McCain banking on a Confederacy of Dunces
In These Times
by David Sirota
Is John McCain stupid, or does he believe we are? That’s the question as he criticizes Barack Obama for allegedly trying to ‘redistribute the wealth’ with a plan to lower taxes on the middle class and raise them on the super-rich. Of course, the Democrat’s proposal would merely slow down (not fully halt) the less-talked-about redistribution whereby Washington sends middle-class money up the income ladder. Either McCain doesn’t know about this kleptocracy and is the dumbest presidential candidate in history, or he thinks America is too ignorant to recognize theft. Which is it?
What are they thinking?
Fox News
by Ellen Ratner
Whoever is making decisions for the McCain-Palin campaign should think about another profession. The mistakes just keep piling on. This week was highlighted by the Palin wardrobe costs. No one disputes that a candidate has to look good and professional but you can ‘dress for success’ at about one fifteenth of what the Republican National Committee spent. Then instead of hitting hard on the economy the McCain-Palin campaign continues to beat the Bill Ayers drum. Today, the campaign put out a press release on Obama’s ACORN connections. … Do they really think they can move the undecided voter with negative attacks? Do they believe that the independent voter is going to come to the McCain-Palin ticket in this economic climate?
Camp followers
Human Events
by Pat Buchanan
Perhaps the only institution in America whose approval rating is beneath that of Congress is the media. Both have won their reputations the hard way. They earned them. Consider the fawning indulgence shown insider Joe Biden with the dripping contempt visited on outsider Sarah Palin. … Contrasting McCain with his hero, Joe [Biden] declared a few weeks back, ‘When the stock market crashed, Franklin D. Roosevelt got on the television and … said, ‘Look, here’s what happened.” Nice historical reference. Except when the market crashed in 1929, Hoover was president, and there was no television. Can one imagine what the press would have done to Sarah Palin had she exhibited such ignorance of history. Or Dan Quayle? Joe gets a pass because everybody likes Joe. Fine. But Joe also has a record of 36 years in the Senate...
Government is already an income-transfer machine
Future of Freedom Foundation
by Sheldon Richman
Isn’t it a little late for John McCain and the Republicans to start worrying about government redistribution of wealth? McCain claims to be alarmed by Barack Obama’s tax plan, which would tax upper-income people in order to provide tax cuts to lower- and middle-income people, many of whom don’t pay income taxes. McCain and running-mate Sarah Palin call this socialism. But the criticism is odd considering all the redistribution McCain has proposed in his presidential campaign and has supported during his long career...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
by David Sirota
Is John McCain stupid, or does he believe we are? That’s the question as he criticizes Barack Obama for allegedly trying to ‘redistribute the wealth’ with a plan to lower taxes on the middle class and raise them on the super-rich. Of course, the Democrat’s proposal would merely slow down (not fully halt) the less-talked-about redistribution whereby Washington sends middle-class money up the income ladder. Either McCain doesn’t know about this kleptocracy and is the dumbest presidential candidate in history, or he thinks America is too ignorant to recognize theft. Which is it?
What are they thinking?
Fox News
by Ellen Ratner
Whoever is making decisions for the McCain-Palin campaign should think about another profession. The mistakes just keep piling on. This week was highlighted by the Palin wardrobe costs. No one disputes that a candidate has to look good and professional but you can ‘dress for success’ at about one fifteenth of what the Republican National Committee spent. Then instead of hitting hard on the economy the McCain-Palin campaign continues to beat the Bill Ayers drum. Today, the campaign put out a press release on Obama’s ACORN connections. … Do they really think they can move the undecided voter with negative attacks? Do they believe that the independent voter is going to come to the McCain-Palin ticket in this economic climate?
Camp followers
Human Events
by Pat Buchanan
Perhaps the only institution in America whose approval rating is beneath that of Congress is the media. Both have won their reputations the hard way. They earned them. Consider the fawning indulgence shown insider Joe Biden with the dripping contempt visited on outsider Sarah Palin. … Contrasting McCain with his hero, Joe [Biden] declared a few weeks back, ‘When the stock market crashed, Franklin D. Roosevelt got on the television and … said, ‘Look, here’s what happened.” Nice historical reference. Except when the market crashed in 1929, Hoover was president, and there was no television. Can one imagine what the press would have done to Sarah Palin had she exhibited such ignorance of history. Or Dan Quayle? Joe gets a pass because everybody likes Joe. Fine. But Joe also has a record of 36 years in the Senate...
Government is already an income-transfer machine
Future of Freedom Foundation
by Sheldon Richman
Isn’t it a little late for John McCain and the Republicans to start worrying about government redistribution of wealth? McCain claims to be alarmed by Barack Obama’s tax plan, which would tax upper-income people in order to provide tax cuts to lower- and middle-income people, many of whom don’t pay income taxes. McCain and running-mate Sarah Palin call this socialism. But the criticism is odd considering all the redistribution McCain has proposed in his presidential campaign and has supported during his long career...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
rudkla - 27. Okt, 08:46