Dienstag, 7. März 2006

Cheney Warns Iran Faces Consequences in Nuclear Dispute

Iran will not be allowed to have nuclear weapons and faces "meaningful consequences" if it persists in defying the international community, Vice President Dick Cheney said on Tuesday. Cheney, speaking to the pro-Israel lobbying group AIPAC, also reaffirmed that the United States was keeping all options on the table - including military force - in its determination to prevent Iran from developing nuclear arms.


Veep Doo-Doo

The vice-presidency isn't what it used to be. No one bothered to rate the favorability of Garret Hobart, Charles Dawes, or Alben Barkley. But the clout of that once legendarily insignificant office has been growing for half a century. Cheney is Bush without the charm, the Michael Gerson speech texts, and the presidential sheen. What he personifies, above all, is the raw reality of Bush's signature policies, all of which he has had a strong hand in creating, writes Hendrik Hertzberg.


GOP Lawmakers Work to Limit Probe of Domestic Spying Program

Republicans in Congress are trying to limit the scope of any investigation into how President Bush's secret domestic surveillance program has operated. Some key lawmakers are also working to legalize such spying on US citizens in the future.


British Minister Admits 'Rendition' Planes Used RAF Bases

After months of refusing to answer questions from MPs or the media, the British government disclosed that two aircraft known to have been chartered by the CIA landed 14 times at RAF Northholt, west London, and RAF Brize Norton in Oxfordshire between October 2003 and May 2004.


US Envoy to Iraq Sounds Alarm

The top US envoy to Iraq said Monday that the 2003 toppling of Saddam Hussein's regime had opened a "Pandora's box" of volatile ethnic and sectarian tensions that could engulf the region in all-out war and disrupt the global economy.


Where's the plan, Secretary Rumsfeld?

It's now been almost 2 weeks since the February 22nd bombing of the Askariya shrine in Samarra, a holy place for Shia Muslims. And the violence between Shia and Sunni factions continues unabated, despite Bush Administration claims to the contrary, with more than 500 Iraqis killed in just the past 13 days.

Still, our brave men and women in uniform remain in harm's way, caught in the middle of an increasingly violent religious conflict -- and the situation is in real danger of spiraling into a full-scale civil war.

Our troops deserve better. More than 31,000 Americans have already signed my online petition to Secretary Rumsfeld, demanding a plan for protecting our troops in the increasingly likely event of an all-out civil war. Won't you join us?

Tell Secretary Rumsfeld to develop a plan for getting our troops out of the middle of an Iraqi civil war -- sign my petition now!


You and I and millions of Americans have demanded an exit strategy, which the Bush Administration has still refused to produce. At a minimum, we've demanded a real timetable with concrete, measurable milestones so we can measure our progress towards withdrawing American troops.

Now, with full-scale civil war a real possibility, the Bush Administration must do more -- and quickly. President Bush and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld can't continue to bury their heads in the sand about the rapidly deteriorating security situation in Iraq. It's time for them to wake up to the facts and plan for the worst: how to get our troops out from the middle of a potential civil war.

That's why I wrote to Secretary Rumsfeld nearly 2 weeks ago, urging him to produce a plan for the worst-case scenario of full-scale civil war in Iraq -- and to share that plan with Congress. His response? Silence.

I guess the Secretary of Defense thinks he can ignore a legitimate inquiry from a Senator representing the largest state in the Union. So tell him he can't ignore tens of thousands of Americans.

More than 31,000 Americans have already signed my petition, and I want your name on it as well before I take it to the Pentagon. Please sign my petition to Secretary Rumsfeld now!


Given this Administration's past failure to plan for the Iraqi insurgency after the American invasion, we can't take anything for granted. It seems that the Bush Administration can only see things through rose-colored glasses. And that's clearly not acceptable with American lives on the line.

The only way we'll know that they're prepared is if they develop a plan for dealing with an Iraqi civil war -- and share that plan with the relevant committees in Congress, so the American people can be reassured that the Bush Administration is ahead of the curve, for a change.

Our brave servicemen and women deserve no less than the very best from their civilian leaders. With your help and vigilance, we'll make sure that's what they get.

Please sign my petition to Secretary Rumsfeld now -- before I deliver it to the Pentagon this week!


Thanks for your continued help and support!

In Friendship,

Barbara Boxer

P.S. After you sign the petition, please invite everyone you know to join us. I want to add thousands more signatures -- but we need to do it quickly, so I can deliver our petition to the Pentagon this week.


