Freitag, 31. März 2006

Rio Arriba County votes to stop construction of cell-phone towers

By ANDY LENDERMAN - The New Mexican March 31, 2006

The Rio Arriba County Commission has voted to temporarily stop the construction of cell-phone and other commercial towers within county limits.

The ban will last until Jan. 30, 2007, giving the county time to rewrite county rules that govern those towers. The county is currently developing a comprehensive plan, zoning ordinances and other land-use regulations.

continued >>>

Informant: James River Martin

"Generation Praktikum" protestiert in Berlin

Ohne Bezahlung: "Generation Praktikum" protestiert in Berlin (31.03.06)

Angehörige der so genannten Generation Praktikum wollen am Samstag in mehreren europäischen Metropolen gegen Missstände demonstrieren. Die DGB-Jugend, der Verein Fairwork und die französische Organisation "Génération précaire" haben zum Protest aufgerufen. Unter dem Motto "Arbeiten ohne Geld - Das kann doch nicht euer Ernst sein?" sollen unter anderem in Berlin, Paris und Brüssel Aktionen stattfinden, wie die DGB-Jugend mitteilte.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

Meerbusch: Lösung für Langst-Kierst ist nicht in Sicht

In der Rheingemeinde bleiben die Bürger beim Mobilfunk stur: Keiner will eine Antenne haben.

Meerbusch. Ganz Meerbusch ist versorgt mit Mobilfunkantennen. Ganz Meerbusch? Nein, ein kleines Dorf direkt am Rhein bleibt stur: Die Handy-Unternehmen sind bis heute damit gescheitert, in Langst-Kierst über das Stadium eines Suchkreises Funknetzplaner legen geographische Bedingungen fest, Netzbetreiber überprüfen, welche Bauwerke für die Errichtung eines Senders geeignet erscheinen hinauszukommen.

Weiter unter:

Acheivable Stonehenge

Achievable Stonehenge - forwarded by George Chaplin who says:
If you, like me, want Stonehenge returned to its landscape and think the central theme to the current debate should be what is best for Stoenhenge, not the road next to it, please read the following link and consider taking part in the action. It is really simple.

Since this is a World Heritage Site, I think we should all have a say if its future.

Please take this action, friends, no matter where you live. As George says its a WORLD HERITAGE SITE and it deserves the best we can do! If there is enough public pressure, they will find the money to do the right thing - but only if!

Sign the Achievable Stonehenge online petition

Best wishes and thanks,

Orwell lässt grüßen

Die Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft dient in Hamburg als Vorwand für umfangreiche Überwachungs- und Sicherheitsmaßnahmen.

Long mobile phone use raises brain tumor risk

Act Now: East Africa in Crisis

Next week, the Senate will be working on a bill to support humanitarian efforts in East Africa where millions are facing what may be the worst drought in memory. Unfortunately, as it stands, the bill would dramatically cut funding for international humanitarian aid for extremely vulnerable populations, including women, children, and the elderly.

This could be devastating for millions of poor people across Africa that need food, water, and protection from conflict. But you can make a difference!

Click here to sign a petition encouraging the Senate Appropriations Committee to provide at least an additional $200 million for emergency humanitarian assistance for extremely vulnerable populations in East Africa.

Help us make sure that humanitarian emergencies in Ethiopia, Kenya, Sudan, Somalia, and Uganda will receive at least the same amount of funding from the US as in previous years. The Senate Appropriations Committee has the power to increase funding, but they need to hear from you!

Our policy staff in Washington, DC will hand-deliver the petition to Chairman of the Appropriations Committee, Senator Thad Cochrane (R-MS).

The people in East Africa need our help now more than ever. Please help us increase emergency humanitarian aid to Africa: sign the petition and then forward this message to your friends and family

Thank you for your speedy response to help people in need in East Africa and for supporting the Oxfam America Advocacy Fund.

Tim Fullerton
Oxfam America Advocacy Fund

North Walsham Road phone mast victory

31 March 2006 10:28

Campaigners were today celebrating after councillors rejected plans for a mobile phone mast to be sited in the north of the city.

