Sonntag, 26. März 2006


10:30 - 25 March 2006

Villagers in Beckford took to the streets armed with chainsaws and axes after a telegraph pole appeared on their village green.

Bt didn't need planning permission to put the 23ft pole slap bang in the middle of the green. But it didn't bank on the fury of the residents. The pole appeared on Tuesday, ruining views of the ninth century church and dwarfing an oak planted in 1990 to mark the Queen Mother's 90th birthday.

Villagers started a petition and kicked up such a fuss that by Thursday, BT caved in and removed the mast.

Sally Stringer, who runs Beckford Stores, said residents would be keeping a close eye on the situation.

She said workmen told her the pole had been put in the wrong place and that it would have to go elsewhere.

"We got 36 names on a petition in half a day before they came and took the pole away," she said.

"I understand cables have to be replaced but they can put them underground. This area is so special.

"It's a beautiful village green. What they did was a legalised form of vandalism. The village was spitting about it.

"It spoiled an outstanding view of the church. It was totally out of order."

BT did not need planning permission for the pole because the village green is common land.

County councillor Adrian Hardman (Con, Bredon) said: "It's one of the prettiest views around Bredon Hill.

"The tree was completely dwarfed by the giant pole. It was quite extraordinary."

BT spokeswoman Anna Steven said: "The installation of a new pole was necessary to raise overhead cable.

"BT has statutory powers to site equipment on public land but we always consider a range of factors such as best possible position in terms of the service to be provided, visual amenity and local circumstances.

"On occasions the balance between cost effectiveness, aesthetics and safety can be difficult to achieve.

"In this case, given local objections, the pole has been removed in the interim while we seek an alternative solution."

"It spoiled an outstanding view of the church. It was totally out of order."

Informant: Eileen O'Connor

Government cracks down on dissent in name of 'anti-terrorism'

Two releases of local law enforcement files in recent days have shed new light on just how far the Bush administration, federal, and local law enforcement are going to suppress political dissent in the aftermath of 9-11.

IRS Audited Greenpeace At Request of ExxonMobil-Funded Group

The Wall Street Journal revealed this week a little-known watchdog group was responsible for getting the IRS to audit the environmental organization Greenpeace.

From Information Clearing House

A personal journey into Washington's culture of greed

How to Be a Lobbyist Without Trying :

The pollution gap

Report reveals how the world's poorer countries are forced to pay for the CO2 emissions of the developed nations.

From Information Clearing House

Democratizing the World: One Torture Victim at a Time

Psychological torture, sleep deprivation, brutality, severe sexual humiliation, and murder summon visions of a dank dungeon in a remote region of pre-invasion Iraq, Iran, or North Korea, replete with evil inquisitors and hooded executioners. However, those manifestations of horror did not spring forth from the Axis of Evil. They are actually drawn from official post-9/11 US policy.

Slavish Republican lawmakers roll over for Bush

Republicans on Capitol Hill, presented with the censure resolution, practically trampled each other to prove their slobbering devotion to the president.

From Information Clearing House

A Model Democracy Is not Emerging in Iraq

Francis Fukuyama was a life-long neo-conservative prior to the election of the Bush Administration. The Iraq war led him to change his mind. SPIEGEL ONLINE spoke to Fukuyama about the US handling of Iraq, the moral superiority of America and Europe's dangerous addiction to anti-Americanism.

Some Thoughts about Jesus, The Church, My Country, and The War

By Doug Soderstrom

There can be no misunderstanding that Jesus’ mandate to love is uncompromisingly opposed to the mass slaughter that defines the character of war. However, because so many have successfully distorted the teachings of Jesus, our country has been allowed to launch a decades-long campaign of death and destruction formulated to destroy all who refuse to play “the game” according to our rules.

Impeachment or Resignation: Pick Your Poison

By Ralph Nader

Attention please, good people! Adjust your routines and come to the aid of your country, and your children with your thoughtful patriotism. Don't just hope for impeachment, demand the resignation now of the mad hatters in the White House--George W. Bush and Richard Cheney.

Handymasten lassen viele kränkeln

25.03.2006 22:56

Zahlreiche Anrainer von Mobilfunkmasten meldeten dem Umweltmediziner der Ärztekammer gesundheitliche Störungen. Genaue Auskünfte bei Kleine-Telefonstunde.

Der Bauer kann nicht mehr schlafen, die Bäuerin leidet unter Kopfschmerzen, das Radio ist gestört und das Vieh unfruchtbar. Und das alles, seit ein Mobilfunkmast in der Nähe des Hofes aufgestellt wurde.

Der Anrufer, der dem Umweltmediziner der Kärntner Ärztekammer, Dieter Schmidt, diesen Bericht übermittelte, ist ein Bauer aus dem Mölltal. Nur einer von vielen, die sich nach dem Kleine-Artikel "Strahlende Gefahr" mit einer Aufzählung von Beschwerden bei Schmidt gemeldet haben. "Schlafstörungen ziehen sich überall durch", hat Schmidt festgestellt. Dazu kommen Infektanfälligkeit und Müdigkeit wie bei einem Studenten aus Lölling. Wenn er wieder nach Graz fährt, verschwinden seine Beschwerden. Der Zustand des Vater verbesserte sich, als er ins Untergeschoss zog, wo die Strahlung in geringerer Menge auftrifft.

Tinnitus. Aus Ferlach wurden Tinnitus-Fälle gemeldet, aus St. Veit Migräne, im Lavanttal trat Brustkrebs auf, für Experten auch ein Hinweis auf hochfrequente elektromagnetische Strahlung. "Die Betroffenen haben versichert, dass die Beschwerden erst nach dem Aufstellen der Sendeanlagen aufgetreten sind", erläutert Schmidt, der jeder Meldung nachgehen wird, um sie wissenschaftlich zu beweisen. "Die Häufung der Symptome zeigt, dass es sich bei den Anrufern nicht um Hypochonder handelt". Deshalb wurde auch die Sanitätsdirektion des Landes Abteilung Umweltmedizin eingeschaltet.

Wiew Presslufthammer. "Die Politik ist am Zug. Sie muss endlich Grenzwerte festlegen", fordert Schmidt. Die Grundlagenforschung habe bewiesen, dass elektromagnetische Strahlung genauso gefährlich sei wie Röntgenstrahlen. Besonders schädlich sei das "gepulste System", erklärt der deutsche Umweltanalytiker und Strahlungsexperte Dietrich Moldan. Dadurch werden hochfrequente Wellen als Datenpaket versendet und wirken mit 1733 Impulsen pro Sekunde wie ein Presslufthammer. Betroffene Menschen können sich durch baubiologische Maßnahmen schützen. "Es gibt inzwischen Abschirm-Materialien, die Strahlung reduzieren können".

Spezielle Anstriche, aluminiumbedampfte Ziegel, Schutzplatten oder Gitter können helfen. Details über Beschwerden und Schutzmaßnahmen bei der Kleine-Telefonstunde am Mittwoch, 29. März, um 14 Uhr.



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März 2006


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