Dienstag, 18. April 2006

Protect Endangered Condors from Lead Poisoning

The California condor is one of the world's most endangered species, with just over 125 condors currently in the wild. Lead poisoning from ingesting lead ammunition in carcasses is a severe threat to California condors and also kills bald and golden eagles. Lead poisoning has caused nine confirmed condor deaths since 1997 and is implicated in the death or disappearance of at least 15 other condors in southern California alone. Scores more condors have required life-saving emergency blood treatment involving intrusive chemical therapy after ingesting lead.

Lead bullets are prevalent throughout condor territory, and there is overwhelming evidence that lead exposure comes from ammunition fragments in carcasses the condors feed upon. Condors and other scavenging birds such as eagles are extremely vulnerable to lead and will continue to die of lead poisoning until and unless state and federal agencies take action. Condor experts, toxicologists, and fish and game managers agree that without controlling the presence of lead bullets in condor habitat, the condor faces an extremely difficult road to recovery.

In December 2004, a coalition of conservation groups, Native Americans and hunters petitioned the California Fish and Game Commission to change hunting regulations to protect condors from lead poisoning, but the Commission refused to act. Non-toxic lead-free bullets are already available that perform as well as or better than lead bullets for hunting big game. At least a dozen non-lead shot types are approved by the Fish and Wildlife Service for waterfowl hunting and could be used for hunting upland birds and other game.

Please send a letter to California and federal regulators, urging them to immediately end the use of lead ammunition in condor habitat in California and to phase out toxic lead ammunition statewide, which will protect bald and golden eagles as well. Use the sample text below or write your own letter.

Send a letter to the following decision maker(s): Administrator Stephen L. Johnson, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Director Dale Hall, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Director Ryan Broddrick, CA Dept. of Fish and Game Exec. Director John Carlson, Jr., CA Fish and Game Comm. Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger Regional Administrator Wayne Nastri, USEPA Region 9 Rick Farris, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Below is the sample letter:

Subject: Stop Exposing Endangered Condors to Toxic Lead

Dear [decision maker name automatically inserted here],

I urge you to take immediate action to protect California condors and eagles from lead poisoning by mandating the use of non-lead ammunition in condor habitat and eventually phasing out all use of toxic lead ammunition throughout California. At least nine condors have died in California and Arizona from lead poisoning since 1997, and scores of other condors have required intrusive chemical treatment for severe lead poisoning. There is compelling evidence that the primary lead exposure for condors and eagles is from ingesting lead bullet or shot fragments in hunter-shot carcasses. The California Department of Fish and Game and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service California Condor Recovery Team concluded that lead poisoning is a severe threat that remains an obstacle to the recovery of the California condor.

California recently put the condor on the state quarter as a symbol of its natural heritage, yet continues to allow hunters to use lead ammunition and leave lead-tainted carcasses in the condor's range. It is unacceptable to continue to expose our most imperiled wildlife to toxic lead. Alternatives to lead ammunition, which perform as well as or better than lead bullets for hunting activities, are already widely available. More than three-quarters of California hunters who responded to a recent Fish and Wildlife Service survey stated their willingness to use lead-free ammunition.

Please act now to protect the California condor by immediately ending the use of lead bullets for hunting in condor habitat in California and eventually phasing out lead ammunition statewide.


Take Action on this Issue

Fossil fuels threatening sea life


from the SuwanneeRiverTimes_eNews (The Oregonian)

Fossil fuels threatening sea life, researchers say Pollution - Acid levels from carbon dioxide are rising in the Pacific, impeding shell formation

by Michael Milstein

The Oregonian

Scientists just back from a research cruise across the northern Pacific say the ocean has soaked up so much carbon dioxide from human burning of fossil fuels that it's turning more acidic, disrupting growth of coral and the tiny sea creatures salmon and other fish rely on for food.

The chemical signature of the carbon dioxide makes clear it is from human and not natural sources, said Richard Feely, an oceanographer with the federal Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory in Seattle and chief scientist for the cruise.

Carbon dioxide is known as a greenhouse gas that contributes to global warming by trapping heat in the atmosphere. Oceans help offset that effect by absorbing about a third of the carbon dioxide produced by humans, the researchers said.

But the new findings reveal that all the carbon dioxide is changing the delicate chemical balance of ocean water that lets coral, shellfish and forms of tiny plankton construct their vital shells.

The tiny life forms play vital parts in marine ecosystems by serving as food for larger creatures. Their disruption, coupled with other effects of greenhouse gases such as rising temperatures, could wreak profound changes on the diversity and productivity of oceans, the researchers said.

Escalating ocean acidity can begin to dissolve the shells faster than the creatures can build them.

Researchers estimate the oceans have become about 30 percent more acidic since humans began burning fossil fuels in large quantities, exhausting carbon dioxide into the environment.

While carbon dioxide levels have been higher in the Earth's past, and oceans more acidic, "the rate at which they're changing has never been this fast," said Chris Sabine, another oceanographer on the trip. Ocean life is not used to such sharp shifts.

Carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere are now higher than they have been at any time in at least 600,000 years. Scientists had expected the rising levels would turn oceans more corrosive.

Northern Pacific waters where researchers detected the shift circulate in currents along the Oregon coast.

"As predicted, the ocean is steadily becoming more acidic," said Mark Hixon, a professor of zoology at Oregon State University and an authority on coral reefs. "As that continues a threshold will be crossed, and across that threshold these organisms will be unable to make their shells, and they will die."

He said the findings are unsettling, especially coming only weeks after findings that polar ice sheets are beginning to melt faster than expected in a shift that could raise sea levels worldwide.

