Sonntag, 5. März 2006

Resolution to Impeach Bush-Cheney Passes 7-3

Informant: ranger116

Angst an Lübecks Schulen: Mobbing mit dem Handy

Alle Beiträge zu diesem Thema anzeigen:

Ministers back 'terminator' GM crops

Website reveals plan to scrap prohibition on seeds that threaten Third World farmers with hunger

By Geoffrey Lean,
Environment Editor
Published: 05 March 2006

Ministers are trying to scrap an international agreement banning the world's most controversial genetic modification of crops, grimly nicknamed "terminator technology", a move which threatens to increase hunger in the Third World.

Their plans, unveiled in a new official document buried in a government website, will cause outrage among environmentalists and hunger campaigners. Michael Meacher, who took a lead as environment minister in negotiating the ban six years ago, has written Margaret Beckett, the Secretary of State for the Environment, to object.

The Government is to push for terminator crops to be considered for approval on a "case-by-case basis" at two meetings this month; its position closely mirrors the stance of the United States and other GM-promoting countries.

Terminator technology, so abominated even Monsanto will not develop it, would stop hundreds of millions of poor farmers from saving seeds from their crops for resowing for the following harvest, forcing them to buy new ones from biotech companies every year. More than 1.4 billion poor Third World farmers and their families pursue the age-old practice.

The technique is officially known as genetic use restriction technology
(Gurt), making crops produce sterile seeds. It could be applied to any crop, including maize and rice, widely grown in developing countries.

The UK working group on terminator technology, a coalition of 10 British environment and development groups, says: "It could destroy traditional farming methods, damage farmers' livelihoods and threaten food security, particularly in developing countries."

In 2000, the world's governments imposed a de facto moratorium on developing, or even testing, the technology under the UN Convention on Biological Diversity, an agreement largely brokered by Britain under Mr Meacher's leadership. But pro-GM nations such as Australia, New Zealand and Canada, largely orchestrated by the US, have been pressing for the moratorium to be lifted, and for Gurt crops to be approved after "case-by-case risk assessment".

They, and biotech companies, claim the technology is a green solution to a serious drawback of GM crops, the way their genes spread, through pollen, to create superweeds and contaminate conventional and organic crops. But environmentalists say this is an illusion because terminator plants will still produce pollen, and their genes would pose a particular hazard by threatening to make non-GM sterile as well.

Yet ministers have refused to meet environmental groups to discuss their policy and failed publicise their position, posted two weeks ago on the website of the Department of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

Britain will be pushing for this approach first at a meeting of EU ministers on Thursday, then at a meeting of the convention in Brazil in two weeks. Mr Meacher said: "For the first time in the history of the world, farmers would be stopped from using their own seeds. This would undermine food production and cause starvation."

*How it works: Sowing the seeds of starvation*

Gurts may be an ugly acronym, but environmentalists believe that the genetic use restrictions technologies they stand for are even uglier. There are two types:

*v-GURTS*, called terminator technology. Developed by the US Department of Agriculture and the Delta Pine and Land Co, it makes seeds sterile so they cannot be cropped and resown. Before they are sold, seeds are treated with a compound which activates a gene introduced into the plant from bacteria. The gene allows the crop to be grown normally, but takes charge just as it becomes ready for harvesting and stops its seeds from manufacturing any of the protein it needs for germination.

*t-GURTS*, dubbed traitor technology. These are linked to a particular trait of a plant such as good growth , germination and other desirable characteristics. The genes governing these can be activated only when the plant is sprayed with a proprietory chemical, which is sold separately. Big biotech companies want to make the plants dependent on their own chemicals so they can make profits by selling first the seed, then the chemical needed to make it work properly.

Ministers are trying to scrap an international agreement banning the world's most controversial genetic modification of crops, grimly nicknamed "terminator technology", a move which threatens to increase hunger in the Third World.

Their plans, unveiled in a new official document buried in a government website, will cause outrage among environmentalists and hunger campaigners. Michael Meacher, who took a lead as environment minister in negotiating the ban six years ago, has written Margaret Beckett, the Secretary of State for the Environment, to object.

