Donnerstag, 23. März 2006

Economic Suicide

From: James Olson [tmtalk]

Here is an extraordinary piece about the fate of the dollar. I hesitate to say that everyone should do anything, nevertheless I think everyone should read this, even if they think they don't care about economics. Something big is coming. There are ways to protect ourselves when we know what is coming.

Hon. Ron Paul's Talk before the U.S. House of Representatives as Published on:

Before the U.S. House of Representatives
February 15, 2006

A hundred years ago it was called "dollar diplomacy." After World War II, and especially after the fall of the Soviet Union in 1989, that policy evolved into "dollar hegemony." But after all these many years of great success, our dollar dominance is coming to an end.

It has been said, rightly, that he who holds the gold makes the rules. In earlier times it was readily accepted that fair and honest trade required an exchange for something of real value.

First it was simply barter of goods. Then it was discovered that gold held a universal attraction, and was a convenient substitute for more cumbersome barter transactions. Not only did gold facilitate exchange of goods and services, it served as a store of value for those who wanted to save for a rainy day.

Though money developed naturally in the marketplace, as governments grew in power they assumed monopoly control over money. Sometimes governments succeeded in guaranteeing the quality and purity of gold, but in time governments learned to outspend their revenues. New or higher taxes always incurred the disapproval of the people, so it wasn't long before Kings and Caesars learned how to inflate their currencies by reducing the amount of gold in each coin-- always hoping their subjects wouldn't discover the fraud. But the people always did, and they strenuously objected.

This helped pressure leaders to seek more gold by conquering other nations. The people became accustomed to living beyond their means, and enjoyed the circuses and bread. Financing extravagances by conquering foreign lands seemed a logical alternative to working harder and producing more. Besides, conquering nations not only brought home gold, they brought home slaves as well. Taxing the people in conquered territories also provided an incentive to build empires. This system of government worked well for a while, but the moral decline of the people led to an unwillingness to produce for themselves. There was a limit to the number of countries that could be sacked for their wealth, and this always brought empires to an end. When gold no longer could be obtained, their military might crumbled. In those days those who held the gold truly wrote the rules and lived well.

That general rule has held fast throughout the ages. When gold was used, and the rules protected honest commerce, productive nations thrived. Whenever wealthy nations-- those with powerful armies and gold—strived only for empire and easy fortunes to support welfare at home, those nations failed.

Today the principles are the same, but the process is quite different. Gold no longer is the currency of the realm; paper is. The truth now is: "He who prints the money makes the rules"-- at least for the time being. Although gold is not used, the goals are the same: compel foreign countries to produce and subsidize the country with military superiority and control over the monetary printing presses.

Since printing paper money is nothing short of counterfeiting, the issuer of the international currency must always be the country with the military might to guarantee control over the system. This magnificent scheme seems the perfect system for obtaining perpetual wealth for the country that issues the de facto world currency. The one problem, however, is that such a system destroys the character of the counterfeiting nation's people--just as was the case when gold was the currency and it was obtained by conquering other nations. And this destroys the incentive to save and produce, while encouraging debt and runaway welfare.

The pressure at home to inflate the currency comes from the corporate welfare recipients, as well as those who demand handouts as compensation for their needs and perceived injuries by others. In both cases personal responsibility for one's actions is rejected.

When paper money is rejected, or when gold runs out, wealth and political stability are lost. The country then must go from living beyond its means to living beneath its means, until the economic and political systems adjust to the new rules-- rules no longer written by those who ran the now defunct printing press.

"Dollar Diplomacy," a policy instituted by William Howard Taft and his Secretary of State, Philander C. Knox, was designed to enhance U.S. commercial investments in Latin America and the Far East. McKinley concocted a war against Spain in 1898, and (Teddy) Roosevelt's corollary to the Monroe Doctrine preceded Taft's aggressive approach to using the U.S. dollar and diplomatic influence to secure U.S. investments abroad. This earned the popular title of "Dollar Diplomacy." The significance of Roosevelt's change was that our intervention now could be justified by the mere "appearance" that a country of interest to us was politically or fiscally vulnerable to European control. Not only did we claim a right, but even an official U.S. government "obligation" to protect our commercial interests from Europeans.

This new policy came on the heels of the "gunboat" diplomacy of the late
19th century, and it meant we could buy influence before resorting to the threat of force. By the time the "dollar diplomacy" of William Howard Taft was clearly articulated, the seeds of American empire were planted. And they were destined to grow in the fertile political soil of a country that lost its love and respect for the republic bequeathed to us by the authors of the Constitution. And indeed they did. It wasn't too long before dollar "diplomacy" became dollar "hegemony" in the second half of the 20 th century.

This transition only could have occurred with a dramatic change in monetary policy and the nature of the dollar itself.

Congress created the Federal Reserve System in 1913. Between then and
1971, the principle of sound money was systematically undermined. Between 1913 and 1971, the Federal Reserve found it much easier to expand the money supply at will for financing war or manipulating the economy with little resistance from Congress -- while benefiting the special interests that influence government.

Dollar dominance got a huge boost after World War II. We were spared the destruction that so many other nations suffered, and our coffers were filled with the world's gold. But the world chose not to return to the discipline of the gold standard, and the politicians applauded. Printing money to pay the bills was a lot more popular than taxing or restraining unnecessary spending. In spite of the short-term benefits, imbalances were institutionalized for decades to come.

The 1944 Bretton Woods agreement solidified the dollar as the preeminent world reserve currency, replacing the British pound. Due to our political and military muscle, and because we had a huge amount of physical gold, the world readily accepted our dollar (defined as 1/35th of an ounce of gold) as the world's reserve currency. The dollar was said to be "as good as gold," and convertible to all foreign central banks at that rate. For American citizens, however, it remained illegal to own. This was agold-exchange standard that from inception was doomed to fail.

The U.S. did exactly what many predicted she would do. She printed more dollars for which there was no gold backing. But the world was content to accept those dollars for more than 25 years with little question-- until the French and others in the late 1960s demanded we fulfill our promise to pay one ounce of gold for each $35 they delivered to the U.S. Treasury. This resulted in a huge gold drain that brought an end to a very poorly devised pseudo-gold standard.

It all ended on August 15, 1971, when Nixon closed the gold window and refused to pay out any of our remaining 280 million ounces of gold. In essence, we declared our insolvency and everyone recognized some other monetary system had to be devised in order to bring stability to the markets.

Amazingly, a new system was devised which allowed the U.S. to operate the printing presses for the world reserve currency with no restraints placed on it-- not even a pretense of gold convertibility, none whatsoever! Though the new policy was even more deeply flawed, it nevertheless opened the door for dollar hegemony to spread.

Realizing the world was embarking on something new and mind boggling, elite money managers, with especially strong support from U.S. authorities, struck an agreement with OPEC to price oil in U.S. dollars exclusively for all worldwide transactions. This gave the dollar a special place among world currencies and in essence "backed" the dollar with oil. In return, the U.S. promised to protect the various oil-rich kingdoms in the Persian Gulf against threat of invasion or domestic coup. This arrangement helped ignite the radical Islamic movement among those who resented our influence in the region. The arrangement gave the dollar artificial strength, with tremendous financial benefits for the United States. It allowed us to export our monetary inflation by buying oil and other goods at a great discount as dollar influence flourished.

This post-Bretton Woods system was much more fragile than the system that existed between 1945 and 1971. Though the dollar/oil arrangement was helpful, it was not nearly as stable as the pseudo gold standard under Bretton Woods. It certainly was less stable than the gold standard of the late 19th century.

During the 1970s the dollar nearly collapsed, as oil prices surged and gold skyrocketed to $800 an ounce. By 1979 interest rates of 21% were required to rescue the system. The pressure on the dollar in the 1970s, in spite of the benefits accrued to it, reflected reckless budget deficits and monetary inflation during the 1960s. The markets were not fooled by LBJ's claim that we could afford both "guns and butter."

Once again the dollar was rescued, and this ushered in the age of true dollar hegemony lasting from the early 1980s to the present. With tremendous cooperation coming from the central banks and international commercial banks, the dollar was accepted as if it were gold.

Fed Chair Alan Greenspan, on several occasions before the House Banking Committee, answered my challenges to him about his previously held favorable views on gold by claiming that he and other central bankers had gotten paper ney-- i.e. the dollar system-- to respond as if it were gold. Each time I strongly disagreed, and pointed out that if they hadachieved such a feat they would have defied centuries of economic history regarding the need for money to be something of real value. He smugly and confidently concurred with this.

In recent years central banks and various financial institutions, all with vested interests in maintaining a workable fiat dollar standard, were not secretive about selling and loaning large amounts of gold to the market even while decreasing gold prices raised serious questions about the wisdom of such a policy. They never admitted to gold price fixing, but theevidence is abundant that they believed if the gold price fell it would convey a sense of confidence to the market, confidence that they indeed had achieved amazing success in turning paper into gold.

Increasing gold prices historically are viewed as an indicator of distrust in paper currency. This recent effort was not a whole lot different than the U.S. Treasury selling gold at $35 an ounce in the 1960s, in an attempt to convince the world the dollar was sound and as good as gold. Even during the Depression, one of Roosevelt's first acts was to remove free marketgold pricing as an indication of a flawed monetary system by making it illegal for American citizens to own gold. Economic law eventually limited that effort, as it did in the early 1970s when our Treasury and the IMF tried to fix the price of gold by dumping tons into the market to dampen the enthusiasm of those seeking a safe haven for a falling dollar after gold ownership was re-legalized.

Once again the effort between 1980 and 2000 to fool the market as to the true value of the dollar proved unsuccessful. In the past 5 years the dollar has been devalued in terms of gold by more than 50%. You just can't fool all the people all the time, even with the power of the mighty printing press and money creating system of the Federal Reserve.