"All of this is really scary right now," said Hixon, who did not take part in the Pacific research cruise. "It's becoming clear that the biological effects of global warming are accelerating faster than previously anticipated."

The research cruise, sponsored by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the National Science Foundation, traversed the Pacific from Tahiti to Alaska, taking measurements every 60 nautical miles. Scientists examined the water acidity and chemistry, but also looked closely at pteropods, a shelled form of plankton distantly related to land snails.

Pteropods are an important food source for salmon, herring, cod and other fish, and their sensitivity to water chemistry makes them an important barometer of ocean acidity.

Pteropods and other shellfish build shells from calcium carbonate, with pteropods using an especially delicate form called aragonite. They find enough aragonite only in water near the ocean's surface, because deeper water becomes too acidic.

They are confined to a thin layer of surface water in the cool northern Pacific, because cold water there holds more carbon dioxide and is more acidic to start out.

As escalating carbon dioxide turns oceans more acidic still, that layer of water gets thinner and thinner until pteropods get squeezed out altogether, said Robert Byrne, a professor at the University of South Florida who was on the research cruise.

"We're on the threshold of what is going to become a very large effect," he said.

"People can argue back and forth whether climate is going to change, but they can't argue that (acidity) is going to change, because we can predict that with certainty and we can see it's happening," Byrne said. "The effects in the end are going to be global."

An international team of researchers reported last fall that if fossil fuel burning continues at its current rates, oceans, particularly in polar regions, will become too corrosive for pteropods and other shelled ocean creatures such as sea urchins and corals in the next century.

For more information, go to: http://www.noaanews.noaa.gov/stories2006/s2606.htm

Informant: Scott Munson

Tell Congress: Oppose the US-Peru Free Trade Agreement!

Last week, the US signed a free trade agreement with Peru, where more than half of the population lives in poverty. Trade could be an engine to pull millions out of poverty, but this agreement, like the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) before it, will institutionalize an uneven playing field between the two countries.

The fight's not over yet, since Congress must approve the agreement before it can take effect. This is where we need your help!

Tell Congress to oppose the US-Peru Free Trade Agreement!

If signed into law, the US-Peru Free Trade Agreement (FTA) will do more harm than good for millions of Peruvians who live in poverty.

If passed, this FTA will put access to important life-saving drugs at affordable prices out of the reach for the majority of Peruvians. It will make it harder for small-scale farmers in Peru to compete with subsidized agricultural products from the US. This FTA will also weaken the government’s ability to pass laws to ensure that foreign investment helps promote sustainable development.

This is a bad deal for poor people in Peru, and we need your help to make sure it does not become law. http://ga0.org/campaign/peru_fta

Tell your friends! Please send this email to five friends to help strengthen our voice! http://ga0.org/ct/JpAwXnF1nmPU/

We appreciate your support to tell Congress to Make Trade Fair.

Tim Fullerton
Oxfam America Advocacy Fund

Rumsfeld Shouldn't Be Fired, He Should Be Indicted

Matthew Rothschild says: It's not Donald Rumsfeld's colossal arrogance or his glaring misjudgments we should be focusing on. It's his potential crimes.


Another Conviction, Another Blow to GOP

George Ryan, the former Republican governor of Illinois who drew international notice by emptying his state's death row, was convicted today of all charges brought against him in a sweeping federal corruption case.


The Ongoing War on Truth in Iraq

Dahr Jamail on the failure of mainstream news to report the US-backed Shia militia invasion of a Sunni neighborhood and ongoing violence in Fallujah.


States Omit Minorities' School Scores

"It's terrible," said Michael Oshinaya, a senior at Eleanor Roosevelt High School in New York City who was among a group of black students whose scores weren't broken out as a racial category. "We're part of America. We make up America, too. We should be counted as part of America."


Mobilfunk, die unsichtbare Gefahr - Mobilfunk, die verkaufte Gesundheit




„Mobilfunk – die unsichtbare Gefahr“

Vortrag von Dr. Hans Christoph Scheiner (Arzt und Autor mehrerer Bücher sowie zahlreicher Veröffentlichungen in Fachzeitschriften), München

Fr. 26.5. um 19.30 Uhr
Im Haus des Sports
Eduard Grunow Str. 30

Mo. 29.5. um 19.30 Uhr in der
Lloydstr. 15

(2, - Euro Aufwandsentschädigung)
mit anschließender Diskussionsrunde

Dr. Hans Christoph Scheiner, Jhg. 1946, ist seit 1975 als Facharzt für Allgemeinmedizin mit Ausrichtung auf Naturheilverfahren und Psychotherapie tätig. Er ist Ganzheitsmediziner und führt Zusatztitel des Arztes für Homöopathie, Chirotherapie und Psychotherapie. Als zusätzlich langjähriger Umweltmediziner und Akupunkturarzt (Ohr-, Körper-, u. Elektroakupunktur nach Voll) begründete er mit seiner Frau Ana Scheiner neben seiner Praxis in München das Institut für Holistische Medizin, das nicht nur Ärzten und Heilpraktikern Hinweise für Fachausbildungen im Bereich der „holistischen Medizin“ (Ganzheitsmedizin) anbietet, sondern auch interessierte Laien in den Bereich naturheilkundlicher und psychomentaler Selbsthilfe einführt.

