Montag, 17. April 2006

Bombs That Would Backfire

Richard Clarke and Steven Simon: Bombs That Would Backfire

Richard Clark and Steven Simon write: No matter how Iran responded to a US attack, the question that would face American planners would be, "What's our next move?" How do we achieve so-called escalation dominance, the condition in which the other side fears responding because they know that the next round of American attacks would be too lethal for the regime to survive?

Who Authorized U.S. to Begin Military Ops in Iran Already?

Informant: Kev Hall

American Defense Secretary Rumsfeld's "paw prints are all over everything that's gone wrong with the war in Iraq


American Defense Secretary Rumsfeld's "paw prints are all over everything that's gone wrong with the war in Iraq: in the congenital lying that characterized the triggering of hostilities, in the major strategic errors like the dissolution of the Iraqi Army after the seizure of Baghdad, in the absence of a credible post-war plan, in the humiliations and tortures at Abu Ghraib ..." argues Libération's Pierre Haski.

Russia, US Slipping Into Familiar "Chill?"

An intensifying shouting match between the US and Russia has stirred fears that the two former adversaries could be drifting back to a familiar ideologically-charged rivalry.

Discourage the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction

Indian Gambling

"In order to discourage the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, we're destroying the international framework that we ourselves designed to discourage the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction," says Joshua Holland.

Tell Coke "Our water is not for sale!"

In just two days we will deliver a message of protest to Coke’s board, top executives and shareholders at the corporation’s annual meeting in Wilmington, DE. This meeting is our opportunity to challenge Coke’s top corporate decision makers face-to-face. You can join us by sending a strong message to Coke’s CEO, Neville Isdell. Tell him “Our water is not for sale!”

Click here to take action now!

Last month, Corporate Accountability International endorsed a major action—including a vigil outside the Coke bottling plant—by our allies in Mehdiganj, India. We stand with them in challenging Coke’s threat to groundwater resources and to demand that the soft drink giant stop exploiting local communities. Nearly one month into this action, the protest is growing.

Corporations, like Coke, cannot turn water into a profit-driven commodity and determine who gets it and who doesn’t. So please take action today! Tell Coke’s CEO Neville Isdell that you are joining people around the world in challenging corporate control of our water.

Send a letter to the following decision maker(s): CEO Neville Isdell

Below is the sample letter:

Subject: Our water is not for sale!

Dear [decision maker name automatically inserted here],

The basic human right to water is at risk and people's lives are at stake. Over one billion people don't have access to safe water to drink and corporations are contributing to this problem by turning water into a profit-driven commodity.

As Coke's top executives meet this week in Wilmington, I am joining people from around the world in a common refrain: "Our water is not for sale."

We are calling on Coke to:

Stop interfering in policies that protect our water; Never reopen its plant in Plachimada; Close its plant in Mehdiganj; Pay for the damage done to affected communities.

I await your prompt reply.


Save Russia's Lake Baikal



Save Russia's Lake Baikal: Oil Pipeline Threatens World's Largest Freshwater Body

By Water Conserve, a project of Ecological Internet, Inc.
April 17, 2006

TAKE ACTION Let Russian government know oil and water do not mix

A controversial Russian crude oil pipeline from eastern Siberia to the Pacific coast threatens the world's largest freshwater lake. The pipeline may pass within less than one kilometer of Lake Baikal -- a UNESCO protected World Heritage site and home to 20 percent of the world's fresh water. Lake Baikal, called the "Jewel of Siberia", is the world's deepest and oldest lake renowned for its water purity and home to tremendous amounts of endemic species including a rare fresh water seal. It is feared that an earthquake, forest fire or flood around Lake Baikal could rupture the pipeline, sending 4,000 tons of crude oil into the world's largest freshwater body in just 20 minutes. Experts, including specialists from the Russian Academy of Sciences, have said the oil pipeline should run as far as possible from the coast of Baikal. Scientists who conducted the state assessment of the plan found that in the event of an earthquake there is a high likelihood that water quality would be severely diminished and permanent damage to the unique wildlife would occur, and thus recommended its construction near Baikal be stopped. There has been strong local opposition to the project for years, including recent protests by Russian environmentalists. Project plans are continually changing, with important questions including whether the pipeline route will fall within the Baikal water catchment still unresolved. Please send an email supporting local campaigns to ensure the final pipeline route steers well clear of Lake Baikal and its watershed, and to promote sustainable development in the Baikal region.