Even with all the shortcomings of the fiat monetary system, dollar influence thrived. The results seemed beneficial, but gross distortions built into the system remained. And true to form, Washington politicians are only too anxious to solve the problems cropping up with window dressing, while failing to understand and deal with the underlying flawed policy. Protectionism, fixing exchange rates, punitive tariffs, politically motivated sanctions, corporate subsidies, international trade management, price controls, interest rate and wage controls, super-nationalist sentiments, threats of force, and even war are resorted to—all to solve the problems artificially created by deeply flawed monetary and economic systems.

In the short run, the issuer of a fiat reserve currency can accrue great economic benefits. In the long run, it poses a threat to the country issuing the world currency. In this case that's the United States. As long as foreign countries take our dollars in return for real goods, we come out ahead. This is a benefit many in Congress fail to recognize, as they bash China for maintaining a positive trade balance with us. But this leads to a loss of manufacturing jobs to overseas markets, as we become more dependent on others and less self-sufficient. Foreign countries accumulate our dollars due to their high savings rates, and graciously loan them back to us at low interest rates to finance our excessive consumption.

It sounds like a great deal for everyone, except the time will come when our dollars-- due to their depreciation-- will be received less enthusiastically or even be rejected by foreign countries. That could create a whole new ballgame and force us to pay a price for living beyond our means and our production. The shift in sentiment regarding the dollar has already started, but the worst is yet to come.

The agreement with OPEC in the 1970s to price oil in dollars has provided tremendous artificial strength to the dollar as the preeminent reserve currency. This has created a universal demand for the dollar, and soaks up the huge number of new dollars generated each year. Last year alone M3 increased over $700 billion.

The artificial demand for our dollar, along with our military might, places us in the unique position to "rule" the world without productive work or savings, and without limits on consumer spending or deficits. The problem is, it can't last.

Price inflation is raising its ugly head, and the NASDAQ bubble—generated by easy money-- has burst. The housing bubble likewise created is deflating. Gold prices have doubled, and federal spending is out of sight with zero political will to rein it in. The trade deficit last year was over $728 billion. A $2 trillion war is raging, and plans are being laid to expand the war into Iran and possibly Syria. The only restraining force will be the world's rejection of the dollar. It's bound to come and create conditions worse than 1979-1980, which required 21% interest rates to correct. But everything possible will be done to protect the dollar in the meantime. We have a shared interest with those who hold our dollars to keep the whole charade going.

Greenspan, in his first speech after leaving the Fed, said that gold prices were up because of concern about terrorism, and not because of monetary concerns or because he created too many dollars during his tenure. Gold has to be discredited and the dollar propped up. Even when the dollar comes under serious attack by market forces, the central banks and the IMF surely will do everything conceivable to soak up the dollars in hope of restoring stability. Eventually they will fail.

Most importantly, the dollar/oil relationship has to be maintained to keep the dollar as a preeminent currency. Any attack on this relationship will be forcefully challenged—as it already has been. In November 2000 Saddam Hussein demanded Euros for his oil. His arrogance was a threat to the dollar; his lack of any military might was never a threat. At the first cabinet meeting with the new administration in 2001, as reported by Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill, the major topic was how we would get rid of Saddam Hussein-- though there was no evidence whatsoever he posed a threat to us. This deep concern for Saddam Hussein surprised and shocked O'Neill.

It now is common knowledge that the immediate reaction of the administration after 9/11 revolved around how they could connect Saddam Hussein to the attacks, to justify an invasion and overthrow of his government. Even with no evidence of any connection to 9/11, or evidence of weapons of mass destruction, public and congressional support was generated through distortions and flat out misrepresentation of the facts to justify overthrowing Saddam Hussein.

There was no public talk of removing Saddam Hussein because of his attack on the integrity of the dollar as a reserve currency by selling oil in Euros. Many believe this was the real reason for our obsession with Iraq. I doubt it was the only reason, but it may well have played a significant role in our motivation to wage war. Within a very short period after the military victory, all Iraqi oil sales were carried out in dollars. The Euro was abandoned.

In 2001, Venezuela's ambassador to Russia spoke of Venezuela switching to the Euro for all their oil sales. Within a year there was a coup attempt against Chavez, reportedly with assistance from our CIA.

After these attempts to nudge the Euro toward replacing the dollar as the world's reserve currency were met with resistance, the sharp fall of the dollar against the Euro was reversed. These events may well have played a significant role in maintaining dollar dominance.

It's become clear the U.S. administration was sympathetic to those who plotted the overthrow of Chavez, and was embarrassed by its failure. The fact that Chavez was democratically elected had little influence on which side we supported.

Now, a new attempt is being made against the petrodollar system. Iran, another member of the "axis of evil," has announced her plans to initiate an oil bourse in March of this year. Guess what, the oil sales will be priced Euros, not dollars.

Most Americans forget how our policies have systematically and needlessly antagonized the Iranians over the years. In 1953 the CIA helped overthrow a democratically elected president, Mohammed Mossadeqh, and install the authoritarian Shah, who was friendly to the U.S. The Iranians were still fuming over this when the hostages were seized in 1979. Our alliance withSaddam Hussein in his invasion of Iran in the early 1980s did not help matters, and obviously did not do much for our relationship with Saddam Hussein. The administration announcement in 2001 that Iran was part of the axis of evil didn't do much to improve the diplomatic relationship between our two countries. Recent threats over nuclear power, while ignoring the fact that they are surrounded by countries with nuclear weapons, doesn't seem to register with those who continue to provoke Iran. With what most Muslims perceive as our war against Islam, and this recent history, there's little wonder why Iran might choose to harm America by undermining the dollar. Iran, like Iraq, has zero capability to attack us. But that didn't stop us from turning Saddam Hussein into a modern day Hitler ready to take over the world. Now Iran, especially since she's made plans for pricing oil in Euros, has been on the receiving end of a propaganda war not unlike that waged against Iraq before our invasion.

It's not likely that maintaining dollar supremacy was the only motivating factor for the war against Iraq, nor for agitating against Iran. Though the real reasons for going to war are complex, we now know the reasons given before the war started, like the presence of weapons of mass destruction and Saddam Hussein's connection to 9/11, were false. The dollar's importance is obvious, but this does not diminish the influence of the distinct plans laid out years ago by the neo-conservatives to remake the Middle East. Israel's influence, as well as that of the Christian Zionists, likewise played a role in prosecuting this war. Protecting "our" oil supplies has influenced our Middle East policy for decades. But the truth is that paying the bills for this aggressive intervention is impossible the old fashioned way, with more taxes, more savings, and more production by the American people. Much of the expense of the Persian Gulf War in 1991 was shouldered by many of our willing allies. That's not so today. Now, more than ever, the dollar hegemony-- it's dominance as the world reserve currency-- is required to finance our huge war expenditures. This $2 trillion never-ending war must be paid for, one way or another. Dollar hegemony provides the vehicle to do just that.

For the most part the true victims aren't aware of how they pay the bills. The license to create money out of thin air allows the bills to be paid through price inflation. American citizens, as well as average citizens of Japan, China, and other countries suffer from price inflation, which represents the "tax" that pays the bills for our military adventures. That is until the fraud is discovered, and the foreign producers decide not to take dollars nor hold them very long in payment for their goods. Everything possible is done to prevent the fraud of the monetary system from being exposed to the masses who suffer from it. If oil markets replace dollars with Euros, it would in time curtail our ability to continue to print, without restraint, the world's reserve currency.

It is an unbelievable benefit to us to import valuable goods and export depreciating dollars. The exporting countries have become addicted to our purchases for their economic growth. This dependency makes them allies in continuing the fraud, and their participation keeps the dollar's value artificially high. If this system were workable long term, American citizens would never have to work again. We too could enjoy "bread and circuses" just as the Romans did, but their gold finally ran out and the inability of Rome to continue to plunder conquered nations brought an end to her empire.

The same thing will happen to us if we don't change our ways. Though we don't occupy foreign countries to directly plunder, we nevertheless have spread our troops across 130 nations of the world. Our intense effort to spread our power in the oil-rich Middle East is not a coincidence. But unlike the old days, we don't declare direct ownership of the natural resources-- we just insist that we can buy what we want and pay for it with our paper money. Any country that challenges our authority does so at great risk.

Once again Congress has bought into the war propaganda against Iran, just as it did against Iraq. Arguments are now made for attacking Iran economically, and militarily if necessary. These arguments are all based on Iraq.

Our whole economic system depends on continuing the current monetary arrangement, which means recycling the dollar is crucial. Currently, we borrow over $700 billion every year from our gracious benefactors, who work hard and take our paper for their goods. Then we borrow all the money we need to secure the empire (DOD budget $450 billion) plus more. The military might we enjoy becomes the "backing" of our currency. There are no other countries that can challenge our military superiority, and therefore they have little choice but to accept the dollars we declare are today's "gold." This is why countries that challenge the system-- like Iraq, Iran and Venezuela-- become targets of our plans for regime change.

Ironically, dollar superiority depends on our strong military, and our strong military depends on the dollar. As long as foreign recipients take our dollars for real goods and are willing to finance our extravagant consumption and militarism, the status quo will continue regardless of how huge our foreign debt and current account deficit become.

But real threats come from our political adversaries who are incapable of confronting us militarily, yet are not bashful about confronting us economically. That's why we see the new challenge from Iran being taken so seriously. The urgent arguments about Iran posing a military threat to the security of the United States are no more plausible than the false charges levied against Iraq. Yet there is no effort to resist this march to confrontation by those who grandstand for political reasons against the Iraq war.

Informant: Martin Greenhut

Indonesia's Rainforests and Orangutans Gravely Threatened

Oil Palm Threatens Indonesia's Rainforests and Orangutans

Action Alert

The alert can be found at:

Chinese funded development a ploy to access rainforest timbers; will devastate Borneo's biodiversity, regional sustainability and largest remaining wild orangutan population.

By Rainforest Portal, a project of Ecological Internet - February 20, 2006

Rainforest picture Natural ancient rainforests are too valuable to be replaced by oil palm plantations (link)

Indonesia plans to cut a 2,000 kilometer long, five kilometer wide swathe through one of the world's largest remaining areas of pristine rainforest to create a massive oil palm plantation. The project would destroy two million hectares of ancient rainforest in West and East Kalimantan, traversing almost the entire border with Malaysia, and slicing through three national parks. These remote rainforests on the island of Borneo are home to countless species of rare birds, plants and mammals including the largest remaining wild orangutan population.