The Government is to push for terminator crops to be considered for approval on a "case-by-case basis" at two meetings this month; its position closely mirrors the stance of the United States and other GM-promoting countries.

Terminator technology, so abominated even Monsanto will not develop it, would stop hundreds of millions of poor farmers from saving seeds from their crops for resowing for the following harvest, forcing them to buy new ones from biotech companies every year. More than 1.4 billion poor Third World farmers and their families pursue the age-old practice.

The technique is officially known as genetic use restriction technology
(Gurt), making crops produce sterile seeds. It could be applied to any crop, including maize and rice, widely grown in developing countries.

The UK working group on terminator technology, a coalition of 10 British environment and development groups, says: "It could destroy traditional farming methods, damage farmers' livelihoods and threaten food security, particularly in developing countries."

In 2000, the world's governments imposed a de facto moratorium on developing, or even testing, the technology under the UN Convention on Biological Diversity, an agreement largely brokered by Britain under Mr Meacher's leadership. But pro-GM nations such as Australia, New Zealand and Canada, largely orchestrated by the US, have been pressing for the moratorium to be lifted, and for Gurt crops to be approved after "case-by-case risk assessment".

They, and biotech companies, claim the technology is a green solution to a serious drawback of GM crops, the way their genes spread, through pollen, to create superweeds and contaminate conventional and organic crops. But environmentalists say this is an illusion because terminator plants will still produce pollen, and their genes would pose a particular hazard by threatening to make non-GM sterile as well.

Yet ministers have refused to meet environmental groups to discuss their policy and failed publicise their position, posted two weeks ago on the website of the Department of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

Britain will be pushing for this approach first at a meeting of EU ministers on Thursday, then at a meeting of the convention in Brazil in two weeks. Mr Meacher said: "For the first time in the history of the world, farmers would be stopped from using their own seeds. This would undermine food production and cause starvation."

*How it works: Sowing the seeds of starvation*

Gurts may be an ugly acronym, but environmentalists believe that the genetic use restrictions technologies they stand for are even uglier. There are two types:

*v-GURTS*, called terminator technology. Developed by the US Department of Agriculture and the Delta Pine and Land Co, it makes seeds sterile so they cannot be cropped and resown. Before they are sold, seeds are treated with a compound which activates a gene introduced into the plant from bacteria. The gene allows the crop to be grown normally, but takes charge just as it becomes ready for harvesting and stops its seeds from manufacturing any of the protein it needs for germination.

*t-GURTS*, dubbed traitor technology. These are linked to a particular trait of a plant such as good growth , germination and other desirable characteristics. The genes governing these can be activated only when the plant is sprayed with a proprietory chemical, which is sold separately. Big biotech companies want to make the plants dependent on their own chemicals so they can make profits by selling first the seed, then the chemical needed to make it work properly.

Informant: Teresa Binstock


UK Ministers Back 'Terminator' GM Crops

VeriChip has VeriMed Patient Identification ID Chip Implants being used during Medical Emergencies

March 5th, 2006

An implanted chip in a person would be able to tell emergency workers and doctors a person’s name and contact information as well as any medical conditions. There is another company in Cincinnati Ohio called that is using implanted chips at a company for accessing a room.

According to the Chicago Sun Times, there is an “Implant Night” at the Barcelona’s Baja Beach Club. On Tuesday nights customers that come with chip implants don’t wait in line and get their chip scanned. By scanning the customer’s chip it will automatically withdraw the funds from the bank account to pay for the drinks.

The down side to a chip implant that the FDA warns of potential adverse interactions with an MRI scan. The incompatibility can cause the implant to possible heat up and cause the patient to be burned. This poses concern with the safety of this chip implant. What happens if the item malfunctions? This too would be of concern. It just seems like a good idea to keep the chips outside of the body. Maybe a ring or a necklace would be better?

