ANOTHER Emergency War Supplemental Funding Bill Already?

We need everyone to call their House member right now and demand they vote NO on H.R. 2346, for CONTINUED funding of all these disastrous and counterproductive wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and soon everywhere else.

Here are the latest tested good tollfree numbers for you:
800-828-0498, 866-338-1015 or 866-220-0044.

Wasn't that the Bush way of denying reality, one "Emergency" war funding bill after another? The wars need to STOP now. And all vague and shifting promises of future withdrawals aside, only stopping the FUNDING will ever make the wars stop.

And please also submit the action page below, after making your phone call, so there will be a written record of your protest

Stop War Funding Action Page:

A couple weeks ago 51 Democrats and 9 Republicans voted against H.R.
2346, the latest run around the end of the budget [text of bill]. Only now they have added in a giveaway to bail out MORE foreign banks with American taxpayer money, via blind and massive additional funding for the IMF. If ONLY those Democrats who voted "No" the first time do so again, we can end this utter insanity.

What are the so-called "liberals" in Congress really telling us, that they will only vote to end the war funding when their vote DOESN'T really matter. Now that the Republicans are all hopped up about the IMF con job, just those same 51 liberals can take a stand that really means something.

So where are they? Is a huge giveaway to foreign banks such a drop dead policy priority that they will compromise their opposition to all these illegal wars?? Are the Republicans so petrified of being seen as not "supporting the troops" even slightly even one time that they will vote for the bill anyway? Of course not, that is just for worthless political cowards who call themselves [fill in party name]

It's time to call these people in Congress out who are masquerading as our representatives. And AFTER we defeat this particular pro war vote, we need to keep making it stick.

Stop War Funding Action Page:

And yes, you can also respond to this action through the new Twitter gateway. Just send the following Twitter reply, and add any personal comment you like.

@cxs #p992

And if you want a step by step explanation of how to set up the Twitter thing here is the link for that.

Twitter Activism Step-By-Step:

Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed to be ours, and forward this alert as widely as possible.



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