Bailing Out Wall Street by Selling out Main Street

By Cindy Sheehan

Tent cities are arising all over the country and Congress is going to bailout an industry that caused these cities and not only that, but use our money to help keep the CEO's in the style to which they have become accustomed.

Bail Out the Homeowners!

Why Paulson's Plan is a Fraud

By Paul Craig Roberts

The bailout is focused on the wrong end of the problem. The bailout should be focused on the origin of the problem, the defaulting homeowners. The bailout should indemnify defaulting homeowners and pay off the delinquent mortgages.

Get Your Dollars Out Now! FAST!!!

By Adrian Salbuchi

As Argentine citizens, we have a huge advantage over other peoples including US citizens when it comes to understanding and coping with this kind of crisis. I say this because in our own lifetimes we have suffered in Argentina all of what is now happening globally - albeit on a much smaller scale in our case. We've seen this movie... We've been there, and done that...

A Little Problem With Capitalism

We have short memories

By Thomas Walkom

What's happening now on Wall Street is seen as a new story. It is not. It is a very old one. Karl Marx wrote about it; so did John Maynard Keynes. More recently, tycoon George Soros has pronounced on it, as has the redoubtable Economist, a decidedly pro-free market financial magazine.

"Shall Not Perish From The Earth"

By Malcolm Martin

From Empire to Democracy

By Howard Zinn

Let's not waste $700bn on a bail-out, but use 'big government' for what it's best at - shaping a society that is fair and peaceable.

One Nation under Capitalism

It's Time for a Crucifixion

By Jason Miller

Proudly surveying our kingdom from atop the capitalist pyramid, we US Americans have deluded ourselves into believing we are at the pinnacle of cultural, social, political, and economic evolution. We fancy ourselves to be so exceptional that we are entitled to a perpetual blessing from "our" Christian God.

U.S. Stocks Drop as Recession Concern Outweighs Bailout Passage

U.S. stocks slid, capping the worst week for the Standard & Poor's 500 Index since the 2001 terrorist attacks, on concern the $700 billion bank bailout isn't enough to unlock credit markets and prevent a recession.

From Information Clearing House


Spend the bailout money on the middle class

The Nation
by Howard Zinn


It is sad to see both major parties agree to spend $700 billion of taxpayer money to bail out huge financial institutions that are notable for two characteristics: incompetence and greed. There is a much better solution to the financial crisis. But it would require discarding what has been conventional wisdom for too long: that government intervention in the economy (’big government’) must be avoided like the plague, because the ‘free market’ can be depended on to guide the economy toward growth and justice. Surely the sight of Wall Street begging for government aid is almost comic in light of its long devotion to a ‘free market’ unregulated by government...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Congress Has Betrayed Us Yet AGAIN!!

Hundreds of billions more in the last 2 years for a senseless military occupation, the FISA outrage, paralysis on impeachment or even enforcing subpoenas, and now a total surrender of the future of our treasury in an 850 billion dollar bailout of Wall Street fat cats. Congress has done worse than do nothing, they have done categorically the WRONG thing, and the whole rest of the world knows it, and THAT is why the stock market has been dropping like a rock ever since the Senate stampeded through this bailout monstrosity.

What Are We Going To Do About It?!

TV Spot Action Page:

By arrogantly ignoring our literally millions of phone calls and emails vehemently opposed to this lunatic policy blunder, Congress has demonstrated that they are for the most part beyond redemption. We have only one practical recourse. Vote the losers out of office as just soon as possible, and replace each and every one of them with strong progressives who WILL be accountable to the people.

We MUST Help Cindy Sheehan defeat Nancy Pelosi

This is our only real chance for the next two years. Nothing would send a stronger message that the voice of the people actually COUNTS for something that a resounding victory for Cindy Sheehan in the Congressional race for the 8th district of California against Nancy Pelosi in just 4 weeks. NOTHING would send a stronger message to the gutless wimps in Congress that their reign of cowardice is over.

What we need is literally a tsunami of donations to put Cindy Sheehan's new TV spot on the air, where she pulls no punches about the abject failure of Pelosi to lead. If you are frustrated, if you are angry, if you can make a donation of any amount, please do so from the page below.

Watch The New TV Spot:

And as if all this weren't galling enough. How do you like how Bush came out in the Rose Garden after signing the "Fox In Charge Of The Hen House Bill" to basically say, "Thanks, chumps."?

How dare they call themselves "Representatives"? How dare they! With their phones flooded a hundred to one shouting down this massive theft from the American taxpayer, with such an avalanche of emails coming the House email servers almost crashed, how dare they?! And guess what, the people were right. The hundreds of top economists pleading for sanity and a hearing were right.

Pelosi, the queen of the cave-ins must be defeated. There can be no honor in allowing her to remain in office. Shame on us if we don't do everything we could have done to remove her. Then and only then can all the other things that need to be done to fix this disaster be implemented.

And please, if you are the San Francisco area. Cindy needs an army of volunteers to hit the streets inspiring voters. And even if you are not, you can help make phone calls. There are volunteer links on the same page with the video. You can do something. You must do something. Please help.

And let election day this time be a bright and shining day where we the people actually start to take back control of our own government.

Paid for by Cindy Sheehan for Congress

Donations to Cindy Sheehan for Congress are not tax-deductible

Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed to be ours, and forward this alert as widely as possible.


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