Telecommunications giant O2 had wanted to install a slimline mast on a verge next to 147 North Walsham Road.

But Broadland District Council's planning committee was unanimous in its decision to reject the application because the prominence of the mast would have a “significant detrimental impact upon the character and appearance of the site and more widely the surrounding area as a whole”.

The planning committee's decision came after it received 141 separate letters of objection from people living in the area in addition to a petition with 432 signatures on it.

Trevor Weinle, 58, who lives near to the proposed site, was one of the people responsible for the campaign.

He was at the planning meeting and was delighted the council has decided to reject the application.

“We've done a lot of campaigning and local people have been brilliant,” he said.

“I'm pleased the planning authority has been on our side and as far as I'm concerned the system has worked well.”

But Mr Weinle, who spoke on behalf of the other objectors at the meeting, said he did not expect this to be an end to the matter.

“What worries me is that O2 now has the right to appeal this decision and can take that to an outside inspector and the whole thing can be overturned,” he said.

“We're very pleased it's gone this far; this has been a great day for the whole community, but we do see it as a battle won rather than the whole war.

“O2 may yet install a mast on this site or another somewhere in the vicinity and other operators are waiting in the wings for a slice of the action.”

The Evening News' Put Masts on Hold campaign has fought against the installation of mobile phone masts near homes and schools until it is proved they are safe.

Are you fighting against plans to put up a phone mast in your neighbourhood? Call Peter Walsh at the Evening News on (01603) 772439 or email

Copyright © 2006 Archant Regional. All rights reserved.

Mobile phone mast rejected

31 March 2006 15:41

Campaigners are celebrating after councillors rejected plans for a mobile phone mast to the north of Norwich.

Telecommunications giant O2 wanted to install a slimline mast on a verge next to 147 North Walsham Road.

But Broadland District Council's planning committee was unanimous in its decision to reject the application because the prominence of the mast would have a “significant detrimental impact upon the character and appearance of the site and more widely the surrounding area as a whole”.

The planning committee's decision came after it received 141 separate letters of objection from people living in the area in addition to a petition with 432 signatures on it.

Trevor Weinle, 58, who lives near to the proposed site, was one of the people responsible for the campaign. He was at the planning meeting and was delighted the council has decided to reject the application.

“We've done a lot of campaigning and local people have been brilliant,” he said. “I'm pleased the planning authority has been on our side and as far as I'm concerned the system has worked well.”

But Mr Weinle, who spoke on behalf of the other objectors at the meeting, said he did not expect this to be an end to the matter.

“What worries me is that O2 now has the right to appeal this decision and can take that to an outside inspector and the whole thing can be overturned,” he said. “We're very pleased it's gone this far; this has been a great day for the whole community, but we do see it as a battle won rather than the whole war.

“O2 may yet install a mast on this site or another somewhere in the vicinity and other operators are waiting in the wings for a slice of the action.”

Copyright © 2006 Archant Regional. All rights reserved.


North Walsham Road phone mast victory


By Richard Wright

BUREAUCRATIC bungling has led to a mobile phone mast getting the go-ahead, despite being turned down by councillors. Because the IW Council did not write to the company within the statutory 56-day time limit, the mast won approval, even though planners rejected the application by telecommunications giant 3G. The mistake was revealed by a BBC News investigation as one of a total of 66 by planning departments across southern England. In October the council refused permission for the 12-metre mast carrying three antennae, a receiver dish and radio equipment housing on the grass verge near the junction of Long Lane and Staplers Road, Newport. It decided the installation was too prominent and would add to visual clutter. Planners were not satisfied other sites had been investigated. Objections were also raised by the Island branch of the Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE). However, this week work on erecting the mast was being completed by 3G engineers. CPRE chairman Prof Dennis Russell said in his letter to planners: "This simply adds to the clutter of ugly poles, signs and huts finding their way onto our roadsides and does nothing to improve the appearance of the approaches to the Island's county town. "Such an intrusion into the character of the area so prominently visible and close to residences, should be refused." This week he added: "The council needs to ensure this sort of mistake can never happen again." IW Council development control manager Andrew Pegram said: "Even one clerical mistake of this kind is too many and measures have been taken to prevent this happening again. "However, this incident should be put in the context of more than 100 mobile phone mast developments on the Island, which have been processed correctly."