Die Frage der Kameraüberwachung an den Universitäten soll gerichtlich geklärt werden

Bitte rechtlich freundlich

Studierende aus Münster wollen erstmals die Frage der Kameraüberwachung an den Universitäten gerichtlich klären lassen.

So why, exactly, is Tokyo so keen on whale hunting?

By David McNeill
In Tokyo
Published: 17 April 2006

Ask a Japanese person under 40 how much whale they consume and you're likely to get a blank look. Most would no more go out of their way to eat whale than a Londoner would to eat jellied eel.

Consumption was falling even before the 1986 moratorium on commercial hunting. Today, the Japanese eat 40 times more beef-burger than whale, says Greenpeace; only 1 per cent of Japanese eat whale meat regularly.

For most Japanese, the debate provokes more yawns than table-thumping, although some middle-aged Japanese wax nostalgic about eating whale after the war, when other protein was scarce.

Why, then, has Tokyo spent two decades pushing for an end to the ban in the face of resistance from conservationists and at huge cost to its international standing? The answer has more to do with politics than culture or economics. Many Japanese are bewildered by what they consider Western sentimentality, and hypocrisy, about whale-eating.

Kiyoshi Okawa, the boss of a company that makes pet snacks from whale meat, recently said: "I can't understand how people can consider whales cute. Lambs are much cuter than whales." Argue that lambs are not going extinct and you will be told that neither are all species of whale. Japan claims it can hunt Antarctic minke, which number close to a million, at a "scientifically sustainable" level.

"It is possible to use these resources in a sustainable way," says Hideki Moronuki of Japan's Fisheries Agency. "We don't have much land, we have the sea. Japan has lost so much of its own culture already. The consumption of rice has decreased because we were forced to consume bread in school since the Second World War in order to import huge amounts of flour from the US."

But conservationists dispute those figures and say the same arguments about sustainability were heard when other species were being hunted to extinction.

Mr Moronuki's tone of wounded national pride hints at the real engine behind the whale campaign. After decades in the diplomatic and military shadow of the US, Japan's nationalists feel this is one area where they can make some noise. Besides, if they back down on whales, restrictions on other marine resources may follow, including that beloved staple, tuna.

Japan's whaling "research fleet" is supported by nationalist politicians, mainly within the ruling Liberal Democratic Party. This lobby champions the tradition of whale hunting in a handful of fishing communities, and has spent billions of yen in an effort to reverse the 1986 ban.

But with whale cuisine confined to a handful of specialist outlets, the pro-whalers have struggled to dispose of Japan's growing stocks - almost 5,000 tons, says one recent report. Schoolchildren in rural Wakayama prefecture found deep-fried whale in their lunchboxes last year, and similar schemes are afoot.

Without the nationalists' support, there is little prospect that whale hunting would be economically viable: the sale of whale meat barely covers the cost of sending Japan's eight whaling ships out of harbour.

© 2006 Independent News and Media Limited


The great betrayal: Pro-hunting Japanese seize control of whaling commission

Beat Japan on its own terms

Ende des Walfangverbots?

Die Chancen stehen gut, dass Japan dank einer Koalition der Willigen im Juni den Vorsitz der Internationalen Walkommission erhalten wird.

Germany Cancer Clusters



Cancer Clusters in Vicinity to Cell-Phone Transmitter Stations

School Study about cancer and phone masts at Gijon

School Study about cancer and phone masts at Gijon

Attached is an interesting school study about cancer cluster near masts in Spain. See also the links at the bottom with a map of the area.

Iris Atzmon



Cancer Clusters in Vicinity to Cell-Phone Transmitter Stations

Germany Cancer Clusters

Americas Gulag: Spy Chief: CIA Detainees Will Be Held Indefinitely


John Negroponte says accused Al-Qaeda members will remain in secret prisons as long as 'war on terror continues'.,8816,1183242,00.html

From Information Clearing House

General Bush's lose-lose Iranian war options

There is something unreal about the bellicose statements coming from some sources in the Bush administration towards Iran.

General says Iran’s military ready “to project its power”

A top Iranian military commander said on Friday that the Islamic Republic’s Army and Revolutionary Guards “are today in a situation to make the Oppressor World [the United States and its allies] feel the great powers that are at Iran’s disposal”, the state-run news agency Mehr reported.

From Information Clearing House

Blair refuses to back Iran strike

TONY Blair has told George Bush that Britain cannot offer military support to any strike on Iran, regardless of whether the move wins the backing of the international community, government sources claimed yesterday.