This Chinese-funded "agricultural development" is almost certainly a thinly veiled ruse to access timber. Several studies have found the region is too mountainous to support effective palm oil farming, and is economically unviable as it would cost the country billions of dollars a year. In the past many supposed oil palm developers have abandoned projects after completing rainforest clearance. Indonesia has huge land areas of abandoned, unproductive palm oil plantations and degraded forest areas that would be suitable for oil palm development.

The project would be environmentally devastating to Borneo, a hotspot for biodiversity. Palm oil plantations - which completely clear the rainforests and are biologically depauperate - are the number one enemy of orangutans and all wildlife in Borneo. Orangutans need vast areas of interconnected forest to survive, and this ill-conceived project would speed up their extinction. According to Friends of the Earth, the business as usual palm oil trade will cause the extinction of the orangutan within 12 years. Further, these rainforests encompass over half of Borneo's watersheds, and their clearing would damage clean water sources for much of Indonesian Borneo.

Indonesia is already losing two million hectares of rainforest every year. It is vital to Indonesia and the World's ecological sustainability that no more ancient primary rainforests are cleared for oil palm. Let the Indonesian President know he must cancel the Kalimantan project, and that new oil palm plantations should be built only in previously cleared and unused areas.



Indonesia's Rainforests and Orangutans Still Gravely Threatened

By Rainforest Portal, a project of Ecological Internet, Inc. April 6, 2006

TAKE ACTION Initial progress must be consolidated, and further rainforest protections established

The Indonesian government recently announced it was abandoning plans to destroy 1.8 million hectares of rainforest by establishing oil palm plantations in prime orangutan habitat. While political maneuvering continues by those supporting the project, this strategic victory is encouraging and important. We believe the Indonesian government should be taken at its word, even as we work to consolidate this initial victory and to otherwise protest the state of Indonesia's rainforests which are in dire crisis. Ecological Internet asks that you send the Indonesian President a congratulatory email making further policy requests. It is important the project cancellation is formalized and permanently laid to rest, and the ancient rainforests that were threatened are given permanent protected status that is effectively enforced. Please also express support for the Indonesian government's recent preliminary announcement of its participation in the "Heart of Borneo" tri- country conservation initiative which aims to preserve one of the most important centers of biological diversity in the world, covering approximately 220,000 km2 of rainforests and numerous wildlife species including the critically endangered orangutan. To be maximally effective the rainforest movement must acknowledge progress, however tentative and inadequate, even as we intensify our efforts.

Take Action!

Discuss this alert:



FOREST CONSERVATION NEWS TODAY European Oil Palm Market Causing Indonesian Rainforest Loss

Rainforest Portal a project of Ecological Internet, Inc. -- Rainforest Portal -- Rainforest Newsfeed

April 13, 2006 OVERVIEW & COMMENTARY by Dr. Glen Barry,

Below is an important update on the global campaign to protect Indonesia's ancient rainforests from unfettered oil palm plantation development. It comes from WALHI (Friends of the Earth Indonesia), an important Indonesian NGO. Their new report importantly links the rapidly expanding European market for oil palm for biofuels (which Ecological Internet was amongst the first to publicize) and other products with wholesale Indonesian rainforest destruction from oil palm plantations. They are demanding - as is Ecological Internet in our recent alert at - that the Indonesian government officially cancel the proposed mega oil palm plantation along the Malaysian border that threatens the orangutan and other species with extinction. Earlier loose assurances that the project will not proceed must be followed by formal government statements, and the area given permanent protected status that is enforced. Please continue to take action on this important issue. g.b.


Title: European hunger for palm oil triggers expansion of plantations Source: Copyright 2006, Friends of the Earth Indonesia (WALHI) Date: April 12, 2006


Friends of the Earth Netherlands * Sawit Watch * Friends of the Earth Indonesia (WALHI) * Friends of the Earth England, Wales and Northern Ireland *


JAKARTA (INDONESIA), LONDON (UK), AMSTERDAM (THE NETHERLANDS), 12 April 2006 -- A new report released today shows how the Indonesian government might develop up to 3 million hectares of oil palm plantations on the island of Borneo, threatening wildlife and local livelihoods to cater for international demand for cheap palm oil. [1]

One of the justifications given for this huge plantation project is the increasing international demand for palm oil to be used in food, feed and biofuels.

The report reveals how earlier plans to develop a 2 million hectare plantation on the Indonesian side of the border with Malaysia, are not yet off the table. Indonesia's initial proposals to develop the border area had met with international protest.

The Indonesian president Yudhoyono acknowledged there were conservation concerns to be taken into account. But the Indonesian Ministry of Public Works appears to have responded to this in January 2006 by simply enlarging the area defined as the "border zone". In this broader area, up to 3 million hectares of oil palm could be planted, according to the Ministry.

The project still threatens mayhem, damaging wildlife and the livelihoods of local people in the Kalimantan region. Friends of the Earth Indonesia (WALHI) and local palm oil organisation Sawit Watch ('Oilpalm Watch') are calling on the Indonesian government to officially cancel the border mega-plantation plan.

The new report reveals that the area deemed suitable for oil palm includes forests used by thousands of people who depend on them for their livelihoods. In new larger border zone, a special regulation (Presidential Decree No. 36/2005) would allow the government to take land away from communities that do not want oil palm plantations in the name of 'public interest'.

The report shows that those communities who are aware of the new proposals are strongly opposed to the plans.

Evidence shows that in the last decade, many areas have been deforested supposedly to make way for oil palm plantations but have then been abandoned after the timber has been sold. In East Kalimantan alone, 3 million hectares of forest disappeared for oil palm concessions. Of those, only 300.000 hectares have actually been planted with oil palm.

Sixty per cent of the forests converted into oil palm plantations in 2004-2005 were still good forests, despite the commitment made by the Indonesian government in 2000 that no more forests would be converted to palm and pulp plantations.

"Communities should not be forced to change their livelihoods simply for the benefit of oil palm companies and consumers overseas. They have not been consulted on these proposals and certainly have not agreed to abandon their land," said Rudy Lumuru of Sawit Watch, in the Netherlands to present the report.

'European importing countries should not increase their imports of palm oil until environmental and social issues are solved,' added Anne Van Schaik of Friends of the Earth Netherlands. 'This also means we should be very hesitant to embrace palm oil as a biomass-solution to the current energy crisis. To start with, companies and governments should ensure that palm oil used in food and feedstock is in line with the criteria laid out by the so-called Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil as soon as possible," said Van Schaik.


IN INDONESIA: Sawit Watch: Rudy Lumuru + 62 812 110 1016 Friends of the Earth Indonesia (WALHI) Rully Syumanda + 62 813 199 66998

IN EUROPE: Friends of the Earth Netherlands (Milieudefensie) + 31 20
5507333 Friends of the Earth in London: Alison Dilworth + 44 20
7566 4084 or + 44 7952 993283


[1] The report "The Kalimantan Border Oil Palm Mega Project" can be downloaded as pdf from and from


Why are biofuels, palm oil, fueling deforestation?

Demand For Palm Oil Threatens to Wipe Out Orangutan

Massive Gas Pipeline to Pierce the Amazon

*Sent:* Wednesday, March 22, 2006 1:50 PM
*Subject:* RAINFOREST ALERT: Massive Gas Pipeline to Pierce the Amazon


By Rainforest Portal, a project of Ecological Internet, Inc.
March 22, 2006

TAKE ACTION Project Will Devastate South America's Rainforests, Water & Climate

Venezuela, Brazil and Argentina plan to build a massive natural gas pipeline of up to 9,000 km in length from Venezuela to Argentina through Brazil's Amazon rainforest. Construction of the pipeline would be the most ambitious physical infrastructure initiative in South America's history, costing up to $25 billion and taking up to seven years to build. The pipeline would pierce the heart of the Amazon and ensure its destruction as a large, operable whole. Large areas of pristine rainforests will be destroyed during construction, and new roads will open the rest for colonization by ranchers and loggers. The multitude of waterways traversing the Amazon will be polluted during construction and inevitable pipeline leaks. The pipeline will contribute to global warming through deforestation and oil production to access the gas. The similar existing Camisea gas pipeline through rainforests in Peru - which was touted as a model of sustainable development, environmental protection and respect for indigenous peoples - offers a cautionary tale of the damage caused by gas pipelines during construction and their operation. In three years of operation is has already experienced five major spills, severely damaging the environment and local communities. The proposed pipeline is a major threat to the existence of the Amazon rainforest, as well as regional and global ecological sustainability. The leaders of Brazil, Venezuela and Argentina must be called upon to scrap plans for its construction. Take action now:

Informant: Teresa Binstock

Inuit See Signs in Arctic Thaw

Thirty miles from the Arctic Circle hunter Noah Metuq feels the Arctic changing. Its frozen grip is loosening; the people and animals who depend on its icy reign are experiencing a historic reshaping of their world.

The Next Time He's Wrong: Will the President Push The Button?

Federation of American Scientists Warns of Shift Toward Nuclear Preemption.

From Information Clearing House

Mast fears for busy city street

22 March 2006 12:15

A telecommunications giant has created a stir by looking to install a mobile phone mast in one of three possible sites along a busy city street.

City councillors in Norwich's Wensum ward have received letters from 3, formerly Hutchinson 3G, about plans to install a new mast near to the Dereham Road and Ring Road junction.

The communications company has stated that it is currently a trio of sites before submitting a formal planning application.

The sites under consideration are:

Kwik Fit Tyres, 372 Dereham Road.

Gatehouse pub, Dereham Road.

Dereham Road / Hellesdon Road junction.

The news will come as a blow to families living in the area many of whom feel that Norwich has more than enough masts as it is.

Ken Hollingsworth, 67, who lives opposite the Gatehouse pub in Dereham Road, said he did not want a mobile phone mast installed so near his home.