31 March 2006

Are mobile phones cancerous?

The laws of physics are immutable

"Are mobile phones cancerous?" is the headline on one of todays letters (March 29).

Any electro-magnetic radiation radiation is potentially harmful.

As a CB-radio user in the Eighties, it was not unknown to get an occasional burn from holding the aerial while transmitting at 4 watts.

But, then, you don't hold mobile phone aerials. So, how far away from them is safe?

A typical phone mast broadcasts in the tens of watts, so let's say it is transmitting at 100 watts as a worst case, which is measured at one metre from the mast.

The inverse square law applies here, so, at ten times the distance, you'll only get a hundredth of the power.

So, roughly speaking, at the bottom of the 20m pole on which the aerial stands, you'll receive about half a watt of power, or, roughly speaking, about the same power as you receive from a mobile phone held to the side of your head.

Compare this with standing at the bottom of a mast transmitting TV signals. The Whitehawk transmitter broadcasts at 2000 watts. Assumming it is also about 20m high, at the bottom you would receive about five watts.

So, 20m from the worst phone mast transmitter should give you the same power through you as yoiur own mobile phone.

Another 20m away and the power received from the pole is only a four-hundredth of what you receive from your mobile phone.

You get more EM radiation from watching your TV.

Rod Main


Dear Editor

Here is my response to a letter in todays Argus Letters for your letters page.

Yours Sincerely

Gary K.

Rod Main (Argus March 31) applies almost totally irrelevant criteria to assess the safety of phone masts and mobile phones - and omits to include the now huge range of microwave wireless devices on the market.

The ICNIRP (International Commission on Non Ionising Radiation Protection) Guidelines which are supposed to ensure phone mast safety ONLY cover the thermal (heating) effects of phone mast emissions. Hence all that an ICNIRP certificate means is that the mast won’t cook you!

When the guidelines were made in 1998 it was generally thought that the only effects of mobile phone mast emissions would be thermal, hence the ICNIRP Guidelines as they currently stand.

However, it is now widely accepted that NON-Thermal effects do occur but these guidelines have NOT been updated to include NON-Thermal effects.

The Thermal effects are accepted to be negligible - however, NON-Thermal effects are now known to affect the make-up of our bodies and how our bodies work, posing real risks to our health and to our lives.

Hence ICNIRP Guidelines are not protecting people at all. The Regional Government in Salzburg, Austria have set the acceptable limit for emissions in homes, under advice from Independent scientists, to just under 0.1 V/m – also referred to as “the suggested 0.1 V/m precautionary maximum”, or P.Max.

"GRAM" (Goldsworth Residents Against Masts) state in their very well researched and comprehensive leaflet on microwave communications that "20 to 40 times P.Max - ‘Medium and ‘High’ may ‘have serious health consequences for those exposed". These levels are those absorbed by people using any current microwave devices such as cell and DECT phones, baby monitors, WiFi, WiMax, cordless computers, interactive whiteboards in schools, bluetooth headsets as well as masts at close range.

The ICNIRP Guidelines also ignore long-term low-level exposure to microwaves. There are now thousands of formal and informal studies worldwide by independent scientists which conclude that there are many and serious adverse health effects from such exposure.

Gary K.
BHFOE Mast Campaigner


Base Stations, operating within strict national and international Guidelines, do not present a Health Risk?


