Climbing Down the Ladder
Bob Herbert, The New York Times: "While the news media have been focusing on the banks, brokerage houses and mega-millionaires being buffeted by the ill winds of the financial crisis, the millions of lower- and middle-income Americans sinking toward the protracted hell of destitution are getting very little attention."
Wall Street Banks in $70 Billion Staff Payout
Simon Bowers, The Guardian UK: "Financial workers at Wall Street's top banks are to receive pay deals worth more than $70 billion (40 billion pounds), a substantial proportion of which is expected to be paid in discretionary bonuses, for their work so far this year - despite plunging the global financial system into its worst crisis since the 1929 stock market crash, The Guardian has learned."
Boot the Bailout Bums Out
by CJ Graham
Yet another useless, contrived, ineffectual, over processed, and sanitized presidential debate has occurred as what remains of our national wealth smolders in an ash heap on the floor of Wall Street. Once again the topic of the ‘Fat Cat’ bailout was touched on, only briefly, to drive home the point that both ‘Senators,’ running for President, Republican and Democrat, are servants, not of the American people, but of the ‘Gods of Globalism.’ Can you feel the harmony in the......
Wall Street Banks in $70 Billion Staff Payout
Simon Bowers, The Guardian UK: "Financial workers at Wall Street's top banks are to receive pay deals worth more than $70 billion (40 billion pounds), a substantial proportion of which is expected to be paid in discretionary bonuses, for their work so far this year - despite plunging the global financial system into its worst crisis since the 1929 stock market crash, The Guardian has learned."
Boot the Bailout Bums Out
by CJ Graham
Yet another useless, contrived, ineffectual, over processed, and sanitized presidential debate has occurred as what remains of our national wealth smolders in an ash heap on the floor of Wall Street. Once again the topic of the ‘Fat Cat’ bailout was touched on, only briefly, to drive home the point that both ‘Senators,’ running for President, Republican and Democrat, are servants, not of the American people, but of the ‘Gods of Globalism.’ Can you feel the harmony in the......
rudkla - 18. Okt, 22:43