Chemische Unkrautbekämpfung: EU genehmigt Genmais als Nahrungsmittel


Die EU-Kommission hat am 3. März die Markteinführung der genetisch modifizierten Maislinie 1507 für den Gebrauch als Nahrungsmittel und Nahrungsbestandteil genehmigt. Die Genehmigung bedeutet, dass dieser Maistyp nunmehr in der EU als Nahrungsmittel, Nahrungsbestandteil oder daraus gewonnenes Produkt, wie Öl und Stärke, vermarktet werden kann. Es handelt sich hierbei um die erste Genehmigung nach der EU-Verordnung 1829/2003 über genetisch modifizierte Nahrungs- und Futtermittel. Im Einklang mit den EU Kennzeichnungs- und Rückverfolgbarkeitsregeln soll auf den betreffenden Produkten auf den genetisch veränderten Mais hingewiesen werden. Wie bei Verfahren über genetisch veränderte Organismen üblich hatte sich der Ministerrat zuvor vor einer Entscheidung gedrückt. Auf diese Weise wird die EU-Kommission verantwortlich für die Entscheidung, die gewöhnlich Genehmigungen für den Einsatz genetisch veränderter Organismen erteilt.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet: http://www.ngo-online.de/ganze_nachricht.php?Nr=13079

Identifizierung aus der Entfernung

Obgleich sich RFID-Chips nicht als besonders sicher erwiesen haben, will man im US-Heimatschutzministerium die Reichweite des Ablesens auch bei großen Geschwindigkeiten von Fahrzeugen erheblich vergrößern.


"Befreite Dokumente" für alle im Internet abrufbar

Gemeinsame Aktensammelstelle des FoeBuD e.V. und des CCC zum Informationsfreiheitsgesetz geht online

Der Bielefelder FoeBuD e.V. hat gemeinsam mit dem Chaos Computer Club ein Internetportal eingerichtet. Bürgerinnen und Bürger können hier Akten einstellen und anderen zugänglich machen können, die sie zuvor über das neue Informationsfreiheitsgesetz (IFG) angefordert haben. Damit können andere die hohe Gebühr (bis zu 500 Euro) für die Akteneinsicht sparen und die Behörden werden von doppelter Arbeit entlastet. Die gemeinsame Aktensammelstelle ist ab sofort unter http://www.befreite-dokumente.de zu erreichen.

"Wir möchten Bürgerinnen und Bürgern das Informationsfreiheitsgesetz schmackhaft machen und zeigen, dass es tatsächlich genutzt wird", erläutert Mitinitiator Frank Rosengart vom Chaos Computer Club, "zudem kritisieren wir die hohen Gebühren und möchten die Behörden ermuntern, die Akten von sich aus zu veröffentlichen".

Auf der Internetplattform http://www.befreite-dokumente.de können Bürgerinnen, Journalisten oder Anwälte sehr einfach die Akten der Öffentlichkeit zugänglich machen, die per IFG von den Behörden "freigekauft" wurden. So können die Kosten für eine Recherche minimiert werden und der Staat wird transparenter. Akten, die bereits digital vorliegen, können direkt eingespielt werden. Ansonsten gibt es auch eine Faxnummer (040-40180156), an die man Akten schicken kann. Auch der Postweg steht offen (FoeBuD e.V., Befreite Dokumente, Marktstraße 18, 33602 Bielefeld). Die Aktensammelstellte fungiert als "Marktplatz", wo sich Interessierte finden können, um die Kosten für eine Anfrage zu teilen.

"Es ist eigentlich die Aufgabe der Behörden, eine solche Plattform bereit zu stellen, aber das wird noch einige Jahre dauern", bedauert Axel Rüweler vom FoeBuD e.V. "Die hohen Gebühren kann sich kaum jemand leisten und stehen im krassen Gegensatz zu dem, was das Gesetz eigentlich bezwecken sollte. Mit dem Portal versuchen wir, den Gebühren ein wenig entgegenzuwirken. Der Gesetzgeber ist aufgefordert, hier für Abhilfe zu sorgen."

Hintergrund: Das "Gesetz zur Regelung des Zugangs zu Informationen des Bundes" oder kurz Informationsfreiheitsgesetz (IFG) ist seit dem 1. Januar 2006 in Kraft. Das IFG regelt den Zugang zu Akten und Dokumenten und gibt jedem interessierten Bürger die Möglichkeit, beliebige Akten ohne Begründung anzufordern oder einzusehen, sofern nicht wichtige Gründe dagegen sprechen. In den Bundesländern Berlin, Brandenburg, Nordrhein-Westfalen und Schleswig-Holstein gibt es seit Jahren vergleichbare Gesetze. Das Auswärtige Amt war zuletzt in die Kritik geraten, weil es für vier Seiten Fotokopien 106 Euro an Gebühren verlangte.