Aktionen der "Überflüssigen"

Die "Überflüssigen" besetzen ein Wahlkreisbüro der SPD

„Heute am 30.03.06 besetzten die ÜBEFLÜSSIGEN das Wahlkreisbüro der SPD-Landtagsabgeordneten Dr. Esther Schröder. Ziel der Aktion war es, die schier unerträgliche Heuchelei einer Vertreterin der Sozialkahlschlagspartei an den Pranger zu stellen. Frau Dr. Schröder möchte sich bei uns profilieren indem sie Beratungen für "Hartz IV-Empfänger" anbietet. Es wird hier geradezu der "Bock zum Gärtner" gemacht…“ Bericht mit Bildern von Michael Maurer vom 31.03.2006 bei indymedia und Videos der Aktion in verschiedenen Formaten ebenfalls bei indymedia

Aus: LabourNet, 31. März 2006


Proteste gegen Ein-Euro-Jobs > Aktionen bei der AWO, Caritas… Gegen

Der neue Termin der Verhandlung der Anzeige gegen die Überflüssigen des Vorsitzenden der Arbeiterwohlfahrt Berlin steht nun fest:
12.07.2006 / Amtsgericht Berlin-Moabit
Angeklagt: Die Überflüssigen
Wo: Kirchstr. 6, Raum 5007 (oder ein größerer Saal)
Wann: 11:30 Uhr

Aus: LabourNet, 4. Juli 2006


Berlin: AWO von Überflüssigen besetzt

Verfahren gegen Überflüssige eingestellt

„Heute fand vor dem Amtsgericht Tiergarten ein Prozess gegen Überflüssige statt, die im Herbst 2004 die Berliner AWO-Zentrale besetzt hatten. Das Verfahren wurde auf Staatskosten eingestellt. Während dem Prozess wurde eine miese Machenschaft des LKA Berlins aufgedeckt. Es besteht der Anfangsverdacht, dass Mitarbeiter/innen des LKA Urkundenfälschung begangen haben, um die Anklage gegen die Überflüssigen zu ermöglichen….“ Bericht von Sarah, Gaby, Phillip und Peter vom 12.07.2006 bei indymedia, ergänzt um den Pressespiegel

Aus: LabourNet, 13. Juli 2006


Proteste gegen Ein-Euro-Jobs

Protest in Bus und Straßenbahn. „Die Überflüssigen“ in Leipzig nahmen Tiefensees Busbegleiter – Projekt auf 's Korn

„Dass inzwischen jeder mittelmäßige Politiker der Meinung ist, die Arbeitslosengeld II Bezieher seien seine persönliche Verfügungsmasse, die für seine mehr oder weniger obskuren Pläne willig zur Verfügung stehen müssen kann nicht länger hingenommen werden - dachten sich „die Überflüssigen“ in Leipzig und starteten am 16.Oktober ihr Projekt Busbegleiter…“ Ein Bericht von Pia Witte, Leipzig, mit Bildern von Gerd Eiltzer

Aus: LabourNet, 24. Oktober 2006

Rachel's News #848

ALTERNATIVE Santé, Comprendre pour agir: Servent-ils l'Homme et la Terre?

ASL news

Immer mehr Menschen werden mit Handy begraben

London - Ständig erreichbar sein, auch im Grab - darauf wollen Menschen offenbar auch im Tod nicht verzichten. Nach einem Bericht des Rundfunksenders BBC lassen sich immer mehr Menschen zusammen mit ihrem Handy begraben. Der Trend sei in Südafrika entstanden, berichtete Martin Raymond, Chef eines Forschungsinstituts. Aus Sorge, durch einen Zauber nur verhext und nicht wirklich tot zu sein, wollten die Begrabenen auch im Sarg noch mit der Welt in Verbindung treten können. Auf Wunsch würden auch Batterien zum Nachladen mitgegeben - niemand wisse, wie lange der Zauber wirke.

Aus der Berliner Morgenpost vom 31. März 2006

© Berliner Morgenpost 2006

Cherry Hill deer hunt plan raises

From: ""

Springdale Farms doesn't blame last year's dreadful growing season on the weather, insects, poor soil or bad seeds. Instead, a four-letter word says it all.


