Why the Republicans must Be defeated this year
Fox News
by Radley Balko
I grew up in a particularly conservative part of the already conservative state of Indiana. I voted for Bob Dole in 1996 and George Bush in 2000, generally because — though I’m not a conservative (I’m a libertarian) — I’d always thought the GOP was the party of limited government. By 2002, I was less sure of that. … Since then, ‘fed up’ has soured to ‘given up.’ … This isn’t to say that Barack Obama would be any better. Government would undoubtedly grow under his watch. And from my libertarian perspective, he has been increasingly disappointing even on the issues where he’s supposed to be good. … While I’m not thrilled at the prospect of an Obama administration (especially with a friendly Congress), the Republicans still need to get their clocks cleaned in two weeks, for a couple of reasons...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
by Radley Balko
I grew up in a particularly conservative part of the already conservative state of Indiana. I voted for Bob Dole in 1996 and George Bush in 2000, generally because — though I’m not a conservative (I’m a libertarian) — I’d always thought the GOP was the party of limited government. By 2002, I was less sure of that. … Since then, ‘fed up’ has soured to ‘given up.’ … This isn’t to say that Barack Obama would be any better. Government would undoubtedly grow under his watch. And from my libertarian perspective, he has been increasingly disappointing even on the issues where he’s supposed to be good. … While I’m not thrilled at the prospect of an Obama administration (especially with a friendly Congress), the Republicans still need to get their clocks cleaned in two weeks, for a couple of reasons...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
rudkla - 21. Okt, 11:16