The end of America
Strike the Root
by Glen Allport
The most obvious trend which cannot continue today is the maintenance of prosperity in America by means of ever-increasing debt and monetary inflation. The America we grew up in, the America we are used to — in terms of not only prosperity but also world dominance, freedom and human rights at home, respect around the world, and in other ways — that America is already gone, and we are living in the vapors and shadows of its corpse...
From Information Clearing House
by Glen Allport
The most obvious trend which cannot continue today is the maintenance of prosperity in America by means of ever-increasing debt and monetary inflation. The America we grew up in, the America we are used to — in terms of not only prosperity but also world dominance, freedom and human rights at home, respect around the world, and in other ways — that America is already gone, and we are living in the vapors and shadows of its corpse...
From Information Clearing House
rudkla - 8. Okt, 14:50