Der FoeBuD e.V. möchte Bürgerrechte und Demokratie stärken und diese auch bei der Einführung neuer Technologien bewahren. Der Verein ist in der Vergangenheit vor allem durch die Organisation der BigBrotherAwards in der Öffentlichkeit bekannt geworden. Auch im Bereich RFID hat der FoeBuD e.V. richtungsweisende Impulse gesetzt und als erster in Deutschland mit seiner „StopRFID-Kampagne“ auf die Risiken der Technologie hingewiesen. http://www.foebud.org

Der Chaos Computer Club e.V. setzt sich seit Anfang der 80er Jahre kritisch-kreativ mit neuen Technologien auseinander und beleuchtet die politischen und sozialen Nebenwirkungen der Vernetzung. Der Club als "Kommunikationsplattform für Hacker" ist durch Aufdeckung von Sicherheitsproblemen bekannt geworden und setzt sich für freie Kommunikation in den Datennetzen ein. Vereinssitz ist Hamburg; der CCC ist bundesweit mit etwa 2000 Mitgliedern aktiv. http://www.ccc.de

Rückfragen bitte an:

Frank Rosengart, CCC, 0177-3786912 oder Axel Rüweler, FoeBuD e.V., mail@foebud.org, 0521-175254

Why should we trust any election results?

Making Democracy Transparent

by David Dill, TomPaine.com

The question isn't whether ballot fraud happens. The question is, why should we trust any election results?


The Coming Resource Wars

by Michael T. Klare, TomPaine.com

It's official. America's closest ally has announced that climate change has ushered in an era of violent conflict over energy, water and arable land.


End this sordid tale

Philadelphia Inquirer
by staff


When a human-rights group reported in February that 98 detainees in Iraq and Afghanistan had died in U.S. custody in the war on terror -- nearly half of them under still-secret conditions -- the Bush administration all but shrugged. A Pentagon spokesman said he couldn't provide (or couldn't be bothered to dig up?) a blow-by-blow account of the deaths. Such a bother. The paperwork was scattered around various Army command posts. ... the White House defends its violations of American values and universal human rights by claiming that people who aren't terrorists are -- and that tactics that do amount to torture don't. The current policies are not only wrong; they're counterproductive. First, when you torture people who know little, you goad them to concoct wild stories to stop the pain. Second, when these abuses are revealed -- as they inevitably will be -- they spread hate among America's enemies while shaming the nation to its friends...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

End of neo-conservatism?

The Libertarian Enterprise
by Ali Massoud


Francis Fukuyama now thinks so apparently. One of the intellectual founding fathers of the neo-conservative movement, Johns Hopkins University professor and ex-Reagan administration apparatchik Francis Fukuyama now admits that neo-conservatism's core beliefs don't work in practice as well as they did in theory...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Nuclear assistance to India: building a future menace?

Independent Institute
by Ivan Eland


Underlying the Bush administration's strategic embrace of India is the 'democratic peace theory' -- the premise that democracies don't go to war with each other. This theory is widely held in the popular imagination and among the U.S. foreign policy elite, including that of the Clinton and George W. Bush administrations, but is of questionable validity. A corollary to the theory is that nuclear-armed democracies are acceptable, but autocratic atomic powers are a threat. When discussing the U.S.-Indian nuclear pact, Nicholas Burns, the Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs, made this corollary explicit: 'The comparison between India and Iran is just ludicrous. India is a highly democratic, peaceful, stable state that has not proliferated nuclear weapons. Iran is an autocratic state mistrusted by nearly all countries and that has violated its international commitments.' Iran aside, India is democratic, but not 'highly democratic,' and is neither peaceful nor stable, and doesn't always fulfill its international commitments...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

War is good for the economy, isn't it?

by David R. Henderson


"Imagine an economy whose government spends 2 percent of its GDP on its military. (On average, the world's governments spend just under 2 percent of their countries' GDP on the military, and the U.S. government spends about 4 percent.) Then, imagine that the government suddenly gets into a war and raises military spending to 7 percent of national income. How does that affect people in that country? Whether the government finances the war effort with taxes or debt or by printing money is not very important. What matters much more is that the government now takes an additional 5 percent of the real output of that economy to wage its war...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Solar storms could zap Earth

