, and WILL stand up and fight, can send a powerful message to the rest that they better start shaping up or we will ship them out too. Make your donation today and it will have cascading positive effects in many other races for months to come.

Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed to be ours, and forward this message to everyone else you know.

Powered by The People's Email Network Copyright 2006, Patent pending, All rights reserved




There is a growing slate of progressive candidates all over the country now taking the strong stand that the people demand, calling for the immediate impeachment of Bush and Cheney before they can do any more harm to our national security and our economy. For example in California there are at least three progressive candidates in Los Angeles alone speaking out for impeachment now. Consider these words of Bob McCloskey, running for the U.S. Congress from the 29th district of California:

A President cannot commit a more serious crime against our democracy than lying to Congress and the American people to get them to support a military action or war. It is not just cowardly and abhorrent to fool others into giving their lives for a nonexistent threat, it is that the decision to go to war, in a democracy, must be made by the people and their representatives. Given that the consequences is death for tens of thousands of people and the diversion of billions of dollars to the war effort, the fraud cannot be tolerated. The President should be impeached for committing fraud.

On December 17, 2005, President Bush admitted he repeatedly authorized wire taps without obtaining a warrant. Thousands of calls were monitored and the information obtained widely circulated among Federal agencies. These warrantless wiretaps violate FISA, which requires court approval for national security wire taps. Violation of the FISA is a felony. Recent revelations regarding the warrantless monitoring of millions of emails and phone calls by the NSA under authorization from the President are further violations of FISA and the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution. The President should be impeached for committing these felonies.

In addition, it is imperative that a full investigation be undertaken regarding President Bush's role in the systematic torture and abuse of detainees. Violating his oath of office, the Geneva Convention, and the War Crimes Act would constitute impeachable offenses.

Upon taking office, the President took an oath in which he swore to take care that the laws would be faithfully executed. He has been guilty of such gross incompetence or reckless indifference to his obligation to execute the laws faithfully as to call into question whether he takes his oath seriously or is capable of doing so. Our nation has no choice but to impeach the President.


This alert is brought to you by the activism of Bob McCloskey, candidate for U.S House from the 29th Congressional District of California. Fighting for the rights of all Americans is why Bob is running for Congress, and he's not waiting until the election to start fighting for Louisiana and the rest of America.

When we talk about taking back Congress, that is what we will have to do, TAKE IT. Nobody is going give us anything we won't give to ourselves. And when we donate to a candidate like Bob McCloskey who is showing just the kind of leadership we need, we can make an example of him, and show other candidates that if they show real backbone they will get the support of the people too.


We NEED candidates like Bob McCloskey to champion the issues that are important to us. Bob needs your help to get his message out, to get YOUR message out, by putting on radio spots calling yet more people to action Please make a contribution today to send Bob to Congress and fight for you on the issues you care about.

How many times have you felt helpless and wished you could influence the votes of representatives in other districts to prevail on a critical vote in Congress, but thought you could not do so effectively because you were not one of their own constituents? How much more would you support Bob if you do live in his district?

Here we have a courageous candidate who will fight for all the issues you care about, if only he is given the chance to make the run. Please donate whatever you can to help Bob to run ads to recruit and mobilize even more people to speak out so we can have a real impact on these policy decisions now and for the future. What would you give to have a whole legislature of people like Bob McCloskey? Won't you give him your support now to make that a reality?

We have been valiantly speaking out with action alerts based on one fundamental premise --- either our representatives in Congress would listen to and heed the voices of their people --- or else we would work to replace them in the next election.

The time for the replacement action is NOW.


If each of us will just contribute what we can, to the most worthy candidates we can find, it will make a real difference in the kind of Congress we will all have to deal with in 2007. Most importantly, strong showings NOW by candidates who DO have a backbone, and WILL stand up and fight, can send a powerful message to the rest that they better start shaping up or we will ship them out too. Make your donation today and it will have cascading positive effects in many other races for months to come.

Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed to be ours, and forward this message to everyone else you know.

Powered by The People's Email Network Copyright 2006, Patent pending, All rights reserved

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Bundesweiter dezentraler Protesttag während der WM: "Wir schießen zurück! Erwerbslose, raus aus dem Abseits"

Die drei aufrufenden Organisationen (BAG-SHI, Tacheles und Labournet Germany) wollen mit diesem Aufruf die in diesem Land vorherrschende Lethargie durchbrechen. Es ist dringend nötig den Umstrukturierungsplänen und dem sozialen Kahlschlag der Regierung entschlossenen Widerstand entgegenzusetzen. Das ein solcher Widerstand auch erfolgreich sein kann haben die Proteste und Auseinandersetzungen in Frankreich gezeigt. Es geht mit diesem Vorschlag auch nicht darum hier „französische Verhältnisse” zu schaffen, sondern das die Betroffenen ihre Sache in die Hand nehmen. Die Lethargie überwinden und anfangen gegen die völlige Demontage des Sozialstaates, sozialer und demokratischer Rechte und gegen Niedriglohn und Lohndumping sich zu wehren. Widerstand ist nötig. Organisieren wir ihn jetzt und so, dass er Wirkung erzielt!

Tacheles – Online Redaktion Harald Thomé Zum gemeinsamen Aufruf:

* Bundesweiter dezentraler Protesttag während der WM

Der Aufruf zum Download und für die Verbreitung. [PDF 101 KB]

* Hier geht es zum dafür eingerichteten Diskussionsforum.