The Pentagon Preps for Iran

In early 2003, even as U.S. forces were on the brink of war with Iraq, the Army had already begun conducting an analysis for a full-scale war with Iran.


Pentagon has been prepping for war on Iran since 2003

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Making war academic

I disagree with the need for military recruitment altogether. If society deems that military action is the right decision, the society must commit to that vision and force conscription and draft people from all walks of life, not just target those who are poor and want to go to college.

From Information Clearing House

EMF Weather Report

For North American residents living underneath the Alberta Clipper Trail.

There is indication of high levels of hydrogen fluoride and nitrogen in our environment.

This is and EXTREMELY dangerous EMF condition.

Hydrogen fluoride is present in ALL unrefined gas products. High levels of hydrogen fluoride displace the levels of nitrogen in the air. The ambient temperature in Municipal District Rockyview west of the City of Calgary in the Province of Alberta Canada is 25.5. The reported temperature is 11.5. The air temperature is -2.

These temperature readings are indicative of an air inversion with hydrogen fluoride on the bottom closest to the earth, and high levels of nitrogen in the air. We have a Chinook wind without the Chinook Arch. This is not a normal weather condition.

The presence of this atomospheric condition, accompanied by the high wind, can cause symptoms such as, pain in the ears, confusion, cardiac arythmia, difficulty breathing, nervousness, agitation. Physical symptoms present as tingling in the extremities, sciatic nerve pain, pain in the groin or testicles (prostate area), difficulty urinating. You might feel hot.

This wind is coming East, blowing along the Alberta Clipper. All areas within North America that are under the Alberta Clipper will be affected. You need to get out of this wind. This wind, with the population exposure to ingestion and inhalation of fluoridation with sodium fluoride and fluorosilic acid and PFOA will cause an ACUTE rise in blood pressure. Should this happen to you, drink milk.

Serious. You need to cool down the process. The process occuring in each of us in the presence of hydrogen fluoride is a chemical event called: Oxidation Recudtion in Organic material. ALL published technical information currently published is Oxication and Reduction in Organic Mass. THIS IS AN ENTIRELY DIFFERENT process.

I don't want to sound alarming but if mitgation does not occur to control the core body temperature the body is going to overheat by freezing to death.

I can explain if anyone is interest.


Fiddling While the Earth Burns

The melting of the North and South Poles is accelerating

[Below is a translation from a new 194-page Atlas recently published by *Le Monde diplomatique*, these two pages are devoted to describing what has been learned recently about the effects of global warming on the northern and southern ice caps.[1] -- The new Atlas du Monde diplomatique (a previous edition was published in 2003, but the the 2006 edition is entirely new), which aims to reveal "the relations and interactions among phenomena that are situated in different spheres," sells for 12 euros (ISSN 0026-9395) and is divided into five sections: -- (1) The Planet in Danger (28 maps with accompanying charts and text); -- (2) A New Geopolitics (35 maps with accompanying charts and text); -- (3) Globalization, Winners and Losers (25 maps with accompanying charts and text); -- (4) Those Persistent Conflicts
(48 maps with accompanying charts and text); -- (5) Asia's Irresistible Ascent (38 maps with accompanying charts and text). -- *L'Atlas du Monde diplomatique* is edited by Alain Gresh, Jean Radvanyi, Philippe Rekacewicz, Catherine Samary, and Dominique Vidal, with the collaboration of some 70 specialists. -- Copies can be ordered by calling 011 33 344 318 048. --Mark]


The Planet in Danger


By Frédéric Durand

** Climate warming does not affect the planet uniformly. Most models expect it to be greater in the northern hemisphere. For a rise of 2 degrees Centigrade, the Arctic zone could warm up twice or three times as much. The southern hemisphere, less affected, is nevertheless also expected to be disturbed. **

L'Atlas du Monde diplomatique (2006) Pages 10-11

The North Pole is already showing marked signs of change. Apart from seasonal and yearly variation that is considerable, the area covered by the ice field is estimated to have diminished by 10% in 30 years, and the thickness of the ice field is thought to be down 40%. By the end of the 21st century, it may be cut in half.

Some would like to see postive aspects in these developments, particularly the opening of the northern passages for marine transport or an easier access to the hydrocarbons of the Great American North and Siberia, which constitute 40% of world reserves. But these advantages are meager compared to the negative impacts. In the short term, the most serious of these will doubtless be the disturbance of the Gulf Stream. Preliminary investigations show its flow to have declined by 20% between 1950 and 2000. This may bring about a temporary period of sharply colder temperatures in Europe.