Dr. Scheiner ist Autor von Sachbüchern, umweltmedizinischer Gerichtsgutachter, Sachverständiger bei parlamentarischen Anhörungen und Mitwirkender bei vielen Fernseh- und Rundfunkbeiträgen. Er gilt als Experte auf dem Gebiet der Umweltmedizin, Naturheilkunde und Psychotherapie. Zu seinen Aktivitäten zählen umfangreiche medizinische, ökologische und bürgerrechtliche Vortragstätigkeiten. Aktuelles Buch: »Mobilfunk - die verkaufte Gesundheit« (Michaelis-Verlag)

Kontakt für weitere Informationen, Interviewwünsche sowie Fotomaterial:

Beate Wiemers, Agentur fingerprint, Wätjenstr. 82, 28213 Bremen, Tel. 0421 / 217878


Mobilfunk Die verkaufte Gesundheit

ist lieferbar.

Dr. med. Hans-Christoph Scheiner und Ana Scheiner haben ein Grundlagenwerk zum Thema Mobilfunk geschaffen.

Dr. Scheiner ist bestellter Gerichtsgutachter, er ist Mediziner, engagiert in der Bürgerwelle, dem Zusammenschluß der handykritischen Bürgerinitiativen, er ist Referent und Podiumsteilnehmer bei Expertenhearings. Sein Wissen über die gesundheitlichen Auswirkungen der Mobilfunktechnologie hat er in diesem Standardwerk zusammengetragen. In diesem Buch haben die neuesten wissenschaftlichen Untersuchungen Eingang gefunden, sei es die große Melatonie-Studie, seien es die aktuellsten Doppelblindstudien, seien es die neuen Erkenntnisse bezüglich der Blut-Hirn-Schranke, seien es die aufhorchen lassende tragische Situation bei unseren Kindern. All das finden sie in diesem Buch, die wirtschaftlichen und die politischen Hintergründe werden beleuchtet und nicht zu letzt hat die große europaweite REFLEX-Studie die die EU in Auftrag gegeben und finanziert hat Eingang gefunden in dieses aktuelle Werk.

Wer jetzt noch sagt die Gefährlichkeit und die Schädlichkeit von digital gepulsten elektromagnetischen Wellen, wie sie bei der Handytechnologie eingesetzt werden, sei nicht bewiesen, ist entweder absolut nicht auf den neusten Stand der Wissenschaft oder er lügt.

Sein unverwechselbarer Stil und seine Erfahrungen als langjähriger Referent auf Infoveranstaltungen und Hearings und an Infotischen auf der Straße, als Gutachter und als Mediziner ist es zu verdanken, das dieses sachkundige und kompetente Werk so geschrieben ist, daß es für jeden leicht zu lesen und zu verstehen ist. Das Buch liest sich spannend wie ein Krimi, nur das sie fortlaufend mit Fakten, Fakten, Fakten konfrontiert werden und zwar so, das sie diese anschließend selber auch glaubhaft vermitteln können.

Das Buch ist Hardcover, hat 280 Seiten und kostet 24,90. Sie haben die Möglichkeit es zu bestellen wie folgt: Per Antwortmail: Mobilfunk (Anschrift nicht vergessen) Im Warenkorb des Michaels Verlags: http://www.michaelsverlag.de Per Fax: 08861-67091 Oder per Tel 08861-59018 Oder per Postkarte beim Michaels Verlag, Ammergauer Str. 80, 86971 Peiting Oder über jede Buchhandlung die das Buch besorgen kann ISBN 3-89539-170-0

Petra Otto

ADB warned that U.S. dollar is primed for 'collapse'


Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Iran's Sitting Duck


Informant: Kev Hall

Bush Won't Rule Out Nuclear Strike on Iran


Informant: Kev Hall

Three Reasons Not to Bomb Iran


Informant: Kev Hall

Wi-Fi And Democracy

Weigh in on the battle to protect the Internet from corporate control.


Health risks of Wi-Fi and WLAN on our health

Hot Air And Free Speech

by Tom Devine and Tarek Maassarani, TomPaine.com

The government is still denying climate scientists freedom to talk about global warming.


Iran issues stark military warning to United States


Informant: Friends

Senate Hearings on Bush, Now

Watergate veteran and Vanity Fair contributor Carl Bernstein calls for bipartisan hearings investigating the Bush presidency. Should Republicans on the Hill take the high road and save themselves come November?



Schwindeln will gelernt sein: zur Anatomie der Mobilfunklüge


Informant: Dipl.-Phys. Helmut Gobsch

More Illnesses Linked to Bt Crops


EU parliament member says GMO coexistence is impossible


Informant: Friends

Euromayday 2006

EuroMayday006: Mayday Parade - für soziale Rechte weltweit!

Sozialpolitische Aktionen und Proteste 2006 > Euromayday 2006


Mayday Parade - für soziale Rechte weltweit! Und was brauchst Du für ein schönes Leben?

Kommt zur Mayday Parade am 1. Mai 2006, 16 Uhr Spreewaldplatz! Aufruf zum Mayday in Berlin http://berlin.euromayday.org/aufruf.html

Die Internetadresse für den Berliner Mayday lautet: http://berlin.euromayday.org/

Kapitalismus ist immer scheisse: Den Widerstand organisieren!

