The Ideology of No Ideology
Norman Solomon, Truthout: "On Monday, hours before Obama's formal announcement of his economic team, USA Today explained that he is forming a Cabinet with 'records that display more pragmatism than ideology.' The ideology of no ideology is nifty. No matter how tilted in favor of powerful interests, it can be a deft way to keep touting policy agendas as common-sense pragmatism - virtuous enough to draw opposition only from ideologues. Meanwhile, the end of ideology among policymakers is about as imminent as the end of history."
Weapons Come Second: Can Obama Take On the Pentagon?
Frida Berrigan, "Even saddled with a two-front, budget-busting war and a collapsing economy, President-elect Barack Obama may be able to accomplish a lot. With a friendly Congress and a relieved world, he could make short work of some of the most egregious overreaches of the Bush White House - from Guantanamo to those presidential signing statements. For all the rolling up of sleeves and 'everything is going to change' exuberance, however, taking on the Pentagon, with its mega-budget and its mega-power, may be the hardest task he faces."
Labor Pained: Labor Secretary Not on Econ Team
Ben Smith, The Politico: "The markets rose on the news of Barack Obama's economic policy team Monday, but some labor spirits fell. Obama's team of treasury secretary and four top economic advisers, introduced as the hands that will steer America's economy, had no particular ties to the labor movement. And Obama's secretary of labor was not introduced as part of that team - a suggestion that that post will retain its second-tier status and quiet voice in matters central to economic policy."
Weapons Come Second: Can Obama Take On the Pentagon?
Frida Berrigan, "Even saddled with a two-front, budget-busting war and a collapsing economy, President-elect Barack Obama may be able to accomplish a lot. With a friendly Congress and a relieved world, he could make short work of some of the most egregious overreaches of the Bush White House - from Guantanamo to those presidential signing statements. For all the rolling up of sleeves and 'everything is going to change' exuberance, however, taking on the Pentagon, with its mega-budget and its mega-power, may be the hardest task he faces."
Labor Pained: Labor Secretary Not on Econ Team
Ben Smith, The Politico: "The markets rose on the news of Barack Obama's economic policy team Monday, but some labor spirits fell. Obama's team of treasury secretary and four top economic advisers, introduced as the hands that will steer America's economy, had no particular ties to the labor movement. And Obama's secretary of labor was not introduced as part of that team - a suggestion that that post will retain its second-tier status and quiet voice in matters central to economic policy."
rudkla - 27. Nov, 05:49