There are currently 80 medical centers that have the scanners to read and detect for the chip. The medical procedure cost $200 to have the rice sized implant put into the patients arm. The good news is that medical staffers and doctors may be more aware of your medical condition and treat the emergency better. The bad news is that it can have a potential risk of a severe burn if a MRI is performed.

Thoughts of what could go wrong come to mind. Would an arm be chopped off for access to secrets for financial gain? Would a person be drugged and the chip removed to steal all their finances? And the person would not have any legal protection because the chip was implanted and it was them that did it, even though maybe they didn’t do it. I think I would rather have someone steal my purse or wallet than my arm! It sounds wonderful in some regards, but the reality is that there is always a criminal element in every aspect of society that would exploit this technology. Whether it is the government imposing your freedom or a criminal group trying to rip you off, it would be bad news eventually.

Comment on this Article at our Forum:

By Nicole Wilson
Best Syndication Staff Writer

Copyright 2005 Best Syndication


Joyce Morrison

March 5, 2006

This may sound like a “too good to be true commercial,” but I promised my friend I would tell his story and you can decide for yourself if we are over-looking something that could be a miracle drug.

What if there you could treat yourself, your animals and your plants for pennies by using something you probably already have in your home?

Eighty-one year old Bill Munro says there is such a product and it has saved his life.

Read further under:


Hydrogen Peroxide

SPD: links blinken, rechts abbiegen,1518,404174,00.html

(SPON) Im Wahlkampf machte die SPD Stimmung gegen spekulative Anleger, die wie Heuschrecken über Firmen herfallen. Jetzt gibt ausgerechnet Gerhard Schröder den Festredner für einen umstrittenen Hedgefonds-Anbieter.

Schizophrenie als Wesensmerkmal der SPD, in der es offensichtlich als Geschäftsgrundlage gilt, dass die Linke nicht weiß, was die Rechte tut - und das nicht selten demonstriert durch das Spitzenpersonal.

Derselbe Müntefering, der im Wahlkampf lauthals über Heuschrecken klagte, hatte selbst erst als Fraktionschef federführend dafür gesorgt, dass ihnen hierzulande der Weg nicht versperrt wird und ihnen der Zugriff auf die Ressourcen der deutschen Volkswirtschaft ermöglicht wird: mit der Zulassung von Hedgefonds. Nun versucht offensichtlich Ex-Kanzler Schröder ein wenig von der Ernte einzufahren.

Link zum Beitrag / Hintergrundinfo oder Pressehinweis: und

Infopool / metainfo hamburg


Superfund: Verbraucherschützer kritisiert Schröder-Rede für Hedge-Fonds (06.03.06)

Der von Alt-Bundeskanzler Gerhard Schröder (SPD) nach Medienberichten geplante Auftritt auf einer Gala zum zehnjährigen Bestehen des Hedgefonds-Anbieters Superfund stößt bei Verbraucherschützern auf Kritik. "Schröders Verhalten ist außerordentlich problematisch, da er als eine Art Galionsfigur auftritt und sich für die Vermarktung des Fonds einspannen lässt", sagte Volker Pietsch, Vorstand des Deutschen Instituts für Anlegerschutz (DIAS), der "Berliner Zeitung". Schröder soll nach einem Bericht von "Spiegel-Online" in dieser Woche in Wien die Festrede auf Superfund-Chef Christian Baha halten.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

Coupures d'ADN dûes à l'usage du téléphone mobile

Confirmation (étude UE) : Coupures d'ADN dûes à l'usage du téléphone mobile Communiqué de Presse d'ISIS 17/01/05 Mais aucun risque sanitaire ?
(Confirmation des études d'Henry Lai et Narenda Singh à l'université de Washington à Seattle, Etats-Unis). " . . . plusieurs équipes . . . pour les radio-fréquences on a observé en plus des cassures d'ADN des anomalies chronosomiques à un niveau beaucoup plus bas que le DAS réglementaire, à partir de 0,3W/kg. . . . "