Aufruf der Internationalen KommunistInnen zum Euro-Mayday Berlin http://interkomm.so36.net/archiv/2006-05-01/2006-05-01.php


Die Internetadresse für den Hamburger Mayday lautet: http://www.nadir.org/nadir/kampagnen/euromayday-hh/

Die Hamburger Mailingliste https://lists.nadir.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/euromayday-hh

Kapitalismus abschaffen! Du bist die soziale Revolution

Aufruf zum revolutionären 1. Mai in Hamburg http://www.revo1mai.de.tt/


EuroMayday006 - Aktion in Brüssel

„Am Freitag fand in Brüssel die Pressekonferenz zum EuroMayday 006 statt. Zur selben Zeit zog eine pre-parade durch die Stadt, mit TeilnehmerInnen aus Helsinki, Turin, Mailand, Paris, Berlin, Amsterdam, Lüttich, Brüssel und Gent. Nach der zwischenzeitlichen Besetzung des european roundtable ging es unter anderem noch am UNICE vorbei, dem Verbund der europäischen Arbeitgeber. Mit dem gelungenen Auftritt von transnational-pink-silver hat der Countdown für den EuroMayday 006 begonnen…“ Bericht von serpica naro vom 16.04.2006 bei indymedia http://de.indymedia.org/2006/04/144241.shtml

Die europäische MayDay-Webseite mit Links zu allen Städten hat die Adresse: http://www.euromayday.org/

Aus: LabourNet, 18. April 2006


Euromayday 2006 in Hamburg

Dieses Jahr wieder ab der Wiese am Hamburger Michel wird es am 1. Mai ab 13 Uhr eine große Parade geben - wie auch in vielen anderen europäischen Städten wird der Euromayday zelebriert werden. Für weitere Infos siehe die Aktionsseite http://www.nadir.org/nadir/kampagnen/euromayday-hh/

Dort u.a.:

Die Parade-Route 006 ab Michel-Wiese http://www.nadir.org/nadir/kampagnen/euromayday-hh/de/2006/03/338.shtml

Aufruf zur Parade im 'Psycho-Test'-Format (deutsch, castellano, türkçe) Der euromayday ist eine Parade der Prekarisierten. Bist du dabei? Mach den Psycho-Test und finde heraus, welcher euromayday-typ du bist! http://www.nadir.org/nadir/kampagnen/euromayday-hh/de/2006/04/416.shtml

Aus: LabourNet, 27. April 2006


Euromayday 2006

Mehr als ein Supermarkt

Ein Interview von Steffen Vogel mit Alex Foti, Sprecher des "Euromayday-Netzwerkes" in Mailand, über Verfassungstechniken und Kopfgeburten, die Skepsis von EU-Bürgern und EU-Eliten, in Freitag Nr. 17 vom 28.04.2006 http://www.freitag.de/2006/17/06170802.php

Die Solidarität der Unterbezahlten

Ob Ich-AG, Dauerpraktikant oder McJobber: Immer mehr Menschen bangen um ihre Existenz. Die Betroffenen dieser sogenannten Prekarisierung fügen sich nicht in ihr Schicksal, sondern machen mobil. Am Wochenende gehen sie weltweit auf die Straße. Artikel von Uh-Young Kim in Spiegel online vom 28. April 2006 http://www.spiegel.de/kultur/gesellschaft/0,1518,413336,00.html

Prekarisierte aller Länder. Die Mayday-Paraden setzten da an, wo traditionelle gewerkschaftliche Konzepte versagen

Artikel von Peter Nowak in telepolis vom 29.04.2006 http://www.heise.de/tp/r4/artikel/22/22498/1.html


2. Euromayday Parade in Hamburg. Bericht von alien8 vom 02.05.2006 bei indymedia http://de.indymedia.org/2006/05/145306.shtml

EuromaydayHH: Superhelden im FrischeParadies

„Am Vormittag des 28.4. haben 30 als Superhelden verkleidete AktivistInnen Champagner, Hirschkeulen und andere Delikatessen aus dem Gourmet-Supermarkt „Frische Paradies“ an der Großen Elbstraße in Hamburg entwendet. Anschließend verteilten sie die Delikatessen an ErzieherInnen, PraktikantInnen, Putzfrauen und Ein-Euro-JobberInnen. Mit dieser Aktion machten sie darauf aufmerksam, dass trotz des immensen Reichtums in Hamburg das Überleben für prekär Beschäftigte immer schwieriger wird…“ Bericht von SpiderMum vom 28.04.2006 bei indymedia http://de.indymedia.org/2006/04/145010.shtml

Vermummte randalieren vor Arbeitsagentur

„Etwa 15 Vermummte haben in der Nacht zum Sonntag 24 Scheiben der Eimsbütteler Agentur für Arbeit eingeschlagen und die Front des Gebäudes mit Farbbeuteln verschmutzt…“ Meldung im Hamburger Abendblatt vom 2. Mai 2006 http://www.abendblatt.de./daten/2006/05/02/558315.html


Ein paar erste Eindrücke von der Mayday-Parade in Berlin. Bericht von Mr.X vom 01.05.2006 bei indymedia http://de.indymedia.org/2006/05/145224.shtml

Aktionstag in Neukölln: "Zieht doch selber um!"

„Im Vorfeld des Berliner Mayday fand am Freitag ein Aktionstag gegen Zwangsumzüge, Lohndumping und Hartz IV in Berlin-Neukölln statt. An einer abendlichen Videokundgebung nahmen über 100 Personen Teil. Neben einem Auftritt des Hamburger Rappers Holger Burner wurden Videoclips zum Widerstand gegen Sozialraub gezeigt. Die überwiegend aus dem Umfeld der Erwerbsloseninitiativen stammenden Teilnehmer informierten in Redebeiträgen über Verschärfungen und Auswirkungen der Hartz IV-Gesetze sowie den Widerstand dagegen und über den Mayday in Berlin…“ Bericht von „Aktionstag in Neukölln“ vom 29.04.2006 bei indymedia http://de.indymedia.org/2006/04/145066.shtml

Berichte aus aller Welt auf der globalen Indymedia-Seite http://www.indymedia.org/en/2005/04/115083.shtml