“It's perhaps an eyesore for people who want to look over the meadow,” said Mr Hollingsworth.

The former Hellesdon Hospital worker also said although he did not know much about the possible health effects, it would be a concern if a mast was put there. “I would be against it definitely,” he said.

The Evening News has campaigned against the installation of mobile phone masts near homes until it is proved they are safe for years through our Put Masts on Hold campaign.

But it is not just people who live in the area that should be concerned about the mast, but also people that work there too according to one city councillor.

“The sites in question are all close to people's work places,” said Rupert Read, city councillor for Wensum ward.

“We often think of sites near to homes or schools but sites near work places are of concern. People spend eight or nine hours a day in a work place which could end up to a cumulative effect.”

Mr Read said network coverage in Norwich was “adequate” as it was and did not feel another site.

“We believe that the additional health risks are not worth it and Norwich doesn't need any more phone masts,” he said.

“We've got this policy of saying there should be a moratorium on new mobile phone masts.”

In February 2003 the Evening News reported how people living near a park on Dereham Road rallied against plans 3 had for a 12.5metre mast.

The mobile phone giant had asked the city council for permission to put up the mast next to Bowthorpe Park which is home for Norwich Powerleague where youngsters and adults play five-a-side football.

Families argued there was already a mast yards away from the proposed new one and another on the roof of the nearby Wagon and Horses pub.

And in November 2001 we reported how a controversial mobile phone mast had finally gone up near to the Earl of Leicester pub on Dereham Road despite a fight to stop it.

Phone firm One2One started building the 10 metre mast in the grounds of the pub after council officials failed to inform the firm its application had been rejected within the 42 day deadline.

Anyone who has any comments for 3 on its plans for the sites above can contact them on 0845 604 3000 or via .

Are you fighting plans for a mobile phone mast in your neighbourhood? Call Evening News reporter Peter Walsh on (01603) 772439 or email

The Norfolk Jumbo Copyright © 2006 Archant Regional. All rights reserved.

Kabinett verspielt beim Entwurf zum Urheberrecht die Weichenstellung für die Zukunft und kriminalisiert die Schulhöfe

Zum gestrigen Kabinettsentwurf des sogenannten “zweiten Korbs” der Urheberrechtsnovelle drückt der Chaos Computer Club e.V. (CCC) seine tiefe Enttäuschung über das kurzsichtige Handeln der Bundesregierung und ihre weitgehende Ignoranz gegenüber Verbraucherinteressen aus. Nach Ansicht des CCC führt insbesondere die Streichung der Bagatellklausel aus dem Entwurf zu einer Kriminalisierung breiter Bevölkerungsschichten. Den Buchstaben des Entwurfes folgend müsste es nach Inkrafttreten des Gesetzes zu einer Verhaftungswelle auf den Schulhöfen kommen.

Mit dem Kabinettsentwurf wird deutlich, dass die Lobbymacht der Rechteverwerter am Ende stark genug war, um Jusitizministerin Brigitte Zypries (SPD) einknicken zu lassen. Die von ihr selbst als Kompromiss in die Debatte eingebrachte Bagatellklausel für das geringfügige Anbieten und Herunterladen von Medien in Dateitauschdiensten fehlt nun vollständig. Weitere Verbraucherrechte werden in dem Entwurf ebenfalls nicht beachtet, das Papier liest sich streckenweise wie eine Wunschliste der Unterhaltungsindustrie. Weiterhin bleibt das Lippenbekenntnis zur Privatkopie bestehen, die Verbraucherrechte laufen allerdings sofort ins Leere, wenn die Industrie ihre Produkte mit Digitalem Rechtemanagement (DRM) ausstattet und das Anfertigen von Kopien somit zur strafbaren “Umgehung von Kopierschutzmechanismen” macht.

Auf weitere Probleme mit DRM für die Verbraucher geht der Entwurf ebenfalls nicht ein. Nach Ansicht des CCC fehlt das klare Bekenntnis zu Interoperabilität und Datenschutz. So schreibt der Entwurf – anders als im Nachbarland Frankreich kürzlich beschlossen – nicht vor, dass beim Einsatz von DRM Hersteller auch Schnittstellen bereitstellen müssen, um DRM-behaftete Medien zu sichern. Der Verbraucher muss in Kauf nehmen, dass er seine digitale Musiksammlung mit DRM verliert, wenn sein Abspielgerät kaputt geht. Auch dem Streben der Industrie, DRM zum Ausspähen von Kunden einzusetzen, muss ein Riegel vorgeschoben werden. Informationen aus DRM dürfen nicht benutzt werden, die Art und Weise sowie die Intensität des privaten Werkgenusses aufzuzeichnen oder an eine zentrale Stelle zu übermitteln. Dabei handelt es sich nicht um Gedankenspiele. Ende 2005 brachte die Firma Sony mehrere DRM-behaftete CDs auf den Markt, die auf den Computern von nichtsahnenden Verbrauchern virenähnliche Schadprogramme einnisteten. Eine generelle Kennzeichnungspflicht für mit DRM versehene Medien ist dringend geboten. In Form und Gestaltung sollte sich diese an den Warnhinweisen auf Zigarettenpackungen orientieren.

Der Chaos Computer Club fordert die verantwortlichen Politiker in den Ausschüssen und in Bundestag und Bundesrat auf, dem vorliegenden Gesetzesentwurf nicht zuzustimmen. Die Folgen für die Zukunft der digitalen Gesellschaft wären fatal. Verbraucherrechte wie Datenschutz und das Recht auf Privatkopie dürfen nicht hinter Industrieinteressen zurückstehen. Ein in sich widersprüchlicher Gesetzentwurf, der einerseits ein bisschen Privatkopie erlaubt, andererseits jede “Umgehung” kriminalisiert und den Rechteverwertern einen Blankoscheck in Sachen DRM ausstellt, ist nicht hinnehmbar. Anstatt den Startschuss zu geben zu einer zu erwartenden Überlastung der Gerichte durch die massenhafte Verfolgung meist jugendlicher Filesharer, muss die Politik in erster Linie den Verbraucher vor einer immer hemmungsloser werdenden Rechteverwerterlobby schützen.


CBS 60 Minutes

Informant: NHNE


In a message dated 3/22/06 4:12:48 PM, ljsullivan1166 writes:

<< Dr. James Hansen talking seriously about global warming -- he thinks we have ten years max before it's too late and cannot be reversed with any amount of anything >> this is the same talk from Dr. James Lovelock author of REVENGE OF GAIA. Im half way through and I want to find a rock to hide below... he thinks renewables wont work and that we need some kind of space shield to alter the heating of the planet along with nuclear so we can aid in the not heating up the planet.. when it gets to a certain degree of temperature theres no turning back. its bleak, bleak... more from him in the next issue of hopedance for thse who still read. CNN reported on the dumbing down of the US stating that only 6% of the US population actually reads more than ONE book a year. Also today CNN reported that theres been a 20 year study on the connection between whining and complaining youngsters and their conservative behavior and politics as well as being quite rigid in terms of gender identities whereas the kids who were more flexible and resilient became that dreaded word "liberals."

Unfortuantely the revenge of gaia is only available in Britain. Figures.

To read about the book go to

for James Lovelock: The Earth is about to catch a morbid fever that may last as long as 100,000 years Each nation must find the best use of its resources to sustain civilisation for as long as they can.

Informant: Hopedance

Hartz IV: Regelsätze für Kinder erheblich gesenkt - Ein-Euro-Jobs und Niedriglohnbeschäftigung senken Qualität sozialer Arbeit

Vortrag von Rainer Roth

Berufsverband fordert Qualitätstest für die Soziale Arbeit. Ein-Euro-Jobs und Niedriglohnbeschäftigung senken Qualität sozialer Arbeit.

„Gut ein Jahr nach Einführung der Ein-Euro-Jobs beklagt der Deutsche Berufsverband für soziale Arbeit (DBSH) einen massiven Qualitätsverlust in der Sozialarbeit und der Pflege. „Nach dem Motto „Geiz ist geil” sollen soziale Einrichtungen ihre Dienste nur noch möglichst billig anbieten“, so die DBSH-Vorsitzende Hille Gosejacob-Rolf am. Seit zwölf Jahren steigen die Fallzahlen, während die Budgets nicht angehoben oder sogar abgesenkt würden. In dieser Situation würden Ein-Euro-Jobber oder Niedriglohn-MitarbeiterInnen ohne entsprechende Ausbildung flächendeckend in Schulen bei der Hausaufgabenbetreuung, in Kindertagesstätten und in der Altenhilfe eingesetzt. Gleichzeitig steigt bei den Fachkräften die Arbeitslosigkeit, sie liegt beispielsweise bei Sozialarbeitern bei mittlerweile ca.10 %, mehr als das doppelte des Durchschnitts anderer akademischer Berufe…“ Pressemitteilung des DBSH vom 15.3.06

Eine gute Idee: „…Mit einer Info-Kampagne will der Verband die Bürger bewegen, bei sozialen Einrichtungen auf Einhaltung von Standards zu achten. Dort wo die Qualität nicht stimmt, sollen sich die Bürger an Politik und Träger wenden, um auf Verbesserung zu drängen. Dafür hat der DBSH eine kostenlos erhältliche Postkartenserie vorbereitet. In einem Leitfaden gibt der DBSH Tipps, welche Punkte bei der Auswahl etwa eines Pflegeheims, eines Kindergartens oder eine Jugendhilfe-Einrichtung beachtet werden sollten. Dazu gehören Fragen nach der Ausstattung der Einrichtung, dem Konzept und der Ausbildung des Personals…“

Bochum: Stadtverwaltung will 1-Euro-Jobs von 77.000 € auf 528.000 € ausweiten. PDS-Fraktion: Vom 1-Euro-Job zu den Symphonikern?