"It's appalling that the township is considering a hunt right in the heart of major roads and neighborhoods," said Stuart Chaifetz, an animal rights activist who created a group called Cherry Hill Animal Management Program to oppose the proposed hunt. "As soon as you start shooting deer they're going to run. What if they run into someone's house? They haven't thought this out."

The township wants to have the hunt before June, when crops begin to grow. Up to 10 retired Cherry Hill police officers would be permitted to hunt at a time, Platt said. They'd use buckshot, which only travels about 150 feet, and shoot from hunting stands whenever possible so their guns are directed downward. They wouldn't be allowed to hunt within 450 feet of any house, building or street and they'd provide their own ammunition, guns and equipment, Platt said.

Full story:

Informant: Blue Ridge Mama

Secret mast report shows mistakes

by Malcolm Prior
BBC News, Bournemouth

Independent legal advisers have told a council embroiled in a row over unwanted mobile phone masts that it did make mistakes, the BBC can reveal.

Confidential barrister reports written for Bournemouth Borough Council have been leaked to the BBC News website.

They warn the council - which failed to meet a vital planning deadline - that action to have the masts removed could leave it facing compensation claims.

The council confirmed it had been given advice and was considering it.

I consider that the matter is clear and that the 56 days had expired Legal report

Campaigner Charmaine Despres met the news with anger, saying: "I reiterate what I have said before that Bournemouth borough planners are a law unto themselves.

"Our only hope is that Vodafone will consider relocating the mast to council land and in the future to hope that mast sharing will be made obligatory."

Earlier this week, a BBC Freedom of Information Act investigation revealed that such council blunders have allowed dozens of masts to be given planning permission across southern England.

If a phone operator wishing to put up a mast under 15m does not hear from a council within 56 days it can assume it has "deemed consent" - even if the council had wanted to refuse approval.

Advice considered

It has now come to light that a barrister with planning expertise was asked to look at two cases - both the focus of public anger - where Bournemouth Borough Council has been accused of not meeting that deadline.

The reports looked at the dispute surrounding an O2 mast at Queen's Park and a Vodafone mast in Fisherman's Avenue.

In a statement, the council confirmed it had obtained counsel's opinion but said: "The legal advice obtained is confidential but we can confirm that we are now considering this advice to establish what further action may be appropriate.

"In relation to the O2 phone mast we are of the opinion that we notified the operator within the specified time period.

"We have sought counsel's advice on this matter and are now looking into the advice to see what options there are."

Story from BBC NEWS:

Published: 2006/03/31 06:09:59 GMT


Überwachung von UMTS und VoIP

Compulsory ID cards

----- Original Message -----
From: Mobile phone mast network
To: Mobile Phone Mast Campaigners Networking
Sent: Thursday, March 30, 2006 11:59 PM
Subject: [Masts] Fw: Compulsory ID cards - what do we think ?

I just received this e mail about the introduction of ID cards and their effects. Maybe you would be interested enough to make your comments.


----- Original Message -----
From: Jill
Sent: Thursday, March 30, 2006 10:47 PM
Subject: Compulsory ID cards - what do we think ?

Please pass this on and if you feel strongly about it, please consider writing to your MP.

Many thanks


Hi there -

I find this worrying - how about you??
Sorry about the mass mailing, but I think this is worth it.


You may have heard that legislation creating compulsory ID Cards passed a crucial stage in the House of Commons. You may feel that ID cards are not something to worry about, since we already have photo ID for our passport and driving license and an ID Card will be no different to that. What you have not been told is the full scope of this proposed ID Card, and what it will mean to you personally.

The proposed ID Card will be different from any card you now hold. It will be connected to a database called the NIR (National Identity Register), where all of your personal details will be stored. This will include the unique number that will be issued to you, your fingerprints, a scan of the back of your eye, and your photograph. Your name, address and date of birth will also obviously be stored there. There will be spaces on this database for your religion, residence status, and many other private and personal facts about you. There is unlimited space for every other details of your life on the NIR database, which can be expanded by the Government with or without further Acts of Parliament.

By itself, you might think that this register is harmless, but you would be wrong to come to this conclusion. This new card will be used to check your identity against your entry in the register in real time, whenever you present it to 'prove who you are'.