Aus: LabourNet, 1. Mai 2006


Erwerbslosigkeit als Alltag - Immer mehr Menschen sind heutzutage ohne Arbeit, wofür sie in aller Regel nichts können

Sie sollen zu Wort kommen… „Immer mehr Menschen sind heutzutage ohne Arbeit, wofür sie in aller Regel nichts können. Es gibt auch unbegründete Vorurteile gegenüber Menschen, die ihre Arbeit verloren haben. Viele, vor allem Politiker, meinen zu wissen, was Menschen, die ohne Arbeit sind, wollen und denken. Doch nur selten kommen die Betroffenen selbst zu Wort. Wir möchten, dass Sie selbst zu Wort kommen können. Wir sind ein Team von der Universität Augsburg. Wir arbeiten weder für die Agentur für Arbeit, noch für eine Partei oder ein Unternehmen.“ Online-Umfrage der Universität Augsburg, PhilSo-Fakultät http://www.philso.uni-augsburg.de/lehrstuehle/Psychologie3/fragebogen/

(Lohn)Arbeit > jenseits der "Arbeitsgesellschaft" - Diagnose und Perspektiven > Existenzgelddebatte

ELO Initiative und Erwerbslosenausschuss ver.di Südbaden zum „Einkommen zum Auskommen“

Nur tote fische schwimmen mit dem Strom

Artikel von Ingrid Wagner vom 15.06.05 http://www.labournet.de/diskussion/arbeit/existenz/elo2.html

"Grundeinkommen oder Grundsicherung und Arbeitszeitverkürzung / Mindestlohn?"

Folien-Präsentation von Ronald Blaschke liegt nun in einer aktualisierten Fassung vor (pdf) http://www.labournet.de/diskussion/arbeit/existenz/ge-folien.pdf

Aus: LabourNet, 18. April 2006

DGB: Zeitarbeit-Tarifpolitik in der Kritik

Leiharbeit: PSA und andere Sklavenhändler > Tarifverhandlungen zur Leiharbeit (PSA u.a.): Vorläufiges Verhandlungsergebnis DGB/BZA

Das Verhandlungsergebnis der DGB-TG mit dem IGZ liegt nun als Dokument vor (pdf) http://www.info-zeitarbeit.de/pdf_Dateien/iGZ-DGB_Tarifvertrag_13_04_2006.pdf

Wir erinnern in diesem Zusammenhang an unsere Bitte um Proteste an die IGM. Sie berät am kommenden Mittwoch, den 19.04.2006, in Frankfurt über die Verhandlungsergebnisse. Für Protestadressen siehe unsere Sonderseite http://www.labournet.de/diskussion/arbeit/realpolitik/psa/verhandel.html

»Christen-Verträgen immer ähnlicher«. DGB: Zeitarbeit-Tarifpolitik in der Kritik

Der Tarifabschluss der DGB-Tarifgemeinschaft mit der Zeitarbeitsbranche bleibt umstritten. Der Vertrag sieht Löhne vor, die teils unter dem von Gewerkschaften geforderten Mindestlohn von 7,50 Euro liegen. Artikel von Haidy Damm in ND vom 15.04.06

Hamburger finden den Mindestlohn!

„In ganz Deutschland suchen alle Politiker, Gewerkschaften, Sozialverbände und Initiativen nach dem Mindestlohn. Wirklich alle? Nein, nicht alle. Die Hamburger Initiative PeNG! hat ihn bereits gefunden!...“ Pressemitteilung vom 13.04.2006 http://www.peng-ev.de/presse.php

Zitate zum Thema

„Aufruf zur Vernunft: Deutsche seid vernünftig! Denkt an Eure Arbeitsplätze! Wer einen Mindestlohn will, riskiert seinen Arbeitsplatz, für den er jetzt wenigstens noch ein kleines Taschengeld erhält! Die deutschen Unternehmerverbände“ Aus Deutscher Einheit(z)-Textdienst von Werner Lutz 4/2006

Mindestlohn und Gewerkschaften

Mindestlohnforderung des DGB und die Realität

Text aus dem 1. Mai-Aufruf der FAU-IAA Hamburg, gepostet am 14.4.06 bei der FAU http://www.fau.org/artikel/art_060414-163236

Aus dem Text: „…Anfang April ließ der SPD-Arbeitminister Müntefering auch die Katze aus dem Sack: Natürlich könne es keinen „einheitlichen Mindestlohn“ geben, es soll nun unterschiedliche Lohnsätze für die verschiedenen Branchen geben. Und auch der DGB hat mal wieder seine eigenen Forderungen mit Füßen getreten: in der boomenden Zeitarbeitsbranche liegt der unterste Lohn im Westen ab dem 1. Juni bei
7,20 €/Std. und die Qualifizierungszuschläge wurden gekürzt, Dank neuem DGB-Tarifabschluß, trotz Mindestlohnforderung von 7,50 €…“

Aus: LabourNet, 18. April 2006

An Inconvenient Truth

Video Trailer for Al Gore's new film

From Information Clearing House

Unbridled Capitalism Will Lead to Very Real Problems

Harvard economist Kenneth Rogoff discusses the dangers of unbridled capitalism, the greed of corporate CEOs and a fundamental problem with the United States economy.


Blair gets away with his assault on liberty, because we let him

Lord Steyn's attack on the Prime Minister is a wake-up call to those who think their own freedoms are unaffected.


From Information Clearing House

The US, Iran and the End of the International Order

By Jussi Sinnemaa

As the IAEA has repeatedly acknowledged, Iran is not in violation of any of her legal obligations as a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). In fact, Iran has allowed far more intrusive international inspections of her nuclear facilities than required by the NPT. Iran remains the only country to have done so.