San Francisco Chronicle


An 11-year epoch of increasingly severe solar storms that could fry power grids, disrupt cell-phone calls, knock satellites back to Earth, endanger astronauts in space, and force commercial airliners to change their routes to protect their radio communications and to avoid deadly solar radiation could begin as soon as this fall, scientists announced Monday. When the solar cycle reaches its peak in 2012, it will hurl at Earth mammoth solar storms with intense radiation and clouds of high-speed subatomic particles millions of miles across, the scientists said. A storm of that magnitude could short-circuit a world increasingly dependent on giant utilities and satellite communications networks. Such a storm in 1989 caused power grids to collapse, causing a five-hour blackout in Quebec...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Traffic Surveillance Cameras To Monitor Personal Behavior


UK: Surveillance on drivers may be increased

Guardian [UK]


Drivers talking on mobile phones or failing to wear seatbelts could find themselves tracked down through a widened use of road surveillance cameras, under proposals due to be floated in parliament tomorrow. The plans would form part of a major expansion of camera surveillance which critics say is already transforming Britain into the most watched country in the world. The case for cameras to be focused on people using mobiles as they drive is made by the independent adviser to the transport select committee, Robert Gifford, of the Parliamentary Advisory Council for Transport Safety (Pacts)...


Hong Kong considers surveillence law

United Press International


Hong Kong's government has published a proposed wiretapping and covert surveillance bill. Analysts predict that discussion over the proposed legislation will be stormy and contentious as it opens the possibility that Beijing could help determine who might be targeted under the law. The 88-page bill was approved by the Executive Council on Feb. 28 and distributed to legislators the next day. The legislation is largely a continuation of previous Legislative Council proposals and incorporates several earlier, controversial measures that pro-democratic legislators have criticized for weeks. If the bill is enacted it will establish a judicial panel along with a commissioner on interception of communications and surveillance, which will have the power to decide on wiretap and surveillance applications in 'highly intrusive' cases...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The Bill of No Rights


Anleitung zum Umgang mit Eingliederungsvereinbarungen eines erfolgreichen Klägers

„Wieder mal Erfolg gegen die Obrigkeit“

Aus: LabourNet, 7. März 2006

Twelve States Appeal Emissions Decision

California and eleven other states asked the US Supreme Court on Friday to review the Bush administration's refusal to regulate motor vehicle emissions of gases that scientists blame for global warming.


More blacks deciding not to serve

Defense Department statistics show that the number of black active-duty enlisted personnel has declined 14 percent since 2000.


From Information Clearing House

Cunningham's Corruption Connections

The same defense contractors who were playing Cunningham with cash and favors were working other members of Congress and top administration officials. Once all the facts are on the table, the Abramoff scandal may pale in comparison.


From Information Clearing House

A Nation Polarized Between Rich and Poor

America's Bleak Jobs Future

A Revolution Of Spirit

It is time to reclaim our power and our forefathers’ vision. It is essential that we become lights in a world blackened by our excesses, by our abrogation of spirit to the base desires of the corporation.


What Ever Happened to the Civil Liberties Board?

'Specific' info on NSA eavesdropping?

Of all the lawsuits seeking to halt the National Security Agency's program to eavesdrop on certain Americans' electronic communications, a new one filed last week in Oregon may provide the federal courts with the most detailed glimpse yet into the clandestine counterterrorism effort.


From Information Clearing House

Watchdog: What Ever Happened to the Civil Liberties Board?

For more than a year, the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board has been the most invisible office in the White House. Created by Congress in December 2004 as a result of the recommendations of the 9/11 Commission, the board has never hired a staff or even held a meeting.


Congress must put an end to abuses at Gitmo: No Habeas at Guantanamo?

The torture dodge: Congress must put an end to abuses at Gitmo:

The president believes he can ignore the law whenever he chooses. He made that clear in a "signing statement" in which he reserved the right to interpret the torture ban in the context of his broader constitutional powers as commander in chief.


No Habeas at Guantanamo?

Ian Wallach, habeas counsel for several Guantanamo Bay detainees, says that the US Executive Branch may have engaged in questionable acts and disseminated inaccurate information to encourage Senate passage of provisions in the Detainee Treatment Act preventing federal judges from seeing problematic evidence on why detainees are being held...


From Information Clearing House

India Deal Makes US a Nuclear Proliferator

Campaigners for a nuclear-free South Asia are aghast at the potential nightmare that lies ahead following the nuclear technology and fuel deal announced here this week by visiting United States President George W. Bush and Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.


