Presidential Candidate Chuck Baldwin to Hold Rally in Medford, Oregon
by NWV News
Baldwin is expected to comment on the latest government bailouts and the accelerating meltdown of the US financial system as well as other issues facing the United States and its citizens. The anxiously anticipated rally will be held at Medford's Ramada Inn Convention Center. The popular pastor and talk show host has repeatedly blasted the political establishment and its tools -- the news media, public education, and bureaucrats who work for........
Baldwin is expected to comment on the latest government bailouts and the accelerating meltdown of the US financial system as well as other issues facing the United States and its citizens. The anxiously anticipated rally will be held at Medford's Ramada Inn Convention Center. The popular pastor and talk show host has repeatedly blasted the political establishment and its tools -- the news media, public education, and bureaucrats who work for........
rudkla - 13. Okt, 11:12