DEADLIEST SHIRT IN THE WORLD: 9/11 survivor's toxic clothing sparks cancer fear


Shirt laden with asbestos from the WTC.

Informant: Dave

A Primary Concern: Free Trade

Sirota says that what the recent ports scandal really showed is that Americans are sick and tired of "free" trade policies that prioritize corporate profits over all other economic and national security concerns. As workers' wages stagnate, that concern is only going to become more prevalent in electoral politics.


Bush Plan Would Hide Data on 1.5 Million Pounds of Toxic Chemicals in California

A Bush administration proposal to roll back Americans' right to know about chemical hazards in their neighborhoods would let California industries handle almost 1.5 million pounds of toxic chemicals a year without telling the public, according to an investigation of federal data by Environmental Working Group.


Pygmy Owl to Be Taken Off Endangered List

A tiny desert owl is set to be taken off the federal government's endangered species list, drawing praise from developers but protests from environmentalists. Fewer than 30 of the birds remain. Dropping the owl from the endangered list will open 1.2 million acres for development.


Millionaires and Middle-Class Now Pay Nearly Same Rate of Taxes

The income tax rate is now nearly "flat" - those at the top pay the same rate as those at the bottom. Boosters of the "flat tax" claimed it would unleash "the fantastic growth waiting to burst forth in our economy." But so far most people haven't seen significant economic improvement.


Next-up News 18 Avril 2006


Prepare for Avian Terror Flu

In writing "West Nile, Smallpox, Anthrax, SARS, and now Bird Flu are not "natural occurrences" ", I did not mean to imply that the microorganisms linked to these diseases do not exist in nature, but that the panic, the response, and perhaps the micro-organisms themselves are being manipulated for political reasons, not natural ones. Sorry if that was confusing in my original ....

Mitchel Cohen

The U.S. government is now planning for full martial law NOT due to "terrorism" but the projected Avian (bird) flu epidemic. An article in Easter Sunday's Washington Post (of course that's when the info would be released, at a time when relatively few people would become aware or be able to focus on examining it) raises the spectre.

As I and others have been warning, by orchestrating a multi-year series of alleged "health crises" the US government has now completed putting into place -- under the radar -- a whole byzantine world of police-state apparatus under the guise of "bio-terror response" and "health care", and is likely preparing to use it this year.


Well, one reason is to enable Karl Rove to mastermind keeping the Bush-Cheney regime in power against all the numbers and the revolt of the retired generals now occurring, as well as to extend the full implementation of the Program for the New American Century (PNAC) -- i.e., continuation of empire-building, control of the world's oil supply, and extraction of incredibly huge profits for a narrow sector of global capital (while bankrupting others). Some, including me, speculate that the orchestrated Avian Flu "epidemic" will be 9-11 all over again, but on a much grander scale. (There are other possible rationales as well, commensurate with securing the interests of the sector of the ruling class in power.)

One good website that has been compiling information on the Bird Flu is http://www.legitgov.org/flu_oddities.html . We are allocating much space on the NoSpray Coalition website http://www.nospray.org to address these issues as well.

I am urging us all to shift a significant portion of our time to dealing with issues related to the "Pandemic" of the Avian Bird Flu, the government's lies and deceptions, and to the safety measures we're going to need to prepare. West Nile, Smallpox, Anthrax, SARS, and now Bird Flu are "political" diseases in that the panic, the response, and perhaps the micro-organisms themselves are being manipulated for political reasons, not natural ones. We need to begin NOW building the base to reject the government's coming blitzkrieg of lies on the subject, the legislation that will follow in its wake or even come beforehand on establishment of concentration (er, "quarantine" or "internment") camps, forced vaccinations, ethnic weapons, and the like.

- Mitchel Cohen
coordinator, No Spray Coalition


From ufpj-news

Neil Young urges Bush impeachment on protest album

Yahoo! News

Informant: ranger116


The Touchable and the Untouchable

A Tale of Two Members of Congress and the Capitol Hill Police

Neil Young sets his sights on Bush: he is country rock's biggest icon, and he is angry. Recorded in secret, his forthcoming album savages the war in Iraq. One track says it all: 'Impeach the President'.


From Information Clearing House


Young's 'War' Marching Online First

Informant: Andy Caffrey


Insiders Making Billions in the War on Terrorism

Meet The Carlyle Group

Mon Apr 17, 2006 15:57

Former World Leaders and Washington Insiders Making Billions in the War on Terrorism Meet The Carlyle Group

#1 http://www.apfn.net/audio/carlyle_groupA.MP3 (7.19MB)

#2 http://www.apfn.net/audio/carlyle_groupB.MP3 (6.43MB)

#3 http://www.apfn.net/audio/carlyle_groupC.MP3 (8.45MB)

#4 uploading (9.60MB)


RFID CHIPS and the Carlyle Group http://washington.bizjournals.com/washington/stories/2002/01/14/story3.html

R.I.S.E.- Radio Internet Story Exchange http://www.rise4news.net/Programs.html


March '03: Bush's Grotesque Lies: Why America Supports Islamic Terrorism featuring Prof. Michel Chossudovsky, author of War and Globalisation: The Truth About September 11th (high bandwidth) http://www.rise4news.net/Programs.html


Countdown to U.S.-Iran War Has Begun: Reports Presence of U.S. bombers in England seen as advance signals Email Article Print Article Bhuwan Thapaliya (Bhuwan) Most observers are expecting the developing U.S.-Iran crisis to end with a diplomatic settlement, especially because the post-war American occupation of Iraq is seen as a failure and that the war will be averted. But unfortunately, the concerned authorities aren't considering this view.