US envoy hints at strike to stop Iran: Bolton says nuclear plant can be 'taken out'


Bolton warns Iran of ‘painful consequences’

Speaking at a convention of Jewish-Americans, said it is too soon for the U.N. Security Council to impose sanctions on Iran but other countries are talking about doing so and Washington is “beefing up defensive measures to cope with the Iranian nuclear threat.”


The USS Ronald Reagan deployed in the Persian Gulf

The U.S. Fifth Fleet said the USS Ronald Reagan has been deployed for maritime security operations in the Gulf region. The nuclear-powered surface vessel headed a carrier group that contains a guided missile cruiser, two destroyers and support ships. http://www.worldtribune.com/worldtribune/06/front2453788.107638889.html

Jon Snow interviews Iran's top nuclear negotiator, Ali Larijani, live in Tehran http://www.channel4.com/player/playerwindow.html?id=3575&vert=news

Can a deal be done?

A deal over Iran's nuclear programme is possible, according to the UN's chief nuclear watchdog. http://www.channel4.com/player/playerwindow.html?id=3554&vert=news

Washington splits over best policy to halt Iran's nuclear plan

Visiting MPs were astonished by a lack of consensus on the eve of the crucial nuclear meeting.


From Information Clearing House

Senate: Investigate Illegal Wiretapping

Tell the Senate to Investigate Bush's Illegal Wiretapping

On Tuesday March 7, the Senate Intelligence Committee will hold a vote on whether to investigate the domestic wiretaps that the president has already admitted were performed in defiance of the FISA court. Bill Frist has now threatened to restructure the Senate Intelligence Committee itself to strip it of oversight responsibility if it even dares to investigate Bush's dictatorial violations of the law. It is critically important that we speak out now to make sure justice prevails in this very winnable fight. With the votes against him three weeks ago, Senator Pat Roberts (R-KS) has already once unilaterally blocked a vote on this matter. We must raise every voice to make sure they know the people will not let them get away with it again. http://www.millionemailmarch.com/wiretap_hearing.php

The key swing votes are Republican "moderates" Olympia Snowe (R-ME, 202-224-5344) and Chuck Hagel (R-NE, 202-224-4224). Let's start calling their offices at 9:00 a.m. and keep calling until they vote for a thorough investigation. http://vichydems.blogspot.com/

Hey Pollsters: Quit Censoring Impeachment!

Seven months have passed since we began politely asking Corporate Media pollsters to include impeachment questions in their polls. Despite our efforts, every media pollster has refused to include an impeachment question (unless we paid for it). The few that have bothered to reply to our letters (like Richard Morin of the Pentagon Post) have basically told us to go "Cheney" ourselves. In the past two weeks, most of these pollsters have released new data. And every single poll shows a steep drop in Bush's approval rating. It's time to tell the media pollsters to stop censoring the truth and to include an impeachment question in every poll from now until Bush is impeached - and imprisoned. http://democrats.com/quit-censoring-impeachment

We have all of their email addresses here. We've been patient for too long - let's give 'em hell! http://democrats.com/bush-impeachment-polls

Exclusive Release of New Song By Anti-Flag The political band Anti-Flag has given Afterdowningstreet.org the exclusive release of the unreleased song "Depleted Uranium Is A War Crime" from Anti-Flag's upcoming release "For Blood and Empire."

Listen here: http://tinyurl.com/g8xqm

Congressman Jim McDermott has introduced a bill in Congress, H.R. 2410, The Depleted Uranium Munitions Study Act, which calls for in-depth studies to be conducted on DU and its effects on the health of those exposed to it. Ask Your Congress Member to Cosponsor. http://www.millionemailmarch.com/du.php

Learn more about DU. http://www.afterdowningstreet.org/?q=node/8597

Wall Street Journal Uses I Word: Graphic Tells the Story Impeachment Proves Risky Political Issue Some Democratic Activists Push Removing Bush From Office, But Mainstream Steers Clear By JEANNE CUMMINGS, Wall Street Journal, March 6, 2006; Page A4

If Democratic candidate Tony Trupiano wins a Michigan House seat this fall, he pledges that one of his first acts will be to introduce articles of impeachment against President Bush.