SCIENCES IN SOCIETY: Mobilophones et Cancer

Veranstaltungshinweis Bamberg

Risiko Mobilfunk in Bamberg

Donnerstag, 9. März 2006, 19 Uhr, Gaststätte Keesmann, Wunderburg 5, Bamberg

Sie sind herzlich eingeladen:

Die Suche der Betreiber nach weiteren Standorten für Mobilfunkanlagen läuft derzeit im gesamten Bamberger Stadtgebiet. Jeden kann es treffen. Viele Bürgerinnen und Bürger lehnen weitere Sender ab. Diese Veranstaltung informiert über die Mobilfunktechnik, ihre Folgeschäden und wie sich die Bürgerschaft gemeinsam wehren kann. Cornelia Waldmann-Selsam:
Ärzteinitiative Bamberger Appell
Ergebnisse der ärztlichen Erhebungen an 185 Mobilfunkstandorten

Ulrich Weiner:
Unternehmensberater für Telekommunikation
Technische und wirtschaftliche Grundlagen
Auswirkungen auf Mensch und Umwelt

Monika Schuberth-Brehm:
Bürgerinitiative Wallenfels
Wie können sich Bürger erfolgreich wehren?

Nachricht von Ulrich Weiner

Bush Plan Would Raise Deficit by $1.2 Trillion, Budget Office Says

President Bush's budget would increase the federal deficit by $35 billion this year and by more than $1.2 trillion over the next decade, the Congressional Budget Office reported on Friday.

The U.S. Debt To the Penny

Bush to propose cuts in Medicare

In his budget next week, President Bush will propose substantial savings in Medicare, stepping up his efforts to rein in the growing costs of social insurance programs, administration officials and health care lobbyists said Friday

Supreme Court Steps Into Medicare Rx Fight

Fifteen states are urging the Supreme Court to take the unusual step of immediately intervening to resolve a dispute between states and the federal government over the costly new Medicare prescription drug program.

From Information Clearing House

Dubai Ports deal broke law, Shelby says

Government officials broke the law when they agreed to let a United Arab Emirates-owned company operate terminals at major American ports without doing a more extended review of the national security implications, U.S. Sen. Richard Shelby said Thursday.

Probe of Bureau of Workers’ Compensation goes far beyond activities of Noe

The law-enforcement task force investigating Tom Noe is conducting a far broader probe of the Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation, having interviewed hundreds of witnesses in what could result in a series of public corruption cases.

Harris Shuns Spending Requests

On the sixth day after she was identified as a recipient of illegal campaign contributions, the Republican congresswoman from Longboat Key stayed behind closed doors. She issued a statement in which she denied knowing that contributions made to her by defense contractor Mitchell Wade had been illegal.

From Information Clearing House

Top CIA Official Under Investigation

The CIA Inspector General has opened an investigation into the spy agency's executive director, Kyle "Dusty" Foggo, and his connections to two defense contractors accused of bribing a member of Congress and Pentagon officials.

From Information Clearing House

Broken system facilitated Cunningham's graft

IT is tempting, and certainly convenient, for his former colleagues in Congress, to dismiss Randy Duke Cunningham as an aberration. The corruption scheme he was at the center of exposes systemic flaws that will persist well after he is behind bars.

Senator ties Guard to spy plan

A special California National Guard unit that was disbanded last year amid suspicion it was engaged in domestic spying may have been part of a nationwide effort to monitor the activities of U.S. citizens, a state senator charged Tuesday.

From Information Clearing House

Space Hawks Chase Death Rays

An Air Force veteran, he was caught off guard when the American Civil Liberties Union called and told him it had uncovered court documents revealing that NASA and the U.S. Air Force were secretly monitoring him.,70303-0.html?tw=rss.politics

From Information Clearing House

Administration Revives Dispute Over Eavesdropping Authority

In a new defense of its warrantless eavesdropping program, the Bush administration yesterday reopened a dispute about whether it tried and failed to obtain direct congressional authority for use of the president's war-making powers on U.S. territory.

Wer CO2 sät, wird Sturm ernten


WWF skizziert Auswirkungen des winterlichen Klimawandels in Europa.