The views of experienced analysts formed before the start of the Iraq war in March 2003 pointing out the difficulties of an insurgency fighting occupying troops in Iraq was neglected and sidelined by the Bush administration. As a result of that negligence, American troops are facing hazardous consequences.

But ironically, it seems the Bush administration is on the verge of making the same mistake yet again. This time the mistake could be made in Iran, as it has been reported by The New Yorker magazine in its April 17 issue that the Bush administration is planning a massive bombing campaign against Iran, including use of bunker-buster nuclear bombs used to destroy key Iranian suspected nuclear weapons facilities.

The article by investigative journalist Seymour Hersh said Bush and others in the White House have come to view Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as a potential Adolf Hitler. A senior unnamed Pentagon adviser was quoted as saying, "this White House believes that the only way to solve the problem is to change the power structure in Iran, and that means war," Hersh writes.

One former defense official said the military planning was premised on a belief that, "a sustained bombing campaign in Iran will humiliate the religious leadership and lead the public to rise up and overthrow the government," The New Yorker reported.

In recent weeks, the president has quietly initiated a series of talks on plans for Iran with a few key senators and members of the House of Representatives, including at least one Democrat, the report said. One of the options under consideration involves the possible use of a bunker-buster tactical nuclear weapon, such as the B61-11, to insure the destruction of Iran's main centrifuge plant at Natanz, Hersh writes.

Sources said the attention given to the nuclear option has created serious misgivings inside the military, and some officers have talked about resigning after an attempt to remove the nuclear option from the evolving war plans in Iran failed, according to the New Yorker report.

Meanwhile, several studies suggest Iran has enough military capability to create problems for the United States if war breaks out.

"Iran's ability to react, especially in terms of asymmetric warfare undertaken at a distance, is likely to be far more potent than that of Saddam Hussein's Iraq, with recent reports from the United States supporting the view that paramilitary attacks would extend beyond the Middle East," writes Dana Priest, in a recent Washington Post article titled "Attacking Iraq May Trigger Terrorism." .

But according to observers, this fails to recognize the concern of Iran as a threat to the United States' security stretches beyond the neo-conservatives.

It has also been reported a much wider swathe of foreign-policy opinion, often termed the "assertive nationalists," sees Iran as a consistent threat to U.S. interests in the immensely important, oil-bearing Persian Gulf region.

"This outlook includes significant figures within the Democratic Party such as Hillary Clinton, and it links up with the pro-Israel lobby whose interest-base encompasses millions of evangelical Christians," according to the media reports.

This means the current defensiveness of the neo-conservative position should not be confused with a decline in the willingness of the Bush administration to take on Iran.

Moreover, the importance of separating them is underlined in a perceptive commentary in the journal Foreign Policy by Joseph Cirincione.

He says the uncanny similarities between the pre-Iraq war period and the increasing tension over Iran have forced him to change his mind about the likelihood of war, after months of telling interviewers, "that no senior or military official was seriously considering a military attack on Iran."

He notes the way in which the U.S. administration is increasingly presenting Iran as the key threat to the region can no longer be dismissed as posturing, but may rather "be a coordinated campaign to prepare the way for a military strike on Iran."

However, the Sunday Telegraph reported that British military chiefs were meeting to consider the consequences of a U.S. strike on Iran. The paper presenting a detailed assessment, including striking graphics, of what an attack would entail. (Sean Rayment, "Government in secret talks about strike against Iran," Sunday Telegraph, April 2).

In Iran, local TV stations reported that the Iranian Revolutionary Guards carried out a series of military exercises in the Persian Gulf and the Arabian Sea under the operating name "Great Prophet."

Also, Iranian sources claim two new weapons have been tested during the week-long project: the Fajr-3 multiple warhead missiles and an underwater anti-ship weapon said to be capable of traveling at more than 300 kilometers per hour underwater - more than three times as fast as a conventional torpedo.

None of this means that war with Iran is imminent. But if it happens, some forms of resistance is certain as it is hard to nullify Iranian anger.

America's dilemma is how to exploit strong Iranian feelings into something that will strengthen rather than sink the diplomatic peace process, because a diplomatic solution is the only way out from this impasse.

Moreover, the steady escalation of tension may in the long run even mislead Iran and the opponents of war as any U.S. attack on Iranian nuclear facilities would be far more likely to be sudden and unexpected.

"This is because the assault would be conducted almost entirely by aircraft and stand-off missiles rather than ground troops, and any extra U.S. units needed to supplement the extensive forces already in the region could be unobtrusively moved there. The huge advantage of surprise is needed in order to cripple Iranian air defenses as any advance warning to Iran would enable the Iranians to disperse these people and indeed key equipment in advance," writes Paul Rodgers in his article, "The countdown to war."

To avoid aircrew casualties or prisoners would mean a key component of U.S. action would be a strong dependence on the B-2 long-range stealth-bomber, according to Rodgers.

"This plane can carry sixteen individually-targeted, highly accurate bombs; thus, a single aircraft can attack sixteen separate targets in just one operation," he wrote.

The basing of the B-2 far from the region would be useful in preserving secrecy. But the plane's dependence on specialized servicing equipment to maintain its "stealth" radar-avoidance ability puts the only four bases worldwide where these are available at an absolute premium, he added.