Im städtischen Haushaltsentwurf ist die PDS-Ratsfraktion auf eine interessante Information gestoßen. Sie schreibt: "Die Mittel für so genannte 1-Euro-Jobs bei der Stadt Bochum sollen drastisch erhöht werden, von 77.000 € auf 528.000 €. Während im letzten Jahr bereits gegen das Votum der PDS-Fraktion Arbeitsgelegenheiten beim Grünflächenamt und in den Alten- und Pflegeheimen eingerichtet wurden, wünschen sich nun auch andere städtische Einrichtungen wie Jugendamt, VHS und Musikschule den Einsatz der 'Billigarbeitskräfte'. Eine Liste mit über 165 geplanten Maßnahmen liegt der Fraktion vor. Siehe die Pressemitteilung der PDS-Ratsfraktion Bochum vom 21.3.06

Aus: LabourNet, 23. März 2006

Arbeitsvermittlung einer Arbeitslosen in Hamburg ins Krisengebiet von Uganda unter Androhung von Alg-Kürzung

Arbeitslose soll trotz Reisewarnung Job in Uganda annehmen

„Eine Hamburger Arbeitslose soll eine Stelle im afrikanischen Krisenstaat Uganda annehmen, obwohl das Auswärtige Amt vor Gefahren durch terroristische Gruppen und Rebellen warnt. Wie das Nachrichtenmagazin "Focus" berichtet, fordert die Arbeitsgemeinschaft zur Betreuung der Hartz-IV-Empfänger die 31jährige auf, sich "umgehend" bei der "African Nature Conservation" zu bewerben. Für 249 Euro im Monat solle die Frau "Safaris zu Gorillas und Schimpansen" durchführen…“ Artikel in Die Welt vom 20.3.06

Das betreffende Stellenangebot

In den Sicherheitshinweisen des Auswärtigen Amtes zu Uganda (Stand:
23.03.2006 Unverändert gültig seit: 25.01.2006) heisst es: „Angesichts möglicher Aktivitäten terroristischer Gruppen wird, wie in anderen Ländern dieser Region, auch in Uganda zu erhöhter Vorsicht geraten. (…) Insbesondere wird von Reisen in den Semliki National Park (Bundibugyo), der von Rebellen gelegentlich als Zugangsweg genutzt wird, abgeraten. (..) Auch vor Reisen in den Kidepo Nationalpark wird wegen bewaffneter Auseinandersetzungen zwischen südsudanesischen und ostugandischen Nomadenvölkern dringend abgeraten…“

Aus: LabourNet, 23. März 2006

Campact-Newsletter 6/06


Donnerstag, 23. März 2006

Es schreibt: Christoph Bautz

In 10 Tagen lädt Angela Merkel zum Energiegipfel ins Kanzleramt. Wirtschaftsminister Glos macht Druck, dass dort das Thema Atomausstieg diskutiert wird. Dabei ist klar: Wir müssen aussteigen und zwar schnell.

Anti-Atom-Aktion: Tempos an die Atomlobby!

Abschied nehmen kostet Tränen! Wir verschicken in Ihrem Auftrag Postkarten mit Tempo-Taschentüchern an Merkel, Glos und die Chefs der Atomkonzerne. Mit denen können sie ihre Tränen beim Abschied von der Atomkraft trocknen. Unser Signal: Macht mehr Tempo beim Atomausstieg!

Machen Sie mit:

Atom: Die Gipfelspiele - unfairer geht es kaum

Frau Merkel hat 22 Gäste zum Energiegipfel geladen - fast nur Vertreter der Atom- und Energiekonzerne sowie der energieverbrauchenden Industrie. Ausgerechnet sie sollen ein zukunftsfähiges Energiekonzept entwickeln. Fair play ist out. Wir zeigen mit einer Animation, wer beim Energiegipfel gegen wen antritt: Endliche gegen Erneuerbare Energien, Dezentrale gegen zentrale Energieversorgung, Konzerne gegen Verbraucherinteressen, Atomlobby gegen Umweltverbände. Die unfairen Mannschaftsaufstellungen der Gipfelspiele finden Sie unter:

Schicken Sie die Mannschaftsaufstellungen als E-Card an Freunde und Bekannte und weisen Sie diese auf unsere Kampagne hin.

1. > Nebeneinkünfte: Nach der Lammert-Aktion

Es war ein eindrucksvolles Zeichen. Innerhalb von 3 Tagen haben sich mehr als 2.100 Teilnehmer/innen per E-Mail beim Bundestagspräsidenten über die angekündigte Verschiebung der Veröffentlichungspflicht für Politiker-Nebeneinkünfte beschwert. Viele haben ihm zudem Faxe geschickt oder ihn angerufen. Nach diesem Einstieg müssen wir den Druck verstärken!

Haben Sie schon Ihre Wahlkreisabgeordneten um Unterstützung gebeten?

Der Abgeordnete Florian Pronold (SPD) ist der Aufforderung von Campact-Aktiven aus seinem Wahlkreis gefolgt und schrieb Lammert: 'Ich habe für Ihr Vorgehen keinerlei Verständnis. Der Zeitpunkt der Veröffentlichung der Angaben steht nicht im Ermessen des Bundestagspräsidenten, vielmehr sind Sie an geltendes Recht und Gesetz gebunden.'

Lesen Sie selbst:

2. > Nebeneinkünfte: 'Verschiebung ist offener Gesetzesbruch'

Der Staatsrechtler Prof. Hans Herbert von Arnim nennt die Entscheidung Lammerts, die Veröffentlichung der Nebeneinkünfte auszusetzen bis Klagen dagegen beim Verfassungsgericht entschieden sind, die 'Ankündigung eines offenen Gesetzesbruchs'. Von Arnim gegenüber Campact: 'Der Bundestagspräsident ist nicht befugt, die Anwendung des Gesetzes auszusetzen.'

Lesen Sie das Interview unter:

3. > Atom: Interview mit Gudrun Pausewang, Autorin von 'Die Wolke'

Gudrun Pausewang hat vor 20 Jahren kurz nach der Katastrophe von Tschernobyl den Roman 'Die Wolke' geschrieben. Jetzt ist die Verfilmung in die Kinos gekommen. Im Campact-Interview gibt Pausewang Auskunft wie ihr der Film gefällt, wie Menschen für den Widerstand gegen Atomkraft zu motivieren sind und welche Menschen ihr Hoffnung machen.

Zum Interview:

4. > Atom: Infoaktion zum Spielfilm 'Die Wolke'

Zehntausende sehen in diesen Tagen den Spielfilm. In 50 Städten erwarten sie Campact- und ausgestrahlt-Aktive, die sie mit Postkarten auffordern, bei Campact aktiv zu werden gegen Atomkraft. Verteilen auch Sie Postkarten vor einem Kino in Ihrer Nähe.

Nähere Infos finden Sie unter

5. > Mehrwertsteuer: Viele Abgeordnete antworten auf E-Mails von

Am 27. März wird die Erhöhung der Mehrwertsteuer im Rahmen des Haushaltsbegleitgesetzes in den Bundestag eingebracht. Dann müssen die Parlamentarier darüber entscheiden. In den letzten zwei Wochen haben weitere 1.000 E-Mails Abgeordnete von Campact-Aktiven aus ihrem Wahlkreis erreicht.

Wir haben eine Übersicht erstellt:

Wenn auch Sie Antworten erhalten haben, schicken Sie diese uns doch bitte:

6. > Neue Mitarbeiter/innen für das Campact-Team in Verden gesucht
Weitere Infos:

Empfehlen Sie Campact weiter!

Wir wollen noch bekannter werden. Helfen Sie uns dabei, in dem Sie Campact Freund/innen, Bekannten und Kolleg/innen empfehlen. Gemeinsam können wir noch mehr erreichen.

Campact e.V. Artilleriestr. 6
27283 Verden

Impeachment Resolutions Sweep America

From California to Vermont, from Wyoming to North Carolina, from New Hampshire to New Mexico, impeachment resolutions are sweeping America!

They are popping up in Town Meetings, City Councils, and Democratic Committees. And when they pass, they make headlines locally and even nationwide.

Let's turn this local activity into a nationwide grassroots movement! We've collected everything you need to know here:

To help organize impeachment efforts in your town, county, or state, join the Impeachment Working Group of Progressive Democrats of America:

Support Feingold - Censure Bush - Stop Cowering!

It's been 10 days since Senator Russ Feingold (D-WI) introduced a resolution to censure George Bush for illegally wiretapping American citizens. Just two Democrats have joined him: Tom Harkin (D-IA) and Barbara Boxer (D-CA).

Polls show Americans support Feingold's censure by 48%-43% - including 29% of Republicans. Rightwinger Bill Kristol called it a smart move and says it helps Democrats. When the Republican Party ran attack ads against him in Wisconsin, Feingold got a standing ovation.

So why are the other 41 Democrats still cowering?

Call your Senators at 202-224-3121 and deliver a simple message: "I urge you to support Senator Feingold's bill to censure George Bush." And for Democratic Senators, add this: "And stop cowering in fear of Republican thugs!"

If you have time, join Jane Hamsher in visiting the local office of your Senator:

Post the replies you get here:

33 Congress Members With Courage

Congressman Bob Filner from San Diego has signed onto H Res 635. There are now 33 Congress Members supporting Congressman John Conyers' bill to create an investigation into possible grounds for impeachment. Filner's name is not yet in the official list, because Congress is out of session this week, but Congressman Conyers' staff confirms that he has agreed to co-sponsor. Learn more and ask your representative to join the list:


Print this out, make copies, post it around your town and hand it out at events!

Open PDF

Boycott ExxonMobil

Consumers for Peace launched this boycott campaign, supported by After Downing Street and many others, seeking an immediate withdrawal of U.S. troops and mercenaries from Iraq and the impeachment of George W. Bush and prosecution of U.S. officials responsible for war crimes and crimes against humanity. The campaign urges consumers to boycott of ExxonMobil products and to purchase CITGO products as an alternative.