That has earned Mr. Trupiano the endorsement of ImpeachPAC, a group of Democratic activists seeking to remove Mr. Bush from office. ImpeachPAC's Web site lists 14 candidates offering similar commitments, which are reminiscent of the Republican drive to oust former President Bill Clinton after the Monica Lewinsky scandal. READ MORE http://www.afterdowningstreet.org/?q=node/8583

Read Bob Fertik's Reply to this article. http://www.democrats.com/wsj-impeachpac

Co-Sponsors of H Res 635 Now at 28

There are now 28 Congress Members who believe an investigation should be conducted into possible grounds for impeachment. Learn more and ask your member to co-sponsor: http://www.afterdowningstreet.org/?q=node/5768


Town Hall Forum on the War in Iraq Monday, March 13, 7 p.m. McLEOD AUDITORIUM - UVA School of Nursing.

Eman Ahmad Khamas, Iraqi journalist, activist living in Baghdad, defends women’s rights, documents crimes committed by U.S. and Iraqi forces.

Lt.Col.Karen Kwiatkowski, retired from Office of the Sec. of Defense on Near East South Asia Policy, outspoken critic of the Pentagon's pre-war propaganda development.

Ray McGovern, veteran Army officer and retired 27-year CIA analyst, Co-Founder of Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity, witness at Congressional hearings on Downing Street Minutes.

Gael Murphy, cofounder of CODE PINK-Women for Peace, Board of Dir. International Occupation Watch Center, Steering Committee United for Peace and Justice,

David Swanson, cofounder of After Downing Street, Board member of Progressive Democrats of America, Washington Director of Democrats.com and Impeach PAC.

Tia Steele, member of Gold Star Families Speak Out, mother of U.S. soldier killed in Iraq.

Al Weed, Congressional candidate in Virginia’s 5th district, Veteran, opposes the Iraq war.

$5 suggested donation, no one turned away

Film: "Occupation Dreamland" Wednesday, March 15, 7 p.m. WILSON HALL 301-University of Virginia About a group of U.S. soldiers in Falluja. Iraq

March for Peace and Impeachment Monday, March 20, 4 p.m. ROTUNDA to DOWNTOWN March beginning at the Rotunda - University of Virginia - at 4 p.m. and proceeding to the Freedom of Expression Wall on the Downtown Mall near City Hall for a rally. Come prepared to buy a yard sign and carry it in the march, or bring your own posters, flags, noise makers, musical instruments.



Charlottesville Center for Peace and Justice charlottesvillepeace.org
434 961-6278, 540 456-6028

Stop the Katrina Evictions March 14 Demand a stop to evictions, demand trailers for survivors, and demand passage of H.R. 4197. Press Conference: 1:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Rayburn House Office Building – Room #2237 Mardi Gras Style March for Justice: 2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. from Capitol South Metro Stop at 12:00 p.m. to the White House Rally & Protest at the White House: 3:00 p.m. – 11:59 p.m. Lafayette Park http://www.katrinamarch.org

Sign up for these events, find others, and create your own at http://www.afterdowningstreet.org/event

See Also UFPJ: http://unitedforpeace.org/calendar.php?caltype=39&lcountry=&state=&search=Search

And PDA: http://pdamerica.org/events/main-list.php



Organ Trafficking in Eastern Europe


Informant: Wu Chi

Attorneys Representing GITMO Detainees Blast Pentagon For Newly Released Hearing Transcripts


Veterans Asked to Bleed for Bush All Over Again


Take a Potshot at the Powerless, and You Too Can Win a Medal of Valor


Did US Know Iraq Had No WMDs?


Is God on Our (Right? Left?) Side?


Bush, Lies, and Videotape


God Will Judge That You Were Wrong Mr. Blair


Top UK Advisers Say 'No' to Nuclear Power


Global Warming Evidence Grows

UN Expert

We Could Lose Our Army

U.S. Stuck with Few Options in Iraq; Gary Hart on All-out Civil War: "We Could Lose Our Army".


'14,000 Detained Without Trial in Iraq'


Cindy Sheehan Arrested in NY Protest


Informant: Friends

Peace Activist Sheehan Arrested in NY Protest

Cindy Sheehan and Three Others Arrested While Attempting to Deliver Petition Signed by 60,000 Demanding an End to Bloodshed in Iraq; Arrests Take Place After US Mission to the UN Refused to Meet with Delegation of Women Visiting from Iraq and Gold Star Families for Peace.


Cindy Sheehan Joins Iraqi Women to Urge the UN to Help Prevent a Civil War in Iraq http://www.commondreams.org/news2006/0306-02.htm



US seeking to torpedo last-ditch attempt to end standoff with Iran


Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news


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März 2006


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