Hartmut Graßl: "Der Klimawandel kommt schneller"


Der Chef des Max-Planck-Instituts für Meteorologie in Hamburg, Professor Hartmut Graßl, sagt: "Der Klimawandel kommt schneller, als wir das noch vor einigen Jahren prognostiziert haben."

Atomwaffensperrvertrag, USA: ein bedeutungsloser Fetzen Papier

Link zum Beitrag / Hintergrundinfo oder Pressehinweis: und

Link zum Beitrag / Hintergrundinfo oder Pressehinweis: und

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Infopool / metainfo hamburg

Key States Reaffirm Ridding the World of Nuclear Weapons


THE HAGUE – A strong commitment to ridding the world of nuclear weapons was made by high-level representatives of 21 states at special forum at The Hague, March 2-3.

Convened by the Middle Powers Initiative, the Article VI Forum was addressed by two former prime ministers – Ruud Lubbers of the Netherlands and Kim Campbell of Canada - and former UN Under Secretary General for Disarmament Affairs, Ambassador Nobuyasu Abe, and Marian Hobbs, the former Disarmament Minister of New Zealand.

The Forum is a program of the Middle Powers Initiative, a consortium of eight non-government organizations dedicated to the elimination of nuclear weapons. The two-day meeting, co-hosted by the Netherlands Institute of International Relations “Clingendael,” was entitled Securing the Future: Strengthening the NPT. The Article VI Forum takes its name from the article of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty in which the nuclear states commit themselves to the elimination of their nuclear weapons. States attending the session included Brazil, Canada, Germany, Ireland, Malaysia, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, and Sweden. The first meeting of the forum took place at the United Nations in October 2005.

The second meeting of the forum was held as the United States and India concluded a nuclear technology deal, and international tensions concerning Iran’s nuclear program continued.

Senator Douglas Roche, O.C., Chairman of the Middle Powers Initiative, said the Article VI Forum of like-minded states and NGOs has “opened up a new approach: to examine key legal, political and technical issues that need to be addressed to overcome security concerns of the Nuclear Weapon States, which are currently preventing them from commencing negotiations leading to complete nuclear disarmament.” He added, “The very existence of the Article VI Forum is a sign of hope for the world community that wants to be freed from the spectre of nuclear warfare. Key states assembled here can indeed provide a jolt of energy into the nuclear disarmament process.”

Tariq Rauf, Head of Verification and Security Policy Coordination for the International Atomic Energy Agency, said the priorities should be to “re-affirm the goals we established for ourselves in 1970 under the NPT, affirmed in 1995 and re-affirmed in 2000 [at the NPT Review Conferences], and send a clear-cut message that our commitment to these goals has not changed.” Speaking in his personal capacity, he added, “We remain committed to ridding the world of nuclear weapons. We have zero tolerance for new States developing nuclear weapons, and we should ensure that all countries have the right to use nuclear technology for peaceful purposes.”

The forum was also attended by the distinguished nuclear physicists, Frank von Hippel and Jose Goldemberg, the co-chairs of the newly-formed International Panel on Fissile Materials. Members of the Panel oversaw a special plenary of the meeting dealing with proposals for a Fissile Materials Cutoff Treaty (FMCT) and the ramifications of verifying such a treaty. Despite the position of one major nuclear power, the experts insisted that an FMCT is verifiable. They further argued a treaty would strengthen the NPT because it would create new standards for “international responsibility” and because it would reduce the discriminatory nature of the NPT since the nuclear weapons states would have more political and technical obligations under an FMCT than they now have under the NPT.

The political dilemma explored in the sessions dealing with political elements is that while nuclear disarmament is vital, it is not on the agenda of leaders and subsequently not in the public realm. Consequently, the political discussion focused on what mix of policy options had the best chance of being considered by governments, would be effective if implemented and also be able to capture the attention of the general public. Some of those initiatives are implementing the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, negotiating a FMCT, de-alerting, implementing norms for transparency and irreversibility in arms control agreements, and reducing the role of nuclear weapons in military strategies.