"Wir schießen zurück! Erwerbslose, raus aus dem Abseits"
Kölner Folgetreffen am 6.6.2006

„Hiermit laden wir alle Inis, die im Einzugsbereich des Fußball-WM-Standortes Köln sich vorstellen können kooperierend an Aktionen teilzunehmen, im Namen der Kölner Erwerbsloseninitiativenversammlung (keiv) zu einem weiteren Treffen am 6.6.2006 nach Köln ein, auf dem Aktionen entwickelt und besprochen werden. Laßt uns gemeinsam die Heile-Welt-Fassade "Die Welt zu Gast bei Freunden" einreißen und die real existierend sozialterroristischen Lebensbedingungen für die Medien "der Welt" zum Vorschein bringen.Wir hoffen Ihr bringt viele Ideen und Verbündete mit. Das Treffen findet am Dienstag, den 6.6.2006 um 19:00 Uhr in der Scharifeh-Mühle in Köln-Ehrenfeld, Piusstr.26 statt. Für ÖPNV-NutzerInnen: vom Hauptbahnhof mit der Straßenbahnlinie 5 (Richtung Ossendorf) bis Haltestelle Hans-Böckler-Platz, Umstieg auf gleichen Bahnsteig in Linie 3 oder 4 bis Haltestelle Piusstraße. Oder vom Hauptbahnhof mit Linie 18 sowie 17/19 bis Appelhofplatz, Umstieg auf gegenüberliegenden Bahnsteig in Linie 3 oder 4 bis Piusstraße.“

"Wir schießen zurück! Erwerbslose, raus aus dem Abseits"
Material für die Montagsdemo zur WM am 26.6.06 ab 18.00 am Roncalliplatz

Kontakt über:

Aus: LabourNet, 1. Juni 2006


Dezentrale bundesweite Proteste während der WM

26.06: Am 26.06 (Achtelfinale in Köln) werden alle Städte in NRW gebeten, auf ihre Montagsdemo zu verzichten und dafür nach Köln zur Montagsdemo zu kommen.

27.6.06: In Bonn wird eine Demo zusammen mit den Erwerbslosen vom DGB, Erwerbslosen Forum Deutschland und den Studenten der Uni vor der ARGE stattfinden; gemeldet werden auch dezentrale Widerstandsaktionen in Dortmund und Gelsenkirchen

Sand ins Getriebe. Erwerbslose wehren sich immer heftiger gegen Sozialschikanen. Ziviler Ungehorsam mit phantasievollen und bunten Aktionen

Artikel von Ramona Sinclair in junge Welt vom 03.06.2006

Aus: LabourNet, 6. Juni 2006


Dezentrale bundesweite Proteste am 27. Juni!: "Wir schießen zurück! Erwerbslose, raus aus dem Abseits" - Aktionstag und Demo am 26.Juni 2006 zur Protestbegleitung der Fußball-WM in Köln

2006 > Dezentrale bundesweite Proteste am 27. Juni!

Osnabrück: auf Grund der Öffnungszeiten der AfA Osnabrück und Möglichkeiten der Aktivisten macht das "Osnabrücker Bündnis gegen Sozialabbau" einen Aktionstag unter dem Motto "Hartz IV - ein Leben in Ketten" einen Aktionstag am 26. Juni 06. Siehe das Aktionsflugi, das von Aktivisten mit HartzIV - Kugel ans Bein gekettet verteilt wird (pdf)

Aktionen zur WM 2006 München

„Die WM 2006 hat ihren faden Beigeschmack durch nationale Identifikationsstiftung, den Ausbau des Überwachungsstaats und kapitalistische Vermarktung von Produkten großer Konzerne. Die Bullen nützen die Gelegenheit aus, um noch mehr Eingriffmöglichkeiten zu erhalten. Doch es zeigen sich auch Risse in diesem Riesenspektakel, wenn auch kleine. Von eben diesen aber handelt dieser Artikel: Von Aktionen gegen den Großkonzern Coca-Cola, einer inhaltlich sehr gelungenen Mobilisierung von linken Fußballfans und der Münchner Roten Hilfe am
24.6.06, bis hin zu der Mobilisierung gegen den NPD-Aufmarsch am 1.Juli…“ Artikel von against repression vom 24.06.2006 bei indymedia

Proteste gegen Ein-Euro-Jobs > Spaziergänge gegen Ein-Euro-Jobs

Bericht vom X. Wuppertaler 1-Euro-Spaziergang

„Sechs Wanderlustige machten sich Montag morgen auf, um u.a. die
1-€uro-Jobber auf der Hardt (einer Parkanlage zwischen Elberfeld und Barmen) zu ihren Arbeits(losen)bedingungen zu befragen. Vermittelt über die GESA räumen dort z.Zt. vierundzwanzig 1-€uro-Jobber (alles Männer) fünf Tage die Woche á sechs Stunden (7 Uhr bis 13:45) die Kippen und sonstigen Müll vom Boden auf…“ Bericht von andrej vom 25.06.2006 bei indymedia

Aus: LabourNet, 26. Juni 2006


Dezentrale bundesweite Proteste während der WM

Köln: Bildergalerie der WM-Aktionen - Demo 'Wir schießen zurück!' in
Köln bei OWL gegen Sozialabbau

Dortmund: Bildergalerie der WM-Aktionen - Die ARGE-tinos beim
Halbfinale bei OWL gegen Sozialabbau

Aus: LabourNet, 11. Juli 2006


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