More structurally, the melting is expected to cause an acceleration of warming by reducing the level of refraction of solar radiation, which is 80% for ice, as opposed to 30% for bare soil and 7% for the oceans. This is inducing, in some places, a melting of the permafrost (permanently frozen soil), on which are constructed buildings and infrastructures and which contains enormous quanitites of methane. Confronted by such threats, the Council of the Arctic, which brings together the United States, Canada, and Russia, has shown itself to be incapable of the most minimal action. By itself, the melting of the polar ice field does not bring about a rise in ocean levels, to the extent that the ice is already floating on the water. On the other hand, the progressive melting of the Greenland ice sheet as well as glaciers on land could contribute significantly to this. Measurements by the Topex-Poseidon satellite indicate at present a rise of sea level by 2.4mm per year. This is expected to produce a rise of at least 25cm by the beginning of the 22nd century, but more and more forecasts are envisioning a rise of one meter, or even several meters should the melting of certain Antarctic regions be verified. Beyond the uncertainties, it is thought that a third of this phenomenon is due to the simple expansion of the oceans as a result of warming, with another third coming from the melting of glaciers. For the rest, recent studies indicate that the South Pole may today be contributing 15%.


Until recently, in fact, researchers thought that only the Antarctic peninsula was affected. It warmed by 3 degrees Centigrade between 1974 and 2000, and it is from this region that the vast Larsen platform broke off in 2002. If all the peninsula's ice melted, the level of water would rise by an additional 45 cm. However, it is not directly linked to the continental ice cap, which until recently was considered to be stable and immune from the influence of warming for at least a century. But in October 2004 NASA revealed that certain parts of the continent may warm by more than 3.5 degrees Centigrade between now and 2050, while in December 2004 a British Antarctic Survey team observed that the western part of Antarctica was losing 250 cubic kilometers of ice per year. This is still a limited quantity, but should it accelerate the water from this region could induce a sea-level rise of 8 meters! For the moment, only eastern Antarctica, by far the most massive part (the equivalent of a sea-level rise of 64 meters), appears to be spared.

Alongside this disturbing problem, the reduction of the Antarctic ice sheet may also lead to another major upheaval concerning aquatic fauna. Indeed, stocks of krill, a small shrimp that feeds on algae living beneath the ice, and which is at the heart of the sea's food chain, since squid, fish, and whales feed on it, are thought to have declined by 80% in the past 30 years. This phenomenon, combined with overfishing and the weakening of the coral reefs, undeniably constitutes an additional reason for concern.

--Frédéric Durand is maître de conférences at the University of Toulouse-II-Le Mirail and author of *La Jungle, la nation et le marché: Chronique indonésienne* (L'Atalante, 2001) ('The Jungle, the Nation, and the Market: Indonesian Chronicle').

[MAP 1] CLIMATIC WARMING OF THE ARCTIC REGION (Sources: Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Program (AMAP), 1998, 2002, 2004; World Conservation Monitoring Centre (WCMC); United States Energy Information Administration (EIA); National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOIA); International Permafrost Association (IPA); *Impacts of a Warming Arctic: Arctic Climate Impact Assessment (ACIA) Overview/Report* (Cambridge University Press, 2004); *Vital Arctic Graphics, People and Global Heritage on Our Last Wild Shores*
(UNEP/GRID-Arendal, 2005).

[MAP 2] WARMING OF ANTARCTICA EXPECTED BY 2050 (Source: National Aeronautic and Space Administration (NASA), 2004.)

[CHARTS] (1) EXTENT OF THE ICE CAP, 1900-2000 (Millions of square km); (2) VARIATIONS IN THE SURFACE OF THE ICE CAP: DEPARTURES FROM THE MEAN, 1973-2004 (Sources: *Impacts of a Warming Arctic: Arctic Climate Impact Assessment (ACIA) Overview/Report* (Cambridge University Press, 2004); Hadley Center, 2005; Office météorologique mondial (OMM), 2005; Met Office, 2005).


--Arctic Climate Impact Assessment (ACIA):

--International Arctic Science Committee (IASC):

--Arctic Council:

--Center for International Climate and Environmental Research-Oslo (Cicero):

--Laboratoire d'océanographie dynamique et de climatologie (Lodyc):

--Organisation météorologique mondiale (OMM):

--International Conference on Arctic Research Planning (Icarp):

Translated by Mark K. Jensen Associate Professor of French Department of Languages and Literatures Pacific Lutheran University Tacoma, WA 98447-0003 Phone: 253-535-7219 Home page: E-mail:


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