The legal session focused on the effect the implementation of international law has on promoting nuclear disarmament. While it takes decades to build up the institutions of and respect for international law, panelists said, much can be done in the near term through improvement of national legal systems, and on the international level through respect for the NPT Article VI disarmament obligations. This is the tenth anniversary of the advisory opinion by the International Court of Justice on the legality of nuclear weapons; according to the panelists “the authoritative interpretation of Article VI of the NPT.” The Court unanimously concluded that under Article VI states are obligated to pursue in good faith and bring to a conclusion negotiations on nuclear disarmament. The disarmament obligations must be interpreted in light of the commitments made in 1995 and 2000. The most important are the principles of irreversibility, verification and transparency, the diminished role for nuclear weapons in security policies, and reduction in operational status of nuclear weapons.

In his speech, Rauf said, “It is time to abandon the unworkable notion that it is morally reprehensible for some countries to pursue nuclear weapons, but morally acceptable for others to rely on them. Our aim must be clear: a security structure that is based on our shared humanity and not on the ability of some to destroy us all.”

At the invitation of the government of Canada, the third meeting of Article VI Forum will be held in Ottawa, September 28-29, 2006. The Middle Powers Initiative is a program of the Global Security Institute, headed by Jonathan Granoff.

Contact: James Wurst, MPI Program Director,



Informant: Jackie Cabasso

From ufpj-news

Mum fights mobile mast just yards from home

Health risks are unknown, she says

A mother has vowed to fight plans to erect a 15-metre mobile phone mast which operator O2 wants just yards from her home.

Linda Little, a teaching assistant of Clovelly Way, Bedford, received notification last week outlining O2's plans for a mast in Polhill Avenue.

The letter stated she had two weeks in which to lodge any objections, so Mrs Little began canvassing opposition from her neighbours and the three schools in the road.

She said: "I do not want this mast outside my children's bedrooms because we do not know what the health risks are with these masts.

"O2's letter puts in points to try to reassure us, including one from the World Health Organisation (WHO) saying there is no proof of any health effects.

"But the WHO also says there are gaps in scientists' knowledge about masts, and it is commonly believed that children are the most vulnerable of all.

"If I was looking from my kitchen window I would have to crane my neck to see the top of the mast, that is how close it would be.

"Surely there are places further away from the schools and homes which could be used."

Mrs Little has three children, 14-year-old Sam and 11-year-old twins Amy and Jack.

She cited John Rigby Lower School, Goldington Middle, Newnham Middle School and De Montfort University's Polhill campus as all in close proximity to the mooted mast site.

Coun David Sawyer (Lib Dem, De Parys) echoed her concerns.

He said: "The council's hands are quite tied on these applications. The Government gives mobile phone providers the benefit of the doubt because there is no conclusive evidence that these masts are unsafe. But by the same token there is no conclusive evidence that they are safe either.

"To be fair to O2, this is an example, for once, of a firm letting local residents and stakeholders comment before they make the application."

James Stephenson, a spokesman for O2, said: "We are getting bigger and bigger in this part of the country, and with the amount of new homes planned there will be more and more customers. That is why we are looking to expand.

"There has been nothing brought to our attention saying that harmful emissions are produced by base stations. We do not consider it to be a health risk at all."

Omega this is not true. See under:

05 March 2006

All rights reserved © 2006 Johnston Press Digital Publishing.


By Jeffrey Smith
March 5, 2006

Genetically modified(GM) crops were introduced 10 years ago, but 2005 saw plenty of evidence that the technology was introduced long before the science was ready. Here are some of last year’s highlights, so to speak.

At a conference in October, a leading scientist from the Russian Academy of Sciences reported that more than half (55.6%) of the offspring of rats fed GM soy died within three weeks. By contrast, only 9% of rats died whose mothers were fed non-GM soy.

Read further under:

Sen. Harkin of Iowa calls Iraq 'civil war,' urges US withdrawal at once

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news


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