ExxonMobil has been selected for boycott because of its apparent active involvement in U.S. policy in the Middle East in general and Iraq in particular, and its power to help change these policies. The campaign urges the boycott of products and services of nine consumer products firms connected with ExxonMobil through its board of directors. They are: Campbell's Soup; Carlson Companies (Radisson Hotels, TGI Friday's); Corning Inc. (Steuben Glass); Metlife; Novartis; Pfizer; Verizon; Wells Fargo and Wyeth.


A Panel Discussion with Cindy Sheehan, Ray McGovern, and Larry Everest Speaking the Unspeakable. Is the Bush Administration Guilty of War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity? March 23, 7 p.m. International House at 2299 Piedmont Ave, Berkeley

Political Musicians Anti-Flag and Congressman Jim McDermott to Discuss Depleted Uranium March 24, 11 a.m. Henry Fonda Theater Lobby, 6126 Hollywood Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90028 Anti-Flag, Congressman Jim McDermott (D-WA), Dr. Donald Broder, Jodie Evans, Tim Goodrich. Launch of a Petition Campaign to Support Depleted Uranium Munitions Study

Town Hall Meeting Examining The Cost of Iraq: Lives, Jobs, Security, Community Sponsored by the Progressive Democrats of Ohio March 25, 1 - 3 p.m. at the Beachland Ballroom, 15711 Waterloo Road, Cleveland, Ohio Gold Star Mother and PDA Board Member Cindy Sheehan Congressman Dennis Kucinich Tim Carpenter, National Director, Progressive Democrats of America Francis Chiappa, President, Cleveland Peace Action Paul Schroeder, co-founder of Families of the Fallen For Change Farhad Sethna, Immigration attorney and concerned citizen Event emceed by actress and PDA Board Chairwoman Mimi Kennedy An opening chant for Peace will be performed by Michael McMurray in Arameyic, Hebrew and Arabic.

Progressive Plan for Ohio March 26

ARTICLES OF IMPEACHMENT AGAINST GEORGE W. BUSH: The Evidence, and What the Constitution Dictates March 28, 7:30 p.m. Amy Goodman of Democracy Now hosts a panel discussion featuring Michael Ratner, Bill Goodman, Shayana Kadidal, and Maria Lahood, attorneys from the Center for Constitutional Rights and authors of a new book, Articles of Impeachment Against George W. Bush (Melville House). At The Culture Project, 45 Bleecker Street, NYC (corner of Bleecker and Lafayette Streets) Admission is free - seating is limited - first come, first served LINK

March to Redeem the Soul of America April 1 – 14, 2006 in Texas: Irving – Dallas – Waco – Crawford, Crawford Peace House, Dallas Peace Center, Texas Peace Action

SOUTHERN REGIONAL MARCH FOR PEACE IN IRAQ & JUSTICE AT HOME April 1, Atlanta will host the largest anti-war march in the history of the South. The date, APRIL FIRST, links the 3rd anniversary of the war, March 20, with the 38th anniversary of Dr. King's death, April 4. Activists are organizing contingents from Birmingham, Alabama; Fayetteville, North Carolina; Memphis & Nashville, Tennessee; Tallahassee, Florida and all corners of Georgia.

Easter in Crawford, Texas April 10-16 Join Cindy in Crawford. Everyone's welcome!

Sign up for these events, find others, and create your own at

See Also UFPJ:

And PDA:


Residents suffer mast appeal defeat

Published: 23rd March 2006

RESIDENTS of Rhodes say they are upset and disillusioned after proposals to build a mobile phone mast on Manchester Old Road were given planning permission on appeal.

T-Mobile applied to build a ‘telecommunications monopole’ and equipment cabinet on ground in front of the West Croft Industrial Estate last year, and were knocked back by Middleton’s councillors in September.

But the company appealed against the decision and has since been given permission to go ahead by the planning inspectorate.

Inspector Paul Taylor, who allowed the appeal, says in his report: "that the mast would not be ‘particularly incongruous in the street scene’ and harm caused to the local environment would 'not be very great’".

He also says that ‘exposure levels for people living near to mobile phone base stations are not likely to be dangerous’ and ‘concerns of local residents about health are not sufficient to justify withholding approval for the proposed development’.

Omega this is not true. See under:

This comes after local people fought long and hard to get planning permission refused. A group of approximately 15 objectors attended September’s planning meeting to convince the committee that such a mast was not wanted in Rhodes, due to fears that it may affect the health of locals, the local environment and house prices.

With a heartfelt presentation to the meeting they won the day, and the plans were rejected. But then, in December, residents heard that T-Mobile was appealing against the decision.

Many wrote to the planning inspectorate to object once again and are now angry and upset that their feelings apparently didn’t count.

Councillor Peter Williams has been against the mast from the start. He said he was especially frustrated at the decision because there is already a mobile phone mast there, and he was worried this could set a dangerous precedent for mobile phone companies building new masts rather than sharing other companies' equipment.

He said: "I’m very disappointed, and very annoyed on behalf of the residents who got together and tried to fight this."

Mum-of-two Alison Webster, 39, led the residents’ protest last year. She said she was disillusioned upon hearing that the plans had gone through, and felt that locals’ views had been ignored.

She said: "We felt that we did it democratically and we did it the right way. We got the support of the committee, bar one member, so we were very sad to hear this.

"The government say that people don't vote anymore, but you can see why. The big companies have won the day again.

"All the neighbours can't believe it. It means now, when anything else happens, people will get the opinion they don't matter. People aren't going to fight any more. It's as if we're just the little people that have to live with this on our doorsteps."

Submit your comments

First published by the Middleton Guardian

© Copyright 2006 Guardian Media Group

Chernobyl may have killed 1000 British babies - UN accused of ignoring 500,000 Chernobyl deaths

Annya is a 15 year-old cancer victim. It was 20 years ago this month that a nuclear reactor in the Ukraine melted down spewing deadly radiation over her hometown. A cancerous brain tumour at the age of four marked the end of Annya's childhood and the beginning of a life of pain and illness. Annya, is now bed-ridden, and has spent her life in and out of hospital, between tumours and life support. Over 7000 people have joined our anniversary call for an end to nuclear power. Please add your voice: no more Chernobyls:


Chernobyl may have killed 1000 British babies according to British expert

"There have been 4000 cases of thyroid cancer, mainly in children, but that except for nine deaths, all of them have recovered. "Otherwise, the team of international experts found no evidence for any increases in the incidence of leukemia and cancer among affected residents."

As about quarter of people die from spontaneous cancer not caused by Chernobyl radiation, the radiation-induced increase of only about 3% will be difficult to observe.

Repacholi concludes that “the health effects of the accident were potentially horrific, but when you add them up using validated conclusions from good science, the public health effects were not nearly as substantial as had at first been feared.”

Iris Atzmon

----- Original Message -----
From: Mona Nilsson
To: Iris Atzmon
Sent: Thursday, March 23, 2006 12:41 PM
Subject: Chernobyl may have killed 1000 British babies according to British expert

Thursday, 23rd March 2006, 08:59
Category: Healthy Living LIFE STYLE EXTRA

(UK) - More than 1,000 British babies may have died as a result of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster 20 years ago, an expert claims today (thur).

On the eve of the 20th anniversary of the tragedy, health records show infant deaths increased in the years after the Ukrainian reactor explosion in April 1986.

And the biggest rise in deaths - babies under one year old - was in areas where radioactive rain had fallen, he said.

In contaminated areas, including Bradford and Leicester, infant deaths increased by 11 per cent during the years 1986 to 1989, and in other areas rose by 4 per cent.

This was at a time when infant mortality had been falling by an average four per cent a year.

In the days that followed the nuclear disaster, in which an explosion tore the roof off one of the four reactors at the Soviet power station, large clouds of radiation swept westwards across northern Europe, including Scandinavia, France and the UK.

Epidemiologist and statistician John Urquhart, who carried out the research, said the Met Office tracked several plumes of the radiation moving across Britain, and radioactive particles fell as 'black rain' when the plumes met the patchy rain clouds overhead that day.

This meant showery parts of the country were contaminated much more than dry areas. In most places the contamination hung around for only a few weeks, but the highlands of Wales and Cumbria had very heavy rainfall that day and sheep farmers there are still living with the radioactive dust in the soil.

Mr Urquhart, a former advisor at a Cambridge University research unit, examined more than 50,000 infant deaths from all causes in the UK between 1983 and 1992 and compared mortality rates in different districts.

He found that a map showing highest mortality almost exactly matched a Met Office map of contaminated areas.

In the most radioactive areas, which also included Merseyside, Bristol, Northern Ireland and parts of Essex, infant mortality was more than 11 per cent higher in the years 1986 to 1989 than in the preceding years.

Mr Urquhart said the result was "highly significant" and the chance that the increases were due to random fluctuations was about 1 in 4,000.

He said: "The long term trend of infant mortality was declining at about 4 per cent per annum, but that was interrupted by Chernobyl."

As well as the national variations, there were very noticeable regional differences, he said.

For instance, Yorkshire received hardly any radioactive fallout, apart from in the very far west. And infant deaths in Bradford were higher than in the rest of the county.

He also found significant increases in 'neo-natal deaths' - babies up to 28 days old - which account for roughly half of all infant deaths. Neo-natal deaths rose by 4 per cent in contaminated areas but fell by 5 per cent in unaffected areas.

When he looked at just cot deaths, he found huge rises in some affected areas - 50 per cent in Bristol, 60 per cent in Liverpool and 90 per cent in Cumbria - although this is based on a relatively small number of deaths.

Mr Urquhart, presenting his findings at the Nuclear Free Local Authorities conference at City Hall in London, said there was clearly some "malign influence" causing these "excess" deaths but apart from the radiation there was no factor that applied only to the contaminated areas.

He said: "The question is, is that malign influence due to some disease affecting the population or is it due to Chernobyl?

"But the malign influence was three times stronger in the radioactive areas."

Earlier research has shown that an increase in northern England of thyroid cancer, associated with radioactive iodine, was probably due to Chernobyl fallout.

But Mr Urquhart said no scientist has looked for a link to infant deaths before because their 'models' predicted no effect from the level of radiation found in Britain after Chernobyl.