These four bases are in the United States, Guam, Diego Garcia (Indian Ocean) and RAF Fairford (Gloucestershire, England). The stealth support facilities already available in the first three locations were joined by Fairford, a major United States Air Force standby base, in December 2004. This serves as a forward operating facility, especially for heavy bombers such as the B-1B, the B-2 and the B-52. In the approach to the Iraq war, the Air Force's 457th air expeditionary wing was based at Fairford; 14 B-52s flew in from Minot, North Dakota and deployed there for seven weeks while conducting more than 100 bombing sorties over Iraq, according to Rodgers.

Fairford underwent a major two-year development and reconstruction program, completed in May 2002. Another building project was started a year later to equip the base with a specialized hangar to accommodate the B-2; the 15 months since it came into operation have seen occasional visits by individual planes. The B-2s' immense costs and specialized facilities means that only 21 are finished and about 15 can be deployed at any one time, according to Rodgers.

"The need for an element of surprise in any attack on Iran makes it difficult to gage exactly when it might be imminent," he wrote.

Fairford offers two possible advance signals. The first is a more coordinated presence of B-2s at the base. Training for an attack may involve deployments of B-2 aircraft there for a few days to familiarize air and ground crew with the details of combat operations from a new base, according to Rodgers.

"It is likely that the first such exercise took place last week when three B-2s flew into Fairford within a few days in what appears to be the first orchestrated deployment of this kind. This may well be an indicator of training now underway," Rodgers wrote.

The second signal is a sudden increase in base security at Fairford, including the policing of an extended cordon and closure of local roads to minimize any external observation of activities there. If and when that happens, the countdown to war with Iran will almost certainly be well underway. The moment may arrive at any time in the next year or more, quite possibly when it is least expected, according to Rodgers.

There are elements of inconsistency, even hypocrisy, in the United States' attempts to foster the cause of the Iran war around the world as it did so prior the Iraq war. So what?

That is an inevitable consequence of the fact that war is also one of many Americans' foreign-policy concerns. Keeping the peace and encouraging trade are also important concerns.

America should accept and proclaim that war may prove to be not just a bad policy, but bad politics in the long run, if it is too enjoy the position in the world it has now.

How that objective should be pursued will depend on circumstances. Some government are more brutal than others; some are more susceptible to pressure than others. Depending on the egregiousness of the offense and the other interests at stake, America must take a step further -- a step that would build trust and confidence.

America's efforts might not succeed as Iran's government is stubborn, but it is unlikely to be wholly ignored. Beyond that, a more dramatic step may be necessary. One would be to abandon the elusive dream of war. So far, there has been little progress.

America doesn't want to prescribe new procedures, and Iran has not been willing to take the lead in reaching a voluntary agreement.

No matter which party wins, if war begins, the victory will be hollow because ultimately peace will lose.

2006-04-10 17:21 (KST) ©2006 OhmyNews


Source: http://disc.server.com/discussion.cgi?id=149495;article=100551;show_parent=1



Bush's Latest Nuclear Gambit


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Informant: Gerd Zesar


Petition to fund treatment for Children with Autism

A message from Thomas

Original Message:

Please sign my new petition and share with others in your networks. This one hits close to home as I am the mother of a child with autism who funded her own early interventions... something that is not possible for the bulk of parents of children with autism.

Petition to fund treatment for Children with Autism http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/333224812

This petition asks the Ontario Legislature to invest in special education resources for children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD).

Many of these children are not able to access the special education programs and services that they desperately need to help them develop their full potential.

This was my comment on the Petition (a bit of a backgrounder):

Mr. Premier, Stop discriminating against individuals with autism spectrum disorder! As you're aware, a full year ago, Madam Justice Frances Kitely identified the Ontario Provincial Government as the body responsible for the provision of treatment for autistic children, not school boards. Move on it NOW! I am a mother of a 9 year old with autism who had to fund her own early interventions because my son sat on a waiting list for services for 3 years and when he turned six, he was no longer eligible for the services because of discriminating legislation in Ontario. My son benefitted tremendously from the services but this is not in the reach of many other parents of children with autism.




The National Environmental Trust hosted a press conference on April 13th to discuss new revelations in the May issue of Vanity Fair linking one of the most prominent scientific skeptics on global warming and his tactics to the three-decade tobacco industry conspiracy to hide the connection between smoking and lung ailments -- an effort that has led to billions of dollars in court judgments and legislation against the industry.

Listen to the briefing (mp3, 6 megs): http://tinyurl.com/l88m7

Read an industry media plan to oppose global warming [PDF] http://www.net.org/warming/docs/3860_GlobalClimateSciencePlanMemo.pdf -- an April 3, 1998 American Petroleum Institute strategy memo on its public relations campaign to plant doubts about global warming science.


* Mark Hertsgaard, investigative journalist and author of Vanity Fair's May cover story, "While Washington Slept," will describe in detail how Dr. Frederick Seitz, a former president of the National Academy of Sciences and one of the most often-quoted skeptics on global warming, was paid over half a million dollars by the tobacco industry to obfuscate the connection between smoking and cancer. Seitz went on to spearhead a campaign to cast scientific doubt about global warming.

* Dr. James Hansen, director of the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Science, will address the state of climate science and the disruptive role industry-backed skeptics have played in clouding the near-unanimous findings of global warming scientists.

* Phil Schiliro, Minority Chief of Staff, House Government Reform Committee, who staffed Representative Henry Waxman (D-CA) during the House investigation and subsequent House hearings where tobacco industry executives denied knowing about the addictive nature of cigarettes, will review the role of "tobacco science" in obscuring the truth and discuss its relevance to the global warming debate on Capitol Hill.

* Philip Clapp, President of the National Environmental Trust, will moderate this call.

Informant: NHNE


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