Every place that sells alcohol or cigarettes, every post office, every pharmacy, and every Bank will have an NIR Card Terminal, (very much like the Chip and Pin Readers that are everywhere now) into which your card can be 'swiped' to check your identity. Each time this happens, a record is made at the NIR of the time and place that the Card was presented. This means for example, that there will be a government record of every time you withdraw more than £99 at your branch of Nat West, who now demand ID for these transactions. Every time you have to prove that you are over 18, your card will be swiped, and a record made at the NIR. Restaurants and off licenses will demand that your card is swiped so that each receipt shows that they sold alcohol to someone over 18, and that this was proved by the access to the NIR, indemnifying them from prosecution.

Private businesses are going to be given access to the NIR Database. If you want to apply for a job, you will have to present your card for a swipe. If you want to apply for a London Underground Oyster Card, or a supermarket loyalty card, or a driving license you will have to present your ID Card for a swipe. The same goes for getting a telephone line or a mobile phone or an internet account.

Oyster, DVLA, BT and Nectar (for example) all run very detailed databases of their own. They will be allowed access to the NIR, just as every other business will be. This means that each of these entities will be able to store your unique number in their database, and place all your travel, phone records, driving activities and detailed shopping habits under your unique NIR number.

These databases, which can easily fit on a storage device the size of your hand, will be sold to third parties either legally or illegally. It will then be possible for a non governmental entity to create a detailed dossier of all your activities. Certainly, the government will have clandestine access to all of them, meaning that they will have a complete record of all your movements, from how much and when you withdraw from your bank account to what medications you are taking, down to the level of what sort of bread you eat - all accessible via a single unique number in a central database.

This is quite a significant leap from a simple ID Card that shows your name and face.

Most people do not know that this is the true character and scope of the proposed ID Card. Whenever the details of how it will work are explained to them, they quickly change from being ambivalent towards it.

The Government is going to compel you to enter your details into the NIR and to carry this card. If you and your children want to obtain or renew your passports, you will be forced to have your fingerprints taken and your eyes scanned for the NIR, and an ID Card will be issued to you whether you want one or not. If you refuse to be finger-printed and eye scanned, you will not be able to get a passport. Your ID Card will, just like your passport, not be your property. The Home Secretary will have the right to revoke or suspend your ID at any time, meaning that you will not be able to withdraw money from your Bank Account, for example, or do anything that requires you to present your government issued ID Card.

The arguments that have been put forwarded in favour of ID Cards can be easily disproved. ID Cards will not stop terrorists; every Spaniard has a compulsory ID Card as did the Madrid Bombers. ID Cards will not 'eliminate benefit fraud', which in any case, is small compared to the astronomical cost of this proposal, which will be measured in billions according to the LSE. This scheme exists solely to exert total surveillance and control over the ordinary free British Citizen, and it will line the pockets of the companies that will create the computer systems at the expense of your freedom, privacy and money.

If you did not know the full scope of the proposed ID Card Scheme before and you are as unsettled as I am at what it really means to you, to this country and its way of life, I urge you to email or photocopy this and give it to your friends and colleagues.

The Bill has proceeded to this stage due to the lack of accurate and complete information on this proposal being made public. We can inform the entire nation if everyone who receives this email passes it on. You might wish to consider doing this ...


I find it worrying, very big brother is watching you. Human rights are fast disappearing with this governement in the name of prevention of terroism. I have been saying to my friends that if things go on like this i wonder if civil war will rear its ugly head in this country again one day and although i pray it will not be in my lifetime, I would not be at all surprised. What is the point of the data protection act if this is going to happen. I think governments and politicians have lost it and are not in touch with Jo Public. Can we send this e mail to our MPs?


sue g

Some teen cancer tied to growth spurts

Interesting report about the increase in teenage cancers. I wonder if there could be another causative link ??

Dennis Cannon

Some teen cancer tied to growth spurts


Mobile phones tumour risk to young children

The cellular phone and children


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