He said these models were based on a study of the aftermath of Hiroshima, with a much smaller population, and the effect is only noticeable when looking at many thousands of infant deaths.

He said: "There's going to be a big controversy about this paper because people have been trundling along for the last 50 years saying radiation isn't dangerous.

"These observations have got to pose a challenge to the scientific establishment."

He called for more studies in other European countries and changes to the way governments plan for nuclear emergencies.

Copyright © 2006 National News +44(0)207 684 3000

Here is the WHO/Repacholi view:


UN accused of ignoring 500,000 Chernobyl deaths

Atomic agency says toll will not exceed 4,000
Doctors 'overwhelmed' by cancers and mutations

John Vidal, environment editor Saturday March 25, 2006,,1739394,00.html

United Nations nuclear and health watchdogs have ignored evidence of deaths, cancers, mutations and other conditions after the Chernobyl accident, leading scientists and doctors have claimed in the run-up to the nuclear disaster's 20th anniversary next month.

In a series of reports about to be published, they will suggest that at least 30,000 people are expected to die of cancers linked directly to severe radiation exposure in 1986 and up to 500,000 people may have already died as a result of the world's worst environmental catastrophe.

But the UN's International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and World Health Organisation say that only 50 deaths can be directly attributed to the disaster, and that, at most, 4,000 people may eventually die from the accident on April 26 1986.

They say only nine children have died of thyroid cancers in 20 years and that the majority of illnesses among the estimated 5 million people contaminated in the former Soviet Union are attributable to growing poverty and unhealthy lifestyles.

An IAEA spokesman said he was confident the UN figures were correct. "We have a wide scientific consensus of 100 leading scientists. When we see or hear of very high mortalities we can only lean back and question the legitimacy of the figures. Do they have qualified people? Are they responsible? If they have data that they think are excluded then they should send it."

The new estimates have been collated by researchers commissioned by European parliamentary groups, Greenpeace International and medical foundations in Britain, Germany, Ukraine, Scandinavia and elsewhere. They take into account more than 50 published scientific studies.

"At least 500,000 people - perhaps more - have already died out of the 2 million people who were officially classed as victims of Chernobyl in Ukraine," said Nikolai Omelyanets, deputy head of the National Commission for Radiation Protection in Ukraine. "[Studies show] that 34,499 people who took part in the clean-up of Chernobyl have died in the years since the catastrophe. The deaths of these people from cancers was nearly three times as high as in the rest of the population.

"We have found that infant mortality increased 20% to 30% because of chronic exposure to radiation after the accident. All this information has been ignored by the IAEA and WHO. We sent it to them in March last year and again in June. They've not said why they haven't accepted it."

Evgenia Stepanova, of the Ukrainian government's Scientific Centre for Radiation Medicine, said: "We're overwhelmed by thyroid cancers, leukaemias and genetic mutations that are not recorded in the WHO data and which were practically unknown 20 years ago."

The IAEA and WHO, however, say that apart from an increase in thyroid cancer in children there is no evidence of a large-scale impact on public health. "No increases in overall cancer incidence or mortality that could be associated with radiation exposure have been observed," said the agencies' report in September.

In the Rivne region of Ukraine, 310 miles west of Chernobyl, doctors say they are coming across an unusual rate of cancers and mutations. "In the
30 hospitals of our region we find that up to 30% of people who were in highly radiated areas have physical disorders, including heart and blood diseases, cancers and respiratory diseases. Nearly one in three of all the newborn babies have deformities, mostly internal," said Alexander Vewremchuk, of the Special Hospital for the Radiological Protection of the Population in Vilne.

Figures on the health effects of Chernobyl have always been disputed. Soviet authorities covered up many of the details at the time. The largest radiation doses were received by the 600,000 people involved in the clean-up, many drawn from army conscripts all over the Soviet Union.


The worst nuclear accident in history took place on April 26 1986 when one of the four reactors at the Chernobyl complex 80 miles north of Kiev in Ukraine began to fail. Operators shut down the system, but a large chemical explosion followed a power surge and the 1,000-tonne cover blew off the top of the reactor. Design flaws in the cooling system were blamed for the accident, in which 31 people were killed immediately. The worst-affected area was Belarus, which took the brunt of the 4% of the 190 tonnes of uranium dioxide in the plant that escaped. Ukraine was also contaminated. Some 600,000 workers (mainly volunteers) who took part in recovery and clean-up operations were exposed to high levels of radiation; the Soviet government first suppressed news of the incident, but evacuated local people within a few days. Five million people were exposed to radiation in Belarus, Ukraine and Russia, and there was a dramatic increase in thyroid cancer among children living there.

Special report The nuclear industry,,181325,00.html

Useful links

British Energy
Department of Trade and Industry
British Nuclear Fuels Ltd Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament
HSE nuclear glossary
Come Clean WMD awareness programme UK atomic energy authority
National Radiological Protection Board
Friends of the Earth World Nuclear Association
World Nuclear Transport Institute

Informant: Teresa Binstock


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Baubewilligungsverfahren für Mobilfunkantennen, Moratorien von Gemeinden

Die Gemeinden wollen hart bleiben

lp/bob/kle/rbl. Fast alle Gemeinden, die keine neuen Mobilfunkantennen mehr bewilligen, pfeifen auf den Brief des Kantons Bern.

«Für die Stadt Bern ändert sich nichts», erklärte der Berner Stadtpräsident Alexander Tschäppät gestern kurz und bündig. Der Gemeinderat hatte im Februar entschieden, keine Baugesuche für Antennen mehr zu bewilligen. Von diesem Moratorium sind 25 Gesuche betroffen. «Wir haben jedes einzelne sistiert», so Tschäppät. Dagegen seien bis anhin drei Beschwerden eingetroffen, die sechs Baugesuche beträfen. Auch wenn der Kanton in Einzelfällen zum Schluss komme, die Sistierung sei nicht rechtens, werde die Stadt hart bleiben. «Dann lehnen wir die Baugesuche vermutlich ab.» «Gemäss einem bereits bestehenden Bundesgerichtsurteil haben Anwohner einen Anspruch auf eine objektiv überprüfbare Einhaltung der Grenzwerte», so Tschäppät. Das von den Kantonen entwickelte Qualitätssicherungssystem erfülle diese Anforderungen nicht, da es nur alle 24 Stunden die Strahlung messe. «Es muss rund um die Uhr gemessen werden», so Tschäppät.

Auch Burgdorf will hart bleiben: «Wir werden wohl weiterhin am Moratorium festhalten», so Gemeinderat Markus Grimm. «Mit dem Schreiben des Kantons hat sich an der Situation nichts geändert.» Allerdings werde der Gemeinderat an seiner nächsten Sitzung nochmals darüber diskutieren. Die Bevölkerung sei verunsichert und habe Angst. «Wir wollen weiter auf die Resultate einer ETH-Studie warten.»

Das Parlament von Ostermundigen hat im September - gegen den Willen des Gemeinderats - eine Volksmotion «Gegen den Wildwuchs von Antennen» gutgeheißen. Man habe dem Volk keine Illusionen gemacht, so Gemeinderätin Florence Martinoia (SP): «Die Gemeinden sind zwar Bewilligungsbehörden, doch der Bund bestimmt, was zulässig ist.» Konsequent wäre ihrer Meinung nach, wenn der Bund Baugesuche selber behandeln würde. «Für mich stimmt der Weg des Kantons», sagt Langenthals Stadtpräsident Hans-Jürg Käser (FDP). Er verstehe, dass die Elemente Gesundheitsschutz und Anspruch auf eine Baubewilligung auf einen Nenner gebracht werden sollen.

Ob Langenthal, das in dieser Frage eine Pionierrolle übernommen hatte, das UMTS-Moratorium aufhebt, ist aber noch nicht sicher. 7921310 (Auszug)


Nachhilfeunterricht für die Justiz-, Gemeinde- und Kirchendirektion des Kantons Bern

Amtsvorsteher Werner Luginbühl (SVP) scheint offensichtlich vergessen zu haben, dass im Kanton Bern am 9. April Regierungsrats- und Grossratswahlen sind und dass die Zeit der gnädigen Herrn zu Bern längstens Geschichte ist. Ansonsten er wohl nicht einen Drohbrief an die 25 Berner Gemeinden verschickt hätte, die ihre in der Kantonsverfassung verankerte Pflicht, die Gesundheit ihrer Bürger/Innen nach bestem Wissen und Gewissen zu schützen (so wahr ihnen Gott helfe), ernst nehmen und keine Mobilfunkantennen mehr bewilligen. Gigaherz empfiehlt den Berner Wählerinnen und Wählern, Herr Luginbühl am 9. April nicht mehr zu wählen.

Ein Aktivmitglied von Gigaherz hat der Justiz-, Gemeinde- und Kirchendirektion des Kantons Bern nun eine erste Lektion Fernunterricht erteilt, die wir hier gerne wiedergeben.


Sehr geehrte, Damen und Herren,

Bezugnehmend auf die Medienmitteilung "Baubewilligungsverfahren für Mobilfunkantennen, Moratorien von Gemeinden" möchte ich Sie auf das Urteil des Verwaltungsgerichts Zürich vom 8. Februar 2006 (VB.2006.00001) hinweisen. Baugesuche für Mobilfunkanlagen können sicherlich bis Ende 2006 nicht bewilligt werden. Dies hat nichts mit der Replikation der TNO-Studie durch die ETH oder mit Gesundheitsfragen im engeren Sinn zu tun.

Das BAFU hat in einem Rundschreiben vom 16.01.2006 ein Qualitätssicherungssystem (QS-System) vorgestellt, um der bundesgerichtlichen Forderung (BGE 1A.160/2004 vom 10. März 2005) nach einer Überprüfung der effektiv abgegebenen Strahlung im Betrieb durch objektive und überprüfbare bauliche Vorkehrungen nachzukommen. Das Bundesgericht hierzu: "Die Anwohner von Mobilfunkanlagen haben jedoch ein schutzwürdiges Interesse daran, dass die Einhaltung der NIS-Grenzwerte durch objektive und überprüfbare bauliche Vorkehrungen gewährleistet wird."

