Residents celebrate victory over mast
Friday, November 28, 2008, 12:00
A "TRIUMPH" is being celebrated by Uckfield residents who have campaigned against a mobile phone mast for two years.
The group of householders learned on Monday that a decision to grant planning permission for a phone mast from Orange was overturned by the High Court.
The original application for the 10m mast at the roundabout off Mallard Drive and the High Street was turned down by planners from Wealden District Council.
But the group of six residents were prompted to take action when they heard that an appeal from Orange had been granted by the planning inspectorate. Between them they paid for a solicitor to take the case to the High Court.
A consent order from the court stated that "investigation at the planning appeal into alternative sites for the proposed mast was not carried out adequately".
It added: "Therefore the decision should not be allowed to stand."
Campaigner Nick Bridgen of Swallow Court said the mast would have been situated 25m to 30m away from his home if given the go-ahead.
Mr Bridgen said: "It was just an inappropriate place to put a mast.
"They just hadn't looked at the alternative sites."
Other members of the group also live near the proposed site, and some reside in the High Street. Members also had concerns about the close proximity of the mast to Uckfield schools.
A "TRIUMPH" is being celebrated by Uckfield residents who have campaigned against a mobile phone mast for two years.
The group of householders learned on Monday that a decision to grant planning permission for a phone mast from Orange was overturned by the High Court.
The original application for the 10m mast at the roundabout off Mallard Drive and the High Street was turned down by planners from Wealden District Council.
But the group of six residents were prompted to take action when they heard that an appeal from Orange had been granted by the planning inspectorate. Between them they paid for a solicitor to take the case to the High Court.
A consent order from the court stated that "investigation at the planning appeal into alternative sites for the proposed mast was not carried out adequately".
It added: "Therefore the decision should not be allowed to stand."
Campaigner Nick Bridgen of Swallow Court said the mast would have been situated 25m to 30m away from his home if given the go-ahead.
Mr Bridgen said: "It was just an inappropriate place to put a mast.
"They just hadn't looked at the alternative sites."
Other members of the group also live near the proposed site, and some reside in the High Street. Members also had concerns about the close proximity of the mast to Uckfield schools.
rudkla - 28. Nov, 17:19