"Selbstkontrollen" jeglicher Art sind somit unzulässig. Genau dies verkörpert jedoch das QS-System, da die Mobilfunkbetreiber faktisch Grenzwertüberschreitungen "selber" melden müssen. Dies ist weder objektiv noch überprüfbar im Sinne der bundesgerichtlichen Rechtsprechung.

Das vom BAFU gewählte Vorgehen während der einjährigen Übergangsphase ohne QS-System wurde vom Verwaltungsgericht Zürich u.a. im Lichte des Bundesgerichtsurteils 1A.160/2004 als offensichtlich untauglich qualifiziert. Dies lässt im übrigen auch Rückschlüsse auf das (rechtswidrige) QS-System selbst zu, obwohl das Verwaltungsgericht Zürich zu einem anderen Ergebnis kam: "Ein Qualitätssicherungssystem dieser Art erscheint als grundsätzlich geeignetes Mittel, um die Einhaltung der ERP mit zumutbarem Aufwand zu gewährleisten." Per se mag die betreffende Aussage des Verwaltungsgerichts Zürich zutreffen, doch bleibt die Vereinbarkeit des QS-Systems mit dem Vorsorgeprinzip nach wie vor unbeantwortet. Faktisch bedeutet dies ein Baubewilligungsstopp für Mobilfunkanlagen bis Ende 2006.

Das Urteil ist unter (unter Rechtsprechung, dann Geschäftsnummer VB.2006.00001 eingeben) abrufbar.

Das Verwaltungsgericht Zürich hat unter Berufung auf die Bundesgerichtsurteile 1A.160/2004 vom 10. März 2005 und 128 II 378 E. 4S. 379 ff. und das Urteil des Verwaltungsgerichts Luzern vom 18. August 2005, V 04 374, E.9, mit äusserst viel Sachkompetenz Folgendes richtigerweise erwogen:

E. 3.1.: "Das Bundesgericht hat wiederholt festgehalten, dass die im Standortdatenblatt deklarierte äquivalente Strahlungsleistung (ERP) überprüfbar sein muss; massgeblich ist dabei grundsätzlich die aufgrund der Hardwarekonfiguration der Anlage mögliche maximale ERP, das heisst die Sendeleistung bei Maximalleistung der vorgesehenen Senderendstufen und nicht ein tieferer, durch Fernsteuerung einstellbarer Wert (BGE 128 II 378 E.4 S.379 ff.; BGr, 10. März 2005, 1A.160/2004, E.3.3, Entsprechendes muss gelten für die ferngesteuert oder manuell einstellbare Senderichtung der Antennen (vgl. VGr LU, 18. August 2005, V 04 374, E. 9, )."

E. 3.3.: "Das System wurde jedoch noch von keinem Netzbetreiber realisiert, und das während der Übergangsphase vorgesehene Vorgehen bietet nicht dieselben Sicherheiten wie das betriebsfertige System. Zwar sollen bereits in der Übergangsphase die Daten der neuen Anlagen detailliert dokumentiert werden, doch bestehen offenbar noch keine automatisierten Überprüfungsroutinen, und eine Auditierung durch unabhängige, externe Prüfstellen ist noch nicht vorgesehen. Damit ist noch nicht deutlich, welche Sicherheiten die Netzbetreiber für das Einhalten der Sendeleistung während der Übergangsphase bieten."

Ob das QS-System letztendlich den Bundesgerichtsurteilen 1A.160/2004 und 128 II 378 entspricht, haben weder das Verwaltungsgericht Zürich, das BAFU noch der Kanton Bern, sondern hat das Bundesgericht selber zu entscheiden. Das BAFU ist keinesfalls weisungsbefugt. Die Gemeinden müssen folglich keinesfalls das (rechtswidrige) QS-System des BAFU befolgen bzw. beachten, solange das Bundesgericht noch nicht entschieden hat.

Das QS-System ist rechtswidrig, weil es Grenzwertüberschreitungen von 24 Stunden oder gar länger zulässt. Dies verstösst erstens gegen die NISV und zweitens gegen das Vorsorgeprinzip, das Verfassungsrang (Art. 74 BV) hat. Die in der NISV statuierten Anlagegrenzwerte verkörpern das Vorsorgeprinzip. Nur schon eine Grenzwertüberschreitung von einer Minute ist erstens rechtswidrig (NISV) und verstösst zweitens gegen das Vorsorgeprinzip. Daher ist das QS-System wohl offensichtlich rechtswidrig. Wie kann ein BAFU Grenzwertüberschreitungen - auch während "nur" 24 Stunden - zulassen?

Es ist unerfindlich, wieso z.B. eine Gemeinde Bern im Lichte der vorgenannten Rechtsprechung Baugesuche für Mobilfunkanlagen nicht weiterhin sistieren oder gar ablehnen darf (im Entscheid VGr. ZH vom 8. Februar 2006, VB.2006.00001, wurde die Baubewilligung aufgehoben). M.E. müsste man pendente/sistierte Baugesuche so oder anders ablehnen, weil man derartige Baugesuche noch einmal öffentlich - diesmal mit den Details bezüglich QS-System - auflegen muss. Die (technischen) Details betreffend QS-System sind ja bei allen pendenten/sistierten Baugesuchen nicht vorhanden bzw. wurden nicht/nie öffentlich aufgelegt. Darüber hinaus kann man mit einem QS-System, das noch gar nicht existiert, "nichts" bewilligen.

Mit etwas Inexistentem kann man Mobilfunkantennen-Baugesuche nicht bewilligen - auch nicht während der einjährigen Übergangsphase. Das ist die Ausgangslage. Daher das entsprechende sachlich richtige Urteil des Verwaltungsgerichts Zürich. Will man das Ganze "sauber" lösen, muss man solche Baugesuche neu öffentlich mit den Details betreffend QS-System auflegen, um das rechtliche Gehör zu wahren. Solch eine Rechtsauffassung ist nicht einfach tel quel "falsch", man darf sie durchaus vertreten.

Es besteht entgegen der Medienmitteilung keinesfalls ein "Rechtsanspruch" auf Bewilligung von Mobilfunkanlagen, solange der bundesgerichtlichen Forderung, die nichts weiter als das Vorsorgeprinzip konkretisiert, nachgekommen worden ist (BGE 1A.160/2004 vom 10. März 2005). Das (rechtswidrige) QS-System ist nicht einfach "die" Lösung, die man unbedingt befolgen muss, weil das BAFU eben nicht weisungsbefugt ist und somit nur unverbindliche Empfehlungen abgeben kann.

Die Zeiten, wo man einfach in mobilfunkfreundlicher Manier von "Rechtsanspruch" und "solange die NIS-Grenzwerte eingehalten sind, müssen wir bewilligen. Wir haben keinen Ermessensspielraum" sprechen kann, sind wohl endgültig vorbei.

Sind heute - ohne QS-System - Grenzwertüberschreitungen an der Tagesordnung, wenn doch schon künftig mit einem QS-System Grenzwertüberschreitungen von "nur" 24 Stunden oder gar länger möglich sein werden...? Diese Frage stellen sich viele besorgte BürgerInnen, die das QS-System durchschaut haben. Vielleicht sind die zahlreichen gesundheitlichen Beschwerden eben gerade auf die Grenzwertüberschreitungen zurückzuführen...auch in Zukunft während "nur" 24 Stunden...

Ich bitte um Kenntnisnahme.

Mit freundlichen Grüssen

J. S.

Adresse ist der Redaktion Gigaherz bekannt

Übrigens: Die zahlreichen Berner Gemeinden, die keine Mobilfunkantennen mehr bewilligen, vorab die Stadt Bern, pfeifen auf Luginbühls Drohbrief. Im Gegenteil. Sie wollen sich jetzt zusammenschließen und ein gemeinsames Vorgehen festlegen. Bravo!

Das Ganze - mit etwas weniger juristischen Zutaten - finden sie auch unter:

Stadt Bern bewilligt weiterhin keine Mobilfunkantennen mehr! (unter Historisches) Beachten Sie bitte die weiteren in diesem Beitrag aufgeführen internen Links.


Protesters in Leamington's green belt are celebrating a victory for people power

We helped scupper plans for green-belt phone pole

Mar 22 2006

By Andrew Heath

PROTESTERS who campaigned against plans for a mobile phone mast in Leamington's green belt are celebrating a victory for people power.

Councillors last week turned down the application to erect a 15-metre pole on a grass verge in St Alban's Close, Milverton, submitted by mobile phone giant O2.

Protesters gathered 1,500 signatures, wrote 150 letters and sent numerous e-mails to Warwick District Council's planning committee, complaining about the plans.

Locally, only opposition to Coventry Airport's expansion plans has been bigger.

Campaigners were worried about the proximity of the site to a children's playground, to Trinity and Brookhurst schools, and a popular local footpath.

Mother-of-two Laura Fitzpatrick, of Old Milverton said: "Everyone is very relieved and pleased.

"There was an overwhelming response and although they don't say it was down to public opinion and have to give planning reasons for the refusal, it can't have harmed our cause."

The application was turned down on highways safety grounds and because it was judged to be an inappropriate development harmful to the green belt.

Terry Molloy, of St Alban's Close, who helped run the campaign, has now posted hundreds of leaflets to let neighbours know of the result.

He welcomed the planning veto on the phone mast but said residents would remain vigilant.

He said: "Now, hopefully, O2 will leave us alone.

"There was five years between this and a previous application for a mast here. But it feels like we are a little under siege.

"We need to be vigilant and keep our eyes and ears open to make sure we don't miss any other applications in future."

A spokeswoman for O2 said the company was bitterly disappointed at the decision and would continue to look for another site in the same area.

She added: "We need extra capacity in that area and this type of monopole has to fit in with our existing network, so it can't go anywhere.

"We are in a difficult situation. People want to use their mobile phones but then campaign against us when we try to build new masts."

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